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The Resurrection of Egypt: The Anti-Exodus. 2013. J. R.

Johnson 2014

The above pictures reveal a reality that is more connected to Biblical reality than most understand. Some may think there is a reference to Obamas African ancestry and others may think it refers to the belief among some that the ancient pharaohs were black. Whatever the point of the above allusions, few would regard the statement that Egypt is being recreated in America as being true. And yet, that belief is fundamental if one is to gain an understanding of the New Age of Politics in America. The corollary of this understanding is the Biblical connection between the people of God, Slavery, and the nature of freedom from Egypt and its Pharaoh. The book of Exodus is fundamental to the understanding of the Christian faith, the nature of Biblical Law, and the idea of what constitutes freedom and slavery. Gods concepts and His Revelation about reality are essential to any understanding of politics and racial conflicts in America. America has been preoccupied with two words throughout its history: Freedom and Slavery. If these words are not defined properly, it is impossible to understand Gods order for His people. When men are in rebellion against God, the first avenue of this battle is to change Gods words into mans words and to change Gods definitions into new ones invented by man. When this is accomplished, very few are aware

that the whole nature of life and reality changes inside the minds of mankind. While Adam and Eve overtly rebelled against God, modern men have sought to hide their rebellion in lofty ideals and high-sounding phrases. In fact, this has been accomplished so expertly in America that even the very elect have been fooled. Now, many Americans think this nation represents many other ideals: the making of money, the pursuit of pleasure, the participation in religion, and the formation of personal bonds. However, these are mere pursuits which are related to the ideals of freedom and slavery. A person is free if he is able to seek out his pursuits, and a person is a slave if he is restricted from seeking his pursuits. That is one reason you will hear rich athletes talk about being modern slaves: they feel they are being restricted in some personal pursuit. In America, one is either a slave or a free person and most people today view life in these terms. Men are expected to fight to preserve freedom and to end slavery: Americas wars are the story of this battle to extend this American vision across the earth. However, the freedom taught in America is not the freedom that is taught in the Bible. According to the Bible, the vision of freedom in America is slavery. In fact, the people of the United States have become a nation of slaves. The story of history is the war between these two opposing and contradictory visions of slavery and freedom. The corollary of this story is the attempts to disguise every form of slavery as a the opportunity to discover new freedoms. One of the techniques used has been to elevate Southern Slavery as the archetype of slavery. This involves the association of Southern Christianity with the exploitation of men, and the belief that America is on a journey away from this time and into a time when everyone will be free in every way possible. Not only has Christianity now become associated with slavery, but it has been associated with every other attack upon freedom. Christians are against sexual freedom, they are against abortion, they are against assorted forms of family, they are against the liberation of women, they are against the teaching of children by the State, and they are against the new technologies that liberate men

from past restrictions. Biblical teachings about freedom are seen as nothing more than the re-enslavement of mankind to an angry God and a power-hungry church. History is taught with this scenario instilled into the minds of every child educated by the government. (Warning: always beware when the sign says Free.) The sad truth is that the typical American Christian Church has adopted this American view of reality. The Church has failed to understand the real nature of the Bible and what it teaches about God and His Kingdom. The Church and its buildings, rituals, and personal associations have become the goal of the Christian. America is viewed merely as the physical place where this activity is allowed to occur. Of course, these operations are excited to aid in the mission of America to bring freedom to the whole world. This was not the freedom promised in the Bible, but the freedom to become free from God and subject to the protection of the all-seeing eye of the State. Now words can easily be converted from the conveyors of meaning to weapons of psychological warfare and social indoctrination. If this is done correctly, very few will even notice the operation taking place. Notice how the liberation from confined, lifetime employment has been linked to the genocidal forms of slavery adopted all over the world. The only type of slavery pictured in the minds of most Americans is the one that occupied the Southern portion of the United States. However, the fictional work, Uncle Toms Cabin, which was used as wartime propaganda, became the new bible of slavery and its inhuman conditions. Uncle Toms Cabin was based upon half-truths. The events depicted actually happened and were taken from criminal court records. What is not told is that the criminal acts of some slave owners were pictured as the norm. That is how Truth becomes propaganda. It is also worth noting that of the ten million slaves transported out of Africa to the New World, only 400,000 ended up in the South. The others ended up in what was nothing more than death camps. The reason the number of Southern slaves grew is that the slave owners encouraged marriages and families; and, in fact, the South is the only place upon the earth where the slave population actually increased under captivity. The point I wish to emphasize is that Slavery in

the South, while evil by modern standards, was extra compassionate for the times in which people lived. Most slaves had a better life than the poor white farmers and newly arrived immigrants to America. The life of white farmers often was held together by the threads of good weather and a good market for ones goods. These men were slaves to forces over which they had no control. If a farmer dies, no one cares beyond his family. If a slave dies, it is considered a major economic loss by business. While the idea of a slave as property is obviously not ideal, but any valuable property is protected against loss. The slave owner often had to borrow to keep his slaves alive during bad times. Such a channel of salvation was not possible for the farmer who had nothing of value upon which a loan must be based. The image of Southern Slavery has been elevated for a reason. First, slavery had to be pictured as something that was native to America and the old ways before Americans became Enlightened. Gary North writes: People forget how common slavery has been in human history. We also forget how recently it was that any group opposed slavery either religiously or philosophically.1 Slavery, often brutal beyond imagination, has been part of history since the days of Babylon. Of course, this form of slavery is not useful slavery. Useful slavery is something that can be converted into a political purpose and something that would support modern propaganda. For this reason, it is essential that slavery must be understood, both in its historical context, and in his philosophical context. Propaganda Slavery is the Southern Slavery from which we are promised to be liberated. However, slavery has taken on many forms throughout history and it is possible to be liberated from one form of slavery only to end up in another far worse form. Because of this, I want to start out my work on the early years of the 21st century with a historical understanding of slavery and the role it has played in the lives of people, and in the role it has played as an Image in the thinking of the masses. It is also important to understand the many words often associated with slavery: servants, peasants, serfs, tenant farmers, factory slaves, military slaves, being shanghaied,

Gary North. Tools of Dominion. The Institute for Christian Economics. 1990. P. 181.

naval impressments, chain gangs, and family slaves. People have often been described as slaves to their nation; slaves to their religion; slaves to their job; slaves to their beliefs; slaves to their families; tribal slaves; and slaves to their money. The word slavery is vital in the thinking of most people. One vital distinction in the minds of most people is the idea that slavery involves no chance of being anything other than a slave. While the serf or peasant may be subjected to a lifetime of misery and poverty, there is always the hope of escaping to a better life. There is no such hope in symbolic slaveryit is for life. Of course, this definition ignores the military slave who may have a hope of getting out after a period of time, even though most may die in battle or from battlefield disease. I suppose even the poor tenant farmer in America maintained some hope. And yet, thousands of slaves purchased their freedom in the South and a quarter million black slaves were actually owned by other blacks. Even the largest store owner in Atlanta, Georgia, before the war, was a black. It is thus vital to understand that the word slavery has been converted into a political meaning and is being used for propagandistic purposes to promote a new ideology of freedom. * 306 SLAVERY APPEARS TO BE INNATE TO THE NATURE OF THE CREATED ORDER, AS MUCH AS OTHER SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS SUCH AS THE FAMILY AND THE CHURCH. One of the most shocking aspects I have discovered when I started researching this work is that slavery is universal throughout the world and throughout history. It has taken on many forms and be subject to many different laws and regulations depending upon the culture. It has been used as ways to save people from certain death, and it has been used to confine people to certain death. It has been used as a picture of what happens to a person who fails in life through lack of diligence and lack of moral character. It has also been used as a picture of eternal separation from God in the images of Hell. Most of the slaves throughout history were not from Africa.

Actually, Black African slavery was the last to become part of the historic nature of slavery. The influence of the Bible and Western Civilization had worked to end slavery throughout most of the world. People who came under the influence of the Bible could no longer think of themselves as being slaves. The Book of Exodus is the story of God liberating His people from slavery to the bureaucratic tyranny of the Egyptian Pharaoh. When men read the Bible, they resist becoming slaves. Christianity develops a mentality that resists becoming any one of the many forms of slavery: even debt slavery was resisted. As Western Civilization spread Christian ideals throughout the world, it freed men from their willingness to become a slave. For whatever reasons, Christianity and Western Civilization did not prosper on the African continent. The average lifespan of the early missionaries to Africa was approximately three months. While a few did accept the Christian message, it was often incorporated into Africa Culture. Western Biblical Civilization was pictured as a Colonial imposition and was resisted. The people conformed to Western standards as long as the colonial powers controlled the levers of power and made the laws of the land. However, Western Civilization never took root in Africa. African culture was tribal and the people captured in battle were converted into slaves. Every African lived in the knowledge that a life of slavery awaited after every military defeat. As I will be pointing out as I continue in this discussion, when the Bible and Western Civilization are removed from a culture, the slave mentality returns. No tyrant can succeed if the people of a nation have their views of reality based upon the Bible. It could easily be argued that it was not the Abolitionists who freed the slaves in America, but the desire of many Christians to convert the slaves and the teaching of the Bible to those slaves that created a mentality of freedom. True freedom is only derived from the teachings of the Bible about the true nature of both freedom and slavery. Those who think that guns freed the slaves or will free other slaves always end up trading one master for another. The failure to understand this Biblical view of slavery is the reason the slave mentality has returned to America in the 21st century.

Thomas Sowell has written one of the few true analyses of slavery. I am sure his race helped him accomplish this feat, and the fact he has studied the implications of race as few others have. He wrote this, which is essential to understanding the reintroduction of slavery into 21st century America: Clearly the ability to score ideological points against American society or Western civilization, or to induce guilt and thereby extract benefits from the white population today are greatly enhanced by making enslavement appear to be a peculiarly American, or a peculiarly white crime.2 Race and slavery have been used as a weapon to destroy Christianity and Western Civilization. There is a continuous barrage of guilt laid upon contemporary Americans for crimes against humanity committed centuries ago. A new freedom-loving America is being built, we are told, upon the carcass of White Civilization. (As odd as it may sound, you cannot understand the events of 9/11 and the new global American dream, without first understanding this assault upon the true history of slavery.) The evils of Christian and Western Civilization have been part of the public mantra since the end of WWII. I grew up in government schools and learned all about religious wars, child labor, and slaverythe evils of Capitalism based upon the Calvinism of the Bible. I was taught that only a global empire based upon some form of Super Scientific Civilization could undo the damage done by the Bible and its establishment of evil empires and colonialism throughout the world. The criminal element in the Old South was said to be the result of Southern Religious Culture. So too have the crimes and sins of a powerful Elite, been blamed upon the widespread publication of the Bible and its resulting Western Civilization. The true goal is to create a New World Order and this can only be accomplished if the old Civilization has been discredited. The corollary to this attack upon Biblical Man has been guilt. Guilty men are men who whose worldview immunity system has broken down. A healthy worldview will fight back when attacked, but when guilt has been imposed upon a worldview, men cannot fight back. For example, one reason Black and African culture has been

Thomas Sowell. Black Rednecks and White Liberals. Encounter Books. 2005. P. 111.

able to infiltrate Western Man is that he feels guilty for African Slavery and thus feels that opposing an anti-Christian African culture is the same as re-imposing slavery upon a captured people. Thomas Sowell documents the worldwide use of slaves. For example, the Arabs systemically for hundreds of years sold white, European slaves. At least a million Europeans were enslaved by North African pirates alone from 1500 to 1800.3 In the Middle Ages, so many Eastern European Slavs were sold into slavery that the very word for slavery derives from this practice. China in centuries past has been described as one of the largest and most comprehensive markets for the exchange of human beings in the world.4 In fact, there were more slaves in India that there ever were in the Western Hemisphere. And surprisingly, there was extensive slavery in the Americas long before Columbus arrived. The Ottoman Empire had a practice of enslaving young Balkan boys and using them in their civil and military establishmentsafter forcing them to convert to Islam. In the history of slavery, race was never a factor. People were enslaved because they had no choice, not because of how they looked. Wherever a separate people were enslaved, they were disdained or despised, whether they were different by country, religion, caste, race, or tribe. The Europeans who were enslaved in North Africa were despised and abused because they were Christians in a Moslem region of the world, where they were called Christian dogs.5 White Slavery was not prohibited until 1885, long after the freeing of Blacks in America. (Of course, the very word freedom was changed in America. Freedom meant equality in every way to others in Western Culture, and the freedom to publically express ones non-Christian and non-Western beliefs.) The re-definition of freedom in the United States is one of the weapons used by a ruling Elite to destroy Western and Christian Culture. To defend ones worldview and culture is pictured as a form of evil colonialism. To defend Western Civilization is now classified as seeking to reintroduce slavery into the
3 4

Sowell. P. 112. Sowell. P. 112. 5 Sowell. P. 113.

United States. To defend the Bible is also pictured as seeking to introduce the Biblical notion of legal slavery and involuntary servitude. Of course, what is really feared is the introduction of Biblical values and Biblical courage into modern America. Anytime someone brings up Biblical morality they are pictured as someone seeking to create another Inquisition; and anytime someone thinks Biblical Laws are still valid in light of science and modern tolerance, immediately the speaker is shown to be a White Supremacist seeking to enslave those who live lives based upon the modern idea of liberation from Biblical values, i.e. Freedom. It will come as a surprise but it was the 18th century version of the religious right which led to the global abolition of slavery.6 It was the British colonial Empire which led this fight against slavery: it was Christian, Biblical, and Western Civilization that fought throughout the earth to end the last bastions of slavery. The British, through their navy and the control of the global waters, sought out slave ships. In 1849, the British navy went into Brazilian waters and destroyed ships that were used in the slave trade. The British successfully threatened the Ottoman Empire to end its traffic in slaves. Even the hated Germans, in their East Africa colonies, often hanged slave traders on the spot when they caught them in the act.7 Other European nations also led the assault upon the slave trade. It was the Christian West and its King James Bible was persuaded the people of Northern Europe to fight for the lives of unknown foreigners. No non-Western nation or civilization shared this animosity toward slavery that began to develop in the Western world in the late eighteenth century, reach its peak in the nineteenth century, and continued to fuel the anti-slavery efforts that were still necessary in much of Africa and Middle East on into the first half of the twentieth century.8 Today the Bible is often pictured as just another book of colonialism, but it was the belief that God created every man upon the earth that led to the Northern European hatred of slavery.

6 7

Sowell. P. 116. Sowell. P. 117. 8 Sowell. P. 117.

Those nations that did not have the King James Bible reacted in astonishment at the Wests condemnation of a practice that was seen as natural as the air their people breathed. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire said this to the British when they confronted his nations involvement with slavery: I have been heard with extreme astonishment accompanied with a smile at a proposition for destroying an institution closely inter-woven with the frame of society in this country, and intimately connected with the law and with the habits and even the religion of all classes, from the Sultan himself on down to the lowest peasant.9 If men are mere animals, then the strongest animals are entitled to own lesser animals. It is the book of Genesis that makes each man special and each man with an eternal soul: this makes even the lowest peasant or serf, valuable as a person. The Maoris of New Zealand regularly enslaved their fellow Polynesians with the following rationale: We took possession in accordance with our customs and we caught all the people. Not one escaped. Some ran away from us, those we killed, and others we killedbut what of that? It was in accordance with our customs.10 (Emphasis added.) The ruler of Zanzibar said this to the British envoy when pressured to end the slave trade: When Palmerton continued to press for an end to the slave trade, Said pleaded that if he acceded to British demands his subjects would withdraw their loyalty from him, and support another claimant to the throne. And we he not looked up to by all Arabs generally as the person who should protect and guarantee for them their dearest interestthe right to carry on the slave trade? He reminded Hamerton that Arabs were not like the English and other European people who were always reading writing and were unable to understand the anti-slavery viewpoint. The British obsession with it was quite inexplicable to them.11 The people throughout the earth could never understand the obsession Europeans had in protecting the lowest peoples upon the earth: no one fights wars to protect mere animals. And yet, despite the efforts of the Europeans to

Sowell. P. 117. Sowell. P. 117-8. 11 Sowell. P. 118.


end, not only slavery, but the very concept of human inequality, the Europeans are blamed for slavery and the White Man is consider the founding father of the mistreatment of mankind. Most Americans acquired their views about slavery from the fictional work, Roots, by Alex Haley. It was converted into one of the most popular TV shows of all time. Haley justified his mission through his fictional work, I tried to give my people a myth to live by.12 It is this myth which converted America into a nation where the Whites felt guilty and the Blacks hated all Whites for their inherent hatred of Black people. Sowell writes this about the true nature of servitude: Contrary to the myths to live by crated by Alex Haley and others, Africans were by no means the innocents portrayed in Roots, baffled as to why white men were coming in and taking their people away in chains. On the contrary, the region of West Africa from which Kunte Kinte supposedly came was one of the great slave-trading regions of the continentbefore, during, and after the white man arrived. It was the Africans who enslaved their fellow Africans, selling some of these slave to Europeans or to Arabs and keeping others for themselves. Even at the peak of Atlantic slave trade, Africans retained more slaves for themselves than they sent to the Western Hemisphere.13 Slavery existed from the beginning of history and it existed among all races and in all nations. Of course, historical propaganda has told everyone about the number of slaves who died on shipboard during their journey to the Americas. However, this truth is a half-truth: a white man was more likely to catch malaria in Africa than to catch slaves himself. the death rates among white crews of the ships carrying slaves to the Western Hemisphere were as high as the death rates among the slaves themselves.14 Conditions aboard the old sailing ships were never hospitable to human life. Those who could not afford first class passage to the Americas, spent weeks in crowded, cramped, and filthy conditions. Many died on route to America. The Irish who came to America during the great Irish Famine, endured terrible conditions below deck during their journey. Death was common.
12 13

Sowell. P. 114. Sowell. P. 120. 14 Sowell. P. 121.

While the conditions of the slave taken to the Americas were brutal, they were paradise to the brutal slave trade operated by the Arabs in northern Africa. When the British started enforcing their ban on the slave trade, the Arabs would throw slaves overboard if their capture was imminent. Sowell cites the experience of Dr. David Livingstone, the famous British explorer and missionary: Dr. Livingstone also reported having nightmares for weeks after encountering Arab slave traders and their victims. Not only was this Christian missionary shocked by the brutality of the Arab slave traders, so was Mohammed Ali, the ruler of Egypt, who a battle-hardened military commander.15 The mortality rate among Blacks taken slave by the Arab Slave Traders was much higher than the death rate of Blacks taken to the Americas. Also, overall, many more Blacks went into slavery to Arabs than to those in the Americas. And yet little is written of that form of slavery. Consider this situation compared to the slaves who lived in the Southern portion of the United States: By a variety of accounts, most of the slaves who were marched across the Sahara toward the Mediterranean died on the way. While these were mostly women and girls, the males faced a special danger castration to produce the eunuchs in demand as harem attendants in the Islamic world. The great majority of those operated on died as a result, but the price of eunuchs was so much higher than the prices of other slaves that the practice was still profitable on net balance.16 Being educated under Americas free education propaganda system, I learned about Southern slavery, but I never learned about the other forms of slavery that were much, much more brutal. The movie Khartoum, is mostly remembered as the heroic efforts to defeat the Mohammed Mahad by Major Gordon, played by Charlton Heston. The movie downplays the slavery aspect of the war between the Mahdi and Gordon. It was Gordons goal to eliminate slavery and the slave trade, and it was for this, as a Christian, that he sacrificed his life. While the movie gave the impression of the British attempting to extend their colonial power, the war was about ending the slave trade. It was a case of White men fighting Arabs to protect the Blacks. On
15 16

Sowell. P. 125. Sowell. P. 126.

the issue of slavery, it was essentially Western civilization against the world. At the time, Western civilization had the power to prevail against all other civilizations. That is how and why slavery was destroyed as an institution in almost the whole world.17 Without the King James Bible, no Civilization was able to take a moral stand against involuntary servitude. * 307 THE QUESTION THAT HAUNTS ME, WHY IS THE HISTORY OF SLAVERY THE MOST NEGLECTED TOPIC AND EXCLUDED FROM MOST HISTORY BOOKS? When I started researching this section, I was shocked. I have read literally hundreds of history books, and I found myself discovering things I never knew when I started researching the history of human slavery. I thought it was confined to merely random occasions and that slavery was a minimal event until the discovery of the Americas. I knew about the Southern cotton fields, the mines of South America, and the infamous sugar cane plantations, but I never knew that slavery was a major occurrence throughout history. Every Empire had actually been built with the help of slaves, and it had nothing to do with race: you default upon a debt or lose a war, and you become a slaveeverywhere and throughout time. An excellent work upon the historic nature of slavery is a book simply titled Slavery: A World History.18 It is over three hundred pages of documentation of the secret side of civilization. Actually, slavery is believed to display a progress in civilization: before slavery, captured soldiers were merely killed. However, with the development of domesticated animals and cultivated farming, it became necessary to add workers who would, i.e. be forced to work cheaply. The situation of the Nation of Israel in the Old Testament was quite common: The nation was forced to submit to the rule of Egypt because of a famine. Terrible droughts often forced whole communities from their homeland. They were allowed to settle in valleys or oases in return for dues or services.19 Charity was
17 18

Sowell. P. 126. Milton Meltzer. Slavery: A World History. Da Capo Press. 1993. 19 Meltzer. P.3.

not free, but dispensed with strict contractual commitments, i.e. slavery or servitude. Meltzer writes: As the desire for slave labor grew, there were always men eager to profit from it. Kidnapping and piracy became good business to meet a scarcity or satisfy a growing demand. The traffic in slaves became one of the earliest forms of commerce. Slaves were sent as commodities to wherever their muscle or skill, beauty or brains, would bring the highest price.20 The bottom line is that just as the cattle and sheep, humans were considered as just another form of animal. It is the Bible which teaches that all men are special. It is God who makes the animal that is man become a living soul. Without this Revelation, the only animal that is a person is one who is connected with some earthly source of power. Usually, this is the government, the king, or emperor. It is essential to understand the Biblical nature of mans humanity. When man lacks Gods Revelation, he creates his own reality. And this reality from the very beginning, involved the domestication of human animals. Of course, the human animals had no more rights than the cattle and sheep that early man has also domesticated. Now, the Bible states that God has placed His Revelation inside all of us and it is there, even if not acknowledged. All men have something inside of themselves that they are higher than the animals and their consciousness reveals a soul which is eternal and something special that reflects the image of a creator. Slavery, when it converts man to an animal, it denies a reality created by God. Meltzer writes: It seems safe to say that a sense of ones own worth is at the root of morality. By denying a mans humanity, slavery prevents him from developing a sense of human dignity. As for the master, the habit of domination tends to poison every aspect of his life. For when the masters whim controls every movement of his slave, the masters power of self-control is weakened and destroyed. The master who recognizes no humanity in his slave loses it in himself.21 This can be seen in reverse form in the Old South. The many Christians
20 21

Meltzer. P. 3. Meltzer. P. 4.

in the South who owned slaves, insisted that the relationships be personal. The family farm or plantation did become, as a consequence, one big family. The slaves would be brought into the house if taken ill, and the slaves would often have to load money to their master to help him through tough times. Of course, history books thrive on documenting the worst cases of slaverywhich in the South was the exception. The Bible has been universally criticized for failing to condemn slavery. However, what is missed is the fact that the Bible restores all relationships to being one between co-creations of God. When the slaves are treated as having eternal souls, the foundations of the traditional forms of slavery as practiced throughout history are undermined. It is essential to document the conditions of slaves who lived outside the protection of Biblical Law and Biblical Revelation of personhood. The institution of slavery was universal throughout much of history. It was a tradition everyone grew up with. It seemed essential to the social and economic life of the community, and mans conscience was seldom troubled by it. Both master and slave looked upon it as inevitable. Slavery existed in every society as a vital part of economic life. Yet most ancient authors did not write about it as a problem. They may have conjectured about its origins or detailed the slaves life, but few imagined it was possible to abolish it.22 It is estimated that the first slaves resulted from those who were captured during the many territorial conflicts and power conflicts between small nations who both desired the same land or resources. Actually, a captured soldier was also an investment, as the soldier could be ransomed or he could earn his freedom. However, it did not take long for those who control the finances of a nation to discover that debt was a great recruiting tool for slavery. The advantage of a debt slave is that he is from the same locality and nationality as the ones making the loans. Also, the debtor can easily made to feel guilty for his failure and to blame himself for his condition. (Even today, most people do not understand that a debt money system is designed to produce failures.) The


Meltzer. P. 6.

captured soldier may attempt to escape to his home, but the debt slave is already at home. Even in the early times in Samaria (about 200 B.C.), debt economies existed. In some periods the interest rates on loans soared, and tenant farmers were squeezed hard by their creditors for larger shares of their crops. The poor people were drowned in debt and were often forced to sell sons or daughters into slavery. Sometimes a father simply handed over a child to his creditor to cancel a debt. For a long time the temples were the biggest landowners and employers. Gradually the kings own estates, stores, and workshops expanded, using more and more hired labor and slaves. Society became largely state-dominated as the temple economy was subjected to the king. The majority of the Sumerians were tightly controlled by government and practically enslaved.23 It could easily be maintained that two of major results of the Fall of Mankind have been the desire to create a government that replaces Gods rule upon the earth; and the desire to man to live outside of Gods law and to be free from the consequences of lawbreaking. The famous ancient King Hammurabi (about 1792-1750 B.C.), established slavery, according to his system of laws. Over a ten year period, he was able to destroy all competing kingdoms and unite them under his single rule. Power became consecrated in his hands. He announced that he had been called by the gods to promote the welfare of the people.24 He did establish some rights for the individual, but the real power resided with the state. Hammurabi recognized slavery as being in the interests of the state, and he sought to protect slaves from injustice from the slave owner. While the state did protect the slave, anyone who harbored an escaped slave was executed. In Old Testament history, the stories of Assyria and Babylon intertwine vitally with the Gods People. One thing I remember most from my first readings of the Old Testament was the organized violence that one witnessed during these times. Modern man certainly has no monopoly upon violence or brutality.
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Meltzer. P. 12. Meltzer. P. 15.

Americans have largely been sheltered from mass violence, except for the South during the Civil War. Throughout history, secure borders between nations have largely been non-existent. The same thing applied to ones own property deed. A person only owns a piece a property as long as the State has no desire to use it. Also, a nations border is only as secure as it is able to defend. A border not backed up without the threat of violence is not a border except on someones map. Wars and the resultant pool of captured slaves have been universal throughout history. The following illustrates the nature of a predatory government: The number of slaves increased steadily under the two kingdoms. The Assyrian rulers waged wars year after year, eventually conquering most of the Near East. These may have started as preventive wars to protect their land from enemy neighbors, but they inevitably became predatory wars. Victory meant loot and slaves. With superior military power, the Assyrians were able to plunder other states and force payment of ransom and tribute. Almost every spring, the Assyrians swept down upon their victims, burned their villages and towns, destroyed their fields and orchards, and massacred anyone who resisted.25 This pattern has been repeated over and over throughout history. The nature of the battles has changed, but the nature of evil rulers has not changed one bit. Somehow, the masses have been told that wearing a suit and tie and looking straight into the camera means the ruler is a nice and decent person. Another aspect of reality that has been lost with the thrashing of the Bible is the revelation of mans totally evil nature, if given the opportunity. Meltzer adds a statement from the emperor Ashurnasirpal II, (884-859 B.C.) who executed hostile kings and tortured unarmed and innocent civilians by the most atrocious methods.26 Remember, those not taken into captivity and slavery were subjected to the following: I built a pillar over against his city gate and I flayed all the chiefs who had revolted, and I covered the pillar with their skin. Some I walled up within the
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Meltzer. P. 18. Meltzer. P. 18.

pillar, some I impaled upon the pillar on stakes, and others I bound to stakes round about the pillar. And I cut the limbs of the officers, of the royal officers who had rebelled. Man captives from among them I burned with fire, and many I took as living captives. From some I cut off their noses, their ears and their fingers; of many I put out the eyes. I made one pillar of the living and another of heads, and I bound their heads to tree trunks round about the city. Their young men and maidens I burned in the fire. Twenty men I captured alive and I immured them in the wall of his palace. The rest of their warriors I consumed with thirst in the desert of the Euphrates..27 The next great empire in Old Testament times was the Babylonian Empire and ruled by the infamous Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 B.C.), who also adopted the policy of invade, destroy, and enslave. The Biblical prophet Jeremiah wrote the following:

But the Chaldeans' army pursued after them, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho: and when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he gave judgment upon him.

Then the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah in Riblah before his eyes: also the king of Babylon slew all the nobles of Judah.

Moreover he put out Zedekiah's eyes, and bound him with chains, to carry him to Babylon.

And the Chaldeans burned the king's house, and the houses of the people, with fire, and brake down the walls of Jerusalem.

Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, that fell to him, with the rest of the people that remained.28

27 28

Meltzer. P. 18-19. Jeremiah 39: 5-9

The above scenario occurred many times in the Old Testament as the people of God were carried off to captivity, i.e. slavery. For the people of God, slavery was always the result of Gods people rebelling against His Laws--His rule over them. The greatest of these times of slavery is when the nation of Israel was taken captive to Babylon and engaged to build the massive projects for the Emperors. Babylon also used slaves in its army. It is also of interest that The slaves of Mesopotamia were branded as the animals were. The brand might be a symbol or the name of the owner.29 These events in the Old Testament are vital to the understanding of the whole Bible. When men rebel against God, they not only lose their humanity, they become slaves to some person, some sin, some institution, or some government. The Bible talks about people who rebel against God and submit to an anti-Christ Order, as being branded. Some entity other than God owns that person and he has become a slave who is treated much as an animal would be treated. (As I continue in this discussion of the nature of slavery and modern times, it is important to remember the significance of slavery throughout history.) Of course, central to the Old Testament story are the events surrounding the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. I will be dealing with this later. Right now, I want to document the condition of slaves within the Roman Empire. While the Old Testament centered around the conditions within Egypt for Gods people, the New Testament centers around the lives of Jesus and the early Christians within the Roman Empire. The reduction of the human as a special creation by God to the level of an animal is totally exemplified by the way it used slaves within the Roman system. Just as Jesus is pictured as a new Adam ruling over a new creation, the Christians saw themselves as a new Israel living within the confines of a new Egypt. The nation of Israel that existed during the days of Jesus was seen as nation that had become enslaved to Rome because it had violated Gods Laws and rebelled against His purpose for His people. Just as plagues came upon Egypt, Jesus announced Gods judgment upon the nation of Israel. In Matthew 24, Jesus

Meltzer. P. 22.

proclaimed the judgments that were about to come the people during their lifetime. Just as the judgments upon the Pharaoh resulted in the freedom of Gods people from slavery to an evil kingdom, so the judgments about to come upon the nation of Israel would result in God establishing a new Kingdom. This new kingdom would become the invisible yeast that would permeate the whole loaf.30 The Exodus of Gods people out of the old nation Israel, which God would judge with a new set of plagues; and the creation of a new Kingdom, is the theme that marked the creation of the Church. It was during this time of Gods people participated in a new Exodus, that the Roman Empire was sinking into a time of total corruption. Part of this corruption was the public exaltation of slavery. Meltzer writes: The human beings that Rome enslaved in her wars of conquest were used up rapidly and recklessly. At a time when lives were wasted in such vast numbers, the wholesale butchery of men for public pleasure was not questioned. Torture and floggings were commonplace, and people were executed by the most fiendish means. Sadistic cruelty seemed to lie just beneath mans surface, ready to operate whenever given the chance.31 When Christianity escaped from the bonds of the false nation of Israel and its legal trappings, it was thrust into the world of Rome. The Kingdom of God was born inside the Roman Empire and the early Christians were called upon to live a life according to the laws of Gods Kingdom. A large part of Rome was the mass spectacles to bring some form of excitement to the masses. The gladiator was a large part of this government by diversion practiced by the corrupt leaders of Rome. The gladiators were chosen from among slaves, war captives and condemned criminals. Death in the arena was the sentence given to criminals for such offenses as murder, treason, robbery, arson, and sacrilege. Many gladiators hated their imprisonment and brutalizing training, and mutinied or killed themselves rather than submit to their fate. most gladiators were slaves, who had no choice in their fate.32 And

Matthew 13: 33. Another parable spake he unto them: The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. 31 Meltzer. P. 163. 32 Meltzer. P. 163.

these spectacles were not confined to Rome itself but were extremely popular throughout the provinces. Great amphitheaters were built just about everywhere for this purpose. It is important to understand that the Christians, while not participating in these events (hopefully), did not organize protests in ending these evil events. It is important to understand this because the Christians who lived in the old South are condemned today for not violently organizing against the slave system. There were a large number of political action groups seeking a peaceful end to slaver. The North wanted an armed uprising by the slaves, similar to the one in Haiti where every man, woman, and child of the white race was brutally murdered: The way to end slavery was to kill all of the masters and their families. (The condition of Haiti today is a good example of the long term ramifications of such a philosophy.) The nature of these gladiatorial games is important to understand. A private contractor would stage these events for a price. During a show, lasting up to a week, one half of the gladiators would be killed. Hence, the contractor had to continually buy more slaves for his business operation to continue. As the empire declined, the games become more and more vital for the government. By the fourth century A.D., the number of days devoted to games and spectacles in Rome had risen to 175 a year. Animals were used to vary the monotony of human death. Panthers, ostriches, giraffes, crocodiles, lynxes, boars, wolves, lions, tigers, elephantsgathered from all over the known worldwere paraded or made to perform circus acts. Bear fought buffalo, buffalo fought elephant, elephant fought rhinoceros. In one day the Emperor Nero [reigned 54-68 A.D.] set 400 tigers to battle with bulls and elephants. they slew animals in incredible numbers: 5,000 when Titus [reigned 79-81 A.D.] inaugurated the Coliseum in 80 A.D; 2,246 in on of Trajans festivals.33 There are two important things to remember from this section: slavery has existed for thousands of years and it often persisted among people of the same race or color of their skin. Slavery was not just for the purpose of building great

Meltzer. P. 170.

monuments or theaters, or working on the farms, but slaves were to be used as you would use any other animal: just as the animal was used for sacrifice or entertainment. The philosophy of slavery during history is totally contrary to the Laws of the Kingdom of God, and yet the Kingdom of God existed at the same time as the cruelest forms of slavery. Second, the Kingdom of God is to operate as yeast amidst the dough: the whole loaf is gradually affected by the yeast. The Kingdom of God is to operate as a process within history, but it is not to be the instigator of Revolutions. One reason is this: Revolutions only kill people, but ideas are never killed in such wars. Now there are two reactions to the above from the perspective of those living in the 21st century: Revolutions may only kill people, but maybe we can create a revolution that kills the right people. The other reaction is to retire to the thrill of the spectacle: this could be either the thrill of American entertainment, or the thrill of false spirituality. The Revolutionary needs an enemy in order to start a revolution. During the American Civil War, an enemy was created in the Old South and its Christian social standards. The Civil War was based upon the idea of REVOLUTION. Those who lived in the Old South attempted to operate Gods Kingdom within the structures inherited from the past. Revolution destroys opposition; Christianity undermines opposition. Every student in American schools learns about Southern Slavery, but never learns about the history of slavery. Slavery existed in every area of the world throughout history, and slave owners were of every color and race. The Christians in the South sought to transform slavery by recognizing the common creation of all men under God. Christians would purchase slaves with the purpose of teaching them the Bible and converting them from the pagan religions of Africa to Christianity. Christians and slaves would work together in the fields, side by side. For example, consider the following: It has now been demonstrated with hard economic data that the slaves of the Old South fared much better than

factory workers in the North with respect to health, diet, leisure, longevity, and general well-being.34 Many slaves in the Old South purchased their freedom: it was found that the best way to motivate the workers in the field was to pay them for productive labor. Hence, many slaves acquired enough to purchase their freedom and even establish their own farms, plantations, and businesses. That was the Kingdom of God principle at work as the treatment of people as images of God will transform a social system in time. The Revolution of the North liberated the slaves only from one form of slavery, only to introduce them to the impersonal system of the factory and the corporation. The corporation replaced the plantation in America. The corporation treated men like animals to be used and discarded according to the principles of good business practices. A good example of the Old South is this speech given by the Southern Abolitionist, James McDowell, in 1832 in the Virginia House of Delegates. He was also the governor of the southern state of Virginia from 1843-1846. He stated that no what you do to a slave, you cannot erase his natural desire to be free. He also stated the following about the institution of Southern slavery that he despised: It is true, sir, to the letter, what gentlemen have frequently declared, that there is no laboring peasantry in any other part of the world, who, in all external respects, are better situated than our slave,--who suffers less from want, who suffers less from hardship, who struggles less under the toils of life, and or who has a fuller supply of the comforts which mere physical nature demands. In all these respects he shares the equalizing and benignant spirit of our institutions and our age. He is not the victim of cruelty of cruelty. He is rarely, if ever, harmed by oppression. He is governed by an authority which year after year is abating of its harshness, and is admitted to every privilege which the deprivation of his liberty can allow.35 In light of the above, consider the history of slavery throughout the world, and compare that with the conditions of Southern Slaves. The major reason for

John Remington Graham. Blood Money: The Civil War and the Rederal Reserve. Pelican Publishing. 2006. P. 21. 35 Graham. P. 20-21.

the difference is that the Kingdom of God was in operation in the South where everyone, whatever their conditions, was treated as a creature created by God. (I am not denying the criminal element among a few of the slave owners. No order converts everyone to its beliefs.) The principle of change by Revolution is that it requires a vast governmental army and bureaucracy to ensure that the proper changes are taking place. Also, the changes invariably treat people as mere clay in the names of a superior elite who know what is best for the common animals. There are only two Kingdoms in operation within history and they operate according to very contrary principles. It is vital to understand this, or history will be merely the story of one propaganda story opposing another propaganda story.

* 308 HISTORY HAS BEEN REWRITTEN TO ENSURE THAT THE WHITE RACE FEELS GUILTY FOR ALL THAT IS EVIL IN WESTERN CIVILIZATION, AND FEELS GUILTY FOR THE CONDITION OF BOTH THE BLACK AND THE RED MAN. The Bible is about slavery. However, the Biblical definition of slavery has never been popular. However, men invent other forms of slavery to support their worldview. The Kingdom of Babylon and the Kingdom of God both produce slaves. In is within this context that freedom and slavery must be understood. If this is not done, then the reality of this world can easily be manipulated by those wishing to profit in the trafficking in mens souls. Ever since the American Abolitionists, slavery has become a race issue. Slavery was converted into a White versus Black issue. This invented reality of racial war became the new paradigm replacing religious conflicts in America. The myth of Black Slavery was based upon the myth of the savage offensive warfare by the White Man upon the peace-loving American Indian. Europeans were said to have introduced race warfare into the Americas. First, the White Men had to attack and destroy the ancient Indian race and his culture. Second, White men then brought Blacks to America because the Red Man refused to become slaves to the White plantations. White culture, it was believed, was

based upon racial slavery. In the old country, England ruled the world with its Empire by subjecting non-Whites to the colonial rule of the White Englishman. It was this colonial mentality that the White man brought to America and he sought to colonialize the continent, much as England made a giant colony out of the world. The facts of history that do not fit into this paradigm have been eliminated from American history textbooks and the American medias view of the world. I documented earlier the fact that the Pilgrim Fathers in Plymouth were making good progress in converting the Indians to Christianity, when other Indians realized that their pagan beliefs were in danger of being destroyed. The nonChristian Indians enveloped the whole region in a giant Indian War and resulting massacre on both sides. I also covered the fact that the Indians of the East Coast were actually Europeans who had been shipwrecked or for some other reason, left to survive in the then desolate land. That is the reason there are so many preColumbus artifacts found in Eastern America. The Roman Empire had a tin mine in North America. I dealt with this extensively earlier, but I want to add two points to this discussion. First, many whites came to America as slaves. And they did not arrive on red carpets. Of course, you might say, their time of service was limited. True, but , up to thirty per cent did not survive the first year of service. Once debarked at the small Chesapeake ports and riverside inlets on the mainland, the incoming servants found themselves transformed into commoditiescommoditized units of labor. mere physical survival for the newly recruited laborers was still the most immediate problem. In Middlesex County, Virginia, only a minority lived to the end of their service and joined the ranks of the free.36 The surviving letters and diaries from these white slaves describe horrible conditions. The textbooks often emphasize the conditions of the slaves and compare these conditions with the plantation owners. That is a false comparison. Actually, the Black slave often had better conditions because the owner wanted the slave he paid for to survive and have many productive years. The

Bernard Bailyn. The Barbarous Years. Alfred A. Knopf Books. 2012. P. 169-170.

White Slave was only owned for maybe seven years, and the owner had no interest in seeing his slave to survive longer than that time. In general, Whites were not treated with the relative dignity the term indentured servants connotes, but as degraded chattelpart of the personal estate of the master and on part with his farm animals. The term indentured servitude therefore is nothing more than a propagandistic softening of the historic experience of enslaved White people in order to make a false distinction between their sufferings and those of negro slaves.37 Hoffman adds this which compares with the African Slave Trade: At the bare minimum, hundreds of thousands of White slaves were kidnapped off the streets and roads of Great Britain in the course of more than one hundred and fifty years and sold to captains of slaveships in London known as White Guineamen.38 Hoffman writes about aspects of slavery that are never, and I mean never, talked about today. There are historical episodes that have been deliberately lost in order to create remembered events that support the modern worldview. For example, in the year 1670, some ten thousand whites were kidnapped from the streets of England. The word kidnapper comes from the act of nabbing children from England and selling them into slavery, i.e. kid nabbers. Did you ever learn about this form of slavery in your American government education? Of course not, because they do not the Whites to know that they also were victims of slavery. When Cromwell (1599-1658) fought against Ireland during his reign in England, he forced the Irish captives into slavery. Hoffman cites George Novack who states this: Over a hundred thousand men, women and children were seized by the English troops and shipped to the West Indies, where they were sold into slavery.39 Cromwell in 1655 signed an order authorizing the selling of young Irish women into slavery. A week later Henry Cromwell ordered that 1,500 Irish boys aged 12 to 14 also be shipped into slavery with the Irish girls in

Michael A. Hoffman II. They Were White and They Were Slaves: the Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America. Wiswell Ruffin House. 1991. P. 25. 38 Hoffman. P. 27. 39 Hoffman. P. 27.

the steaming topics of Jamaica and Barbados in circumstances which killed off White adult slaves by the thousands due to the rigors of field work in that climate and the savage brutality of their overseers.40 This policy of conquering the Irish resulted in more than one hundred thousand Irish being sold into slavery. By the time Cromwells men had finished with the Irish people, only one-sixth of the Irish population remained on their lands.41 Cromwell also made use of internment camps in his war against the Irish Catholics. However, Cromwell the Protestant, also sold fellow Protestants into slavery. First he started by ordering the round up of two thousand English women for deportation and sale into slavery. After this, the homeless poor of Scotland were rounded up and sold into slavery. Cromwell is regarded as a Protestant hero for ridding England of King Charles I. The people quickly tired of Cromwells strict methods of cleaning up the nation and brought back a King, Charles II. During the restoration reign of Charles II, the king with Catholic sympathizers who had been Cromwells archenemy, King Charles enslaved large groups of poor Presbyterians and Scottish Covenanters and deported them to the plantations in turn.42 Writers at the time indicated that these White Slaves fared worse than the slaves transported from Africa. The English always maintained that those shipped off were criminals, but in that time, it was quite easy to become a criminal. Hoffman provides the following example of how easily one could become sent to Barbados. In 1655 four teenagers were whipped through the streets of Edinburgh, Scotland, burned behind the ears and barbadosed for interrupting a minister, James Scott, while he was preaching in church.43 It was indeed dangerous to live in England during those times, even though England is often considered one of the more civilized nations during that era. Hoffman concludes: White slaves included not just paupers but such wicked villaines as vagrants,

40 41

Hoffman. Hoffman. 42 Hoffman. 43 Hoffman.

P. 27. P. 28. P. 28. P. 29-30.

beggars, disorderly and other dissolute persons as well as White children from the counties and towns of Britain who were stolen from their parents.44 It is important to remember that I am merely documenting here the treatment of the White lower class in England. Another whole story could be written about the treatment of Protestant dissidents in England during this era. It was very dangerous to be politically incorrect. The Book, Foxes Book of Martyrs, first published in 1563 and contained 1800 pages documenting the persecution of Christians in England and Scotland during the English Reformation. While Americans have learned much about the slave trade, little is known about the sufferings of the White Race in its attempt to be free from tyrannical governments and to be free to publish and read the Bible. The Whites have been convinced that their heritage is one of an evil colonial ruler and persecutor of all those who do not share the same skin color.45 Second, the White Race has also been indicted for its treatment of the humble Indian who lived at peace with everyone and with his environment. However, again the true nature of the Indian problem is rarely stated. The Indians often initiated the violent conflicts, and raised the level of violence to new levels. The attempts of the White men to convert the Indian and civilize his pagan ways have been slanted to impugn the good intentions of the White Race and to associate Christianity with slavery, colonialism, and exploitation. Because White Christians either attend government schools, or attend private schools that use governmentally approved textbooks, most White kids grow up thinking that sin originated with the White race.

44 45

Hoffman. P. 30. Hoffman cites a letter by one young white servant, i.e. slave, girl written back to England. She wrote: Honored Father: O Dear Father I am sure youll pity your distressed d aughter. What we unfortunate English people suffer here is beyond the probability of you in England to conceive. Lit it suffice that I am one of the unhappy number toiling day and night, and very often in the horses druggery, with only the comfort of hearing me called, You, bitch, you did not do half enough. Then I am tied up and whipped to that degree that youd not serve an animal. I have scarce any thing but Indian corn and salt to eat and that even begrudged. Nay, many negroes are better used. after slaving after Masters pleasure, what rest we can get is to wrap ourselves up in a blanket and lay upon the ground. This is the deplorable condition your poor Betty endures. (P. 69.)

Certainly, every race has its criminal element. However, when history is based upon this criminal element, then the historical record then becomes pure propaganda. I never read in school about all of the missionary work that was done among the native populations. I have never read about all of the Christian charities which sought to integrate the Indian into American culture. I only read about the greedy White Man seeking to steal land from the Indian and seeking to rob him of his great heritage. Christianity was pictured as a doctrine which sought to turn native Americans into slaves to an ideology totally contrary to their natural instincts. In fact, Christianity spread through all of northern Europe by being a missionary faith and that did not cease when the settlers came to America. However, now conversion was pictured as an evil which destroyed the spirit of the native Americans. The broken-spirited Indian pictured in the textbooks was caused by White Men attempted to convert the Indians to something that was contrary to his true self. For this, White Man must be held account and should feel the guilt of his actions. I certainly learned growing up in politically correct schools, that the White Protestant man enslaved the Black race, and that the White European settlers came to the Americas and stole the land from the Indians.46 The message to the student was always one of shame on you, White man. When a person has been immersed in guilt and shame, he becomes open to manipulation. That is why it is so important to understand the connection between the White race, Western Civilization, and Christianity. It is quite easy to trace the dominant forms of Christianity from Israel, to Rome, and then to England and Northern Europe. There have been great Christians in all parts of the world, but those Christians drew upon the knowledge and work of those Christians in Northern Europe, i.e. White people.

I regularly drive from coast to coast across the United States. The first time I did this I was shocked by how much open space there is. In a nation over three hundred million, I kept wondering, Where are all the people? When the first settlers arrived to North America there may have been as few as a million natives living in what is called the lower 48. Some estimate it as low as a quarter million. The large number of native Americans is derived by th including the total number of people living in both North and South America when Columbus arrived. In the 19 century scholars believed the total pre-Columbus population to be ten million. As White guilt has increased, so has the total been increased possibly up to 50 million. Either way, there was a lot of land and a population around that of California today.

The faults of the White Man are pushed forward as being an example of his worldview, and the positive traits of the Indian have been sanctified, and their evil pagan ways have sanitized. Many of the settlers just wanted to share the land with the Indians as they were sharing the land with the other settlers. This desire for peace was used against the White Man. The warriors would wander, casually and unarmed, with provisions to sell, into English settlements where they were well know, and then at a given time they would grab any object they could find spade, ax, gun, knife, rock, log, tongand murder every person they could reach, man, woman, or child, and they would burn all the building and crops.47 The Indians understood that they were in a religious and cultural war with the White Man. The White Man just assumed the Indian would recognize the superiority of Western religion and culture. It was difficult for many to understand the hatred of a pagan religion for Christianity.48 The Indian wars pictured in history books or in the movies are quite different in reality. Consider the following story about the Jamestown area: In plantation after plantation from west to east, north and south of the James, the Indians turned on their unsuspecting hosts, in some places while sharing breakfast with people at their tables, and with axes, hammers, shovels, tools, and knives slaughtered them indiscriminately, not sparing eyther age or sexe, man, woman, or childe; so sodaine in their curell execution that few or none discerned the weapon or blow that brought them to destruction. Those in the fields or otherwise at work were tracked down and murdered contrary to all lawes of God and men, of nature & nations. And the horror was compounded by the attackers defacing dragging, and mangling the dead carcasses into many pieces, and carrying some parts away in derision, with base and brutish triumph.49 The settlers may have been accustomed the brutal treatment by the Kings Men, but the level of savagery, hatred, and brutality by their peers was
47 48

Bernard Bailyn. The Barbarous Years. Knopf. 2012. P. 101. st The same illusion is held by the 21 century Christian. He cannot believe that there is an evil class of sophisticated, well-education elites that want to destroy him and destroy Christianity. He naively believes that everyone believes in the superiority of Christian morality and Western Civilization. 49 Bailyn. P. 102.

something they could not understand. In fact, the efforts to teach Christianity or Civilization to the Indian brought out the most hatred. Houses were burned to the ground, crops were plundered, equipment wrecked, animals killed, maimed, or driven off. And the Indians protectors and advocates among the settlers were, it seems, singled out for attack, as if the acculturation they had sought, with its assumption of divine sanction, was a special danger that had to be utterly obliterated.50 The politically correct view states that these attacks were racial. No, they were religious attacks. Modern men cannot understand the nature of religion as he no longer believes in an religion. When, after the Civil War, the people in Washington, D.C. began a process of forceful integration, they operated upon the principles of Evolution. There was no reason, in their worldview, why the freed slaves and the subjected Whites could not just live together. In actuality, these two races were of two different religions and two different worldviews. Just as the Indians realized that the ways of the Indian and the ways of the White Man could not be integrated, the surviving Southerners understood that Southern religion and culture could not be integrated with African religion and culture. It had nothing to do with race. Those blacks who accepted Christianity and Western Civilization were readily accepted among the Southerners. However, acceptance was based upon a common religion and common culture, not the integration of two disparate worldviews. Those who have sought to replace Christianity and Western Civilization with their worldview have emphasized the racial differences as a smokescreen for their attempt to integrate divergent worldviews. Every should understand that the integration of two religions does not improve either religion, but only results in the destruction of both religions. The Roman Empire hated Christianity because it was a non-integrationist religion. All the other faiths in the Empire readily integrated themselves into the Roman worldview in exchange for the license to operate legally. The White Christian man has been attacked for his refusal to integrate his beliefs in with those who would destroy the foundations of

Bailyn. P. 101.

his beliefs. He is told that he is to feel guilty for his defense of Christian Civilization and for his resistance from the attacks of other races. Free men which Christianity and Western Civilization produced was the result of the freedom from guilt produced by the atoning substitutionary death of Jesus Christ. Christianity not only provided an ethical guide and worldview, it freed men from the past and from their guilt. Guilt free men are free men, and this is the basic freedom for which men strive. (Modernity has sought to eliminate guilt by denying its existence. This is not possible in Gods creation.) Those who would impose a new slavery upon mankind have sought to reintroduce guilt into the White and Western Civilization. R. J. Rushdoony writes: The political cultivation of guilt is a central means to power, for guilty men are slaves; their conscience is in bondage, and hence they are easily made objects of control. Guilt is thus systematically taught for purposes of control.51 The story of the importation of Blacks into America has been transformed into something exceeding the evils of the unnecessary wars fought by the United States. Crimes of war are pictured as being merely the lesser of two evils. However, any criminal act committed by any White Man involved in slavery is pictured as the result of the institution of slavery: a criminal system creates criminals, we are told. Consider the explanation of the guilt imposed upon Americans for something that happened several hundred years ago: the white man is being systematically indoctrinated into believing that he is guilty of enslaving and abusing the Negro. Granted that some Negroes were mistreated as slaves, the fact still remains that nowhere in all history or in the world today has the Negro been better off. The life expectancy of the Negro increased when he was transported to America. He was not taken from freedom into slavery, but from a vicious slavery to degenerate chiefs to a generally benevolent slavery in the United States. There is not the slightest evidence that any America Negro had ever lived in a free society in Africa; even the idea did not exist in Africa. The move from Africa to America was a vast increase of freedom for the Negro, materially and spiritually as well as personally. The Negroes were sold from a

Rousas J. Rushdoony. The Politics of Guilt and Pity. The Craig Press. 1970. P. 19.

harsh slavery into a milder one. Slavery basic to the African way of life, to the point that slaves were the actual money of the African economy. Elsewhere, gold and silver served as money; in Africa, it was slaves.52 The whole purpose of rewriting American history has been to produce guilt in the White Man. He has been given guilt feelings for his religion, his history, his civilization, and his ancestors. The new evil in the 21st century is the White Man. In order for the New World Order to become a reality, the White Mans heritage must be eliminated. In order to unite the world into one, the exclusiveness of Christianity must be expunged from the Christian beliefs. Western Civilization must be pictured as just a stepping stone to a greater global civilization, where everyone can become one. *White guilt+ is defective history and perverse politics. Its purpose is the cultivation of guilt in order to produce a submissive populace.53 One of the most neglected aspects of slavery has been the mental makeup of a slave. Slavery as experienced by most throughout history goes against the natural grain of mans created personality. The Bible also allows for slavery, but offers many details about its regulation. For example, the slave has the right to run away. Of course, there was no welfare system or public safety net to which he could flee. He could only flee to some other person willing to take care of him or to offer him some form of job. Also, every fifty years, the year of Jubilee, all slaves were set free. It is also worth noting that slavery was also voluntary where a slave could refused to be freed and could commit himself to serve his master for life. If a master was just, the life as a slave could be must better than that of the poor freedman. Hence, the life of a slave did have an attraction for a certain type of person, and to others it was felt, better to be free and poor, then a slave with a full stomach. Rushdoony writes: Irish immigrants were being transported on ships loaded with twice as many passages as the ship should hold, huddled down between decks, with too little food and water, and in conditions as bad as the
52 53

Rushdoony. P. 19. Rushdoony. P. 20.

slave trade, The condition of the Irish immigrants on arrival was far worse than that of slaves: they had no master to feed and clothe them or to provide shelter. The Irish moved from semi-slavery in Ireland to freedom in America only a few years before the Negro gained emancipation. After a century and a quarter, or less, the Irish are leading power in the United States, and the Negroes remain on the lowest strata. The basic difference between the Irish and the Negro has not been color: it has been character. The Negroes demand more aid, i.e., more slavery and slave-care, and dwell on their sufferings. The Irish have instead looked to the present and future and helped shape America. It is a significant different that cannot be explained altogether by color or environment. The Chinese also came to the United States under very difficult circumstances and similarly overcame them.54 Not only has White guilt been propagated among Christians, but it has been used to cover-up the mental makeup of a slave, and the modern forms of slavery. Southern Slavery is a tool to disarm the unsuspecting American that his thinking is being changed into a slave mentality. 21st century slavery originates in ones mind, and the governments control of education and the media is being used to transform Christian Freedom into Statist slavery. In fact, only private slavery has been abolished inside the United States. The State now has a monopoly upon slaves. In virtually all the world today, the citizenry is moving into slavery to the state. The obligations of citizenship are being replaced by the obligations of slavery.55 In fact, slavery is defined by law as Involuntary Servitude. If someone can require me to perform work, to that extend one is a slave to that person or institution. Does anyone doubt that the State can require one to work for it merely by the requirement that one keep financial records and file records of those records with the governments tax bureaucracy? I personally know what happens when you resist the Draft4,000 hours of community service.

54 55

Rushdoony. P. 25. Rushdoony. P. 26.

309 THERE ARE TWO FORMS OF SLAVERY AND IT IS NECESSARY TO DIFFERENIATE BETWEEN THEM IF ONE IS TO UNDERSTAND TRUE FREEDOM. The Bible provides Gods definitions of slavery and its operations within ones minds. The tyrant always attempts to change meanings and definitions and to install new meanings inside the minds of those he wishes to turn into passive subjects. First, consider the Biblical definition: The basic form of slavery is spiritual slavery, slavery to sin and to Satan. Satan has a property in the labor of the sinner: it is productive for him and serves him. The ground of liberty is Jesus Christ, who declared. If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:31,32) The roots of slavery are spiritual: Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin (John 8:34) Such men are inwardly slaves, slaves to sin. A true slave always seeks a master and the security of a master. The slave mind wants security, a troughfree, cradle-to-grave or womb-to-tomb security, and it demands a master to provide it.56 In light of the above, the tyrant always promotes personal sins as the new liberty. Every tyrant, knows all about sin and its consequences, and seeks to entice everyone into the spiritual slavery of sin. Everyone knows that life on this planet is dangerous and threatening. Wars, rumors of wars, plagues, pestilence, disease, and shortages are normal. There is no such thing as security when this life is isolated from God and from eternity. No matter how much a man possesses, or how amusing his entertainment, Man always knows that it must all come to an end, and that he will be held accountable for his life on this earth. This is the ultimate insecurity. Life was designed by God to be lived in fellowship with Him, and in compliance with His wishes for Manthat he color within the lines, i.e. keep his commandments. With sin and mans rebellion, death entered into this earth as a gift from God so that Man could never live life in the illusion that life on earth represented the real life. Real life is lived in fellowship with God and in the hope of a new heaven and a new earth where the righteous dwell forever. Peace,

Rushdoony. P. 28.

fellowship, security, prosperity, and pleasure are all gifts from God and point to Mans final eternal home. The Man, who has been induced to live a life separate from God and in communion with earths temporary pleasures, is an insecure man who needs a substitute god in alleviates man from his veil of hidden tears. Therefore, the tyrant instills within his subjects the idea that freedom from God and the freedom to sin as one please is the ultimate liberation from slavery. People cannot live without a god, so when they reject the real God, they will turn to another god, a false god. The goal of the tyrant is to play the role of a god. However, a human god is also subject to sin, just like everyone else. When a man becomes a god he becomes a tyrant and his people become slaves to his will and his government of total control. Rushdoony writes: Basic to the Scriptures is the repeated declaration of Gods absolute ownership over the world, over man, and over mans labor: The earth is the Lords, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein; (Ps. 24:1) The believer cannot become a slave of men, because he is Gods property, and this is his liberty and life.57 When a Christian and Biblical worldview of life is eliminated, a false worldview must be developed which appeals to the desires of the man who is in rebellion against God, and against true freedom. When God is rejected, not only is freedom rejected, but slavery is embraced. The slave fears the insecurities of freedom and being responsible for his own life. He wants to live in sin and have the State there to save him from the consequences of his worldview. Without the protection of God, the sinner fears the unknown and seeks earthly forms of security. the slave mind clings to statist or state slavery, cradle-to-grave welfare care, as a fearful child clings to his mother.58 If a person is responsible for his own life, then personal associations are vital. Life was designed that no man can live alone, but life requires others. People form alliances to form communities, schools, churches, and local governments. One of the goals of the tyrant is to end these private associations and to make everyone dependent upon the tyrant and his bureaucracy. Socialism
57 58

Rushdoony. P. 29. Rushdoony. P. 30.

is basically a fancy name for Statist Slavery. Such Statist slavery must disguise its true nature by elevating the condition of the Black slave in the Old South. The isolated horrors of slavery were exaggerated and such tales of horror became the norm of slavery. It is vital to maintain this illusion of slavery in order to impose the new slavery of Statist Socialism, i.e. tyranny. The subject is told that his freedom to thumb God and morality in the face was a sign he was personally free. Rushdoony offers this explanation of the Biblical worldview and why it is often rejected: Liberty also offers penalties and advantages. The central and essential penalty of liberty is insecurity and the problems thereof. The free man lives in a world of free enterprise, and of trial and error, profit and loss, success and failure. He must be prepared to take the consequences of failure as well as the prosperity of success. His security is not in the visible tokens of guardian state or master but in the law order of the invisible and triune God. Thus, the free man must walk by faith, in the confidence that Proverbs and all of Scriptures are true, that the law order of God vindicates those who walk by faith, as seeing him who is invisible (Heb. 11:27), who, believing that God is, and that he is a rewarder to them that diligently seek him (Heb. 11:6), walk in faith, wisdom, prudence, and responsibility.59 As mentioned earlier, the Roman Empire was an Empire built upon the work of slaves. Christianity was founded in the midst of slaves and mass slavery. In fact, slaves became Christians, which the book of Philemon describes. Just as Americans are surrounded by different concepts of freedom, the early Christian was surrounded by many levels of slavery. In fact, the nation of Israel was founded in the midst of their escape from slavery. One of the major problems that Moses faced was the difficulty of teaching the people how to be free. The Israelites had a slave mentality. God wanted to set them free. However, Biblical freedom was not quite what the people had in mind. More on that later, but the issue before us now is the New Testament which was written in a time of mass slavery.


Rushdoony. P. 30.

The New Testament teaches the unlikely doctrine that slavery or servant hood is an inescapable concept of life. Man was never created to be free in a total sense. Those that lived in the New Testament era were acquainted with many kinds of slaves. Some had been captured in battle; some had been born of parents who were slaves; and some sold themselves into slavery to avoid starvation, or to pay their debts. The slaves were not confined to reservations or separate locations: when you walked about you would be surrounded by people who were slaves. Slavery and freedom were concepts that could not be avoided in Biblical times. Paul made much in his letters that he was a citizen of Rome, something which carried special privileges and was not as common as in our thinking. Hence, because everyone understood that just about anybody could become a slave through their capture during a battle, Peter explained that people became slaves also through a form of cosmic war. The earth was a battleground between God and Satan, and souls could be captured by Satan and made into his slaves. Peter recognized this concept of capture and says that for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.60 Paul also talks about a person becoming captive: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and brining me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.61 Paul reveres to himself as being a captured person to Jesus Christ: For this cause, I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ.62 Paul had been set free by Jesus Christ, but he remained a servant to someone else. This concept is vital to understand earthly reality. Paul understood the nature of the captured slaves of Rome and he saw this reality in a deeper spiritual sense: And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.63 Paul understood that there was a spiritual slavery that was far more deadly than the Roman slavery that everyone saw. This slavery was the result of a spiritual
60 61

2 Peter 2:19. Romans 7:23. 62 Ephesians 3:1. 63 II Timothy 2:26.

warfare and with people being taken captive, just as Roman generals would, and becoming slaves to the Devil. There is another aspect to this cosmic battle. Jesus Christ is an active participant in this cosmic warfare. In this battle between two kingdoms, *God+ hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.64 In a world where a person is enslaved to Satanic powers, God has intervened to liberate man from this alien kingdom which had captured mens souls. Another word associated with slavery is the word yoke. Francis Lyall explains its significance: Entry into slavery as a result of capture was symbolized by requiring captives to pass underneath three spears lashed together to form an outline doorway. This required them to bow their heads and was called passing under the yoke. The yoke was therefore an accepted way of referring to slavery and is found as such in I Timothy 6:1, where Paul is addressing those who are slaves under the yoke.(JB) While most think of an animal yoke, the culture of the times may reveal light on the following statement of Jesus: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.65 Modernity is based upon the false premise that one can escape from the yokes of life, when reality is such that one can only choose ones yoke, i.e. form of slavery. I cannot emphasize that the war upon slavery in the 21st century is actually a phony war; it is a denial of the true forms of slavery, or servant hood, that are part of the order of reality, whether for good or evil. The breakdown of marriage is partially to explain by the elimination of the concept of mutual servant hood, i.e. slavery, to each other. If people enter into marriage thinking that their personal liberty will not be infringed upon, the marriage is already in trouble. Even true friendships are becoming rarer as men are no longer willing to enter into a relationship with another that calls for them to obtain happiness by serving the other person.

64 65

Colossians 1:13. Matthew 11: 29-30.

Slavery and servant hood which are used interchangeably in the Bible, is a concept not confined to the person who is subject to another. The Christian is not called to escape from whatever slavery he may find himself, but to make himself a slave to God and righteousness. Paul states this about the Christian life which has been liberated from Satan: Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.66 A little understood corollary of this is Paul urges the slave to adopt, just like all Christians, a spirit of servant hood. The modern mind cannot understand this: All men are to become slaves to Jesus Christ and His Righteousness, even those who are temporary slaves upon this earth. Consider the following passages: Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again; Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of god our Savior in all things.67 Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed. And they that have believing masters, let them not despise the, because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort.68 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Knowing what whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall be receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.69 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singlenesss of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that
66 67

Romans 6: 18. Titus 2: 9-10. 68 I Timothy 6: 1-2. 69 Ephesians 6: 5-8.

of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.70 After reading the above, you can understand why Nietzsche hated Christianity so much: He believed in the individual as god, as a superman. This is not the teaching of the ruthless free market. This is not the teaching of rebellion. This is not the teaching of personal idolatry. Now, the Bible does instruct the believer to oppose evil governments. The Bible does have laws that everyone is to obey--whether Church, State, Business, or any other organization. Most of these laws are designed as limits to protect everyone involved. However, the principles of personal and institutional servant hood are to act as the goals of every society, government and civilization. I was taught growing up that the principles of the Bible were fine for guiding ones personal life, but they could never work on a grand scale. The real world was pictured as a fierce jungle in which everyone must fend off the tigers and all the other predators. The Church may preach sentimental moralisms, but the real world demands everyone become a Marshall Dillon of Gunsmoke. While Darwin may have attacked the book of Genesis, the American dream of personal fulfillment and success undermined the whole Bible. While the South made some errors in their practice of slavery, the total war against the South to end all slavery was a war against the Bible, Biblical Law, and the ideals proclaimed by a Biblical philosophy of life. For a time after the War, the Southern ideals of the Gentleman, the Lady, the sportsman, and personal charity, survived well into the 20th century. (The golfer Bobby Jones epitomized the tradition of the Southern Gentleman, personal honor, and sportsmanship.) In the context of slavery under Christianity and the interpersonal reactions of people, the Biblical principles apply to all persons involved. Francis Lyall explains: The slave was an asset for his owner, to be looked after and cared for as such, but for the good owner such responsibilities went much further than the simple care one might give, e.g., a race-horse. The good owner looked after and

Colossians 3: 22-25.

cared for his slaves throughout their lives, into retirement. He would not seek to rid himself of the slave that was no longer useful by reason of age or infirmity. That God is a good owner of his slaves seems both axiomatic and reassuring.71 God is not only our master, but he expects earthly masters upon the earth to be a reflection of the true Master. Gary North hints at the true nature of reality upon the earth in his excellent work, Ruler of the Nations.72 All men are servants by nature. We are creatures made in Gods image. We are made to serve God, and therefore are made to rule in the name of God (Genesis 1: 26-28), under the law of God (Deuteronomy 8), always in light of the fact that we will be judged by God (Revelation 20: 11-15). We are creatures, not the Creator. God alone is not a servant by nature. He is the Master by natureHis own self-existent Nature. What about slavery? Slavery is the demonic imitation of service to God. It is service to a creature, Satan, the enemy of God. He, too seeks servants, but service to him necessarily involves bondage to sin. Those who reject God as loving Master will eventually seek another lord: Beelzebub, lord of the flies. When men rebel against God, they are rejecting God as their Lord and Master. In doing so, they fall under the mystery of sin and ultimately under mere men as their rulers.73 All men are to adopt a spirit of servant hood, but never to submit to others as one would to God. All men are to be servant slaves to God. If men reject this core reality, then they will come under submission to godless rulers and ultimately sin and Satan. There exists different levels of reality: there is the common spirit of servant hood required of everyone; there is a slave mentality that demands something upon earth supplant the heavenly master; and there is physical slavery that is inflicted upon people, often through no fault of their own. North concludes: When the people reject God as their King, they once again adopt the slave mentality. They look for security outside of Christ. There are always powerful men who are ready, willing, and able to accommodate this evil
71 72

Lyall. P. 38. Gary North. Ruler of the Nations. Dominion Press. 1987. 73 North. P. 72-3.

search, and such men find their way to the exercise of power: the State. They seek political slaves. What the Bible teaches is that sin is the first step toward slavery.74

* 310 THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN CHRISTIANITY AND RACISM HAS BEEN USED TO DESTROY THE BIBLE AND CHRISTIAN CULTURE. Just as the White Man has been made to feel guilty for the evils perpetuated upon the Black Race, Christianity has been exposed as a system of beliefs that justifies the racial discrimination against all non-white races, particularly the Black Race. Not only has there been an attack upon the Biblical slave mentality, there has been an attack upon the recognition of racial and cultural differences. The Christian and his beliefs are associated with cultural centrism, and racial discrimination. The differences from Western Civilization in the Black and his African culture and religion, are pictured as being natural to his evolutionary stage. To impose Northern European Civilization upon the African is seen as the modern form of colonialism. A book that is a great example of the attack upon Christianity is The Arrogance of Faith.75 Wood openly displays this hatred for Christianity under the guise of protecting the Blacks, and opening up the world to other faiths. This book is an thorough apologetic for the necessity of the New World Order. The book represents a parallel summary of those authors who support the traditional view of the Jewish Holocaust as being the foundation for American support of Israel. Of course, the defense of traditional Christianity against the religions of Black Victimhood, and Jewish Suffering has been almost totally eliminated. Most religious leaders know better than to defend Western Civilization and Reformational Christianity: that is sure way to become unemployed and ridiculed.
74 75

North. P. 73. Forrest G. Woo. The Arrogance of Faith: Christianity and Race in America from the Colonial Era to the Twentieth Century. Knopf. 1990.

Had Christianity not succumbed to these twin challenges, the modern Sovereign National Security State could not have been created. Both the Black worldview and the Zionist worldview are dependent upon the marginalization of Christianity and the growth of an all-powerful state. The defense of Christianity has almost been totally abandoned: to defend the traditional faith is totally politically incorrect. Christian leaders have sought the approval of their enemies in return for favorable media coverage. If they do not submit they will be pictured as racists and anti-Semites. Both those labels spell social death for any Christian leader. Christianity has been painted into a corner and its leaders learn to develop a theology of the corner: success within the new American tyrannical order is the mark of the new Christianity. Wood prefaces his debasement of Christianity with the following. (I am going to quote extensively from Woods work as it best represents the modern attacks upon Christianity.) He writes: I am not suggesting that I was the first person to notice that Sunday morning had become the most segregated time of the week. Rather, what really surprised me was how far Christianitys influence had reached beyond the sanctuary. Biblical maxims, the Puritan work ethic, Pauline moral preachments, Old Testament conceptions of The Elect, and scriptural admonitions like the Ten Commandments--what true believers like to think of as eternal veritiespermeate every fiber of secular life. The exalted American commitments to individualism, free enterprise, and the diffusion of democratic principles are, I came to believe, nothing more than secular extensions of the Christian precepts of a personal relationship with Christ, mans dominion over the earth, and the bringing of the Good News to all peoples.76 This is Wood premise in his book: The central thesis of his book is that Christianity has been fundamentally racist in its ideology, organization, and practice.77 In other works, Christianity is not what it claims to be but is just another cultural legacy from mans ancient past. In fact, the very foundational stones of Christianity are said to be its downplay: *Christianitys problem is+ was

76 77

Wood. P. xviii. Wood. P. xviii.

Christianitys unshakable premise that everybody should be a Christian.78 This belief of Wood totally undermines the teachings of Jesus and the Bible about Gods special revelation to mankind. Obviously, Wood in his attempt to show the alliance of racism and Christianity is totally willing to discredit the major teachings of the BibleIncredible. Wood is honest in that he understands that the new order must be founded not on the reform of Christianity, but upon its elimination. The reader must understand that the views expressed by Wood represent the doctrine of the American University and educational system, the Central government, and the media industry. What makes Woods book so fascinating is his open rejection of Christianity, the Bible, and Jesus without any apologies and without any desire to appease the Christian faithful. The evils of slavery and racism are said to grow out of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity: it was not an evil minority within the Church, but the very doctrines of the Bible that produced modern evils. Needless to say, recognizing Christianity itself as a source of immorality was unthinkable for the faithful because such recognition would have impugned their most profound beliefs. By and large, Christians had difficulty separating biblical myths from biblical reality.79 Of course, if the Bible is true, then it is impossible to separate myth from reality. Never forget that the reason I am citing Wood extensively is that it represents the accepted view of Christianity in the 21st century. Again, Wood states it clearly and bluntly: The faithful may find it easy to believe that Moses parted the Red Sea, but the secular scholar needs more evidence than Exodus 14:21. Similarly, more than a few of the authors of histories of the Middle East during biblical times have, regrettable, let their faith lead their judgment. In many of their works, scriptural references to what God said and did were routinely seen as facts. Since I was obliged to observe the canons of scholarship I did not have the luxury of accepting on faith an inerrant Bible and thus was left

78 79

Wood. P. xix. Wood. P. xix.

only with the premise that Christianity itself, the Way and the Word, mancreatedwas man created God in his image.80 (Emphasis added.) Notice that the Scholar and his standards or canons of scholarship, rest on the assumption that there is no inherent Revelation from God, and that those who believe that there are revealed truths are merely expressing a blind faith in a world that does not exist. The American University system is based upon a faith the rules Gods presence and Word cannot be accepted as fact. Wood writes about the following encounter: While I was writing this book, one of my graduate students submitted a research paper in which he referred to something God had done. I tried to explain that if he were a seminarian studying for a degree in theology, gods existence would be a given, but that in a secular institution he could not present as fact something that existed only as an article of faith. People believe that God exists and their belief is a fact. The historian must confine himself to dealing with the significance of that belief; its validity is beyond his analytical powers. But despite my best efforts to persuade the student to rethink his perception, he refused.81 Religious beliefs are merely sociological phenomena and have no connection to reality beyond the affects those beliefs may have upon the person who accepts such fables. So from what premise does Wood view racism and America: From its inception this study was based on the premise that the greatest victims of racial injustice were the African men and women who were brought in chains to the New World and their descendants. On Africans were stripped of their humanity through a systematic obliteration of their ancestral heritage, culture, language, and traditions. Only the black person was perceived in stark color terms. And only the African was dehumanized by Christian entrepreneurs and masters through a form of bondage that was, in some respects, the cruelest ever known.82 The above is what the media, government, and educational people tell to the masses. For those who have read my long book up to this point, they will know that the above is not only an exaggeration; it comes across as a giant lie.
80 81

Wood. P. xx. Wood. P. xx. 82 Wood. P. xxi.

There is a loophole in the above statement as the Wood isolates suffering among the Black race from the suffering of other races. However, because the other races were not Black, they did not suffer for their skin color. When the Jewish people controlled soviet Russia and killed over sixty million Christians that is no considered racism: It was religious. When the Chinese Communists killed untold millions in the name of purifying the nation, those crimes of extermination were brutal beyond belief, but it was not racial, it was political. When the allies killed by starvation and exposure millions of Germans after WWII, that was a racial attack, but the killers shared the same skin color as the victims. It was not racial technically, it was revenge. History is replete with stories of horrible stories of genocide. Somehow, Wood sees these stories as somehow different from the condition of the Black man. Wood makes another common mistake. He assumes that the condition of the Black man in Africa was some form of paradise. After all, the African continent had managed to exclude the White Man, and Christianity for most of its evolutionary history. The African Black Man lived in a fertile continent and ordered society by the traditions of its elders. They had their own beautiful life based upon their pagan beliefs. That is the fantasy that Christian haters have long maintained. In actuality, the people lived lives enslaved to savage tribal leaders. They also were the spiritual slaves to their religious leaders, i.e. their medicine men. The riches of Africa are its raw materials, which were worthless until the colonial powers arrived to discover and mine such wealth. However, Woods statement reveals more about his hatred of Christianity than a real history. One of the conclusions that I arrived at from the reading of this book was that a new American religion has been formed. While the Bible is based upon the fall of Mankind in the Garden of Edenthe creation of original sin occurringthe new religion is based upon Black Slavery being the original American Sin from which all else evolves. The American Civil War was not just a war to end slavery, but a war to expiate Christianity from its influence upon the American worldview. Just as mythological weapons of mass destruction were invented to invade Iraq after 9/11, so a mythological form of slavery was invented in Uncle Toms Cabin to justify the invasion of the South. Just as the invasion of Iraq ended the attempt

to supplant the Dollar as the reserve world currency, so too the invasion of the South ended the true form of Christianity, which would have opposed the centralization of life into a Washington, D.C. bureaucracy.

* 312 THE RULING ELITES BELIEVE THAT CHRISTIANITY IS THE FORCE THAT HAS ENSLAVED MANKIND INTO A SPIRITUAL FORCE THAT HAS CORRUPTED THE SPIRITUAL AND POLITICAL WORLD. The modern tyrant that seeks to build a tyranny can only accomplish his task through the close association with demonic powers. True government has been instituted by God as a gift to mankind after Mankind fell into rebellion and sin. It is the role of government to maintain a system of order and justice among a people who have formed a nation. This is accomplished by enforcing the Laws of God. This government takes many forms and the original American system of government was based upon the Christian belief that freedom means keeping government as close to the local community as possible. Higher forms of government are there to aid in mutual cooperation between the assorted governments and to settle disputes between the systems of government. Americans lived under a county system where most functions of government were controlled by the people locally. The State government helped the counties work together, and the National Government was instituted to protect the borders and to settle disputes amongst the States. The tyrant knows that the above scenario must be abolished. However, every ruler must have some form of divine sanction upon his actions. That is the way the world was created by God. However, what can a tyrant do for power when he seeks to displace the powers of God upon the earth? He cannot go to the Living God of the Bible. He must seek power from some other source. There is only one other source of powerthe Spirit of Babylon. There can be no government without some form of divine power. Now, some men, have attempted to establish an earthly power with divinity--such as, the power of the

people is the voice of a god. Or, the party rules with divinely created ordnances. Or, the elites rule because of a connection to a divine genetics. However, there are only two Kingdoms upon this earth: the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of Babylon. Every government can only rule through forming an alliance with one of these two powers. No matter no this order is disguised with fancy words and high sounding philosophies, there is no way around Reality. Of course, some governments have attempted to use the words of one Kingdom or another in order to fool the people. However, God cannot be fooled. And neither can the ruler who uses deception avoid forming an alliance with one of the two above kingdoms. That is why, every true tyrant who seeks to rule in what he thinks is his own power, will seek to destroy the legitimacy of Christianity and the Kingdom of God. This process is repeated over and over. Every tyrant seeks alliances with Court Histories who will provide the justification for his abandoning the Kingdom of God for the Kingdom of Babylon. Forrest Wood provides the function of a Court apologist for the new 21st tyranny being formed in the United States. His book, The Arrogance of Faith, seeks to aid the new tyrant by attempting to destroy Christianity as a legitimate force in American society. His methods must be understood by the Christian or he will be subverted by such scholarly attacks. Of course, the role of the local minister is to aid the people in their defense of tyranny. However, this traditional role of the minister was abandoned after the American Civil War. From that time on, the minister sees his role as a minister of the spirit and not of earthly or political matters. I want to cover some of the arguments that Wood uses to destroy the legitimacy of Christianity in the role of social affairs. Wood states that ones religious beliefs are based on little more than the accident of birth. If ones family believes a certain way, the child will also believe that way. To the average person, this sounds incredibly cruel if God expects a person to believe in the Bible and God. Religious influence has always been far-reaching because the individual is subjected to it earlier in life than he is to political or economic pressures. It is

second only to the family as a socializing force.83 In early America, almost everyone grew up under the influence of a family that believed in the Bible and Western Civilization. Those who did not agree with the tenants of faith felt they America was not a land of freedom but one that practiced discrimination. Early America certainly expected everyone to act like a Christian, more or less, in public. For the outside, to challenge cannons or dogmas with rational arguments could be construed by true believers as heresy. There simply was no room in the dogmatic mind for contrary notions, however based in facts they might have been.84 This form of cultural imperialism was imposed upon the Blacks, according to Wood, and other sources he cites. Wood cites an anthropologist who noted that when Africans attempted to practice their ancient burial rites on American plantations, they were forbidden to do so. Also, Denied the use of drums and other loud instruments by masters who feared slaves communicating, the irrepressible bondsman substituted hand-clapping and footstomping in plantation dances that ultimately worked their way into popular dances of the early twentieth century.85 Wood is neglecting the religious aspects of drums and their use to conjure up spirits in Africa. These spirits were from another nation than the one that was practiced in the United States. The slave masters knew the dangers of an alien god if one was allowed to be allowed to be practiced openly in any land. Wood offers this interpretation to the above events and similar ones: Southern slaves lost most of the vestiges of their African heritage because the oppressive institutional forces of Protestant Anglo-American society easily smothered them.86 For Wood, this was nothing less than overt discrimination against the Black and the hope of imposing alien beliefs upon a people that already had a system of beliefs and cultural traditions. While white Christians condemned the slaves pagan practices, there is little doubt that most Americansincluding man whose claim to liberalism was presumably based on
83 84

Wood. Wood. 85 Wood. 86 Wood.

P. 4. P. 6. P. 7. P. 8.

an open mindhad virtually no perception of the narrowness of their own vision.87 White Christians had no tolerance for others and failed to practice multi-culturalism. The Christian understands that not only can no man serve two masters, no nation can serve two masters: either a nation if founded upon the principles of the Kingdom of God, or it is founded upon the principles of the Kingdom of Babylon. To allow another kingdom to operate within ones own kingdom is to allow open treason. No nation can tolerate treason. Wood, in his attempt to destroy Biblical Christianity, is promoting the practice of treasonous activities in the name of tolerance. He calls this practice of forbidding treasonous activities by Western Whites as ethnocentric shackles. Christian believes because of his doctrines that he had the right to dominate everyone else.88 Evangelism is seen as nothing more an religious colonialism. Just as England formed an empire upon the backs of is soldiers and sailors, so the Christian builds its empire based upon imposing its will, i.e. doctrines, upon people through its alliance with governments and other coercive institutions. The one sin of the 21st century is the sin of evangelism. Recruiting others to believe as one does is seen as a form of coercion and brainwashing. Of course, governmental institutions are exempt from this because governments represent the truth as found in the physical and social sciences. It is not coercion to force people to obey the government because the government represents TRUTH. Religions represent acquired opinions from pre-scientific man. The very idea of a God and of His Revelation to mankind is excluded by assumption. The modern worldview just assumes that the scientific views of Enlightened Man are absolutes. Any view that challenges this worldview is viewed as heresy. It is ironic that while the governmental institutions use the military and police to force its views upon people, it condemns the actions of other institutions that did the same thing in the past.

87 88

Wood. P. 9. Wood. P. 11.

Wood views every aspect of Western Civilization has been the result of the Bible and Christianity. Actually, the percentage of Christians prior to the American Revival Church averaged about ten per cent. It was not until churchgoing became part of the regular post WWII experience that attendance sky rocketed. Even during the Revolutionary War years when Christian leadership was very visible only about twelve per cent attended church regularly. However, Wood blames the evils committed by corporations, governments, and individuals upon the Christian civilization. He writes: The Christian justification for exterminating American Indians, the biblical defense of human bondage, the antebellum schism of the mainline denominations, and the religious rationale for conquest have made it all too easy to conclude that Christianity, the faith of the first nations to bring the weapons of technology to war and commerce, has been the most corruptible of all the faiths.89 Never forget, the reason Christianity is under attack, is not for its faults or the people who used Christianity for their own personal gain, it is because only the Bible and the belief in a personal God can have the means to oppose the establishment of a National Sovereign Security State. The Bible provides definitions of what constitutes true humanity; what constitutes a true government; what constitutes a true social order; and what constitutes a true ethical system. For the Man or Government that seeks to alter the above in the name of science, efficiency, peace, prosperity, ecology, or health, will find opposition from those who believe that the created order is under attack. Hence, the Bible, and Christians must be made to feel guilty for the past, and to understand that to oppose the New Order is only a desire to return to their criminal past. Christianity believes in One God and that He is the only true God. This immediately places Christianity in conflict with every other god, and with every other institution that seeks to become a god. If there are many gods, then tolerance of all gods is seen as the true ethical absolute. Robert T. Handy of New Yorks Union Theological Seminary acknowledge the contradiction inherent

Wood. P. 12.

in the belief in one true faith in a pluralistic and democratic society. It was hard for them not to view their opponents as agents of evil, for they were convinced that they were unequivocally on the side of good. After listening to a Swedish missionary relate the Genesis account of Adam and Eve, a group of Susquehanna Indians concluded that It is indeed bad to eat apples. When the Indians then related their own legend about a beautiful woman who had descend from the clouds and helped them find maize, kidney beans, and tobacco, the missionary ridiculed their story as mere fable, fiction, and falsehood. Offended because they believed the rules of common civility obliged him to believe their story as they had his, they criticized him for his insolence and bad manners. Condemning the Indians myths as nonsense and rank superstition, the Christian saw no similarity between the supernatural events of the Indians religions and his own biblical miracles.90 Of course, the reason the Bible is believed is something much deeper than the belief in Jonah and the Whale, or other stories. There is a consistent pattern of truth shown throughout the Bible and it has provided the basis for mankinds elevation above the primitive level of existence. The Ten Commandments form the basis of every successful social order. The forgiveness through the atoning death of Jesus Christ not only eliminates the guilt problem, it gives man the will and the power to pursue excellence in moral achievements. World History cannot be understood without the histories provided in the Book of Genesis: the Tower of Babel, the Fall of Man, the Global Flood, the almost total destruction of a technological advanced civilization, the mixing of spiritual and human DNA, and the calling of a separated people to serve God upon the earth through righteousness. In order to create a new civilization, the foundations of the old civilizations must be destroyed, and more importantly, discredited. The book by Forrest Wood was written to discredit Christianity and Western Civilization. As this has almost been accomplished in the year 2013, the New World Order Civilization is about to declare victoryafter one final destructive act to the old order. The

Wood. P. 16.

tenants of Christian Western Civilization, i.e. Biblical Laws, must be shown to be a basic violation of human rights, religious freedom, personal choice, self-esteem, tolerance, ethical alternatives, cultural relativity, and sexual identity. Christianity must be pictured as the creator of the true Fall of Man into historical sin. When this happens, then those who would establish a new Tower of Babel will declare their victory over the God of the Old Testament. The New Order will not be atheistic, it will be polytheistic. Religious wars in the past were caused because each version of Christianity believed it was the one true faith. Christians feel obligated to convert others in order to justify their own beliefs and to legitimize ones own devotion to the truth. However, history reveals that men have held many incorrect views of the Bible and Christianity. Unfortunately, Christianity rested on a principlemonotheismthat clearly worked against effective evangelization. As the Swedish missionarys reaction made clear, monotheists began from the premise that no other gods existed. On the other hand, Africans, Asians, New World Indians, and most of the rest of the worlds polytheistic people, lie the missionarys Susquehanna audience, simply saw the Christinas God as one of many. Polytheistic societies often had little difficulty trading gods of acknowledging someone elses spiritual hosts because, while doing so, they could keep the ones they already had. The Christian, on the other hand, demanded that the heathen disavow entirely every vestige of his false religion.91 When King James authorized the colonization of Virginia and Plymouth, one of his primary goals was to evangelize the Indians. He wanted to convert them to Christianity and Western Civilization. When King Charles authorized the colonization of Massachusetts, he wanted to see the conversion of the Indians. Thus many of the earlier settlers of English North America considered themselves only secondarily merchants, exploiters, or Englishmen. *I+n their own conception of themselves, *Perry] Miller concluded, describing the planters and promoters of Virginia, they are first and foremost Christians, and above all militant Protestants.92 Now the Indians realized that conversion to Christianity
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Wood. P. 17. Wood. P. 19.

would not only change one god for another god, it meant the total transformation of their culture. It meant the transformation from hunting and migrating with the game; it meant the transformation of the way their conception of family; and it meant the elimination of their tribal conception of government. Accounts dictate that the Indian was determined to determine to save his gods and his lifestyle against the invasion of Christians and their civilization. However, when the account of the settlement of America is told to the children of America, they are told the story of their ancestors committing genocide in order to drive the Indian from the lands of the newly found lands of America. Northern European became Christian and renounced their pagan beliefs and culture because they accepted the accounts of Christianity as told to them by those who migrated north from the old Roman Empire. Western Civilization only became a reality because nations had renounced their old ways and converted every aspect of life according to Biblical Standards. The early settlers hoped to repeat that process when they moved to North America. Just as their ancestors had converted from paganism to Christianity, so too they hoped the Indians would also convert. Many Indians became Christians and they disappeared from history because they intermarried and lost their pagan identity. However, those that refused to convert made it clear that they were in a life and death battle between two religions, two cultures, and two conceptions of reality. I find it interesting that those who have shed tears for the loss of life during the Indian/European wars, are now forcing a new religion upon Christian Fundamentalists. Christians are supposed to give up their small organic farms; they are supposed to give up their guns; they are supposed to give up their conception of family; and they are supposed to give up their conception of morality. The rumors are circulating that the government is building new plantations, i.e. FEMA camps, for those who totally resist to the end the New World Order. Now the Indians were not mindless savages as depicted in the movies and in the accounts of their love of torture. They were pagans and their behavior reflected their worldview, and they could produce an intellectual defense of their

pagan ways. Wood cites one Indian, Red Jacket, who spoke the following: You say that you are sent to instruct us how to worship the Great Spirit agreeably to his mind; and, if we do not take hold of the religion which you white people teach us, we shall be unhappy hereafter. You say you are right and we are lost. How do we know this to be true? We understand that your religion is written in a book. If it was intended for us as well as you, why has not the Great Spirit given to us, and not only to us, but why did he not give to our forefathers the knowledge of that book, with the means of understanding it rightly? We only know what you tell us about it. How shall we know when to believe, being so often deceived by the white people?93 The above is typical of every argument throughout history on why a people should not change their ways: our ways work for us, and we are content with our god. The Bible is much more than a book about the proper way to worship God during a ceremony, but it is a Book of the Law. Modern man equates religion with the proper rituals needed to worship a god. Under that understanding, man always asks, Why should one ritual be more acceptable than another? Of course, the person asking that question always thinks of generic rituals like the lighting of candles, the chanting of phrases, or the repetition of certain prayers. However, pagan rituals always degenerate into sacrificewhether through war, games, or ritual. Reality demands a sacrifice, and if men do not accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for their sins, they will find other persons to be sacrificed to their god. The modern love of death through abortion and war is not an accident, it is part of the pagan demand that lives die to propitiate an angry god or a nonconforming aspect of reality. The Indian tribe may have lived at peace within itself, but that did not prevent the assorted tribes from engaging in battle. Also, the Indians believed in the ritual sacrifice of those captured in battle. This involved prolonged torture. This they could understand as it was part of their traditional ways. However, Wood writes this: The Indians resistance to Christianity was also influence by his inability to understand some of the most fundamental elements of Christian

Wood. P. 24.

belief, especially the story of the crucifixion and resurrection. the Indian was dumbfounded by a faith whose omnipotent being allowed his own son to be killed. What kind of omnipotence was that?94 Here again, the very idea of a servant God, dying in love for mankind, does not sit well with mankind. This goes back to the basic idea of Biblical Reality which exalts the slave or servant form of lifestyle. Christianitys view of men serving each other does not sit well with a culture that exalts the warrior and the hero. Remember, when I relate the above scenario that the purpose of any dictatorial regime is to create mental images in the minds of the people of the nation they wish to subdue. Now Wood has created an image that the African and Indian held in their minds. It is this image, largely mythical, that he gives for their resistance to Christianity. Wood writes: Like most North American Indians, the African believed that religion was not a matter of individual conscience or a personal relationship with a personal being, but a matter of devotion to family and community customs and traditions. There was nothing voluntary about it. Also like the Indian, the African, with no comprehension of evangelism, could not understand why any people should want to impose their religious beliefs on others.95 Now, the African culture was based upon strong tribal loyalties and a slave system: men were either slaves through capture or slaves to fear of the medicine mans black magical powers. For the American Indian woman, one reason many Indian tribes ceased to exist was the mass defection of their women who did not desire the slave life of the squaw. However, both races did have trouble understanding how an individual was to make choices contrary to tribe or medicine man. The individuality of Christianity was contrary to their understanding of social relationships. For a person coming out of a communal existence, making personal choices is difficult to understand. That is why many conversions of pagans to Christianity were accomplished through whole tribes changing allegiances through the conversions of a king, prince, or general. These

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Wood. P. 24. Wood. P. 25.

mass conversions never occurred, to my knowledge, amidst the African and Indian populations in America. This communal aspect of religion, which never took root in America, was fundamental to other religions and cultures. Wood writes: When Portuguese Catholic missionaries in rural northern china in the nineteenth century ordered converts not to participate in village temple activities or contribute to the temples support because of the churchs opposition to what the missionaries considered pagan rites, the villagers reacted angrily because temple activities were an essential aspect of village life and everyone was supposed to participate.96 Wood uses this scenario to explain why evangelism among the Blacks and Indians was a form of colonialism: when a person changed religions he became an outsider to his own people, customs, and nation. In light of the above, this is one reason that Christianity failed to take root among the Blacks and the Indians: Their devotion to their tribe, traditions, and race over road religious considerations. Unless the assorted peoples were willing to adopt Western Civilization along with Christianity, their conversion experience would not fit them into American society and culture. Similarly, since the Africans religion was profoundly interwoven into his everyday life, Christian evangelism did far more than merely challenge his belief in his gods. Each society had its own religious system, a West African scholar wrote, and the propagation of such a religious system would involve propagating the entire life of the people concerned.97 Thus the White man is not only accused of stealing land and property from the Blacks, and Indians, he is accused of stealing their religion, their customs, and their gods from them. White Americans not only sought to destroy these peoples, but he sought to destroy their very psychic wellbeing. An ignored feature of life is the confidence men have in their worldview influences their public behavior. When men believed they were bringing the Gospel and Civilization to the Americans, they were quite willing to pay any price, endure any hardship, and risk death itself to achieve that goal. This is how
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Wood. P. 25. Wood. P. 25.

cultures that are alive spread to other lands. It is always the most confident cultural system that dominates, even if another nation might conquer it. For example, when the Romans conquered the Greeks, the Greek culture ended up dominating Roman society and government. In the United States, the Christian culture was dominate inside American up to the Civil War. The War was designed to destroy the confidence of the Southern Calvinists whose culture was dominate in early America. That is why it was not a war to end slavery, but a war of total destruction to the people of the South and their confidence in their God and their Christian culture. The bottom line in the attacks upon Christianity and Western Civilization is to make those persons who are part of that worldview to feel guilty and to feel that any propagation of their beliefs to be an act of aggression. For the modern tyranny and his system of control, the one danger is to allow Christians to foment a spirited defense of True Reality, a reality that needs no tyrant. The worst religious sin is to attempt to convert others of another faith to your faith, especially if you are a Christian. Wood writes: There are contradictions in every religion, but the missionary quality of Christianity magnifies the consequences of its contradictions. The history of Christianity may be the serene and saintly story of Jesus. But it is also the cruel and bloody story of crusaders and conquistadores, Pope Innocent II and Torquemada, the Salem witch trials and cross-burning Klansmen.98 Notice that the evils he cites are basically the results of centralized organizations that use that power to expand their powers. The True history of Western Civilization and Christianity can be seen in the freedoms won for families, communities, churches, schools, businesses, and the right to practice assorted charities, all without government interference. This is where True Christianity thrived, and this is where the people enjoyed the fruits of living with and among Christian people and governments. Every age has evil people who desire to live off the labor of others, and in religious times will mold themselves into Christian leaders. One of the roles of the Church is to expose


Wood. P. 26.

false Christian leaders and those who are wolves appearing as lambs. When the Church fails to expose the wolves in their midst, the sheep are led to slaughter. Wood cites a passage from Thomas Jefferson: Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world feels, and the other half hypocrites. To support error and roguery all over the earth.99 Wood comments on this: Christianity has almost certainly been responsible for more worldwide proselytizing and obtrusion than any religion in history. One can only wonder how many infidels have been killed or enslaved in the name of Christ. Protestant efforts to convert dark-skinned infidels may have seemed altruistic, but it was in the nature of evangelical Christianity that the spiritual belief of the heath was of the Devil and must be purged before salvation could be realized.100 The subterfuge used in the war to destroy Christianity for anyone acquainted with the history of Christian missions and its role in elevating mankind from primitive beliefs and rituals cannot be underestimated. Most of the early scientists were Christians who believed that interfering with nature was meant to be a positive thing by ones Creator. The earth was seen as logical, rational, and with an abundance of wealth ready to be discovered. However, these discoveries were meant to be a blessing for mankind, not to be used by evil powers to subdue and control the masses. It is amazing that the great advances of the 21st century are being used to control, subdue, manipulate, and fleece the masses. Men are told that the earth is running out of its abundance and that only with total control can mankind survive a new Dark Age. In order to this total control to succeed, the spiritual confidence of Christianity must be subverted. Wood offers this final comment upon the evils of Christianity and the attempts to convert others to Christianity: Of course, for Africans and Indians this meant a repudiation of beliefs and practices that they


Wood. P. 27. Wood. P. 27.

and generations of their ancestors had always considered imperative paths to prosperous and righteous lives in this world as well as the next. That so many of them refused to take that step should surprise no one.101 The attempts to convert Black slaves to Christianity were pictured as nothing more than White Supremacist Ideology, and the rejection of Black and Indian religions was seen as pure racism. Wood asks the rhetorical question of the White Christian: Could Christians welcome a non-Christian into their midst, accord him social and political equality, and at the same time, not only not try to impose Christianity on him but fully respect his right to practice any faith he chose?102 Unity of any culture is based upon the Christian principles of being one in Christs worldview, and adopting the servant or slave mentalityones chief enjoyment is found in enabling others to be happy. For example, the medical profession, up until about 1900, was seen as a form of Christian ministry. A person went into medicine not to become rich or to become a modern medicine man, but to serve others as Christ has taught us to follow his example of servitude: rewards are to be expected in eternity, not here upon the earth. A culture that has that mentality will not fall for the platitudes of the con-artist and the political leader. The old saying that you cannot cheat an honest man is true, and the tyrant knows that you cannot offer riches to a society of servants. The tyrants empire is based upon handing out gifts from the governments: a society of people that do not desire the gifts he has to offer is the truly free society. The servant worldview of Christianity must be destroyed as the ideal. It will be replaced by the new Superman ideal. This change involves switching from survival by grace and the help of others, to the survival of the most fit. The capitalist ideal of the totally free market needs strong individuals who cannot allow Christian morals or charity to affect its bottom line. The idea that leaders in society were to be servants of the people has been replaced by a warrior super class that exercises total control over society. It is ironic that the tern public service now means that someone was sentenced because of some crime to, for a

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Wood. P. 28. Wood. P. 28.

certain period of time, become a servant. When I opposed the draft back in the 60s I found myself doing four thousand hours of public service. Insert: As I wrote the above, I came across a new book titled Organized Crime. I had read most of DiLorenzos other works and bought the book for that reason alone. I was surprised when I started reading the book. I expected the book to be about Obama and his regime, but it was about American History: governmental crime has not been restricted to the 21st century. When you take history classes in government schools, you learn about the petty criminals. You learn about the generals that drank too much, or ones that had affairs. You learn about the bribes taken by local officials to provide favorable treatment for one group over another. You learn about a crooked businessman, and etc. However, I learned very little about the real criminals: criminals that actually used the total power of the government to change history and to impose their will upon unwilling subjects. For example, I learned about the settlers in the West who shot Indians to make room for cattle and wheat. However, I did not learn about the major criminals, such as those involved in the expansion of the nation from coast to coast. This philosophy of the expansion was tested in the early part of the 19th century. A system of propaganda was developed which proved affective in persuading the masses that the expansion of the nation was not just possible, but necessary also. This new Utopian America that was developed during this period was based upon a belief that America, and America alone was special and it was the mission of America to transform the world according to the Gospel of America. America taught that those who did not subscribe to the American Gospel with evil sinners and needed to be converted: Just as the Catholic Church had its Inquisition, America developed its own techniques, of an Americanized Inquisition. Americas first major war in 1812 was basically fought over who would control the Banking System in the United States. There were other issues that clouded the real reason for the war, but it was a war in the classic sense of the word. However, the next War over the land of Texas was the birth of

American Evangelism. This was shortly followed by the war of extermination against all Southerners. These people represented an evil that needed to be rid from the land in order for the Utopian vision to flourish. Americas Declaration of Independence, at least parts of it, is the American Scriptures by which all others are to be evaluated. There are always superficial issues, but the basic reason for American wars is the idea that others would be better off if the United States was in charge of their land, government, and/or people. Because the goal of the American People is so lofty, whatever it takes to achieve this goal is found justifiable: in some cases, the ends do justify the means when the principles of the Declaration of Independence are being imposed on others. During the War of Texas independence from Mexico, the invading army of Santa Anna was pictured as the lowest form of humanity. The War against the South elevated the techniques developed during the War against Mexico into a new level. The extermination of the Southern people became necessary if America was to purge itself from an evil that plagued the land. Even though the Slave ships were built in the North; even though the building of these ships was financed by the Northern Banks; even though the crews of these ships were from the North; and even the these ships flew the American Flag, the South represented the source of evil of slavery. Even though only five per cent of the Southern population owned slaves, the other 95 per cent were guilty by merely living in the same States as slave owners. It defies common sense, but the mission of America required that all those that oppose the Utopian Dream of the United States be swept out of the way. Just the Mexicans in the Southwest were demonized and the Southerners were pictured as evil and ignorant, so the American Indians became pictured as less than human. Evolution demands the fit subdue those who are not as fit. As America expanded its Utopia from sea to sea, those who stood in the way of the American Utopian Dream had to be eliminated from the land. After the South had been subjected to rape, pillage, an plunder, the Indian was next as standing in the way of the imposition of the American Declaration of Independence upon the land of the West.

First in line were the five civilized tribes of Oklahoma--Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole. These tribes not only adapted many of the cultural habits of Western Civilization, but they also joined with the South in seeking to establish independence from the Central Government. Their flag was similar to the Confederate battle flag except it had five stars. Pictures of these Indians reveal a distinct European Heritage. It was said that in the Lewis and Clark encountered tribes that were blue-eyed blonds who spoke a dialect of Welsh. It is well documented that the Indian artifacts that show facts contrary to the popular understanding of the savage Indian have been destroyed. One of the primary roles of the Smithsonian Institute was write the proper history in support of the American Utopian conquests. Shortly after the conclusion of the Civil War, the central government directed its attention against the Indian tribes of the plains. General William Tecumseh Sherman was given command of this effort. There was never any attempt to hide the fact that the war against the Plains Indians was, first and foremost, an indirect subsidy to the government-subsidized transcontinental railroads. Sherman wrote to Ulysses S. Grant in 1867 saying that We are not going to let a few thieving, ragged Indians check and stop the progress [of the railroads+.103 One of the first ideas was to enslave the Indians so that they could be used to build the railroads. Indians by nature do not make good slaves. It was not part of their cultural history, as opposed to the Black slavery system that existed in Africa long before the White man arrived. It is very difficult to enslave a people who have a history of personal freedom. Thus instead of enslaving the Indians, The government decided instead to try to murder as man Indians as possible women and children included, and then to imprison the survivors in concentration camps euphemistically called reservations. Sherman sometimes referred to as the final solution of the Indian problem.104 (Emphasis Added.) DiLorenzo cites John Marzalek: During the Civil War Sherman and Sheridan had practiced a total war of destruction of

Thomas J. DiLorenzo. Organized Crime: The Unvarnished Truth About Government. Mises Institute. 2012. P. 82. 104 DiLorenzo. P. 83.

property. Sherman insisted that the only answer to the Indian problem was allout warof the kind he had utilized against the Confederacy.105 DiLorenzo the cites author Lee Kennett: Civil War luminaries all considered Indian to be subhuman and racially inferior to whites, a belief that they used to justify their policy of extermination. Sherman also believed that the freed slaves would become wild beasts if they were not strictly controlled by whites.106 After the Indians were defeated, the American Utopia moved onto the destruction of the Filipinos. Then there was the German Huns who needed to be brought under the umbrella of the control of the American Democratic Mission to the world. Somehow, the spread of the Utopian American Vision always required the total destruction of those who opposed this system. This history of criminal activity in the name of spreading the benefits of the American system is nothing more than a war upon the whole world. Those within the United States have been continuously subjected to psychological conditioning to induce them to either support the governments goal of global conquest, or to cease any resistance in the name of appeasing their guilty conscience. Americans have been made to feel guilty for taking the land of the Indians; for subjecting Blacks to slavery; for exploiting the other nations of the world for their natural resources and labor; and for exportation of corporate worthless trinkets to absorb the money from the poverty-stricken nations of the world. The goal of the American Global Empire is to bring a new kind of order to the world. The American must pay for this Empire through the taxes that he pays, and by serving in the military forces. Americans must pay a high price, but that is the least that can be expected of a people declared guilty of crimes against humanity.

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DiLorenzo. P. 83. DiLorenzo. P. 83.

It is vital to understand that there are different kinds of freedom. The word is hardly ever closely defined. In the United States, the first idea of freedom is the idea of personal morality: every man should have the right to do that which is right in his own eyes. There is also freedom in the sense of being free from government restrictions: restrictions should be locally defined and subject to the control of neighbors who have their own interests to protect. There is the idea of freedom to spend ones own money as one chooses: taxes should be limited to cover the minimal of statist activities. There is the freedom of the market: businesses should not be restricted in their activities because of political compulsion. There is freedom of religion which means the right to declare the laws and morals of God: the modern restricts churches to mere private activities confined inside the church building. There is the freedom to declare ones beliefs about the government without restriction, except for restrictions confined to basic public decency: public protest does not involve immoral activities. There are more, but the idea is that freedom has many meanings and every declaration of freedom needs to be defined. However, the government has enlisted several definitions of freedom to ensure that the people are subject to the governments controls. The masses are led to believe that freedom is allowed to function openly will result in civil unrest and anarchy. The masses are led to believe that the only safe form of freedom in sexual freedom. The freedoms of Western Civilization have been diverted into different kinds of freedoms than the ones associated with the English Common Law system. The tyrant must not only destroy the old order, but offer something that appears to be better. The old freedoms must be made to appear as selfishness and as producing wickedness. The new freedoms must be made to appear to be a higher form of morality, one that does no harm to any other person or group. Evolution not only has been applied to the animal kingdom, but it is now applied to every area of life. The old freedoms need to evolve. Just as man evolved from the beasts, so must a social continue to evolve throughout history. The rights won with the Magna Charta were for that time. The rights won with the Declaration of Independence were for that time. The 21st century is the time,

it is believed, for a whole new Magna Charta of rights in a world that is uniting to form a New Order of the Ages. Men not only won rights in the past to enhance their freedom, they also experienced the fears that went with every new freedom. The ideal of freedom in America was based upon three elements: the freedom of the English Common Law; the freedom of the American frontier; and the freedom of those who believe in the Christian Bible. These freedoms form the basic ideas in the minds of most Americans. However, during the depression, these ideals slowly began to change. FDR offered a slightly different variant upon the above basic freedoms. He offered the following assurances: Freedom of Speech; Freedom of Worship; Freedom from Fear; and Freedom from Want. I will come back to this first revision of freedom as it was merely the first step in the total revision of American Freedom. By the time the 21st century arrived, the masses of American people were ready to accept a revolutionary ideal of freedom. That is what this section is aboutFrom Freedom to Slavery in the name of a new Freedom. After 9/11, the American people were sold the new ideas of freedom: Freedom from evil foreigner nations; Freedom from terrorism, both foreign and domestic; Freedom from ancient moral restraints; Freedom from bullying for ones entire life; Freedom from failure; and Freedom from medical expenses. What I want to do in this section is to attempt to understand how a people exchanged the freedom that only comes from God, for the freedom that can only be derived from a powerful State. The earth, since the Fall of Mankind in the Garden of Eden, has been a place of toil, sweat, and danger. Man can only find freedom in his submission to some higher power: Either an all-powerful God, or an all-powerful State. Those are the ONLY two choices. The second book of the Bible, the book of Exodus, is about taking a people from slavery to freedom. Of course, what is often ignored, God defines for these people the definition of freedom. Gods freedom today is the freedom that people are being taught to fear. In order to understand freedom, it is essential to see what God thinks about freedom; and how He seeks to teach His people the

nature of true freedom. The conflict between Moses and Pharaoh is the first desire in history where men wanted to be free. Actually, the people of Israel were not all that enthusiastic about freedom because it meant rebelling against the most powerful man upon the earth. That is never a good idea: That is when people feel it is better to be an alive slave than a dead freedom-lover. Now the conflict between Pharaoh and Moses was at bottom, a religious war. It is religion that defines man and explains the role he is expected to play upon the stage of earth. The religion of Pharaoh was based upon the religion of Babylon and Satan. It is a religion of Power and Control. The religion of Moses is based upon Man being given Dominion over the earthunder the auspices of Gods authority. This is the freedom to Serve. While serving the power religion of Pharaoh is one of serving a selfish master, the slavery to God is one of a loving Creator who created mankind to be a servant, not only to Him, but to each other. True Life is service. True religion is choosing whom one will serve. According to Gary North, there is a third religion, called escapist religion. They do not want to serve the particular Pharaoh of their age, and they do not wish to serve under God: They wish to serve themselves in a false form of freedom. This third religion is one of serving sin, or serving ones senses, as these are the only realities that one can assure oneself of being real. In fact, much of modern American Christianity is based upon this third form of religion. North writes: The Christian version of the escapist religion is sometimes called pietism, but its theological roots can be traced back to the ancient heresy of mysticism. Rather than proclaiming the requirement of ethical union with Jesus Christ, the perfect man, the mystic calls for metaphysical union [Gnosticism] with a monistic, unified god. *Gnosticism+ proclaimed many doctrines, but the essence of gnostic faith was radical personal individualism: the abolition of human personality through absorption into the Godhead.107 Much of American Evangelical is a union with a god that provides emotional and psychological comfort for the stresses of life. In the background is the hope of eternal life.


Gary North. Moses & Pharaoh: Dominion Religion Versus Power Religion. ICE Publishing. 1985. P. 3.

This type of escapist religion promises freedom in the spirit. This false form of freedom easily forms an alliance with the State because it is basically lawless. People and nations cannot operate publically in the spiritual realm. Every social order is based upon Laws. Hence, mental religions turn to the State to provide the necessary laws to promote some form of regulated freedom. The new escapist Christian submits to these laws for life outside of the church and outside of ones personal spirit. The price for believing one can be totally free in ones spirit and personal psyche results in one becoming the servant to the State. The abandoning of Biblical Reality always results in some form of secular slavery.

* 313 THE ORIGINS OF FREEDOM, SLAVERY, STATISM, AND BIBLICAL ORDER: THE FEAR OF FREEDOM VERSUS THE FEAR OF GOD. The beginning of this religious servitude versus statist servitude dates back to the conflicts between Pharaoh and his order, and Gods people. The reason Christians today choose to turn Christianity into an escapist religion is the fear of living openly the Christian ideal of Dominion Freedom in the presence of a greater power. This same problem existed in ancient times. This freedom cannot exist within the same territory as the power religion of the Pharaoh. Basically Moses was asking the people of God to give up their private religion and take up Gods Dominion Religion. The people were not too excited about this at first and the message of Moses was rejected. The people feared Pharaoh more than they feared God. After all, they could see the wrath of the Pharaoh, Gods wrath is often slow and invisible. God patience can be seen as tolerance and acceptance of ones position. The Pharaoh was not patient. It must never be forgotten that the Bible is a book that describes Reality. To the extent that mankind deviates from the Bible, to that extend man deviates from Reality. The Sin of the Fall is that Man thought he could create his own reality. The story of the Bible is the history of men attempting to create their own order in defiance of Gods Order. Events in the Bible are not just there as

intellectual sit-coms. Historical events are included to inform us of how this battle has unfolded in human history. The importance of Egypt in the story of the Bible cannot be underestimated. While demonic tyranny found its origin in ancient Babel, the story of Egypt is the first recorded event of Gods people entering into conflict with a child of Babel. I want to begin with this story of Egypt by citing from the first chapter Exodus: now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we. Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cites, Pithom and Raamses. This new pharaoh is believer to be Sesostris III. Before him the nation of Egypt was a feudal nation which independent princes ruling the provinces according to their own wishes. As long as they sent a percentage of the tax money to the central government, the local princes ruled alone and independently. Sesostris established a centralized bureaucracy and eliminated the feudal nature the of Egyptian government. This new centralized power began a giant building program. Unlike the earlier buildings which were made of stone, Sesostris build with stone. He used stones, and as the Bible records, the Israelite slaves were set about the task of making bricks, lots of bricks. In order to accomplish the massive building projects and the use of massive slave labor, a totally centralized tyranny was formed and the people all became slaves to the Pharaoh and his bureaucracy. The religious philosophy of this order was that reality was a conflict between chaos and order. The Absolute State was necessary to thwart the powers of chaos. (Of course, anyone opposing the centralized bureaucracy could be accused of fostering chaos.) Just as the Christian God is pictured as bringing order out of chaos in Genesis One, so the earthly ruler was the one who had the godlike powers to create his orderly universe out of the chaos of mass humanity. The great pyramids of Egypt are a reminder of what can be accomplished with a massive bureaucratically controlled, slave population. Gary North cites the famous sociologist Max Weber, who wrote this in 1909: To this day there has

never existed a bureaucracy which could compare with that of Egypt.108 People will only submit to such a system if it is believed to be either divine or have the power of a god. Another one that North cites is Lewis Mumford. He writes: it was the king who demanded absolute obedience and punished disobedience with torture, mutilation, or death: it was the king who alone had the godlike power of turning live men into dead mechanical objects: and finally it was the kind who assembled the parts to form the machine and imposed a new discipline of mechanical organization, with the same regularity that moved the heavenly bodies on their undeviating course. No vegetation god, no fertility myth, could produce this kind of cold abstract order, this detachment of power from life. Only one empowered by the Sun God could remove all the hitherto respect norms or limits of human endeavor.109 In ancient times, men submitted to the religion of power and this power in Egypt, came from the Sun God. Of course, it was not really the sun, but the power exercised by the Pharaoh in the name of the sun that make this power real. Remember, at the bottom line, there are only two religions: The Babylonian/Satanic religion of power, and the religion of Biblical Revelation. Also remember, those who seek to escape from one or the other of the above religions by carving out a little private space, ends up serving the Power Religion of the State or of Power Religion acting like a State. The ancient power religion of Egypt built monuments and pyramids. This is merely symbolic of what a Power Religion does: it forces people to build widgets for the State and not for themselves. Wealth is transferred from the family to the organized power structure. The nature of all modern bureaucracies can be seen in the ancient ones: the way power exerts itself and controls people has not changed, only the technology involved in control has changed. Statist Power religions are based upon the depersonalization of men: men are mere pawns to be used upon the chessboard of the ruler and his elitist co-rulers. Mumford writes: The removal of human dimensions and organic limits is indeed the chief boast of the authoritarian machine. Part of its productivity is due to the use of unstinted
108 109

North. P. 35. North. P. 36.

physical coercion to overcome human laziness or bodily fatigue.110 Also, private life only exists, if at all, at the mercy and the permission of the bureaucracy. Americans sometimes forget that the two hundred years between 1776 and 1976 are really unique in human history. For most of history, men have been either servants to the State or a religious bureaucracy backed by the power of the State. The Power Religion has had many names throughout time, but the result has always been the creation of slaves, servants, peasants, serfs, and peons. The people of God have always been a people of the Book, and the people of the Law. The Laws of God defined reality and gave mankind the boundaries upon which he was to live out his life. Ethical man is the result of man believing that Gods moral demands cannot be escaped and that the good life is lived without the boundaries of the moral field of play. The religion of Statist power, when liberated from Biblical Law, is about elitist control of the masses to achieve ends determined by a Pharaoh and his co-rulers. One of the least understood aspects of American history is that the Constitution of the United States or the Bill or Rights contains no mention of any morality. It is a document on how a bureaucracy should function: Thats It. The American government has been, from the beginning, a lawless nation. There are no moral restrictions upon the actions of the central government. The only limits are those imposed by a democratic electorate: what actions the masses can be persuaded are necessary dictate the moral limits of the government. If the masses can be persuaded that a section of the nation must be destroyed, then, so be it. (Think American Civil War.) The American government has been organized as a power religion from the very beginning. Could that be why the American capitol looks more like a multitude of Greek temples and there is a total lack of any resemblance to any Christian holy architecture? America is about Power not ethics. The Constitution is merely the proper techniques for gaining Power. This opens the government to continual conflict. The U.S. Constitution recognizes no Divine Power, no Biblical Reality, and no system of Eternal Laws, i.e. Ten Commandments. It does something some call

North. P. 36.

an Imperial Bureaucracy. Imperial bureaucracy is produced whenever men believe that at least some menthe central planning eliteare essentially divine, or what is the same ting, that they have no god above them to whom their subject (slaves) can successful appeal. The Egyptian State created a bureaucracy so vast, so all-encompassing, that nothing in mans history rivaled it until the rise of the modern industrialized socialist commonwealths.111 WWII in America created a vast bureaucracy. However, after the war, this government by bureaucracy has expanded to cover every area of life. As I write, the central government is attempting to gain total control of each persons health and force medical procedures, or the lack thereof, upon everyone. With jobs becoming scarcer and scarcer, people are more than willing to act as bureaucratic enforces upon the American people. The whole American system is based upon the philosophy of government based upon Power, and the resulting Control of every aspect of life. Of course, people do not voluntarily give up their private life. Events have to so create an insecurity that the masses are more than willing to exchange freedom for security. The schools in the United States have been designed so that the students graduating from them are not fit for freedom. They may have selected talents, but they are like the average person lost in the woods who starves to death. They are surrounded by food, but have no idea about what to eat or how to attain food. The young today have been crafted to starve to death in an urban environment when times get tough: they do not know the first thing about how to sustain life when the stores close. The Factory school system is designed to create future slaves by asking students to live as slaves to the educational system. They are not taught survival skills, but are taught the mental and emotional framework for dependency and insecurity. The total emphasis upon Test Scores to the exclusion of mature behavior and self-sufficiency serves as a smokescreen for the lack of meaningful education. One of the primary means of creating the serfdom mentality is by instilling envy in the student. The students are taught that successful people only

North. P. 49.

achieve some accomplishment by using and exploiting others. Groups, they are told, should rise and fall as a unified body. Inequality is a sin against the fabric of society. However, progress is always based upon a few who venture into the wilderness of a society or culture and discover new avenues of prosperity. Inequality is basic to human progress. Elites always are important in the development of new ideas, new products, and new technologies.112 Before the average person could fly, someone had to take the physical, financial, and intellectual risks to design, produce, and sell the first airplanes. The Wright Brothers, and others like them, separated themselves from the crowd and went off in a different direction from which they were taught. A mob can only achieve failure for there is no reward for the successful individual. A mob society is one that will degenerate into a cesspool of bread and circuses. The schools, media, and government only create Mobs that must be administered by a giant bureaucracy. The Power and Control religion was first manifested at the Tower of Babel. Everyone was equally a part of the mob, and equally controlled by the Babylonian bureaucracy. Of course, an army of ants can achieve great results if they are all forced to work toward the same goal. However, with the fall of the Babel Conspiracy, in time, many smaller nations did form across the earth. Egypt represented one of these giant nations. Now the Babel philosophy of government existed: however, rather than being imposed upon everyone, it was only imposed upon the people of a nation. In fact, imposed unity was critical for ancient man in the eyes of the State. Most nations saw the earth composed of two types of peoplecitizens and foreigners. The State went to great lengths to maintain this distinction. In a sense, it was right to be a part of the control of the State and to share in its religion of Power. Later, I will cover Gods Kingdom. He also demands a unity of knowledge and spirit. He also separates Saints and Sinners. The Power Religion is a false copy of Gods Kingdom. The Power Religion when combined with a State seeks to

North. P. 75.

imitate the Kingdom of God within its borders. Now the Church is to be the force of unity within a State, not the Statist bureaucracy. This is a vital separation distinction between the two spiritual forces. The church is not to form armies to defend the borders of a State; and the State is not to impose its idea of unity upon the people of that nation. In ancient times, the citizenship in a city or state was seen as similar to belonging to a church or religion. No person could be a citizen of two nations for it represented a division of loyalty and service: just as Christian cannot be both a Christian and a Muslim. Now, it was this conflict between two different ideas of religion and state that resulted in the Exodus. The Dominion Faith of the Kingdom of God cannot operate under the control of a State that believes and operates under the Power Philosophy of Babel. Pharaoh was not content to defend the borders so that the people might be free within those borders, but he wanted control over the people so that he could exalt himself and his projects. It is impossible for a people who live under Gods Laws to exist within a nation that has a totally different law system. It is the allegiance and obedience to Biblical Law that frees people to serve God. North writes: Without biblical law, men become progressively impotent culturally.113 History belongs to the Kingdom of God, and victory within history can only be achieved by aligning oneself to this Kingdom. The battle between the Kingdom of Gods religion of dominion and the Kingdom of Babels religion of Power and Control is the Real World. I was taught in school that the government agents were preparing me for the real world: no they werent. They were preparing me to serve the State and its interpretation of this world. These two religious faiths produce two entirely different worldviews. The Kingdom of God produces an ethically stable world in which people are free to innovate and prosper materially and culturally. The Power Religion produces an ethically evolving world which produces social conflicts resulting in a state that must rule through centralized Control and Power. The State is Free, but the masses require adult, i.e. elitist, supervision.


North. P. 141.

Now the book of Exodus has been used as a manual for political Revolutions. There is a flaw here. It is a manual for religious and ethical revolutions. It is not a manual for the violent overthrow of one Power and Control Regime only to replace it with another Power and Control Regime: same philosophy of government, just with different monuments to be erected by the peasants. The idea of the Bible is to rebel against a Power and Control government in order to achieve a government of personal accountability to ones self, ones family, ones community, and ones locality. Biblical revolutions foster freedom from the controls of a false god in order to serve the True God. This is the only possible kind of revolution that can succeed. Men, throughout history, have pinned their hopes upon progress: Men want a better world for their offspring. And yet, there have been vast periods of time when men and their civilizations did not progressin fact, there were periods of cultural decline. Historians sometimes wonder how the great civilizations of the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan civilizations could have all declined from their previous historical greatness. One reason that historians will often overlook is the decline in ethical behavior. (By ethical, I mean obeying the laws that God places in the hearts of all people.) Don Richardson wrote about the numerous examples where ancient cultures once believed in a diluted form of Biblical Revelation. It was upon those believes that their culture prospered. When the peoples abandoned such beliefs, and their religion degenerated into sordid forms of sacrifice and witchcraft, the empires disintegrated.114 Progress requires a civilization to align itself with the basic ingredients of Biblical Law. When men obey not the commands of God, the result is personal and cultural anarchy. This always produces a new level of a Command and Control Power Government or Leader. The liberation of the French Enlightenment and Revolution resulted in the reign of Napoleon. When people become a slave to their own sins, a slave mentality is produced, resulting in physical slavery. A revolution against moral law never produces personal or


Don Richardson. Eternity in their Hearts: Startling Evidence in the Belief of One True God in Hundreds of Cultures throughout the World. Regal Press. 2006.

cultural advancement. And yet, nation after nation has bought into the lie that rebellion against God produces freedom: it produces a mental and physical slave. Once a people become enslaved to a Power and Control system, rebellion is difficult because living under such a form of government produces a SLAVE mentality. It took Moses forty years from his first attempt to free the Israelites from Egypt unless the Exodus event occurred. North writes: *Israel+ preferred to trust the continuing tyranny of Egypt rather than trust the promise of God or His servants, Moses and Aaron. They put their faith in the Egyptian State rather than God. To that extent, they agreed with the religion of their captors. As Joshua warned their children, Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord.115 The State promises security and freedom from failure. All the State asks that the people obey and serve the Pharaoh and look upon the State as their protector and provider. People may complain about tyrants, but as long there is food on the table, most will accept some form of servitude. North provides this insight into the thinking of the Statist slave in any period of time: The familiarity of present troubles makes men hesitate to seek risky improvements in their condition. The risks of change seem too high, and the benefits seem too few or too far removed. Men choose todays horrors in preference to tomorrows unfamiliar problems, even if those problems will be accompanied with the personal freedom to deal with them. Responsibility is too great a burden for slaves. The slave becomes passive toward his environment, content to accept what the world brings, so long as he can avoid lifes hard decisions. What keeps slaves in bondage, even when freedom is possible? It is their willingness to put up with harsh environment, so long as it is a familiar one which brings few opportunities for personal initiative (and therefore personal responsibility).116 It is the slave mentality that is fostered in the American educational system and in the media that enables the 21st century American tyranny to become ever more in control of every aspect of life. To the slave, true freedom is exceedingly terrifying.
115 116

North. P. 145. North. P. 145.

* 314 WHILE THE WORDS MAY CHANGE, THE CHOICE IS ALWAYS BETWEEN SUBMITTING TO THE LAWS OF PHARAOH OR SUBMITTING TO THE LAWS OF GODTHE U.S. CONSTITUTION OPENED THE THRONE TO PHARAOH. In the world of the Constitution, moral laws are pictured as totally irrelevant. The Constitution is there to protect the individual in his pursuit of personal striving toward life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. America was to be a nation built upon the basic freedoms of life and to transfer these freedoms into basic rights which the government will protect. And yet, viewing life from the 21st century, it seems that the very document that was designed to protect life failed almost immediately. Almost immediately after the signing of the Constitution, men form factions on how best to use that document for their own personal purposes. Looking at American history, one would think that all governments are designed to fail to achieve their lofty goals, and always result in a government run by an elite which uses the masses for their own purposes. The only thing that kept America from immediately becoming a tyranny was the lack of technology of control, and the pure vastness of the unexplored continent. People had the power to escape from the controls of government and, in fact, the government might not even know of their existence. However, when communications improved, President Lincoln was able to rule as a tyrant. He could send a telegram across the nation and have someone arrested that failed to meet Lincolns approvaland he did indeed do that. (And this was just fourscore and ten years after the founding.) How could the Constitution have failed so quickly and so completely? I believe it is the failure of Americans, and their churches, to face this issue which has resulted in the amazing technological tyranny now facing the American people. The global image of the United States is one of Freedom, yet the mentality of the people has been that of a slave. Americans have long endorsed the goal of total equality for everyone, yet the equality is little more than the equality of

everyone being subject to the same tyrannical powers. The Statue of Liberty which for many represented the United States has become the symbol of nation attempting to impose its will on the entire world. For the United States, Global Governance means Global Domination. What is so ironic is that a nation that teaches its young to be free sends them to die on foreign soil so that the Empire may keep expanding its realm of influence. Another symbol of the United States has been the little white country church. It was this church which symbolized the freedom to worship. Of course, the content of the worship service was expected to glorify the Nation and its mission of saving the world fromfrom whoever opposes American Dominance. Patriotism and Christianity became united in service to this mission. In the name of ending slavery; in the name of liberating oneself from ancient beliefs; in the name of creating a more perfect order; in the name of establishing a new kind of freedom; in the name of providing security for everyone; and in the name of allowing everyone to be themselvesAmerica has become the most hated nation on earth. It is a nation that its own people are coming to both fear and hate. I see this whole impossible scenario beginning when Americans replaced God and the Bible with the belief in the People and Democracy. The American Constitution was an attempt to create the first nation in history that had no God and owed no allegiance to any religious doctrine. There have been nations founded on the principles of rejecting God and all of His works, and there have been nations founded upon anti-God or atheistic principles. However, the American Constitution is based upon the belief that God, if there is one, and Biblical Laws, if there are such, can be safely ignored without consequences. Man can become his own god and his own lawmaker. Initially, it is essential to understand the Theology of Freedom. Yes, there is such a thing, and people understood this long before the founding of the United States. Today, most think of religion as merely a Sunday morning service. People are encouraged and they sing a few songs: it is all pretty harmless. If this was the nature of true Christianity, there never would have been persecution of Christians throughout history. Rome did not kill Christians because they did not sing the right songs. Most today think of religion in such simple terms that theological

distinctions have been eliminated. American Christianity as it is interpreted today is not seen as a threat to any social order or Christianity. In fact, every tyrant seeks such a religion because it can be used to support the tyrants order as being from God. After all, the tyrant openly supports religious freedom but this is purely the right to sing the right songs inside the church building. The first thing that people think about when they think of Freedom, they think in antinomian terms: Freedom is thought of as the enemy of Laws. Freedom is the right to create ones own worldview and live according to ones own personal Genesis Chapter One. Of course, this is not reality. However, if this view is believed, it soon becomes obvious that some are much more free than others. In time, those who are most free are able to impose their freedom upon those who do not subscribe their worldview. In actuality, only God is totally free. Everyone else must either operate freely within the restrictions of the Laws of God, or they must attempt to find meaning in rebellion against Gods world. When this is allowed to happened, then freedom belongs to the last man standing. The Bible calls this man as the man of sin of the Antichrist. That is why the Bible warns every one of the results of worshipping Freedom and not God. This brings us to the theology of freedom and liberty from the theology of the Bible and Christianity. One of the best modern theologians was Rousas J. Rushdoony and his classic work applying the Bible to cultureThe Foundations of Social Order.117 (This is one of my favorite books. I have read it multiple times. I own three underlined copies.) The nature of freedom and the nature of salvation are closely intertwined. How one perceives ones salvation on earth and where one locates divinity on earth are the starting points of understanding reality. Most people think of church revival services and their emotional appeals as representing Christianity. Salvation is taught as the solitary person performing a hand-raising, walk down the isle ritual. The evangelist teaches that Man in his freedom can freely choose or reject God. The solitary man is so powerful that he can resist God: man is pictured as having divine powers in his ability to resist God.

Rousas J. Rushdoony. The Foundations of Social Order: Studies in the Creeds and Councils of the Early Church. Ross House Books. 1968.

The Bible teaches that when mankind fell into sin and rebellion, man became as one dead. Freedom hardly exists for death people. The first fantasy of man is that he can prove he is alive by resisting God, of if it so delights his way, he can choose a god to follow and to perform the required worship services. The modern American religious mythology is based upon this basic understanding of freedom. Reality is seen as a continuity of various levels of divine. It is called the Great Chain of Being, and it is mans choice to find his place on this great continuity of being. There are various levels of divinity and man can choose his level. Whatever he chooses, mans freedom is to find his place within this totality of the divine order. In terms of this Greek perspective, salvation is not an act of grace but rather of self-deification.118 When the world accepts this Great Chain of Being, the State seeks to become the highest expression of reality upon this divine chain. Rushdoony writes: the central institution in history becomes the state, because the state as the highest point of power in history manifests the nascent or incarnate divinity of being either in the body politic, the rulers, or in their offices. In various forms, this faith was the substructure of all pagan statism. Thus, the issue very literally was one between Christ and Caesar. At the beginning of the Christian era, the world was confronted with two epiphanies, in Bethlehem and in Rome. The choices have not changed throughout history; it is either the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Babylon. When Jesus came into the world, it was an intervention of the divine into the human order. The problem was, others had their own divine order. No social order can allow two divinities to exist. Mankind seeks salvation. This is one aspect of history that cannot be ignored. Men are not only looking for a divine order, they are looking for one that offers the hope of some sort of salvation. Whether man openly admits it or not, all men are sinners and they all know they fall short of the Glory of God, i.e. acceptance by their Creator. Thus mankind is always pursing a divine order and some guarantee of salvation from temporary


Rushdoony. P. 53.

existence. History is the place where men act out their needs for a god and for an escape from their fallible creature hood. Rushdoony writes: In all non-Biblical faiths, the essence of religion is the attempt of mans imagination to impose a pattern or ideal upon history. There is, as a result, a marked hostility towards history. History as it comes from the hand of God has a pre-ordained meaning and direction, and it moves to a purpose neither decreed by man nor conducive to mans sin. As a result, man is in revolt against history. Man pits against history the imagination of his fallen heart.119 When Jesus proclaimed the divine Kingdom of God that would be established through His death and resurrection, all other orders seeking to portray themselves as divine entered into revolt. One of the ways of attacking the order of Jesus was to develop the teaching that what happened to Jesus can happen to any person or any institution. For example, other men can enter into divinity through meditation or through great historical acts of character. Also, assorted institutions can enter into divinity as they seek to carry out the work of a god upon this earth. Whatever time in history you live or within whatever culture you reside, look for that person or institution which is the final authority. Also, look for that particular form within that society that offers some form of salvation. Now, the American experiment of the United States Constitution was to have multiple sources of final authority and to create a culture in which a person could work out his own salvation through his personal freedom. However, for the perfectionists in America, the resulting disorder was not pleasing. The Intellectuals of any society like a perfect and controlled social order. They look upon the assorted disagreements between different authorities as being chaos and intolerable. The Unity described at Babel is their wish. Rather than allowing diversity under the unity of God, these intellectual and political Elites sought to create an order in which everyone believed the same things and acted the same way. Personal freedom was said to exist in such a society in those areas where the Final Authority did not intrude. For 21st century Americans, the

Rushdoony. P. 9.

final freedom is in some form of hedonistic activity, in consumption of material goods, or in ones choice of entertainment. You are free to marry whatever you want; you are free to dress in a way that fits your style; and you are free to listen to your favorite group or cheer for you favorite team. Those freedoms are guaranteed by the new, One Final Authoritythe Sovereign National Security State. Salvation is basically a monopoly of the State. Whenever some aspect of the political or social order breaks down, men turn to the State for their survival and protection. The State does, however, allow private salvation which also exists within the cracks not covered by the States salvation. In Christianity, the Bible is the final authority as a Revelation from God. All reality and laws of nature operate within the confines and limits of Gods law-endowed universe. The early Church Councils sought to explicitly state the theological interpretation of reality in order to counter both false gods and attempts of some aspect of creation to become a god. The basic doctrine is that Jesus was both fully human and fully God. He did not become God, but was born of God. No human or human creation can become divine. This is a vital part of Christianity that has pitted it against every false god throughout history. This is the real reason Christianity has suffered persecution since the time of Jesus. This is also why the Church has sought to soften its message of exclusivity as it provokes anger and retaliation. The theology of the Roman Empire when it became a supporter of Christianity was Arianism. If the old paganism was becoming out of synch with the decline of the old Roman Order, the Emperors sought for new theological support for their rule, and a system that aligned the masses to the desires of the Emperor. Constantine is credited with adopting Christianity and ending the persecution of the Church. However, what he was searching for was not God, but a system to make the masses support his regime. It is similar to the circumstances during the American Revolution. The Founders (and those that followed) wanted a religion that would support their New Order of the Ages, but would not interfere with their desire to create an Empire from coast to coast, and beyond.

Rushdoony explains the theology of Arius and how it deviated from true Christianity: The three main points of Arianism were, first, Christ was a created being; second, He was not eternally existent; and, third, Christ, was not of the same essence with the Father. The orthodox faith insisted that Christ was first, begotten, not made; second, begotten before all worlds, and third, Christ is of the same essence with the Father.120 If Jesus can become a god, so can Constantine become a god. For Constantine, the unity of the Empire was his primary goal, and apparently, his acceptance of Christianity was politically motivated. Of course, Constantine was not unique in this regard: most American Presidents have paid lip service to Christian beliefs to cloud over their real agenda. However, never forget abstract ideas and thoughts that appear harmless, can have grave consequences. Because we live in an age that has abandoned theology and philosophy, we think they have ceased to exist. When a nation adopts a bad theology, only evil can result. When the divinity of Jesus is eliminated from a nation, divinity is not abolished, it is only transferred. When a philosophy is adopted that creates alternatives to God and Gods Law, the result is not freedom from the Law, but subjection to Mans law. When the God that created the universal order of life, is legislated out of a culture, the new legislature has become the new creator with all the desired powers of a God. Never forget, Men make very poor gods. People think that the age of theologians and philosophers is over and that a new age of rationality has dawned upon the human race. No. No. No. What has happened is that the philosophies and theologies that control the thinking and behavior of the masses has gone underground in a sense. The old thinkers were quite open in what they believed and the books they wrote were very straight forward. Consider such souls as Nietzsche and Machiavelli. They were quite open about what they believed. Machiavelli was ruthless in his support of the modern State, and Nietzsche was totally open in his rejection of God and the mankind needed Supermen to replace the gods of ancient times. The new thinkers


Rushdoony. P. 11.

operate upon the unconscious parts of ones mind in their attempts to create modern theologies and philosophies. In the 21st century it is believed that the human mind operates according to stories. If you can create the right stories, you can control the thinking and behavior of the masses. The goal is to create a Master Narrative which forms both a story and a psychological assurance of reality. If someone or some government can create the proper STORY and which also provides meaning and comfort for the masses, then that master story will control the worldview of the people and it will direct their thoughts and actions along desired lines. This is why so many find modern American education so confusing: its goal is not to educate, it is to instill within the minds of the children a Master Narrative. Thus, when the National Security State seeks to use propaganda to change the thinking of its people, it tells a new story which fits in with the Master Story. If the stories interlock successively in the mind of the recipient, then he assumes the propaganda is true. However, getting back to Constantine, it was during his time that the Council of Nicaea was held in A.D. 325. Remember, this was a time when ideas could be proclaimed publically, and the masses would debate the ideas on the streets of the Empire. Just as folks today will sit around discussing sports, music, or movies, back then people debated important ideas. Today panels on TV will debate whether the 3-4 or the 4-3 is the best defense. Then, the masses debated whether Jesus was really God, or did he become God through some process or belief. (Obviously this is before modern education and modern media had dumbed down the population.) This Council was for one and for all end the debate about the nature of Jesus as far as Christians were concerned. The famous church historian, Philip Schaff wrote this: The council of Nicaea is the most important event of the fourth century, and its bloodless intellectual victory over a dangerous error is of far greater consequence to the progress of true civilization, than all the bloody victories of Constantine and his successors.121


Rushdoony. P. 13.

One of the most basic principles of the Bible is that it brings CERTAINTY to life. Believe it or not, men hate certainty outside of the certainty of ones personal freedom. The Bible is not hated because people find the story of Jonah and the Whale as incredible; the Bible is not hated because of Daniels fiery stand against tyranny; and the Bible is not hated because of the Creation Story. No, the Bible is hated most because it declares, Thus says the Lord. That is a little bit too much for Mankind that worships personal freedom. Rushdoony elaborates: Mans freedom is to avoid all certainty except himself; the quest for certainty is seen as the quest for death. Life for these men means uncertainty and rootlessness. This hatred of roots and of certainty is basic to revolutionary activity. The revolutionist destroys things of value precisely because they have a value apart from him. The revolutionist destroys roots, values, and laws because they speak of certainty, and he is a war with certainty. This is the basis of revolutionary destruction.122 This is why the Bible declares those that hate God love death. The modern State is at war with Biblical Certainties, and every other State in history that has rebelled against God has brought upon itself destruction. After the State has led the revolt against Biblical Certainties, chaos always results. That is just the nature of Fallen Man. When left without the Law, he sins. In the Bible, rebellion always led to men doing that which was right in their own eyes, i.e. jungle anarchy. When this occurs, the people cry out for a tyrant who will restore order and impose a law upon the masses. The new laws are never based upon the Created Order of God, but upon the needs of the tyrant and the Sovereign National Security State. Remember, whenever God is banned from society, a new source of divinity will be found. Sometimes this divinity will be disguised so as to fool the masses into thinking that they are still free from all gods and divine regulations. The modern tyrant, who rules as a god, usually claims to be a Man of the People. He claims to be their representative and he obeys their demands for a totally caring social order regulated by the State. Rushdoony writes about this

Rushdoony. P. 17.

new divinity: The divinity has been located in the people, in the masses, in democracy, so that the people are in theory the power and the glory. No transcendence is allowed, a total immanence is posited: the divine potency is inherent in the people.123 When the Church Councils declared that not only is Jesus God, they also stated that He is the only One and True God. No other man or institution can claim to be a god or to have the powers of a god. This is the first rule of true freedom: men must be liberated from all false gods. Created order requires a god, and liberation from God only results in the creation of false gods. A second council which helped define the nature of freedom was held at Chalcedon in 451 A.D. For ancient man, all reality was one. There was no great gulf separating one aspect of reality from another. Everything from the basic stone to the gods were all part of one reality. Mans role was to elevate himself from a lower level to a higher one. The institutions of society were seen as higher up the Great Chain of Being and their role was to help elevate mankind up this chain. Rushdoony cites an example of what happens when men have hopes of becoming elevated to the divine: As Ethelbert Stauffer, in Christ and the Caesars, points out, Augustus saw himself as the worlds savior who was to come. When, in the year 17 B.C., a strange star shone in the heavens, he saw that the cosmic hour had become, and inaugurated a twelve-day Advent celebration, which was a plain proclamation of Virgils message of joy: The turning-point of the ages has come. The political order embodied and manifested the divinity inherent in being, and salvation was therefore in and through this high of power, Caesar. Salvation is to be found in one other save Augustus, and there is no other name given to men in which they can be save. Conflict between Christ and Caesar was thus inescapable.124 Chalcedon declared this: Neither the person nor the state could, by its works, experience, or upward growth or evolution unite with and become absorbed into the Godhead.125 Certainly there was a time when the Vatican took on the role of being Gods divinity upon the earth. The result was tyranny. Ever
123 124

Rushdoony. P. 33. Rushdoony. P. 54. 125 Rushdoony. P. 56.

since the Reformation, the church has lost its role as the unity of both State and Church. Unfortunately, true divinity was not restored. One false form of divinity was merely replaced by another false form of divinity, i.e. The State. The Vatican in the Middle Ages had incorporated various aspects of paganism into its worship services and beliefs. The role of the Pope was eventually elevated to that occurred during the reign of Augustus: There is no salvation outside of the Vaticans bureaucracy. As soon as the Pope was dethroned, the secular kings of Europe elevated themselves to a form of Divinity: The divine right of kings. One of the great mistakes of the Reformation was that while it defeated the paganism of the Vatican, it did not destroy the foundational beliefs upon which the Vatican order was based. Rushdoony describes the new era that followed the fall of the Vatican era: As long as the old pagan view of being prevailed, the state could be the divine-human order. Divinity then became so greatly immanent or incarnate in the state that there was no appeal beyond the state. The state was, as lest for its day, the final order. In this scheme of things, man was simply a political animal, a social animal: he was definable in terms of the group, the body politic. Man had no true transcendence nor any ground of appeal against the state. In this condition, liberty was nonexistent. Permission from the state to exercise certain areas of activities could exist, but not a liberty apart from and beyond the state grounded in mans creation by God.126 The early Church Councils were designed to locate the divine in society, and to limit the attempts of man and his efforts to become divine. Unfortunately, the Church has largely remained silent ever since. It may oppose the divinity of a Hitler only to endorse the necessity of the divinity of Franklin Roosevelt. The Church recognizes that it takes divine power to deliver a people from a false God. However, the Church often turns from one false god to another in order to defeat evil. When the evil genius of Hitler, America thought the only way to defeat evil was to become even more evil. If Hitler is going to build a nuclear bomb, we will build an even bigger one. And we will show everyone that we are not too good to

Rushdoony. 57.

use it on innocent civilians. If Hitler bombs civilian targets, we will not only bomb civilians, we will bomb cities of refugeDresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. Understand, when you form a society based upon pagan principles, the only way to protect that order is to make a pack with the Devil. And people wonder why Americas wars have always reduced the morality of its people. To commit a nation to a plan of evil in order to defeat evil never produces anything good. In 2013, as I write, the world is sinking into a global war and into global financial collapse. The answer that the present system offers is to create an even bigger evil Empire than the ones in the past. The reason the world is in such a mess is that the gods we have created have not been powerful enough. They have been too human, too frail, and too merciful. Only a super nation with all the powers of a most powerful god is capable of controlling every aspect of life on earth. From the time Man created his first stone idol, he has never been able to figure out why the gods he has created keep failing him. Men laugh at ancients worshipping a piece of stone, but it is just as foolish to worship a State which declares itself to have divine powersomniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. Rushdoony adds this comment about the Council of Chalcedon: Chalcedon made possible Western liberty. It is possible to speak of true liberty as a product of Christian faith, because antiquity saw the city-state or the imperial state as a religious entity, a visible manifestation of the divine order. Because the state embraced all of life, including worship, and because it was the manifestation or incarnation of the divine order, man had to submit to the state as his visible god.127 Western Civilization was based upon the idea the only God and His Revelation are absolute; all other aspects of life on earth must operate within the boundaries of this revelation. Whether it is the King, Caesar, Pharaoh, Emperor, or Constitution, all must be the under the laws of God. With the State claiming absolute powers in the name of controlling a culture of anarchy, it is important to understand the attempt to gather to itself the powers of God, is wrong. Bishops and preachers rebuked emperor and state

Rushdoony. P. 64.

for daring to presume too much, for claiming authority which belonged to god only. Christianity was no sooner a recognized religion than its orthodox thinkers began to push back the claims of the state. In antiquity man had been bound to the state but freed from God. Orthodox Christianity freed man from the state by biding him to God, who is mans true ground of freedom and fulfillment.128 When Jesus claimed he had come to set men free, this is one aspect of his proclamation. When I submitted to years and years of government education, I was taught about the evils of foreign governments, but never was I taught how the American system could also become corrupt. I was never taught how to recognize tyranny within the American borders and the importance of Christianity in the maintaining of a free land. Wherever the secular rulers have been unchecked by the dominance drives of scared rulers, and even more wherever they have been able to absorb or fully dominate sacred nations, secular rulers and their governments have verged toward the totalitarian end of the spectrum of statism in claims and practices.129 The Church and the State separation in America has been seen as the separation of the State from religious criticism. The great Catholic philosopher wrote this in 1960: all of the great civilizations of the ancient world believed in a transcendent divine order which manifested itself alike in the cosmic orderthe law of heaven; in the moral orderthe law of justice; and in religious ritual; and it was only in so far as society was co-ordinated with the divine order by the sacred religious order of ritual and sacrifice that it had the right to exist and to considered a civilized way of life.130 Even non-Christian Civilizations, which attained greatness, enforced the Natural Laws which could be observed in Gods order. Paul writes: For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness.131 Even
128 129

Rushdoony. P. 64. Jack D. Douglas. The Myth of the Welfare State. Transaction Publishers. 1989. P. 147. 130 Christopher Dawson. The Historic Reality of Christian Culture. Harper Torchbooks. P. 80. 131 Romans 2: 14-15.

for those who do not know the knowledge of salvation, obey the natural laws of God, they are blessed in this life with material and social blessings. Modern man has ignored the very laws of God which are obvious to all those who look at their own hearts, or who look at nature: But today this ancient wisdom is forgotten. Civilization has cut adrift from its old moorings and is floating on a tide of change. Custom and tradition and law and authority have lost their old sacredness and moral prestige. They have all become the servants of public opinion and of the will of society. They have become humanized and secularized and at the same time unstable and fluid. Individual freedom, political democracy and economic progress were regarded as ends in themselves, which would provide their own solutions to the problems that they created. Even the weakest and mildest of modern governments possesses a universal power of control over the lives of its citizens which the absolute monarchies of the past never dreamt of.132 If God and His Laws are not observed, then the State must become a God in order to enforce some other law system upon the people. The further this law system departs from the natural order of creation, the more power it takes to keep order amidst the population. Rousas Rushdoony emphasizes that, ultimately, not only must the Laws of God taught in a society, but divinity must be located in God, or the State which claim the powers of a god. Western liberty began when the claim of the state to be mans savior was denied. The state then, according to Scripture, was made the ministry of justice. But, whenever Christ ceases to be mans savior, there liberty perishes as the state again asserts its messianic claims. Man is in trouble, and history is the record of his attempt to find salvation. Man needs a savior, and the question is simply one of choice: Christ or the state? No man can choose the one without denying the other and all attempts at compromise are a delusion.133 There are choices in life that cannot be avoided, even if the State tells everyone that there are no choicesObey or else!

132 133

Dawson. P. 80-1. Rushdoony. P. 67.

* 315 WHEN THE TRUE GOD AND HIS KINGDOM IS DENIED, THE PEOPLE WILL CRY OUT FOR A NEW PHARAOH TO TAKE CARE OF THEM AND A FALSE GOD TO ASSURE SUCCESS IN ONES ENDEAVORS. Men attempt to deny many aspects of life upon year, but no one can deny their own morality. No one can even attain a status of perfect safety for their three score and ten. Man and his dreams are frustrated by war, plagues, unemployment, disease, crime, social unrest, mental turbulence, and the inability to find companionship. Ever since the Fall, Man has known that life is fragile. Man was never designed to live apart from God. However, going back to God upon Mans terms is not possible. The dispute between Cain and Abel was over this: Abel approached God upon the conditions set by God; Cain decreed that his approach to God was just as good. When God rejected Mans approach to God, Cain took out his anger on Abel. So it has always been: Mankind hates those who truly can approach God, and they truly hate the fact that Mans approach to God is not good enough. History is the story of Mankind attempting to change this threatening world into one that achieves his desires on his own terms. Man was kicked out of the Garden of Eden when he rebelled against God. Before the Fall, God had designed Man for a good life in fellowship with Him, in fellowship with other Men, and with a calling to improve the earth with the talents God had given him. However, in his rebellion, Man was left to his own efforts. Man still possessed the vision of what life should be like. This yearning was there to bring man back to God. However, Man, in his rebellion, thought that he could attain the good life without the humbling experience of returning to God and confessing ones rebellion and sinfulness. The first problem Man encounters when he attempts to rebuild the good life is that every other rebellious creature has his own vision of the good life and how to attain it. Without God to create unity in the vision, and without God to outline the proper goals of Man, some form of organization is necessary. Gods rule amidst men is to be through the Kingdom of God which Jesus established after His resurrection. Mans attempt to achieve the good life without God is the

Kingdom of Man, the Kingdom of Babyloni.e. the Kingdom of the Devil. It was the Devil who put into the mind of Man, in the Garden of Eden, that Man was so talented that he could achieve everything God had designed for him, without having to submit to the worship of God. John Hallowell states this in his introduction to modern political thought: Man lives, not for the sake of existence alone, but that he may live well. It is characteristic of his nature that he is constantly seeking a justification for his existence and for his behavior. Man feels himself to be under the judgment of some thing beyond himself, a part of a reality that transcends his physical nature. For man is conscious, not only of what he is, but of what he ought to be and may become. In ethics, he seeks rationally to define and understand the nature of the good which he ought to seek. In politics, however frustrated he may be by himself and by others, he seeks the implementation of that good in social life; and, to assist in the implementation of that good is, as I see it, the major function of political science.134 If you understand the above paragraphs, you are better equipped to understand the nature of the multitude of historical conflicts. To create Mans Kingdom upon this earth, two things are necessary: first, a political organization that subdues the independent rebellious wills; and second, a religion that organizes the independent souls into a common purpose. Both are necessary because both are involved in the true reality of Gods Kingdom: Man can only rebel against Gods order and create an imitation order, but he is incapable of creating a new order of reality. In the Old Testament, the Tower of Babel represents the attempt to create a unified humanity through a false religion, and Egypt and its Pharaoh represent the political organization necessary to attain huge man-made projects. Every empire in history has attempted to create both a Pharaoh-type organization unified by a new believe in the power of Babel. Eliminating God from ones nation and culture does not nullify reality. Thus, when a secular or pagan government seeks to create a nation it comes up against something called REALITY. Every government must develop a system to

John H. Hallowell. Main Currents in Modern Political Thought. Henry Holt and Company. 1950. P. 1.

keep Fallen and Rebellious Man in line and under control. Man may not accept the consequences of the Fall, but it is there nevertheless. Hence, every government must come up with a plan to control the rebellious and sinful masses. There are only two ways to deal with the sin problem that every ruler faces: Force through governmental power, or Forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Now, incentive programs can be introduced to mitigate the consequences of sin, but there is always the hammer behind the incentives to ensure everyone pursues the right actions. In the Old Testament, the people cried out for a King. In the New Testament, the people cried out for Caesar. In both instances, the people wanted nothing to do with the ruler ship of God over their lives and nation. The Bible may have Ten Commandments and the Pharaoh ten thousand, but the masses generally prefer the ten thousand. There is something inside of man that prefers to be ruled by force rather than by Gods love. That is why the sin problem is so difficult to deal with: mans whole internal nature, personality, and will have been totally corrupted. Man is, by nature, a God killer. So often sin in modern America is reduced to bedroom behavior, but that is just a diversion. It is there to justify mans desire for sexual freedom. The goal of sexual liberation is that once man accepts his sexual nature, his personality will become whole again and peace and contentment will return. (The youthful orgasm is so strong that it appears it will even cure cancer.) History records many types of governments. They first basic difference between them could be reduced to one principle: What is the ultimate source of Law? Law can be derived from a god, from nature, from tradition, from legislation, from a king, from a prophet, from an educated aristocracy, or from ruling elites. (Or, as is the case in Western Civilization, Biblical Revelation is a source.) The second basic element of government is the system of controls used to confine the masses within certain bounds. Now the forms of control different in the amount of force needed to control the people, but it boils down to a system based upon the pyramid. Here again, the bottle line is the hammer behind every form of control. When all else fails and nothing works, the government falls back upon its monopoly on the use of force.

If Gods Law is true, then all other law systems are false. However, the need for a law system is not diminished. If God is dead, then the people cry out for a new God with an accompanying legal system. If the masses cannot agree upon a Law system, then one must be implemented by One Man and/or One State. North adds this about the resulting anarchy from the rejection of Gods Laws: Men seek sovereignty greater than themselves, a sovereignty which can guarantee meaning to their lives and success in their many ventures. If God is not the source of law, and law is not universally valid because it is revealed, biblical law, then only a hypothetical universal power State remains to give man the sovereignty he seeks. If his also fails, the nothing remains to assure mankind that his works have meaning in time and on earth. Then the escapist religion leaves mankind with its only hope: mystical self-transcendence and flight from mundane reality.135 When society degenerates from a lack of commonly accepted laws, then it really is every man for himself. Daily life becomes the experience of walking alone through a high crime urban area at night with money in your pockets. In a sense, war is an organized form of anarchy where one nation seeks to destroy law and order in another nation. Of course, the results chaos means victory for the side creating the terminal disturbances. The current attack upon Western Civilization and Biblical Law is really a disguised form of warfare. One group of men is seeking to destroy the foundations of one legal order and replace it with another order. This is one of the most subtle forms of warfare because the party being attacked is not aware that there is a war going on, and the other side appears to have the same goals of enjoying the good life and getting along with everyone. The basic philosophical ideas of creating a Kingdom of Man were presented systematically by Plato and then Aristotle. When I was under the tutelage of government schooling, I learned about the greatness of the Greeks: Ancient Greece, with its democratic city-states, with it magnificent dramas, with their ancient folklore, and with their unleashing of great philosophers, were considered

North. P. 240.

the golden age of mankind. This era produced the scriptures for the modern American tyrannical State, i.e. the Kingdom of Mankind. Hallowell writes: Plato and Aristotle differed in their thinking in many ways but they agreed that (1) man is a rational, moral being; (2) that he is also a social being who cannot live apart from his fellows; (3) that man exists in order to lead the good life and (4) the attainment of that good life is the primary purpose of the state. both Plato and Aristotle thought the men could find happiness and self-sufficiency only within the state, a life apart from the state was to them, if not inconceivable, undesirable.136 (Emphasis added.) The State and its organization is the secular form of Christian Church. The basic plan of government always calls primarily for some theory of centralized control with a strong leader. The basic physical form of a Caesar/Pharaoh form of government is based upon the Pyramid: The ruler sits at the top and rules through a bureaucracy that is based upon the masses at the lowest level. Now the techniques used throughout the pyramid may be based upon a military, an educated elite, a priestly caste, or just an army of bureaucrats. Of course, there is always the hammer, the threat of force, for those who do not accept and abide by the pyramidal structure of society. In the beginning in the United States, the people believed in the inverted pyramid. The masses of people were on top and worked out their controls personally and locally. The primary form of local government was the family. The father was engaged in controlling himself first, and then extending that control throughout his family. The family was the most basic form of government. In such a society, decisions were primarily decided on the local level. Gary North writes this about the Pyramidal philosophy of government: By centralizing power, the modern State is recreating the pyramid society, the topdown system of total controlor attempted total controlthat destroys the fabric of society. The caretaker State steadily replaces the biblical concept of the night-watchman State. The most important form of government, responsible self-government under God, is steadily eroded by a new concept of government,

Hallowell. P. 15-16.

the messianic State. Social order also erodes. As the French Catholic philosopher, Lamennais, wrote in the early nineteenth century, Centralization induces apoplexy at the center and anemia at the extremities.137 (The problem is that every such order will collapse. And when a nation of dependents, loses their protection from their Pharaoh, chaos results: The result is total chaos as in a national riot.) Shortly after Christianitys founding, men debated about how men were to be reformed and managed. Christianity grew up under the Roman Empire and the philosophies of the Romans. The revolutionary nature of Christianity as taught in the Bible was too much for many: Christianity undermined the ability of the State to rule in the affairs of men. Christianity also separated salvation from the works of the State and its intellectual elites. If there were, in fact, Two Kingdoms upon the earth, then the ability of the State to implement its pyramidal form on mankind would be jeopardized. In every era, there are theologians who will create a philosophy which gives credence to the idea that the State is Gods primary institution upon the earth. One such theologian was Pelagius (354-318). He believed that sin was not the major tragedy as described in the Bible. Man still had the ability to accomplish great things and produce great nations without the need of special help from God. Rushdoony wrote this: Pelagianism is essentially the assertion of mans ability to save himself; it is a belief that man does not need God to attain the perfect life. The implications of this doctrine for both church and state, as well as for every other sphere, are very great. If man is able, then the sate, the church, and the university are able to save man. In political theory, Pelagianism has meant that the state is not restricted to the role of a ministry of justice. The state becomes mans mediator and savior. The Pelagian state offers cradle to grave security. It faces every problem in the confidence that, given sufficient time and power, it will provide the answer. The

North. P. 211.

Pelagian state is confident that it can abolish sickness and disease, poverty and hunger, crime and lawlessness, and, through nationalized science, possibility even death itself. Pelagianism asserts the plenary ability of man to save himself, and the Pelagian state believes in the plenary power of the state to save man and to crate a paradise on earth. As a result, Pelagianism in politics is inescapably totalitarian. It cannot place any brakes on the state, nor can it be justifiably suspicious of the state, since it has no real doctrine of sin, only a catalogue of sinful acts. The decline of the doctrine of sovereign grace is marked by the rise of the sovereign state.138 The Pelagian Church quickly led to the Pelagian State. Understand, the sinful nature of Fallen Man is such that it is in constant rebellion against God and His Revelation to Mankind. Man wants to serve God according to his own standards, and man wants to create a heaven upon the earth by becoming gods through the power of the State. While Man is Fallen, he still retains intelligence and creativity. The corruption is seen when man attempts to use his reason and his ability to develop new technologies to exalt Mankind and his desire to create Heaven without God. This New Order of the Ages is totally contrary to the teachings of the Bible. the Pelagian church seeks power by an alliance with the state. Its goal is essentially the same, a paradise on earth by human effort, and accordingly the Pelagian state and the Pelagian church form a common front to destroy every trace of the Christian state and the Christian church. The common goal is a one world order in which the dream of Pelagius, mans perfectibility by man, is realized.139 Because this war against God is against the Reality of God, it requires a total effort, i.e. a Totalitarian Effort. The 21st century war against Biblical Christianity is the age that is producing the greatest tyranny in the history of the world. There is an aspect of totalitarianism that has theological implications, and this aspect is rarely discussed. Remember, the Bible is a book about REALITY. I cannot emphasize this enough. What God says through His Word can only be broached with extreme efforthaving a snowball fight in hell is never easy. You
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Rushdoony. P. 95 Rushdoony. P. 96.

cannot believe in Biblical Man and enclose him in a society of controls, terror, and abuse. Biblical Man as created in the Image of God must go and replaced by sensory, modern Man: man the trainable and programmable animal. Because most of us were raised under the umbrella of Western Civilization, it is difficult to understand the extent to which that worldview permeated our basic assumptions. However, once that worldview is abandoned, then there are no precise definitions of Man, and there are no precise limits to the controls needed to form a social order. Sin exists, even though it is rarely labeled that anymore. Also, the unnamed sins still must be contained in every society. Thus, ones view of sin leads to the nature of a government and its laws. Hallowell writes: Christianity taught that man is the creature of God, that essentially he is a spiritual being with a nature and destiny that transcends time and space. Beyond the kingdom of man there is the Kingdom of God and if an individual would enter that kingdom he must surrender his will to God and put an end to his rebellion. Thus there is introduced into life a duality unknown in the Greek worldman is not only a citizen of the world (the kingdom of man) but is also, potentially at least, a member of the Kingdom of God. Man is confronted for the first time with a dual loyaltya loyalty to Caesar and a loyalty to God.140 The Enlightenment was another attempt to transform man into an image of a mini-godat least potentially a mini-god--and not a creature created by God to live within the bounds of created law. Rushdoony wrote: The Enlightenment has so warped mans perspective that men believe salvation is knowledge, and sin is therefore ignorance; the will of man is therefore governed by his mind and the information available to the mind. But this psychology is alien to Biblical faith: mas sinful nature governs his mind and will and bends them to his purposes. Mans problem is not ignorance but sin, not a lack of knowledge but a will to abolish God from the world. The unregenerate man is a governed by the desire to be his own god and to will the death of God.141

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Hallowell. P. 21. Rushdoony. P. 117.

I know that the Founders were intelligent and well read, but I sometimes wonder about their state of mind when they wrote the separation of Church and State into the Constitution. How can you separate Government from reality? Did they mean the separation of the State from the Church power structure? Did they mean the separation of the State from the Bible? Did they mean the separation of the State from Christian influence? Did they mean the separation of the State from God? If the Bible state the nature of Man that must be governed, then to abandon this definition of Man mean the importation of another religious definition of Man. If Biblical Laws are rejected, the which religion will form the new laws? If Man is not the creation of God, then what is he? Is he just another animal to be used by the elites as one would use farm animals? I regard the United States Constitution as a document to separate the United States from the reality of God, the Bible, and Western Civilization. I mean, how can you create a nation and laws for the people of that nation and not have some agreement upon what constitutes MAN? The answers to these questions are theological and need answers from the Bible in order to construct a truly functional nation. Of course, history as told and taught in government institutions is the story of Man constructing a Kingdom/Temple to his own greatness and personal desires. Rushdoony describes theology of the modern age: Apostate man plans a world order in terms of Gods kingdom, but without God. First, mans dream of the kingdom is immanent; the kingdom, a paradise on earth, is entirely o this world; it originates in man and is to be mans private world and possession, an area held without benefit of God and with God held at bay. Instead of a transcendental unity, man seeks therefore a temporal unity. Since the true order is of man, the unity and authority for that order must be located and held within history by man. Second, this one-world order is to be the exaltation of man by man, and this humanistic dream calls for mans exaltation in contempt of God and as offensive action against Him. The very exaltation of man in this perspective involves war against God as the very ground of mans exaltation. Third, the humanistic doctrine of the Session sees man as the lord of history. The elite

scientific planners, as the epitome of free man, are to sit in the position of omnipotence and power and govern man and nature.142 This is why the Caesar/Pharaoh/King must be at war with true Christianity and the Bible. The man who would rule as a god must first eliminate the true God from the social consciousness of the masses, and those who oppose his plans for a perfect order. The key word for the new Pharaoh is NEUTRALITY. He ejects God from the nation in the name of not alienating those who are in rebellion against God, i.e. diversity, sensitivity, multi-culturalism, and tolerance. The Pharaoh makes rejecting God as the highest form of knowledge and wisdom for the person who would rule over all people. However, the Pharaoh knows that no nation, like no man, can serve two masters. Either it will serve God or it will serve the Pharaoh. It is not difficult to decide which decision the Pharaoh makes. Finally, it must be emphasized that the destruction of Christianity or its elimination from public influence does not eliminate sin. The Pharaoh Nation actually crates a new list of sin to ensure that the minds of the masses do no wander from their primary allegiance to the State. For example, under Western Civilization certain words were taboo in public. George Carlin made a living making fun of those words. However, new words have been introduced into the United States which will get you into far more trouble than the old forms of profanity. The new profane words are words the denigrate race, sex, or public policy and its official agents. Ones whole career can be destroyed for the mere slip of the tongue or for using a word that someone finds offensive. From Thou shalt not commit adultery, we have moved to Thou shalt not bully the adultery.



Rushdoony. P. 38.

Tracing the above attempts to recreate the controlled order of Pharaoh has been fairly easy. America, from all appearances, is a totally secular order. In fact, the government seems to be a war with every faith or it incites one faith against another. Just as England used to conquer nations by inciting the enemies of Englands enemy to declare war upon that nation, so the rulers in America have encouraged one religion to attack another or to make one or another faith look ridiculous. The state-sponsored scholars are more than ready to publish works attempting to make any faith look like a charade. The United States has pursued a policy of allowing mass immigration of faiths that are not Christian, while discouraging the immigration of additional Christians. What is amazing is how many thousands of Arabs have been allowed to immigrate to the United States during a time when supposedly the U.S. is at war with them. Can you imagine allowing Japanese or Germans to freely immigrate during WWII? I understand that an Empire needs a universal religion to accompany its claims of universal power. In my vast reading, I kept looking for a religion that was supporting American Imperialism. I kept looking in terms of one of the traditional religions and could not find the government using or identifying with any one of the great historical faiths. I then came across a book titled, In The Beginning which opened my eyes to the public faith of the New World Order, i.e. American Globalism. I now understood that modern religion was based upon entirely different principles than the old American faiths. The priests have been renamed; the churches do not look like churches; the offerings are taken in a different manner; and membership does indeed have its privileges. This new religion is not based upon any theology about the divine, but is based upon the desires of men and the means of fulfilling those desires. Richard Hoskins has written one of the most amazing and original books I have in my some twenty thousand book library. Most books have vast overlap with other books. I rarely read a book entirely as so much is redundant. There are a few I read over and over. This is one of those books. Hoskins takes the basic facts of history and places them in a context that is not taught anywhere else. We all grew up surrounded by giant corporations, global trade, and factory models of production. It has been said that those elements of society that

everyone just assumes to be true represent what a nation and culture really believes. Growing up during the height of the Cold War, the battle was often pitched as one in which both nations were at war philosophically but agreed that a nation was there to produce widgets. It was just a question of how to produce widgets, not whether a nation needs all the products of corporate production. Hoskins maintains that the ancients developed a basic system of socialcontrol organization. This structure had three elitist castes: The Merchant, The King, and the Priest. These three had these functions: The merchant must find a market for his goods. The merchant must establish a king to protect him and promote his interests. Before The Merchant can trade in a market he must first secure the blessing of its god, or the people may kill him.143 From my perspective, the above constitutes one of the primary forms of organization developed under the greater Kingdom of Babylon/Satan/Man. Most people have not been trained to think in terms of the Two Kingdom model of this world, but the basic ideas of this order derive the one or the other of these two kingdoms: Kingdom of Babylon and the Kingdom of God. The first axiom of this system is that all gods are basically the same. The corollary of this axiom is that tolerance is fundamental to a merchant society. Another corollary is that the Widget Culture is the center of life. The Merchant thrives on creating a demand and selling this demand as essential to the good life. Trade, in ancient times, was the quickest and best way to become wealthy; and with extreme wealth comes power. Before the invention of the compass and chronometer land travel was the basic means of trade. Because criminals could wipe out ones wealth, caravans were organized for protection. These caravans regularly incorporated 20,000 pack animals or camels. Spices was one of the earliest products traded for great profit: A pound of pepper could be traded for a pound of gold. Of course, it is essential when shipping a product that the people are willing to buy a product and willing to pay a lot for it. The goal of every Merchant is to

Richard Kelly Hoskins. In the Beginning: The Story of The International Trade Cartel. Virginia Publishing. 1995. P. v.

create a Culture of Consumption which has the blessing of the local god of that nation and culture. It could easily be argued that the United States is the greatest example of this in history. America became the Horn of Plenty as men conquered the land and used the surplus from the land to purchase the latest technologies and latest fashions. I grew up listening to preachers tell me that God wanted to bless his people with financial and material abundance: America was blessed with wealth beyond measure because its people were a good and righteous people. As America accepted people from throughout the world who had a different religion, it became essential to create a religious culture that did not interfere with trade and consumption. Religious divisions and wars are not good for trade and mass consumer spending. Hence, a universal tolerance must be preached in order to allow all markets to be open to everyone. The modern shopping mall, in this sense, represents the new universal church and religion. The people can worship at their separate churches, but they can all come together to enjoy the blessings of the gods and technologies. The goal of the local King is to keep an orderly culture that promotes this nation of universal tolerance and universal consumption. The history of universal religion dates back to the time of Alexander the Great and his contact with the Hindu religion. From the time of Alexanders return from India in the 3rd century BC, the classical religions of Greece and Rome bore all the hallmarks of the Hindu religion. The world was in complete subjection to Rome and her gods and the Roman gods were likenesses of Hindu gods.144 Now I grew up also listening to preachers tell me that the Roman Catholic Church had adopted many pagan practices over the centuries: the Church to attract people to the Church by adopting popular practices from the lands that they evangelized. Of course, I was told, the Protestants in America never did this. Really? One the primary goals of forced governmental schooling, is to create a uniformed and unified national culture. One of things that Christianity did when it first encountered other religions in the Roman Empire was to create division.

Hoskins. P. 39.

Christians established a unity in their faith, not in a national culture. This is why Rome sought to wipe out Christianity or to get them to submit to the national faith of a divine emperor: Emperor Worship was to take priority of local church worship. Whenever any popular Christian movement becomes too separated from society, it becomes the object of derision from the media: the media does the attack work for the government and the ruling elites. Personal separatist beliefs are acceptable as long as the person is still a good America in public. There is a military/industrial complex which most people know about, but there is also a Corporate/Education complex which works to unite America into a unity of culture. A great part of trade is the ability to transfer money safely. Banks came about to facilitate trade, not to help the average guy. These banks that have been collecting wealth since the time of Rome have grown quite wealthy. This wealth is kept diversified to mask the amount of control that these banking institutions have. These banks own or control the worlds corporations through stock held in hundreds of bank nominee names, and, through bank trust departments which vote corporation stock placed in their trust. Their corporations and foundations make grants to deserving colleges and seminaries to teach political correctness. They support deserving charities and make million dollar grants to deserving writers, thinkers, inventors, and politicians. The media chains promote reliable televangelists to bless their acts.145 So far, people are free to go against the banking/corporate/education machine, but they are also free to fail and free to fend for themselves. There is a basic theology of this universal religion that supersedes all other theologies. Different faiths are allowed to exist under the Merchant Religion as long as they observe three basic laws: NONVIOLENCE: one must be non-violent to all other races an religions in both word and deed. Violence in word or deed is criminal. OBEDIENCE: One must be obedient to the statutes, provide the needs of ones family, neighbors, workers, and be especially obedient to the ruler, which

Hoskins. P. 45.

makes all else possible. It is a crime to be disobedient and take the law into your own hands. TOLERANCE: One is required to be tolerant. Dharma directs that one may not discriminate because of race, religion, or national origin. Tolerance also meansnot to criticize. One must not criticize other gods or their practices, regardless of how much they offend.146 The above represents the Merchant society and Merchant worldview which masquerades as free-market capitalism. The Merchant philosophy to designed to prevent any product or service from entering an area by some religion or national worldview. The Merchant uses the above principles to change a society into one oriented toward an obsession with the consumption of widgets, experiences, and other people. missionaries arrive to explain the necessity for tolerance, obedience, and no-violence. The missionaries dont try to change the local religion, they merely attempt to persuade them to add tolerance so that future customers will learn to tolerate alien merchants and will buy their goods.147 This is why the United States Constitution has no laws and particularly no Biblical Laws in its basic document: the merchant missionaries must be allowed to operate freely within the confines of the American continent. In a sense, the Constitution was a master stroke of propaganda. The Christians were assured verbally that America was a Christian nation. But, and this is important, they were not allowed to establish any Biblical Laws, and they were not allowed to discriminate against those who opposed the Bible, Western Civilization, and sought o replace Christianity with another philosophy or worldview. The American Church was just as free as any other criminal element in society. (I mean criminal in the sense that the Church seeks to promote OUTLAWS, i.e. those Christians who have another Law that is not Tolerant or Uncritical of other faiths.) As is becoming more common under the new American Tyranny, Unrepentant religious zealots that cause dissension between religions and races
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Hoskins. P. 50. Hoskins. P. 52.

are punished. If incorrigible, they are visited by SWAT teams and liquidated.148 Those who believe in traditional Christian faith, its Laws, and its resultant Western Civilization, are rendered as the new Lawless Ones. The suppression of the Old Order requires a police state and a vast, intolerant bureaucracy. It is the role of this officialdom to impose the MERCHANT Culture and Religion upon the whole of society. No local deviations can be allowed. The MERCHANT worldview must be imposed as a monopoly. If one area of the nation is allowed to create a Christian Culture, it is seen as one would an invasion by a foreign army. One thing Hoskins does so expertly is to point out that, even though the names are changed, the philosophy of the Merchant has been part of earths cultures for thousands of years. It is vital to understand the current names associated with the false religions and political philosophies of the past. Hoskins traces the Merchant Religion back to King Asoka of India (291-232 B.C.), and to his creation of a popularized Buddhism. Asoka was able to unite the vast and diverse lands of India by creating the philosophy of universal tolerancecalled Dharma. His philosophy was encountered by Alexander the Great and resulted in the Hellenism: this philosophy was imposed upon the nation of ancient Israel. This is one reason the Israelites kept attempting to revolt against the Roman imposition of Hellenism upon the land. It was the Sadducees in Jesus time who accepted the Greek/Roman ways: They gave lip service to the WORD that was God, but they also accepted Greek gods and Greek customs. The Dharma-Hellenist had a new name, was not call a Sadducee.149 The world of Jesus can be understood with the following statement: Indian Hinduismcalled first Dharma, then called Hellenism, the Saduceeism, and at lastPhariseeismhad a strangle hold on the people of Palestine.150 When Idumea (Edom) was taken over by Judea, the people adopted the faith of the Jews. Idumea was the place where the spice caravans arrived from India. They were a Merchant nation. The spice merchants took their latest adopted religion, inserted Dharma to make it harmless and universal, and spread
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Hoskins. P. 53. Hoskins. P. 54-5. 150 Hoskins. P. 66.

it through the rest of Judea. They also passed this latest religion they had acquired to their co-workers in India who later gave it to their caravans as a recognizable door opened in both Islamic and Christian nations.151 The Merchant adopted whatever faith that promoted trade and used Tolerance as a means of infiltrating cultures that opposed the trade religion. This process has been repeated throughout history. The same formula has never failed as every nation of nice people wants to be tolerant, friendly, and acceptingnot realizing that their enemies use this tolerance to undermine their culture. This Merchant philosophy was a large part of the Roman Empire: Rome was a business operation. Her rulers worshiped many gods because Rome had many gods. The gods of each conquered nation were added to the existing pantheon of Roman gods, and state funds were appropriated to build temples for them. Their numbers grew larger and larger. To manage them and keep the peace to ensure free trade, the Roman government enforced ecumenical Dharma copied from Greek Hellenism. The enforced religious toleration cause each god to be treated as a different manifestation of the same one true universal god. The different gods and their peoples tolerated each otheron pain of government displeasure. Free trade was the motto.152 This same pattern has been the story of American History, but it is not taught in the history books. It is vital to ask, Why not? When the Christian religion entered the Roman Empire, it was an exclusive faith that operated according to Biblical Laws. For Rome, Christianity was an alien faith that did not fit in with the Roman Merchant religion. While the force of the Empire was used against the Christians, there was another who sought to water down the faith of the Christians so that they might fit in with a Merchant culture. To destroy the new separatist and militant Christianity that was growing vigorously in Rome and make it docile once again, it was necessary to remove the Law just as Antiochus tried to do in Palestine. The author of the Roman effort was Marcion [85-160 A.D]. He sponsored a sanitized Christianity minus Gods

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Hoskins. P. 81. Hoskins. P. 90.

Commands plus Dharma.153 The survival of the Roman system depended upon its ability to maintain the supremacy of Rome over all faiths and laws which the Roman Merchant demanded. This same process has happened in the United States: the Christianity that came to the United States with the first settlers was based upon the mandate of God to go forth and establish nations based upon Gods Laws. This was not compatible with those who wanted to create a nation built upon foreign trade. Christianity was reduced to the church experience, and everyone was given the right to have whatever church experience he desired. The only law was that each church leave every other church alone. Of course, the resultant vacuum of power is quickly by the State. If everyone is left alone to pursue their own private interests and pleasures, then the public arena is left to the politicians and those who support them. There were others who early on acted to protect the very lucrative Spice Trade. I am well read, and two of the least discussed aspects in history books are Trade, and Banking. Actually, the two are very closely dependent upon each other: the two need each other. The masses are told that wars are fought out of national pride, or something called protecting our interests. Of course, our interests usually are banking and trade. Of course, the masses will never fight for the elites that control banking and trade, so the nations always attempt to come up with legitimate reasons. Recall that Americas first war was fought because the pirates of the Caribbean were harassing our merchants. It never occurred, I guess, to think that the Merchants who were making the money should pay and die for their own protection. Better to let the taxpayers pay and the masses to die in battle. The names given to those who sought to protect the spice trade through a perversion of Christianity Catharism and Paulicanism. Hoskins explains how the theological/trade alliance worked. In order to open selected geographical areas for trade, the spice merchants spend seed-money to bring friendly priests before the public. The ones selected, whose faces you see every day, are selected with

Hoskins. P. 91.

the understanding that they WILL NOT search or honor the Word with its offending Laws, Statutes, and Judgments. The sole reason for the existence of these priests is to open the gates to the Hindu merchants spice-trade.154 It is worth noting that after the Civil War when corporations rose to take over the religion in America, many preachers starting preaching the Gospel of Prosperity. God, the people were told, just cannot wait to bless His people with wealth, fame, abundance, and everything that this life has to offer. God wants everyone to have as many Widgets as possible. The call to triumph in the face of tribulation did not attract crowds, but certainly alleviating the guilt of personal indulgence would draw a crowd. A new Christianity was born in America. Once the Church accepts the doctrines of the Cathars, the nature of the Christian message is changed. Hoskins states the following are the marks of a Spice Trade Christianity: 1) Ritual, entertainment, and social activities to keep their following; (2) Reform, self-improvement, or cleansing of the individual.155 The 21st century American Mega Churches follow the above pattern. Certainly the popular churches are not going to apply Gods Laws against the activities of the National Sovereign Security State. The Church today makes little claims upon the lives of its members: One could claim to worship Jesus without having to do anything Jesus commanded if one did not want toit recognized no Law.156 Now the church has a long history of resisting the tyranny of a King or a State. Also, the church has a long history of joining itself with the State to protect its status and assets. One side proclaims the Laws of God as applying to everyonethe rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak, and the leaders and the followers. The other side proclaims the necessity of defending legal order and respecting those who God has appointed to rule over the land: rebellion and anarchy are never seen as the works of God. During the middle ages, John Wycliffe [1320-1384] translated the Bible into the language of the people. This is dangerous if the people think of the Bible as really being Gods Word and that the
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Hoskins. P. 107. Hoskins. P. 107. 156 Hoskins. P. 109.

Laws of God. Historically, this represents the story of how the Bible has been used: to control the people sinful tendencies, and to justify the rule of an elite; or to justify the right of the people to expect the Laws of God to operate within a nation and culturethat God makes the Laws and not Man. The followers of Wycliffe were called the Lollards. In a time when men regarded the institutions of a nation as being Gods rule upon earth, the elevation of the Bible to being supreme over all earthly expressions of man was revolutionary. The Bible was considered a threat to the rulers of societyboth secular and religious. The Bible was not considered just a book of devotions for comfort in times of stress; the Bible was not considered just a book that gave one eternal life after one travails here on earth; and the Bible was not just a book of stories of others who have fought the good fight. The Bible is Gods Total Word for every aspect of lifeincluding the political, the social, the school, the community, the business, and the church. Even though most think of England as a Christian nation, the truth is quite deceptive. There has always been a religion which supports the State or King, but true Christianity has thrived in England either underground or in its colonies. Christian missionaries used their protection as English citizens to travel quite freely throughout the world. The Apostle Paul also used his Roman citizenship to travel about the Empire. The list of great missionaries that originated in England would make quite a list. To read their heroic stories is inspiring, but their efforts are rarely retold in todays world where evangelism is considered Intolerant, Insensitive, and harmful to ones national interests. Modern missionaries often have to work within the globalist system to survive. I sometimes how much Christianity is being exported and how much American Nationalist Religion is being taught to those in third world nations. I say this because every nation has two levels of every faith. The true faith usually survives outside the churches and outside the approval of the government. Americans have been so conditioned to think of Gods Church as being the physical building with a 502c3 status, that most are totally unaware that true churches have always been under attack from those in power. The Lollards

were a threat because they operated outside of the control of the official church and they totally believed that Gods Word was Real. That is a very dangerous thing to admit publically when people know the implications of such a statement. Through continuous persecution, the Lollards, who were guilty of nothing more than teaching the people the real truth of Gods Word, went underground. They became the preservers of the true meaning of Gods Word for that generation. King Henry V even put his friend, Sir John Oldcastle, on trial, and then had him burned at the stake. No kingdom can have two law systems, and if Gods Word proclaims the Laws of God, then the King can no longer rule with sovereignty. A similar problem arose in Germany when the Word was preached. Now the ruling Princes recognized the danger of the Bible and so sponsored the Reformer Martin Luther in exchange for his support of their claims to confiscate land. Now Luther was being subject to execution by the Papacy and the Princes offered Luther protection. It seemed like a good deal. Luther was allowed to preach, teach, and establish Churches, but he did form an alliance with the State. When the peasants revolted, Luther chose to side with the State over the claims of the rebels. After all, the government had protected him from being burned at the stake for committing heresy against the Vatican. Also, the governments were coming to realize that, as much as they might like to have removed religion entirely from the state that would not be possible. Using Luther and his antiVatican worldview was a necessity. This became even more obvious during the German Peasants War of 152426. Hoskins describes the basic demands of the peasants during this religious revolt: In June 1524, encouraged by the successful bid for freedom made by the Swiss, many cities, knights, and even princes came to terms with the insurgents and joined their ranks. The rebels put forward a religious and social program. A basic demand was that each village be allowed to elect its own pastor who wasnt appointed by the Catholic Church. They made another demandthat Church land be divided among the peasants. This demand was to separate the peasants from the ruling kings.157 Understand, every ruler knows that while religion

Hoskins. P. 163.

cannot be eliminated, it is best to establish firm controls over the practice of religion. The rulers discovered that when the Vatican was eliminated from the land, the church became too free. The peasants attempt to be free from total control by the government was crushed. The main revolt was subdued before the end of 1525. It ended in disaster. Peasant outrages and propaganda against them had united the princes, and when they had the upper hand they wreaked outrages of their own in a ferocious vengeance on the people. The protestantprinces retrieved the land-monopoly from the protestant-peasants that the peasants had retrieved from the Catholic Church.158 The alliance formed with Luther to put down the revolt of the peasants resulted in the formation of the State Church. The Vatican was a rival form of government which the princes detested. The attempt of the peasants to be free on the local level was permanently destroyed through massive atrocities. The result was something newThe State Church. The State could now use religion to keep the masses under its control, and it could use religion to prevent the intrusion of some other faith into the nation. Every government wants to control everything inside its territory. The tyrant feels if one area of life is to fall outside of the governments control, then there is always a danger that the masses might revolt and demand another form of government and another ruler. The most dangerous aspect of independent existence inside a State has always been religion because people look upon God and His Laws as demanding more allegiance than the State and its ruler. That is why during the Reformation it became essential that the State gain control of this movement. Hoskins writes: The princes were to have veto power over the selection of Lutheran bishops. This gave the German princes power over what was to be taught the people by Lutheran pastors. In this manner Lutheran became a state-religion in the service of the princes. Princely selection of Lutheran Bishops forced Lutheran priests to teach only the one third of the bible not dealing with government. State-Protestantism was a revival of the ancient

Hoskins. P. 165.

Paulicanism by which nothing but Pauline scriptures are used to disprove the WORD rather than the correct method of using Paul to prove the WORD. As a state-religion, Lutheranism could not be turned against the rulers of the state. The preachers attempting to do would b fired.159 Now it is important to understand the past in order to understand how this past is being used to suppress religion. I grew up hearing about the terrible religious wars as Christians fought Christians. That is a lie invented and perpetuated by the ruling elites. Consider the Thirty-Years War that was fought between 1618-1648: The princes were able to steal the land of the peasants during the Peasants War. However, the land of the peasants was taken the former owners, the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church demanded that the Holy Roman Empire launch a crusade to win back their land from the Protestant Princes. This war was Total War in the modern sense. In ancient times, wars were fought far from the cities usually, and casualties were limited. Hoskins summarizes the war: The resulting war was between an alliance of Catholic princes and an alliance of princes claiming to be Protestant. Both Catholic and Protestant peasants were driven into the armies of the two factions to fight the wars, and bloody wars they were. Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, the Palatinate, Wurttemberg, Pomerania, and parts of Bavaria lost 50% or of their population. Some estimates say that the population of Germany dropped from 20 million to 6 million. Whatever it was, the war between the Catholic Kings and the Protestant Princes over the ownership of the peoples land was the bloodiest ting seen before the 20th century. The war ended when there werent enough peasant soldiers left to fight it any longer.160 This was not a religious war, it was a war over whether the prince or the Catholic Church would have control of the land and the people. Of course, many people thought that they were fighting for a good cause. The governments or rulers are very adept at creating Good Causesthat is how they stay in power. Now, the United States supposedly fought a war of revolution
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Hoskins. P. 165-6. Hoskins. P. 167.

to free the United States from a State church. This must be seen as just another Good Cause. A great amount of deception was involved in this war to be free from a governmentally controlled religion. Understand, good causes are usually just a deception and an effort must be made to devolve into any popular movement that the ruling elites appear to support. The global leaders understand that the State Church was becoming so corrupt that its ability to control the masses was diminishing: the masses were no longer willing to die for a dead institution. The State discovered in the United States that, rather than creating a State Church, it was much better to control the church through the promotion of false religious leaders. The United States saw two forms of religion develop: the local religious cult which promoted a private devotional faith; and a church which saw Christianity as the performance of assorted rituals. Both types of churches looked up to national religious leaders and politicians as being the ones who would protect their freedom of religion. Every American President, up until recently, played the game by pretending to be religious and supporting the idea that America was a Christian nation. This Christian nation status was actually a great deception. America actually invented a new religion which became the American philosophy of life based upon evolutionary science, generic Christianity, the new social sciences, and principles of business. The sales job was so affective that everyone just assumed that these beliefs were absolute. The private religions were expected to work within the bounds of these assumed new absolutes. This whole process could not have happened without the modernization of the Bible and its demotion from being Gods Word from Genesis to Revelation. This was accomplished through two movements: the Bible was translated into American English; and those Bible teachers who taught various forms of New Testament only Christianity was promoted in the press and media. With the lack of a absolute Word, the State moves into this vacuum as the new source of absolutes. The Statist absolutes are able to establish a national worldview which would be used to replace any remnant of a national Church. The combination of Statist ideology and its educational and media agents, created a religion to supplant Christianity and serve the Globalist agenda and its financial and trade

new church. This new Christianity has been called Judeo-Christianity which serves the nation, business, and globalism. In the 19th century, the United States had its own American version of Christianity. As a large number of Jews immigrated to the United State in the late 19th, these Jews were able to infiltrate the thinking of American Christians. This was accomplished through the Zionist Christian Bible, the Scofield Version; and through their alliance with Christians to defeat the enemies of the United States. As a result of this, Judeo-Christianity became the new worldview of the masses during the 20th century. This new religion supported American Nationalism; the war against the Soviet Empire; and the nation of Israel in the Middle East. The Jewish control of the media resulted in the exaltation of those preachers who supported Judeo-Christianity. (The 21st century saw the elimination of this religion as a public belief.) Hoskins gives this description of the new religion: Judeo-Christianity may be described as an ecumenical Christian sect created by the International Trade Cartel (ITC) to dissolve Christian religious objections to the presence of the international merchant. This has been done by giving media access, and its accompanying riches, to Christian ministers who favor ITC policy. Here are some of the things they are permitted to do and some things they are not permitted to do. They are permitted to solicit money. They may use Biblical parables, illustrations and terminology. They may NOT refer to the Laws, statutes, and Judgments contained in the Scriptures since the Commandments represent a different God from the one followed by the owners of the media (i.e. they may not say that the penalty for murder, kidnapping and homosexuality is death.161 This new religion that has been created and supported by the Merchant Ruling Class is what exists within most of the American faiths. I grew up listening to preachers and I was repeatedly told how thankful I should be for living in a free country where everyone was allowed to have their own particular form of church. I was always told how this diversity of religion proves America is a Free Country.

Hoskins. P. 184.

What was not mentioned is that all of the assorted religions swore allegiance to the same supreme powerthe United States of America. What the churches fail to comprehend is that is that the Supreme Power of any land is the god of that land. The American churches are only free if they worship the true god of the land. The Churches are only allowed to compete within the bounds set by the Ruling Elite Merchant Class; worshipping outside of the limits earns one the classification as a cult. The Church of the Merchant is the new Established Church in America: all churches serve that ecumenical church.

INSERT: Just a reminder about the nature of historical knowledge. Most of what I write is not found in textbook accounts of history. They tells stories of wars, plagues, religious conflicts, etc. They do record events accurately for the most part, but consider what is left out. The textbook writers assume there is not God, or if there is one, He has no influence over the events of time. The writers assume that there is no Devil or evil person that influences people to perform acts of destruction or acts which prevent the good from prevailing. The books assume that rich, influential, powerful, knowledgeable, selfish, or evil people never secretly conspire to control events to achieve personal fame, fortune, and power. The books assume that there is no war between the forces of Gods Kingdom and the forces of the Kingdom of Babylon. The books assume that ethical norms are cultural and that immoral acts do not bring destruction to people and nations. Furthermore, the books assume the randomness of historical events and that no pattern or purpose exists which can provide permanent lessons from the past. Every age is just assumed to be an era all unto itself and appearing to being totally chaotic. No wonder I was so bored taking history classes in school. There were no lessons to be learned from history, but merely lessons to be recited back on tests. Ho Hum! *

317 WHILE THE MERCHANT CHURCH CLAIMS TO BE SECULAR AND ECUMENICAL, EVERY CHURCH MUST HAVE SOME FORM OF DIVINE EMPOWERMENT. While the local Rhododendron Society can be a secular organization, a State can never be. The reason is the State is one of those institutions created by God. In the same way, a family can never be a secular order. A little league can be secular, but never a school. Those institutions designed by God for the ordering of human society are spiritual in nature. Therefore, if the true God is forced out of one of His created Institutions, another god will move in to takes the place of the God of the Universe. This is why, as America has become increasingly secular, it has also become increasingly anti-Christian with a vengeance and with an anger: another spirit has entered into the ruling authorities and their institutions. Modern man operates upon certain assumptions: The number one assumption is that the only reality is material. Therefore, there is no spiritual reality, and the only true reality is one man creates. In the book of Exodus it states that when the Pharaoh rebelled against God, But the Lord hardened Pharaohs heart.162 When a mans heart is hardened, he is incapable of seeing the true nature of reality, and the spiritual world is hidden from his sight. It is rarely understand that the ability to see REALITY is a gift from God: it does not come naturally to man. Without Grace, all men are confined to the status of the spiritually blind Pharaoh. In a sense, the works of God are never done in secret, but they are often hidden from view for those who would not see. There is a special nature of reality that must be understood. God operates openly for those who wish to see. Satan operates secretly and uses deception in order to accomplish his goals. He cannot operate openly except in the most evil of times and placessuch as in Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible. God desires that men open their eyes and see the light; and Satan desires that men operate in rebellion and darkness so that man cannot see the true nature of Satanic reality. Eustace Mullins writes: It is Satan who must confine his work to stealthy

Exodus 10:20; 10:27.

conspiracies to deception, and to promises which will never be kept. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world (Rev. 12:9). It is for this reason that politicians, of necessity, must become followers of Satan in the rebellion against God.163 There are two governments in this world: one is established by God (The Kingdom of God), and one established by Satan (The Kingdom of Babylon/Satan). Earthly governments are subservient to either one or the other. The government that emulates the Kingdom of God is there to serve God and the people through the establishment of culture based upon Gods revealed Laws. The government that emulates the Kingdom of Satan seeks to use the people to establish a global empire. Remember the story of the temptation of Jesus: Again, the devil taketh him [Jesus] up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.164 Satans kingdom is about power and extending that power throughout the earth. Those who seek the powers of Satan will imitate his methods in order to gain control of the levers of power. Politicians must deceive the people in order to gain power over them, just as Satan must deceive the people in order to gain power over them, just as Satan must deceive the whole world if he is to continue his rebellion against God. Satan takes you to the top of the mountain and offers you all the kingdoms of the earth (Martin Luther King proclaimed , I have been to the top of the mountain, but he never revealed what had taken place there); the politician offers you free food, free lodging, free medical careeverything will become free at last! the politician offers to defend you against your enemies, so that he can deliver you to the ultimate enemySatan.165 In this whole process, Man is a willing participant. As a result of the Fall, God told man the result of his rebellion: In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it was thou taken: for dust thou
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Eustace Mullins. The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History. Revelation Books. 1987. P. vii. Matthew 5: 8-9. 165 Mullins. P. vii.

art, and unto dust shalt thou return.166 You can always tell when a government has changed from being a servant of God to a servant of Satan by how it approaches the above curse. Remember one of the temptations of Jesus when he was confronted with Satans temptations to rule by Satanic principles: And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.167 The above is the first principle of Satanic Socialismit promises to use the powers of Satanic government to create abundance for everyone and man need not earn a living by the sweat of his brow. The basis of Satanic government is that man, using the principles of centralization as attempted at Babel, can overcome the curse of God and produce abundancewithout using the means God has provided to bring forth abundance upon the earth. While the Church is to be heavily involved in charity, no government can defy this law and survive the consequences: For even when we were with you, this we commended you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.168 It is a very dangerous activity when man thinks he can outsmart God and break his laws with impunity. The reason for the Fall in the Garden of Eden is that Man believed the very first lie of Satan: And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.169 When Adam and Eve trusted Satan, God imposed limits upon mans powers and that the earths abundance would be limited. Man must learn to survive in a world where shortages are part of life: Utopia must wait until a heaven. If a system depends upon abolishing the curse of God upon Mans time here on earth, and upon negating the Laws of the universe, some kind of special power and some kind of special person is needed. When it comes to government, there is a bait and switch operation. There is a government as outlined in the Bible as an Institution that preserves justice within the law and protects the
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Genesis 3:19. Matthew 4:3. 168 2 Thessalonians 2:10. 169 Genesis 3:4-5.

borders of the Nation. There also is a government that attempts to repeal the laws of the universe and to become a new god that can save the people from their lives of sinful irresponsibility. In order to accomplish that goal, Man must align himself with the powers of this universe that are in rebellion against God. There is are reasons you will not find many Christians in organized crime. First, in order maintain the criminal family, you have to break a few legs. Second, the criminal organization thrives on providing sinful services to people. Third, the family demands absolute loyalty: there are no rules except those that serve the organization. Believe it or not, those are some of the same reasons you find so few Christians in todays organized government. Actually, government is not the proper term. God established governments, but Satan seeks to establish Kingdoms. Governments have very limited responsibilities and powers. Kingdoms derive their power from the first kingdom of Babylon, Satans model for humanity. If you study the operations of any successful organized crime family, you will find the same principles as used to develop and promote an earthly Kingdom. A good government is one that operates according to the design of God for earthly rulers; and a bad government seeks to establish a criminally organized crime family that ultimately seeks to expand its territory throughout the earth. Wars today are just expanded versions of the battles between Al Capone and Dion OBanion: they are turf wars. In this context, one of the faults of the U.S. Constitution is that it made no attempt to keep evil people out of government: it thought that if the evil people in government would fight amongst themselves, the people might be free. The Constitution created the ground rules for turf wars amongst the elected officials. Now this whole operation was made to sound wise that stating that beings were there no angels, men would have to serve in governmental offices. However, there were no ethical or doctrinal requirements for those who chose to serve their government. The result was America became a nation of criminals seeking to use the levers of power to obtain wealth and status. Those who wished to govern according to the principles of the Bible found the whole political process disgusting. Government became, not the fellowship of servants of the people, but a society of criminals seeking to expand their areas of control.

In order to understand the nature of politics, you have to constantly keep in the mind war between the concepts of governments and kingdoms. Now, the powers of governments are open and thrive in the light. The powers of Kingdoms require secrecy and deception. The nature of evil upon the earth has been denied or has been given a smiley face. Mullins writes: Indeed, the great movement of modern history has been to disguise the presence of evil on the earth, to make light of it, to convince humanity that evil is to be tolerated, treated with greater understanding, or negotiated with, but under no circumstances should it ever be forcibly opposed. This is the principal point of what has come to be known as todays liberalism, more popularly known as secular humanism.170 Under the above beliefs, everyone is the same: There are no good or bad people. There are only people who obey the laws of the ruling powers and those who disobey the laws of these elites. Mullins does an excellent job of tracing the transformation of ancient pagan Babylonian doctrines into the modern beliefs we have assumed to be true. The ancient land of Canaan developed a form of paganism which exported demonic rites to Egypt; and then through their more modern name of Phoenicians, who were the ancient seafarers, exported assorted forms of paganism throughout Europe around 1200 B.C. This pagan philosophy arrived in the Medieval times through the Venetians. The Venetians became the Black Nobility which infiltrated the nations of Europe and gradually assumed power through trickery, revolution, and financial legerdemain.171 It was these peoples who transformed ancient pagan demonic activities were transformed into the modern Merchant/Financial Kingdom philosophies under which we operate today. Ancient black magic was transformed into an Enlightened and intelligent sounding worldviewthe old lipstick on a pig trick. What does the Bible say about governments: They are there to serve the people. The people that work in government are truly to have a servant mentality: Fore he *a ruler+ is the minister to thee for good.172 Those who have
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Mullins. P. 1-2. Mullins. P. 8. 172 Romans 13: 4.

a desire for power are quickly eliminated from this type of organization because there is no place where they can exercise the powers of a tyrant: it is humiliating for someone who thinks he is superior to be a servant of the people and a minister subject to the laws of God. The Sovereign National Security State has the opposite approach as it rules over people. Obviously, a different type of person is attracted to this type of job. There is an enjoyment in being able to have control over the lives, finances, and destinies of the masses. There is an arrogant satisfaction in feeling oneself superior those who have to squirm before ones authority. During my college years, I loved using my class elective choices to take philosophy. I remember reading that all philosophers owe their foundational ideas to Plato. He taught everyone how to think philosophically, as opposed to theologically. Plato transformed ancient pagan and demonic ideas into plausible sounding theories of life on this planet. In Roman times, the intellectual and religious battle was seen as between Jerusalem and Athensbetween Jesus and Plato. Mullins writes: Plato remains the single most important figure in the development of humanism, because, almost single-handedly, he transformed it from a creed based on the demon-worship of Baal to a more respectable school of philosophy,. Nevertheless, humanism remained a creed which was devoted to the conspiratorial enslavement of mankind by a secret elite, which considered itself specially chosen, and Gnostic, that is, knowing, as contrasted to the notknowing.173 Platos Republic is the classic work about how to create an infrastructure of control and domination. Whether you call it a kingdom, a nation-state, or a republic, the goal is to create a universal system of controls and philosophy that make everyone work for the same goalthe expansion of power. The whole society is organized in such a way that everyone fills a role in the functioning of the expansionist State. Basically, the State is the god of the order and everyone lives to serve that god. It is a multi-generational process where everyone plays their role and each generation that follows. Because Plato renders the Satanic

Mullins. P. 69.

order of Babylon into philosophical language, it disguises the true nature of selling ones sold to serve demonic forces. Platos Republic is a major work in the art of Deception. Because Satan operates through deception and in the dark, few understand the nature occult activity in everyday life. True government, remember, is from God. Governmental kingdom building is demonic. Remember, Gods laws rule the universe. When anyone decides to rebel against these Laws, there is only one source of power to call upon to oppose these laws. First consider the following verses from the Temptation of Jesus: Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.174 When people want to establish a kingdom, there is only one source for this power. The Kingdom of the Nation-State begins in the rejection of the worship of God, and the acceptance of the promise from Satan to bless those who serve and worship him. I know many who regard The Republic as one of the classic works of history. It is important to understand that the book is able to propagate the ideas of Satan in very deceptive ways. When I attended a Christian university, the subjects were taught as being totally secular. There was never any hint that there could be true evil being expressed within the ideas being discussed. In fact, the professors would ridicule anyone who suggested that the modern world is really no different than the ancient of demonic controls and idols of stone. God and the Biblical teachings were considered outside the realm of true scholarship: God had his world, and man has his own private world which was outside the realm of Biblical reality. Satanic deception was considered outside the realm of good scholarship. The message I received from above attitude is that such a deception only existed within the minds of an uneducated rude.


Matthew 4: 8-10.

However, despite what is taught in American schools, there exists a vast underground reality accepted as true by those elites who rule in the shadows. I grew up under the influence of traditional Western Civilization. One thing puzzled me, was Western Civilization appeared to be two civilizations. There was the popular Christian Western Civilization based upon the Bible, and there was a shadow civilization based upon the creation of dominant Nation-States. Once I understood that history is the story of two rival Kingdoms, only then did some of this start to make sense. There were two separate races of people occupying the same space, who lived under two very different philosophies and worldviews. One operated in the light, and one operated in the shadows. The 21st century is the story of the combining of the two civilizations into one new civilization of total tyranny and the American attempt to spread this tyranny throughout the world. In the Old Testament, Gods people, through their unwillingness to abide by the Laws of God, ended up living in another land and under a pagan worldview and king. They saw themselves as strangers in a foreign land. That is similar to the condition of American Christians. As the United States has sought to become a kingdom rather than a government, they have attempted to find their niche in this New World Order. It did not work, and now, in the 21st century, Christians find themselves living in the same houses, but in a foreign land under a pagan ruler. Again, it is quite similar to the situation in Egypt in Exodus: And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxes exceeding mighty and the land was filled with them. Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.175 The rulers of America no longer recognize the Christian roots of this government.176

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Exodus 1: 7-8. It has been said that America was founded by two Georges: George Washington and George Whitefield. The first George established the Decentralized Republic, the second George established religious unity among the Colonies. It was because of the second George that many have called the early times in the United States as representing a Christian Nation. Certainly todays Presidents know not either George.

318 THE CHURCH HAS FAILED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE BIBLE HAS BEEN GIVEN NOT JUST FOR OUR SALVATION, BUT TO PROVIDE A MAP OF REALITY. OTHERS HAVE SOUGHT TO CREATE OPPOSITE REALITIES. Christianity early on made the mistake of thinking the Kingdom of God was synonymous with the Church. Thus Church building was just assumed to be Kingdom building. This may be one of greatest disasters in history. First, Christians confined their efforts to the establishment of a doctrinally sound church bureaucracy. Second, the Church then sought to reach out by imposing the Biblical moral view upon those outside the Church. Third, non-Christians were left to create the dominant worldview that controlled the structures outside of the Church. Fourth, the Church sought to work out his historic mission within the structures created by non-Christians. Fifth, the Satanic spirit was allowed to operate in the shadows of the political arena under the guise of philosophy, political science, and sociology. Sixth, the Church failed to understand the nature of the spiritual battle involved in creating a worldview. Seventh, the Church saw Satanic influences as confined to the lower classes and to sexual deviates. Eight, the Church felt that politics was beyond the scope of Biblical knowledge and its expertise is in the invisible spiritual and not in the visible physical world. Ninth, the Christian sees his role in this world as the building of a spiritual castle and raising the drawbridge during times of crisis. And finally, Tenth, Gods Kingdom cannot happen until the rapture of the saints into heaven and a new earth is formed. When you read a lot of philosophy, you discover something very interesting. Just as the Bible reveals the rules by which the Kingdom of God operates, the philosophers are attempting to discover the laws of another kingdom, the Kingdom of Man/Babylon/Satan. If you read philosophy with this in mind, it starts to make a lot more sense. Platos Republic was attempting to relate these laws to mankind so that a new civilization could be created. So also, when Jesus walked upon this earth, He taught about the principles of His Republic, the Kingdom of God/Heaven. History is the unfolding battle between

the Republic and the Kingdom. If this principle is not understood, history is bunk.177 When Jesus gave his parables of the Kingdom sermon, he outlined the nature of His Kingdom and His rule upon this earth. He was not talking about the Universal Church, the local Church, or the invisible Church: He was outlining the nature of His overall rule upon earth up until the end. It is vital to understand these parables if you are to understand philosophy and political science. Consider the following passage: 18 Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower. 19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. 20 But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it; 21 Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended. 22 He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. 23 But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.


The New York Times. October 27, 1921. Article titled, HISTORY IS BUNK, SAYS HENRY FORD.

24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. 26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. 27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? 28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? 29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: 32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.

33 Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: 35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. 37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; 38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; 39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. 40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. 41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.178 (Asterisks added.) The following are the basic principles of the Kingdom as outlined above: 1. The words of Jesus established a Kingdom of God upon this earth. 2. The response to the establishment is varied depending upon the conditions inside ones one soul. 3. Both evil men and good men live within the same Kingdom. 4. The separation of the good from the evil is not possible during the times of mens lives. 5. The Kingdom is like a great tree that others prosper from this Kingdom even though they are not part of the Kingdom. 6. When a nation and society where Christians are thriving, their influence will change the whole culture. 7. When Jesus comes again, there will be a purification of his Kingdom, and those who looked like good people or were bad people, will be separated eternally from those true members of the Kingdom of God. In light of the above, history represents the growth of Gods Kingdom amidst those who live upon this earth. The visual aspect of this Kingdom is represented by the current Civilization. These civilizations physically represent either Gods Kingdom of the good seed, or Satans Kingdom of the bad seed. Western Civilization, however many tares may have existed within it, represented a culture where the good seed was able to influence the whole culture of a society. Paul Costello writes this about Christopher Dawsons view about civilizations: The struggles of Western culture to resolve its divisions and its soullessness were tired to a shrouded interaction between wills and the ineluctable mystery of divine providence. To Christopher Dawson, as to Lord Action, Religion is the key to history. Any viable civilization is grounded in a common consciousness including a common view of nature, the cosmos, and the ultimate setting of human life in a transcendent or divine order. Behind the cultural unity of every great civilization


Matthew 13: 18-43.

there lies a spiritual unity, due to some synthesis which harmonizes the inner would of spiritual aspiration with the outer world of social activity.179 The establishment of the Kingdom of God by Jesus through His death and resurrection really is the time from which all history is dated. While we call this act of Jesus a religious order, it is much more than that. It is the proclamation of Gods reality. Gods Kingdom is as important to history as gravity or any other aspect of creation. Ever since the Reformation when the unity of Christendom was broken, those tares living within the confines of a legal and moral order, sought to establish a new kingdom based upon the neutrality toward a god or any other system of absolutes. The new god would be the nation-state which would take the place of Gods Kingdom. The old Kingdom divided, ultimately, the wheat from the tares; the new kingdom of man would be about forming a unity around the sacredness of each individual egoensured by the power of the Nation-State. One of those who was totally aware of this shift from Gods Kingdom to another kingdom was H.G. Wells. Costello writes: For Wells, modern knowledge, particularly in the physical and biological sciences, made earlier thought obsolete. The common cosmology that had united the West, the Bible, had served as a general history of Mankind but it had lost hold *and+ nothing has arisen to take its place; therefore, our modern communities are no longer cemented. What was required, in Wells view, was a Bible of Civilization, a new idea of place in the world, a new story of Genesis, with rules of Life, and Books of Conducts and Wisdom, as the basis for a new global enlightenment. Toward this end of a common history for humanity and patriotism for world citizenship, Wells wrote The Outline of History.180 Understand, the Tares of history, are not stupid. They are just evil. However, the Tares are able to present evil as good, and rebellion against created reality as freedom. Remember what Jesus said, But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. So the servants of the householder, came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? From whence then hath it tares? While the church slept, the tares arose after the Reformation, and proclaimed their new theories of establishing a material and blissful community upon the earth. Nisbet wrote this: For Turgot

Paul Costello. World Historians and Their Goals: Twentieth-Century Answers to Modernism. Northern Illinois Press. 1993. P. 126-7. 180 Costello. P. 35

or Spencer, freedom always and unwaveringly meant freedom from any kind of oppression, political, religious, and so forth, and freedom to develop individual faculties, powers, and talents with the last possible constraint or even guidance. Freedom here is inseparable from some proffered communitypolitical, social, racial, or otherand from the uses of coercion and strict discipline, when needed. Only through closer and more devoted awareness of himself as an organic part of the absolute state would the individual achieve, in Hegels perspective, true freedoma higher freedom than that posited by an Adam Smith.181 (Emphasis added.) The Tares have generally proclaimed that there is a better freedom than the one found in Gods Kingdom. While Tares can refer to individuals, it can also be regarded a false worldviews, false technologies, false law system, etc. Every aspect of Gods Kingdom is surrounded and immersed with powers and people who are out to sabotage Gods Kingdom. The historic Church, at best, regarded tares are merely bad people in a good world. Because of this, the tares disguised themselves as really good and nice people who fit in with Biblical Civilization. The major philosophers have not sought to enhance the Kingdom of God, but are looking for ways to create a new civilization with a new god. However, these philosophical tares operate under the premise that the Kingdom of God is merely one of many possibilities upon the earth. Gods Kingdom was seen as both restrictive and oppressive to Mans progress and freedom. Nisbet adds: Marx made what he called the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat crucial to the commencement of socialism and, the, the reshaping of man. Absolutism is the essence of Saint-Simons New Christianity and of Comets four-volume description of Positivist Societythe absolute power of scientists and industrial technologists over human beings, the power of intellectuals over emotionals, is one of Comtes more candid phrasings.182 I grew up taking a lot of classes in Political Science and Philosophy: Never were any of the ideas being presented compared with Biblical ideas of civilization. In modern mans conception of reality, there is only one civilization which is the civilization of Man. For the college student, there are only the assorted civilizations proclaimed by the tares.

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Robert Nisbet. History of the Idea of Progress. Basic Books. 1980. P. 238. Nisbet. P. 238.

The goal of the tares is to create a more perfect world. like Plato he *SaintSimon] wished only to make it possible for the best, irrespective of origin, to rise as quickly as possible to leadership and participation in absolute power over the nation; absolute power based, of course, upon the laws of science. Saint-Simon foresaw, given the eventual achievement of his New Christianity, the abolition for once and all of hunger, squalor, disease, and war. Through a new scienceone that he conceived as emerging directly from the existing physical and biological sciencesto be called social physiology, it would be possible to find the basic laws of social equilibrium or organicism and, through their application, bring the social order itself to the highest possible level.183 August Comte [1794-1859] probably expressed the modern worldview the best. Nisbet states this: From adolescence on, Comte was obsessed by belief that the West was in crisis, that misery and spiritual anguish were to be found in Europe, that Christianity had ceased to be the kind of spiritual and intellectual authority it had once been, and that paramount among all needs was a new system of thought that would do for the contemporary world what Christianity had done for the medieval and late Roman periods.184 As men abandoned Western Civilization and jumped onto the Industrial Revolution Bandwagon, something happenedthis revolution operated under the new belief that the market was free and self-regulating and that this revolution existed outside the realm of God and Gods Laws. How can you have a free society and a free market if there are ethical and social restrictions placed upon Mankinds desires. Remember, it is all about establishing a Kingdom upon this earth. Gods creation demands that some form of a kingdom exist for man to thrive. If Gods Kingdom/Civilization is absolved, then another Kingdom must be established. This Kingdom will be the negative version of Gods Kingdom. Instead of the Power of God and His Word serving as the foundation for this Order-- the omniscient, omnipotent, and absolute Sovereign Security State takes the place vacated by God. The States Laws become the new morality and the new norm for all actions. It cannot be otherwise. There is no such thing as a kingdom-less world. Either Man will serve inside of Gods Kingdom or he will serve inside the kingdom established by the enemy and his tares.

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Nisbet. P. 248. Nisbet. P. 253.

Just as Gods Kingdom pointed toward a future heaven, Mans Kingdom points to a heaven here on earth. But let us not forget that behind all of the utopian, religious, and power-obsessed minds of the utopians we have dealt with here, there lies a faith in history-as-progress, as progressive unfolding of potentiality.185 The Bible points toward a final conflict between Gods Kingdom and the Kingdom produced by the enemy of God, Satan. Satans Empire looks toward a never-ending progress toward the divinity of man. The coordinating power of this Kingdom is that State: the idea of the state, of the states absolute power in service to the achievement of social and individual moral perfection really began in France during the Enlightenment.186 This time in history marks the decline in Western Civilization and the rise of the new secular, commercial State working to improve both man and naturethe affects of the Fall would eventually be reduced. Georg Hegel [1770-1831+ declared that The state is the Divine Idea as it exists on earth.187 Those living Tares who believe this, insist that the State have the necessary powers to totally transform life here on earth, including the soul of Man. Another disciple of the State was Johann Fichte [1762-1814]. Nisbet wrote: In The Closed Commercial State Fichte describes the state as the only agency capable of providing for individuals the conditions necessary to their work which he declared to be the highest and general purpose of all free activity in individual life. The state alone gives man his property, and only the state is qualified to protect man and property by licensing all economic activity and subjecting it and the social group ins formed around it to a strict control with the view to the equal distribution of all available means of subsistence among the individual citizens.188 William Godwin wrote this in Political Justice: It is the vocation of our race to unite itself into one single body, all parts of which shall be thoroughly known to each other, and all possessed of a similar culture.189 (Emphasis added.) The above statement could really be the foundational belief of mankind in the 21st century: Mankind must all be one and united in the same religious beliefs Culture is an expression of a nations beliefs. This is the same belief as expressed
185 186

Nisbet. Nisbet. 187 Nisbet. 188 Nisbet. 189 Nisbet.

P. 267. P. 268. P. 269. P. 273. P. 275.

in Genesis: And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. and the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from the, which they have imagined to do.190 Rebellious man always wants to create a new church and a new earth united in their belief in their own powers. Men are never beyond religion: it is always Gods way or the way of the enemy of God. This worldview no longer exists today. The world is pictured as dead matter in a dead universe that is open to the total manipulation of Man and his evolved powers. In such a dead world, who is able to bring this world to life? If the world is merely chaos surrounded by disorder, the something must bring order to such a universe and social assembly. If the State is given absolute power, then it is able to overcome the resistance that matter gives to mans desires. If men are left to themselves, then each person pursing his personal interests, only leads to chaos. For Hegel freedom is not individual rights against the state but, rather, the conscious, accepting participation in the state.191 This exaltation of the State to the status created a problem: Gods not only demand total sovereignty over their own people, they want to expand their powers to the ends of the earth. Every since the French Revolution and the Establishment of the Enlightenment as the new worldview, wars have been fought to institute the foundations for some form of global governance. The advances in technology, interestingly enough, have been directed toward this goal. Those technologies that might serve to enhance local and decentralized governments and culture were not developed, but those technologies that could be used for total power and total control have been advanced. People have been taught that we live in the only possible world, and that the technologies have determined their own direction. This is one of the most basic propagandistic ideas that almost every has been led to believe: no one is in control, stuff just happens. And because technology operates independently of human determination, there is no use in resisting its tidal inundation of human culture. All the Mankind can do is to go with the flow and adopt ones beliefs and lifestyle to fit the modern world. Everyone believes this
190 191

Genesis 11: 4,6. Nisbet. P. 281.

to be true, which gives the State which directs technological development the upper hand in determining the future of this earth. It must never be forgotten that seemingly almost every technological innovation has been either an attack upon the Biblical Worldview, or a means to enhance Statist and centralized power. Could this be a coincidence? Is technology, by nature, anti-God and anti-Biblical Law? We are all aware of those groups that rejected technology outright because they did recognize the nature of Statist technology as an attack upon their Christian worldview. Technology has undermined the family and the status of the father. Technology/Science has turned the human soul into the product of evolution that needs help from the scientifically trained psychologist. Technology developed a medicine that treats the body as just another animalno more and no less. Technology has developed forms of entertainment that can best be experienced in solitary conditions. Technology has developed instruments that develop impersonal relationships as being as real as neighbors used to be. Obviously, those that promote porn have used about every modern technological device to sell their products. The resulting decline in the Biblical worldview from technological attacks has created a vacuum in the lives of the masses. The average person lives in an environment that is beyond his control. Working harder does no good if the government destroys the economy. Being a good neighbor no longer pays dividends when everyone looks to the government for assistance, not their friends and neighbors. With the nature of tax laws and inheritance, the family as a multi-generational corporation has been destroyed: why work to build up a business for ones kids and grandkids if the government will take it all in the end? What good is an honest reputation or moral character when a good resume is all people look at when hiring someone? You get the idea: the old values as outlined in the Bible are no longer commercially or socially viable. Technology has helped bring this about, and it was not an accident. Cui bono? The Sovereign National Security State. When Christians oppose the modern worldview, they are pictured as opposing the modern world and not the devil. How can the Church oppose the Kingdom of Man/Satan/Babylon, when the forces of modernity, Statism, and technology have united to create an empire that appears invincible and inevitable? Christians have failed to grasp the fact that modern technological

marvels could easily be declared to be Weaponized Technologies. Science, ever since occultists established Londons Royal Society, has been used against the worldview as presented in the Bible. The goal of that group was not science, but science as a tool to recreate the world into an image found in the minds of those connected with the occult, i.e. The Kingdom of Babylon/Satan. It did not take long, for those who sought to concentrate power in the hands of the new modern State, to understand that uniting with the technological occult sciences would serve their interests well. The occultists wanted to destroy Christianity, and the State wanted to eliminate Biblical Law in order to facilitate its attempts to create a global empire. I must again emphasize, the failure of the Church to understand the nature of reality (The War between Gods Laws and Satans Laws) has resulted in the church adopting the values of the new Statist worldview and resulting cultural environment. Christians think that if they could only gain control of the levers of power then they could use that power of the State to build the Kingdom of God. They fail to understand that the Kingdom of God is not Statist. The modern Statist system is based upon the principles of Babylon and even a Christian in charge of a Babylonian power system can only attempt to use Satans principles to improve the world. That is not going to work. That is like working to add air-conditioning to Hell. It is still Hell. The deception is so complete that people even have trouble thinking outside of the Statist parameters. I hear people say such things as the following: If the State does not feed the poor, it wont get done; if the State does not provide medical care for everyone, people will die; if the State cannot create jobs, unemployment will destroy the lives of the masses; If the State does not have the power to destroy the world, other nations will invade; and if the State does not have total control over everyone, rioters and terrorists will run wild. The Statist system is considered the best of all possible worlds, however painful it might be for some. In fact, conditions are such that any one who talks about the Statist system as being a manufactured reality and designed to enslave the masses is considered a terrorist. After all, the goal of every State is to preserve its special status and to preserve those in power who profit from its immense ability to manipulate people to serving the wishes of the rulings elites. The first thing that Satan did in the Garden of Eden was to challenge Gods conception of reality as understood by Adam and Eve. This is the same tool he has used over and over to deceive Mankind into thinking that there are multiple

realities: in fact, there are only the two competing worldviewseverything else is just window dressing. The goal of the Christian is to control the formation of governments and limit them to their proper God-given role. The Kingdom of Babylon always seeks out to raise everything it inhabits into a global and controlling enterprise. When governments or religions become occupied by evil powers, they literally become a new controlling global church or empire. You see, the Kingdom of God is invisible. It operates when the other institutions created by God operate in their proper function. Much is made of the early American ideal of a community that portrayed the Kingdom of God in action. The people knew their neighbors, they served one another in times of famine and sickness, and they worshiped together in a local assembly. The families worked with the community and the government to rule the area with the Biblical model in mind. There was no organizational or physical structure you could see, but that was the Kingdom of God in action. It could not be legislated into existence, nor kept operating through a police force or military. That is why Christians who think that the Kingdom of God is best served by taking control of the levers of the Empire will always fail. Even though the government that sells its soul to become an empire can seemingly do great thinks, they are based upon the use to raw and evil power deceptively used to control the people and to eliminate God from the local expressions of the Kingdom of God. The great problem with the Kingdom of God, not counting its moral precepts, is that it has no administrative structure. There are no secure jobs in the Kingdom and there is no way to rule and dominate others in that Kingdom. This does not fit well with those who wish to build their own version of the Tower of Babel that seemingly reaches unto heaven. Even in a limited way, every institution that seeks to sell its soulits role in serving Godto the Devil, attempts to expand its bureaucracy and expand its power and influence. It also seeks to create an order that appears to be reality. Whether it is the State or the institutional bureaucracy, those within the confines of a manufactured reality behave according to the expectations of that order. Those who seeks to live in another reality become an outcast at best, and an outlaw at worst. In conclusion, consider the following statement by Gary North: These two organizational principles are at war throughout history: Satans empire and Christs Kingdom. Christ does not fear a palace revolt; Satan does. Satan was the first revolutionary, and his empires are always threatened by revolution. From

below. He will not allow secession in history by his subordinates; Christ does allow it, and did allow it in the garden of Eden. Secession has a price, but it is basic to the preservation of freedom. The disappearance of the doctrine of the legal right of political secession marks the advent of tyranny in our age. That modern man cannot mentally imagine a world that would honor this fundamental political right testifies to the success of the theology of political centralization in modern times.192

319 THE NATION STATE NOT ONLY USES THE POWERS OF EVIL TO EMPOWER ITS INSTITIONS, IT CREATES RITUALS SIMILAR TO ANCIENT PAGAN ONES IN THEIR ABILITY TO SOOTH THE SAVAGE HEART. Americans have a view of reality that has been formed by the media and by the American educational system. For example, every movie about the New Testament times has people walking around slowly, never joking, and always talking as if every word were written on a cue card. New Testament historical figures are pictured as either unreal, or bad actors. Smiling, camaraderie, laughing, and hugging friends are all gifts from God and natural to every follower of God: So why are they excluded from the movies? It may just be that the movie industry is seeking to promote the Babylonian Empire version of Animal Man, and not the Kingdom of God version of man as created in the Image of God. Do you think? Remember, the Bible states that Christians fight principalities and powers and not bureaucratic powers. The primary goal of EVIL is to manipulate Christians into thinking that the present world order is the one and only true reality. This is the Age of Democracy we are told and it is the voice of the people that rules, not abstract principles or ancient moral codes. Throughout history, the public manifestation of Satans kingdom has been promoted by various secret societies.

Gary North. Healer of Nations. Dominion Press. 1987. P. 72.

These societies work to promote the governmental world orders which we see and assume to be part of creation itself or more correctly, part of evolutionary necessity. The purpose of these societies work not only to create Satans Kingdom, they do so without being seen. It is interesting that William Bramley traces secret societies all back to the original one, The Brotherhood of the Snake. It is important to understand that the snake or serpent is an important part of just about every ancient culture. The depiction of the snake is an important part of most cultures. It is popular to connect many of the snake stories with UFOs because that is far more tolerable than tracing the promises of the Snake back to Satan in the Garden of Eden. This serpent class of men has claimed great powers and was able to use those powers to promote those who accepted the serpent worldview. In ancient Egypt, the Pharaohs claimed a connection to some clan, watchers, custodians, or secret society, which gave the Pharaoh the right and the power to rule over the masses. Bramley writes: As God-Kings, the pharaohs were made to think that they were elevated above the toiling human multitudes. The pharaohs were taught that if they cooperated with Custodial plans, they would escape the human predicament by joining the gods in the heaven.193 The history books always deal with the visible manifestations of power, but rarely pull back the curtain to see what spiritual and secret powers who maintain the rulers illusions of power. The teachings of the Brotherhood in ancient Egypt were organized into an institution known as the Mystery Schools. The Schools furnished the pharaohs and priests with the most of their scientific, moral, and spiritual education.194 Empires need power and the power to set up the Babylonian system of organization does not, and cannot come from God. Now the modern rulers of the Babylonian order claim their power is derived from the people. That is a lie. The people have no power, and they cannot give this power to rulers who seek to create an Empire. Now the Bible describes the origin of legitimate power: Let every soul be subject unto the
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William Bramley. The Gods of Eden. Avon Books. 1990. P. 63. Bramley. P. 66.

higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good.195 (Emphasis added.) Throughout history, Christians have resisted the higher powers, starting with the all-powerful Pharaoh. Pharaohs power was not derived from God, but from the secret societies which also claimed to be those who legitimize an Empires power. Behind every illegitimate power that rules over men will be some form of the Brotherhood of the Snake. The Mystery Schools not only twisted spiritual knowledge, they greatly restricted public access to any theological truths still surviving. Only the pharaohs, priests, and a few others deemed worthy were accepted into the Schools. Initiates were required to take solemn vows never to reveal to any outsides the secret wisdom they were taught; students were threatened with dire consequences if they broke the vow.196 It is so vital to understand this duel nature of power expressed in the Two Kingdom existing side by side on this earth. Paul writes this: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.197 Obviously, Christians are to resist the evil behind the rulers of this world, those secret orders that operate in the shadows. Thus while Paul states this war against principalities and powers, he also states: be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work.198 While apparently contrary, Paul is talking about those rulers of darkness who are also called the Brotherhood of the Snake. In the book of Titus, Paul refers to those powers who are there to promoted every good work.
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Romans. 13: 1-4a. Bramley. P. 67. 197 Ephesians 3: 12. 198 Titus 3: 1.

It is these rulers or darkness that operate as tares right along the good seed. This can be very confusing. Legitimate powers operate alongside illegitimate powers: powers of darkness operate in Gods world where His Kingdom operates. Each Kingdom has its own principalities and powers. There is a godly church and there exists an ungodly church--two separate kingdoms each of which derives its powers from separate sources. Empires may fall, but principalities and powers merely move on to other locations. The ancient Egyptian empire eventually decayed and vanished, The Brotherhood of the Snake fared much better. It survived and expanded by sending out from Egypt missionaries and conquerors who established Brotherhood branches and offshoots throughout the civilized world. These Brotherhood emissaries widely disseminated the Brotherhoods new one God religion and eventually made it the dominant theology throughout the world.199 The code word for those who expose the Brotherhood is Conspiracy Theorists. Now Machiavelli shows characteristics of having either contact with or influence from the Brotherhood. He went public with some of the principles that have been used over and over by the forces of darkness. Bramley lists these principles which Machiavelli taught as tools for gaining and maintaining POWER: 1. Erect conflicts and issues which will cause people to fight among themselves rather than against the perpetrator. 2. Remain hidden from view as the true instigator of the conflicts. 3. Lend support to all warring parties. 4. Be viewed as the benevolent source which can solve the conflicts.200 The Brotherhood or Custodial Class has as their primary goal the fostering of dependency of the people upon the physical structures created by The Order. Unity can only be achieved through a real or symbolic Tower of Babel. The goal of The Shadow Empire conspires against the Kingdom of God. The Bible states this: Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the
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Bramley. P. 70. Bramley. P. 86.

earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.201 When the Christians forget the above scenario, they think they can reform the Empire by making the Empire do nice things. These underground Brotherhood activities became openly visible in the years leading up to the French Revolution and The Enlightenment. Bramley wrote: Nearly all of those secret societies were outgrowths of Brotherhood activity and were patterned after Brotherhood organizations. Each society had a different function and ideological foundation for drawing people into the revolutionary cause. Although the revolutionary societies sometimes differed in matters of ideology and tactics, they had one objective in common: to bring on the revolution. Many revolutionary leaders participated in several of these organizations simultaneously.202 The modern world order was formed as a result of these secret revolutionaries. In fact, these same secret societies that prior to the American Revolution, France had sent intelligence agents to America to stir up colonial discontent against the British.203 Later, after the War of 1812, the British sent agents into America to divide the nation over slavery. The goal was to create the conditions that the only way to end slavery would be through a war of total destruction. Those who work secretly to form a Kingdom of Darkness know the benefits of fomenting division and conflict: rich versus poor, black versus white, the educated versus those with less education, and Christianity and secularism. This only works if those who provoke conflicts operate in the shadows. Throughout history these Shadow-Workers have started wars and revolutions by playing upon divisions, discontent, and the very limited nature of planet earth. God put eternity in mens hearts, not so they would become perpetually dissatisfied, but so that they would always be able to keep life in proper context. However, this perpetual dissatisfaction is used by the discontented of Darkness to craft revolutions for the dissatisfied. The goal of the Christian is always to direct the
201 202

Psalms 2: 1-3. Bramley. P. 324. 203 Bramley. P. 3.

discontented to eternity and to God. The goal of Shadow-Workers is to use this same dissatisfaction to lead to Satanic rebellions against Gods Order. The workers of iniquity felt free to operate openly after the French Revolution. James Billington wrote of the new onslaught of these workers who felt liberated enough to operate, to some extent, openly. (There were still dark forces who supported and encouraged these workers. They did not stand without someone promoting their efforts.) Billington stated this: The revolutionary faith was built more by ideological innovators than by political leaders. He who held actual power during the original French Revolution was generally a provisional being a creature of exceptional circumstance not a professional of the Revolution. Professionalism began later with a different kind of man: an intellectual who lacked political experience, but saw in revolution an object of faith and a source of vocation, a channel for sublimated emotion and sublime ambition. If traditional religion is to be described as the opium of the people, the new revolutionary faith might well be called the amphetamine of the intellectuals.204 This revolutionary faith was transformed into a new religion which sought to fashion the principles of Darkness into a new religion for everyone: the new religion was a scientific secularism. The youthful intellectuals who were the prophets and priests of this new secular religion were largely crying in the wilderness throughout the nineteenth century, struggling against overwhelming odds for revolutions that they saw coming mainly with the eyes of faith. It was not self-indulgent pity that cased on of the most militant and original early revolutionaries to compare this wandering life to exile to an eternal purgatory of suffering without end and without hope: I no longer have a friend no relatives, no old colleagues no one write me or things about me any more. I have become a foreigner in my own country, and I am a foreigner among foreigners. The earth itself refuses to adopt me.205

204 205

James H. Billington. Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of Revolutionary Faith. Basic Books. 1980. P. 8. Billington. P. 8.

Just as these public announcers of Darkness lived lives similar to John the Baptist and other Christian prophets, their grandchildren saw the birth of a totally secular nation in the United States. At a deep and often subconscious level, the revolutionary faith was shaped by the Christian faith it attempted to replace. Most revolutionaries viewed history prophetically as a kind of unfolding morality. The present was hell, and revolution a collective purgatory leader to a future earthly paradise. The French Revolution was the Incarnation of hope. The future revolution would be a kind of Second Coming in which the just would be vindicated. History itself would provide the final judgment; and a new community beyond all kingdoms would come on earth as it never could in heaven.206 This religious faith in the powers of Darkness allows those who promote this new Revolutionary Faith with a ruthless and guiltless abandon. The very idea of an evil power and an evil power capable of influencing mankind has been eliminated from the public consciousness. In fact, one of the mysterious aspects of evil is that it is always invisible in ones own generation, but quite visible when viewed looking into the past. It is easy to see the evils of the Roman Empire, but quite difficult for the masses to see the evils created by the 21st century American Empire. As Whitehead207 has expressed it: There will be some fundamental assumptions which adherents of all the variant systems within the epoch unconsciously presuppose. Such assumptions appear to obvious that consciously presuppose. Such assumptions appear so obvious that people do not know what they are assuming because no other way of putting things has ever occurred to them. We are incapable of recognizing and analyzing the assumptions of a particular epoch so long as they provide a satisfactory explanation of our experience. The fact that men are now engaged in analyzing the presuppositions underlying our own age, and indeed the fact that we are conscious of them, is probably evidence that they no longer provide the satisfactory link with experience which they have to this moment.208

206 207

Billington. P. 8-9. Cited by John H. Hallowell. The Decline of Liberalism as an Ideology With Particular Reference to German Political-Legal Thought. Howard Fertig Press. 1971. P. 2. (A. N. Whitehead. Science and the Modern World.) 208 Hallowell. P. 2.

The early stages of the modern manifestation of evil were not overt, but very subtle. This world, ever since the Fall of Man, has fallen very far short of perfection. God, not only placed eternity in the hearts of Man, He also placed perfection inside Man. Men are never content with just temporary happiness and are never content with less than perfect happiness. If life is nothing more than a cosmic roller coaster ridefun, however limited, while it lastthen mankind senses something is lacking. Man, the glorious animal of evolution, may be satisfied with food, sleep, and sex, but Man, the creation in the image of God, is never content. The problem is this: Mankind must decided whether life can be made tolerable through Mans genius for invention, or must Man be forced to return to The Garden and seek Gods methods for rising above insignificance. Modern Man chose to use the tools of the Industrial Revolution to create a heaven on earth and thus avoid the humiliation of admitting that God was right. Hallowell writes: Having turned from revelation to reason, men sought by rational methods to achieve again a harmony that the religious wars of the sixteenth century had failed to attain. Men sought within the confines of human nature principles from which legal, moral, and economic forms might be deduced. Whereas the medieval man started with the conception of a Divine universal order, modern man started with the conception of individuality, of human nature.209 This new Utopia would be built by promising each individual a new heaven and new earth. Mankind could finally achieve a perfect world without waiting for God or submitting to His Laws of Creation. One of the influences American Movies have done to the average person is to supply images that persist inside of ones brain. Most thinking is done in terms of pictures we store in our brains. Abstract philosophy and mathematical logic may appeal to a few, but most of us think in terms of pictures that we use to build concepts and ideas. If you mention schooling to a person, he does not think of abstract educational theory, he thinks of the images and experiences he has from his years in schooling. The Bible is also replete with verbal pictures that have been used for thousands of years to store ideas inside of us. Jesus was not a

Hallowell. P. 5.

philosopher or theologian in the modern sense, but a man of action and a teacher. We learn what Jesus means through the pictures He has provided for us. This brings me to the images of the Occult that people have stored inside of their brains: most are there as a result of watching horror films. Many Americans picture the ideal family as the one portrayed by the Waltons situation during the Great Depression. In is interesting, I know of no TV show that portrayed the same values of the Waltons as working in the modern era. The intrusion of government into the lives of the Waltons was limited to the local sheriff, Ep Bridges. The Waltons lived in a world where pictures of life often corresponded to the ideas people had of reality. In the opposite strain, the movies portrayed pictures of the occult which did not correspond to reality. As a kid, I watched the late-night black and white movies about some evil genius, or some mad butcher, who were personally connected to some dark power: you could see it in their eyes and in their disconnection from real life. None of these evil men ever had a job, or was in lack of finances. None operated in groups and none had any close connection with any organizationthey were always loners. Once they died, the problems they created were ended. Real evil is nothing like that. Certainly the movies may have been based loosely upon some exception in history, but the real occult forces are unleashed by governments, businesses, and anti-Christian religions. When Mankind, during the Enlightenment, abandoned the Biblical pictures of reality and abandoned the Laws that God wove into the Creation, Man entered into the Occult World of pure Evil. The U.S. Constitution was formed during this time and the nature of the resulting government was said to be a new, revolutionary form of government: it would be neutral in the war between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Babylon/Satan. Unfortunately, the rejection of Gods world is not neutrality, but the first step in the alliance and dependence upon the dark forces of Satan. Hallowell states this about this degenerative process: Now so long as men believed in objective truth and value transcending individuals, independent of individual wills and interests, as long as conscience was given a valid role in realizing the potential order embodied in reason, liberalism remained integral.

When, however, men abandon the belief in transcendental standards, when the idea of objective truth and value is destroyed, liberalism becomes degenerate. Now when belief in objective value is abandoned, law can no longer be obligatory because of its contents. Men are no longer obliged to submit to law but compelled to do so. It is no longer conscience that dictates obedience but compulsion, the force behind the law rather than the content of the law.210 This is why when Men abandon God, they create a human god and this god demands total obediencethis human god can only be a god because of its connection to the power of Satan. Usually, this god will be based either upon an absolute collective or an absolute individual. Either way, the result will be a totalitarian order. This Order, by its very nature, is allied with the Kingdom of Babylon/Satan/Man. The only absolutes are derived from God, and all other absolutes can only arrive by the rival of Gods Kingdom. This Kingdom was based, and still is based, upon the promise of Satan stated in the Garden of Eden, that Man shall experience life as a god if Man would but listen to the voice of Satan. The goal of every outlaw government is to work to fulfill these promises of Satan through eternal progress, i.e. evolution: The betterment of individual conditions, spiritual and economic, is an essential aim. It does not abandon the individual but seeks rather to bring about conditions under which it believes the individual will be able to realize himself more fully in material goods, and attain the economic security and wellbeing requisite in human dignity.211 The values of the Bible and revealed Laws are regarded as hindering mans material progress. If people are really more important than things, this is not good for the economy and the Christmas spending. The new Order of Heaven on Earth still needs a religion for those so inclined, and this new religion used the words of the Bible, but was more connected to the Occult than traditional Christianity. Hallowell writes: Religion was made more and more a matter of private concern and the church gradually became a kind of fellowship where individuals met to do homage to God in their own way. It tended to become a
210 211

Hallowell. P. 10-11. Hallowell. P. 25.

meeting place for individual worship rather than a symbol of the collective affirmation of certain religious beliefs. The doctrine of private judgment in time became the doctrine that each individual could believe what he wanted to believe, worship as he wanted to worship, and give expression to his religious convictions any he saw it. Liberal theologians placed more and more emphasis upon religion as an individual experience, and less and less emphasis upon the church or the Bible as symbols or embodiments of divine truth.212 When you read history, one of the hot words during the Middle Ages was Hersey. Those who opposed the rule of the Vatican were considered heretics: enemies of the truth. Probably the most dangerous crime a person could commit was the act of heresy. Modernity eliminated the concept of heresy from the popular imagination. However, from a Christian perspective, America did promote one major heresy: This relegation of religion to a separate, circumscribed sphere constituted the fundamental heresy of the industrial world.213 In fact, these heresies were given religious status by their very names: The gospel of wealth, the gospel of stewardship, and even the gospel of service that was to appear in the twenties, were all efforts to preserve the fabric, or at last the illusion, of a society unified by morality, of a culture informed by religious meaning and morale.214 In other words, the new reality was nothing more than an improvement over the old religious realities. You see, a new version of reality and mankind was developed after the American and French Revolutions. These revolutions were the first step in the creation of the totally new man and New World Order. (As I write, there is talk about the new Google Man whose body and man is electronically connected with the total electronic environment. Once the Man of the Bible and Creation had become outdated, mankind was open up to anything that could be marketed as being in their individual best interest.) The next step with the dismemberment of religion was to dissolve the foundations of certainty. With the destruction of the
212 213

Hallowell. P. 26-7. Donald Meyer. The Protestant Search for Political Realism: 1919-1941. Wesleyan University Press. 1988. P. 27. 214 Meyer. P. 27.

substantive content of conscience and the diminishing of faith in reason which took place in the latter part of the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth centuries, this final court of appeal tended to disappear.215 In this vacuum of certainty, the State became the new final arbiter of truth between individuals. Now this era of truth vacuum was promoted as the era of true freedom. Adam Smith was the philosopher of this era who promoted the totally free market of ideas and individuals. While the average person is not philosophically inclined, every Social Order does require a theology or philosophy to explain its existence. When Christianity was ousted from center stage, the vacuum was not immediately filled by the Sovereign National Security Statethat was reserved for the 21st century. There was a time when the individual was promised a form of godhead during the 19th and 20th centuries. This allowed the destruction of Biblical Christianity to be easily accomplished as there were so many people who thought they could profit by its declared irrelevance and ultimate death. Just as the individual was freed to pursue his own personal religion, the individual was now liberated to pursue economic prosperity as he had formerly pursued holiness. This individual pursuit of wealth was made to sound very sanctimonious: It is enlightened self-interest which should be given the greatest possible freedom from arbitrary authority in order to express itself and to realize the potential harmony embodied in the nature of things. He *Adam Smith+ believed that natural economic institutions are not merely good; they are providential. Without this belief in Providence, this belief in certain truths and values transcending individuals, Smiths natural liberty would be natural anarchy; his freedom, license.216 There was accorded a divine sanction upon this new order by calling it providential. It sounded good, and enabled men to purse their selfish plans without the guilt associated with such activities when under the auspices of the Biblical worldview and Western Civilization. This elevation of the rebellious person into something divine was foundational during this transitional period from Mankind living within the
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Hallowell. P. 27. Hallowell. P. 27.

Kingdom of God, to men living within the Kingdom of Babylon. Starting, then, from the assumption that each individual is a moral entity possessing certain substantive rights by virtue of his humanity, follows logically that each individual ought to be free to develop all his potentialities as a human being. In order for each individual to have freedom, all individuals must recognize some common authority.217 Moral order need a common authority. Western Civilization relied upon the King James Bible. The Sovereign National Security State moves in to be the common authority under which the free individual can pursue his selfish interests. One of the questions often asked, what is the price of a mans soul? And under what conditions will a man sell his soul? In actuality, those are important questions for those who are attempting to establish the New World Order. I believe the following citation reveals the price men place upon their soul: If science aids men to abandon a belief in the essential spirituality of individuals, then capitalism abets this endeavor. For the idea of the end of the world, nineteenth-century capitalist society substituted the idea of progress. Progress means, moreover, the progressive betterment of mans material status. The aim is simply to provide man with an increasingly better-furnished dwelling place, and this is regarded as an end in itself. With the growth of the capitalist system, profits are substituted for the values of human personality, and material values are made the measure of all things. Capitalism, as Tillich remarks, aims to provide the greatest possible number of men with the greatest possible amount of economic goods, and seeks to arouse and to satisfy ever-increasing demands without raising the question as to the meaning of the process which claims the service of all the spiritual and physical human abilities.218 Economics replaced theology in the 19th century, and the possession of earthly goods replaced the accumulation of heavenly goods and wealth. This process could not have occurred without the aid of science and Darwinism. It is very easy for Man to sell his soul on the cheap if he is told he does not have a soul. The connection between economics and the Occult is vital in this
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Hallowell. P. 33. Hallowell. P. 71-2.

transformation. The midwife in the birth of this New Order is alchemy and the desire to create gold out of lead. I have said it before, but it is vital to never forget, the party line is always Stuff Happens. That is the cover story to keep the real world from coming to light and revealing the conspiracies of an evil brotherhood to promote the Kingdom of Babylon. The ancient Brotherhood that operates in the shadows, (Yes, you can call it conspiratorial!) starts out by aligning its views with secret societies and/or talented individuals who have a message that would support the Brotherhood worldview. After the 18th century French Revolution, multiple revolutions followed, both in France and throughout Europe. Nearly all of these secret societies were outgrowths of Brotherhood activities and were patterned after Brotherhood organizations. Each society had a different function and ideological foundation for drawing people into the revolutionary cause. Although the revolutionary societies sometimes differed in matters of ideology and tactics, they had one objective in common: to bring on the revolution.219 One French secret society was called The League of the Just. This society helped foment the revolution of 1839 in France. A few years after that uprising, the League was joined by a man who would later become the revolutionaries most famous spokesperson: Karl Marx.220 Using ideas that were presented to him, Marx produced the Communist Manifesto. Although the Manifesto contained many of Marxs own ideas, its true accomplishment was to put into coherent form the communist ideology which was already inspiring the secret societies of France into revolt.221 Now, these same secret societies that had created this new Communist worldview were also aligned with secret societies and England and the United States to produce the Capitalistic replacement for Christianity.222 You may ask, why would a house be divided between itself? We have all been taught the value of unity in achieving any goal. That is not how the
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William Bramley. The God of Eden. Avon Books. 1990. P. 324. Bramley. P. 324. 221 Bramley. P. 324. 222 Bramley. P. 325.

Brotherhood achieves its goals: remember, they operate according to the conspiratorial handbook of procedures. In a normal world, the debate would be behind the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Babylon. For the Brotherhood, that is a bad scenario. There is always a chance the Brotherhood might lose. So, they create and support both sides of any question. The new choice then is not between the two Kingdoms, but between a secular Capitalistic worldview and a atheistic Communist worldview. Heads the Brotherhood wins; tales the Kingdom of God loses. It works every time. Thus, the American Christian was given the choice of fighting and dying for secular capitalism or being subjected to atheistic utopians. Christians were not presented with the option of working out the principles of the Kingdom of God in America. The failure of Christian leaders to recognize the manipulation of reality by the Brotherhood allowed the Christian Church to become a tool of the ruling authorities. There were a few Christian leaders in the South who did recognize the nature of reality: one such person was Lewis Dabney (1820-1898). For this reason the South had to be destroyed: a negotiated treaty ending slavery was never an option, only unconditional surrender. Actually, the South, before the war, thought it was about slavery and thought they could deal with the North and its demands. They were such as to force the South into a corner where war was the only option. (This was aided by Northerners who had infiltrated the South and were known as the Fire Eaters in their loud demands for war.) Bramley explains the nature of this reality manipulation: The same network of Brotherhood organizations which had given us the United States and other capitalist countries through revolution, was now actively creating the ideology (communism) which would oppose those countries! It is crucial that this point be understood: both sides of the modern communist vs. capitalist struggle were created by the same people in the same network of secret Brotherhood organizations. This vital fact is almost always overlooked in history books. Within a short one hundred year period, the Brotherhood network had given the world two opposing philosophies which provided the entire foundation for the so-called

Cold War: a conflict that last nearly half a century.223 This formation of reality is one of the least understood aspects of brain washing. The people in the United States were led to belief that reality could be seen in the false-reality of the Communist vs. Capitalist conflict. Now, religion of some form is essential to every nation and social order. When Christianity is abolished or neutralized, some substitute must be devised if the collective psyche is not to become chaotic. Both Communism and Capitalism have formed their own versions of religious substitutes. I want to consider the elements of a generic religion which form the foundation of every faith. Up until the 21st century, every social order either had to have a religion or a form of religion that offered similar benefits. (In the next section, I will show that the 21st century is attempting to create a total order based only upon the power of the State to assume the powers of God.) Christianity and the Bible reflect reality. Every other artificial religion must create substitutes for the assorted elements of Christianity. The process involves the substitution of a Generic Faith for the faith of the Bible truths. The belief is that people do not really need God, they only need the earthly elements found in religion. For example, if people need an authoritative source, then give them one. It does not matter what it is, as long as the highly esteemed document is regarded as being truly True. Another example, Hell is part of the reality in which humans find themselves. If a government outlaws the true Hell, then it must create an imitation version of Hell. In this time upon earth, there can be no reality that does not incorporate some aspect of Hell. Eliminating Hell would be like attempting to eliminate gravity. Just as previously I mentioned that every order must have at least a generic religion, it must almost develop some form of generic reality. Every false order is burdened with the problem of having to operate within Gods established creation and its laws. Bramley recognized the religious nature of Karl Marxs Communist philosophy. Considering the affiliation of Karl Marx to the Brotherhood network, it should come as no surprise that Marxs philosophy follows the basic pattern of

Bramley. P. 325.

Custodial religion. Marxism is strongly apocalyptic. It teaches a Final Battle creed involving forces of good and evil followed by a utopia on Earth. The primary differences are that Marx molded those beliefs into a nonreligious framework and tried to make them sound like a social science rather than a religion. In Marxs scheme, the forces of good are represented by the oppressed working classes, and evil is represented by the ownership classes. Marx tried to make his inevitable conflict idea sound scientific by fitting it into a concept known as the dialectic.224 This scientific aspect was promoted because the masses could see the new products of the Industrial Revolution, and the new scientific philosophy pretended to take credit for the multitude of new widgets available to the masses. By Marxs lifetime, spiritual knowledge had reached a severe state of decay. The quickie salvation of the Protestants and the embarrassing rituals practiced by nearly all religions were understandably driving many rationallyminded people out of religion altogether. It is not that the validity of all spiritual reality began to be questioned. The questioning led many people to lean towards a strictly materialistic [widgets] outlook on life, and Marx provided a philosophy for many of those people to step into. Marxs utopia therefore amounts to a Biblical Eden: a materialistic paradise in which everyone is a worker with no route to spiritual knowledge and freedom; in other words, a pampered spiritual prison.225 * The religious aspect of all reality is fundamental to understanding life on earth, even if everyone would rather not deal with this fact. There is no such thing as a religiously secular culture, but there is such a thing as a Secular Religion which worships some aspect of created reality. This Secular Religion differs from the various Occult Religions which worships one of the invisible non-Christian powersDemons, Spirits, and fallen angels. So lets look at the real condition of mankind.
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Bramley. P. 325. Bramley. P. 326-327.

The primary condition of Man is this: Man is a sinner; Man is fallen from his created personality; and Man is in rebellion against Gods order. Every false religion must take the above facts into account. Every government that seeks to rule over men must make allowance for the above facts. One of the myths often used to free Mankind the above doctrines is to state that Sin does not exist and Man is not rebellious by nature. Man has become corrupted, not by Satan, not by his own sin, and not by his stubborn rebellious nature, but by the false systems of government, education, and finance. If men can only be freed from enforced classroom indoctrination, from governmental laws of control, and by paper money, then Mankind can return to his natural self. Of course, this is a myth, but it has been used to dismantle structures that the Brotherhood feels are standing in its way of introducing their systems of control. Even so, once the people have been liberated, they are still sinners and in need of some form of religion. So what must a religion entail regardless of its theology. 1) Man, the sinner, needs some way to deal with his innate guilt. Guilt is reality, it is not myth and it is not cultural. Guilty men, while open to manipulation, can easily be conned into accepting dependence upon those who promise to mitigate their guilt. For example, a man can be made to feel good about himself if he recycles, respects his environment, and promotes a better world through going without certain items. In wartime, the guilty man has been encouraged to buy bonds to alleviate any guilt he might have over the bombing of innocent foreign civilians. His good act cancels guilt. This process is very affective in giving power to those who are able to foster good feelings and erase the unease of a guilty conscience. Every religion must have ways to make men feel good about themselves, even if it means they have to punish themselves to accomplish this goal. 2) Men know that truth is illusionary. Yesterdays facts have repeatedly become todays myths. What was considered wrong thirty years ago is now considered right. So what is right? And does right and wrong change with time? And who can know what is right? Man obviously

need some source from which he can draw eternal truthsat least truths that will endure during his lifetime. Man needs a Scripture he can look to for some absolute direction that will lead man to make the right decisions in life. In the United States there are the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address. In Russia, there is the Communist Manifesto. 3) Man was made to have a Mission. While life is about family, friends, and neighbors, that is never enough. Men were given the assignment of spreading the message of Gods Kingdom throughout their community and beyond. Men may dream of living a private existence, but that is not part of mans created nature. Every false religion must have a global mission. For the Capitalist, it is the end of poverty and non-democratic nations throughout the earth. For the Communist, it is the transformation of society and the liberation of mankind from everything that is false, whether oppressive governments or oppressive religions. 4) Believe it or not, but Men were created to believe. Faith is part of our very nature. Because man was created incomplete, he can only exist if he unites with something that supplements his incompleteness. This decision cannot be based upon any rational, emotional, or intellectual factors, because they are also incomplete. Men must choose to accept some thing, or some idea, or some religion by an act of faith. As much as there are those who think that men can on their own discover true Truth, it is just not possible. For the Christian, this faith is a gift that can only come from God. It cannot be generated by mans own will. For the other systems of thought, faith is also essential. Whether it is faith in the Free Market, or faith in the dialectic, faith is essential for the person who commits himself to any social order. 5) Another aspect of reality is either a church fellowship, or some similar organization. Men need to feel they are part of a community of fellow believers who support the beliefs of the chosen. Faith, while necessary, requires other to support one who has made an act of faith. There can no more be a solitary Christian than there can be a solitary Capitalist or a solitary Communist. That is why the Capitalist Nation must develop a

form of nation worship, i.e. patriotism. True capitalism can be ruthless and a person needs the assurance that his actions are for the better good, however much harm is done in the name of the Free Market. The Communist world, in the same manner, needs the Party which limits its membership to truth believes and those who are committed to The Cause. 6) It might also seem unlikely, but not every day can be the same. God created special days, or holy days, for men to celebrate their mutual commitment to the Faith. The holidays need to be used to express the beliefs and to have mutual rituals that in some way express the nature of the special day. Now, the Christian naturally celebrates holidays. While the holy days of the Old Testament changed with the writing of the New Testament, special days are vital for the education of the young and for the reaffirmation of corporate commitments. Of course, the United States has developed its own set of holidays which support the Military/Industrial world order. Increasingly, the old religious holidays have been converted from religious references to holidays that celebrate the sale of widgets and holidays that support the military. It interesting to note how even Thanksgiving and Christmas have become days to thank our troops for willing to be away from home on the holidays. For the Soviet Union, May Day was the big holiday which celebrated the military might of the Soviet Union. Russia was pictured through its parades as the greatest military power upon the earth. Regardless of the religion, people need days to celebrate their real, foundational beliefs. 7) Remember, God has put eternity in mans heart. Every man, no matter how secular he may be, has this desire. Thus every religion must teach some form of eternity to satisfy this need. It is easy to see this aspect in Christianity as Heaven is a vital part of its basic theology: without Heaven, Christianity would cease to exist. As Paul states, without this hope, life does become one of eating, drinking, and making

merriment.226 In contemporary United States, Science is held up as the true hope of mankind. In time, there is no reason that men may have the ability to extend life almost indefinitely, or have the ability to transfer their consciousness to some form of computer. Science offers hope. It is like every person dying of cancer hopes a cure might be found before he dies. Communism offers the hope of a belief that Communism is part of a historical necessity. History is God working upon the earth and Communism represents the only hope of improving life upon this earth and that aligning with the movement of history offers Man future hope. Regardless how faint the hope, every religion must play the eternity game. 8) Not only is Heaven a true aspect of reality, so is Hell. Every religion must not only have some form of Heaven, it must also have a view of Hell. In the United States Hell is inflicted upon other nations that refuse to submit to the New World Order. (The building of multiple FEMA/Homeland Security re-education centers could be the creation of a new American Hell.) Of course, the death camps in the Soviet Union were certainly the imposition of a new Hell upon those who refused to submit to the Communist social order. There is a Hell of the Bible, but there are also Hells that have been created by Man in support of the false religions. 9) The Christian Cross is one of the primary symbols of history that is recognized everywhere. While the Bible contains prohibitions against graven images, symbols have been tolerated. (This line is very vague, and I understand that Christianity may have given in to the temptation to create an image because men want some symbol of their beliefs. And there may be a better way to express ones Biblical faith.) Saying that, all false national religions are not shy about using physical symbols of their Faith. For the United States, the Statue of Liberty is probably the most dominant symbol of the real meaning of America. It also has a double meaning in that the Statue refers to two different religionsthe

I Corinthians 15:32.

secular order of the United States and the Demonic representation of Horus in this statue and its promise to liberate Mankind from God. The hammer and cycle represent the faith of the Communists and their religion. Symbols are a necessity in the masses identification with any religion. (While not part of this study, can anyone think of the Nazis without thinking about its Symbol?) 10) No one can avoid suffering in this world. Not only has mans soul fallen from perfection, so has his body. Dying is one of those gifts from God that might surprise you. Mans body used to reflect an eternal glory that God gave to Man. Suffering is not part of original creation, but has become a temporary aspect of reality. Every religion must come to terms with suffering on this earth. A large part of the Bible is about the meaning derived from suffering. It is such a large part of the Bible that the Scriptures are often used as a means of comfort in times of stress and despair. The national secular religion in the United States uses the death of soldiers and their cemeteries as symbols of the eternal nature of those who die for their nation. In Russia, the suffering of the masses (and died by the hundreds of thousands) who have refused to surrender to Napoleon and Hitler have served as a symbol of the Russian Spirit. 11) A person cannot think of a religion without thinking of rituals. Certainly the images of the Catholic Church and its rituals have been an important part of movies and the costume dramas of the Church provide for great visual experiences. Also, the media coverage of a Popes death and the election of another is all about the performance of rituals. All secular religions must also have dramatic ritualsit is part of necessity. The State and Capitalism in the United States have two primary rituals: the Presidential Coronation, and (surprisingly) the Super Bowl. The coronation has all the marks with the crowning of a new king and is viewed by many as the rebirth of a new America. And the Super Bowl is a ritual that brings all Americans togethereven those who do not like footballto celebrate the unity of the American way of life. When I try to think of a Soviet ritual, the first one that comes to mind is

the leaders of the Russian Empire standing on a balcony. The arrangement of those on the balcony is one of those rituals that communicate the official hierarchy within the Party. Ones place within the godhead is told by the place where each one stands. 12) Every religion must communicate an identity to those who follow that faith. All humans are not complete within themselves. This part is an essential part of human nature. Every secular faith must give its followers a sense of who they are as persons. This aspect of Christianity is one of the most essential aspects that draw people to the faith. In the United States America is often pictured as the savior of the world, a light unto all nations, and Americans are expressions of the Blessings of Liberty. The average consumer is a walking expression of the Greatness of America. I was told in government schools that how special I was to be an America. In the Soviet Union, the exact opposite image was used in the subjection of the people. The Russian people were the victims of a cruel history. The Russian people were special in that they were not the American consumer or a victim of the Industrial Revolution which turned people into connections to machines. The Russian feels senses that he has not lost touch with the human aspect of man by being captured by the material world of the West. The above aspects of secular religions worked for centuries, but something funny happened on the way to 21st tyranny. Even false religions play the religious game. The problem, under the old system, was that it was based upon some form of religion. The danger is that, because the masses still retained some form of religion, there was always a danger true religion might make a comeback as the people still thought in religious categories. Fearing this, the ultimate goal is to create a totally irreligious society: one based totally upon the material world. There have been multiple social experiments over the last several hundred years which have tested varieties of a totally material worldview. The example of Sweden is probably the most successful example of a nation and culture without God, not even a secular god.

* 320 THE STOCKHOLM EXPERIMENT: LEARNING TO LIVE WITHOUT AN INTOLERANT GOD, AND LEARNING TO ENJOY THE NEW INTOLERANT STATE. One thing I discovered through my decades of constant reading in diverse subjects is this: the Brotherhood (or the ruling elites) treats society as their own personal laboratory. In their claim know everything about human reality, however, their knowledge of human control is based upon years of experimentation upon humans and their culture. The history books that these elites reads are not the ones you can buy. For example, when you read about the history of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin, you read of multiple five-year plans, and intense control of the masses. However, this era was also a vast social experiment in discovering the best methods to gain total control over a nation and avoiding revolts from the masses. The elites are such a few in number, they live in fear of the masses discovering that they outnumber the controllers by a million to one. Much knowledge was gained in the Soviet death camps. It became possible to know the best way to eliminate those dissidents and the best way to produce fear in those who are no in the camps. I will deal with Russian work camps later, but I want to talk about now is another experiment in control that used substantially different techniques than those practiced by the Soviets. The Soviet method used guns to operate the social order, but the experiment in Sweden used Invisible Guns. The elites wanted to know if it were possible to enslave a nation and have the masses not be aware that they were slaves to agents of control. If Invisible Guns can be discovered, then the control of a nation would be much less likely to produce an open revolt: the people might be unhappy, but they would not know why. A book that documents this new form of tyranny is The New Totalitarians.227 This book is a classic in describing a grand social experiment. If you want to understand the 21st century, you must grasp the principles of this

Roland Totalitarians. Roland Huntford. Stein and Day. 1972.

book. And since its publication, America has been taken down the road to turn this experiment into an American Reality. This book could almost be a handbook for the new tyrannyalthough I am sure they have a better one that was never published for us schmucks. The Swedish Experiment produced the first totally material cultureall that exists is man and his senses. Each man is to live within his own psychic world: others are there as mere furniture to serve to decorate our interior world. The Supreme State exists to guarantee that no one threatens or interferes with this world. * INSERT: Before studying the Stockholm Experiment, I want to show that this process of market testing methods of social control is not new. The people inside government have always been willing to experiment in assorted methods of subjecting a people. The masses are really seen as nothing more than lab rats, and the deaths or destruction of millions of people means nothing: it is no different than you spraying your roses and killing untold numbers of aphids. One of the great experiments by the United States has been blamed upon the American people, not those who study the techniques of power and control. This experiment is better known as the Indian Reservation: the Indian was confined without a physical territory (a prison?) and subjected to regulations from an administrative agency of the federal government. One scholar, who was also a missionary lived among the Indians of the West Coast, published his observations on the results of a people being subjected to both control over their lives and a welfare system designed to alleviate all hunger and deprivations. In the publically expressed goal of creating an Indian utopia, the government produced a hell. It is important to understand that the government often hides its true motives under the guise of saying, mistakes were made, or blaming their destruction of the Indian on the White masses. However, the establishment of a nation within the United States without granting the Indians the traditional rights of self-government was either an act of total stupidity or a very crafty way to experiment upon human nature.

The White Man has been blamed, but the ruling Brotherhood have actually been the perpetrators. The Brotherhood/Illuminati have had no reluctance to experiment upon human beings to further their goal of the total subjection of mankind under a totally centralized and benevolent order. The tools that could be developed inside the reservation would then later be used through the creation of a national reservation. The techniques used to bring the Indian under subjection could then easily be expanded to the entire nation. The wars of the 20th century were used to create this national reservation, and then the masses were right where The Reservation Technique could be used upon the American People. First, it is necessary to state the reason the Indians ended upon a reservation and did not integrate into society. One Indian stated to Rushdoony: The white man wanted what we had, our land, but he didnt wants us. We wanted what the white man hadhis improvements, his guns, his modern conveniencesbut we didnt want him. And so we fought, each wanting what the other had but not wanting the other and trying to eliminate him; and we lost. Thats the story.228 It was more than a war between two peoples, or two nations, it was a war between two religions and two cultures. For the Indian to surrender to the White Man, this would be more than a loss of his land, it would be a loss of his total identity. It is very similar to the German Christians who would not surrender to Hitler and ended up on reservations. Rushdoony states this about the American Indian Wars and the Indian personality: The conflict was a long, hard, and bitter one. The Indian fought from the beginning, and because he fought so strenuously for his freedom, there were many who said that the only thing that could be done with the Indian was to exterminate himwipe him out. They could not subject him to slavery. Very early on, the Spaniards had tried. But it was impossible to enslave the North American Indian. He absolutely refused. If Indians were taken captive and


Rousas J. Rushdoony. The American Indian: A Standing Indictment against Christianity and Statism in America. Kindle Edition. 2013. P. 8%.

enslaved, they either died or they fought and escaped.229 This was not just a personality thing, but it was the result of a person believing his own worldview. For this reason the Indian was a prime example of breaking the spirit of the American Christian. If a way could be discovered to turn the proud Indian into a dependent dog, then the same techniques might be applied to the masses in the United States who believed in the Western Civilization and Biblical Laws. The result of the Indian experiment produced these results: the Indian is a defeated man, a man lacking in character, an alcoholic, sexually very unstable and highly immoral. But the Indian of a hundred years ago, the Indian of 200 or 300 years ago, was a very different person.230 The same could be said today of the 21st century American citizen. The American that crossed the frontier in covered wagons has been eliminated. The Southerner that was willing to fight for local independence has been eliminated. The Christian that believed the whole Bible, including Gods Laws, has been eliminated. The system of character transformation used upon the Indian is described by Rushdoony: By and large the government didnt try to teach Indians anything. For many years, the system was simply this: put the Indians on a reservation; tell them that if they leave, the army will go after them; and while they are on the reservation, tell them to report to the government office every Saturday or every other Saturday for a ration of goods, clothing, and necessities of life. Of course, that meant the Indian didnt have to work. He had his living handed to him. After a few years of government handouts, the Indian character was completely destroyed. Take any hundred people from any city in the United State, place them on a reservation, and tell them, Now you dont have to work for the next twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years. All you have to do is report to the government agent and receive your rations, and thats all. What you do with your time is your own. You will wreck their character. The result was the total destruction of the Indian character. Instead of the self-reliant, independent

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Rushdoony. P. 9%. Rushdoony. P. 12%.

person he had always been, the Indian became a person without character, without any integrity, shiftless, insecure, alcoholic, and diseased.231 When the Bible commands that if person does not work, he should not eat, to many this sounds like cruelty and indifference upon the part of Christians. However, the government discovered in their Indian Experiment that it was possible to break a proud and self-reliant people by not requiring work. In a sense, the Indian was forced to break one of Gods laws. When Gods Laws are broken, the consequences of that disobedience are set in motion. As I write, Obama Care is being forced upon the medical profession. Christian doctors and care givers are being forced to act according to the laws of Obama Care, even if those laws violate the Laws of God. This is an example of the modern adaption of the Indian experiment. Another aspect of the Indian Experiment is the method used to capture the youth from the parents: The method by which they sought to Americanize the Indian was to go into the reservation, set up government boarding schools, and tell the Indians, Your children must be surrendered to the government. They shall be placed in these boarding schools here or moved elsewhere to another location; and if you refuse, the army will come after you. So the Indian home was broken. You can never destroy the home life of any people and have anything left.232 Today, the white child, when he is Americanized, he has been transformed into a person immersed in globalism, secularism, and the centrality of government. The child is taught that his parents are from another generation that is incapable of understanding the modern world: the child is taught he is special and superior to his parents. This system produced the following results: The children indeed were educated, taken through boarding schools through the eighth grade and sometimes beyond; then they returned home as strangers to their families, insecure, unloved, ready the minute they were turned loose to find some kind of security in the bottle. This system totally debauched the Indians. The sad part of
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Rushdoony. P. 16%. Rushdoony. P. 16%.

it is that the churches cooperated in it for many years because they were included in the boarding school program with compulsory Christianity. But that kind of training did not give the Indians Christianity.233 Of course the type of Christianity taught by any government is one suitable for the purposes of the particular governing powers. It is designed either to produce patriotic Christianity or guiltridden subjects who look upon Christianity as being an impossible ideal, but not useful for everyday life. While serving as a missionary, Rousas Rushdoony, found that the Indians had been inoculated against real Christianity. America was presented to them as a Christian nation, yet their contact with the average white person and the typical government official, taught them that Christianity was nothing they would want. Rushdoony compares the Indians observation of Christianity and their contact with civilization: your life and mine, here in the city, is a very cruel, unChristian kind of life. It has no significance to the Indians; there is nothing to recommend it to them. You might talk about Christianity as the religion that reveals Gods love to man, but the Indians will think you are a hypocrite. They dont see any love in Christians.234 The Indian Experiment produced the desired result. There were no more Indian Wars. They stayed on the Reservation. You never hear about an Indian Terrorist. There is no Indian political party. (The modern Indian has become dependent upon the Casinos built upon the reservation. I always wonder about the chain of ownership in such a lucrative industry.) After the Indian Experiment, there is a new experiment in the 21st century: it could easily be called the Caucasian Experiment. The school system only prepares the child to become dependent upon the governmental/industrial factory. Rushdoony concludes by citing a message given by an Indian named Roy who spoke to Rushdoony around Christmas in 1945: Look at those people of mine. Theyre no good. Theyre like me, just no account. All theyre fit for is a reservation where someone puts a fence around them and takes care of them.
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Rushdoony. P. 16%. Rushdoony. P. 19%.

Thats it. Theyre not fit for anything else. But Ive been across the country two or three times now in the last few years, and Ive learned something: the white man isnt much better. He has reservation fever now. He wants someone to put a fence around the whole North American continent and take care of him. He wants the government to give him a handout and to look after him just like Uncle Same looks after us. And hes going to get it. If some outfit doesnt come in and do it for him, some foreign country, and turn the whole of the United States into a reservation, hell do it to himself. You want and see. Cause hes got reservation fever.235 The school and factory reservation system has become the new normal, and everyone in America has now fully developed the Reservation Mentality. Obviously the ruling elites are not stupid; they understood what a welfare system did to the independent and proud American Indian. When the United States launched the total, centralized welfare State in the 1960s, the elites had to know what this system would do to a people who had a heritage of fighting for their person freedoms and independence. By the time the tyranny of the 21st century was launched after the events of 9/11, there were very few Americans who had avoided the indoctrination of schooling and the job network. Imagine holding down a job as a teacherCould you still believe in traditional independence and not feel guilty about what you are asked to do? I know from my experience working in a multi-national corporation, No behavior was allowed by any employee that might embarrass the business relations of the corporation with every type of nation, race, or political persuasion. The employee is asked to be globally secular. The Indian Experiment taught the ruling elites the proper techniques in the creation of the new National, Patriotic Reservation.


Rushdoony. P. 21%.

INSERT #2: Another form of social experimentation has been documented in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Do not be fooled by the title. It means little more than similar documents such as The Patriot Act or The Affordable Healthcare Act. The first act was designed to destroy the Constitution and the second act was designed to destroy Medicine. The Protocols document has a long history and has surfaced under numerous titles. I have heard it traced back to Babylon, back to the fall of Israel when the anti-Christian Pharisaical Party moved underground to carry on their battle against Christianity. Direct confrontation proved to be a losing cause, and the plans were worked out to carry on the war against Jesus and His Order through deception. Regardless of which party throughout history has adapted the Protocols for their own personal agenda, it is a magnificent plan to carry out experimental plans toward the destruction of Christianity and Western Civilization. The destruction of social orders is a science unlike any other science. It is a science of evil, planned in secret, and carried out openly using total social infiltration through methods of destruction. The American Civil War was a method of destruction fought openly to destroy the Southern Church using a manufactured conflict. The Vietnam War and the 1960s Student Revolution were more subtle attacks upon Western Civilization. The Protocols describe the socially destructive events of the 1960s. Whether the principles of the Protocols are of Jewish origin and their militant Pharisees is irrelevant, for the principles of that document of social research can be used by any ruling elite that wants to bring about change. The group that is in control of the change can then direct the social order into their desired destination. The same group that destroys the old order has plans waiting to offer salvation for those feeling the pain of chaos. If you read Court Histories, you will rarely find any mention of the above. These books always invoke the codeStuff Happens. Those who deny the Stuff Happens party line are sarcastically described as Conspiracy Theorists. The elites would never want the masses to be taught the principles being used against them of destruction, control, and salvation. Just as the Christian has his Bible, the elites of the Babylonian Conspiracy have their Bible. The Protocols and the Communist Manifesto represent two books of this bible. The Manifesto states

the goals of this new order, and the Protocols describe the means to be used to bring about this Babylonian/Satanic Kingdom upon the earth. Just as the Bible is open to all people, the other bible is open to all. This is why those who attempt to reveal the other bible must be discredited and eliminated. Now this bible has been used by an assortment of groups that desired to achieve a world without true, Biblical Christianity. These groups associated with the Babylonian Conspiracy are the following: The Freemasons, the Jesuits, the Vatican, the Bankers, the Zionists, the English Crown, and a series of related elite families. They have at times worked together and at times have used the other groups for their own purposes. This is why the Zionists worked with the Nazis; the Communists worked with the Bankers; the Freemasons have worked with the Vatican; and the Jesuits appear to have worked with all of them. Behind each of the groups is often a secret club, society, or occult fraternity. The only pattern is that they all use the same bible and need to work together to avoid exposure. It is not a trustworthy group, as trust is a gift from God and is based upon loyalty to an absolute code. Satan is the father of lies and deception and those that serve him use the techniques of their Father the Devil. There are many layers to these groups and often only those who are inside the secret societies within the front groups know the true nature of the activities of subversion. This is why it is so difficult to pin down the Babylonian Kingdom: just as Satan does his best work in the dark, so do his disciples. These groups all have people who can appear on TV and sell the good that these organizations are accomplishing for mankind. The masses are the victims of false leaders who occupy every aspect of life, including the church. (That is why it is so difficult exposing the New Babylonian Empire as it is like chasing shadows in the dark. However, you can see the damage they have left in their wake.) The Communist Manifestowhich dates back to the Illuminatihas the following goals: (From a list compiled by Alexander Niles.) 1. Abolition of all governments. 2. Abolition of private property. 3. Abolition of inheritance.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Abolition of patriotism. Abolition of all religions. Abolition of family. The creation of a New World Order.236

If the above goals were implemented, Christianity would be dead. The modern forms of Christianity would be fine, but those based upon the Bible and Gods revealed law would not survive. For the Totalitarian State, the first rule is always, Conform or Die. Now it must be emphasized that for most Americas, Communism was a nation and a power structure, but it was not a philosophy. That is why the above laws are slowly being enacted in modern America. America may have defeated the Communist power structure, but its Illuminati philosophy was victorious over the freedom inside America originally based upon Biblical Law. Another author, Alfred Konder has summarized the contents of the Protocols. (I might add that the Protocols are a difficult read. I believe that was done for a purpose to keep the masses from reading it and understanding its contents. Frederick Nietzsche use the same method with his writings. He said scandalous things in a way that the casual reader would not grasp the significance of what he was saying.) Here are the Protocols stated in plain English: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Seduce and demoralize the youth with false doctrines. Destroy family life. Dominate humanity by preying upon their lower instincts and vices. Debase and vulgarize art, and introduce filth in literature. Destroy respect for religions. Introduce the habit for luxuries, crazy fashions and spendthrift ideas so that the ability for enjoying clean and plain pleasures is lost. 7. Divert the attention of the people by public amusements, sports, games, prize contests, etc., so that there is no time for thinking. 8. Confuse and bewilder the minds of the people by false theories and shatter the nerves and health by continuously introducing new poisons.

Alexander Niles. The World and Europe. P. E. Publishing. 2004. P. 60.

11. Poison the relations between the employees and employers through strikes and lockouts so as to ruin the possibility of productive co-operation. 13. Use industry to ruin agriculture and then in its turn destroy industry by wild speculation. 15. Raise the rate of wages, which however will not bring any advantage to the workers for at the same time we shall produce a rise in the price of the essential necessities of life. 18. Overthrow all monarchies and substitute republics for them; in so far ass possible fill important state offices with persons who are involved in some unlawful affair and who will, from fear of being exposed, remain our obedient servants. 19. Gradually amend all constitutions so as to prepare the soil for absolute despotism and Bolshevism. 20. Establish huge monopoles upon which event the great fortunes of the Gentiles will depend to such an extent that they will be swallowed up at the hour when the industrial crisis will start. 21. accumulate all the gold of the world in the hands of certain few people thus withdrawing tremendous capital from circulation; at a given hour close all the exchanges, withdraw all credits and cause general panic. 22. Prepare the death struggle of the nations; wear out humanity through suffering, fear and shortage of goodhunger crates slaves!237 You have all probably heard the attack upon this document by stating it is anti-Semitic. Certainly the Zionists have used the tactics of the Protocols to facilitate the creation and survival of the nation of Israel. These documents surely have become associated with the Jewish Revolution in Russia, and there is no doubt that, according to Jewish sources, the Russian Revolution was a Jewish Revolution, and many tactics of the Protocols were used. However, the same

Alfred Konder. Talmudism, Zionism, & Communism: the Unholy Trinity. 2001. P. 59.

Protocols were published earlier by Cretineau Joly in 1859, in which he attacked the multiple secret societies and their close association with Talmudic leaders. He also saw the rule of Napoleon III as being promoted by the techniques of the Protocols. The doctrines can be traced by to the Jesuit/Jew Adam Weishaupt, written in 1776. The primary goal of the Protocols, Communism, Illuminism, and Zionism is the this: The final aim is the destruction of all religion and nationhood and the establishment of the super State, ruling the world by ruthless terror.238 Reed states this about the contents of the Protocols and the writings of Weishaupt: Comparative study of the Protocols and of the Weishaupt papers leads to the strong deduction that both derive from a common and much older source. They cannot have been the product of any one man or one group of men in the period when they were published; the uncanny knowledge displayed in them obviously rests on the cumulative experience of eras.239 In reality, the wisdom of these documents can only be subscribed to a Satanic source and the wisdom of a spiritual entity. History is the story of the battle between the Bible and Satans assorted bibles. The multiple attacks upon the reality upon all of the above only reflects the desire of Satans servants to keep the masses from coming into contact with the true reality of their situation. The Satanic nature of history is never covered by the traditional history books. Court histories are based upon an atheistic and material world. The spiritual reality is treated as a manifestation of the physical aspects of mans body: The brain and the bodys hormones project a spiritual reality upon the material universe. The Illuminati--descendants of the Babylonian system of Nimrod, and the Pharisaical party that opposed Jesusare one of the physical manifestations of spiritual evil. While not exposed in traditional history books, Fritz Springmeier240 has become the global expert upon these people. If not for his research, this group would remain largely invisible, operating in the shadows. The Illuminati are a group of people who are of the same bloodline. Bloodlines have been a big part of history, more than is ever revealed. Certainly
238 239

Douglas Reed. The Controversy of Zion. Dolphin Press Ltd. 1978. P. 211. Reed. P. 215. 240 Fritz Springmeier. Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Ambassador House. 1999.

we know about the old Kings of Europe who had a member of their family gain power upon their deaths. What is less well known is that most of the European Royalty lines were all related. The English royalty is actually from the German line. George I did not even speak English, but spoke German, his country of origin. Can you imagine a nation electing a foreigner to be its leader, but this was common when a persons bloodline was more important than his place of birth. The European Elite were a ruling elite which ruled not by election, or by divine right, but by belonging to the right bloodline. Springmeier writes: Over thousands of years these small cliques of elite families have either aligned themselves with the secret power of the Mystery Religions or they have been swept aside. History is written by establishment historians, which insures that the supposed greatness of these families seems established by history. the World Order of the Illuminati creates conflicts which squeeze and pressure those who are not of their bloodlines.241 Remember, the history books state, Stuff just Happens, but the power behind The Stuff are the Illuminati families. The only power capable of resisting this evil is Christianity and the Bible: hence their war upon Gods Book, Gods Laws, and Gods People. Christians, for the most part, have been educated by the Government, and have a very superficial understanding of reality. Satan has the world in his grip and his influence is exerted through his empire. We experience the corruption, the destruction, the demonic influences which have permeated the world. But more often, both Christians and non-Christians are unaware of how Satan controls this world. Some Christians believe that Satan controls men only through influencing their thoughts; and they are totally unaware that Satan actively works on the physical level and has organized his empire extremely well. Because of the lack of understanding of how Satan has organized his realm and transmits orders, Christians have been very susceptible to all kinds of deceptions and misperceptions.242 This can be seen over and over in the United States. For example, Christians quickly bought into the Scofield Bible as being a work of God,
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Springmeier. P. 6. Springmeier. P. 10-11.

even though it was written as a propaganda device to deceive the American Christian. Christians think that the attacks upon Western Civilization; the attacks upon the King James Bible; the attacks upon Christian Laws; and the attacks upon Christian Education are just disagreements between honest men. They fail to grasp the power of these evil families and their connection to historic secret societies and the powers of a Satanic Order. In truth, Satan is systemically destroying the Earth through his wicked empire. Evil powerful groups of men organized themselves to perpetuate their powerful bloodlines. This organization was known as the Brotherhood (or the Brotherhood of the Snake). The goal of the Brotherhood was to unite the world by any means, and bring it under Satanic rule. The Brotherhood, and its network of organizations began working throughout history to bring about this Satanic dictatorship.243 Thus, when you see the mass experimentation upon the masses, understand that these people are merely working out a formula of subversion so that they more easily control their lab rats. Their Master, Satan, gives them the assurance that they are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, and the very elect of one who claims to be the most powerful force in the universe, Lucifer, the Angel of Light. This Brotherhood acquires this right to rule through their having given themselves over to the Evil One who disguises Himself as an Angel of Light. These families are practicing Satanists and have a blood thirsty lust for power. Their goal is to enslave the world and hand it over to the Master of Death.244 * Roland Huntford sees Aldous Huxley one of the first men to envision the future form of government and society. The technological advances and scientific techniques opened the door to a new kind of totalitarianism. The new order is very similar to the type of society formed by the Vatican and its means of governing the masses: the people must be taught to love their slavery. A really efficient totalitarian state would be the one in which the all-powerful executive of
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Springmeier. P. 11. Springmeier. P. 19.

political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.245 The Stockholm Experiment was designed to produce a Reservation Society in which everyone was reduced to a sensory-occupied, solitary individual. One of the great obstacles to any tyranny is the individual whose life is governed by principles that are separate and above the national worldview. One of the gravest obstacles to the fulfillment of Utopia has been the development of individuality. It brings too much incertitude and too much resistance to the calculations of authority. But the Swedes have been spared that burden; among them the concept of individuality and the development of personality have been grossly retarded down the centuries. The Swede has never emerged from behind the veil of the group; he is conscious of himself only through some general category, as a member of a people, a clan or a party.246 This can be seen in the United States where racial and sexual orientation is being promoted vigorously. As I write, there are talks about upcoming race wars as Americans are being forced back to their racial heritage. There is a philosophy of reality behind the Stockholm experiment. The Swedish Social Democrats interpret the human being exclusively in behavioristic terms. From this, follows their Marxist doctrine that, by altering his surroundings man can be molded in a certain, predetermined way. the Swedish Social Democrats have acted on their belief by manipulating the environment of their citizens in order to create the new man for the new society.247 The modern man is totally seen as an animal and can be treated as you would treat an animal in a Skinner Boxa method of conditioning an animal to respond to some impulse. Man is a giant herd and the role of government is that of the elitist shepherd of the herd. It is a circular reasoning that justifies everything that is done. The Ruling Elites feel it is their destiny to rule over the masses; the masses are thought of as mere animals compared to the Elites superiority; and everything is justified to
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Roland Huntford. The New Totalitarians. Stein and Day. 1972. P. 8. Huntford. P. 34. 247 Huntford. P. 66.

herd the cattle into the proper systems of control which can only be carried out by a Ruling Elite. The masses and the Ruling Elites have a symbiotic relationship: The need each other to fulfill their destiny upon this earth and to complete the evolutionary process toward a divine order. The masses have been deliberately separated from their creator, along with their church leaders. They have been left without a shepherd, for which the ruling elites are more than willing to assume the role of their all-caring shepherd. One of the primary methods of control is the power of the Swedish State has over the family and the children. The Directorate of Social Affairs enjoys untrammeled power in the custody of children. An administrative order issued by a party official is sufficient to take any child away from its parents and have it brought up by the any person (or institution) and in any way seen fit. In the last century, it was not frequently used to ensure that the children of religious dissidents were brought up in the State Church. Courts of law have no say in the mater, and there is no way that a parent can oppose an order depriving him of custody of his own child. At no point is it possible to invoke the due process of law, and parents may not be present at the civil service boards which discuss the removal of children. Custody of children, then, is in the hands of bureaucrats Child welfare officials may enter any home to investigate family conditions. They have power to order the police to force an entry and remove children without recourse to the judiciary. This is a daily occurrence, and it is only mentioned in the press if something unduly dramatic occurs.248 For any parent, this is the ultimate form of tyranny. There is no legal defense against the bureaucrat, unlike normal police procedures. Remember, the above situation is not the exception, but the rule. Child welfare authorities are in contact with every citizen at one time or another. By law, every birth must be reported to the local child welfare centre. A representative will then visit the home to assess conditions and report findings to the doctors at the centre. It is unwise to resist entry, because that will arouse suspicious of maltreatment, with consequent danger of official action. Moreover, there is a legal compulsion on

Huntford. P. 82-3.

the citizen to report all suspicions of maltreatment to the child welfare centres. Anonymity is guaranteed, so that the suspected parent, like the victim of the Span Inquisition, need never know who his accuser is.249 It is important to remember that the ownership of the children by the State sets a precedent which can be invoked in other areas of life. These invasions of the family can be used to create an atmosphere of fear and make people distrust one another. If a person offends anyone, even if unintentionally, may find himself the victim of a false report. This system empowers those who want to endear themselves to the State. It also empowers the vindictive. A nation living in fear is the result. The danger of arbitrary action is obvious and, indeed, perfectly reasonable parents, mainly in the countryside, walk in constant fear of having their children taken away if their methods do not conform absolutely to the accepted ideas of the day.250 This environment of fear that permeates the average family submerges both children and parents in an environment of compliance. It is not about protecting the children, it is all about training the masses to understand that they must obey, and there is no legal recourse. The Sovereign National Security State demands acceptance of its rule and will not allow dissidents. Now, this atmosphere of coercion dates back years in Sweden and had become part of their total culture. For example, in the 19th century, strip farming was abolished in favor a more modern, consolidated holdings of land. the peasants were given six years to demolish their old homes in the village and move out to their new, enclosed farms. Thus the ancient villages were destroyed, the face of the countryside altered and collective farming eradicated at the stroke of a pen.251 This was not done for the good of the individual, but was done for what was considered the good of the nationthe bureaucrat knew best. Consider the reaction of the farmers to forced relocation: The reform turned the while nation upside down. Yet there was no resistance to it: Sweden is one of the few countries in which agrarian reform has not caused unrest. The
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Huntford. P. 83-4. Huntford. P. 84. 251 Huntford. P. 88.

peasants meekly razed their homes, and built new ones, more or less within the prescribed time limits. Although they disliked the change, the population submitted without protest to the dictates of authority, because that is what they were used to. The government had demonstrated that reform, however, profound, could be imposed without trouble.252 Once a people have accepted an attitude of submission before the powerful bureaucracy of a government, there really are no limits to what a government might do. (Before you condemn the Swedes, consider the historic submission Americans have exhibited before the financial scrutiny of an impersonal bureaucracy. Ones finances were traditionally been considered private: that is why the Constitution gives the right to privacy in ones personal papers. If a person has not broken a criminal law, then the government must consider the individual the same way he would treat a foreign nation. The Income Tax is one of the inefficient ways to collect money. But the goal is not to collect tax money, but to make every person docile in the presence of a government official. Even when a person is found to have make mistakes on his tax form, he is not entitled to a jury trialonly a hearing before a bureaucrat. The masses gave up their privacy and rights with no rebellion. They relieved their frustrations through a series of dark jokes about the IRS.) Now, the government claimed that the relocation fostered better way to farm, but there were ulterior motives. When governments say they are there to help you, it is best to check what they have up their sleeve: every evil and loss of rights is done in the name of building a better world. Consider the situation of the Swedish farmer: The scattering of the villages and the disruption of a traditional pattern of life caused great hardship. Before, the peasants had huddled together in companionable villages at the centre of their fields; now they were separated from each other in lonely farmhouses. The scattering of their homes destroyed the contact and community that were part of the old villages, and that had become necessary for their well-being. But the change was forced through by the Liberal faction in the Estates, because, as one of their number

Huntford. P. 88.

expressed it: The old system encouraged a conservative point of view. It was an early example of the acknowledged use of environment to influence attitudes.253 What should be learned from the above is the idea that a reality based upon the created order as people understood it from the Bible is seen as antimodern, anti-progressive, and detrimental to a healthy mental attitude. Those who are in control of government are not there, as in times past, to maintain the personal freedoms of the simple folk. No, the leaders are there to herd the people into a future that will produce a utopian order. To the Swede, the law is not the protector of the citizen, but the agent of the State.254 The new laws are there for the control of the masses: A legal official puts her feelings this way: The laws is not there to protect the individual. I feel that very strongly. It is a norm for civil servants, and it has got nothing to do with guaranteeing ones freedom. Somehow, it seems natural to me that the law is there to put the intentions of the bureaucracy into practice. It never occurred to me until you brought the point up that it s there for the protection of the individual. The whole of my training suggests the opposite.255 The goal of the Ruling Elites is to totally transform the purpose of man upon the earth, from one of serving God and serving others, to that of fulfilling mans destiny through the apparatus of the governmental bureaucracy and its visions. The primary method to the attainment of this goal is the reduction of Created Man to material and economic Man. For good or ill, then, the Swede recognizes none but economic motives. He accepts economic determinism as an article of faith. He has for centuries regarded the proper business of all human endeavour as the pursuit of economic goals alone. Today, he considers politics exclusively as a means to guarantee all forms of material security.256 Mankind has been separated from the Bible and Gods Laws, and remade into a creature of the State. There is no real life apart from ones connection to the State and its bureaucratic officials.
253 254

Huntford. Huntford. 255 Huntford. 256 Huntford.

P. 88-89. P. 122. P. 122. P. 168.

This total transformation of Man can easily be seen as it has been developed into the 21st American psyche. The very idea that Man is a special creation of God has been driven out of the mass consciousness. The very idea that there are Laws greater than the laws of the President and its advisors is considered an ancient myth. The very idea that Man has a permanent and imbedded personality is seen as obstructing the necessary manipulation of human beings in order to produce a more perfect world. God is not to be feared, but the servant of the political order is to be feared: while civil crimes can result in a trial by jury, crimes against administrative law are judged and punished without recourse. The Stockholm Experiment has become the American way of policing a mass of formerly free people. (Remember, the Indian Experiment was that designed to create a permanent dependent class with a vested interest in the ruling regime.) The Indian Experiment and the Stockholm Experiment pretty much describe the nature of 21st century tyranny and its control of the rabble and the working man.) Consider the condition of the Swede who has adjusted to the new realities: The question of liberty of the individual is rarely toughed on, mainly because it is vaguely suspected as a disturbance of a properly functioning social machine and hence a threat to economic security. It is not uncommon to hear that to be concerned about liberty is pathological. What the Swedes require therefore is prosperity alone. They have been conditioned to believe that their material security is the gift of the State. They regard political servitude as a necessary condition and a fair price for its continuation.257 When a people are separated from Biblical Truth and united to Government Truth, understanding the nature of Gods Creation is virtually impossible. Gods world sounds like a form of insanity. Huntford explains the truth nature of governmental dependence: Huntford cites the Directorate of Social AffairsSocial welfare limits political action, because nobody will tolerate a threat to their benefits and the power of the Welfare State. Just as the threat of hell could assure obedience to the Church, so the vision of lost security keeps the Swede under control.258 The Swedish
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Huntford. P. 181. Huntford. P. 191.

Experiment that it could only succeed if everyone was brought into the system. If anyone could prosper outside of the methods of control, then those who still valued freedom would gravitate in that direction. the Swedish authorities are obsessed with the necessity of bringing everybody into their system, and consequently worried by any group, however small, which remains outside. The social welfare authorities have sought these out, persuading them to renounce their prejudice, and bring them aid.259 In Mores Utopia, the only crime was to want to leave. In Sweden, social welfare has been used to make it the only sin.260 One of the great dangers and the great fears of those who operated the Swedish Experiment was that the old Man, the Man God created, would rear its ugly and obsolete head. The Experiment certainly developed the means of controlling God-Man (Man created in the Image of God), but as long as God-Man still existed, there was a danger that Man might return to God, the Bible, and Biblical Law. Modernity requires that a New Government-Man be created. Such a new Man will feel guilty when he even thinks of having a life outside the social order controlled by the Caring State. Huntford affirms this goal: Social and economic security have been essential to the control of the populace. But they have never been considered ends in themselves. They were to prepare the ground for social engineers, giving them malleable human material with which to work. The ultimate aim is to create the new man for the new society and, among the agents of its achievements, education is obviously of crucial importance.261 The Bible is in one sense a history book: it is the story of God working in the midst of those people He has called to serve Him. True history should be, first of all, inspirational. It should tell the stories of people who have been used of God throughout history to oppose tyranny, evil, and social despair. The freedoms written into the American Constitution were all a result of people who read their Bibles and insisted that their government treat the individual as a creation of God that was given and endowed with rights which cannot be changed by any
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Huntford. P. 193. Huntford. P. 203. 261 Huntford. P. 204.

legislature, administrator, or leader. It was these beliefs in Gods Law that gave Man the ground upon which he could stand in opposition to every illegal form of government. This principle was understood in the imposition of the Stockholm Experiment: It is a truism that to change people it is desirable to cut off the past. In the Swedish schools, the study of history has been truncated. The French Revolution is seen as the beginning of things. Otherwise, the European heritage and the classical background have been dismissed, and an atmosphere created in which only recent decades appear to count. The young economists, says Professor Gunnar Myrdal, dont know anything about history, and they dont care. Of course, the anti-historical bias of younger intellectuals is a universal phenomenon, at least in the West.262 A people without a past, is a people with only a present. The evening news becomes reality and the human senses become the focus of ones life. If Man is not called to live his life before God and be held accountable to Him at The Judgment, the Man will live his life before the State and be held accountable to it. In the first case, Man is part of living history; in the second case, man becomes absorbed in a living present with no ties to history and no judgment exists beyond the punishments inflicted by the State. One of the requirements of an international corporation is to have a mobile workforce. People cannot expect to live in the same rural or suburban environment their whole lives and maintain their same job. As industry changes, people are expected to move to other careers and other locations depending upon the current needs of business. Obviously a house-owner will not lightly move, even when unemployed. The owner-occupier, therefore, with a stake in his native patch of soil, will resist blandishments to migrate. This does not suit the governments book because they avowedly want mobility of labour. The government wants a large urban population concentrated around the main industries and a small number of large highly mechanized farms. It is


Huntford. P. 211.

urbanization encouraged by the State.263 The individual exists to serve the needs of the community, the corporation, and the State. This Experiment may have started what has become the norm today, the purpose of the media is not to inform, but to transform the public mind. the purpose of radio and TV is to form opinion. An official admits that broadcasting is a medium of indoctrination. It has two aims, he says: to persuade the Swedes that they live in the best of all possible worlds, and to condition them to the ideology of the sitting government.264 The media also has a secondary function and that is to create the masses Newspeak. The customary Swedish for housewife is husmor, which is honourable; it was replaced by the neologism hemmafru, literally the-wife-who-stays-at-home, which is derogatory. Within a few months, the mass media were able to kill the old and substitute the new term. By the end of 1969, it was almost impossible in everyday conversation to mention the state of the housewife without appearing to condemn or to sneer. Swedish had been changed under the eyes and ears of the Swedes. Husmor had been discredited; the only way out was to use hemmafru ironically.265 During WWI, the States discovered the vast powers of the new mass media. Through the scientific use dis-information, the whole nation could be manipulated to support the goals of the State. One of the suppressed events during the American Civil War was the great draft riots, especially in New York City. Troops had to be diverted from fighting the South to fighting the people who lived behind the lines. While enough force was applied to quell a Civil War in the North, it did send a message to those in the future who might undertake an unpopular agenda. Huntford writes: The most important Manhattan Projects of the future, says Huxley, will be vast, government sponsored enquires into what the politicians will call the problem of happinessin other words, the problem of making love their servitude. The Swedes have carried out their Manhattan Project, and found culture to be one of the answers. Its purpose may not be defined in precisely Huxleys terms, but the spirit is the same. The purpose of
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Huntford. P. 256-7/ Huntford. P. 286-7. 265 Huntford. P. 301.

culture, in the words of a Swedish bureaucrat, is to give a meaning to life in a technological society.266 One of the means used is documented by Huxley: As political and economic freedom diminishes sexual freedom tend compensatingly to increase. And the dictator will do well to encourage that freedom. In conjuction with the freedom to daydream under the influence of dope, the movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subject to the servitude which is their fate. The word freedom is almost entirely confined to the sexual field in Sweden. Because he is sexually emancipated, the Swede believes that he is a free man, and he judges liberty entirely in sexual terms.267 I heard one guy say at my place of work, As long as I am free to drink and have sex, nothing else matters. That is the new American mentality. The Swedish educational system is designed to sell sex to the students. Sex is considered to be similar to sports and physically exerting hobbies, it builds character. Sex is sold to the youth as just a necessary activity for health, just like eating or exercise. There is, among Swedish school-children a pressure to have sexual intercourse, whether they want it or not. Even if a boy and a girl might prefer a platonic relationship, they will nevertheless, usually force themselves into a sexual one. It is the custom of their society, and the hidden fear is that, without immediate coitus, normality cannot exist.268 Obviously, the Swedish Experiment has become the American Reality. The human being is adaptable and quickly learns to adjust to his surrounding environment. Those who lived in London during WWII came to the point of accepting the nightly air raid sirens as just being normal. Even those who lived in prisoner-of-war camps came to accept the camp routine as being normal. It is just not possible to live in a constant state of rebellion against the environment one faces every day. In time, every person accommodates himself to situations that do not change, and show no hope of changing. As I write, Obama care is under massive attack, but the government knows that this
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Huntford. P. 305. Huntford. P. 326-7. 268 Huntford. P. 332.

rebellion will, if the government continues to pressure, diminish over time. People will just learn to pay more taxes and accept less medical care. This principle of adaption and accommodation is essential for every tyrant. This can be seen in the Stockholm Experiment: It leads to the paradox that, while the Swede is immersed in the collective, and looks upon community and solidarity as the most desirable of attributes, he is locked up in himself, isolated from other human beings. While he is at ease with an organization, he is most uncomfortable when faced with an individual. As a result, the Swede dislikes men, but is quite at home serving a machine. Consequently he has by nature found it easy to adjust to his technological society.269 The new man is not created in the image of God, but in the image of the socially constructed reality of the State. Remember, Man learns to adapt and live his daily life on new levels, in which Man finds ways to satisfy his daily needs. To the outsider, Sweden is a spiritual desert, but that seems to have no ill effect on the Swede. His contentment depends entirely on material possessions. He lives as a consumer, and, allowing his tastes to be directed rather more easily and more specifically than other Western nations, he is invaluable raw material for the economy. Religious feelings, where they have not been expunged, have been transferred to politics. Mouthing the slogans, and signing the songs of a struggle long past, the Swede on that day makes obeisance to a proletarian myth, while his chief concern is to find a parking place for his motor car. They are perfectly content to leave the running of the country to the bureaucrats, provided the faade is correctly dressed.270 The final line is this: Personality has been suppressed, the collective worshipped at the expense of the individual.271 The personality that is a special creation of God is the enemy of any created reality. Either man must rebel against the artificial world (He only knows it is artificial if he has a frame of reference, such as the Bible.) or change his personality to one that can
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Huntford. P. 347. Huntford. P. 347. 271 Huntford. P. 348.

psychologically and spiritually survive under adverse and artificial circumstances. The fact that Man is highly adaptable has been used as an argument to proof that there is no natural or created order: Man can do quite well in any environment. However, history is replete with stories of people who have survived under the most unfavorable circumstances. Missionaries have come across isolated tribes that have survived even though the people live in a constant state of fear of some vicious deity. Mans created personality is similar to those plants that dry up during a drought, but quickly spring back to life once the circumstances become favorable to life. Every tyrannical order must force Mans created personality to hibernate if the tyrant is to succeed. *

321 MANKIND MUST KNOW THE REALITY OF GODS CREATED REALITY IF HE IS TO FIND THE MEANS TO RESIST THE INTRODUCTION OF AN ARTIFICIAL, STOCKHOLM-STYLE REALITY. The basic fact of every society, culture, and nation is a worldview. It is upon this belief system that everything else is constructed. If a group of people believe one thing is true, and another false, then those beliefs will find expression at every level of that order. If you study cultural anthropology, you will discover multiple cultures based upon different sets of beliefs. The early American culture was based upon Western Civilization and the King James Bible. The formation of American culture and its beliefs about life, and government were founded upon these beliefs. Of course, after the American Revolution, as Americans got caught up in their new prosperity and freedoms, the foundations were abandoned. In fact, with each crisis and each new age, new foundations were invented. Martin Marty outlined the foundations as outlined by President Eisenhower: I believe in democracy. A democracy cannot exist without a religious base.

Free government is the expression of a deeply felt religious faith. You cannot simply explain free government in any other terms than religious. This is the faith that teaches us all that we are children of God. This faith teaches us that our ideals of democracy and freedom are eternal laws of the human spirit. The founding fathers wrote this religious faith into our founding documents they put it squarely at the base of our institutions. Happily our people have always reserved their first allegiance to the kingdom of the spirit. America is the mightiest power which God has yet seen fit to put upon his footstool. America is great because she is good.272 (Emphasis added.) This faith, as outlined by President Eisenhower, which was accepted as true during the 20th , is a generic religion, which is based upon the human spirit and which we are *all+ children of God. The true government is not a republic, but is an expression of the democratic masses. The religious person is one who expresses the eternal laws of the human spirit. And the laws of the land are based upon the kingdom of the spirit. It is this faith in Man that makes America the great nation that it is. Whatever Eisenhower was talking about, it was not Western Civilization; it as not Christianity; and it was not based upon the Bible. It was the religion of EVERYMAN and the faith in THE SPIRIT OF EVERYMAN. I grew up during the Eisenhower era, and the perception was that the 1950s represented a form of Christianity in which everyone could accept without being offended: the words of Christianity which had no definite meaning and allowed each person to supply his own meaning. In this way, almost every American could be considered part of a Christian America. This new Christianity

Martin E. Marty. The New Shape of American Religion. Harper & Row. 1959. P. 83.

had all of the elements of a true religion through its proper use of words and symbols: There was the devil in the form of the Soviet Empire. There was a false missionary spirit of seduction through the Communist teachings. There was a need to become missionaries of the American dream. The American Lifestyle was pictured as a form of heaven upon earth. The exaltation of American Technology was seen as a powerful force for good, much like the Spirit of God. The mythical history of America being Gods chosen nation and Americans were Gods special people made the United States into a giant church. Uniting oneself to America gave everyone a sense of purpose, a sense of power, a sense of being special, and a sense of being special. The United States is a religion and Church people have felt that this new religion is merely a less offensive form of Christianity. I grew up in a church and in a community where people would always say that as long as the government never asked us to do anything evilsuch as kill, steal, or commit adulterywe were to obey that government without reservation. It never dawned upon anyone, that the government itself was breaking the commandments and had used deception into making everyone think that the new American State Religion did not contradict anything about Christianity. After all, even if the government was doing evilthat was necessary in order to defeat enemies who were evilthat government never asked its people to overtly break the commandments. Thus, when the American government used torture and bombed civilians, even Christian civilians as at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, those were just something called necessary evils. Eisenhowers Christianity was actually a transition stage from Biblical Christianity to the new Stockholm Experiment form of secular religion in the new order of the 21st century. Now a few Christians after 9/11/2001, when the new Stockholm religion was forced upon the American people, recognized that a New

Religion was being proclaimed throughout the land. Because the major public churches successfully adapted to this new order, the masses thought nothing had changed. Apparently, the only compromise the Christian masses had to accept was this: Do not challenge the new public religion. Just do this: create a private religion based upon Christianity and enjoy that in the privacy of the church building. One of the concepts least understood is that War is part of all earthly existence this side of the Garden of Eden. If you do not understand the nature of War, you will be seduced into a false reality. It is obvious that the religion of Eisenhower is based upon the Cold War. In fact, if you look back throughout American history, you will see a nation that has been almost continuously at War. Just consider these wars: Revolutionary War. Barbary War. War of 1812. Mexican War. Civil War. Frontier/Indian Wars. Spanish War. WWI. WWII. Korean WarUN War. Cold War. Vietnam War. Gasoline Wars. Gulf War. War on KosovoNATO war. 9/11 Iraqi War. Afghanistan War. War on Terrorism

I did not include multiple minor skirmishes, where American troops were sent abroad to enforce American Interests. For example, the United States invaded Japan in 1852 to open Japan to American trade. Also, American troops were used throughout Mexico and Central America to enforce America interests. And when America did not want to send troops, it sent advisors and arms to support those who were willing to fight for American interests. War is such a vital part of American culture that it must be understood if you are to understand the nature of the Empire of War which developed out of a Revolution in 1776 where a tiny nation just wanted to be free from European politics and controls. America was founded, I was told as a youth, as a reaction to the numerous religious wars in Europe that preceded the development of the new nation of the United States. The United States wanted to bring peace to a society by refusing to establish any religion. If everyone was free to do as he wanted, then there should be no need for religious wars in America. This argument was directed toward Christians as they represented the dominate force. It proved to open the door for the followers of the French Enlightenment to operate within the laws of the United States. In order to avoid the religious wars of Europe, America opened up to a new form of religious warfare: Christianity versus Scientific Secularism/Humanism. In order to achieve victory in the war against Christianity, foreign wars quickly became the norm. Christians were deceived into thinking it was their nation and thus did not recognize what was happening to them. Everyone was expected to unite behind the nation and support the war effort, the costs, and the troops involved. Anything that appeared to destroy the unity of American Secular Nationalism came across as treason. For some reason, American Christians abandoned the Biblical teachings about the nature of warfare and allowed themselves to unite with those who hated Christianity. For example, everyone united behind government education because the nation required an educated workforce in order to compete with other nations. It is vital that a person understand the different levels of WAR. Most people are only aware of one level or maybe even a second level if they have

studied warfare, but there are multiple levels of warfare that go to make up the Sovereign National Security State. It is ironic that when I studied political science in college, the nature of warfare was not even discussed. I learned about the plumbing of governments, but little about its psychological operations and the techniques used to destroy every enemy, both foreign and domestic. I learned about the methods used to drop bombs to destroy an enemys physical tools, but there was little knowledge imparted about the true nature of bombing. Wars are pictured as a modern form of jousting, but involving more people. That is all. At least, that is all whoever controls education wants the schmucks to know. Now, WAR is not just a battle between nations, it is a form of organization and a systematic belief in assorted earthly realities. War could be described as following: 1. War is a method of controlling another nation. 2. War is a form of taxation. 3. War is a way of organizing a whole society. 4. War provides a rationale for the destruction of a nations past. 5. War serves to form mega-corporations. 6. War bonds a diverse nation into a new unity. 7. War turns religions into becoming cheerleaders for the nation. 8. War destroys every aspect of NORMAL. 9. War is pillagethe art of getting something for nothing. 10.War creates its own matrix and new realities are born. 11. WAR becomes a replacement for God. 12. WAR is innate to every idea, philosophy, science, and religion. 13. Platos Republic is a primer on the State, War, and Social Organization. 14. WAR requires a ruling Elite to fight the war. 15. The only way to end Wars is through total WARArmageddon.

If you want to change the world; if you want to control the world; and if you want to have the masses serve youyou must use the powers of WAR to

achieve your goals. War is the only sure form of coercion. Peace is one of the great myths: it is the carrot on a stick that is always just out of reach. (This war will end all wars.) Those who attempt to live under conditions of peace are actually living under the conditions of surrender. Every community, business, religion, and nation needs to be defended. The world is full of different religions; different ways of doing business; different ideas of community; and different ideas about political organization. When opposites come into conflict, then some form of warfare will result. (For example, Trade Wars.) Of course, war can be avoided if there is a system of rules that everyone agrees upon. However, there are no common legal beliefs upon which everyone can agree. The American Constitution was a document which attempted to set up an organization to handle conflicts within the boundaries of the nation. This system offered no legal rules, but only a way to decide upon the laws in an orderly manner. America is not based upon a system of laws, but upon the assumption that people will battle in a peaceful manner. And once the system has run its course through the election process, or through the judiciary, and then everyone is expected to submit to the results. The problem is, as most are aware, people cheat and seek to obtain their way with only the appearance of legitimacy. Christianity provides a system of rules as revealed by God. Every other nation, religion, or philosophy is at war with Christianity. In fact, every system is not only at war with Christianity, they are at war with each other. Peace is only possible if every group, including Christianity, agrees to submit to the results of the war within America for the control of the laws of the land. At first, Christianity controlled the rules of the land. However, all other groups worked within the American system to get Christianity to operate under a new set of laws that everyone could agree uponSecular Laws. There was peace within the land as long as Christians agreed to live within a system of laws that destroyed Biblical Laws. That was the story of the 20th century America as Christians agreed to live by Secular Laws when in public, and live by Christian Laws in private. Once Christianity accepted the new Secular Laws, then a new war was launched to convert the whole world to the new Secular Laws of America. This

war was to be concluded under the cloak of creating world peace. The spiritual needs of the individual which were no longer being met by Christianity became under the power of the State and its new nationalistic religious duties. There is only one way a Nation State can get the masses to accept their new forms of spiritual renewal, and that is through Total War. War not only forms a universal community, i.e. a Church, but it provides an acceptance to the Divine State which furnishes absolution to all who enter into the demands of a war economy. The State upon a White Horse is the substitute for the working of Jesus Christ to establish His Kingdom throughout the earth. God can only be defeated by the State taking upon itself the battle that Jesus is pursing in His role as the agent of the Kingdom of God. The 21st century is the story of America declaring war upon every other nation, every other religion, and upon every other social organization, in order to impose Secular America Laws upon everyone upon this earth. If this could be attained, then the dream of Babel would have finally been achieved: There would be unity upon the earth without the need for God, or His Son, Jesus Christ. When Jesus declared that he came not to bring peace but war, he was stating a fundamental aspect of reality. All of life is under attack by Satan and his servants. Everything created by God is subject to destruction. Today, there is a war upon Biblical Law, the family, the nature of sex, the purpose of the true church, and the role of work in a persons life. There is a war upon every idea that the Bible teaches and upon every person who accepts his role as a creation of God. Not to defend these truths and accept Secular Reality is an act of submission. There has been peace in the United States only by the refusal of Christians to declare the true nature of Gods world. The failure to understand the nature of both physical and spiritual warfare has led to the almost complete annihilation of Biblical Christianity. The peace treaty by the Church with the secular state has resulted in, not peace, but a successful war of deception against Christians and their churches. The war of Christians against all laws contrary to Gods revelation was suspended so that everyone could get along and agree to differ. However, in order to get along, the Church agreed to abide by the laws as deemed appropriate by the democratically

elected leaders. Thus the 21st century war on terrorism is actually against every other law, every other religion, every other political order, and every other vision of reality. The New Order of the ages is built upon the ruins of Biblical Christianity. And the ruling elites declare to all: Peace on earth and good will to all men. Remember the words of Jesus: Think not that I come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.273 And Jesus gave his disciples the following advice: Then said he unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said Nothing. Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.274 Consider what Jesus said about the conditions during the end of this earthly age: For ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diver places.275 Wars will not end until the return of Jesus Christ and those that hold out a false hope for such a condition only play into the hands of those who would bring peace at the cost of total surrender to a totalitarian system. Now the vital thing to remember is that while American Christians thought they were living in the land of peace: While, all the while, there was a war upon Christians and their beliefs. For the American masses, they were led to believe that the world should be a place of peace and all wars are an abnormality. When confronted with foreigners who do not like Americans, the ruling elites instruct the masses that everything must be done to destroy these enemies of peace. The life of every nation is about defending its borders, and the life of every Christian is about defending the doctrines of the Bible and its laws. If you study the history of American Christians in the 19th century, you will discover that when they attempted to war against unbelief within their midst, the American press attacked
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Matthew 10:34. Luke 22: 35-36. 275 Matthew 24: 6-7.

them as intolerant and bigoted. The Christians failed to understand this call for universal tolerance was merely war under the guise of being at peace with everyone. This brings this work to the final section: The War of the Governments of the world against the people of this world. Previously, wars were between two nations vying for power, or between two systems of belief. The 21st century produced a new kind of war never envisioned before. The majority of the governments of the nations united to subdue the masses into a New World Order. Those who opposed this worldview became not just enemies of a nation, but enemies of all mankind, i.e. Terrorists. In former times, nations were established to protect the people under their control from the people and governments of foreign powers. Under the 21st century nature of war, the Arab in the Middle East, and the Christian in the United States, who oppose global governance, are both enemies of Order, and are both carry the label of Terrorist. The world is heading into an order that recreates the situation of Egypt, only extrapolated to the entire earth. The masses are to labor for the elites who have a priest class, bureaucratic/industrial class, and a military class to enforce this order. There will be no middle class, only the classes associated with the government and the production of goods for the government. This new order demands some sort of divine right which may be achieved through some alien connection with the ruling elites. This also may explain why the ancient pharaohs had cone heads associated with alien powers. Should the elite powers no longer need pyramids, the masses may be superfluous, and redundant.

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