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Class XII Physics Syllabus 2013

Class XII (Theory) Total Periods : 180

One Paper Time: 3 Hours 0 !ar"s
Unit I Electrostatics 08
Unit II Current Electricity 07
Unit III Magnetic effect of current & Magnetism 08
Unit IV Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating current 08
Unit V Electromagnetic Waves 03
Unit VI !tics "#
Unit VII $ual %ature of Matter 0#
Unit VIII Atoms and %uclei 0&
Unit I' Electronic $evices 07
Unit ' Communication (ystems 0)
*otal 70
#ni$ I: %lec$ros$a$ics (Perio&s 2')
Electric C+arges, Conservation of c+arge- Coulom./s la01force .et0een t0o !oint c+arges- forces
.et0een multi!le c+arges, su!er!osition !rinci!le and continuous c+arge distri.ution2
Electric field- electric field due to a !oint c+arge- electric field lines- electric di!ole- electric field
due to a di!ole- tor3ue on a di!ole in uniform electric fleld2
Electric flu4- statement of 5auss/s t+eorem and its a!!lications to find field due to infinitely long
straig+t 0ire- uniformly c+arged infinite !lane s+eet and uniformly c+arged t+in s!+erical s+ell
6field inside and outside72
Electric !otential- !otential difference- electric !otential due to a !oint c+arge- a di!ole and
system of c+arges, e3ui!otential surfaces- electrical !otential energy of a system of t0o !oint
c+arges and of electric di!ole in an electrostatic field2
Conductors and insulators- free c+arges and .ound c+arges inside a conductor2 $ielectrics and
electric !olarisation- ca!acitors and ca!acitance- com.ination of ca!acitors in series and in
!arallel- ca!acitance of a !arallel !late ca!acitor 0it+ and 0it+out dielectric medium .et0een
t+e !lates- energy stored in a ca!acitor2 Van de 5raaff generator2
#ni$ II: Curren$ %lec$rici$y (Perio&s 22)
Electric current- flo0 of electric c+arges in a metallic conductor- drift velocity- mo.ility and t+eir
relation 0it+ electric current, +m/s la0- electrical resistance- V1I c+aracteristics 6linear and
non1linear7- electrical energy and !o0er- electrical resistivity and conductivity2 Car.on resistors-
colour code for car.on resistors, series and !arallel com.inations of resistors, tem!erature
de!endence of resistance2
Internal resistance of a cell- !otential difference and emf of a cell-com.ination of cells in series
and in !arallel2
8irc++off/s la0s and sim!le a!!lications2 W+eatstone .ridge- metre .ridge2
9otentiometer 1 !rinci!le and its a!!lications to measure !otential difference and for com!aring
emf of t0o cells, measurement of internal resistance of a cell2

#ni$ III: !a(ne$ic %))ec$s o) Curren$ an& !a(ne$ism (Perio&s 2')

Conce!t of magnetic field- ersted/s e4!eriment2
:iot 1 (avart la0 and its a!!lication to current carrying circular loo!2
Am!ere/s la0 and its a!!lications to infinitely long straig+t 0ire2 (traig+t and toroidal solenoids-
;orce on a moving c+arge in uniform magnetic and electric fields2 Cyclotron2
;orce on a current1carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field2 ;orce .et0een t0o !arallel
current1carrying conductors1definition of am!ere2 *or3ue e4!erienced .y a current loo! in uniform
magnetic field, moving coil galvanometer1its current sensitivity and conversion to ammeter and
Current loo! as a magnetic di!ole and its magnetic di!ole moment2 Magnetic di!ole moment of a
revolving electron2 Magnetic field intensity due to a magnetic di!ole magnet7 along its a4is and
!er!endicular to its a4is2 *or3ue on a magnetic di!ole magnet7 in a uniform magnetic field, .ar
magnet as an e3uivalent solenoid- magnetic field lines, Eart+/s magnetic field and magnetic elements2
9ara1- dia1 and ferro 1 magnetic su.stances- 0it+ e4am!les2 Electromagnets and factors affecting
t+eir strengt+s2 9ermanent magnets2
#ni$ I*: %lec$roma(ne$ic In&uc$ion an& +l$erna$in( Curren$s (Perio&s 20)
Electromagnetic induction, ;araday/s la0s- induced emf and current, <en=/s <a0- Eddy currents2
(elf and mutual induction2
Alternating currents- !ea> and rms value of alternating current?voltage, reactance and im!edance,
<C oscillations 63ualitative treatment only7- <C@ series circuit- resonance, !o0er in AC circuits-
0attless current2
AC generator and transformer2
#ni$ *: %lec$roma(ne$ic ,a-es (Perio&s .)
%eed for dis!lacement current- Electromagnetic 0aves and t+eir c+aracteristics 63ualitative ideas
only72 *ransverse nature of electromagnetic 0aves2
Electromagnetic s!ectrum 6radio 0aves- micro0aves- infrared- visi.le- ultraviolet- '1rays- gamma
rays7 including elementary facts a.out t+eir uses2
#ni$ *I: Op$ics (Perio&s 30)
@eflection of lig+t- s!+erical mirrors- mirror formula2 @efraction of lig+t- total internal reflection
and its a!!lications- o!tical fi.res- refraction at s!+erical surfaces- lenses- t+in lens formula-
formula2 Magnification- !o0er of a lens- com.ination of t+in lenses in contact com.ination
of a lens and a mirror2 @efraction and dis!ersion of lig+t t+roug+ a !rism2
(cattering of lig+t 1 .lue colour of s>y and reddis+ a!!rearance of t+e sun at sunrise and sunset2
Op$ical ins$rumen$s : Auman eye- image formation and accommodation correction of eye
defects 6myo!ia- +y!ermetro!ia7 using lenses2 Microsco!es and astronomical telesco!es
6reflecting and refracting7 and t+eir magnifying !o0ers2
/a-e op$ics: Wave front and AuygenBs !rinci!le- relection and refraction of !lane 0ave at a
!lane surface using 0ave fronts2 9roof of la0s of reflection and refraction using AuygenBs !rinci!le2
Interference CoungBs dou.le slit e4!eriment and e4!ression for fringe 0idt+- co+erent sources
and sustained interference of lig+t2 $iffraction due to a single slit- 0idt+ of central ma4imum2
@esolving !o0er of microsco!es and astronomical telesco!es2 9olarisation- !lane !olarised
lig+t :re0sterBs la0- uses of !lane !olarised lig+t and 9olaroids2

#ni$ *II: 0ual 1a$ure o) !a$$er an& 2a&ia$ion (Perio&s 3)

$ual nature of radiation2 9+otoelectric effect- Aert= and <enard/s o.servations, Einstein/s
!+otoelectric e3uation1!article nature of lig+t2
Matter 0aves10ave nature of !articles- de :roglie relation2 $avisson15ermer e4!eriment
6e4!erimental details s+ould .e omitted, only conclusion s+ould .e e4!lained72
#ni$ *III: +$oms 4 1uclei (Perio&s 13)
Al!+a1!article scattering e4!eriment, @ut+erford/s model of atom, :o+r model- energy levels-
+ydrogen s!ectrum2
Com!osition and si=e of nucleus- atomic masses- isoto!es- iso.ars, isotones2 @adioactivityal!+a-
.eta and gamma !articles?rays and t+eir !ro!erties, radioactive decay la02
Mass1energy relation- mass defect, .inding energy !er nucleon and its variation 0it+ mass,
nuclear fission- nuclear fusion2
#ni$ IX: %lec$ronic 0e-ices (Perio&s 13)
Energy .ands in solids 6Dualitative ideas only7 conductors- insulator and semiconductors,
semiconductor diode E I1V c+aracteristics in for0ard and reverse .ias- diode as a rectifier, I1V
c+aracteristics of <E$- !+otodiode- solar cell- and Fener diode, Fener diode as a voltage regulator2
Gunction transistor- transistor action- c+aracteristics of a transistor- transistor as an am!lifier
6common emitter configuration7 and oscillator2 <ogic gates 6@- A%$- %*- %A%$ and %@72
*ransistor as a s0itc+2
#ni$ X: Communica$ion Sys$ems (Perio&s 10)
Elements of a communication system 6.loc> diagram only7, .and0idt+ of signals 6s!eec+- *V
and digital data7, .and0idt+ of transmission medium2 9ro!agation of electromagnetic 0aves in
t+e atmos!+ere- s>y and s!ace 0ave !ro!agation2 %eed for modulation2 9roduction and detection
of an am!litude1modulated 0ave2
Every student 0ill !erform atleast ") e4!eriments 67 from section A and 8 from (ection :7 *+e
activities mentioned +ere s+ould only .e for t+e !ur!ose of demonstration2 ne 9roHect of t+ree
mar>s is to .e carried out .y t+e students2
56 %-alua$ion Scheme )or Prac$ical %7amina$ion: To$al Perio&s : 80
*0o e4!eriments one from eac+ section 8I8 Mar>s
9ractical record 6e4!eriments & activities7 & Mar>s
9roHect 3 Mar>s
Viva on e4!eriments & !roHect ) Mar>s
*otal 30 Mar>s
(+ny e7perimen$s ou$ o) $he )ollo,in( $o be per)orme& by $he s$u&en$s)
"2 *o find resistance of a given 0ire using metre .ridge and +ence determine t+e s!ecific
resistance of its material
J2 *o determine resistance !er cm of a given 0ire .y !lotting a gra!+ of !otential difference
versus current2

32 *o verify t+e la0s of com.ination 6series?!arallel7 of resistances using a metre .ridge2

#2 *o com!are t+e emf of t0o given !rimary cells using !otentiometer2
)2 *o determine t+e internal resistance of given !rimary cell using !otentiometer2
&2 *o determine resistance of a galvanometer .y +alf1deflection met+od and to find its figure
of merit2
72 *o convert t+e given galvanometer 6of >no0n resistance and figure of merit7 into an ammeter
and voltmeter of desired range and to verify t+e same2
82 *o find t+e fre3uency of t+e a2c2 mains 0it+ a sonometer2
"2 *o measure t+e resistance and im!edance of an inductor 0it+ or 0it+out iron core2
J2 *o measure resistance- voltage 6AC?$C7- current 6AC7 and c+ec> continuity of a given
circuit using multimeter2
32 *o assem.le a +ouse+old circuit com!rising t+ree .ul.s- t+ree 6on?off7 s0itc+es- a fuse
and a !o0er source2
#2 *o assem.le t+e com!onents of a given electrical circuit2
)2 *o study t+e variation in !otential dro! 0it+ lengt+ of a 0ire for a steady current2
&2 *o dra0 t+e diagram of a given o!en circuit com!rising at least a .attery- resistor?r+eostat-
>ey- ammeter and voltmeter2 Mar> t+e com!onents t+at are not connected in !ro!er
order and correct t+e circuit and also t+e circuit diagram2
(+ny 3 e7perimen$s ou$ o) $he )ollo,in( $o be per)orme& by $he s$u&en$s)
"2 *o find t+e value of v for different values of u in case of a concave mirror and to find t+e focal
J2 *o find t+e focal lengt+ of a conve4 mirror- using a conve4 lens2
32 *o find t+e focal lengt+ of a conve4 lens .y !lotting gra!+s .et0een u and v or .et0een "?u and "?v2
#2 *o find t+e focal lengt+ of a concave lens- using a conve4 lens2
)2 *o determine angle of minimum deviation for a given !rism .y !lotting a gra!+ .et0een angle of
incidence and angle of deviation2
&2 *o determine refractive inde4 of a glass sla. using a travelling microsco!e2
72 *o find refractive inde4 of a li3uid .y using 6i7 concave mirror- 6ii7 conve4 lens and !lane mirror2
82 *o dra0 t+e I1V c+aracteristic curve of a !1n Hunction in for0ard .ias and reverse .ias2
K2 *o dra0 t+e c+aracteristic curve of a =ener diode and to determine its reverse .rea> do0n voltage2
"02 *o study t+e c+aracteristic of a common 1 emitter n!n or !n! transistor and to find out t+e values of
current and voltage gains2
Activities (For the purpose of demonstration only)
"2 *o identify a diode- an <E$- a transistor- and IC- a resistor and a ca!acitor from mi4ed collection of
suc+ items2
J2 Use of multimeter to 6i7 identify .ase of transistor 6ii7 distinguis+ .et0een n!n and !n! ty!e
transistors 6iii7 see t+e unidirectional flo0 of current in case of a diode and an <E$
6iv7 c+ec> 0+et+er a given electronic com!onent 6e2g2 diode- transistor or IC7 is in 0or>ing order2
32 *o study effect of intensity of lig+t 6.y varying distance of t+e source7 on an <2$2@2
#2 *o o.serve refraction and lateral deviation of a .eam of lig+t incident o.li3uely on a glass sla.2
)2 *o o.serve !olari=ation of lig+t using t0o 9olaroids2
&2 *o o.serve diffraction of lig+t due to a t+in slit2

72 *o study t+e nature and si=e of t+e image formed .y 6i7 conve4 lens 6ii7 concave mirror- on a screen
.y using a candle and a screen 6for different distances of t+e candle from t+e lens? mirror72
82 *o o.tain a lens com.ination 0it+ t+e s!ecified focal lengt+ .y using t0o lenses from t+e
given set of lenses2
S#99%ST%0 I1*%STI9+TO2: P2O;%CTS
" *o study various factors on 0+ic+ t+e internal resistance?emf of a cell de!ends2
J2 *o study t+e variations- in current flo0ing- in a circuit containing a <$@- .ecause of a variation2
6a7 in t+e !o0er of t+e incandescent lam!- used to BilluminateB t+e <$@2 68ee!ing all t+e lam!s at a
fi4ed distance72
6.7 in t+e distance of a incandescent lam!- 6of fi4ed !o0er7- used to BilluminateB t+e <$@2
32 *o find t+e refractive indices of 6a7 0ater 6.7 oil 6trans!arent7 using a !lane mirror- a e3uiconve4
lens- 6made from a glass of >no0n refractive inde47 and an adHusta.le o.Hect needle2
#2 *o design an a!!ro!riate logic gate com.inatin for a given trut+ ta.le2
)2 *o investigate t+e relation .et0een t+e ratio of
6i7 out!ut and in!ut voltage and
6ii7 of turns in t+e secondary coil and !rimary coil of a self designed transformer2
&2 *o investigate t+e de!endence- of t+e angle of deviation- on t+e angle of incidence- using a +ollo0
!rism filled- one .y one- 0it+ different trans!arent fluids2
72 *o estimate t+e c+arge induced on eac+ one of t+e t0o identical styro foam 6or !it+7 .alls sus!ended
in a vertical !lane .y ma>ing use of Coulom.Bs la02
82 *o set u! a common .ase transistor circuit and to study its in!ut and out!ut c+aracteristic and to
calculate its current gain2
K2 *o study t+e factor- on 0+ic+ t+e self inductance- of a coil- de!ends- .y o.serving t+e effect of
t+is coil- 0+en !ut in series 0it+ a resistor?6.ul.7 in a circuit fed u! .y an a2c2 source of adHusta.le
"02 *o construct a s0itc+ using a transistor and to dra0 t+e gra!+ .et0een t+e in!ut and out!ut
voltage and mar> t+e cut1off- saturation and active regions2
""2 *o study t+e eart+Bs magnatic field using a tangent galvanometer2
ecommended Text!oo"s#
"2 9+ysics- Class 'I- 9art 1I & II- 9u.lis+ed .y %CE@*2
J2 9+ysics- Class 'II- 9art 1I & II- 9u.lis+ed .y %CE@*2

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