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Pender United Methodist Church Special Council Meeting December 4, 2013

WORSHIP AND COMMUNION KT Tarro called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm. Mike Dingman lead the group in a devotion followed with prayer by KT. Mike referenced the greeting by !aul in hi variou letter a a ource of encouragement to u . The e letter remind u that "od i alway with u and that we hould go forward with confidence# courage and faith a we erve. PRAYERFUL CONSIDERATION OF CHURCH MATTERS: MINISTRY PRIORITIES IN LIGHT OF CURRENT FISCAL SITUATION KT Tarro encouraged the group to offer ugge tion # a k $ue tion # and criti$ue con tructively. %ll opinion di cu ed are confidential and there i more than one per pective in con idering alternative . &eview and di cu ion were held about the po ible area where co t could be reduced. % few of the concern and ugge tion were a follow : The large e'pen e in the Tru tee budget involve the replacement of the 3rd ()%* y tem# the prinkler y tem+ fire pump# and the roof. ,nce the e are replaced-repaired# the e ma.or e'pen e will probably not be incurred for another /5 year . 0f cholar hip are needed for youth to attend off ite retreat # thi need can be made known to *ouncil and the congregation can be a ked for donation . The identity of the youth would remain anonymou . 1hile pot luck meal incur lower financial co t # more ervant are re$uired to help with et up and clean up. "enerally the ame individual erve in thi capacity and other ervant mu t be recruited to avoid burn out. KT mentioned that there i an initiative in the work to help remedy thi ituation 23erve "od *lu ter re pon ibility4. %nother i ue had to do with attendance at pot luck meal . 5 ually there i a maller turnout. 0t wa ugge ted that when member are a ked to bring friend or neighbor # it might be a better idea to have meal catered. Due to con tant communication during wor hip ervice for the pa t few week # opinion -thinking about importance of teward hip i changing for the better. "iving of time# kill # and fund hould increa e.

A motion was made to a e!t t"e s#mma$% o& !$o!osed "an'es &o$ t"e ()*+ ,#d'et as !$esented d#$in' t"is meetin'- A&te$ !$a%e$&#. onside$ation/ t"e Co#n i. mem,e$s &e.t .ed ,% t"e Ho.% S!i$it to #nanimo#s.% a!!$o0e t"e ,#d'et wit" t"e &o..owin' ondition: T"e a!!$o0ed ,#d'et wi.. ,e omm#ni ated to t"e on'$e'ation w"en dis #ssions a$e "e.d wit" a&&e ted !a$ties a,o#t t"e !$o!osed "an'es- T"is wi.. ta1e !.a e ,e&o$e t"e end o& t"e %ea$ ,% t"e Sta&& Pa$is" Re.ations CommitteeTalking point will be prepared by 6eth Dougherty and 6utch Kinerney and will be provided to the *ouncil member to an wer $ue tion and concern from the congregation. NEW MINISTRY START UPS 23T Ta$$o4

There i currently no proce in place to tart new mini trie within !ender. 0n order to e$uip the new mini try and new mini try participant effectively and while maintaining coordination and collaboration with ongoing mini trie # KT ugge ted the following proce : 3tep /: !er on or group di cu e the idea with the 3enior !a tor from a theological per pective. 3tep 7: 0f the 3enior !a tor feel thi idea warrant further con ideration# the individual or group hould contact the *ouncil *hairper on or the &ecording 3teward to pre ent the idea and hould provide a written detailed plan of action along with the re ource needed to the *hurch *ouncil for approval. The tandard planning form will be provided to the individual or group for u e in collecting the information nece ary for the di cu ion. 0f the new mini try i approved# it will be a igned to a clu ter for further upport and collaboration. The rea on for thi proce are: 8ew mini trie will have a better chance of ucce when aligned with an e tabli hed# e'perienced clu ter-mini try. *ouncil member can help the new mini try with ugge tion and re ource . 0ntentional deci ion will be made on re ource o that re ource will not be unintentionally drained from other mini try area . 8ew mini trie will be brought into the fold of the church# even when it i a one9time event# and a igned to a pecific clu ter# helping to en ure coordination acro the church and collaboration of idea and re ource . *ouncil can en ure that all !ender policie including but not limited to the *hild !rotection !olicy and 6uilding 5 e !olicy are followed. 8ece ary form for building+ u e will be ubmitted to en ure mooth operation of church bu ine rhythm . A&te$ !$a%e$&#. onside$ation/ t"e Co#n i. mem,e$s &e.t .ed ,% t"e Ho.% S!i$it to #nanimo#s.% a!!$o0e t"is !$o ess &o$ new minist$% sta$t #!sIMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES5REMINDERS The regularly cheduled December *ouncil meeting ha been cancelled. The ne't meeting will be :anuary 77# 7;/<. CLOSING AND 6ENEDICTION: !a tor Kenny clo ed the meeting with prayer at =:/; pm. &e pectfully ubmitted# Mary %nn (inkle &ecording 3teward

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