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Qaldm: 40 IELTS Writing Task 2: longer introductions? Recently a e! "eo"le #a$e asked me !#et#er !

riting a longer introduction could %e t#e !ay to im"ro$e t#eir task 2 scores& 'y ans!er is no( ) longer introduction is more likely to #arm your score* not #el" it& T#e more time you s"end on your introduction* t#e less time you #a$e to !rite good main %ody "aragra"#s& T#e main %ody is t#e key to a #ig# score( So* #o! can !e im"ro$e our main %ody "aragra"#s? I t#ink t#ere are + easy ste"s you can take: ,& S"end more time "lanning and !riting t#e main "aragra"#s& 2& S"end less time on t#e introduction and conclusion& +& -re"are ideas or common to"ics %e ore you take t#e IELTS Writing Task 2: irstly* secondly* inally T#e "aragra"# I !rote or last !eek/s lesson 0re"eated %elo!1 is structured in t#e ollo!ing !ay: ,& To"ic sentence 2& 2irstly +&"le 4& Secondly 3& 2inally I t#ink t#is is a good !ay to organise a "aragra"#& 4o!e$er* it/s %est not to use t#e same structure t!ice in one essay& 5om"are t#e t!o "aragra"#s %elo!& 4o! did I structure t#e second one to a$oid re"eating 62irstly* Secondly* 2inally6? 2irst main "aragra"# T#ere are good reasons !#y some "eo"le eel t#e need to make signi icant c#anges to t#eir li$es rom time to time& Firstly* any ne! situation t#at a "erson encounters can %e an o""ortunity to learn and gro! as a "erson& ) ne! 7o%* or instance* mig#t "resent c#allenges t#at "us# t#e "erson to ada"t* ac8uire ne! kno!ledge* or add to #is or #er skill set& Secondly* a c#ange can re"resent a %reak !it# t#e "ast and an old routine !#ic# #as %ecome %oring and "redicta%le&Finally* as !ell as making li e more un and interesting* ne! e."eriences can %e good or our "#ysical and mental #ealt#& Second main "aragra"# 9n t#e ot#er #and* it is understanda%le !#y "eo"le mig#t a$oid c#ange& W#ene$er "eo"le are orced to c#ange t#eir li estyles* 7o%s or e$en to mo$e #ouse* t#ey are likely to e."erience stress and !orry as t#ey try to ada"t to t#e ne! situation& :y contrast* !e eel com orta%le and con ident !#en !e stay !it# !#at !e kno!& T#e decision to "ersist !it# a course o action or stick to one c#osen "at# o ten leads to greater success in li e& 2or"le* %y staying in t#e same 7o% or many years* a "erson can %ecome an e."ert in #is or #er ield* !#ic# !ill lead to %etter o""ortunities or "romotions and career "rogression& IELTS Writing Task 2: %and ; "aragra"# 'y students and I "re"ared an essay a%out t#e ollo!ing 8uestion: Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 4ere/s one o t#e main %ody "aragra"#s: T#ere are good reasons !#y some "eo"le eel t#e need to make signi icant c#anges to t#eir li$es rom time to time& 2irstly* any ne! situation t#at a "erson encounters can %e an o""ortunity to learn and gro! as a

"erson& ) ne! 7o%* or instance* mig#t "resent c#allenges t#at "us# t#e "erson to ada"t* ac8uire ne! kno!ledge* or add to t#eir skill set& Secondly* a c#ange can re"resent a %reak !it# t#e "ast and anold routine !#ic# #as %ecome %oring and "redicta%le& 2inally* as !ell as making li e more un and interesting* ne! e."eriences can %e good or our "#ysical and mental #ealt#& Task: )nalyse t#is "aragra"# care ully& W#at can you learn rom it in terms o structure* ideas* $oca%ulary and grammar? IELTS Writing Task 2: o"inion* not discussion I t#e 8uestion asks !#et#er you agree or disagree* it is asking or your o"inion& <ou s#ould e."ress your o"inion in t#e introduction* and su""ort it in t#e rest o t#e essay& =on>t structure an ?o"inion@ essay like t#is: ,& Introduction 2& -aragra"# su""orting t#e o""osite o"inion +& -aragra"# su""orting my o"inion 4& 5onclusion T#e "ro%lem !it# t#is essay structure is t#at "aragra"# 2 is not consistent !it# my o"inion& T#is is a ?discussion@ essay structure( T#ink o it t#is !ay: your task !#en you ans!er an ?agree or disagree@ 8uestion is to "ersuade t#e reader t#at your $ie! is rig#t& Eac# "aragra"# s#ould de endyour o"inion& ote: <ou can !rite a%out %ot# sides o t#e argument i you say t#at you 6"artly agree6& Ao to t#is lesson to see some suggestions or essay structures& IELTS Writing Task 2: agree or disagree? W#en t#e 8uestion asks !#et#er you agree or disagree* you can eit#er e."ress a strong o"inion 0com"letely agree or disagree1 or you can e."ress a %alanced o"inion 0"artly agree* or agree to a certain e.tent1& Let/s look at t!o !ays to ans!er t#e ollo!ing 8uestion: !fter leaving school or university, young people should choose a "ob or career that they love, rather than one that pays the best salary. To what e#tent do you agree with this statement$ ,1 Introduction or a strong o"inion Some "eo"le make t#eir career c#oices according to !#at t#ey en7oy doing* !#ereas ot#ers "lace more im"ortance on earning a #ig# salary& -ersonally* I su""ort t#e $ie! t#at 7o% satis action and a sense o ul illment are muc# more im"ortant t#an money& 21 Introduction or a %alanced o"inion Some "eo"le make t#eir career c#oices according to !#at t#ey en7oy doing* !#ereas ot#ers "lace more im"ortance on earning a #ig# salary& -e rsonally* I %elie$e t#at %ot# criteria s#ould %e gi$en e8ual consideration& IELTS Writing Task 2: /money/ to"ic 2ollo!ing on rom yesterday/s $ideo* let/s look at a !riting task 2 8uestion: !fter leaving school or university, young people should choose a "ob or career that they love, rather than one that pays the best salary. To what e#tent do you agree with this statement$

=on/t attem"t t#is 8uestion !it#out s"ending some time "lanning irst: B =ecide on your o$erall "oint o $ie!: agree or disagree 0or may%e /"artly agree/1& B -lan your 4C"aragra"# essay structure: !#at !ill eac# "aragra"# %e a%out? B Dote some ideas or eac# main "aragra"#: t#ink a%out #o! you !ill e."lain your ideas in detail* and !#at realCli e"les you could use& IELTS Writing Task 2: make your o!n 8uestions ) use ul !ay to "ractise is to !rite your o!n 8uestions& :y doing t#is* you can co$er a range o to"ics !it#out needing to searc# or 8uestions in %ooks or on t#e Internet& <ou can also kee" t#e 8uestions clear and sim"le& Let/s !rite + 8uestions a%out /"o"ulation gro!t#/ 0yesterday/s listening to"ic1: =iscussion 8uestion T#e "o"ulations o many countries are increasing ra"idly& =iscuss t#e ad$antages and disad$antages o t#is trend& 9"inion 8uestion 'any "eo"le %elie$e t#at it is time to limit "o"ulation gro!t#& To !#at e.tent do you agree or disagree? -ro%lem and solution T#e "o"ulations o many countries are increasing ra"idly& E."lain !#at "ro%lems t#is trend may cause* and suggest some "ossi%le solutions& IELTS Writing Task 2: t!o common mistakes 4ere are t!o mistakes t#at students o ten make: B Esing 6alt#oug#6 !rongly B )l!ays "utting a comma a ter 6t#at6 Look at t#ese incorrect sentences: ,& )lt#oug#* tourism #as many %ene its* %ut it also #as some dra!%acks& 2& 'any "eo"le %elie$e t#at* "arents s#ould %e strict& Do! look at t#e correct sentences: ,& )lt#oug# tourism #as many %ene its* it also #as some dra!%acks& 2& 'any "eo"le %elie$e t#at "arents s#ould %e strict& IELTS Writing Task 2: !ays to "re"are 'any students only do one t#ing to "re"are or !riting task 2: t#ey !rite lots o ull essays& )lt#oug# it/s o%$iously im"ortant to "ractise !riting ull essays* t#ere are ot#er t#ings t#at I t#ink you s#ould %e doing& 4ere are some study ideas or !riting task 2: ,1 :reak t#e task into "arts Instead o !riting a ull essay today* !#y not try !riting 3 di erent introductions using my 2Csentence tec#ni8ue? 9r c#allenge yoursel to !rite + di erent mainC%ody "aragra"#s a%out 6ad$antages6 0e&g&

ad$antages o mo%ile "#ones* #omesc#ooling and immigration1 C use t#is lesson to #el" you& 9r !rite 3 di erent conclusions C 7ust one sentence eac#* summarising your res"onse to 3 di erent 8uestions& 21 =o some researc# Instead o !orrying a%out one "articular 8uestion* try to ind ,0 recent 8uestions 0may%e using t#is "age1& Write t#e 8uestions on a "iece o "a"er* decide !#at t#e general to"ic is or eac# one 0e&g& ad$ertising* "risons* li e e."ectancy1 and do some researc# a%out t#ose to"ics& =on/t !orry a%out t#e e.act 8uestion* 7ust try to 6collect6 good ideas and $oca%ulary or t#e o$erall to"ic& ) 8uick searc# on Aoogle or Wiki"edia s#ould gi$e you !#at you need& +1 W#at do you %elie$e? ) %ig "ro%lem or some students is t#at t#ey don/t #a$e !ellC ormed o"inions& T#ey/re not sure !#at to !rite a%out to"ics like #omesc#ooling* immigration or gun control& T#e good ne!s is t#at t#ere is no /correct/ o"inion C t#e e.aminer is only looking at #o! !ell you e."ress your o"inions in Englis#& So* a ter doing some researc# 0see "oint 2 a%o$e1* make sure you #a$e an o"inion o your o!n& IELTS Writing Task 2: "ro%lemFsolution essay 4ere/s my ull essay or t#e 8uestion !e/$e %een !orking on& %n the developed world, average life e#pectancy is increasing. &hat problems will this cause for individuals and society$ Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations. It is true t#at "eo"le in industrialised nations can e."ect to li$e longer t#an e$er %e ore& )lt#oug# t#ere !ill undou%tedly %e some negati$e conse8uences o t#is trend* societies can take ste"s to mitigate t#ese "otential "ro%lems& )s "eo"le li$e longer and t#e "o"ulations o de$elo"ed countries gro! older* se$eral related "ro%lems can %e antici"ated& T#e main issue is t#at t#ere !ill o%$iously %e more "eo"le o retirement age !#o !ill %e eligi%le to recei$e a "ension& T#e "ro"ortion o younger* !orking adults !ill %e smaller* and go$ernments !ill t#ere ore recei$e less money in in relation to t#e siGe o t#e "o"ulation& In ot#er !ords* an ageing "o"ulation !ill mean a greater ta. %urden or !orking adults& 2urt#er "ressures !ill include a rise in t#e demand or #ealt#care* and t#e act young adults !ill increasingly #a$e to look a ter t#eir elderly relati$es& T#ere are se$eral actions t#at go$ernments could take to sol$e t#e "ro%lems descri%ed a%o$e& 2irstly* a sim"le solution !ould %e to increase t#e retirement age or !orking adults* "er#a"s rom H3 to I0& Do!adays* "eo"le o t#is age tend to %e #ealt#y enoug# to continue a "roducti$e !orking li e& ) second measure !ould %e or go$ernments to encourage immigration in order to increase t#e num%er o !orking adults !#o "ay 2inally* money rom national %udgets !ill need to %e taken rom ot#er areas and s"ent on $ital #ealt#care* accommodation and trans"ort acilities or t#e rising num%ers o older citiGens& In conclusion* $arious measures can %e taken to tackle t#e "ro%lems t#at are certain to arise as t#e "o"ulations o countries gro! older& 02H3 !ords* %and ;1 IELTS Writing Task 2: rom "lan to "aragra"# Let/s try !riting a ull "aragra"# using t#e essay "lan rom t#is lesson& T#e to"ic o t#is "aragra"# is 6t#e "ro%lems caused %y increasing li e e."ectancy6& 4ere/s t#e "lan I !rote: -ro%lems C an increase in t#e num%er o retired "eo"le !#o !ill recei$e a "ension C a smaller "ro"ortion o young adults J smaller !orking "o"ulations C a greater ta. %urden on !orking adults C demand or #ealt#care !ill rise C young adults !ill #a$e to look a ter elderly relati$es 'ere(s my paragraph using the ideas above:

)s "eo"le li$e longer and t#e "o"ulations o de$elo"ed countries gro! older* se$eral related "ro%lems can %e antici"ated& T#e main issue is t#at t#ere !ill o%$iously %e more "eo"le o retirement age !#o !ill %e eligi%le to recei$e a "ension& T#e "ro"ortion o younger* !orking adults !ill %e smaller* and go$ernments !ill t#ere ore recei$e less money in in relation to t#e siGe o t#e "o"ulation& In ot#er !ords* an ageing "o"ulation !ill mean a greater ta. %urden or !orking adults& 2urt#er "ressures !illinclude a rise in t#e demand or #ealt#care* and t#e act young adults !ill increasingly #a$e to look a ter t#eir elderly relati$es& ote: It !ould %e easy to !rite more %y adding an"le 0suc# as #ealt#care costs like more #os"ital %eds and medical sta 1* %ut I/$e already !ritten ,0H !ords* !#ic# is enoug# or one main "aragra"#& IELTS Writing Task 2: introduction and conclusion %n the developed world, average life e#pectancy is increasing. &hat problems will this cause for individuals and society$ Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations. <ou don/t need to mention any s"eci ic "ro%lems or solutions in your introduction and conclusion& T#ese "aragra"#s can %e s#ort* easy and general& Remem%er t#at t#e main "aragra"#s are muc# more im"ortant in terms o your score&"le introduction It is true t#at "eo"le in industrialised nations can e."ect to li$e longer t#an e$er %e ore& )lt#oug# t#ere !ill undou%tedly %e some negati$e conse8uences o t#is trend* societies can take ste"s to mitigate t#ese "otential "ro%lems&"le conclusion In conclusion* $arious measures can %e taken to tackle t#e "ro%lems t#at are certain to arise as t#e "o"ulations o countries gro! older& IELTS Writing Task 2: /ageing "o"ulation/ to"ic %n the developed world, average life e#pectancy is increasing. &hat problems will this cause for individuals and society$ Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations. Some ad$ice: C Write 4 "aragra"#s: introduction* "ro%lems* solutions* conclusion& C <ou don/t need to se"arate ideas a%out indi$iduals and ideas a%out society& Kust mention somet#ing a%out %ot# in your "aragra"#s& Some ideas: -ro%lems C an increase in t#e num%er o retired "eo"le !#o !ill recei$e a "ension C a smaller "ro"ortion o young adults J smaller !orking "o"ulations C a greater ta. %urden on !orking adults C demand or #ealt#care !ill rise C young adults !ill #a$e to look a ter elderly relati$es Solutions C "eo"le may #a$e to retire laterL t#e state "ension age !ill rise C medical ad$ances and #ealt# "rogrammes mig#t allo! elderly "eo"le to stay #ealt#y and !ork or longer C "eo"le s#ould %e encouraged to #a$e more c#ildren C go$ernments could encourage immigration 0in order to increase t#e num%er o younger adults1 IELTS Writing Task 2: /ca"ital "unis#ment/ to"ic 4ere are some ideas rom my e%ook a%out t#e to"ic o ca"ital "unis#ment& Remem%er t#at you !on/t %e a%le to !rite a good essay unless you #a$e good ideas& )lso* you s#ould al!ays try to "re"are %ot# sides o t#e argument&

)rguments or ca"ital "unis#ment: B Su""orters say t#at ca"ital "unis#ment deters crime& B 2ear o t#e deat# "enalty sto"s "eo"le rom committing o ences& B T#e deat# "enalty s#o!s t#at crime is not tolerated& B It is a orm o re$enge& B T#e cost o im"risonment is a$oided& B T#e o ender cannot "ose a t#reat to ot#ers& )rguments against ca"ital "unis#ment: B Innocent "eo"le could %e !rongly con$icted and e.ecuted& B 5rime rates are not necessarily reduced& B 'any criminals do not t#ink t#ey !ill %e caug#t& B 5a"ital "unis#ment is not a good deterrent& B E.ecuting "risoners creates a $iolent culture and encourages re$enge& B We #a$e no rig#t to take anot#er #uman li e& IELTS Writing Task 2: /"etrol "rice/ introduction T#e ollo!ing 8uestion comes rom 5am%ridge IELTS %ook M& %ncreasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ &hat other measures do you think might be effective$ 'y students !rote t#e introduction %elo!& Dotice t#at it addresses all "arts o t#e 8uestion so t#at t#e e.aminer kno!s e.actly !#at our "osition is& Traffic and pollution are growing problems in today)s society. *ersonally, % disagree with the idea that higher petrol prices could solve these problems, and % believe that various other measures would be more constructive. -S& =on/t !aste time !riting a longer introduction t#an t#is& T#e main %ody "aragra"#s are muc# more im"ortant( IELTS Writing Task 2: /$ideo games/ essay Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. %n your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits$ 'any "eo"le* and c#ildren in "articular* en7oy "laying com"uter games& W#ile I acce"t t#at t#ese games can sometimes #a$e a "ositi$e e ect on t#e user* I %elie$e t#at t#ey are more likely to #a$e a #arm ul im"act&

9n t#e one #and* $ideo games can %e %ot# entertaining and educational& Esers* or gamers* are trans"orted into $irtual !orlds !#ic# are o ten more e.citing and engaging t#an realCli e "astimes& 2rom an educational "ers"ecti$e* t#ese games encourage imagination and creati$ity* as !ell as concentration* logical t#inking and "ro%lem sol$ing* all o !#ic# are use ul skills outside t#e gaming conte.t& 2urt#ermore* it #as %een s#o!n t#at com"uter simulation games can im"ro$e users> motor skills and #el" to "re"are t#em or realC!orld tasks* suc# as lying a "lane& 4o!e$er* I !ould argue t#at t#ese %ene its are out!eig#ed %y t#e dra!%acks& Aaming can %e #ig#ly addicti$e %ecause users are constantly gi$en scores* ne! targets and re8uent re!ards to kee" t#em"laying& 'any c#ildren no! s"end #ours eac# day trying to "rogress t#roug# t#e le$els o a game or to get a #ig#er score t#an t#eir riends& T#is ty"e o addiction can #a$e e ects ranging rom lack o slee" to "ro%lems at sc#ool* !#en #ome!ork is sacri iced or a e! more #ours on t#e com"uter or console& T#e rise in o%esity in recent years #as also %een linked in "art to t#e sedentary li estyle and lack o e.ercise t#at o ten accom"any gaming addiction& In conclusion* it seems to me t#at t#e "otential dangers o $ideo games are more signi icant t#an t#e "ossi%le %ene its& 023M !ords* %and ;1 IELTS Writing Task 2: $ideo games 4ere/s a 8uestion a%out t#e /$ideo games/ to"ic !e looked at last !eek: Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. %n your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits$ -ersonally* I/d ans!er t#is 8uestion in t#e same !ay as I/d ans!er a /discuss %ot# $ie!s and gi$e your o"inion/ 8uestion& I/d !rite 4 "aragra"#s: ,& Introduce t#e to"ic* %ot# sides o t#e argument* and my $ie!& 2& E."lain t#e %ene its o $ideo games& +& E."lain t#e dra!%acks& 4& Summarise F re"eat my o$erall o"inion& Students s#ared some good ideas in t#e comments area #ere 0es"ecially some o t#e comments near t#e %ottom1& <ou could also ada"t t#e ideas in my e%ookc#a"ter a%out t#e "ositi$es and negati$es o tele$ision& I/ll s#are my ull essay ne.t !eek& IELTS Writing Task 2: $ideo games <esterday/s listening e.ercise !as a%out t#e to"ic o $ideo games& T#is could also %e an IELTS !riting to"ic* so let/s t#ink a%out #o! !e could "re"are or it& Think about the following points: ,1 W#ic# ty"e o 8uestion do you t#ink is more likely or t#e /$ideo games/ to"ic: discussion* agreeFdisagree or "ro%lemFsolution? 21 5an !e use any o t#e ideas* o"inions or $oca%ulary rom yesterday/s lesson? +1 W#at ot#er ideas or arguments could !e add? Task: try !riting your o!n 8uestion or t#is to"ic& We/ll look at a real 8uestion ne.t !eek& IELTS Writing Task 2: "arents or sc#ools? 9ne o t#e 8uestions in 5am%ridge IELTS %ook M asks !#o s#ould %e res"onsi%le or making c#ildren into good citiGens: "arents or sc#ools?

4ere/s a "aragra"# I !rote a%out t#is to"ic: -arents "lay a #uge NNNNNN in t#eir c#ildren>s li$es* and s#oulder more o t#e NNNNNN or t#eir u"%ringing t#an sc#ool teac#ers do& :e ore starting sc#ool* in ants s"end t#e irst our or i$e years o t#eir li$es !it# t#eir mot#ers and at#ers& =uring t#ose NNNNNN years* "arents teac# t#eir c#ildren $ital skills and #a%its* suc# as t#e a%ility to s"eak* eat and %e#a$e& -arents are t#e ma7or role NNNNNN or young "eo"le* !#o co"y t#e %e#a$iour t#at t#ey see on a daily NNNNNN at #ome* and it !ould %e !rong to e."ect sc#ools to NNNNNN a greater in luence t#an t#e amily& Task: 5an you guess !#at !ords I used in t#e s"aces? IELTS Writing Task 2: are you stuck? Students o ten tell me t#at t#ey are stuck on t#e same !riting score& 2or"le* t#ey kee" getting H&3 in e$ery test t#ey take& I you are stuck in a rutlike t#is* "er#a"s t#e most e ecti$e !ay to get out o it is to gi$e more im"ortance to your essay "lan& I tell my students to s"end around + minutes making notes or eac# main %ody "aragra"#& So* or t#e #ousing to"ic !e/$e %een looking at recently* !e !ould s"end + minutes t#inking a%out !#y !e s#ouldn/t %uild more #ouses in cities* and + more minutes t#inking a%out t#e %ene its o de$elo"ing ne! to!ns& T#e act o "lanning #el"s you to se"arate t#e task o idea generation rom t#e task o !riting& It/s e.tremely di icult to do %ot# o t#ese t#ings at t#e same time& IELTS Writing Task 2: introduction tec#ni8ue )s I/$e said %e ore* task 2 introductions s#ould %e s#ort and direct& <ou only need to !rite t!o sentences in order to do t!o t#ings: ,& Introduce t#e to"ic& 2& Res"ond to t#e 8uestion* making your "osition clear& Take t#is 8uestion rom last !eek/s lesson: 'ore #ouses are needed in many countries to co"e !it# increasing "o"ulations& Would it %e %etter to %uild #ouses in e.isting to!ns and cities* or to de$elo" ne! to!ns in rural areas? 4ere/s my 2Csentence introduction: It is true t#at t#e "o"ulations o many countries are gro!ing* and t#at ne! #ousing is t#ere ore needed& In my o"inion* it !ould %e %etter to increase t#e "ro$ision o #ousing %y creating ne! to!ns* rat#er t#an %y urt#er de$elo"ing e.isting to!ns and cities& IELTS Writing Task 2: /#ousing/ to"ic Se$eral "eo"le #a$e asked me to #el" !it# t#e ollo!ing 8uestion: +ore houses are needed in many countries to cope with increasing populations. &ould it be better to build houses in e#isting towns and cities, or to develop new towns in rural areas$ T#e irst t#ing t#at I !ould do is t#ink a%out my 4C"aragra"# structure& T#is means t#at !e need 2 main %ody "aragra"#s 02 main ideas1& =on/t !orry a%out "utting your real o"inionL 7ust try to t#ink o t#e easiest o"inion or a 4C"aragra"# essay& 4ere/s one !ay t#at !e could structure t#e essay: ,& Introduction: gi$e your o"inion e&g& it/s %etter to de$elo" ne! to!ns 2&

-aragra"#: e."lain !#y !e s#ouldn/t %uild more #ouses in cities +& -aragra"#: e."lain t#e %ene its o %uilding ne! to!ns 4& 5onclusion: re"eat F summarise your o"inion IELTS Writing Task 2: use !#at you learn W#en you learn a ne! !ord* collocation or "#rase* it/s a good idea to try using it in di erent conte.ts& 2or"le* t#e collocations in last !eek/s lesson came rom an essay a%out music* %ut may%e !e can use t#em or ot#er to"ics& )s an"le* I/ll c#oose t#e to"ic o education* and I/ll !rite a cou"le o sentences around some o t#e collocations 0underlined1 rom last !eek: %n primary schools, more importance should be given to creativity and problem solving, and these skills should be valued over memorisation and rote learning. ,reativity can be fostered by e#posing children to a rich variety of media, and by encouraging them to e#press their emotions. IELTS Writing Task 2: collocations 5ollocations are grou"s o !ords t#at are o ten ound toget#er& Dati$e s"eakers #a$e a large re"ertoire o t#ese !ord grou"s* and can use t#em !it#out t#inking& Language learners need to %uild t#eir o!n re"ertoire o collocations t#roug# reading and listening* and %y noticing !ord grou"s t#at commonly occur& 4ere are some collocations rom t#e essay I !rote last !eek: B a ric# $ariety B a $ital "art* a necessary "art B a range o reasons B musical "re erences B li e stories B e."ress emotions* arouse emotions B a commercial "roduct B cultural identity B #uman e.istence B gi$e im"ortance T#ese are 7ust some o t#e most o%$ious collocations in t#e essay& We could also add grammatical collocations like /a means o / and /$alued o$er/& To read more a%out collocations* click #ere and #ere& IELTS Writing Task 2: /music/ essay There are many different types of music in the world today. &hy do we need music$ %s the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays$ It is true t#at a ric# $ariety o musical styles can %e ound around t#e !orld& 'usic is a $ital "art o all #uman cultures or a range o reasons* and I !ould argue t#at traditional music is more im"ortant t#an modern* international music&

'usic is somet#ing t#at accom"anies all o us t#roug#out our li$es& )s c#ildren* !e are taug#t songs %y our "arents and teac#ers as a means o learning language* or sim"ly as a orm o en7oyment& 5#ildren delig#t in singing !it# ot#ers* and it !ould a""ear t#at t#e act o singing in a grou" creates a connection %et!een "artici"ants* regardless o t#eir age& Later in li e* "eo"le>s musical "re erences de$elo"* and !e come to see our a$ourite songs as "art o our li e stories& 'usic %ot# e."resses and arouses emotions in a !ay t#at !ords alone cannot& In s#ort* it is di icult to imagine li e !it#out it& In my o"inion* traditional music s#ould %e $alued o$er t#e international music t#at #as %ecome so "o"ular& International "o" music is o ten catc#y and un* %ut it is essentially a commercial "roduct t#at is marketed and sold %y %usiness "eo"le& Traditional music* %y contrast* e."resses t#e culture* customs and #istory o a country& Traditional styles* suc# as &&&"le1&&&* connect us to t#e "ast and orm "art o our cultural identity& It !ould %e a real "ity i "o" music %ecame so "redominant t#at t#ese national styles disa""eared& In conclusion* music is a necessary "art o #uman e.istence* and I %elie$e t#at traditional music s#ould %e gi$en more im"ortance t#an international music& 02H, !ords* %and ;1 IELTS Writing Task 2: correct t#e mistakes Se$eral "eo"le tried !riting a%out t#e music to"ic in last !eek/s lesson& Try to correct t#e mistakes t#at t#ey made in t#e sentences %elo!& I/ll s#are my ull essay ne.t !eek& ,& We #a$e di erent ty"es o music all o$er t#e !orld* !e need music or $arious reasons& 2& T#e irst I t#ink !e need music almost or en7oyment& +& -eo"le listening to a $ariety o music is due to a num%er o reasons& 4& It is clear cut e$idence !#y !e need or music& 3& Traditional music o a country #as more !eig#t t#at t#e amous international music& H& )t a glance* !e need music or en7oyment& I& T#e "eo"le is more #a""ier listening all kind t#e r#yt#ms and sounds t#an !it#out it& M& It #el"s to make rela.ed rom any sort o strain& ;& I t#e international music !ould re"lace it t#en t#e !#ole #istorical e."erience o a country !ill die& IELTS Writing Task 2: /music/ to"ic )rnie s#ared t#is 8uestion a%out music: There are many different types of music in the world today. &hy do we need music$ %s the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays$ 4ere/s a 8uick "lan to s#o! you #o! I !ould a""roac# t#is 8uestion: ,& Introduction: -ara"#rase t#e idea t#at many ty"es o music are ound around t#e !orld* t#en %rie ly ans!er %ot# "arts o t#e 8uestion& 2& -aragra"# ans!ering t#e irst 8uestion: E."lain !#y !e need music e&g& or en7oyment* to e."ress ideas and emotions& Ai$e an"le rom your e."erience* andFor e."lain !#at li e !ould %e like !it#out music&

+& -aragra"# ans!ering t#e second 8uestion: It mig#t %e easier to argue t#at traditional music is more im"ortant e&g& %ecause it e."resses cultural identity* customs* #istory& Ai$e an"le rom your country* andFor e."lain #o! you !ould eel i traditional music disa""eared& 4& 5onclusion: Re"eat F summarise your $ie!s& I/ll continue !it# t#is 8uestion ne.t !eek& IELTS Writing Task 2: introduction and conclusion In last !eek/s lesson* I e."lained !#y you s#ouldn/t sa$e your o"inion or a /sur"rise conclusion/& Look at t#e ollo!ing introduction and conclusion or an essay a%out !#et#er it is %etter or students to !ork alone or in a grou": Introduction -eo"le #a$e di erent $ie!s a%out t#e most e ecti$e !ay or students to !ork& W#ile t#ere are some ad$antages to studying alone* I "ersonally %elie$e t#at grou" !ork is usually more "roducti$e& 5onclusion In conclusion* %ot# indi$idual and grou" study can %e use ul under di erent circumstances* %ut I generally "re er to !ork !it# ot#ers as "art o a team& Dotice t#at my /"osition/ is clear in t#e introduction* so t#e conclusion sim"ly re"eats my $ie! in a di erent !ay& IELTS Writing Task 2: no sur"rises( T#e e.aminers/ %and descri"tor s#eet states t#at a %and I essay -presents a clear position throughout the response-& ) 6clear "osition6 means t#at your o"inion must %e clear 0i t#e 8uestion asks or it1* and 6t#roug#out t#e res"onse6 means rom t#e %eginning to t#e end o your essay& 2or t#is reason* it/s a %ad idea to sa$e your o"inion or t#e conclusion& We don/t like /sur"rise conclusions/ in Englis# academic !riting& Instead* you s#ould state your "osition in t#e introduction* su""ort it in your main "aragra"#s* and re"eat or summarise it in t#e conclusion& IELTS Writing Task 2: ans!er all "arts o t#e 8uestion ) student sent me t#e ollo!ing 8uestion: The role of prisons should be to punish criminals who have committed serious crimes. Training courses and education offered to prisoners are a waste of ta#payer(s money. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ T#e student !#o sent me t#is 8uestion noticed t#at it contains t!o su%Cto"ics: ,& S#ould t#e role o "risons %e to "unis# serious criminals* not "etty criminals 0less serious criminals1? 2& )re training courses and education a !aste o money? )""arently t#ere is a model essay or t#is 8uestion !#ic# only addresses t#e second su%Cto"ic& I t#ink t#at !ould %e a mistakeL you s#ould try to ans!er all "arts o t#e 8uestion& In t#is case* t#e t!o su%Cto"ics #el" you %ecause t#ey tell you !#at you s#ould !rite a%out in your t!o main %ody "aragra"#s& )l!ays study t#e 8uestion care ully* and make sure you kno! e.actly !#at it is asking you to do( IELTS Writing Task 2: t#e ,0Cminute "lan I you are struggling to im"ro$e your score or !riting task 2* t#e solution mig#t %e to s"end more time "lanning %e ore you start !riting&

I asked t#e students on my most recent oneCday course to s"end ,0 minutes "lanning a 8uestion a%out !#et#er t#e only "ur"ose o "risons is to "unis# "eo"le& 4ere are t#e ideas t#at my students #ad: -aragra"# 2: "risons do "unis# o enders -unis#ment makes o enders t#ink* re lect* eel sorry* understand t#e conse8uences 0t#at !e #a$e c#oices a%out t#e actions !e take1* su ering* re$enge F 7ustice or $ictims* de%t to society* taking a!ay reedom and "ri$ileges* miss amily* deter "eo"le rom committing crimes in uture C ear o "rison -aragra"# +: ot#er "ur"oses o "risons Re lection time* re#a%ilitation C #el" t#e "risoner to "re"are or normal li e: ne! skills* education* courses* 8uali ications* treatment C re orm* reeducate* ind em"loyment* reCenter society C address t#e root causes o crime Wit# a "lan like t#is* you s#ould ind it easier to !rite a great essay& IELTS Writing Task 2: #o! to use your 40 minutes <ou #a$e 40 minutes or task 2* so try organising your time in t#e ollo!ing !ay& -lease note t#at t#ese are suggestions* not rules& 2irst ,0 minutes Read t#e 8uestion and make sure you understand !#at it is asking you to do& Write a "lan or a 4C "aragra"# essay 0introduction* 2 main "aragra"#s* conclusion1 and s"end most o t#e ,0 minutes t#inking o ideas or t#e 2 main "aragra"#s& 3 minutes Write your introduction: 2 sentences are enoug#& 20 minutes S"end ,0 minutes on eac# o your main %ody "aragra"#s& T#ese are t#ey most im"ortant "art o your essay* and t#e key to a #ig# score& Last 3 minutes Write a 8uick conclusion t#en c#eck your !ork& IELTS Writing Task 2: ad$antages and disad$antages )l%ert sent me t#is recent 8uestion: %n many countries nowadays, young single people no longer stay with their parents until they are married, but leave to study or work somewhere else. Do you think this trend has more advantages or disadvantages$ 4ere are some ti"s to #el" !it# t#is kind o 8uestion: ,& Dotice t#at t#e 8uestion includes t#e !ords 6do you t#ink6& T#is tells you t#at you need to gi$e your o!n o"inion* as !ell as discussing %ot# t#e ad$antages and disad$antages& -ut your o"inion in t#e introduction and conclusion* and don/t %e a raid to use t#e !ord 6I6 0e&g& I %elie$e1 to make it clear !#at you t#ink& 2& <ou !on/t %e a%le to !rite a good essay i you don/t "lan your ideas irst& S"end 2C+ minutes noting do!n ideas or t#e ad$antages o lea$ing #ome %e ore marriage* t#en 2C+ minutes !riting notes or t#e disad$antages& T#en decide !#at your o"inion is* according to !#et#er you #a$e more ad$antages or disad$antages& +& I you can/t t#ink o any ideas* start %y t#inking o some"les e&g& =id you or any o your riends lea$e #ome %e ore getting married? =o you kno! anyone !#o li$ed !it# t#eir "arents until t#ey got married? W#at !ere t#e reasons and %ene its or dra!%acks o eac# decision? IELTS Writing Task 2: /discussion/ introduction

Last !eek !e looked at a /"ro%lem and solution/ introduction& Today I/ll use t#e same tec#ni8ue 02 sentences: to"ic O %asic ans!er1 to !rite a /discussion and o"inion/ introduction& 4ere/s a 8uestion 0 rom 5am%ridge IELTS H1: Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully "ustified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 4ere/s my 2Csentence introduction: It is true t#at s"orts stars o ten earn #uge salaries& W#ile t#ere are some good reasons !#y t#is is t#e case* I "ersonally %elie$e t#at it is !rong or t#ese "eo"le to %e "aid more t#an ot#er "ro essionals& IELTS Writing Task 2: "ro%lem P solution introduction 'y ad$ice or task 2 introductions is to !rite t#em $ery 8uickly& Kust !rite 2 sentences: one to introduce t#e to"ic* and one to gi$e a %asic ans!er& Let/s look at #o! to do t#is or a 6"ro%lem and solution6 8uestion: The number of plants and animals is declining. Describe some reasons for this problem and suggest some solutions. 4ere/s my introduction: It is undenia%le t#at !ildli e #a%itats are %eing destroyed and !#ole s"ecies o "lants and animals are disa""earing& T#ere are se$eral causes o t#is alarming trend* %ut measures could certainly %e taken to tackle t#e "ro%lem& ote: In t#e second sentence you don/t need to gi$e any causes or solutionsL sa$e your ideas or t#e main "aragra"#s& IELTS Writing Task 2: idea and "aragra"# 'y students and I ollo!ed t#e ad$ice in last !eek/s lesson to !rite a "aragra"# or t#e to"ic %elo!& The number of plants and animals is declining. Describe the problem and suggest some solutions. Ideas or descri%ing t#e "ro%lem: B o$erC arming* land needed or cro"s and animals B cutting do!n trees destroys natural #a%itats* animals %ecome e.tinct B industrial !aste in ri$ers* sea B c#emicals kill is# and "lants* interru"t natural cycles F ood c#ain It seemed t#at !e #ad 2 main ideas* so !e !rote a 2Cidea "aragra"#: T#ere are t!o main reasons !#y "lants and animals are disa""earing& 2irstly* in many "arts o t#e !orld trees are %eing cut do!n to make !ay or armland on !#ic# to gro! cro"s and kee" animals& T#e result o t#is is t#at natural #a%itats are %eing destroyed* and in some cases !#ole s"ecies o animals are %ecoming e.tinct& Secondly* #uman acti$ity is also res"onsi%le or t#e destruction o a8uatic li e as domestic and industrial !aste is "um"ed into ri$ers and seas& T#is c#emical !aste kills "lants and is#* interru"ting natural cycles and #a$ing a de$astating e ect on ood c#ains& 0;; !ords1 IELTS Writing Task 2: rom ideas to "aragra"#

I al!ays tell my students to "lan ideas or t#eir main %ody "aragra"#s& Let/s look at #o! to "ut some ideas toget#er to make a "aragra"#& 4ere/s t#e 8uestion: The main reason people go to work is to earn money. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ Ideas or one main "aragra"#: B agree t#at money is t#e main reason "eo"le !ork B "eo"le look at salary irst* t#ey rarely take a salary cut B need to li$e* "ay %ills* ood etc& B look a ter our amilies* sa$e or t#e uture B ot#er!ise* most "eo"le !ould "ro%a%ly c#oose not to !ork 2ull "aragra"# using t#e ideas a%o$e: I agree t#at t#e ma7ority o "eo"le !ork in order to earn money& :e ore taking any ot#er actors into account* it is normal to irst consider t#e salary t#at a "articular "ost o ers* and it is rare to #ear o a "erson !#o #a""ily takes a cut in "ay !#en %eginning a ne! 7o%& We all need money to "ay or our %asic necessities* suc# as accommodation* %ills and ood& 'any adults also #a$e amilies !#o de"end on t#e !ages t#ey earn* and at t#e same time t#ey are conscious o t#e need to sa$e or t#e uture& I !e no longer needed money* I dou%t most o us !ould c#oose to continue in our 7o%s& 0,,H !ords1 IELTS Writing Task 2: %e ore you start !riting :e ore you start !riting your task 2 essay* you need to do t!o t#ings: ,& -lan your o$erall essay structure 0ideally 4 "aragra"#s1 2& S"end some time t#inking o ideas or t#e main %ody "aragra"#s 4ere are t!o recent 8uestions t#at you could try !riting a "lan or: The main reason people go to work is to earn money. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ +any people prefer to rent a house rather than buying one. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of renting. IELTS Writing Task 2: /un"aid !ork/ essay Some people think that all teenagers should be re.uired to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole. Do you agree or disagree$ 'any young "eo"le !ork on a $olunteer %asis* and t#is can only %e %ene icial or %ot# t#e indi$idual and society as a !#ole& 4o!e$er* I do not agree t#at !e s#ould t#ere ore orce all teenagers to do un"aid !ork& 'ost young "eo"le are already under enoug# "ressure !it# t#eir studies* !it#out %eing gi$en t#e added res"onsi%ility o !orking in t#eir s"are time& Sc#ool is 7ust as demanding as a ullCtime 7o%* and teac#ers e."ect t#eir students to do #ome!ork and re$ision on to" o attending lessons e$ery day& W#en young "eo"le do #a$e some ree time* !e s#ould encourage t#em to en7oy it !it# t#eir riends or to s"end

it doing s"orts and ot#er leisure acti$ities& T#ey #a$e many years o !ork a#ead o t#em !#en t#ey inis# t#eir studies& )t t#e same time* I do not %elie$e t#at society #as anyt#ing to gain rom o%liging young "eo"le to do un"aid !ork& In act* I !ould argue t#at it goes against t#e $alues o a ree and air society to orce a grou" o "eo"le to do somet#ing against t#eir !ill& =oing t#is can only lead to resentment amongst young "eo"le* !#o !ould eel t#at t#ey !ere %eing used* and "arents* !#o !ould not !ant to %e told #o! to raise t#eir c#ildren& 5urrently* no%ody is orced to $olunteer* and t#is is surely t#e %est system& In conclusion* teenagers may c#oose to !ork or ree and #el" ot#ers* %ut in my o"inion !e s#ould not make t#is com"ulsory& 0230 !ords* %and ;1 IELTS Writing Task 2: com"letely disagree W#en you com"letely agree or com"letely disagree !it# t#e 8uestion statement* you don/t need to !rite a%out t#e ot#er side o t#e argument& Kust state your o"inion and gi$e reasons& Today I/ll s#o! you #o! to !rite a /disagree/ essay or t#is 8uestion: Some people think that all teenagers should be re.uired to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole. Do you agree or disagree$ 4ere/s my 4C"aragra"# "lan: ,& Introduction: introduce t#e to"ic o un"aid !ork or teenagers* and make it clear t#at you com"letely disagree !it# t#e idea o re8uiring 0 orcing1 young "eo"le to do t#is& 2& 2irst reason: e."lain !#y t#is idea !ould not %ene it teenagers e&g& t#ey are already %usy !it# sc#ool !ork* t#ey s#ould %e allo!ed to en7oy %eing young* t#ey #a$e many years o !ork a#ead o t#em !#en t#ey inis# t#eir studies& +& Second reason: e."lain !#y t#is idea !ould not %ene it society e&g& orcing young "eo"le to !ork goes against t#e $alues o a ree society* t#e current system o $olunteering is %etter* t#is idea !ould %e im"ossi%le to en orce& 4& 5onclusion: re"eat your o"inion t#at re8uiring teenagers to !ork %ene its neit#er t#e teenagers nor society as a !#ole& IELTS Writing Task 2: ully res"ond to t#e 8uestion 9ne o t#e t#ings t#at t#e e.aminer !ill c#eck care ully is !#et#er or not you #a$e ully res"onded to t#e 8uestion& 4ere/s a 8uestion t#at a student sent me: Some people think that all teenagers should be re.uired to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole. Do you agree or disagree$ T#e student !#o sent me t#is 8uestion !rote a%out t#e ad$antages and disad$antages o un"aid !ork or teenagers* %ut com"letely orgot to mention t#e %ene its andFor dra!%acks or society as a !#ole& I you don/t ully ans!er t#e 8uestion* it/s e.tremely di icult to get a %and I& IELTS Writing Task 2: introduction !it#out o"inion 'y normal ad$ice or task 2 introductions is t#is: !rite t!o sentences C one to introduce t#e essay to"ic* and one to gi$e a %asic ans!er to t#e 8uestion& :ut !#at s#ould you "ut in t#e second sentence 0%asic ans!er1 i t#e 8uestion doesn/t ask or your o"inion? 4ere are t!o"le 8uestions:

,& 'any "eo"le %elie$e t#at an e ecti$e "u%lic trans"ort system is a key com"onent o a modern city& =iscuss t#e ad$antages and disad$antages o "u%lic trans"ort& 2& 5rime rates tend to %e #ig#er in cities t#an in smaller to!ns& E."lain some "ossi%le reasons or t#is "ro%lem* and suggest some solutions& 4ere are t!o sam"le introductions: ,& 9 icials in many cities are keen to de$elo" e icient "u%lic trans"ort systems& W#ile "u%lic trans"ort #as many %ene its* t#ere are also some dra!%acks !#ic# are !ort# considering& 2& 5ities generally e."erience #ig#er le$els o criminality t#an to!ns or $illages& T#ere are $arious reasons or t#is* %ut measures could %e taken to tackle t#e "ro%lem& 4o"e ully you can see t#at it/s 8uite easy to !rite an introduction or t#ese ty"es o 8uestion& T#e a""roac# is t#e same 0to"ic O %asic ans!er1 !#et#er t#e 8uestion asks or your o"inion or not& IELTS Writing Task 2: / ood tec#nology/ to"ic 4ere are some ideas or last !eek/s to"ic& T#e ideas are ada"ted rom t#e /genetic engineering/ c#a"ter in my e%ook& The range and .uality of food that we can buy has changed because of technological and scientific advances. Some people regard this change as an improvement, while others believe that it is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. -ositi$es o ad$ances in ood tec#nology: B 2armers can "roduce cro"s t#at gro! %igger and aster& B Aenetically modi ied cro"s may %e more resistant to disease or insects& B T#is could %e im"ortant or ood "roduction in de$elo"ing countries& B 2aster gro!ing cereals* ruit and $egeta%les !ill mean more "ro it& B 2oods can %e modi ied to look "er ect and last longer& B T#ey may %e more attracti$e to customers& Degati$es o ad$ances in ood tec#nology: B 'any "eo"le distrust oods t#at #a$e %een modi ied or "rocessed& B T#ey "re er organic oods !#ic# are "roduced !it#out c#emicals& B 2arming !it#out ertilisers or "esticides is more en$ironmentally riendly& B T#ere may %e risks in$ol$ed in t#e genetic engineering o oods& B Aenetically modi ied cro"s mig#t c#ange !#ole ecosystems& B 2ood c#ains could %e %roken i cro"s are resistant to "redators&

IELTS Writing Task 2: t#e im"ortance o "lanning W#en t#e 8uestion to"ic is di icult* "lanning %ecomes e$en more im"ortant& I you start !riting your essay straig#t a!ay* !it#out "re"aring some ideas irst* you !ill "ro%a%ly get stuck and start to "anic( Take t#is recent 8uestion: The range and .uality of food that we can buy has changed because of technological and scientific advances. Some people regard this change as an improvement, while others believe that it is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. I t#ink you/ll agree t#at t#is is a tricky 8uestion& 'y ad$ice !ould %e to s"end a%out ,0 minutes "lanning& 2ollo! t#ese ste"s %e ore you start !riting: ,& Take a cou"le o minutes to read and understand t#e 8uestion& 2& =ecide !#at eac# o your 4 "aragra"#s s#ould contain& +& S"end around H minutes noting do!n ideas or t#e t!o "oints o $ie!& 5lick #ere to do!nload an essay "lan tem"late t#at I use !it# my students& IELTS Writing Task 2: %ot# sides or one side? ,an you see the difference between the two .uestions below$ )1 E."lain t#e "ositi$es and negati$es o t#is de$elo"ment& :1 Is t#is a "ositi$e or negati$e de$elo"ment? and these two .uestions: )1 W#at are t#e ad$antages and disad$antages? :1 =o t#e ad$antages out!eig# t#e disad$antages? and these two .uestions: )1 =iscuss %ot# $ie!s and gi$e your o"inion& :1 To !#at e.tent do you agree or disagree? !nswer: T#e di erence is t#at or all o t#e 0)1 8uestions you must e."lain %ot# sides o t#e argument* !#ereas t#e 0:1 8uestions can %e ans!ered %y gi$ing %ot# sides or%y su""orting only one side* de"ending on t#e $ie! t#at you e."ress in your introduction& T#is is still t#e most common con usion t#at students ask me a%out& 'ake sure you understand t#e di erence %et!een t#e 8uestions a%o$eL i you/re still unsure* look t#roug# all o my task 2 lessons to see urt#er ad$ice and"les& IELTS Writing Task 2: /"risons/ to"ic In today/s lesson I/ll try to e."lain !#at makes a good "aragra"#& We/ll analyse a "aragra"# t#at I !rote !it# some o my students& *aragraph about the purpose of prisons: 9n t#e one #and* criminals do need to %e "unis#ed in some !ay& ) "erson !#ocommits a crime must learn t#at unla! ul actions #a$e conse8uences& -rison sentences "unis# o enders %ecause t#ey lose t#eir reedom* and are se"arated rom amily and riends& In t#is !ay* "rison acts as a deterrent to make "eo"le t#ink care ully %e ore %reaking t#e la!& Last year in t#e EQ* many "eo"le !ere gi$en a "rison sentence or rioting* and #o"e ully t#is "unis#ment !ill deter t#em rom similar %e#a$iour in uture& !nalysis: B

T#e "aragra"# contains 3 sentences* !it# a total o M3 !ords& T#is is t#e kind o lengt# I suggest aiming or& B T#e irst sentence is s#ort and sim"le& We o ten call t#is ty"e o sentence a /to"ic sentence/ %ecause it introduces t#e to"ic o t#e "aragra"#& B Sentences 2* + and 4 de$elo" t#e main idea in a logical* ste"C%yCste" !ay: crime #as conse8uences C loss o reedom is t#e "unis#ment C t#is sto"s "eo"le rom %reaking t#e la!& B Sentence 3 contains a real"le& B Remem%er t#at good $oca%ulary is t#e key to a #ig# score& I/$e underlined t#e %est !ords and "#rases in t#e "aragra"#& IELTS Writing Task 2: /uni$ersity/ to"ic T#e %ook I mentioned in 'onday/s lesson 0W#at are Eni$ersities or?1 reminded me o t#is 8uestion rom 5am%ridge IELTS I: Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. &hat, in your opinion, should be the function of a university$ 4ere are some ideas: B It !ould "ro%a%ly %e easiest to argue t#at uni$ersities s#ould ul il %ot# roles 0"ro$iding $ocational skills and kno!ledge or its o!n sake1& B We could use"les to #el" us generate ideas: try to make a list o some $ocational degree courses 0t#at "ro$ide training or a s"eci ic 7o%1* and a list o courses t#at do not lead to a "articular 7o%& B Write one main "aragra"# e."laining t#e %ene its 0to t#e student and to society in general1 o t#e t!o ty"es o course& IELTS Writing Task 2: /#o%%ies/ essay I !rote t#e ollo!ing essay !it# some o my students& We tried to kee" it clear* concise and !ellCorganised* %ut it/s still good enoug# or a %and ;& Some people believe that hobbies need to be difficult to be en"oyable. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ Some #o%%ies are relati$ely easy* !#ile ot#ers "resent more o a c#allenge& -ersonally* I %elie$e t#at %ot# ty"es o #o%%y can %e un* and I t#ere ore disagree !it# t#e statement t#at #o%%ies need to %e di icult in order to %e en7oya%le& 9n t#e one #and* many "eo"le en7oy easy #o%%ies& 9ne"le o an acti$ity t#at is easy or most "eo"le is s!imming& T#is #o%%y re8uires $ery little e8ui"ment* it is sim"le to learn* and it is ine."ensi$e& I remem%er learning to s!im at my local s!imming "ool !#en I !as a c#ild* and it ne$er elt like a demanding or c#allenging e."erience& )not#er #o%%y t#at I ind easy and un is "#otogra"#y& In my o"inion* anyone can take interesting "ictures !it#out kno!ing too muc# a%out t#e tec#nicalities o o"erating a camera& =es"ite %eing straig#t or!ard* taking "#otos is a satis ying acti$ity& 9n t#e ot#er #and* di icult #o%%ies can sometimes %e more e.citing& I an acti$ity is more c#allenging* !e mig#t eel a greater sense o satis action !#en !e manage to do it success ully& 2or"le* ilm editing is a #o%%y t#at re8uires a #ig# le$el o kno!ledge and e."ertise& In my case* it took me around t!o years %e ore I %ecame com"etent at t#is acti$ity* %ut no! I en7oy it muc# more t#an I did !#en I started& I

%elie$e t#at many #o%%ies gi$e us more "leasure !#en !e reac# a #ig#er le$el o "er ormance %ecause t#e results are %etter and t#e eeling o ac#ie$ement is greater& In conclusion* sim"le #o%%ies can %e un and* %ut di icult #o%%ies can %e e8ually "leasura%le or di erent reasons& ote: Dotice t#at !e used"les as t#e %asis o %ot# main "aragra"#s& IELTS Writing Task 2: /#o%%ies/ essay "lan =id you try "lanning some ideas or last !eek/s essay 8uestion? Some people believe that hobbies need to be difficult to be en"oyable. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ W#en I !rote my list o #o%%ies* I realised t#at some !ere easy and ot#ers !ere di icult& )s a result* I/d say t#at 6I "artly agree6 !it# t#e statement& 4ere/s my 4C"aragra"# essay "lan: ,& Introduction C !rite 2 sentences: introduce t#e to"ic* and gi$e an o$erall ans!er& 2& 'ain "aragra"# C a%out di icult #o%%ies& 'y"les: s!imming* oot%all* c#ess& 'ost s"orts and games are di icult* %ut t#e c#allenge makes t#em more en7oya%le* es"ecially !#en you can see t#at you are im"ro$ing& +& 'ain "aragra"# C a%out easy #o%%ies& 'y"les: "#otogra"#y* reading* cinema& In my o"inion* you do not need to %e an e."ert to en7oy taking "#otos* reading %ooks* or !atc#ing ilms& I ind t#ese acti$ities %ot# easy and en7oya%le& 4& 5onclusion C re"eat F summarise your ans!er in one sentence& IELTS Writing Task 2:"les gi$e you ideas I you can/t t#ink o any good ideas or an essay* try t#inking a%out some"les irst& -lan your essay around t#e"les& Take t#is 8uestion: Some people believe that hobbies need to be difficult to be en"oyable. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ Ese"les to gi$e you ideas: B 'ake a list o some #o%%ies: eit#er your o!n #o%%ies* or some ty"ical #o%%ies t#at you can easily !rite a%out& La%el eac# #o%%y /easy/ or /di icult/& B Look at your list& Is t#ere a %alance %et!een easy and di icult #o%%ies* or is your list oneCsided? T#e ans!er to t#is 8uestion !ill gi$e you your o$erall o"inion& B 2inally* !rite do!n a e! reasons !#y eac# #o%%y is easy or di icult& Is t#ere a connection %et!een t#e di iculty o t#e #o%%y and t#e en7oyment you get rom it? IELTS Writing Task 2: 8uestion ty"es 4ere are t#e our ty"es o 8uestion rom last !eek/s lesson: ,& 9"inion 2& =iscussion O o"inion

+& -ro%lem O solution 4& 2C"art 8uestion Im"ortant "oints to remem%er: ,& )n /o"inion/ 8uestion asks or your $ie!* not t#e $ie!s o ot#er "eo"le* and you don/t #a$e to gi$e %ot# sides o t#e argument& Kust make your o"inion clear in t#e introduction* t#en e."lain it in t#e rest o t#e essay& 2& ) /discussion/ 8uestion re8uires you to !rite a%out %ot# sides o t#e argument* and you s#ould !rite a similar amount or eac# $ie!& I t#e 8uestion also asks or your o"inion* you don/t need an e.tra "aragra"#& Kust make it clear in t#e introduction and conclusion !#ic# o t#e t!o $ie!s you agree !it#& +& Ty"e + is easy& Sim"ly !rite a "aragra"# e."laining t#e "ro%lem0s1 and a "aragra"# e."laining t#e solution0s1& Some 8uestions ask a%out /causes/ or /e ects/: t#ese !ould %e "art o t#e /"ro%lem/ "aragra"#& 4& 2or ty"e 4* 7ust ans!er t#e t!o 8uestions& Write one "aragra"# a%out eac#& IELTS Writing Task 2: our 8uestion ty"es 4ere are 4 8uestions t#at illustrate t#e di erent ty"es o task 2 8uestion& 5an you name eac# ty"e? 5an you e."lain t#e %ig di erence %et!een t#e irst and t#e second ty"e? ,& Some "eo"le t#ink t#at t#e only "ur"ose o !orking #ard is to earn money& To !#at e.tent do you agree or disagree !it# t#is o"inion? 2& Some "eo"le %elie$e t#at "unis#ment is t#e only "ur"ose o "risons* !#ile ot#ers %elie$e t#at "risons or $arious reasons& =iscuss %ot# $ie!s and gi$e your o"inion& +& T#e num%er o "lants and animals is declining& E."lain t#is "ro%lem and suggest some solutions& 4& 'any "eo"le around t#e !orld are c#oosing to mo$e to li$e in cities& W#at "ro%lems do "eo"le e."erience in %ig cities? S#ould go$ernments encourage "eo"le to mo$e to smaller to!ns? I/ll e."lain t#e di erences in detail ne.t Wednesday* %ut eel ree to discuss your ideas in t#e 6comments6 area %elo!& IELTS Writing Task 2: to"ic sentences ) good !ay to start a "aragra"# is !it# a s#ort* sim"le sentence t#at introduces t#e main idea o t#e "aragra"#& Teac#ers o ten call t#is a Rto"ic sentence>& I normally !rite my to"ic sentences %y t#inking a%out #o! many "oints I !ant to mention in t#e "aragra"#: ,& I I only #a$e one "oint or idea* I usually state it straig#t a!ay: In my o"inion* 7unk ood is t#e main cause o c#ild#ood o%esity& 0t#en e."lain t#is o"inion and gi$e"les in t#e rest o t#e "aragra"#1 2& I I #a$e t!o or t#ree "oints or ideas* I don>t usually mention t#em directly in t#e to"ic sentence: T#ere are t!o main causes 0or Rse$eral causes>1 o c#ild#ood o%esity& 0t#en e."lain using ? irstly* secondly&&&@ or somet#ing similar1

4a$e a look t#roug# t#e essays t#at you>$e !ritten in t#e "ast* and com"are t#em !it# some o mine& =id you %egin your main "aragra"#s !it# good to"ic sentences? IELTS Writing Task 2: agree* disagree* or %ot#? 2or /agree or disagree/ essays* do you t#ink you s#ould gi$e %ot# sides o t#e argument or 7ust one side? T#e ans!er is t#at you can do eit#er& )1 Essay structure or one side o t#e argument: ,& Introduction: to"ic O your o"inion 0eit#er agree or disagree1 2& 2irst idea to su""ort your o"inion +& Second idea to su""ort your o"inion 4& 5onclusion: re"eat your o"inion :1 Essay structure or gi$ing %ot# sides: ,& Introduction: to"ic O say t#at you /"artly agree/ 2& 9n t#e one #and*&&& +& 9n t#e ot#er #and*&&& 4& 5onclusion: re"eat t#at you acce"t elements o %ot# arguments Remem%er: it/s $ery im"ortant to get t#e introduction rig#t& T#is tells t#e e.aminer !#et#er you are going to gi$e one side o t#e argument or %ot# sides& IELTS Writing Task 2: irstly* secondly* inally ) e! "eo"le #a$e asked me !#et#er using 6 irstly* secondly* inally6 to organise a "aragra"# is too easy& 'y ans!er is t#at using easy organising language like 6 irstly* secondly* inally6 allo!s you to ocus on t#e real content o !#at you are !riting C to"ic $oca%ulary* collocations*"les& T#is is !#at t#e e.aminer !ants to see& <ou can get a %and ; using 6 irstly* secondly* inally6 i t#e ideas %et!een t#ese linking !ords are good& Some sim"le alternati$es to 6 irstly* secondly* inally6 could %e: B T#e main reason !#y I %elie$e&&& is&&& F )not#er argument is&&& F )lso*&&& B 9ne "ro%lem is t#at&&& F 2urt#ermore*&&& F )not#er dra!%ack is t#at&&& B 2rom a %usiness "ers"ecti$e*&&& F In terms o education*&&& F 2rom a social "oint o $ie!*&&& 0t#is could !ork or t#e "aragra"# in last !eek/s lesson1 IELTS Writing Task 2: /tec#nology/ essay Se$eral "eo"le #a$e asked me a%out t#is 8uestion rom 5am%ridge IELTS M& I !rote t#e essay %elo! !it# t#e #el" o some o my students& ) e! sim"le linking eatures are #ig#lig#ted& owadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. %n what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that people make$ 'as this been a positive or negative development$

It is true t#at ne! tec#nologies #a$e #ad an in luence on communication %et!een "eo"le& Tec#nology #as a ected relations#i"s in $arious !ays* and in my o"inion t#ere are %ot# "ositi$e and negati$e e ects& Tec#nology #as #ad an im"act on relations#i"s in %usiness* education and social li e& 2irstly* tele"#ones and t#e Internet allo! %usiness "eo"le in di erent countries to interact !it#out e$er meeting eac# ot#er& Secondly* ser$ices like Sky"e create ne! "ossi%ilities or relations#i"s %et!een students and teac#ers& 2or"le* a student can no! take $ideo lessons !it# a teac#er in a di erent city or country& 2inally* many "eo"le use social net!orks* like 2ace%ook* to make ne! riends and ind "eo"le !#o s#are common interests* and t#ey interact t#roug# t#eir com"uters rat#er t#an ace to ace& 9n t#e one #and* t#ese de$elo"ments can %e e.tremely "ositi$e& 5oo"eration %et!een "eo"le in di erent countries !as muc# more di icult !#en communication !as limited to !ritten letters or telegrams& Do!adays* interactions %y email* "#one or $ideo are almost as good as aceCtoC ace meetings* and many o us %ene it rom t#ese interactions* eit#er in !ork or social conte.ts& 9n t#e ot#er #and* t#e a$aila%ility o ne! communication tec#nologies can also #a$e t#e result o isolating "eo"le and discouraging real interaction& 2or"le* many young "eo"le c#oose to make riends online rat#er t#an !it# t#eir "eers in t#e real !orld* and t#ese R$irtual> relations#i"s are a "oor su%stitute or real riends#i"s& In conclusion* tec#nology #as certainly re$olutionised communication %et!een "eo"le* %ut not all o t#e outcomes o t#is re$olution #a$e %een "ositi$e& 023I !ords* %and ;1 IELTS Writing Task 2: /art and science/ to"ic ) student sent me t#is recent 8uestion: These days people pay more attention to artists /writers, painters and so on0 and give less importance to science and technology. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ T#is seems to me to %e a "er ect 8uestion or a 6%alanced o"inion6 ans!er 0i&e& %ot# art and science are gi$en e8ual im"ortance1& 4o!e$er* notice t#at you need to disagree !it# t#e 8uestion statement in order to gi$e t#is %alanced res"onse& 4ere/s my recommended 4C"aragra"# essay "lan: ,& Introduction: !e could acce"t t#at artists are "o"ular no!adays* %ut disagree t#at science and tec#nology are treated as less im"ortant& 2& 'ain "aragra"# a%out t#e "o"ularity o artists& I/d use"les as t#e %asis or t#is "aragra"#& I you don/t kno! any !riters or "ainters* you can talk a%out actors and musicians& +& 'ain "aragra"# a%out t#e im"ortance o science and tec#nology& I/d !rite a%out t#e "o"ularity o mo%ile "#ones* com"uters and ta%lets& 'ay%e I/d use Ste$e Ko%s or :ill Aates as"les o "eo"le !#o are amous or t#e tec#nologies t#ey created& 4& 5onclusion: "ara"#rase t#e argument t#at you "resented in t#e introduction& IELTS Writing Task 2: introductions and conclusions 'any students !aste time !riting long introductions and conclusions& T#ese t!o "aragra"#s s#ould %e s#ort and sim"leL a long* com"le. introduction or conclusion !ill not gi$e you a #ig# score& Kust make your introductions and conclusions 8uick and concise* and s"end your time !riting really good main %ody "aragra"#s& 4ere/s my introduction and conclusion or t#e to"ic o my last t!o !riting lessons:

Introduction T#ere are $arious %ene its and dra!%acks o %ooks* radio and tele$ision as !ays to con$ey in ormation& In my $ie!* tele$ision is de initely t#e most e ecti$e o t#ese t#ree media& 5onclusion In conclusion* alt#oug# %ooks* radio and tele$ision eac# #a$e t#eir ad$antages and disad$antages* it seems to me t#at t#e im"act o tele$ision is greater& IELTS Writing Task 2: %ooks* radio* TS 4ere are my /main %ody/ "aragra"#s or last !eek/s 8uestion& Dotice t#at it/s "ossi%le to "ut ad$antages and disad$antages toget#er in t#e same "aragra"#& )lso* you need to %e care ul not to !rite too muc#( !dvantages 1 disadvantages of books: T#e main ad$antage o %ooks is t#at t#ey are usually considered to %e relia%le sources o in ormation& -eo"le tend to re er to %ooks !#en t#ey !ant to researc# a su%7ect in de"t#* and or t#is reason t#ey continue to "lay an im"ortant role in education& 9n t#e ot#er #and* %ooks 8uickly go out o date* and t#ere ore t#ey are not t#e %est medium or communicating ne!s stories& !dvantages 1 disadvantages of radio: Radio is a muc# more e ecti$e medium t#an %ooks or t#e communication o u"CtoCdate in ormation& We can listen to ne!s %roadcasts a%out e$ents as t#ey #a""en* and a key %ene it o radio is t#at !e can listen to it !#ile doing ot#er acti$ities* suc# as dri$ing or !orking& T#e main dra!%ack o radio* !#en com"ared to %ooks or tele$ision* is t#at t#ere is no $isual elementL !e cannot see !#at t#e %roadcaster is descri%ing& !dvantages 1 disadvantages of T2, and my opinion: In my o"inion* tele$ision is t#e most e ecti$e o t#ese t#ree media %ecause it %rings us closer to reality t#an a %ook or radio "rogramme e$er can& 2or"le* !e can !atc# e$ents as t#ey take "lace on t#e ot#er side o t#e !orld* or !e can see t#e %ody language o a "olitician !#o is %eing inter$ie!ed& T#e disad$antages o tele$ision are t#at "rogrammes tend to %e s#ort and interru"ted %y ad$ertisements* meaning t#at in ormation is "resented in limited de"t#& IELTS Writing Task 2: /media/ to"ic Se$eral "eo"le #a$e asked me a%out t#e ollo!ing 8uestion rom 5am%ridge IELTS %ook 4& ,ompare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective. B comics B books B radio B television B film B theatre Esually I recommend !riting 4 "aragra"#s* %ut or t#is 8uestion I t#ink I !ould !rite 3 "aragra"#s: ,& Introduction: state !#ic# + media you are going to !rite a%out 0e&g& %ooks* radio* TS1* and say !#ic# you t#ink is most e ecti$e 0e&g& tele$ision1&

2& )d$antages and disad$antages o %ooks& +& )d$antages and disad$antages o radio& 4& )d$antages and disad$antages o TS 0mention again t#at you consider t#is t#e most e ecti$e1& 3& 5onclusion: summarise and re"eat your o"inion& 'ay%e you can s#are your ideas a%out t#e ad$antages and disad$antages o t#ese + media* and I>ll use t#em to !rite an essay or ne.t !eek>s lesson& IELTS Writing Task 2: ull essay Today I/m attac#ing t#e ull essay 0click #ere1 t#at !e/$e %een !orking on or t#e last 2 !eeks& 4ere are some "oints to notice: B T#ere is a clear 4C"aragra"# structure* and t#e essay is easy to read %ecause t#e ideas are de$elo"ed in a logical !ay& B T#e introduction is s#ort* %ut it co$ers e$eryt#ing t#at t#e 8uestion asks you a%out& B T#e main "aragra"#s make u" around I0T o t#e essay& T#ese "aragra"#s are t#e key to a #ig# score& B T#e conclusion is $ery s#ort* and sim"ly summarises !#at I #ad already !ritten& De$er "ut any ne! ideas in t#e conclusion& B I ocus on e."ressing my ideas !ell* using a range o rele$ant !ords and "#rases& I/m not t#inking a%out /com"le. grammar/ or linking "#rases& Dote: I !ent a %it 6o$er t#e to"6 !it# t#is essay& It/s +,0 !ords long* and more t#an good enoug# or %and ;& <ou mig#t not %e a%le to !rite like t#is* %ut #o"e ully you can learn somet#ing rom it& 0go over the top: to do somet#ing t#at is more t#an !#at is considered normal or suita%le1 IELTS Writing Task 2: main %ody "aragra"#s 4ere are my 2 main %ody "aragra"#s or last !eek/s 8uestion& I tried to use an 6Idea* E."lain*"le6 structure or t#e irst "aragra"#* and a 62irstly* Secondly* 2inally6 structure or t#e second& +ain body paragraphs: 9n t#e one #and* #a$ing a de ined career "at# can certainly lead to a satis ying !orking li e& 'any "eo"le decide as young c#ildren !#at t#ey !ant to do as adults* and it gi$es t#em a great sense o satis action to !ork to!ards t#eir goals and gradually ac#ie$e t#em& 2or"le* many c#ildren dream o %ecoming doctors* %ut to realise t#is am%ition t#ey need to gain t#e rele$ant 8uali ications and undertake years o training& In my e."erience* $ery e! "eo"le !#o #a$e 8uali ied as doctors c#oose to c#ange career %ecause t#ey ind t#eir !ork so re!arding* and %ecause t#ey #a$e in$ested so muc# time and e ort to reac# t#eir goal& 9n t#e ot#er #and* "eo"le ind #a""iness in t#eir !orking li$es in di erent !ays& 2irstly* not e$eryone dreams o doing a "articular 7o%* and it can %e e8ually re!arding to try a $ariety o "ro essionsL starting out on a com"letely ne! career "at# can %e a rein$igorating e."erience& Secondly* some "eo"le see t#eir 7o%s as sim"ly a means o earning money* and t#ey are #a""y i t#eir salary is #ig# enoug# to allo! t#em to en7oy li e outside !ork& 2inally* 7o% satis action is o ten t#e result o !orking conditions* rat#er t#an t#e

career itsel & 2or"le* a "ositi$e !orking atmos"#ere* ent#usiastic colleagues* and an ins"irational %oss can make !orking li e muc# more satis ying* regardless o t#e "ro ession& IELTS Writing Task 2: rules or introductions +any people decide on a career path early in their lives and keep to it. This, they argue, leads to a more satisfying working life. To what e#tent do you agree with this view$ &hat other things can people do in order to have a satisfying working life$ In today/s lesson I 7ust !ant to look at #o! to !rite an introduction or t#is ty"e o 8uestion& 'y sim"le rules or task 2 introductions are: ,& Write 2 sentences: introduce t#e to"ic* t#en gi$e a general ans!er& 2& 'ention e$eryt#ing t#at t#e 8uestion mentions& +& =on/t sa$e any sur"rises or t#e conclusionL gi$e your o"inion in t#e introduction i t#e 8uestion asks or it& 'ere(s an e#ample introduction: It is true t#at some "eo"le kno! rom an early age !#at career t#ey !ant to "ursue* and t#ey are #a""y to s"end t#e rest o t#eir li$es in t#e same "ro ession& W#ile I acce"t t#at t#is may suit many "eo"le* I %elie$e t#at ot#ers en7oy c#anging careers or seeking 7o% satis action in di erent !ays& I/ll look at t#e main "aragra"#s ne.t !eek& IELTS Writing Task 2: using t#e !ord 6I6 4ere is a 8uestion t#at a lot o students ask: %s it acceptable to use -%- or -my- in %34TS writing$ )s an e.Ce.aminer* my ad$ice is t#at you s#ould use "#rases like 6I %elie$e6 or 6in my o"inion6 !#en t#e 8uestion asks or your o"inion e&g To !#at e.tent doyou agree or disagree? Some teac#ers tell students not to use 6I6 in academic essays* %ut t#is ad$ice is really or uni$ersity academic !riting* not IELTS& IELTS Writing Task 2: /nuclear "o!er/ to"ic 2ollo!ing on rom yesterday/s listening lesson* #ere is a "aragra"# e."laining some o t#e %ene its o nuclear "o!er: T#ere are se$eral %ene its to %uilding more nuclear "o!er stations& 2irstly* nuclear "o!er is a relati$ely sustaina%le energy source* meaning t#at it can %e used to "roduce electricity !it#out !asting limited natural resources like coal* oil or gas& Secondly* nuclear "o!er stations are cleaner t#an ossil uel "o!er stations* and could #el" to reduce car%on emissions t#at cause glo%al !arming& Wit# im"ro$ements in nuclear tec#nology* t#e risks o accidents are %eing reduced& )s a result* many countries are no! considering nuclear "o!er as a solution to #ig# oil and gas "rices* increasing demand or electricity* and !orries a%out "ollution and climate c#ange& Read* analyse and use t#e "aragra"#: B 4o! many sentences are t#ere* and !#at does eac# sentence do? B Dote t#e main ideas and collocations 0e&g& sustaina%le energy source1& B Try to re!rite t#e "aragra"# using only your notes&

-S& I you #a$e my e%ook* you !ill ind some ideas or t#e /negati$es o nuclear "o!er/ in t#e en$ironment c#a"ter on "age ,;& IELTS Writing Task 2: s#ort introductions It/s a good idea to "ractise !riting s#ort* ast introductions& I you can !rite t#e introduction 8uickly* you !ill #a$e more time to ocus on t#e main "aragra"#s C t#ese are t#e key to a #ig# score& 4ere/s a 8uestion t#at someone asked me a%out: %n many cities, security measures, such as the use of video cameras in public places, are being increased in order to reduce crime, but some people believe that these measures restrict our individual freedom. Do the benefits of increased security outweigh the drawbacks$ 4ere/s my s#ort* ast introduction: It is true t#at t#e security in many cities #as %een tig#tened in recent years& )lt#oug# I agree t#at some security measures can eel restricti$e* I %elie$e t#at t#ere are more %ene its t#an dra!%acks& ote: C In reality* it mig#t not %e true t#at security #as %een increased in most cities* %ut I t#ink !e #a$e to acce"t t#is in order to ans!er t#e 8uestion& C T#e 8uestion gi$es us an"le o increased security 0$ideo cameras1* so !e can de initely use t#at"le in a "aragra"# a%out t#e dra!%acks& C Dotice t#at my introduction "ara"#rases t#e 8uestion& I/$e used some o t#e !ords rom t#e 8uestion* %ut t#ere are some nice c#anges too 0e&g& tig#tened* eel restricti$e1& IELTS Writing Task 2: /glo%al !arming/ to"ic I t#e 8uestion asks you to e."lain a "ro%lem related to t#e en$ironment* you could !rite a%out glo%al !arming& 'ere is a paragraph e#plaining the problem /causes0 of global warming: -er#a"s t#e most serious "ro%lem acing t#e en$ironment is glo%al !arming& Aases suc# as car%on dio.ide tra" #eat rom t#e sun !it#in t#e eart#>s atmos"#ere* and t#is causes glo%al tem"eratures to rise& T#is "rocess is kno!n as t#e green#ouse e ect* and #uman acti$ity is a ma7or actor in t#e rise o t#e green#ouse gases !#ic# cause it& 2or"le* actories and $e#icles "roduce emissions and e.#aust umes& )s many de$elo"ing countries are %ecoming industrialised* emissions rom actories are e."ected to increase& 2urt#ermore* t#e num%er o cars on our streets is gro!ing all t#e time* and c#ea" air tra$el is making lying accessi%le to more and more "eo"le& 5onse8uently* t#e amount o green#ouse gases released into t#e atmos"#ere s#o!s no signs o decreasing& <ou can learn a lot rom t#is "aragra"# i you analyse it: ,& 4o! many sentences are t#ere? W#at does eac# sentence do? 0e&g& T#e irst sentence introduces t#e to"ic1 2& 5an you ind some 6%and I $oca%ulary6? +& Look at #o! t#e ideas are linked& 5an you see t#at t#e !ord 6t#is6 is an im"ortant linking !ord? IELTS Writing Task 2: /#el"/ essay Last !eek I !rote a "lan or t#e 8uestion %elo!& Do! you can read my ull essay& &e cannot help everyone in the world that needs help, so we should only be concerned with our own communities and countries. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree with this statement$ Some "eo"le %elie$e t#at !e s#ould not #el" "eo"le in ot#er countries as long as t#ere are "ro%lems in our o!n society& I disagree !it# t#is $ie! %ecause I %elie$e t#at !e s#ould try to #el" as many "eo"le as "ossi%le&

9n t#e one #and* I acce"t t#at it is im"ortant to #el" our neig#%ours and ello! citiGens& In most communities t#ere are "eo"le !#o are im"o$eris#ed or disad$antaged in some !ay& It is "ossi%le to ind #omeless "eo"le* or"le* in e$en t#e !ealt#iest o cities* and or t#ose !#o are concerned a%out t#is "ro%lem* t#ere are usually o""ortunities to $olunteer time or gi$e money to su""ort t#ese "eo"le& In t#e EQ* "eo"le can #el" in a $ariety o !ays* rom donating clot#ing to ser$ing ree ood in a sou" kitc#en& )s t#e "ro%lems are on our doorste"* and t#ere are o%$ious !ays to #el"* I can understand !#y some "eo"le eel t#at !e s#ould "rioritise local c#arity& )t t#e same time* I %elie$e t#at !e #a$e an o%ligation to #el" t#ose !#o li$e %eyond our national %orders& In some countries t#e "ro%lems t#at "eo"le ace are muc# more serious t#an t#ose in our o!n communities* and it is o ten e$en easier to #el"& 2or"le* !#en c#ildren are dying rom cura%le diseases in ) rican countries* go$ernments and indi$iduals in ric#er countries can sa$e li$es sim"ly %y "aying or $accines t#at already ) small donation to an international c#arity mig#t #a$e a muc# greater im"act t#an #el"ing in our local area& In conclusion* it is true t#at !e cannot #el" e$eryone* %ut in my o"inion national %oundaries s#ould not sto" us rom #el"ing t#ose !#o are in need& 02M0 !ords* %and ;1 IELTS Writing Task 2: !#o s#ould !e #el"? &e cannot help everyone in the world that needs help, so we should only be concerned with our own communities and countries. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree with this statement$ Let/s "lan an essay or t#is 8uestion& ,& Introduction C I don/t t#ink t#ere is a 6middle6 o"inion or t#is 8uestion& <ou eit#er agree t#at !e s#ould only %e !orried a%out our o!n communities and countries* or you t#ink t#at !e s#ould also #el" t#ose outside our o!n countries& T#e %est res"onse mig#t %e todisagree C t#en you can say t#at !e s#ould try to #el" e$eryone& 2& -aragra"# 2 C I agree t#at it is im"ortant to #el" our neig#%ours and ello! citiGens& 0E."lain t#is idea1 +& -aragra"# + C )t t#e same time* I %elie$e t#at !e #a$e an o%ligation to #el" t#ose !#o li$e %eyond our national %orders& 0E."lain1 4& 5onclusion C Re"eat t#e idea t#at !e can #el" "eo"le %ot# at #ome and a%road& IELTS Writing Task 2: conclusions Se$eral "eo"le #a$e asked me a%out conclusions or IELTS Writing Task 2& T#e main %ody "aragra"#s are muc# more im"ortant* so don/t !orry too muc# a%out t#e conclusionL make it s#ort* sim"le and ast& 4ere are some"le conclusion "#rases or di erent ty"es o 8uestion: ,& 9"inion 2or t#e reasons mentioned a%o$e* I %elie$e t#at&&& 0O re"eat your o"inion1& 2& =iscussion 0O 9"inion1 In conclusion* t#ere are con$incing arguments %ot# or and against&&& 0to"ic1* %ut I %elie$e t#at&&& 0i t#e 8uestion asks or your o"inion1& +& )d$antages and =isad$antages In conclusion* I !ould argue t#at t#e %ene its o &&& 0to"ic1 out!eig# t#e dra!%acks& 4& -ro%lem and Solution

In conclusion* it is clear t#at t#ere are $arious reasons or&&& 0to"ic1* and ste"s need to %e taken to tackle t#is "ro%lem& IELTS Writing Task 2: discussion !it#out o"inion 'ost discussion essays also ask or your o"inion& Sometimes* #o!e$er* t#e 8uestion doesn/t ask or your o"inion& It mig#t 7ust ask you to discuss t!o di erent $ie!s* or com"are t#e ad$antages and disad$antages& Remem%er: i t#e 8uestion doesn/t ask or your o"inion* don/t gi$e it& 5om"are t#e 2 essays attac#ed %elo!& T#ey are almost t#e same* %ut in t#e irst essay I gi$e my o"inion clearly in se$eral "laces* !#ile in t#e second essay I/$e remo$ed my o"inions com"letely& IELTS )d$ice: argument or discussion? 'any "eo"le ask me a%out t#e di erence %et!een an argument essay and a discussion essay& 4ere/s an easy !ay to t#ink a%out t#e di erence: B W#en you argue* you are trying to "ersuade t#e ot#er "erson to agree !it# your "oint o $ie!& <ou mig#t e$en get angry( B W#en you discuss* you consider di erent "oints o $ie!* and no%ody gets angry& T#e 8uestion s#ould make it $ery clear !#at it !ants you to do& I it asks you to 6discuss6* you s#ould !rite a%out ad$antages and disad$antages or t!o di erent $ie!s& I t#e 8uestion asks !#et#er you 6agree or disagree6* it/s asking or your $ie!& 2or t#is ty"e o 8uestion* gi$e your o"inion in t#e introduction and su""ort it in t#e rest o t#e essay& Try to "ersuade t#e reader to agree !it# you& IELTS Writing Task 2: "lan your main "aragra"#s :e ore you start !riting your task 2 essay* you need a "lan: ,& 2irst* t#ink a%out #o! you could !rite 2 main %ody "aragra"#s& W#at !ould %e t#e main ideaFto"ic o eac# one? 2& T#en make some notes or t#e irst main "aragra"#& <our notes could ollo! t#is ormula: Idea* E."lain*"le& +& =o t#e same t#ing or t#e second main "aragra"#& 4ere/s an"le 8uestion !it# a e! ideas %elo!: *eople nowadays work hard to buy more things. This has made our lives generally more comfortable, but many traditional values and customs have been lost and this is a pity. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ ,& I can see t!o clear ideas in t#is 8uestion: ,1 %uying t#ings #as made our li$es more com orta%le& 21 traditional $alues and customs #a$e %een lost& I agree !it# %ot# o t#ese "oints* so I/ll !rite one "aragra"# e."laining !#y I agree !it# t#e irst "oint* and anot#er "aragra"# e."laining t#e second "oint& 2& Idea: %uying t#ings #as made li e more com orta%le&E.""les: !e %uy a""liances like micro!a$e o$ens and dis#!as#ersL !e use com"uters to s#o" onlineL more "eo"le o!n a car& +&

Idea: traditional $alues and customs #a$e %een lost&E.""les: "eo"le %uy micro!a$e meals rat#er t#an cooking traditional dis#esL traditional local s#o"s disa""ear and are re"laced !it# online s#o""ingL "eo"le are more inde"endent* %ut lack a sense o community& IELTS Writing Task 2: /e8uality/ to"ic 4ere/s my ull 0%and ;1 essay or last !eek/s 8uestion& %n recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between e.uality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits. &hat is your view of the relationship between e.uality and personal success$ In my o"inion* an egalitarian society is one in !#ic# e$eryone #as t#e same rig#ts and t#e same o""ortunities& I com"letely agree t#at "eo"le can ac#ie$e more in t#is kind o society& Education is an im"ortant actor !it# regard to "ersonal success in li e& I %elie$e t#at all c#ildren s#ould #a$e access to ree sc#ooling* and #ig#er education s#ould %e eit#er ree or a orda%le or all t#ose !#o c#ose to "ursue a uni$ersity degree& In a society !it#out ree sc#ooling or a orda%le #ig#er education* only c#ildren and young adults rom !ealt#ier amilies !ould #a$e access to t#e %est learning o""ortunities* and t#ey !ould t#ere ore %e %etter "re"ared or t#e 7o% market& T#is kind o ine8uality !ould ensure t#e success o some %ut #arm t#e "ros"ects o ot#ers& I !ould argue t#at e8ual rig#ts and o""ortunities are not in con lict !it# "eo"le>s reedom to succeed or ail& In ot#er !ords* e8uality does not mean t#at "eo"le lose t#eir moti$ation to succeed* or t#at t#ey are not allo!ed to ail& 9n t#e contrary* I %elie$e t#at most "eo"le !ould eel more moti$ated to !ork #ard and reac# t#eir "otential i t#ey t#oug#t t#at t#ey li$ed in a air society& T#ose !#o did not make t#e same e ort !ould kno! t#at t#ey #ad !asted t#eir o""ortunity& Ine8uality* on t#e ot#er #and* !ould %e more likely to demoti$ate "eo"le %ecause t#ey !ould kno! t#at t#e odds o success !ere stacked in a$our o t#ose rom "ri$ileged %ackgrounds& In conclusion* it seems to me t#at t#ere is a "ositi$e relations#i" %et!een e8uality and "ersonal success& 02H0 !ords1 ote: I/m not sure t#at t#is !as a /real/ IELTS 8uestion 0may%e t#e student !#o sent it to me remem%ered it !rongly1 %ecause it is a %it con using: it seems strange to me to im"ly t#at 6egalitarianFe8uality6 is t#e o""osite o 6 ree to succeed or ail6& )ny!ay* I #o"e you still ind t#e essay use ul& IELTS Writing Task 2: di icult 8uestions I student sent me t#is 8uestion* and I agree t#at it/s di icult: %n recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between e.uality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits. &hat is your view of the relationship between e.uality and personal success$ 2aced !it# t#is 8uestion* #ere are + ti"s: ,& 4a$e a strong o"inion 0e&g& I com"letely agree t#at "eo"le can ac#ie$e more in egalitarian societies&1 <ou can ignore t#e ot#er $ie!& 2& 2ocus on t#e last line o t#e 8uestion 0W#at is your $ie! o &&&?1& T#is line sums u" t#e !#ole 8uestion $ery clearly& Kust ans!er t#is 8uestion& +&

Ese"les as t#e %asis o your argument e&g& ree uni$ersity education ensures e8uality o o""ortunity* and t#ere ore allo!s indi$iduals to ac#ie$e more& I you try !riting an essay or t#is 8uestion* you can com"are your essay !it# my ans!er ne.t Wednesday& I/m a raid I can/t c#eck essays or gi$e scores& Dote: /egalitarian/ re ers to t#e "rinci"le t#at "eo"le are e8ual* and deser$e e8ual rig#ts and o""ortunities& IELTS Writing Task 2: #ig#er education Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a "ob straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 4ere/s my ull introduction and conclusion* as !ell as some ideas or t#e main %ody "aragra"#s: Introduction W#en t#ey inis# sc#ool* teenagers ace t#e dilemma o !#et#er to get a 7o% or continue t#eir education& W#ile t#ere are some %ene its to getting a 7o% straig#t a ter sc#ool* I !ould argue t#at it is %etter to go to college or uni$ersity& -aragra"# ,: %ene its o getting a 7o% T#e o"tion to start !ork straig#t a ter sc#ool is attracti$e or se$eral reasons& 0I=E)S: start earning money* %ecome inde"endent* gain e."erience* learn skills* get "romotions* settle do!n earlier* a ord a #ouse* #a$e a amily1 -aragra"# 2: %ene its o #ig#er education 0my o"inion1 9n t#e ot#er #and* I %elie$e t#at it is more %ene icial or students to continue t#eir studies& 0I=E)S: some 7o%s re8uire academic 8uali ications* %etter 7o% o""ortunities* #ig#er salaries* t#e 7o% market is $ery com"etiti$e* gain kno!ledge* %ecome a use ul mem%er o society1 5onclusion 2or t#e reasons mentioned a%o$e* it seems to me t#at students are more likely to %e success ul in t#eir li$es i t#ey continue t#eir studies %eyond sc#ool le$el& IELTS Writing Task 2:"le "aragra"# 4ere/s a 3Csentence "aragra"# using t#e second "lan rom last !eek/s lesson: 'any "eo"le %elie$e t#at s"orts "ro essionals earn too muc# money& T#ey argue t#at s"ort is a orm o entertainment rat#er t#an a $ital "u%lic ser$ice& We could easily li$e !it#out s"orts"eo"le* yet ot#er "ro essionals !#o contri%ute muc# more to society are under$alued and under"aid& 2or"le* oot%all "layers can earn enormous salaries %y sim"ly kicking a %all* !#ile doctors* nurses and teac#ers earn a raction o t#e money des"ite %eing essential or our #ealt# and "ros"erity& 2rom t#is "ers"ecti$e* s"orts stars do not deser$e t#e salaries t#ey currently earn& )s you can see* t#e "aragra"# e."lains t#e $ie! t#at s"orts"eo"le earn too muc# money& T#is came rom a discuss %ot# $ie!s 8uestion& IELTS Writing: 3 sentence "aragra"#s W#en !riting main %ody "aragra"#s or IELTS !riting task 2* try to aim or i$e sentences& 2or"le: ,& To"ic sentence 0e&g& T#ere are se$eral reasons !#y I %elie$e&&&1 2& 2irst reason +&"le 4& Second reason 3&

T#ird reason )not#er"le: ,& To"ic sentence 0e&g& 'any "eo"le %elie$e t#at&&&1 2& E."lain !#y +& E."lain in more detail 4&"le 3& E."lain !#y t#ey disagree !it# t#e o""osite $ie! :e ore you start !riting it/s a good idea to make some notes& Try to organise your notes according to t#is 3Csentence "aragra"# structure& IELTS Writing Task 2: !#en to gi$e your o"inion =o t#e ollo!ing 8uestions ask or your o"inion or not? ,& To !#at e.tent do you agree or disagree? 2& =iscuss t#e ad$antages and disad$antages& +& =iscuss %ot# $ie!s and gi$e your o"inion& 4& =o t#e ad$antages out!eig# t#e disad$antages? 3& Is t#is a "ositi$e or negati$e de$elo"ment? H& W#at are t#e %ene its and dra!%acks? Tip: 9nly t!o o t#e a%o$e 8uestions don/t ask or your o"inion& I t#e 8uestion doesn/t ask or your o"inion* don/t gi$e it& 2or t#e ot#er our 8uestions* you s#ould make your o"inion clear in t#e introduction and conclusion& !nswers: C Dum%ers 2 and H are discussion 8uestions& =iscuss %ot# sides o t#e issue* %ut don/t gi$e your o"inion a%out !#ic# side you agree !it#& C Dum%ers , and 3 are o"inion 8uestions& Ai$e your o"inion and su""ort it& <ou don/t need to mention t#e ot#er side o t#e argument& C Dum%ers + and 4 can %e called discussion O o"inion 8uestions& =iscuss %ot# sides and make your o"inion clear too& IELTS Writing Task 2: do t#e ad$antages out!eig#&&&? Some IELTS !riting task 2 8uestions ask: 6=o t#e ad$antages out!eig# t#e disad$antages?6 or 6=o t#e %ene its out!eig# t#e dra!%acks?6 'y ad$ice or t#ese 8uestions is to !rite a "aragra"# a%out eac# side* and make it clear in t#e introduction and conclusion !#ic# side out!eig#s t#e ot#er 0i&e& your o"inion a%out !#et#er t#ere are more ad$antages or disad$antages1&

T#is !as a recent 8uestion: %n some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move to regional areas outside the big cities. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages$ 4ere are some ideas: ,& Introduce t#e to"ic %y "ara"#rasing t#e statement* t#en gi$e a clear o"inion a%out !#et#er t#ere are more ad$antages or disad$antages& 2& )d$antages C e&g& costs are lo!er in regional areasL t#ere is more s"aceL "ro$ide 7o%s to %oost de"ri$ed areasL a$oid urt#er o$ercro!ding in cities& +& =isad$antages C e&g& greater a$aila%ility o skilled !orkers in %ig citiesL %etter trans"ort and in rastructureL com"anies %ased in regional areas are urt#er rom t#eir clients* "ro$iders and ot#er contacts& 4& 5onclude %y summarising your o"inion in a di erent !ay& IELTS Writing Task 2: %alanced o"inion Last !eek I said t#at it/s o ten easier to #a$e a strong o"inion and only su""ort one side o t#e argument& Today I/m going to contradict mysel ( Let/s look at a /%alanced o"inion/ essay& %n the last century, the first man to walk on the moon said it was -a giant leap for mankind5. 'owever, some people think it has made little difference to our daily lives. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ 2or t#is 8uestion* I !ould !rite t#at 6I "artly agree6 or t#at 6I agree to some e.tent6& T#en I !ould !rite one main "aragra"# a%out eac# side o t#e argument: ,& Introduction: I "artly agree& 'ake it clear t#at you #a$e a %alanced o"inion& 2& 9ne side: In "ractical terms* sending a man to t#e moon #as not c#anged most "eo"le/s li$es& We #a$e not %ene ited in terms o our standard o li$ing* #ealt# etc& In act* go$ernments #a$e !asted a lot o money t#at could #a$e %een s"ent on "u%lic ser$ices& +& 9t#er side: 9n t#e ot#er #and* "utting a man on t#e moon !as a #uge ac#ie$ement t#at still ins"ires and interests "eo"le today& It s#o!ed us t#at !e can ac#ie$e anyt#ing !e "ut our minds to& 4& 5onclusion: T#e act t#at man #as !alked on t#e moon mig#t not #a$e #ad a direct e ect on our daily li$es* %ut it !as an ins"iring ac#ie$ement& IELTS Writing Task 2: #a$e a strong o"inion I t#e 8uestion asks !#et#er you agree or disagree* it/s o ten easier to #a$e a strong o"inion 0com"letely agree or com"letely disagree1 rat#er t#an trying to %e 6in t#e middle6& 4ere/s an"le 8uestion: Families who do not send their children to public schools should not be re.uired to pay ta#es that support universal education. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree with this statement$ I don/t t#ink t#ere is a 6middle ans!er6 to t#is 8uestion: eit#er you t#ink t#at t#e "arents s#ould not "ay ta. 0agree1* or you t#ink t#ey s#ould "ay ta. 0disagree1& W#en you #a$e a strong o"inion* you don/t need to mention t#e o""osite $ie!& 4ere/s my "lan or a 4C"aragra"# essay:

,& Introduction: , sentence to introduce t#e to"ic* , sentence to make your o"inion clear 0e&g& I com"letely disagree&&&1 2& 'ain "aragra"#: su""ort your o"inion !it# a reason +& 'ain "aragra"#: su""ort your o"inion !it# anot#er reason 4& 5onclusion: re"eatFsummarise your o"inion IELTS Writing Task 2: "ro%lem and solution 6ehaviour in schools is getting worse. 3#plain the causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions. 4ere are some ideas or t!o main %ody "aragra"#s: 5auses o %ad %e#a$iour in sc#ools: ,& %ad %e#a$iour F lack o disci"line 2& large classes F di icult to teac# +& disru"ti$e students F amily %ackground 4& "arents F lenient F s"oil -ossi%le solutions: ,& sc#ools F clear rules 2& teac#ers F "unis# disru"ti$e students +& "arents F su""ort F sc#ool rules 4& "arents F take res"onsi%ility F c#ildren>s %e#a$iour ) good !ay to "ractise your !riting is to try making ull sentences !it# t#ese ideas e&g& One reason for bad behaviour is the lack of discipline in many schools& -S& I you #a$e my e%ook* you/ll ind t#is to"ic in t#e /education/ c#a"ter& IELTS Writing Task 2: one $ie! or %ot# $ie!s? T#is is t#e most common 8uestion t#at students ask me: For -agree or disagree- .uestions, do % have to discuss both sides, or should % "ust support one side of the argument$ T#e ans!er is: it/s your decision& I you com"letely agree* you don/t need to mention t#e o""osite $ie! C 7ust su""ort your side o t#e argument& I you "artly agree* you s#ould !rite somet#ing a%out %ot# sides& Look at last !eek/s lesson& ) ter t#e irst t!o introductions* I !ould not gi$e t#e ot#er "oint o $ie!* %ut a ter t#e last introduction I !ould mention %ot# sides& IELTS Writing Task 2: di erent introductions Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn children into good citi7ens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$

4ere are + di erent introductions& Dotice t#at t#e o"inion is clear in eac# one& )gree: -eo"le #a$e di erent $ie!s a%out !#at t#e main "ur"ose o sc#ools s#ould %e& -ersonally* I agree t#at a sc#ool/s role is to "re"are c#ildren to %e "roducti$e mem%ers o society& =isagree: 'any "eo"le argue t#at t#e main role o sc#ools is to "re"are c#ildren or t#eir uture 7o%s& 4o!e$er* I %elie$e t#at t#e "ur"ose o education s#ould %e to #el" c#ildren to gro! as indi$iduals& :alanced $ie!: To a certain e.tent I agree t#at t#e role o sc#ools is to "re"are c#ildren to %e "roducti$e mem%ers o society& 4o!e$er* I also %elie$e t#at t#e education "rocess #as a "ositi$e im"act on us as indi$iduals& IELTS Writing Task 2: met#od I/$e noticed t#at t#e more essay "ractice I do !it# my students* t#e more definedmy !riting met#od %ecomes& 2or"le* I no! kno! t#at my 230C!ord essays usually contain ,+ to ,3 sentences: 2 or t#e introduction* 3 to H or eac# main "aragra"# and , sentence or t#e conclusion& It takes me ,0 minutes to !rite a good "lan* 3 minutes to !rite an introduction* I #a$e 2 main !ays o !riting main "aragra"#s etc& etc& T#e 8uestion is: =o you #a$e a clearly de ined met#od? =o you re"eatedly "ractise !riting essays in t#e same !ay? I you don/t #a$e a met#od* it/s 7ust 6#it and #o"e6& IELTS Writing Task 2: ad$ertising /)d$ertising/ #as %een t#e to"ic o IELTS !riting task 2 se$eral times t#is year& It/s a "o"ular to"ic* so you need some ideas and o"inions a%out it& 4ere are some o"inions a%out ad$ertising* taken rom my e%ook& B )d$ertising s#ould %e NNNNNN& B )d$ertising NNNNNN c#ildren s#ould %e controlled or e$en %anned& B En#ealt#y oods s#ould not %e marketed NNNNNN attracts c#ildren& B -roducts t#at can %e a risk to #ealt# s#ould NNNNNN !arnings& B 4o!e$er* ad$ertising is necessary in ree NNNNNN economies& B It creates NNNNNN "roducts& B Ao$ernments s#ould only NNNNNN alse in ormation or "roducts t#at are #arm ul& Fill the gaps with these words1phrases: market* in a !ay t#at* regulated* dis"lay* censor* demand or* aimed at ote: /)d$ertising/ is uncounta%le 0you can/t say 6an ad$ertising6 or 6ad$ertisings61& /)d$ertising/ is t#e name o t#e industry* acti$ity or "ro ession 0like /marketing/1& /)n ad$ertisement/ 0or /ad$ertisements/1 is !#at you see on TS* in t#e street* in ne!s"a"ers etc& IELTS Writing Task 2: glo%alisation o culture T#is !as a recent 8uestion:

Differences between countries become less evident each year. owadays, all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and T2 channels. Do the disadvantages of this trend outweigh the advantages$ 4ere/s my outline or a 4C"aragra"# essay: Introduction It is true t#at many as"ects o culture are %ecoming increasingly similar t#roug#out t#e !orld& )lt#oug# t#is trend #as some %ene its* I !ould argue t#at t#ere are more dra!%acks& 2irst sentence o "aragra"# 2 9n t#e one #and* t#e glo%alisation o as#ion* %rands* eating #a%its and ot#er areas o culture #as some %ene its& 0E."lain t#e %ene its1 2irst sentence o "aragra"# + 9n t#e ot#er #and* I %elie$e t#at t#e disad$antages o cultural glo%alisation are e$en more signi icant& 0E."lain t#e disad$antages1 5onclusion In conclusion* it seems to me t#at t#e dra!%acks o glo%alisation* in terms o cultural #a%its suc# as t#e clot#es !e !ear or t#e oods !e eat* do out!eig# t#e %ene its& IELTS Writing Task 2: recent 8uestion T#is !as t#e IELTS !riting task 2 8uestion t!o !eeks ago in t#e EQ: %t is right that university graduates should earn more money than less well educated people, but they should pay the full cost of their education. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ 'y students and I "lanned a 4C"aragra"# essay: ,1 Introduction: introduce t#e to"ic and res"ond to %ot# "arts o t#e 8uestion& We decided to agree t#at graduates deser$e good salaries* %ut !e disagree !it# t#e idea t#at t#ey s#ould "ay t#e ull cost o t#eir degree courses& 21 -aragra"# e."laining !#y graduates s#ould earn good salaries: t#ey #a$e in$ested time and e ort into gaining t#eir 8uali icationsL t#ey #a$e kno!ledge* skills and training re8uired or im"ortant 7o%sL t#ey are an asset to society& +1 -aragra"# e."laining !#y graduates s#ould not #a$e to "ay t#e ull cost o education: t#is !ill %e too e."ensi$e and !ill deter many young "eo"le rom going to uni$ersityL students !ill #a$e #uge de%tsL graduates contri%ute %y "aying !#en t#ey !ork& 41 5onclusion: re"eat t#e t!o main ideas& IELTS Writing Task 2: t#e /2 "art/ 8uestion T#e ollo!ing 8uestion con uses many students %ecause it doesn/t seem to %e one o t#e + normal ty"es 0o"inion* discussion* "ro%lemFsolution1& 'appiness is considered very important in life. &hy is it difficult to define$ &hat factors are important in achieving happiness$ I call t#is a 62 "art6 8uestion* and it/s easier t#an you t#ink& Kust ans!er t#e irst 8uestion in "aragra"# 2* and t#e second 8uestion in "aragra"# +: ,& Introduction C to"ic O sim"le ans!er to %ot# 8uestions 2& -aragra"# C e."lain !#y #a""iness is di icult to de ine

Some ideas: E."lain t#at #a""iness means di erent t#ings to di erent "eo"leL t#e same situation can make one "erson #a""y %ut anot#er "erson sadF%ored etc& Ai$e"les o !#at makes di erent "eo"le #a""y 0money* success* amily* riends* #o%%ies1& Ai$e an"le rom your e."erience e&g& a #o%%y t#at makes you #a""y %ut t#at your riend #ates& +& -aragra"# C gi$e your o"inions a%out #o! to ac#ie$e #a""iness Some ideas: Try to organise your ideas logically C you could %egin !it# #umans/ %asic needs 0in order to %e #a""y !e need to %e #ealt#y and #a$e some!#ere to li$e* ood to eat etc&1 t#en talk a%out t#e im"ortance o amily and riends& <ou could t#en !rite a%out career* money* success* status etc& C may%e you could e."lain t#at t#ese t#ings mean not#ing i !e do not #a$e amily and riends to s#are our e."eriences !it#& Ai$e an"le rom your o!n li e C !#at !ill make you #a""ier t#an you are no!? 4& 5onclusion C re"eatFsummarise t#e main ideas IELTS Writing Task 2: /tec#nology/ to"ic T#is !as a recent IELTS 8uestion: 3arly technological developments helped ordinary people and changed their lives more than recent developments. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ 4ere/s t#e "lan t#at I !rote !it# my students: ,& Introduction: !e disagree %ecause !e t#ink t#at early and recent tec#nologies #a$e #ad an e.ually signi icant im"act on our li$es& 2& -aragra"# a%out #o! early tec#nologies #el"ed "eo"le& +& -aragra"# a%out #o! recent tec#nologies #el" "eo"le& 4& 5onclusion: re"eat t#e signi icance o %ot#& 4ere/s a "icture o !#at !e !rote or "aragra"# 2:

IELTS Writing Task 2: #o! to ans!er any 8uestion Today I !ant to s#o! you !#at #a""ens in my %rain !#en I see any IELTS Writing Task 2 8uestion& 4ere are my t#inking ste"s: ,& I read t#e 8uestion $ery care ully* may%e t#ree times& I ask mysel 6W#at/s t#e to"ic? W#at is t#e 8uestion asking me to !rite a%out?6 2& I underline t#e key t#ings t#at must %e included in t#e essay& I al!ays ans!er e$ery "art o t#e 8uestion& +& Do! I t#ink a%out my 4 "aragra"# structure& I can !rite any ty"e o essay in 4 "aragra"#sL I 7ust need to decide !#at to "ut in eac# "aragra"#& 4& I I need to gi$e my o"inion* I t#ink 6W#at is t#e easiest o"inion to e."lain? W#at good $oca%ulary could I use?6 3& T#en I !rite do!n some $oca%ulary ideas t#at are related to t#e to"ic& H& I try to !rite 2 sentences or t#e introduction: I introduce t#e to"ic* t#en gi$e a sim"le ans!er 0including my o"inion i t#e 8uestion asks or it1& I& I !rite s#ort /to"ic sentences/ to start eac# "aragra"#* t#en de$elo" my ideas %y e."laining and su""orting !it#"les& M& I look at t#e 8uestion rom time to time in order to c#eck t#at I/m ans!ering e$ery "art o it& ;& I kno! t#at I !rite a%out ,0 !ords "er lineL I can 8uickly c#eck t#e a""ro.imate num%er o !ords t#at I/$e !ritten& ,0& I I need more !ords 0to reac# 2301* I e."and one o my"les in t#e main %ody "aragra"#s& I necessary* I dra! an arro! to s#o! !#ere I !ant to add t#e e.tra !ords& IELTS Writing Task 2: /gender and uni$ersity/ essay 4ere/s my ull essay using last !eek/s "lan: 8niversities should accept e.ual numbers of male and female students in every sub"ect. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ In my o"inion* men and !omen s#ould #a$e t#e same educational o""ortunities& 4o!e$er* I do not agree !it# t#e idea o acce"ting e8ual "ro"ortions o eac# gender in e$ery uni$ersity su%7ect& 4a$ing t#e same num%er o men and !omen on all degree courses is sim"ly unrealistic& Student num%ers on any course de"end on t#e a""lications t#at t#e institution recei$es& I a uni$ersity decided to ill courses !it# e8ual num%ers o males and emales* it !ould need enoug# a""licants o eac# gender& In reality* many courses are more "o"ular !it# one gender t#an t#e ot#er* and it !ould not %e "ractical to aim or e8ual "ro"ortions& 2or"le* nursing courses tend to attract more emale a""licants* and it !ould %e di icult to ill t#ese courses i i ty "er cent o t#e "laces needed to go to males& )"art rom t#e "ractical concerns e."ressed a%o$e* I also %elie$e t#at it !ould %e un air to %ase admission to uni$ersity courses on gender& Eni$ersities s#ould continue to select t#e %est candidates or eac# course according to t#eir 8uali ications& In t#is !ay* %ot# men and !omen #a$e t#e same o""ortunities* and a""licants kno! t#at t#ey !ill %e success ul i t#ey !ork #ard to ac#ie$e good grades at sc#ool& I a emale student is t#e %est candidate or a "lace on a course* it !ould %e !rong to re7ect #er in a$our o a male student !it# lo!er grades or e!er 8uali ications&

In conclusion* t#e selection o uni$ersity students s#ould %e %ased on merit* and it !ould %e %ot# im"ractical and un air to c#ange to a selection "rocedure %ased on gender& 02H3 !ords* %and ;1 IELTS Writing Task 2: /gender and uni$ersity/ to"ic ) e! "eo"le #a$e asked me a%out t#is 8uestion rom 5am%ridge IELTS 3: 8niversities should accept e.ual numbers of male and female students in every sub"ect. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ I did a lesson a%out t#is 8uestion !it# my students& 4ere are our ideas: ,& Introduction: We decided to com"letely disagree !it# t#e 8uestion statement& <ou don/t need to e."lain %ot# sides o t#e argument& Kust gi$e your o"inion in t#e introduction* t#en su""ort it in t#e main %ody "aragra"#s& 2& -aragra"# 2: 9ne reason !#y !e decided to disagree is t#at it !ould not %e "ractical or realistic to #a$e e.actly t#e same num%er o males and emales on e$ery course& Some courses #a$e mainly male a""licants* !#ile ot#ers are more "o"ular !it# emales& +& -aragra"# +: )not#er reason !e disagreed is t#at it !ould not %e air to %ase admission to courses on gender& Eni$ersities s#ould select candidates %ased on t#eir 8uali ications* skills* e."erience etc& 4& 5onclusion: Re"eat t#e idea t#at selecting according to gender is not t#e %est !ay to ensure e8ual o""ortunities or men and !omen at uni$ersity& I/ll "ut a ull"le essay on t#e site ne.t !eek& <ou are !elcome to s#are your o!n ideas* %ut I/m a raid I can/t gi$e eed%ack* scores or corrections& IELTS Writing Task 2: /#el"ing "oor countries/ to"ic T#is !as t#e IELTS !riting task 2 8uestion on 2Mt# 'ay: The money given to help poor countries does not solve the problem of poverty, so rich countries should give other types of help instead. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ 'y students and I "lanned a 4C"aragra"# essay: ,& Introduction: introduce t#e to"ic o #el"ing "oor countries* and agree t#at gi$ing money is not t#e %est !ay to #el"& 2& -aragra"# e."laining !#y gi$ing money is a %ad idea& +& -aragra"# e."laining !#y ot#er ty"es o #el" are %etter& 4& 5onclusion: re"eat t#e argument 0in$esting is %etter t#an gi$ing1& We discussed some ideas and !rote "aragra"# 2 toget#er: In my o"inion* it is a %ad idea to sim"ly gi$e inancial aid to go$ernments o "oor countries& I ric# countries do t#is* t#ere is a risk t#at t#e money !ill not go to t#e "eo"le !#o need it most& Ao$ernments may misuse t#e money t#ey are gi$en %ecause t#ey do not #a$e t#e resources or t#e kno!C#o! to tackle t#e causes o "o$erty& In some cases* corru"t "oliticians #a$e %ecome ric# !#ile t#eir citiGens continue to su er& 2or t#ese reasons* it is im"ortant or de$elo"ed countries to ind !ays to in$est in de$elo"ing nations* instead o 7ust donating money&

IELTS Writing Task 2: /s"orts salaries/ to"ic )s I/$e said %e ore* you can/t get a #ig# score or IELTS !riting task 2 i you don/t #a$e good ideas a%out t#e 8uestion to"ic& 4ere are some ideas rom my e%ooka%out t#e ollo!ing 8uestion: Some people believe that the salaries paid to professional sportspeople are too high, while others argue that sports salaries are fair. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Sie! ,: s"orts salaries are too #ig# B S"orts "ro essionals earn too muc# money& B T#ey do not "ro$ide a $ital ser$ice& B 2oot%all "layers earn enormous salaries %y sim"ly kicking a %all& B We could all li$e #a""ily !it#out "ro essional oot%all& B We s#ould $alue "ro essionals suc# as nurses and teac#ers more #ig#ly& Sie! 2: s"orts salaries are air B It is air t#at t#e %est s"orts"eo"le earn a lot o money& B S"ort is a multiCmillionC"ound industry& B T#ere is a large audience o s"orts ans !#o are !illing to "ay& B Tele$ised games or e$ents attract many $ie!ers& B :eing a to" s"orts"erson re8uires #ours o "ractice& IELTS Writing Task 2: %and ; "aragra"# :elo! is a /%and ;/ "aragra"# a%out t#e %ene its o Goos& I took t#e $oca%ulary ideas rom t#is lesson 0click #ere1 and organised t#em in t#e ollo!ing !ay: ,& Sim"le to"ic sentence& 2& T#e main %ene it is t#at&&& +& )not#er ad$antage o Goos is t#at&&& 4& 2rom a "ersonal "oint o $ie!*&&& I/$e underlined t#e %and ; $oca%ulary& Uoos #a$e se$eral %ene its& T#e main %ene it is t#at Goos "lay an im"ortant role in !ildli e conser$ation& T#ey #el" to "rotect endangered s"ecies* suc# as "andas or r#inos* and allo! scientists to study animal%e#a$iour& )not#er ad$antage o Goos is t#at t#ey em"loy large num%ers o "eo"le* t#ere ore "ro$iding 7o% o""ortunities and income or t#e local area& )lso* t#e money t#at Goos make can %e used or conser$ation "ro7ects& 2rom a "ersonal "oint o $ie!* Goos areinteresting* educational and un& T#ey are entertaining or amilies* and teac# c#ildren to a""reciate !ildli e and nature&

IELTS Writing Task 2: idea* e."lain*"le ) good !ay to !rite main %ody "aragra"#s is t#is: Start !it# an ideaL E."lain it in detailL Ai$e an"le 4ere/s an"le o #o! I (build( a "aragra"# using t#e a%o$e met#od: ) sense o com"etition is necessary or success in li e* and s#ould t#ere ore %e encouraged& 5om"etition moti$ates c#ildren to get good grades at sc#ool or %ecome %etter at s"orts* !#ile adults com"ete to clim% t#e career ladder& In a 7o% inter$ie!* or"le* candidates com"ete to s#o! t#at t#ey are t#e most 8uali ied* #ardC!orking and com"etent "erson or t#e "ost& ote: W#at/s t#e to"ic o t#e "aragra"# a%o$e? W#at do you t#ink t#e 8uestion !as? IELTS Writing Task 2: use related !ords Look again at last !eek/s 8uestion: Some people think that museums should be en"oyable places to entertainpeople, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both views and give you own opinion. Let/s orget a%out t#e !#ole 8uestion& Kust try to list some !ords t#at are related to t#e + main ideas& 'useums: B e.#i%ition* e.#i%it 0$er%* like /s#o!/1* an e.#i%it 0noun* /item/1* arti act* o%7ect* collection* #istory* science* art* culture* $isitors* mem%ers o t#e "u%lic* "u%lic $ie!ing&&& Entertain: B entertainment* entertaining* en7oy* en7oyment* en7oya%le* #a$e un* interesting* ascinating* s"ectacular* im"ressi$e* leisure time* ree time* a day out* tourist attraction&&& Educate: B education* educational* teac#* learn* e."lain* understand* kno!* gainFe."andF"ass onFtransmit kno!ledge* skills* e."erience* o"en your mind* %roaden your #oriGons&&& 'aking lists o related !ords is a good !ay to generate ideas& <ou mig#t not #a$e time to do t#is in t#e* %ut it/s a use ul study tec#ni8ue& IELTS Writing Task 2: /museums/ essay Some people think that museums should be en"oyable places to entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both views and give you own opinion. -eo"le #a$e di erent $ie!s a%out t#e role and unction o museums& In my o"inion* museums can and s#ould %e %ot# entertaining and educational& 9n t#e one #and* it can %e argued t#at t#e main role o a museum is to entertain& 'useums are tourist attractions* and t#eir aim is to e.#i%it a collection o interesting o%7ects t#at many "eo"le !ill !ant to see& T#e a$erage $isitor may %ecome %ored i #e or s#e #as to read or listen to too muc# educational content*so museums o ten "ut more o an em"#asis on en7oyment rat#er t#an learning& T#is ty"e o museum is designed to %e $isually s"ectacular* and may #a$e interacti$e acti$ities or e$en games as "art o its e.#i%itions&

9n t#e ot#er #and* some "eo"le argue t#at museums s#ould ocus on education& T#e aim o any e.#i%ition s#ould %e to teac# $isitors somet#ing t#at t#ey did not "re$iously kno!& Esually t#is means t#at t#e #istory %e#ind t#e museum>s e.#i%its needs to %e e."lained* and t#is can %e done in $arious !ays& Some museums em"loy "ro essional guides to talk to t#eir $isitors* !#ile ot#er museums o er #eadsets so t#at $isitors can listen to detailed commentary a%out t#e e.#i%ition& In t#is !ay* museums can "lay an im"ortant role in teac#ing "eo"le a%out #istory* culture* science and many ot#er as"ects o li e& In conclusion* it seems to me t#at a good museum s#ould %e a%le to o er an interesting* en7oya%le and educational e."erience so t#at "eo"le can #a$e un and learn somet#ing at t#e same time& 023+ !ords* %and ;1 IELTS Writing Task 2: #o! to !rite a "aragra"# Today I/m going to !rite a "aragra"# a%out gun control& I/ll start !it# some $oca%ulary ideas* t#en I/ll make t#em into ull sentences& Ideas: !#y s#ould t#e o!ners#i" o guns %e limitedFcontrolled? ,& To"ic sentence to introduce t#e idea o gun control 2& risk o accidents* danger to c#ildren +& more $iolent crimes* criminals !ill use guns* "olice !ill need guns 4& #ig#er suicide rates 3& guns create $iolent societies 4ere/s my "aragra"# using t#e ideas a%o$e& I/$e di$ided t#e "aragra"# into se"arate sentences so t#at you can see !#at I #a$e done more clearly& ,& In many countries* gun o!ners#i" is strictly controlled& 2& Su""orters o t#is "olicy "oint out t#e risk o accidents !it# guns* es"ecially !#en c#ildren can gain access to t#em& +& T#ey also argue t#at t#e num%er o $iolent crimes increases !#en guns are a$aila%le* and t#at "olice are orced to use guns to com%at armed criminals& 4& 2urt#ermore* suicide rates #a$e %een s#o!n to rise in "laces !#ere guns are legal& 3& )ll in all* gun control ad$ocates %elie$e t#at guns create $iolent societies !it# #ig# murder rates& 9 course* in t#e IELTS you !ould "ro%a%ly #a$e to e."lain t#e o""osite $ie!: t#e arguments in a$our o gun o!ners#i"& IELTS Writing Task 2: sam"le discussion essay 4ere/s an"le o #o! I !rite a 4C"aragra"# essay or 6discuss and gi$e your o"inion6 8uestions& Dotice t#at I gi$e my o"inion in + "laces 0introduction* "aragra"# +* conclusion1& Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a "ob straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

W#en t#ey inis# sc#ool* teenagers ace t#e dilemma o !#et#er to get a 7o% or continue t#eir education& W#ile t#ere are some %ene its to getting a 7o% straig#t a ter sc#ool* I !ould argue t#at it is %etter to go to college or uni$ersity& T#e o"tion to start !ork straig#t a ter sc#ool is attracti$e or se$eral reasons& 'any young "eo"le !ant to start earning money as soon as "ossi%le& In t#is !ay* t#ey can %ecome inde"endent* and t#ey !ill %e a%le to a ord t#eir o!n #ouse or start a amily& In terms o t#eir career* young "eo"le !#o decide to ind !ork* rat#er t#an continue t#eir studies* may "rogress more 8uickly& T#ey !ill #a$e t#e c#ance to gain real e."erience and learn "ractical skills related to t#eir c#osen "ro ession& T#is may lead to "romotions and a success ul career& 9n t#e ot#er #and* I %elie$e t#at it is more %ene icial or students to continue t#eir studies& 2irstly* academic 8uali ications are re8uired in many "ro essions& 2or"le* it is im"ossi%le to %ecome a doctor* teac#er or la!yer !it#out #a$ing t#e rele$ant degree& )s a result* uni$ersity graduates #a$e access to more and %etter 7o% o""ortunities* and t#ey tend to earn #ig#er salaries t#an t#ose !it# e!er 8uali ications& Secondly* t#e 7o% market is %ecoming increasingly com"etiti$e* and sometimes t#ere are #undreds o a""licants or one "osition in a com"any& <oung "eo"le !#o do not #a$e 8uali ications rom a uni$ersity or college !ill not %e a%le to com"ete& 2or t#e reasons mentioned a%o$e* it seems to me t#at students are more likely to %e success ul in t#eir careers i t#ey continue t#eir studies %eyond sc#ool le$el& 02I, !ords* %and ;1 IELTS Writing Task 2: /7o% satis action/ to"ic !s most people spend a ma"or part of their adult life at work, "ob satisfaction is an important element of individual well9being. &hat factors contribute to "ob satisfaction$ 'ow realistic is the e#pectation of "ob satisfaction for all workers$ T#e ollo!ing "aragra"# ans!ers t#e second "art o t#e 8uestion 04o! realistic&&1 It is di icult to imagine a !orld in !#ic# e$eryone is truly satis ied !it# t#eir 7o%& 'ost "eo"le !ork in order to earn a salary* and t#ey !ould "ro%a%ly not c#oose to s"end eig#t or more #ours eac# day doing t#eir 7o%s i t#ey did not need t#e money& T#e need to earn money to "ay mortgages* %ills and e$eryday li$ing costs is o muc# greater concern t#an 7o% satis action& In act* I !ould argue t#at t#e ma7ority o "eo"le dislike t#eir 7o%s and are un#a""y a%out t#eir salaries* !orking #ours* !orkloads* or t#eir %osses& 0;3 !ords1 ote: W#at 6%and I $oca%ulary6 can you ind in t#e "aragra"# a%o$e? IELTS Writing Task 2: #o! to !rite introductions 4ere is a re$ie! o my ad$ice or task 2 introductions: B 'ake t#e introduction s#ort and do it 8uickly& T#e main %ody "aragra"#s are more im"ortant& B T!o sentences are enoug#: ,1 introduce t#e to"ic& 21 gi$e a %asic ans!er to t#e 8uestion&"le 8uestion: )ll #ig# sc#ool students s#ould %e encouraged to take "art in community ser$ice "rogrammes& To !#at e.tent do you agree or disagree !it# t#is statement? 'y introduction: Some "eo"le %elie$e t#at #ig# sc#ool students !ould %ene it rom doing un"aid !ork in t#eir local communities& I com"letely agree t#at community ser$ice "rogrammes or teenagers are a good idea&

IELTS Writing Task 2: strong or %alanced o"inion T#e ollo!ing 8uestion asks or your o"inion& <ou can eit#er #a$e a strong o"inion or a more %alanced o"inion* %ut make it clear in your introduction& :overnments should not have to provide care or financial support for elderly people because it is the responsibility of each person to prepare for retirement and support him or herself. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree with this opinion$ Introduction 0strong o"inion1: -eo"le #a$e di erent $ie!s a%out !#et#er or not go$ernments s#ould #el" senior citiGens& I com"letely disagree !it# t#e idea t#at elderly "eo"le s#ould recei$e no su""ort rom t#e state& Introduction 0more %alanced o"inion1: -eo"le #a$e di erent $ie!s a%out !#et#er or not go$ernments s#ould #el" senior citiGens& )lt#oug# I acce"t t#at !e all #a$e a res"onsi%ility to sa$e money or retirement* I disagree !it# t#e idea t#at elderly "eo"le s#ould recei$e no su""ort rom t#e state& ote: ) ter t#e irst introduction* try to !rite 2 "aragra"#s t#at %ot# e."lain !#y you disagree& T#e second introduction allo!s you to discuss %ot# sides 0!#ic# mig#t %e easier1& IELTS Writing Task 2: /de"endence/ 8uestion T#e ollo!ing 8uestion !as used in se$eral countries last Saturday& I/$e listed some ideas %elo!& Some people think that in the modern world we have become more dependent on each other, while others think that people are now more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 2irst $ie!: !e #a$e %ecome more de"endent B Li e is more di icult and e."ensi$e* and !e are less sel Csu icient B <oung "eo"le rely on t#eir "arents or longer B Enem"loyed "eo"le recei$e state %ene its B 9ur 7o%s are muc# more s"ecialised* and !e need to !ork in teams Second $ie!: !e are more inde"endent B We rely on mac#ines more t#an !e de"end on eac# ot#er B T#e Internet allo!s us to sol$e "ro%lems !it#out needing #el" B 2amilies are more dis"ersed* and t#ere ore "ro$ide less su""ort B Education gi$es us t#e reedom to make our o!n c#oices :y linking t#ese "oints toget#er and su""orting t#em !it#"les* you could easily !rite t!o good "aragra"#s& IELTS Writing Task 2: t#e /t!oC"art/ 8uestion Esually t#e 8uestion tells you to 6discuss %ot# $ie!s6 or it asks !#et#er you 6agree or disagree6& 4o!e$er* sometimes t#e 8uestion looks di erent:

,ompetitiveness is considered to be a positive .uality among people. 'ow does competitiveness affect individuals$ %s competitiveness a positive or negative .uality$ Dotice t#at t#e 8uestion a%o$e gi$es you t#e to"ic 0com"etiti$eness1 and t#en t!o 8uestions& I call t#is a 6t!oC"art6 8uestion& 2or t#is kind o 8uestion* 7ust !rite 4 "aragra"#s 0see %elo!1* and make sure you !rite an e8ual amount or "aragra"#s 2 and +& ,& Introduction: to"ic O general res"onse 2& )ns!er t#e irst 8uestion +& )ns!er t#e second 8uestion 4& 5onclusion: re"eat your res"onse IELTS Writing )d$ice: correcting yoursel Takuya !rote to me a%out an interesting cultural di erence: 6In Ka"an* students are told to correct t#eir !ork using an eraser& T#ey are not allo!ed to insert !ords or cross !ords out&6 T#is is not true in t#e IELTS <ou don/t need to !aste time using an eraser& <our !riting needs to %e clear* %ut not "er ect&

IELTS Writing Task 2: /minority languages/ essay Today* I/d like to s#are a /%and ;/ sam"le essay or t#e 8uestion %elo!& Several languages are in danger of e#tinction because they are spoken by very small numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend public money on saving these languages, while others believe that would be a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. It is true t#at some minority languages may disa""ear in t#e near uture& )lt#oug# it can %e argued t#at go$ernments could sa$e money %y allo!ing t#is to #a""en* I %elie$e t#at t#ese languages s#ould %e "rotected and "reser$ed& T#ere are se$eral reasons !#y sa$ing minority languages could %e seen as a !aste o money& 2irstly* i a language is only s"oken %y a small num%er o "eo"le* e."ensi$e education "rogrammes !ill %e needed to make sure t#at more "eo"le learn it* and t#e state !ill #a$e to "ay or acilities* teac#ers and marketing& T#is money mig#t %e %etter s"ent on ot#er "u%lic ser$ices& Secondly* it !ould %e muc# c#ea"er and more e icient or countries to #a$e 7ust one language& Ao$ernments could cut all kinds o costs related to communicating !it# eac# minority grou"& =es"ite t#e a%o$e arguments* I %elie$e t#at go$ernments s#ould try to "reser$e languages t#at are less !idely s"oken& ) language is muc# more t#an sim"ly a means o communicationL it #as a $ital connection !it# t#e cultural identity o t#e "eo"le !#o s"eak it& I a language disa""ears* a !#ole !ay o li e !ill disa""ear !it# it* and !e !ill lose t#e ric# cultural di$ersity t#at makes societies more interesting& :y

s"ending money to "rotect minority languages* go$ernments can also "reser$e traditions* customs and %e#a$iours t#at are "art o a country>s #istory& In conclusion* it may sa$e money in t#e s#ort term i !e allo! minority languages to disa""ear* %ut in t#e long term t#is !ould #a$e an e.tremely negati$e im"act on our cultural #eritage& 023M !ords1 IELTS Writing Task 2: /!omen and !ork/ to"ic =ana sent me t#e ollo!ing 8uestion: &omen should have an e.ual role alongside men in both police and armed forces. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ 4ere is my "lan or a 4C"aragra"# essay: ,& Introduction: to"ic O res"onse C Introduce t#e to"ic e&g& 6Increasing num%ers o !omen are c#oosing to&&&6 C Res"ond to t#e 8uestion e&g& 6I com"letely agree t#at !omen s#ould %e a%le&&&6 2& 2irst reason !#y I agree: e8ual o""ortunities E."lain !#y !omen s#ould #a$e t#e same rig#t as men to c#oose t#eir "ro ession& -eo"le s#ould %e c#osen or 7o%s according to t#eir skills* 8uali ications* c#aracter etc& +& Second reason !#y I agree: !omen/s ca"a%ilities I !ould disagree !it# t#e $ie! t#at !omen are less a%le t#an men to do certain 7o%s& )lso* I !ould argue t#at "olice!omen* or"le* may %e %etter at controlling a situation %y communicating more e ecti$ely& -olice and military !ork re8uires more t#an 7ust "#ysical strengt#& Team!ork* leaders#i" and communication can %e muc# more im"ortant& 4& 5onclusion: one sentence Re"eat your res"onse in a di erent !ay& IELTS Writing Task 2: /ro%ots/ to"ic ) student sent me t#is 8uestion: Some people believe that robots will play an important role in future societies, while others argue that robots might have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Today my students "lanned an essay or t#is to"ic& T#e "#oto %elo! s#o!s t#e ideas t#ey #ad in t#e lesson:

IELTS )d$ice: essay introductions 9n Wednesday I !rote a lesson a%out introductions or IELTS !riting task 2& Since t#en* se$eral students #a$e asked me t#is 8uestion: -&ill my introduction get a good score$)ns!er: your introduction alone !ill not get you a #ig# score* e$en i it is "er ect& T#e introduction is necessary* %ut t#e main %ody "aragra"#s decide your score& Write a s#ort* clear introduction& T#en s"end most o your time on t#e main %ody o t#e essay& IELTS Writing Task 2: introductions 4ere are some"le introductions or + di erent ty"es o essay& 'y tec#ni8ue is to !rite 2 sentences: ,& ) sentence to introduce t#e to"ic 2& ) sentence gi$ing a general res"onse to t#e 8uestion or instruction -ro%lem P Solution Essay:

It is true t#at c#ildren/s %e#a$iour seems to %e getting !orse& T#ere are $arious reasons or t#is* and %ot# sc#ools and "arents need to !ork toget#er to im"ro$e t#e situation& =iscussion 0P 9"inion1 Essay: -eo"le #a$e di erent $ie!s a%out #o! c#ildren s#ould %e taug#t& W#ile t#ere are some good arguments in a$our o teac#ing c#ildren to %e com"etiti$e* I %elie$e t#at it is %etter to encourage coCo"eration& 9"inion 0)gree F =isagree1 Essay: In recent years it #as %ecome more common or !omen to return to !ork a ter #a$ing a c#ild& 4o!e$er* I do not agree t#at t#is #as %een t#e cause o "ro%lems or young "eo"le& +y advice: Qee" your introduction s#ort& 'ain %ody "aragra"#s are more im"ortant& IELTS Writing Task 2: /academic a%ility/ to"ic Some people think schools should group pupils according to their academic ability, but others believe pupils with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 4ere are some 6%and I6 0or #ig#er1 ideas rom my e%ook: 2or grou"ing %y a%ility: B Teac#ers can !ork at t#e rig#t s"eed or t#eir students& B Teac#ers can "lan more suita%le lessons& B 4ig#Cle$el grou"s may "rogress aster& B Lo!er le$el grou"s can %ene it rom a slo!er "ace& )gainst grou"ing %y a%ility: B Arou"ing %y a%ility may #a$e a negati$e im"act on students& B 5#ildren do not !ant to %e seen as less intelligent t#an ot#ers& B :eing in a lo!er le$el grou" could damage t#eir sel esteem& B 'i.ed a%ility classes encourage c#ildren o all a%ilities to coo"erate& IELTS Writing Task 2: /road sa ety/ to"ic Road sa ety could %e t#e to"ic o a 6"ro%lemFsolution6 essay: Despite improvements in vehicle technology, there are still large numbers of road accidents. 3#plain some of the causes of these accidents, and suggest some measures that could be taken to address the problem. 4ere are some ideas rom my e%ook: 5auses: B =ri$ing !#ile tired or drunk is e.tremely dangerous& B 'o%ile "#ones can %e a dangerous distraction or dri$ers& B T#ey dra! t#e dri$er>s attention a!ay rom t#e road&

Solutions: B T#e use o "#ones !#ile dri$ing #as %een %anned in many countries& B -unis#ments are %ecoming stricter& B Tele$ision cam"aigns are used to remind "eo"le to dri$e sa ely& B S"eed cameras #a$e %ecome more common& <ou could also add t#e causes mentioned in yesterday/s lesson& IELTS Writing Task 2: /marriages/ to"ic +arriages are bigger and more e#pensive nowadays than in the past. &hy is this the case$ %s it a positive or negative development$ To "lan an essay or t#is to"ic* consider t#e ollo!ing 8uestions: ,& Would you call t#is an /o"inion/ essay or a /discussion/ essay? 2& 2or a 4C"aragra"# essay* !#at !ould eac# "aragra"# %e a%out? +& W#at 2 t#ings do you need to do in t#e introduction? 4& =o you #a$e any ideas to e."lain !#y !eddings are %iggerFe."ensi$e? 3& S#ould you c#oose /"ositi$e/ or /negati$e/* or can you discuss %ot#? 2eel ree to ans!er t#ese 8uestions in t#e comments area& I/ll gi$e you my ans!ers tomorro!* and I/ll try to !rite a ull essay or ne.t !eek& ote: -lease don/t send me ull essays& I can/t c#eck t#em or gi$e you a score& IELTS Writing: to !#at e.tent do you agree? ) good !ay to ans!er t#is 8uestion is: To a certain e#tent % agree that... 'owever, % also think that... :y saying t#at you agree to a certain e.tent 0not com"letely1* you can no! talk a%out %ot# sides o t#e argument&"le 8uestion: -eo"le $isiting ot#er countries s#ould ada"t to t#e customs and %e#a$iours e."ected t#ere& T#ey s#ould not e."ect t#e #ost country to !elcome di erent customs and %e#a$iours& To !#at e.tent do you agree or disagree? 'y introduction: To a certain e.tent I agree t#at $isitors to ot#er countries s#ould res"ect t#e culture o t#e #ost country& 4o!e$er* I also t#ink t#at #ost countries s#ould acce"t $isitors/ cultural di erences& ) ter t#is introduction* you can !rite one "aragra"# a%out eac# $ie!& IELTS Writing Task 2: using t#e e%ook ) e! "eo"le #a$e asked me #o! to use t#e e%ook& 9ne !ay is to "ractise !riting "aragra"#s using t#e e%ook ideas&

Some ideas rom t#e e%ook a%out t#e %ene its o mo%ile "#ones: B T#e mo%ile "#one is t#e most "o"ular gadget in today>s !orld& B We can stay in touc# !it# amily* riends and colleagues !#ere$er !e are& B Esers can send te.t messages* sur t#e Internet* take "#otos and listen to music& B 'o%iles #a$e also %ecome as#ion accessories& B 'o%ile "#ones #a$e re$olutionised t#e !ay !e communicate& :y linking t#ese ideas 0and adding a e! t#ings1 I can !rite a "aragra"#: T#e mo%ile "#one #as %ecome t#e most "o"ular gadget in today>s !orld& T#e reason or t#is is t#at it is "orta%le and $ersatile& 'o%ile "#ones are no! carried at all times %y most "eo"le* allo!ing us to stay in touc# !it# amily* riends and colleagues !#ere$er !e are& 2urt#ermore* t#ey no! #a$e many more unctions t#an a standard tele"#oneL mo%ile "#one users can send te.t messages* sur t#e Internet* take"#otos and listen to music* as !ell as making calls& 'o%iles #a$e %ecome as#ion accessories* and t#ey #a$e re$olutionised t#e !ay !e communicate& 0;+ !ords1 IELTS Writing Task 2: /online s#o""ing/ to"ic T#is !as a recent IELTS 8uestion: Online shopping is increasing dramatically. 'ow could this trend affect our environment and the kinds of "obs re.uired$ 'y ad$ice is to "lan your essay !it# a 4C"aragra"# structure: ,& Introduction: to"ic O res"onse 02 sentences are enoug#1 Introduce t#e to"ic o /online s#o""ing %ecoming more "o"ular/& T#en !rite t#at it !ill #a$e a signi icant im"act on t#e en$ironment and on 7o%s& 2& -aragra"# a%out t#e en$ironment Write a%out sim"le ideas e&g& "eo"le !ill dri$e less* so t#ere !ill %e less "ollution* less destruction rom t#e %uilding o ne! roads* %ut "er#a"s more "ackaging& +& -aragra"# a%out 7o%s Sim"le ideas e&g& many s#o" !orkers !ill lose t#eir 7o%s* unem"loyment may rise* %ut t#ere !ill %e more skilled 7o%s in IT 0com"uter "rogrammers* !e% designers1& 4& 5onclusion: re"eat your res"onse 9$erall o"inion: online s#o""ing may #a$e a negati$e e ect on em"loyment* %ut it mig#t %e a good t#ing or t#e en$ironment& IELTS Writing Task 2: i.ed "unis#ments Some people believe that there should be fi#ed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 4ere is my suggested essay outline: ,& Introduction: to"ic O res"onse -eo"le #a$e di erent $ie!s a%out !#et#er "unis#ments or crimes s#ould %e i.ed& )lt#oug# t#ere are some ad$antages o i.ed "unis#ments* I %elie$e t#at it is %etter to 7udge eac# crime indi$idually&

2& :ene its o i.ed "unis#ments T#ere are some good arguments or #a$ing one set "unis#ment or eac# crime& I=E)S: easy* air 7ustice systemL e$eryone is a!are o t#e "unis#ment or eac# crimeL i.ed "unis#ments could deter criminals& +& :ene its o not #a$ing i.ed "unis#ments 4o!e$er* I !ould argue t#at t#e circumstances o a crime and t#e criminal>s moti$ation s#ould #a$e an in luence on t#e "unis#ment& I=E)S: 7udge can decide t#e %est res"onseL a more #umane systemL"le: stealing to eed a amily com"ared to stealing or "ro it& 4& 5onclusion: re"eat your res"onse In conclusion* des"ite t#e ad$antages o i.ed "unis#ments* it seems to me t#at eac# crime s#ould %e 7udged taking %ot# t#e circumstances and moti$ation into account& IELTS Writing Task 2: money and consumerism 4ere are some $oca%ulary ideas or t#e to"ic o money and consumerism& <ou could use t#ese ideas to !rite an essay: +any people say that we now live in (consumer societies( where money and possessions are given too much importance. Others believe that consumer culture has played a vital role in improving our lives. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Aeneral ideas: a consumer society* materialistic* earn money* make money* make a "ro it* success* material "ossessions* connect !ealt# !it# #a""iness* status sym%ols* t#e "o!er o ad$ertising& -ositi$es o consumerism: em"loyment* income* salaries* "roducts t#at !e need* reduce "o$erty* %etter standard o li$ing* 8uality o li e* creati$ity and inno$ation* trade %et!een countries& Degati$es: create !aste* use natural resources* damage to t#e en$ironment* t#ro!Ca!ay culture* "eo"le %ecome greedy* sel is#* money does not make us #a""y* loss o traditional $alues& IELTS Writing Task 2: /%ottled !ater/ to"ic &ater is a natural resource that should always be free. :overnments should ban the sale of bottled water. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ 4ere are some o"inions t#at you could use: B Some "eo"le %elie$e t#at %ottled !ater is #ealt#ier t#an ta" !ater& B T#ey also argue t#at it tastes %etter& B 9t#er "eo"le %elie$e t#at !e s#ould consume less %ottled !ater& B -lastic !ater %ottles add to litter and !aste "ro%lems& B 5om"anies s#ould not %e a%le to make a "ro it rom a natural resource& B T#ere is no di erence in 8uality %et!een %ottled and ta" !ater& B

Ao$ernments s#ould ensure t#at e$eryone #as access to clean ta" !ater& I you !ant more ideas* !atc# t#e $ideo %elo!& IELTS Writing Task 2: go$ernment s"ending )s yesterday/s listening e.ercise !as a%out s"ace "rogrammes* let/s look at t#e ollo!ing !riting 8uestion: The money spent by governments on space programmes would be better spent on vital public services such as schools and hospitals. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ -lanning your ans!er: ,& 2irst you need to decide !#at your o"inion is& Will you agree* disagree* or try to "resent a %alanced o"inion? W#ic# !ould %e easier? 2& T#en you need to decide #o! to organise t#e essay& 4o! many "aragra"#s !ill you !rite* and !#at !ill eac# "aragra"# %e a%out? +& 2inally* you need to "lan some ideas 0good $oca%ulary1 to su""ort your o"inion& 2eel ree to discuss your ideas in t#e 6comments6 area %elo!& I/m a raid I can/t c#eck essays* %ut I/ll %e #a""y to make general comments a%out your ideas& IELTS !riting Task 2: #ealt# to"ic Despite huge improvements in healthcare, the overall standard of physical health in many developed countries is now falling. &hat could be the reason for this trend, and what can be done to reverse it$ 4ere is a "aragra"# a%out causes o "oor #ealt#: Li estyle is a ma7or cause o "oor #ealt# in de$elo"ed countries& 'ost "eo"le no! tra$el %y car rat#er t#an !alking* and mac#ines no! "er orm many traditional manual 7o%s& )s a result* "eo"le tend to !ork in o ices !#ere little "#ysical acti$ity is re8uired& )t #ome* "eo"le are also less acti$eL most adults rela. %y !atc#ing tele$ision* !#ile c#ildren "lay $ideo games rat#er t#an doing outdoor s"orts& Tec#nology #as t#ere ore made our li$es more com orta%le %ut "er#a"s less #ealt#y& 5an you suggest any solutions to t#ese li estyle "ro%lems? -S& T#ere are more ideas or t#is to"ic in my e%ook& IELTS Writing Task 2: go$ernments ) lot o IELTS Writing 8uestions ask you to gi$e o"inions a%out !#at go$ernments s#ould do in relation to an issue& Ao$ernments can #a$e an in luence on almost e$eryt#ing: en$ironment* crime* tele$ision* ad$ertising* !ork etc& )s "art o your IELTS "re"aration* you s#ould t#ink a%out !#at go$ernments can do in relation to IELTS to"ics& 4ere are some ideas rom my e%ook: B Ao$ernments "ro$ide "u%lic ser$ices like #ealt#care and education& B T#ey introduce ne! la!s& B T#ey raise money %y !orking "eo"le& B T#ey can s"end money on cam"aigns to educate "eo"le& B T#ey can raise "eo"le/s a!areness o issues& B T#ey can create ne! 7o%s&

B T#ey can "ro$ide resources or sc#ools* #os"itals etc& B T#ey can su""ort "eo"le !#o are li$ing in "o$erty or una%le to !ork& So* i t#e 8uestion asks you to suggest !#at go$ernments s#ould do to reduce o%esity* you could !rite t#is: 6In my o"inion* go$ernments s#ould s"end money on cam"aigns to educate "eo"le a%out t#e im"ortance o regular e.ercise and a #ealt#y diet& -er#a"s t#ey s#ould also introduce ne! la!s to %an t#e ad$ertising o 7unk ood to c#ildren&6 T#ink a%out some ot#er IELTS to"ics& W#at do you t#ink go$ernments s#ould do? IELTS Writing Task 2: city "ro%lems +ore and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be e#tremely difficult. 3#plain some of the difficulties of living in a city. 'ow can governments make urban life better for everyone$ 4ere are some %and I $oca%ulary ideas rom my e%ook or descri%ing city "ro%lems: B Li e in cities #as its dra!%acks& B T#e cost o li$ing is #ig#er t#an in rural areas& B 4ousing is usually muc# more e."ensi$e& B 4omelessness and "o$erty are common in cities& B T#ere is a ga" %et!een t#e ric# and "oor& B Li e in cities can %e e.tremely stress ul& B T#ere are "ro%lems like tra ic congestion and crime& B 5ities lack a sense o community& B -eo"le do not e$en kno! t#eir neig#%ours& B 5ities are sometimes descri%ed as ?concrete 7ungles@& 5an you suggest any solutions to t#ese "ro%lems? Watc# yesterday/s $ideo or some ideas& Students/ Questions: /climate/ to"ic ) student asked me or some ideas a%out t#is 8uestion: Some people prefer to live in hot climates, whereas others love the lifestyle in countries with cold climates. Discuss both views and e#plain which climate you prefer. I looked at t#is 8uestion !it# one o my classes& We decided to !rite 2 main %ody "aragra"#s: one a%out t#e %ene its o #ot climates* and one a%out t#e %ene its o cold climates&

T#e "#oto a%o$e s#o!s t#e "aragra"# t#at !e !rote a%out t#e %ene its o #ot climates& I #o"e you can read my !riting( 5lick on t#e "#oto to make it %igger& IELTS Writing Task 2: tec#nology 4ere is a 8uestion t#at a student asked me a%out: Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between rich people and poor people, while others say that technology has the opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your opinion. I/d !rite a 4C"aragra"# essay: ,& Introduction: introduce t#e to"ic and gi$e your $ie! 2& 9ne $ie! +& T#e ot#er $ie! 0t#at you agree !it#1 4& 5onclusion: re"eat your $ie! Some ideas: Tec#nology could increase t#e ga" %et!een ric# and "oor& Ric# "eo"le #a$e smart"#ones* la"to"s* !ireless %road%and Internet etc& -eo"le in de$elo"ed countries can no! !ork rom #ome or rom

any!#ere in t#e !orld& T#ey can do t#eir s#o""ing online and #a$e t#ings deli$ered to t#eir #omes& Tec#nology im"ro$es t#eir 8uality o li e& 9n t#e ot#er #and* many "eo"le in "oorer countries* !#o did not #a$e normal tele"#ones* no! #a$e mo%ile "#ones& )lso* t#e Internet is s"reading to all "arts o t#e !orld& In t#e "ast* only "eo"le in de$elo"ed countries #ad access to !orldCclass li%raries* %ut no! t#e Internet gi$es e$eryone access to t#e same in ormation& T#is !ill lead to greater e8uality& IELTS Writing Task 2: glo%al language argument T#e s"eaker in yesterday/s $ideo ga$e t#e "ositi$es o Englis# as a glo%al second language& 4ere is a "aragra"# !it# arguments against t#is $ie!& Degati$es o Englis# as a glo%al language: T#e e."ansion o Englis# #as also %een criticised& Some "eo"le !orry t#at i one language* like Englis#* %ecomes dominant* ot#er languages may disa""ear& Languages s"oken %y small communities could %ecome e.tinct as "eo"le learn Englis# in order to ind !ork& T#is !ould o%$iously #a$e a negati$e e ect on local cultures* customs and traditions %ecause t#e ne! dominant language !ould %ring its o!n culture !it# it& 2or"le* t#e e."ansion o Englis# #as #a""ened alongside t#e increasing "o"ularity o )merican culture& T#e )merican ilm* music and as#ion industries are as dominant as glo%al )merican com"anies and "roducts* suc# as 'icroso t or t#e i-od& Some "eo"le call t#is Rcultural im"erialism>* meaning t#at one culture #as "o!er o$er ot#ers& Try to analyse t#is "aragra"# Is t#ere a to"ic sentence? W#at reasons and"les are gi$en? W#at linking e."ressions are used? W#at /%and I $oca%ulary/ is used? 5an you ind some conditional sentences? Write t#e main ideas or t#e /glo%al language/ to"ic 0"ositi$es and negati$es1 in your note%ook& IELTS Writing Task 2: !#at is #a""iness? 'any students ind t#e ollo!ing 8uestion di icult 05am%ridge IELTS 4* "age 331: 'appiness is considered very important in life. &hy is it difficult to define$ &hat factors are important in achieving happiness$ 4ere are some ideas rom my e%ook& B 4a""iness means di erent t#ings to di erent "eo"le& B It can %e descri%ed as a eeling o "leasure or en7oyment& B -eo"le en7oy s"ending time !it# amily and riends& B 4o%%ies* s"orts and games can %e a source o un and en7oyment& B Some "eo"le see money as a source o #a""iness& B 9t#er "eo"le de ine #a""iness as somet#ing dee"er& B T#ey need to eel t#at t#ey are doing somet#ing use ul !it# t#eir li$es& B Some "eo"le get a sense o ac#ie$ement rom t#eir !ork& B 9t#ers ind #a""iness in %ringing u" t#eir c#ildren&

Try e."anding on t#ese idea to !rite a ull essay& Remem%er to use"les rom your e."erienceL t#is is t#e %est !ay to de$elo" an idea& IELTS Writing Task 2: tourism Do the benefits of tourism outweigh the drawbacks$ 4ere are some ideas& I/$e organised t#e $oca%ulary according to di erent "ers"ecti$es 0di erent !ays o looking at t#is issue1& -ositi$es o tourism: ,& -ersonal "ers"ecti$e: Tourism is a "o"ular leisure acti$ity& Tourists can rela.* #a$e un* /rec#arge t#eir %atteries/* e."erience di erent customs and cultures 0sig#tCseeing* sun%at#ing* $isiting monuments* tasting ne! cuisine1& Tra$el o"ens our minds& It can %roaden our #oriGons& 2& Economic "ers"ecti$e: T#e tourism industry is $ital or some countries& -eo"le rely on tourism or t#eir income& Tourism attracts in$estment rom go$ernments and com"anies& It creates em"loyment due to demand or goods and ser$ices 0#otels* entertainment etc&1& It #el"s to im"ro$e t#e standard o li$ing& Degati$es o tourism: ,& En$ironmental "ers"ecti$e: Tourism can #a$e a negati$e im"act on t#e en$ironment& E.cessi$e %uilding 0roads* #otels etc&1 destroys natural #a%itats and s"oils t#e landsca"e& Tourism creates "ollution and !aste& It "uts "ressure on local resources suc# as ood* !ater and energy& 2& Economic "ers"ecti$e: Tourism may cause a rise in t#e cost o li$ing& -rices o goods and ser$ices go u"& Tourists %uy second #omes& )ll o t#is a ects local "eo"le& +& 5ultural "ers"ecti$e: Local traditions may %e lost& Traditional 7o%s and skills die out 0e&g& arming* is#ing1& Local "eo"le are orced to !ork in t#e tourist industry& T#inking a%out to"ics rom di erent "ers"ecti$es can #el" you to generate %etter ideas& T#is tec#ni8ue isn/t "er ect or e$ery to"ic* %ut it can %e really use ul& IELTS Writing Task 2: ad$ertising to"ic )d$ertising is a $ery common to"ic in %ot# t#e IELTS !riting and s"eaking tests& 4ere are some ideas rom my e%ook t#at you could learn& -ositi$es o ad$ertising: B 5om"anies need to tell customers a%out t#eir "roducts and ser$ices& B )d$ertisements in orm us a%out t#e c#oices !e #a$e& B T#e ad$ertising industry em"loys many "eo"le& B )d$ertisements are o ten unny* artistic or t#oug#tC"ro$oking& Degati$es o ad$ertising: B )d$ertisers aim to con$ince us t#at %uying t#ings leads to #a""iness& B We are "ersuaded to ollo! t#e latest trends and as#ions& B

5#ildren can %e easily in luenced %y ad$ertisements& B T#ey "ut "ressure on t#eir "arents %y "estering or nagging& 9"inions: B )d$ertising s#ould %e regulated %y go$ernments& B )d$ertisements t#at target c#ildren s#ould %e %anned& B -ackaging or 7unk ood s#ould dis"lay clear #ealt# !arnings& B 9$erall* ad$ertising is necessary %ut it needs to %e controlled& IELTS Writing Task 2: glo%alisation 4ere is an essay 8uestion on t#e to"ic o glo%alisation: %t has been said that the world is becoming a global village in which there are no boundaries to trade and communication. Do the benefits of globalisation outweigh the drawbacks$ <esterday/s $ideo contained some use ul ideas* %ut #ere are some more ideas rom my e%ook: -ositi$es o glo%alisation: B :usiness is %ecoming increasingly international& B ) glo%al economy means ree trade %et!een countries& B T#is can strengt#en "olitical relations#i"s& B Alo%alisation can also create o""ortunities or em"loyment& B It encourages in$estment in less de$elo"ed countries& B It could reduce "o$erty in t#e de$elo"ing !orld& Degati$es o glo%alisation: B Alo%alisation can also lead to unem"loyment and e."loitation& B 5om"anies mo$e to countries !#ere la%our is c#ea"& B T#is creates redundancies* or 7o% losses& B Some com"anies e."loit t#eir em"loyees in de$elo"ing countries& B Salaries are lo! and !orking conditions are o ten "oor& B Alo%al trade also creates e.cessi$e !aste and "ollution& ote: T#e )merican Englis# s"elling is /glo%aliGation/& <ou can use eit#er s"elling in t#e IELTS test& IELTS Writing Task 2: education F "ractical skills

Se$eral students #a$e asked me to #el" t#em !it# t#is IELTS 8uestion: Some people think that school children need to learn practical skills such as car maintenance or bank account management along with the academic sub"ects at school. To what e#tent do you agree or disagree$ 4ere are some suggestions 0t#is is D9T an essay1: ,& Introduce t#e to"ic t#en gi$e your o"inion I !ould !rite t#at it is true t#at c#ildren learn academic su%7ects at sc#ool* %ut not many "ractical skills& 4o!e$er* I !ould t#en disagree t#at sc#ools s#ould teac# skills like %ank account management and car maintenance& 2& 2irst su""orting "aragra"# I !ould !rite a "aragra"# a%out t#e im"ortance o academic su%7ects like mat#s* science* languages etc& We li$e in a kno!ledgeC%ased economy !#ere inde"endent t#inking and "ro%lem sol$ing are t#e most im"ortant skills& Wit# timeta%les already ull* sc#ools do not #a$e time to teac# c#ildren anyt#ing else& +& Second su""orting "aragra"# I !ould argue t#at %ank account management is a /li e skill/ t#at anyone can learn %y sim"ly o"ening a %ank account& 'ost adults #a$e no "ro%lem managing t#eir inances !it#out %eing taug#t accounting lessons at sc#ool& 9t#er skills like car maintenance are not really necessary& 'ost "eo"le take t#eir cars to a 8uali ied mec#anic& 4& 5onclusion Re"eat t#e idea t#at sc#ools are already doing a good 7o% teac#ing t#e traditional academic su%7ects& I t#ey start to teac# "ractical skills* t#e study o im"ortant academic su%7ects !ill su er& IELTS Writing Task 2: /Goo/ to"ic Some people believe that it is wrong to keep animals in 7oos, while others think that 7oos are both entertaining and ecologically important. Discuss both views. 4ere are some 0%and I or #ig#er1 $oca%ulary ideas& I/$e organised t#e $oca%ulary according to di erent "ers"ecti$es& -ositi$es o kee"ing animals in Goos: ,& En$ironmental "ers"ecti$e: Uoos "lay an im"ortant role in !ildli e conser$ation& T#ey #el" to "rotect endangered s"ecies& T#ey allo! scientists to study animal %e#a$iour& 2& Economic "ers"ecti$e: Uoos em"loy large num%ers o "eo"le& T#ey "ro$ide 7o% o""ortunities and income or t#e local area& T#e money raised can %e used or conser$ation "ro7ects& +& -ersonal "ers"ecti$e: Uoos are interesting* educational and un& T#ey make a great day out or amilies& 5#ildren learn to a""reciate !ildli e and nature& Degati$es o Goos: ,& En$ironmental "ers"ecti$e: Uoos are arti icial en$ironments& )nimals lose t#eir instinct to #unt or ood& It !ould %e %etter to sa$e endangered s"ecies %y "rotecting t#eir natural #a%itats& 2& 'oral "ers"ecti$e: Qee"ing animals in cages is unet#ical& We #a$e no rig#t to use animals or entertainment& Uoos e.#i%it animals !it# t#e aim o making a "ro it& T#inking a%out to"ics rom di erent "ers"ecti$es is a use ul tec#ni8ue& It #el"s you to generate a $ariety o interesting ideas& I used t#is tec#ni8ue !#en t#inking o ideas or my e%ook* and I encourage my students to use it !#en "lanning t#eir essays&

IELTS Writing Task 2: crime to"ic 4ere is a 6"ro%lemFsolution6 8uestion* !it# some ideas or an essay %elo!: +any criminals re9offend after they have been punished. &hy do some people continue to commit crimes after they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem$ 5auses o crime and reCo ending: B T#e main causes o crime are "o$erty* unem"loyment and lack o education& B -eo"le !#o commit crimes o ten #a$e no ot#er !ay o making a li$ing& B T#e "rison system can make t#e situation !orse& B 9 enders mi. !it# ot#er criminals !#o can %e a negati$e in luence& B ) criminal record makes inding a 7o% more di icult& B 'any "risoners reCo end !#en t#ey are released& -ossi%le measures to reduce crime and reCo ending: B -risons s#ould "ro$ide education or $ocational training& B Re#a%ilitation "rogrammes "re"are "risoners or release into society& B 5ommunity ser$ice is anot#er !ay to re orm o enders& B It makes o enders use ul in t#eir local communities& B T#ey mig#t %e re8uired to talk to sc#ool grou"s or clean "u%lic areas& B 9 enders also need #el" !#en looking or accommodation and !ork& T#ere are more ideas a%out to"ics like "olice* "risons* ca"ital "unis#ment and community ser$ice in my e%ook& 6:and I Soca%ulary6 W#en I say 6%and I $oca%ulary6* I/m really talking a%out $oca%ulary t#at could #el" you to get a %and I or higher& E.aminers are looking or 6less common6 !ords and "#rases* correct and rele$ant collocations* and may%e some idiomatic language& I/$e !ritten t#e ollo!ing "aragra"# using some o t#e ideas rom t#e lesson %elo!& I/$e underlined t#e %and I 0or #ig#er1 $oca%ulary& !dvantages of studying abroad: 'any students c#oose to study a%road %ecause t#ere are greater o""ortunities in a "articular oreign country& 2oreign uni$ersities may o er %etter acilities or courses& T#ey may also %e more "restigious t#an uni$ersities in t#e student>s o!n country and #a$e teac#ers !#o are e."erts in t#eir ields& T#ere ore* %y studying a%road* students can e."and t#eir kno!ledge and gain 8uali icationst#at o"en t#e door to %etter 7o% o""ortunities& ) "eriod o study a%road can also%roaden students> #oriGons& In t#e ne! country* t#ey !ill #a$e to li$e and !ork !it# ot#er students o $arious nationalities& T#us* o$erseas students are e."osed to di erent cultures* customs and "oints o $ie!& 0,0H !ords1

-S& I/ll send some e.tra "aragra"#s on t#is to"ic to e$eryone on my email list& IELTS Writing Task 2: studying a%road +ore and more students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in a foreign country. Do the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks$ 4ere are some ideas rom my e%ook: 6enefits of studying abroad: B 'any students tra$el a%road to study at a "restigious uni$ersity& B T#e %est uni$ersities em"loy lecturers !#o are e."erts in t#eir ields& B Quali ications gained a%road can o"en doors to %etter 7o% o""ortunities& B Li$ing in a oreign country can %roaden students/ #oriGons& B 9$erseas students are e."osed to di erent cultures and customs& B T#ey can immerse t#emsel$es in a language& Drawbacks of studying abroad: B Li$ing a!ay rom #ome can %e c#allenging& B Students #a$e "ro%lems !it# "a"er!ork suc# as $isa a""lications& B T#e language %arrier can cause di iculties& B Students #a$e to ind accommodation and "ay %ills& B 'any students eel #omesick and miss t#eir amilies& B Some students e."erience culture s#ock& W#ic# o t#e !ords or "#rases a%o$e do you t#ink !ould %e considered %and I or #ig#er? IELTS Writing Task 2: ull essay Esually I suggest !riting 4 "aragra"#s or task 2& 4o!e$er* sometimes it mig#t %e %etter to !rite 3 "aragra"#s& T#e ollo!ing essay 8uestion #as t#ree "arts* so I/$e !ritten t#ree main %ody "aragra"#s 03 "aragra"#s in total1& 3#plain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. &hat can governments do to address these problems$ &hat can individual people do$ 4umans are res"onsi%le or a $ariety o en$ironmental "ro%lems* %ut !e can also take ste"s to reduce t#e damage t#at !e are causing to t#e "lanet& T#is essay !ill discuss en$ironmental "ro%lems and t#e measures t#at go$ernments and indi$iduals can take to address t#ese "ro%lems& T!o o t#e %iggest t#reats to t#e en$ironment are air "ollution and !aste& Aas emissions rom actories and e.#aust umes rom $e#icles lead to glo%al !arming* !#ic# may #a$e a de$astating e ect on t#e "lanet in t#e uture& )s t#e #uman "o"ulation increases* !e are also "roducing e$er greater 8uantities o !aste* !#ic# contaminates t#e eart# and "ollutes ri$ers and oceans&

Ao$ernments could certainly make more e ort to reduce air "ollution& T#ey could introduce la!s to limit emissions rom actories or to orce com"anies to use rene!a%le energy rom solar* !ind or !ater "o!er& T#ey could also im"ose Rgreen> on dri$ers and airline com"anies& In t#is !ay* "eo"le !ould %e encouraged to use "u%lic trans"ort and to take e!er lig#ts a%road* t#ere ore reducing emissions& Indi$iduals s#ould also take res"onsi%ility or t#e im"act t#ey #a$e on t#e en$ironment& T#ey can take "u%lic trans"ort rat#er t#an dri$ing* c#oose "roducts !it# less "ackaging* and recycle as muc# as "ossi%le& 'ost su"ermarkets no! "ro$ide reusa%le %ags or s#o""ers as !ell as R%anks> or recycling glass* "lastic and "a"er in t#eir car "arks& :y reusing and recycling* !e can #el" to reduce !aste& In conclusion* %ot# national go$ernments and indi$iduals must "lay t#eir "art in looking a ter t#e en$ironment& ote: T#is essay is e.actly 230 !ords long& I/$e tried to make it as sim"le as "ossi%le* %ut it/s still good enoug# to get a %and ;& IELTS Writing Task 2: main %ody "aragra"#s ) ter you introduction 0see last !eek/s lesson1 you need to !rite 2 or + main %ody "aragra"#s& T#is is t#e most im"ortant "art o your essay& I you #a$e %een ollo!ing t#is %log or a !#ile* or i you #a$e %oug#t my e%ook* you may #a$e seen today/s "aragra"# %e ore& 4o!e$er* I/m reusing it or 2 reasons: ,& It/s a great"le o #o! to !rite an 6ad$antages6 "aragra"# using a 6 irstly* secondly* inally6 structure& 2& T#ere are some e.cellent comments rom students %elo! t#is lesson& I you read t#em care ully* you !ill learn a lot& +ain body -advantages- paragraph /band ;0: T#ere are se$eral ad$antages to using com"uters in education& 2irstly* students learn ne! skills !#ic# !ill %e e.tremely use ul or t#eir uture 7o%s& 2or"le* t#ey learn to !rite re"orts or ot#er documents using a !ord "rocessor* and t#ey can "ractise doing s"oken "resentations using -o!er-oint slides& Secondly*tec#nology is a "o!er ul tool to engage students& T#e use o !e%sites or online $ideos can make lessons muc# more interesting* and many students are more moti$ated to do #ome!ork or researc# using online resources& 2inally* i eac# student #as a com"uter to !ork on* t#ey can study at t#eir o!n "ace& IELTS Writing Task 2: #o! to !rite an introduction 2or IELTS Writing Task 2* kee" your introduction s#ort and sim"le& =on/t !aste time !riting a long introductionL t#e main %ody "aragra"#s are more im"ortant& ! good %34TS &riting introduction needs only < things: ,& ) sentence t#at introduces t#e to"ic 2& ) sentence t#at gi$es a s#ort* general ans!er to t#e 8uestion 'ere is an e#ample of an %34TS Task < .uestion: )s com"uters are %eing used more and more in education* t#ere !ill soon %e no role or t#e teac#er in t#e classroom& To !#at e.tent do you agree or disagree? 'ere is my introduction:

It is true t#at com"uters #a$e %ecome an essential tool or teac#ers and students in all areas o education& 4o!e$er* !#ile com"uters are e.tremely use ul* I do not agree !it# t#e idea t#at t#ey could soon re"lace teac#ers com"letely& ,& In t#e irst sentence I introduce t#e to"ic o com"uters in education& 2& In t#e second sentence I ans!er t#e 8uestion and make my o"inion clear& =on/t !ait until t#e conclusion to gi$e your o"inion& Remem%er* do a sim"le introduction* t#en you can ocus on t#e main "aragra"#s& IELTS Writing Task 2: /"arents and c#ildren/ to"ic +any people believe that parents are not as close to their children as they used to be. Suggest some reasons why this could be true. 4ere is an"le "aragra"# a%out t#e a%o$e to"ic: -arents and t#eir c#ildren seem to %e less close no!adays& -er#a"s t#e main reason or t#is is t#at %ot# "arents o ten !ork ullCtime and t#ere ore s"end less time !it# t#eir c#ildren& W#ereas !omen traditionally stayed at #ome to cook* clean and look a ter c#ildren* many mot#ers no! c#oose to !ork or are orced to do so& T#is means t#at c#ildren may %e le t alone* or !it# nannies or %a%ysitters& :usy "arents #a$e less contact !it# t#eir c#ildren and less energy to en7oy amily acti$ities& 'any amilies no longer eat meals toget#er* and c#ildren are gi$en t#e reedom to go out !it# riends* !atc# tele$ision or c#at on t#e Internet or #ours& *lease note: ) ull IELTS 8uestion !ould also ask you to suggest #o! amilies could %ecome closer& IELTS Writing Task 2: /genetic engineering/ to"ic Would you %e a%le to discuss t#e ad$antages and disad$antages o genetic engineering? 4ere are some ideas rom my e%ook: C Aenetic engineering is t#e "ractice o mani"ulating t#e genes o an organism& C It is used to "roduce cro"s t#at are more resistant to insects and diseases& C Some genetically modi ied cro"s gro! more 8uickly& C Some drugs and $accines are "roduced %y genetic engineering& C It may %ecome "ossi%le to c#ange a "erson/s genetic c#aracteristics& C Scientists may use genetic engineering to cure diseases& C In#erited illnesses !ould no longer C Aenes could %e c#anged %e ore a %a%y is %orn& C It could also %e "ossi%le to clone #uman organs& C We could #a$e re"lacement %ody "arts& C 4umans could li$e longer* #ealt#ier li$es& )s you can see* I/$e only listed t#e ad$antages& 5an you t#ink o any disad$antages? -S& I/$e sent some "aragra"#s a%out t#is to"ic to "eo"le on my email list& IELTS Writing Task 2: using"les Sometimes* t#e %est !ay to t#ink o ideas or an essay is to start !it# an"le& 9ne good"le can gi$e you enoug# ideas or a ull "aragra"#& Look at t#e ollo!ing 8uestion: Should governments make decisions about people(s lifestyle, or should people make their own decisions$ T#is 8uestion seems di icult* %ut i you take 6smoking6 as an"le o a li estyle c#oice* it %ecomes a lot easier& 4ere/s my "aragra"#:

In some cases* go$ernments can #el" "eo"le to make %etter li estyle c#oices& In t#e EQ* or"le* smoking is no! %anned in all !ork"laces* and it is e$en "ro#i%ited or "eo"le to smoke in restaurants* %ars and "u%s& )s a result* many "eo"le !#o used to smoke socially #a$e no! gi$en u"& )t t#e same time* t#e go$ernment #as ensured t#at cigarette "rices kee" going u"* and t#ere #a$e %een se$eral cam"aigns to #ig#lig#t t#e #ealt# risks o smoking& T#ese measures #a$e also #el"ed to reduce t#e num%er o smokers in t#is country& -S& T#ere is a use ul c#a"ter a%out /go$ernment and society/ in my e%ook& IELTS Essay 5orrection: Kuly only 'any students #a$e asked me to c#eck t#eir IELTS essays& 2or Kuly only* I can o er t#is ser$ice* %ut I/m a raid it !ill not %e ree& B 2or V20 I !ill gi$e you a score and some ad$ice& I !ill also correct your mistakes& B 2or V,0 I !ill gi$e you a score and some ad$ice 0a s#ort comment1& T#e "rices a%o$e are or one essay 0eit#er task , or task 21& I you send me t!o essays* t#e "rice !ill %e dou%le& So* i you !ant to c#eck your !riting "rogress* #ere/s !#at you need to do: ,& Send me one essay 0task , or task 21 %y email& -ut t#e essay in t#e email* not as an attac#ment& Tell me !#et#er you !ant t#e V,0 or V20 ser$ice& 2& I !ill send you an email !it# a link to "ay me using -ay-al& +& W#en I recei$e t#e "ayment I !ill c#eck your essay& I !ill try to return your essay t#e ne.t day& 4o"e ully* %y using t#e !e%site* t#e e%ook* and no! t#e essay correction ser$ice* you can make real "rogress !it# your !riting t#is mont#& I you #a$e any 8uestions* use t#e 6comments6 area %elo!& To send an essay* email me atieltssimonWgmail&com& IELTS Writing Task 2: /immigration/ to"ic W#at are t#e %ene its and dra!%acks o immigration or multiCcultural societies? 4ere is a "aragra"# gi$ing some o t#e economic %ene its o immigration: 2rom an economic "ers"ecti$e* immigration can %e e.tremely "ositi$e& 'any immigrants #a$e skills t#at are needed in t#e country t#ey mo$e to& 2or"le* countries sometimes lack key !orkers like doctors and nurses* and immigration is t#ere ore encouraged& Immigrants !#o ind !ork contri%ute to t#e economy o t#eir ne! country !it# t#e skills t#ey %ring and t#e t#ey "ay& )t t#e same time* many immigrants send money to #el" amily mem%ers in t#eir #ome country* t#ere ore #el"ing to %oost t#at economy too& 5an you t#ink o any social %ene its o immigration? )re t#ere any economic or social disad$antages? -S& I/ll send a e! e.tra "aragra"#s a%out t#is to"ic to "eo"le on my email list 0"eo"le !#o #a$e %oug#t t#e e%ook1& IELTS Writing Task 2: /c#ildren/ to"ic W#at "ro%lems do c#ildren ace in today/s !orld? W#at s#ould !e do to address or sol$e t#ese "ro%lems? 4ere are some ideas rom my e%ook to get you t#inking a%out t#is to"ic: B T#e lack o closeness in amilies can #a$e a negati$e e ect on c#ildren& B

'any "arents #a$e no idea #o! t#eir c#ildren s"end t#eir time& B 2riends* tele$ision and t#e Internet #a$e %ecome t#e main in luences on c#ildren>s %e#a$iour& B Teenagers are in luenced %y "eer "ressure& B Ku$enile delin8uency is on t#e increase& B -arents s#ould %e more in$ol$ed !it# t#eir c#ildren>s u"%ringing& B <oung "eo"le need "ositi$e role models& 5an you t#ink o any more "ro%lems t#at c#ildren ace* or suggest ot#er solutions? Is it t#e res"onsi%ility o "arents* sc#ools or go$ernments to tackle t#ese "ro%lems? IELTS Writing Task 2: "u%licF"ri$ate #ealt#care ) recent IELTS Writing Task 2 8uestion !as a%out t#e ad$antages and disad$antages o "ri$ate #ealt#care& 4ere are some ideas rom my e%ook: State 4ealt# Systems: )d$antages B Aood #ealt#care s#ould %e a$aila%le to e$eryone or ree& B State #ealt#care is "aid %y t#e go$ernment using money rom B E$eryone #as access to t#e same 8uality o care and treatment& B -ri$ate #ealt#care is un air %ecause only !ealt#y "eo"le can a ord it& B T#e Dational 4ealt# Ser$ice in t#e EQ "ro$ides ree #ealt#care or e$ery resident& 0use t#is as an"le1 -ri$ate 4ealt#care: )d$antages B State #os"itals are o ten $ery large and di icult to run& B -ri$ate #os"itals #a$e s#orter !aiting lists or o"erations and a""ointments& B -atients can %ene it rom aster treatment& B 'any "eo"le "re er to "ay or a more "ersonal ser$ice& B -atients #a$e t#eir o!n room and more com orta%le acilities& ote: <ou can use t#e ad$antages o state #ealt#care !#en discussing t#e disad$antages o "ri$ate #ealt#care& IELTS Writing Task 2: /$egetarianism/ to"ic Today I asked my students a%out t#e $egetarianism to"ic& T#ey ound it 8uite di icult to gi$e %ot# sides o t#e argument& It/s im"ortant to %e a%le to discuss %ot# sides o an issue* e$en i t#ere are "oints t#at you don/t agree !it#& 4ere is a summary o t#e arguments in a$our o a $egetarian diet* according to t#e s"eaker in yesterday/s $ideo:

B ) $egetarian diet is #ealt#ier& B Eating a #am%urger a day can increase your risk o dying %y a t#ird& B Raising animals in actory arm conditions is cruel& B 'eat "roduction causes more emissions t#an trans"ortation& B :ee "roduction uses ,00 times t#e amount o !ater t#at $egeta%le "roduction re8uires& B ) $egetarian diet is c#ea"er& So* %asically #e is saying t#at a $egetarian diet is #ealt#ier* kinder to animals* %etter or t#e en$ironment and c#ea"er& Do! you need to t#ink a%out t#e o""osite argument& 2eel ree to discuss your ideas in t#e 6comments6 area& -S& I/$e !ritten a%out t#is to"ic in my e%ook& Simon/s e:ook <ou can no! %uy my e%ook 6Ideas or IELTS To"ics6& 5lick #ere to ind out #o! to "ay 'any students #a$e no ideas or o"inions a%out IELTS !riting to"ics& E$en i your grammar is "er ect* you !ill not get a #ig# IELTS score i you do not kno! !#at to !rite& T#is %ook is or students !#o !ant to go into t#e !riting eeling con ident t#at t#ey #a$e e.cellent ideas* o"inions and $oca%ulary or as many to"ics as "ossi%le& IELTS Writing Task 2: /tra ic/ to"ic Today I/d like to s#o! you a good essay %y one o my students& T#is is t#e essay 8uestion: Traffic congestion is becoming a huge problem for many ma"or cities. Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce traffic in big cities. I ga$e t#e student/s essay a %and I* mainly %ecause it contains some really good to"ic $oca%ulary& 9"en t#e ile %elo! to see t#e ull essay* grammar corrections and my comments& 4o"e ully you can see t#at t#e student #as ollo!ed my ad$ice& 4e ocuses on ans!ering t#e 8uestion* t#ere is a clear structure* and t#ere is enoug# /%and I/ $oca%ulary& IELTS )d$ice: t#e 62irstly* Secondly* 2inally6 structure I/$e #ad some great res"onses a%out t#e $ideo lesson* %ut some students !ere sur"rised t#at you can get a %and ; using 62irstly* Secondly* 2inally6& Is t#e "#rase 62irst and oremost6 %etter t#an 62irstly6? T#e ans!er is D9& Esing sim"le organising language like 62irstly* Secondly6 makes you ocus on t#e RE)L 59DTEDT o !#at you are !riting C to"ic $oca%ulary* collocations*"les& T#is is !#at t#e e.aminer !ants to see& S"end your time "re"aring ideas* o"inions and"les or IELTS to"ics* not learning alternati$e !ays to !rite 62irstly6& IELTS )cademic Writing Task 2 In t#e second "art o t#e IELTS )cademic Writing Test* you #a$e to !rite 230 !ords& <ou s#ould s"end 40 minutes on t#is task& Writing Task 2 is !ort# more t#an Task ,* so you need to do it !ell&

2or IELTS Writing Task 2* you #a$e to !rite an essay discussing a to"ic& <ou !ill %e gi$en an o"inionF argument* di erent "oints o $ie! or a "ro%lem to discuss& 'ost students "re"are "#rases or introducing and linking ideas& 4o!e$er* not many students "re"are good ideas and o"inions or IELTS to"ics& We/ll !ork on t#ese areas: B 4o! to structure a good Task 2 essay& B -re"aration o ideas* o"inions and good $oca%ulary or eac# IELTS to"ic& B 4o! to %uild and link sentences to create co#erent "aragra"#s& B 5ommon mistakes in grammar and !ord usage& Some #ard !ork on t#ese areas can make a %ig di erence to your !riting score&

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