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The Soft Killers


Introduction a. Self-Introduction: A very good evening I bid to_____ and my fellow friends. First of all, let me introduce my name, I am_________________. b. Attention getter: How many times per week do you take soft drinks in average? Do you really think that soft drinks are actually really soft to the drinkers? Someone actually put a broken tooth in a bottle of Pepsi and in 10 days, the tooth was actually dissolved! Teeth and bones are the only thing on human that would stay intact for years after death. Imagine what the soft drink must be doing to your delicate intestines and stomach lining each time you quenched your thirst with it. c. Problem: Many people actually realized that soft drinks lack of nutrients and harmful, but still prefer them over healthier options. d. Thesis and Preview: Today I would like to talk about first, the origin of some brands of soft drinks, second, how soft drinks could be used more than as just a thirst quencher, third, the real harm that they could pose, and on the healthier alternatives/choices that could be made besides committing yourself to the soft killers.


Body a. Main Idea 1: Soda pops or soft drinks actually originated from pharmacies, where they were used as drugs or pharmaceutical substances. Coca-Cola as an example was invented by John Pemberton, a pharmacist, who patented it as medicine. Coca-Cola was known that time to relieve indigestion and Dyspepsia. Because soda pops were supposed to be the reliever of Dyspepsia, a brand whose name was hidden in the word Dyspepsia; Pepsi Dys(pepsi)a was produced. 7up was originally a drug/medicine for mental patients. It was given to patients in mental asylum as the seventh ingredient

is lithium, a chemical drug for depression; which was also the reason for the drink to be named 7up. b. Main Idea 2: The soft drinks/soda pops that you actually put inside your mouth are actually multipurpose, as they could be used more than just as drinks. They can be used as: To clean a toilet: pour a can of Coca-Cola on the toilet bowl, let the thing sits for about an hour (no scrubbing needed, no sweat guaranteed) and then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke would remove the stains from Vitreous China. To loosen a rusted bolt: apply a Coke soaked cloth to the rusted bolt for a few minutes. To remove grease from clothes: empty a can of Coca-Cola into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent and run through a regular cycle. Try to pour the drink onto a slab of pork and see what would happen; worms would crawl out from it. So, is Coca-Cola a soft drink disguised as a multipurpose cleaner, or is it a multipurpose cleaner disguised as a drink? c. The acidity: Average soft drinks like Coke, Pepsi, have the pH of 3.4, which is strong enough to dissolve our precious teeth and bones. Excessive artificial sweeteners: Aspartame: 200 times sweeter than sugar. The ingredients in this sweetener contain chemicals that are neurotoxin that would affect humans brains and the brain development of an unborn baby. Saccharin: 300 times sweeter than sugar. Caused bladder cancer to the lab animals, which also means to human too. Excessive sugar: One can of soda is equivalent to 11 teaspoons of sugar. Soda pops are the number one contributor of diabetes, kidney failure and anxiety. Sugar kills more people in the world in one day than all the illegal drugs combined.

Colouring: Caramel colouring creates a brown colour of the cola beverages. Caramel has nothing but burnt white sugar. So soda pop literally contains sugar on top of sugar which is outranges! Carbon dioxide: When you drink soda, you would be putting carbon dioxide back into your body, which is actually the thing that human bodies expel naturally in breathing. A student from Delhi died on the spot after winning a Coke drinking competition (too much carbon dioxide in the blood).


Evaluation/Visualisation: a. Replace them: Replace the soft drinks with mineral water every time possible, like when you bought a value meal that comes together with soft drinks. You could also replace them with fruit or vegetables juices, but bear in mind, only drink the natural homemade juices, as the store bought ones would also contain high level of sugar and preservatives. Learn to say no each and every time people offering you soft drinks. Clear away all these kind of drinks in your fridge.

b. To the healthier you: You would lower your risk of getting diabetes when you get older later. You would lower the risk of getting osteoporosis, but remember to consume enough calcium as an addition of course. 4.0 Conclusion: In general, the less soft drinks/soda you take the better. Give your body a break, and make a healthier choice instead; so that it would get enough nutrients to stay healthy and function normally. The choice is in your hand.

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