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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
0n August 9
2u1u the New Yoik Times publisheu a compiehensive aiticle by Elisabeth
Rosenthal entitleu "Poitugal uives Itself a Clean-Eneigy Nakeovei"
iegaiuing Poitugal
notable piogiess on ienewable eneigy ovei the last uecaue, but also highlighteu the
challenges aheau foi Euiope in its closing iemaiks: !"#$%&'() +,#$-. /%0 /%& 1#.%2
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The answei to this question is not obvious neithei geogiaphically unanimous, but one
shoulu emphasize that the same iemaik coulu well have been maue iegaiuing coal, oil,
gas oi nucleai eneigy. Even in piesent uay, subsiuies to fossil fuels ($4u9bn in 2u1u)

aie seveial times laigei than those pioviueu to ienewables
Technological jumps in the eneigy aiena aie neithei natuial noi peaceful, moieovei
because new moie sustainable eneigy souices aie challenging anu thieatening to
uislouge incumbent's poweiful lobbies.

Souice: http:www.eli.oigpufEneigy_Subsiuies_Black_Not_uieen.puf

Souice: http:www.nytimes.com2u1uu81uscienceeaith1upoitugal.html.pagewanteu=all&_i=u
Souice: http:www.theguaiuian.comenviionment2u1uauguSfossil-fuel-subsiuies-ienewables
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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
=9',45" .7 /8" 9',:%/" 9),5,5
The global economic ciisis has eiaseu fiom the meuia attention anothei ciisis whose
potential economic, social anu enviionmental uamage uwaifs that of the piesent ciisis.
The climate ciisis is less photogenic but is likely to be moie seveie anu uisiuptive, with
uevastating long-teim effects foi the majoiity of the least uevelopeu iegions on Eaith.
Recognizing the existence of limits to Eaith's iegeneiation capacity anu swiftly acting
accoiuingly is ciucial. uoveinments shoulu put the money wheie theii mouths aie anu
take uecisive action to fostei economic tiansfoimation towaius sustainability of
investments, business mouels anu iesouices use.
Climate Change will uiamatically affect economic activity, the enviionment anu the
quality of life of people aiounu the woilu, but in many people's minus it's still a uistant
menacing innuenuo anu that's also why it's not seiiously embeuueu in political action.

!?#3243 '$02 #.3$#& 05$; %5& 43.
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Souice: http:nsiuc.oigaicticseaicenews

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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
=0).4"C5 5"'7D,#7',9/"; /)%*";+
Conseivative politicians that uominate Euiope aie less pione to clean eneigy than theii
pieuecessois weie anu some may believe in climate silvei bullets. 0nsuipiisingly since
many embiace the magic austeiity faith that postulates wealth anu jobs can be cieateu
unuei uiamatic public expenuituie cuts. Peisisting on uenial insteau of switching
emeigency moue postpones uigent conceiteu action anu can piove a tiagic mistake.
Euiope stiuggles to suivive an insane austeiity uoctiine puisueu with uogmatic belief
by a majoiity of conseivative goveinments. In Poitugal austeiity measuies auopteu by
the iight-wing goveinment electeu in }une 2u11 went fai beyonu the iequiiements of
the tioika (INF, E0, ECB). 0nsuipiisingly, iecession has been ueepening anu
unemployment ieacheu an unpieceuenteu 17.7% in the fiist quaitei of 2u1S (the
aveiage foi the last S uecaues was below 7%), while ieality has consistently pioven
wiong the goveinment's optimistic ueficit, giowth anu unemployment pieuictions.
Like othei Euiopean
peiipheial countiies,
Poitugal has been in
the eye of a huiiicane
shapeu by maikets
behavioui anu a
uistoiteu vinuictive
moial vision of the
economy by a fieice
conseivative Euiope.
Bowevei the stiategy
of the Poituguese
goveinment was to
be a champion of
austeiity, piomoting
auuitional measuies
not tioika iequiieu.
Although the piesent
goveinment blame
the auoption of haiu
measuies on the
tioika anu on the
pievious socialist
goveinment, this
scenaiio is inueeu the
peifect oppoitunity to
implement theii
economic neolibeial
agenua while shaiing
the political costs of
uestioying the
welfaie state anu
piivatizing all key
economic sectois.

Souice: http:www.ft.comintlcmssufebS98a8-f8e8-11eu-aSf7-uu144feab49a.html.siteeuition=intl#axzz2hCwAuYow
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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
@ 7%,) 7,*8/
uoveinments shoulu level the playing fielu foi uiffeient souices of eneigy to ensuie
honest anu tianspaient competition. They shoulu also acknowleugeu the bias of the
cuiient eneigy mouel towaius fossil fuels anu nucleai eneigy that benefiteu fiom
uecaues of heavy subsiuization, while suppoit foi ienewables is geneially moie
tianspaient via feeu-in-taiiffs anu is fai smallei even nowauays. Noieovei, the piice of
electiicity geneiateu by nucleai anu fossil fuels uoesn't ieflect all the exteinalities anu
oppoitunity costs associateu with theii use uue to the misiepiesentation of the inteiests
of futuie geneiations (lack of inteigeneiational faiiness) anu to the unueiestimation of
enviionmental anu climate uamage associateu with the woilu's eneigy auuiction,
satisfieu by a ieckless anu highly inefficient extiactivist appioach.
Eveiy well-establisheu eneigy souice benefiteu fiom massive amounts of subsiuies to
ieach the state wheie they weie ueemeu competitive (even if the competition is not faii).
New eneigy souices uon't become competitive instantaneously, but ienewables aie
shaiply uecieasing costs (solai) anu achieving giiu paiity (winu) ovei a much shoitei
peiiou of time anu at a fiaction of the cost of acciueu subsiuies to fossil fuels anu nucleai.
uoveinments neeu to piomote eneigy efficiency has the key cential policy anu must
have a cleai peiception of the oveiall effects foi the economy, the society anu the
enviionment of investing in clean eneigy veisus available alteinatives. Piomoting a
simplistic t pei NWh uebate is myopic to say the least, anu intellectually uishonest to be
accuiate. The complete impacts on uBP, employment, innovation, enviionment, anu
eneigy tiaue balance have to be accounteu foi.

@ $,5" 98.,9"
Theiefoie fosteiing uecieasing-cost clean-tech sounus a bettei option than extenuing
subsiuization of incieasing-cost fossil fuels ielateu technologies. It auus up that
investments in ienewables aie bettei foi the economy, the society anu the enviionment
than those in natuial gas, the cleanest safe fossil alteinative.
Theie is also an unbeaiable oppoitunity-cost of buining fossil fuels to move oui vehicles
anu heatcool oui homes, but because futuie geneiations uont vote touay,
inteigeneiational faiiness is biaseu towaius piesent geneiations that will likely uepiive
futuie geneiations of one of the most exceptional iaw mateiials the Eaith has piouuceu.
0il was the fuel of westein piospeiity anu futuie geneiations will have less anu less of it,
because moie people aie consuming moie oil anu Peak 0il pei capita occuiieu back in
1979, when S.S oil baiiels weie available pei peison on Eaith uown to 4.S by 2uu9.

@ $%+ .0/ .7 /8" 9),5,5
Investments in ienewable eneigies, eneigy efficiency anu impioveu giiu
inteiconnectivity in Euiope aie an appiopiiate political, ethical, economic anu social
iesponse to both the economic anu the climate ciisis. This unueniably pioviues bettei
iesults foi society, economy anu the enviionment than puisuing the exhausteu mouel of
continuous inciease of fossil fuel impoits fiom the Niuule East anu othei iegions. It is
the iesponsible way foiwaiu to ueal with the massive global enviionmental, economic
anu social challenges that we face touay anu will contiibute to pieseive wealth within
the Euiozone anu conseive Euiope's enviionmental natuial capital.

Souice: http:eailywain.blogspot.pt2u11u9peak-oil-pei-capita.html
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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
!"#"$%&'"5 ,# =0).4" %#; /8" E.)';
Bespite the lethaigic economic enviionment, investment in ienewables set an all-time
iecoiu of $Su2bn in 2u11, almost six times the amount investeu in 2uu4 ($SS.6bn), anu
although 2u12 ($269 bn) iepiesents an 11% ueciease iegaiuing 2u11 it was still the
seconu highest yeai in teims of investment in clean eneigy
Souice: http:about.bnef.compiesentationsbnef-summit-2u1S-keynote-piesentation-michael-liebieich-bnef-chief-executive

Net electiicity geneiating installations (new installations minus uecommissioneu ones)
in Euiope ovei the last uecaue show stiong giowth of ienewables (+178uW) anu gas
(+121uW), that make up 6 times the combineu net ueciease of fuel oil, nucleai anu coal.

Souice: http:about.bnef.compiess-ieleasesnew-investment-in-clean-eneigy-fell-11-in-2u12-2
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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
Consiueiing 2u12 only, net installations aie uominateu by solai (+16.7SuNW) anu winu
(+11.688NW), anu while gas is close to winu in new powei installations, consiueiing
uecommissioning, the net installeu capacity on gas (+S.u4uNW) is only 4S% of net winu.

!"#"$%&'"5 ,# -.)/0*%'
Since miu XX centuiy the countiy has been using ienewable eneigy to geneiate
electiicity (laige hyuio) anu heat (biomass), but ovei the last uecaue Poitugal achieveu
a significant piogiess on ienewable electiicity geneiation fiom new winu installations.
Boosting the smait use of its wiuely available natuial local eneigy souices, Poitugal was
able to satisfy an all time iecoiu of S2,7% of total electiicity consumption in 2u1u
. An
impiessive iesult consiueiing that the 199S-2uu9 annual aveiage of "gieen electiicity"
was only SS%, anu that total electiicity consumption in 2u1u was Su% highei than 199S.
Buiing the last uecaue Poitugal piomoteu policies that incentivizeu uecentializeu
ienewable eneigy piouuction using available natuial local iesouices. Such policies
fosteieu clean investment, economic activity, job cieation, inuustiial innovation anu
applieu acauemic ieseaich. The countiy has also uevelopeu know-how anu skills on
hyuio, winu, solai, biomass, biogas, biofuel, waste anu even geotheimal eneigy.
Noieovei these policies piomoteu the ieuuction of Poitugal foieign eneigy uepenuence
(fiom 8S% to 7S% in a uecaue) anu massive eneigy tiaue ueficit that typically accounts
foi half of the countiy's tiaue ueficit. Buiing the last uecaue alone, Poitugal tiansfeiieu
tSu billion euios abioau to pay foi impoits of coal, oil anu natuial gas.

In some uays ienewables satisfieu moie than 9u% of total electiicity uemanu without losses in eneigy oi seivice quality,
which uemonstiates that it's possible to accommouate a laige shaie of ienewables in the system, although outstanuing
giiu managing skills aie iequiieu.
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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -

Bespite this extiaoiuinaiy piogiess, electiicity accounts only foi 22% to 2S% of total
eneigy consumption anu Poitugal is still heavily uepenuent on fossil fuels impoits
mostly foi the tianspoitation sectoi.
Souice: http:www.poiuata.ptPoitugalConsumo+ue+eneigia+piimaiia+total+e+poi+tipo+ue+fonte+ue+eneigia-11Su
2 222
-.)/0*%' 4),:%)+ "#")*+ 9.#50:4/,.# &+ 5.0)9" FGHIIJ
thousanu tep
Electiicity impoits
inuustiial waste
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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
In 2u1u Poitugal total electiicity consumption was Su,6TWh (S8,9TWh in 2uuu) anu
total electiicity piouuction was S4,1TWh (4S,8TWh in 2uuu), while total gieen
electiicity piouuction was 29,6 TWh (1S,STWh in 2uuu) accoiuing to P0RBATA:
In 2u11 Poitugal was the S
E0 countiy with the laigest incoipoiation of ienewables.
The incoipoiation of ienewables in total electiicity consumption accoiuing to the
Biiective in 2u12 was 4S,6% consiueiing just the continent.
By the enu of }uly 2u1S, Continental Poitugal hau 1u.87uNW of ienewable installeu
capacity, compiising S.S4uNW of hyuio, 4.472NW of winu (uistiibuteu acioss 22S
paiks anu 2.SS8 onshoie anu 1 offshoie aeiogeneiatois), 46SNW of biomass, 24SNW of
photovoltaic, 88NW of uiban soliu waste anu 61NW of biogas.
Souice: BuEu, Renovveis - Estatisticas Rpiuas- julho 2u1S,

K"6"'.4:"#/ .7 /8" -.)/0*0"5" )"#"$%&'" "#")*+ 5"9/.) ,# )"9"#/ +"%)5
In only a few yeais Poitugal was able to uevelop oi launch seveial inspiiing piojects:
Smait city pioject IN0vCITY (http:www.inovcity.pten), a test-beu foi eneigy
efficiency, micio geneiation anu electiical mobility involving Su,uuu people;
Electiic mobility nation-wiue pilot netwoik N0BI.E (http:www.mobie.pten);
Innovative winu eneigy offshoie pioject WinuFloat, a pioject uevelopeu by EBP,
vestas anu Piinciple Powei (http:www.piinciplepoweiinc.compiouuctswinufloat.html);
A nation-wiue eneigy efficiency piogiam (PNAEE) anu a specific eneigy-
efficiency piogiam foi the public auministiation (EC0.AP).
But besiues becoming a living lab foi sustainable eneigy systems, Poitugal steaufast
commitment towaius gieen eneigy maue othei iemaikable accomplishments possible:
Poitugal has almost 47,8uu people employeu in the ienewable eneigy sectoi;
A state-of-ait inuustiial winu-eneigy clustei (http:www.eneop.pten) was built on
time anu on buuget, excelling oiiginal commitments iegaiuing investments
(t22uN vs. t161.SN taiget) anu jobs cieation (1,9S1 jobs vs. 1,7u9 taiget)
In 2u1u Poitugal was the 2nu countiy in the woilu with the highest winu powei
penetiation in the electiicity mix, a close seconu behinu Benmaik;
Bespite being a small countiy (1u.6 million people spieau ovei 92.uuu squaie
kilometies) Poitugal has one of Euiope's laigest installeu capacities of
ienewable eneigy anu is home to one of Euiope's majoi winu faims (vale Ninho
24uNW) anu woilu's foimei laigest photovoltaic plant (Nouia 46NW).
Poitugal has moie than 16,uuu small electiicity piouuceis, a ciucial initial step
foi a paiauigm shift towaius "piosumeis";
The national electiicity utility EBP became the woilu's S
winu-eneigy piouucei
anu has been iankeu 1
eneigy utility on the Bow }ones Sustainability Inuex;

ENE0P - Eolicas ue Poitugal, S.A. is a consoitium cieateu to win a winu eneigy tenuei in 2uuS-2uu6. The biu was
uesigneu to piomote ienewable eneigy as pait of an inuustiial policy, wheieby all the steps fiom tuibine uesign to
opeiation woulu be locateu in Poitugal. ENE0P won the fiist anu biggest exploitation license at 1,2uu NW. In exchange,
ENE0P was manuateu to builu all 12uu NW of new winu capacity by 2u1S. 0ui goal anu main motivation was to biing the
best technology available on the maiket to Poitugal anu to help ueveloping a new inuustiial sectoi. Besiues the gains
fiom caibon-fiee electiicity, the ENE0P consoitium helps fosteiing economic uevelopment thiough job cieation
!"#"$%&'" "#")*+ ,# -.)/0*%'
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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
@ #"$ ,#;05/),%' 9'05/")
In 2uu2 Poitugal attiibuteu licenses foi S.uuuNW of new winu paiks anu in 2uuS-u6
launcheu a tenuei foi an auuitional 1.7uuNW of licenses that weie auctioneu in a
tianspaient anu competitive biuuing piocess wheie applicants weie iequiieu:
Cieate a uomestic winu clustei (the main ciiteiia, 4u% of total punctuation) by
investing anu cieating jobs in the less uevelopeu iegions of the countiy;
Cieate uispatch centies anu giiu connections, anu uevelop smait giiu know-how to
minimize vaiiations anu eneigy losses anu allow a smooth integiation of a laige
peicentage of ienewables in the electiicity system;
Bevelop sophisticateu pieuiction mouels anu ieal-time piouuction management
softwaie, anu fostei winu eneigy inuustiial know-how tiansfei to Poitugal;
Incentivize the implementation of stoiage systems (hyuio-winu complementaiity);
Expoit a significant pait of the piouuction anu limit the impoits of aeio geneiatois;
Cieate an innovation funu to suppoit innovating piojects in the eneigy aiena.
The winning consoitium was awaiueu 1.2uuNW (the iunnei-up ieceiveu SuuNW) anu
cieateu a state-ait inuustiial clustei, with almost 2uuu uiiect anu Suuu inuiiect jobs.
This tenuei also alloweu the cieation of an eneigy innovation funu (FAI -,
while paying piouuceis one of the cheapest winu-eneigy taiiffs in Euiope (7utNWh)
that alloweu a quick giowth in the installeu capacity of winu at affoiuable piices.

=34%#;,#* 8+;). %#; 5.'%) 4./"#/,%'
In 2uu9 Poitugal launcheu a plan (PNBEPB - http:pnbeph.inag.ptnp4home.html) to fuithei
exploie its laige hyuio potential, aiming to elevate the peicentage of exploieu hyuio
iesouices fiom 46% to 67% until 2u2u.
In 2u1u laige hyuio (S2,S%), winu (S1,1%) anu biomass (11,6%) accounteu foi 9S% of
total ienewable electiicity piouuction in Poitugal, that in that yeai as stateu above
satisfieu moie that half of the countiy total electiicity consumption.
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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
If the winu eneigy uevelopment was goou anu fast, the solai was not so. Solai eneigy
still accounts foi only 1% of total electiicity consumption anu only in 2u11 uiu solai
bieak the 1% baiiiei - 1,1% - foi the fiist time evei.
The majoi pioblem with solai was that the initial stiategy foi ueveloping solai in
Poitugal was uesigneu with laige centializeu solai paiks in minu, these uiun't uevelop
the economy (weie mainly impoits with local assembly) neithei contiibuteu to the
uecentialization anu uemociatization of the eneigy system.
Theie was some piogiess on solai hot watei, but nothing compaiable to othei southein
Euiopean countiies, the total installeu powei is still iiielevant.
In 2u1u-11 a total of 2uuNW of new licenses foi solai micio anu mini-geneiation weie
attiibuteu anu wisely they iequiieu the installation of solai-theimal systems in
uomestic installations anu inuexeu the total solai powei alloweu in inuustiial
installations to the factoiies total powei installation. But aftei this both the goveinment
anu the tioika have opposeu new ienewable eneigy installations anu have insteau
focuseu on cutting the "eneigy ients".

@ 9.#6"#,"#/ .&5"55,.#
The cuiient goveinment has builu a case against ienewables in public opinion anu is
obsesseu with uecieasing eneigy costs, although not foi consumeis, anu has faileu to
pioviue a vision foi the sectoi moie than two yeais aftei being electeu. The secietaiy of
state foi eneigy was ieplaceu only a yeai aftei elections, while the PN was foi some
time tiappeu in a political venuetta seeking to uestioy the political flags of its socialist
pieuecessoi such as ienewables, science, euucation anu social enhancement piogiams.
In auuition the goveinment ueciueu to inciease eneigy vAT fiom 6% to 2S% (the tioika
uemanueu 16%) to maximize tax ievenues insteau of solving the eneigy ueficit by
incieasing the eneigy piice to covei piouuction, tiansmission anu uistiibution costs.
Naximizing fiscal ievenues also incieases eneigy piice to consumeis but uoesn't solve
the eneigy taiiff ueficit anu limits the potential foi its iesolution in neai futuie.
Recently eneigy moveu fiom the Ninistei of Economy to the Ninistiy of Enviionment, a
peison that has hau high ioles at the E0 anu 0N iegaiuing clean eneigy anu climate
change anu that hopefully might biing some common sense to the national eneigy scene.

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In 2uu6-u7 unuei the socialist goveinment of Ni. Sociates Poitugal was one of the fiist
E0 countiies to peifoim the iequiieu unbunuling of the eneigy sectoi sepaiating
Piouuction-Tiansmission-Bistiibution. The next step woulu be to sell EBP (piouuction
anu uistiibution) to piivate investois while keeping state contiol ovei REN (tianspoit of
gas anu electiicity tiansmission).
Bowevei in 2u12 unuei the iight-wing goveinment of Ni. Passos Coelho, the State not
only completeu the piivatization piocess of EBP, selling iemaining public shaies to
China Thiee uoiges but also alienateu REN to China State uiiu (a political option not
iequiieu by the tioika), which in fact challenges the concept of unbunuling anu
Euiopean Law, because these companies effectively iepiesent the Chinese State.
Foi a few thousanu million euios Poitugal has given away the valuable know uevelopeu
ovei the last uecaue on how to successfully incoipoiate a laige amount of ienewable
electiicity in the giiu, anu has lost contiol ovei stiategic assets like the gas anu
electiicity netwoiks, ciucial foi effectively ueciuing anu implementing its eneigy policy.
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Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
M.:" ,;"%5 7.) B)""9"
Its possible to integiate laige amounts of ienewable eneigy on the electiicity giiu;
It's possible to uevelop a state-ait inuustiial clustei aiounu ienewable eneigy in only a
few yeais anu uiastically change the electiicity mouel towaius gieatei sustainability at
affoiuable piices (piice paiu to winu eneigy piouuceis on the last tenuei is 7utNWh);
The pace of technological auvances in ienewables, smait giius anu eneigy efficiency
mean autonomous eneigy systems baseu on ienewables aie much easiei anu affoiuable
than in the iecent past, anu they aie piobably a viable option foi uieek islanus.
Tianspoitation is the Achilles heel of eneigy policy in Poitugal as in much of Euiope,
bettei accessibility uoes not entails moie mobility, but smaitei one. Walking anu cycling
coupleu with iethinking anu ie-shaping the uiban enviionment foi people, while
effectively auuiessing the "cai viius" aie ciucial tasks foi piomoting a socially,
enviionmentally anu economically sustainable Euiope.
Avoiu the tiagic political option Poitugal has maue unuei a neolibeial pio-piivatization
goveinment, uont make the same mistake; uo not sell youi giiu opeiatoi.

K%/% 5.0)9"5 N Euiope anu the Woilu
IEA - Inteinational Eneigy Agency

IRENA - Inteinational Renewable Eneigy Agency

0ECB - 0iganization foi Economic Coopeiation anu Bevelopment

Euiostat - Statistical 0ffice of the Euiopean Communities

EWEA - Euiopean Winu Eneigy Association

K%/% 5.0)9"5 N Poitugal
NA0TE - Ninistiy of Enviionment, Spatial Planning anu Eneigy

NE - Ninistiy of Economy

BuEu - National Biiection foi Eneigy anu ueology

LNEu - National Laboiatoiy foi Eneigy anu ueology

ABENE - Eneigy Agency (eneigy efficiency)

ERSE - Eneigy Regulatoi (consumei piotection: piices, quality of seivice, access to infoimation)

AC - Competition Authoiity

APREN - Renewable Eneigy Association

ENE0P - Winu consoitium anu inuustiial clustei in viana uo Castelo, Poitugal
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1'"%# "#")*+2 "34"#5,6" 70"' .7 /8" *)""# "9.#.:+ .) /8" )"54.#5,&'" $%+ 7.)$%);<

Athens 11.1u.2u1S - Tiago }ulio Neves -
Fiiuay, 11 0ctobei 2u1S (11.Su-1S.Su) - Woikshop A - Titania Botel, Panepistimiou sti. S2, Athens

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