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Online Course/ Distance Education: Autism Spectrum 2 modules 3 months 108 hours

About the programme: The C D !Continuin" ro#essional De$elopment% &e'('ased pro"ramme is o##ered ') distance learnin"* +t is interacti$e, so it is essential that all the students ha$e a re"ular access to the computer, +nternet connection and a personal e(mail address* The pro"ramme contains lectures !'oth $ia the +nternet and pro$ided in a &ritten #orm on the course &e'site%, on(line &e'inars, and discussion #or- and "uided readin"* There are re"ular on(line discussions &hen the students "et an opportunit) to meet !on(line% their #ello&(students, share e.periences, e.chan"e ideas, as/ 0uestions, and discuss their &or/ &ith their tutor/lecturer* Structure: All stud)(materials are structured as 1odules that are di$ided into 2nits* Each 2nit includes on(line materials, acti$ities, 0uestions to re#lect on, sel#(assessment tests !allo&in" the students to monitor their pro"ress and identi#) 3&ea/ points4 to 'e addressed 'e#ore the end o# each unit%, on(line discussions* 5earnin" Strate") A pro"ramme o# on(line &e'inars !once a month% &ritten lectures, discussions, sel#(assessments, and tutorials, seminars and "uided readin": Total hours: 108* Stud) time &ill $ar) #rom one student to another, 'ut it is appro.imated to ta/e a'out 6(8 hours a &ee/ o# student time, includin" readin" stud) materials, tutorials, and &or/in" on the assi"nments* The pro"ramme o##ers #le.i'ilit) that allo&s students to stud) &hen the) ha$e time rather than #ollo&in" ri"id timeta'le* The onl) structured times are #or 3 &e'inars and deadlines #or &ritten assi"nments* Assessment: To meet the course outcome students ha$e to pro$ide port#olios at the end o# each unit containin" a re#lecti$e lo" and &ritten assi"nments !details are pro$ided at the end o# each 2nit%* Students are ad$ised to start A Reflective Log on the date the) start the course* A re#lecti$e lo" is a pro#essional 7ournal that students /eep durin" the course and is a use#ul tool to collect rele$ant material* 8eep a note'oo/ !3a re#lecti$e lo"4% to do tests and acti$ities, &rite )our thou"hts on di##erent sections, ma/e notes, ideas #or #orum discussions, notes o# o'ser$ations,

re#lections and thou"hts on the su'7ects co$ered in the module, etc* This re#lecti$e lo" &ill 9OT 'e assessed* :uali#ications: Success#ul completion o# the course &ill result in 2ni$ersit) Certi#icate: Autism Spectrum* On completion, )ou ma) 'e a'le to pro"ress #urther in )our studies !1odules 3 ; <% &hich &ill lead to Ad$anced Certi#icate !Autism Spectrum%*

1OD25E 1: A9 +9T=OD2CT+O9 TO A2T+S1 Learning Methods: On(line >8 hours This module &ill 'e o# particular interest to those &ho are &or/in" !or "oin" to &or/% &ith children and adults &ith autistic spectrum disorders in the home, classroom or residential en$ironment* s)cholo"ists, teachers, speech therapists, learnin" support assistants, residential social &or/ers and parents &ill 'e amon" the people &ho &ill #ind this module use#ul* Module Aims: To present an o$er$ie& o# the main characteristic o# ASDs in the li"ht o# recent research? To e.plain dia"nostic criteria o# ASD and consider the principles and pro'lems o# dia"nosin" ASDs? To ena'le understandin" o# indi$iduals &ith autism? To identi#) the /e) issues in the care and education o# indi$iduals &ith autism? To consider a ran"e o# inter$entions that can 'e used to meet the needs o# people &ith ASDs* To loo/ at all the issues rele$ant to children &ith autism in a &ider conte.t: #amilies &ith autistic children and their relationship &ith pro#essionals? to consider pro'lems the #amilies e.perience and &a)s to support them* Learning Outcomes: @) the end o# the module the student should 'e a'le to: ( +denti#) /e) characteristics o# autism?

( ( (

See the main trends in the de$elopment o# our understandin" o# ASD @e a&are o# current research into ASD? @e a'le to identi#) dia"nostic criteria #or ASD and distin"uish it #rom similar conditions?

( (

@e a'le to criticall) e$aluate /e) theories o# causation in ASD? E.plore implications arisin" #rom speci#ic restrictions in communication, socialisation, and co"niti$e #unctionin" #or an indi$idual &ith autism

Criticall) e.amine a $ariet) o# 'iomedical, neurosensor), ps)chod)namic, 'eha$ioural, educational and co"niti$e approaches in relation to the indi$iduals &ith autism?

Appreciate the e##ects o# autism on parents, si'lin"s and other #amil) mem'ers*

Description of the module: The 1odule is desi"ned to "i$e students understandin" o# the autism spectrum, includin" Asper"er s)ndrome, 'ased on theor), the latest research and practice* The purpose o# this course is to increase a&areness and understandin" o# autism* +t &as de$eloped #or educators o# all "rade le$els, parents, related ser$ices pro$iders, i*e* those &ho need to ha$e 'asic in#ormation a'out people on the autistic spectrum* This module &ill introduce students to /e) concepts and causal theories o# autistic spectrum disorders* +t &ill present the histor) o# autism, discuss de#initions, "i$e the main #acts a'out the condition, descri'e common s)mptoms and earl) si"ns o# autism, e.plain ho& ASD is dia"nosed and di##erentiated #rom other conditions, pro$ide in#ormation a'out treatments #or ASD* The module &ill identi#) and e.plore speci#ic stren"ths and &ea/nesses o# children &ith ASD and &ill discuss a &ide ran"e o# treatments/ approaches to meet their needs* Outline Syllabus: +ntroduction 2nit 1: DEAE5O 1E9T OB 29DE=STA9D+9C OB A2T+S1:


!+nter$entions/Treatment o# ASD: @iomedical? neurosensor)? ps)chod)namic? interacti$e? 'eha$ioural/ educational? co"niti$e? communication/ lan"ua"e therapies? others*

1OD25E 2: SE9SO=E E=CE T+O9 +9 A2T+S1 Learning Methods: On(line >0 hours

This module &ill 'e o# particular interest to those &ho are &or/in" !"oin" to &or/% &ith children and adults &ith autistic spectrum disorders in the home, classroom or residential en$ironment* s)cholo"ists, teachers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, learnin" support assistants, residential social &or/ers and parents &ill 'e amon" the people &ho &ill #ind this module use#ul* Module Synopsis: +n this 1odule &e &ill discuss possi'le sensor)(perceptual e.periences o# children &ith autism* +# &e can understand the causes o# certain 'eha$iours &e can de$elop appropriate strate"ies to support indi$iduals* +# &e /no& &hat to loo/ #or, it &ill 'e easier #or us to understand the child4s pro'lems and a'ilities and to #ind appropriate methods to reduce their di##iculties &hile 'uildin" on their stren"ths* Module Aims: to de$elop understandin" o# the role o# sensor) pro'lems in indi$iduals &ith ASD? to in#orm )ou o# a ran"e o# possi'le sensor) patterns e.perienced ') persons &ith ASD and appropriate inter$ention techni0ues to eliminate/reduce them? to consider di##erent approaches to the concept o# the 3sensor)(perceptual de#icits4 in autism and di##erent strate"ies and treatments that #ocus on sensor) issues* Learning Outcomes: At the end o# the 1odule )ou should 'e a'le to: understand the ran"e o# the sensor)(perceptual pro'lems #aced ') indi$iduals &ith ASDs? interpret the 'eha$iours caused ') sensor)(perceptual di##erences? identi#) the sensor)(perceptual di##iculties o# indi$iduals &ith ASD )ou &or/ &ith?

assess the impact o# these di##iculties on their learnin"? interpret the &a) in &hich indi$iduals &ith ASDs 'eha$e in the li"ht o# )our understandin" o# their perceptual st)les? 'e a&are o# rele$ant strate"ies, treatments and en$ironmental chan"es that can help indi$iduals o$ercome these di##iculties? appreciate the limitations and stren"ths o# di##erent approaches, techni0ues and methods addressin" sensor)(perceptual di##iculties e.perienced ') people &ith ASDs*

Outline Syllabus: +ntroduction erception ossi'le Sensor) E.periences in Autism erceptual St)les Other Sensor) Conditions and Treatments Conclusions Fhat &e can do to help*

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