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Chapter Ten Concerning the seeking of salvation and the requisition of necessities

After repenting Allamah Busairi (R.A) now takes refuge in his for Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam as a means for his salvation. Due to his sins, he is deserving of Allah s punishment !ut wishes and hopes that through the inter"ession and assistan"e of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam he will re"eive salvation. #is only hope is to love Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam and gain his inter"ession. Allamah Busairi (R.A) ends this poem !y "onveying Durood and Salaams upon Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam, his family, $hualafa%e%Rashideen and his Saha!ah Radiyallahu Anhum. #e also "on"ludes with a Du ah to Allah &a aala to forgive him, the re"iter and all the people who are a means of propagating this poem. 'ay Allah a""ept this effort and in"lude us all amongst his pious servants, Ameen.

(. 'ost generous of mankind, ) have no one to take refuge in

*. +,"ept you at o""urren"e of widespread "alamity.

-. And . messenger of Allah, your e,alted status will not diminish, !e"ause of me (inter"ession on my !ehalf)

/. When most Bountiful (Allah &a alaa) will manifest (#imself) !y the name of the punisher.

0. 1or verily amongst your !ounties is this world, and the hereafter.

2. And part of your knowledge is knowledge of the 3reserved &a!let (4owh), and the 3en.

5. my soul do not !e"ome despondent due to your grievous sins.

6. 7erily ma8or sins when pardoned are minor.

9. 3erhaps the mer"y of my 4ord when distri!uted.,

(:. Would !e distri!uted in proportion to the sins.

((. my 4ord (Sustainer); 'ake my hopes, not unfulfilled.

(*. By you, and make my re"koning (of deeds) not destru"tive.

(-. Be kind to <our Servant in !oth the worlds, for verily his

(/. 3atien"e, when "alled upon !y hardships ("alamities), runs away.

(0. So order "louds of !lessings (salutations) from you perpetually.

(2. =pon >a!i Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam a!undantly and gently

(5. And upon his family his Saha!ah, then upon those who follow them.

(6. &he people of piety, knowledge, "lemen"y and generosity.

(9. (&hen) !e pleased with A!u%!akr and .mar (Radiyallahu Anhuma).

*:. And Ali and =thman (Radiyallahu Anhuma), the people of no!ility.

*(. As long as the easterly !ree?e makes the !ran"hes of "ypress rustle.

**. And (as long as) the "amel riders make their "amels mar"h with the en"hanting songs.

*-. 1orgive its writer and its reader

*/. ) ask of you all goodness . <ou the 'ost @enerous and 'ost 'unifi"ent.

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