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Globetrotter Unit 16 Test

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Grade: ____________ / 100 points
Reading Strategies (25 points - 5 each) As questes 1 a 5 referem ao texto abaixo: (UFRGS -ADAPTED) On February 19, 1998, a small box said to hold a 61-year-old piece of cake realized $29,900 at auction. Sealed in its silkcovered cardboard container, the coveted confection hailed from the 1937 nuptials of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, whose possessions were sold over a nine-day period at Sotheby's New York. Lofty prices are becoming increasingly common in the auction world. When owned by a celebrity, ordinary objects are transformed into cultural artifacts. They become part of our collective memory bank, whether as a generation or as a nation, for everybody has a favorite movie star, singer, or musician that they remember fondly. Add to those memories a sprinkling of celebrity glitter and you've got a potential gold mine. For instance, a dress belonging to Diana, Princess of Wales, sold for $222,500 at Christie's New York -- more than four times the average price of the other 79 designs offered at the June 1997 sale. Was it the dress itself (an elegant yet simple ink-blue velvet gown) that determined the price, or the fact that the Princess attended a state dinner at the White House and danced with John Travolta while wearing it? Memories and mystique play a part, but a guarantee of authenticity from a major auction house can also push prices skyward. At auction, property comes directly from the celebrity or his or her estate. People will pay a lot more for an item if it carries the weight of an international fine art house.
(Source: Country Living)

Glossary auction - leilo / increasingly - cada vez mais / lofty - muito altos / skyward - em direo ao cu / sealed - lacrada / average - mdia / coveted - cobiado

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1. A alternativa correta de acordo com o texto : a) Famous auction houses guarantee the genuineness of articles; b) Most celebrities participate as buyers at auctions; c) Auctions have no place for ordinary objects; d) Only at auctions do fine art objects get lofty prices. 2. A palavra yet (paragraph 3) est sendo usada com o mesmo sentido no texto e na frase: a) She might yet prove you wrong in this matter; b) She wrote she won't be back for a long time yet; c) She bought yet another pair of red leather shoes; d) She says awful things about him yet she loves him. 3. On average, the other 79 designs sold at Christies cost: a) a little more than $ 845,000; b) a little less than $ 845,000; c) A little more than $ 55,625; d) a little less than $ 55,625. 4. O texto acima tem como foco principal: a) Os altos preos que os itens pertencentes a celebridades atingem em casas de leilo famosas; b) Os objetos estranhos leiloados por casas como a Sothebys e a Christies; c) A autenticidade questionvel de alguns dos objetos leiloados por casas de leilo famosas; d) Os aspectos culturais representados por alguns itens leiloados. 5. The word ordinary in the second paragraph can be translated as: a) ordinrio b) comum c) de baixa qualidade d) clebres Word Study (25 points - 5 each) Escolha a resposta que melhor completa a orao: 1. Im crazy about computers. I absolutely ________ them. a) hate b) mind c) love d) stand 2. I cant stand waiting. I totally _________ it. a) love b) hate c) mind d) admire 3. Im not very _____ of Italian movies. a) crazy b) fond c) interested d) lovely 4. Lets keep this secret ______ you and me. a) between b) among c) with d) through

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MAC EXTRA 2007 5. Dr. Benson is the most famous plastic ________ in town.
a) host c) designer b) doctor d) surgeon

Using Grammar (25 points - 5 each) Escolha a alternativa que melhor completa a lacuna. 1. He agreed ________ talking. a) stop c) stopping b) to stop d) of stopping

2. Do you remember __________ the door before you left home? a) lock b) to lock c) locking d) locked 3. Im very tired. Ive been working ________ a dog lately. a) like b) as c) how d) if 4. I _______ better start studying. a) am c) have b) would d) had

5. I dont understand _______ you can dance so well. a) like b) as c) how d) with Think and Write (25 points) Write a piece of gossip you recently heard about a celebrity. Use a minimum of 20 words.

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Reading Strategies 1. a A resposta est no ltimo pargrafo na orao but a guarantee of authenticity from a major auction house can also push prices skyward. 2. d A palavra yet no texto funciona como conjuno adversativa e poderia ser traduzida como porm. 3. d Observe que na orao a dress belonging to Diana, Princess of Wales, sold for $222,500 at Christie's New York -- more than four times the average price of the other 79 designs offered at the June 1997 sale. $ 222.500,00 mais do que o qudruplo da mdia dos outros modelos, ou seja eles custaram em mdia menos de $55.625,00. 4. a Desde o incio do texto se d nfase aos altos preos ($29.900,00 pela caixinha com um pedao de bolo do casamento do duque e da duquesa de Windsor) obtidos por itens pertencentes a celebridades. 5. b Pelo contexto se observa que a palavra ordinary apenas se refere a objetos comuns, sem nada de especial a no ser o fato de terem pertencido a uma celebridade. Word Study 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. c b b a d b c a d c

Using Grammar

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