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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code CAP632 Course Category Course Title FORMAL LANGUAGES AND AUTOMATION THEORY Courses with conceptual focus Course Planner 15668::Rachit Garg Lectures 3.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 0.0 0.0 3.0

TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Author Edition 1st Year Publisher Name PHI (Pretice Hall India) Theory of Computer Science K.L.P Mishra & N. :Automata, languages & Computation Chandrasekran Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 R-3 Other Reading Sr No OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference) , , , Title Introduction to languages & the Theory of Computation Theory of Computation Author John C Martin Kavi Mahesh Edition 1st 1st 4th 2010 Year Publisher Name Tata McGraw Hill Wiley India Pvt Ltd Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd

An Introduction To Formal Languages Peter Linz And Automata

Audio Visual Aids Sr No AV-1 AV-2 AV-3 (AV aids) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features To provide students in learning basic and advanced concepts through remote experimentation To provide various tools for learning, including web recources, video lectures, animated demonstration and seld evaluation To provide various tools for learning, including web recources, video lectures, animated demonstration and seld evaluation

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE Weeks After MTE 7 7

Spill Over

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Text/reference books Other Readings, Lecture Description Relevant Websites, Audio Visual Aids, software and Virtual Labs OR-2 Introduction and motivation of Auotmata Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc. Planned Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Week 1

Lecture 1



Students will learn about the need and use of TOC in the field of Computer Science Students will learn about the transition modes

Lecture 2

Automata(Description and transition modes)


AV-1 AV-2

Complexity theory Computability theory Automata theory NDFA is a variation of the FSM that will make it much easier to design FSMs Variants of Finite automata

Lecture 3

Automata(NDFA and DFA)


AV-3 DK-2

Makes it easy to design Peer Learning, Case FSMs Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Students learn about Finite automata with output Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Week 2

Lecture 4

Automata(Mealy and Moore machine)


OR-2 OR-3

Automata(Minimization of Finite Automata)


OR-1 AV-1

Deterministic finite automata and example of a finite automata Formal definition of a finite automaton

Students learn to reduce Peer Learning, Case a Complex Finite Study Discussion and Automata Demonstration of Animation Students learn to Design finite automata Students learn the importance of Finite Automata conditions Students learn the importance of Finite Automata states Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Automata(Constructing simple automata)


OR-3 AV-1

Lecture 5

Automata(Handling end conditions)


OR-2 OR-3

Regular operations of simple automata

Automata(Handling reject states)



Proof techniques of automata states

Automata(Step by step method for constructing automata)



To construct and analyse Learn the importance of Peer Learning, Case automata behaviour construction of Study Discussion and Automata Demonstration of Animation

Week 2

Lecture 5

Automata(States as Memory)


AV-2 AV-3

To construct states to compute functions

Learn the importance of Peer Learning, Case corresponding states Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Students learn the importance of Automata states Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Automata(Why finite number of states)


AV-2 AV-3

Process and accept infinite sets if input strings

Automata(Limitations of finite automata)


OR-3 AV-1

Constructing automata to Learn the Limitations solve computing of finite automata problems Formal definition of a non deterministic finite automata Relation between Finite Automata Regular Expressions

Lecture 6

Automata(Non deterministic finite automata)



Learn the importance of Peer Learning, Case NDFA Closure under Study Discussion and the regular operations Demonstration of Animation Any FSM can be converted to a regular expression, and every regular expression can be converted into a nondeterministic FSM Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Construction of Finite Automata (Construction of Finite Automata equivalent to Regular expression & vice versa)


OR-2 OR-3

Construction of Finite Automata (Pumping Lemma for regular sets & its applications)


AV-2 AV-3

Non regular Languages The pumping lemma The pumping lemma for for Regular sets is a regular languages way to convince students that certain sets are not Regular Describing the basics of Push Down Automata A push down automaton PDA or is a type of automaton that uses a stack for temporary data storage

Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Week 3

Lecture 7

Pushdown Automata(Definition)



Pushdown Automata(Acceptance)


AV-3 DK-1

Types of acceptance by Pushdown Automata

Students learn about the Peer Learning, Case technique for Study Discussion and acceptance of string Demonstration of Animation Learn about Connection between Push down Automata and Context Free Languages Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Pushdown Automata(Pushdown Automata and Context Free Languages) Lecture 8 Pushdown Automata(Parsing and Pushdown automata)



Relationship between Push down Automata and Context Free Languages Purpose of Parsing in automata


OR-2 AV-3

Learn about Top Down Peer Learning, Case and Bottom Up Parsing Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Students solve the Peer Learning, Case examples of push down Study Discussion and automata Demonstration of Animation

Pushdown Automata(Constructing PDAs)


OR-3 AV-1

To teach about the construction of PDA

Week 3

Lecture 9

Pushdown Automata(Converting CFGs to PDAs)


AV-2 DK-1

Designing PDAs from context free grammars

Ways to simplify CFGs Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Ways to simplify PDAs Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Parse tree as a way to represent the derivation of a string from a grammar Students learn the importance of Ambiguity with the help of examples Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Pushdown Automata(Converting PDAs to CFGs)



Designing PDAs to CFGs

Context Free languages(Derivation trees)



Other way of representing a CFG

Week 4

Lecture 10

Context Free languages(Ambiguity in Context free grammars)


OR-1 AV-3 DK-3 AV-1 AV-3

To ambiguity in context free grammars

Context Free languages (Simplification of context free grammars) Lecture 11 Context Free languages(The Chomsky & Greibach Normal Forms) Context Free Grammars(The Kuroda Normal Form)


Equivalence with context Students learn the ways Peer Learning, Case free grammars to equivalent context Study Discussion and free grammars Demonstration of Animation Describing CNF Students learn to reduce Peer Learning, Case grammar to a CNF Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Students learn the importance of KNF Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation





DescribingKuroda Normal Form

Lecture 12

Context Free Grammars(One sided Context Sensitive Grammars)


OR-1 OR-3

Elaborates concept of KNF

Learns about the Peer Learning, Case implementation of KNF Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Learn the usage of restrictions Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Context Free Grammars (Unrestricted Languages)


AV-1 DK-2 DK-3 AV-1 DK-2

Implementation for making restrictions

Regular Languages and Expressions(Idea of formal languages) Week 5 Lecture 13 Regular Languages and Expressions(Languages of Automata) Regular Languages and Expressions(Regular expressions)


Introduction to formal language

Learn the concept of formal language



Highlights on Automata Understands the concept of automaton


OR-2 AV-1

Recursive definition

Learn to construct simple regular expression

Week 5

Lecture 13

Regular Languages and Expressions(Converting Regular expressions to automata) Turing Machines(Representation)


OR-2 AV-1

Mapping from elements of regular expression to NFA Ways to design Turing Machines

Learn to convert regular Peer Learning, Case expression to equivalent Study Discussion and automata Demonstration of Animation Understands about Formal definition of a Turing machine Learn to construct turing machines Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Lecture 14


DK-2 DK-3

Turing Machines(Language acceptability)



Examples of Turing machines and computable functions Constructing complex turing machines

Turing Machines(Design & description of Turing machines)



Learn techniques for constructing turing machines

Lecture 15 Week 6 Lecture 16 Turing Machines(Variants of Turing machines) T-1:ch-9 OR-1 AV-1 DK-1 OR-1 AV-2

Term Paper,Test 1 Machines with stay option,multi track machines,Semi infinite tape machines Techniques used for constructing turing machines Alogrithm for Church Turing thesis Understand design variation for turing machines Understands the methods used for designing turing machines Learns about the concept of church turing

Turing Machines(Turing Machines Construction)


Turing Machines(The Church Turing thesis)


OR-2 AV-3

Lecture 17

Turing Machines(Universal Turing Machine)



Stored program computer

Understands working of Peer Learning, Case UTM Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Understands the procedure to remove ambiguity Learns about the features of LL and LR Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Lecture 18

Syntax Analysis(Ambiguity and the formal power Series)


OR-2 AV-1

Eliminating ambiguity

Week 7

Lecture 19

Syntax Analysis(Formal Properties of LL(k) and LR(k) Grammars)


OR-3 AV-1

L19 Parsing strategies L20 is revision L21 is revision

Lecture 20

Syntax Analysis(Formal Properties of LL(k) and LR(k) Grammars)


OR-3 AV-1

L19 Parsing strategies L20 is revision L21 is revision

Learns about the features of LL and LR

Lecture 21

Syntax Analysis(Formal Properties of LL(k) and LR(k) Grammars)


OR-3 AV-1

L19 Parsing strategies L20 is revision L21 is revision

Learns about the features of LL and LR

Week 8 Lecture 22 Formal Languages(Chomsky classification of languages) R-2:ch-7 OR-3 DK-2 Definition of grammar Learn the difference Peer Learning, Case between different types Study Discussion and of ets Demonstration of Animation Understand about the relation of formal languages Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Lecture 23

Formal Languages(Languages and their relation)


AV-2 DK-3

Formal Language and their relation

Lecture 24

Formal Languages(Linear Grammars and regular Languages)


OR-2 AV-1

Linear grammar

Understand the concept Peer Learning, Case of Linear grammar Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Learn to construct simple regular expression Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Week 9

Lecture 25

Formal Languages(Regular Expressions)


AV-3 DK-2

Definition of regular expression

Lecture 26

Formal Languages(Context Sensitive Languages)


OR-2 AV-2 AV-3 AV-3

Context sensitive Language

Learn about the concept Peer Learning, Case of CSL Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Parse tree as a way to represent the derivation of a string from a grammar Learn to use closure properties to obtain more complex regular language Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Lecture 27

Grammars(Parsing and Derivation)


Introduction to parsing

Week 10

Lecture 28

Grammars(Closure properties)



Union,concatenation,co mpliment , reversal

Lecture 29

Grammars(Pigeonhole principal and pumping lemma)



Adversarial Game

Learn to handle regular Peer Learning, Case languages with Study Discussion and repeating patterns Demonstration of Animation Learn to construct regular expression for user dat avalidation Understands kinds of problems that are undecidable Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Lecture 30

Grammars(Constructing Regular grammars)


OR-3 AV-3

Introduction to regular grammars

Week 11

Lecture 31

Decidability(Decidable languages)


OR-3 AV-3

Decidable problems concerning regular languages

Lecture 32

Decidability(Unpredictable languages)


OR-3 AV-3

Decidability and Understand the concept Peer Learning, Case Unpredictable languages of Unpredictable Study Discussion and languages Demonstration of Animation

Week 11

Lecture 33

Decidability(Halting problems of Turing machines)



Problems in halting Turing machines

Understanding the halting problem of turing machines

Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Week 12

Lecture 34

Computability(Partial recursive functions)


OR-1 AV-3

Computability and turing model for computation Steps of Computability

Understands various Peer Learning, Case functions performed by Study Discussion and partial recursive Demonstration of Animation Understands about concepts of computability Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Lecture 35

Computability(Basic concepts)



Computability(Recursive functions)



Computability Recursive Understands Peer Learning, Case functions computability recursive Study Discussion and functions Demonstration of Animation Partial functions Understands concept of Peer Learning, Case partial recursive Study Discussion and functions Demonstration of Animation Learn the importance of Peer Learning, Case Computing machines Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Understands the working of computing machines Understands the need of data structures Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Computability(Partial Recursion)


OR-3 AV-3

Lecture 36 Week 13 Lecture 37 Computers and the science of computing(Idea of computing) R-2:ch-12 AV-3 DK-3

Term Paper,Test 2 Concept of computing

Computers and the science of computing(Computing machines and languages) Computers and the science of computing(Programming and Data structures) Lecture 38 The Chomsky Hierarchy (Enumerable Languages)



Introduction of computing machines



Data structures used in programming



Parsing with CNF

Learns about the techniques for parsing

The Chomsky Hierarchy (Diagonalization)



Chomsky Hierarchy problems

Understand the concept Peer Learning, Case of Chomsky Hierarchy Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Understands concept of Peer Learning, Case acceptance and Study Discussion and membership Demonstration of Animation

Lecture 39

The Chomsky Hierarchy (Acceptance and membership)



Chomsky Acceptance

Week 14

Lecture 40

The Chomsky Hierarchy(Recursive languages)



L40 Understand the need of Recursive languages in recursive languages The Chomsky Hierarchy L41 is revision L42 is revision L40 Understand the need of Recursive languages in recursive languages The Chomsky Hierarchy L41 is revision L42 is revision L40 Understand the need of Recursive languages in recursive languages The Chomsky Hierarchy L41 is revision L42 is revision

Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation Peer Learning, Case Study Discussion and Demonstration of Animation

Lecture 41

The Chomsky Hierarchy(Recursive languages)



Lecture 42

The Chomsky Hierarchy(Recursive languages)



Week 15 Lecture 43 Lecture 44 Lecture 45 Spill Over Spill Over Spill Over

Scheme for CA:

Component Term Paper,Test Frequency 2 Total :Out Of 3 Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 20

Details of Academic Task(s)

AT No.


Topic of the Academic Task

Nature of Academic Task (group/individuals/field work

Evaluation Mode

Allottment / submission Week 5/6

Term Paper,Test 1 To define the power of any computation model that would be determined by analysing formal languages

Unit I Individual Automata : Definition, Description and transition modes, NDFA and DFA, Mealy and Moore machine, Minimization of Finite Automata, Constructing simple automata, Handling end conditions, Handling reject states, Step by step method for constructing automata, States as Memory, Why finite number of states, Limitations of finite automata, Non deterministic finite automata Construction of Finite Automata : Construction of Finite Automata equivalent to Regular expression & vice versa, Pumping Lemma for regular sets & its applications Pushdown Automata : Definition, Acceptance, Pushdown Automata and Context Free Languages, Parsing and Pushdown automata, Constructing PDAs, Converting CFGs to PDAs, Converting PDAs to CFGs Unit II Context Free languages : Derivation trees, Ambiguity in Context free grammars, Simplification of context free grammars, The Chomsky & Greibach Normal Forms Context Free Grammars : The Kuroda Normal Form, One sided Context Sensitive Grammars, Unrestricted Languages Regular Languages and Expressions : Idea of formal languages, Languages of Automata, Regular expressions, Converting Regular expressions to automata Unit III Turing Machines : Representation, Language acceptability, Design & description of Turing machines, Variants of Turing machines, Turing Machines Construction, The Church Turing thesis, Universal Turing Machine Syntax Analysis : Ambiguity and the formal power Series, Formal Properties of LL (k) and LR(k) Grammars

Based on student performance (scores) Each question will be multiple of 5. Total marks will be 30.

Term Paper,Test 2 To understand the concept of turing machines as special emphasis is laid on design and applications of Turing Machines

Unit IV Formal Languages : Chomsky classification of languages, Languages and their relation, Linear Grammars and regular Languages, Regular Expressions, Context Sensitive Languages Grammars : Parsing and Derivation, Closure properties, Pigeonhole principal and pumping lemma, Constructing Regular grammars Unit V Decidability : Decidable languages, Unpredictable languages, Halting problems of Turing machines Computability : Partial recursive functions, Basic concepts, Recursive functions, Partial Recursion Computers and the science of computing : Idea of computing, Computing machines and languages, Programming and Data structures Unit VI The Chomsky Hierarchy : Enumerable Languages, Diagonalization, Acceptance and membership, Recursive languages As per given topics


Based on student performance (scores) Each question will be multiple of 5. Total marks will be 30.

11 / 12

Term Paper,Test 3 To evaluate student performance


30 Marks (Mid Term report- 5 marks, End Term report- 15 marks, Viva / presentation10 marks)

4 / 10

List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper) Sr. No. Topic 1 Theory of Automata 2 Finite Automata 3 Regular Languages 4 Context Free Grammars 5 Push Down Automata 6 Turing Machines and Computability 7 NFA and Regular Expressions 8 Regular Grammar and Languages 9 Computability 10 Context Free Languages 11 Grammars

12 Turing Machines 13 Chomsky Hierarchy 14 Computability and Undecidability 15 Deterministic Context Free Languages

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