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Breast cancer - In foods' Points of View

Kyle J. Norton

The prevalence of breast cancer has been acknowledged in the scientific community worldwide. Breast cancer widespread in women in Southeast Asian as a result of over 2 decades of economic prosperity caused by unhealthy diet is a major concern. The findings for effective treatments are ongoing with some successes, but to discover an effective prevention and treatment with little or no side effects has proven difficulty. According to statistic, the risk of getting invasive breast cancer during life time of a women is !".. #etections of tumorigenesis through self observation are still the best approach to cure breast cancer in early stage but reduction of the mortality has not been accounted even with e$tensively modern technology in the field of diagnosis and insurance protection in %estern world, needless to say of counties which have little. &merged suggestions of healthy diet with plenty vegetables and fruits' ('2(')( with change of life style'*('+(',( may be the only choice for women in reducing risk of the diseases. -n fact, certain vegetables'.('"( and fruits'/(' 0( or chemical compounds in them have been found to effect the breast cancer lines, induced apoptosis of breast cancer cells by blocking the energy sources of the pathways, influencing the signal pathways of the proliferation of the cells or suppressing the promoted cancers genes. I. Types of vegetables may red ce ris! of breast cancer ". #r cifero s vegetables 1ruciferous vegetables are the group of vegetables belonging to the family Brassicaceae, including cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli etc. -sothiocyanate '-T1(, one of the major chemical constistuent found in 1ruciferous vegetables has been studied e$tensively over the past three decades with preclinical evidence for the efficacy of various -T1s against cancer in preclinical models. Ben2yl isothiocyanate, the derivative of isothiocyanate showed an effectiveness in influencing carcinogen metabolism and signaling pathways relevant to tumor progression and invasion' ( against 3#A43B42) 'breast cancer dell line(, human breast cancer $enografts'mutation tissues(' 2(, suppressing 54linked inhibitor of apoptosis '5-A6( protein e$pression of cancer cell line 3174. by knockdown of the p+)'antigens( protein level$ )(. -n 8er42 positive 'a most aggressive case of breast cancer(, indole4)4 carbinol, a naturally occurring compound found in cruciferous vegetables,

used combination with paclita$el 'a mitotic inhibitor( synergistically inhibited growth of 8er2!neu human breast cancer cells by arresting cancer cells in the 92'pre4mitotic p%ase( and 3'nuclear division( phase and inducting apoptosis!necrosis' *(. -)1 used alone also inhibited 8er42breast cancer cell growth in a dose dependent manner as the compound up4 regulated Ba$'an apoptosis promoter(, down4regulated Bcl42'an apoptosis inhibitor( and, thereby, increased the ratio of Ba$ to Bcl42 favoring apoptosis' +(. &. Tomatos Tomato is a red, edible fruit, genus Solanum, belonging to family Solanaceae, native to South America. Because of its health benefits, tomato is grown world wide for commercial purpose and often in green house. :ycopene, a major carotenoid component of tomato has been known in research community with the property to attenuate the risk of breast cancer. -n a time and doses depended, the compound showed an anti4proliferative activity against &;'estrogen receptor(!6;'progesterone receptor( positive 3174., 8&;24positive S<4B;4) and triple4negative 3#A43B4*," cell lines by arresting cell cycle at the 90 !9 phase'interphase together 4 chromosomes replicate in preparation for cell division( at physiologically achievable concentrations'range( found in human plasma' ,( and -nhibition of the &;4positive 3174. through the cell cycle progression, &;4negative 3#A43B42) cells through 9 phase cell cycle4arrest as well as apoptosis' .(. There is a report of a lack of 9ST6 e$pression in untreated 3#A43B4*,". :ycopene treatment not only restored the 9ST6 e$pression but also with 2 micro3, once per week for 2 weeks induced demethylation of ;A;beta2 'tumor suppressor gene( and the 8-=4 'a cell growth inhibitor(( genes in the noncancer 317 0A fibrocystic breast cells' "(. '. (igs =4he$ane insoluble fraction '8-7( found in figs may be lesser known for its efficacy in breast cancer cell suppressive activity. The combination of 8-7 and do$orubicin showed a greater inhibition on cell growth in '8uman ductal breast epithelial tumor cell line( T*.# cells and increased the incidence of cells undergoing apoptosis, when compared to e$hibited do$orubicin alone' /(. The soluble fraction '&thyl acetate soluble fraction '&AS7(( in fig leave was also found to enhance the cytoto$ic effect of do$orubicin by changing the inhibition of cell cycle 9'2(!3 to 9' ( phase'20( and Acetone e$tract of 7icus religosa leaf '7A&( e$erted

its efficacy in irreversible inhibition of breast cancer cell growth with moderate to$icity by stimulating the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential in multiple breast cancer cell lines and accelerated cell death through the photosensiti2ing effect'2 (. ). *arlic 9arlic is a natural superfood healer for its natural antibiotic with antiviral, antifungal, anticoagulant and antiseptic properties. #iallyl trisulfide'#AS(, a derived organosulfur compounds '>S1s( suppressed the a ratio of viable cells in the culture of '8uman breast cancer cell line( 3174. and 3174 2a 'a non4tumorigenic epithelial cell line( cells respectively by decreasing the percent of cells in phase 9'2(!3 and inducing apoptotic cell death as a result of up regulating Ba$ protein and p+)'cellular tumor antigen( protein e$pression'22(. #AS also enhanced the effect of eicosapentaenoic acid, a breast cancer suppressor, and decreased the effect of linoleic acid, a breast cancer enhancer and reduced the side effects caused by anti4cancer agents'2)(. -n the study of a protein fraction from garlic, the fraction was found to be more effective than the augment 1#"'?( T4cell infiltration into the tumor site, in inhibiting tumor growth more efficiently than garlic e$tract in enhancing the 1#"'?( T4cell infiltration into the tumor site'2*(. +. ,pinac% Spinach is an edible flowering plant in the genus Spinacia, belonging to the family of Amaranthaceae and native to central and southwestern Asia. -t is considered as a healthy plant containing vary vitamins and minerals. 1onsuming spinach may be a significantly protective effect on breast cancer among premenopausal women'2+(. &ating carrots or spinach more than twice weekly, compared with no intake, was associated with an odds ratio of 0.+, '/+@ confidence interval 0.)*40./ (, but does not distinguish among several potential e$planations for the protective association observed between intake of carrots and spinach and risk of breast cancer.'2,(. -t is said that included supplementation of A. gangeticus aAueous e$tract of red spinach in +@, ..+@ and 0@ in cancer induced rats showed a induction of all tumor marker en2ymes especially at 0@.'2.(. -. Kelp <elps are large seaweeds 'algae( growth under shallow in underwater of shallow oceans belonging to the class 6haeophyceae in the order :aminariales, with the thallus is used for food in many cultures. :aminaria,

a brown kelp seaweed containing a antibiotic substance, 4) beta glucan, was effective in stimulating the host4mediated immune response and suggested of playing a essential role in preventing the initiation of breast cancer'2"(. Bapanese seaweed ':aminaria angustata( e$tracts was also found to e$ert its antimutagenic effects in certain breast and colon carcinogen'2/(. :4tryptophana substances isolated from the kelp rhi2oid, may play an important role in in the inhibition of cell proliferation as an suggestion of increased tryptophan degradation occurred in women with early4stage breast cancer')0(') (. .. #%ili peppers 1hili pepper is the fruit of plants from the genus 1apsicum, belonging to the nightshade family, Solanaceae. The fruit has been used in human history for spices and cultivated for commercial profits. 1apsaicin 'trans4"4methyl4=4vanillyl4,4nonenamide(, a chemical constituent of chili peppers used in many cultures as anti cancer agent was found to inhibit the growth of &;4positive '3174., T*.#, BT4*.*( and &;4negative 'S<B;4), 3#A43B2) ( breast cancer cell lines, reducing +0@ the si2e of 3#A43B2) breast cancer tumors')2(, inducing cellular apoptosis through a caspase4independent pathway in 3174. cells'))(. -n the comparison of capsaicin and #ohevanil, synthesi2ed from #8A and vanillylamine 'precursor to capsaicin(, researchers showed that the e$hibited effects of both vanilloids and dohevanil in growth inhibition and #=A fragmentation induction in 3174. cells, but dohevanil was more potent than capsaicin')*(. /. #arrot 1arrot can grow to )ft tall. -t is root vegetable with orange color normally, a sub spices of #aucus carota, belongs to the family Apiaceae, native to Asian and &urope. -ntake of cruciferous vegetable and carrot are inversely associations with risk of estrogen receptor4negative!progesterone receptor4negative breast cancer')+(. %ild carrot or #aucus carota :. ssp. carota 'Apiacea( oil e$tract, used in traditional medicine in :ebanon and in different regions throughout the world was found to inhibit human colon '8T42/, 1aco42( and breast '3174., 3#A43B42) ( cancer cell lines, causing significant increase in cell death and decrease in cell proliferation'),(. B. Types of fr it may red ced ris! of breast cancer 0. Bl eberry Blueberry is a flower plant, belonging to the family &riaceae and native to

=orthern America. -t can grows from 0 cm to * metres tall. Triple4negative breast cancer T=B1, a cancer does not e$press the genes for estrogen receptor '&;(, progesterone receptor'6;(, and 8&;2'gene( affecting appro$imately +@ of all caner cases. 7emale 3#A43B42) tumor4bearing mice fed with high fat diet with +@ whole blueberry powder 'BB(, showed an inhibited T=B1 and T=B14related metastasis by reducing inflammation via specific cytokine4driven pathways with generation of an immune response to reduce tumor growth and metastasis'*0(. -n .C4 estradiol4mediated mammary tumorigenesis, +@ blueberry diet, showed to reduce tumor volume and multiplicity significantly, by down regulation of 1D6 A 'en2ymes, able to activate compounds with carcinogenic properties( and &;4E 'a receptor activated by the se$ hormone estrogen(genes e$pression and also favorable modulation of micro;=A 'mir4 "a and mir4)*c( levels in gene regulation'* (. >ther chemical constituents anthocyanin and an anthocyanin4pyruvic acid adduct e$tract of blueberry were found to inhibited cancer cell proliferation by acting as cell antiinvasive factors and chemoinhibitors'*2(. &. "vocado Avocados are a commercially valuable fruit and are cultivated in tropical climates throughout the world, it is a green4skinned, pear4shaped fruit that ripens after harvesting and native to the 1aribbean, 3e$ico, South America and 1entral America, belonging to the flowering plant family :auraceous. -t is suggested that avocado4produced to$in persin may contain a positive anti breast cancer effect'*)(, 6ersin selectively induces a 9243 cell cycle arrest and cell death through caspase4dependent pathway'**(. >thers in the study of the same, persin showed a anti breast cancer effect in both estrogen receptor '&;( and &;4negative breast cancer cells'*+(. '. ,trawberry Strawberries is a genius of 7ragaria F ananassa belonging to the family ;oseaceae. They have been grown all over the world with suitable climate for commercial profits and for health benefits. 3ethanolic e$tract of strawberry '3&SB( fruits showed to induced cytoto$icity in cancer cells, irrespective of origin, in a concentration4 and time4dependent manner, in the testing against leukaemia '1&3( and breast cancer 'T*.#( cell lines through -nduction of intrinsic pathway of apoptosis by activating p.) 'a tumor suppressor( in breast cancer cells, when tumor suppressor gene p+) was mutated'*,(. 6olyphenols, a major chemical component found in strawberry, as an e$tract,

induced cytoto$ic with doses of appro$imately +0 microg!ml, causing a +0@ reduction in cell survival in both the normal and the tumour lines, including '3174.( breast cancer cell lines'*.(. -n other study, free2e4dried fruits of two strawberry cultivars ethanol e$tract, strongly inhibited 1aSki and Si8a cervical cancer cell lines and 3174. and T*.4# breast cancer cell lines'*"(. ). Pomegranate Pomegranate is a fruit4bearing small tree, genus 6unica, belonging to family :ythraceae, native to -ran but has been cultivated in Asian since ancient time. 6omegranate e$tracts and genistein were found to e$ert their anti cancer effect in growth inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis in human breast cancer cells'3174.( in doses and time depending manner'*/( by downregulated 8; genes 'a ubiAuitous cellular pathway that mediates transfer of genetic information( and increased e$pression of micro;=As 'mi;=As(, mi;4 ") 'predicted target ;A#+0( and mi;42* 'regulation of gene e$pression('+0(. 6omegranate fruit e$tracts '67&s(, in dose4dependent inhibited =74kB4dependent reporter gene responses associated with proliferation, invasion, and motility in aggressive breast cancer phenotypes while decreasing ;ho1 and ;hoA protein e$pression as these genes are associated with tumor cell invasion and metastasis'+ (. -. *rapes ;esveratrol, a polyphenolic compound known as a good chemopreventive agent for inhibiting carcinogenesis processes that target the regulators of cell function and #=A replication, found abundantly in grapes, berries and peanuts are associated to reduced risk of breast caner. 8S4 ./), a synthetic version of the compound induced 92!3'#=A damage checkpoint( arrest in the cell cycle progression in both types of cells and involved in cell4cycle arrest and probably in induction of p+)'tumor suppressor gene(4dependent apoptosis in 3174. cells'+2(. 1atechin ';G1(, a polyphenol, was found to be effective in inhibiting mammary tumor growth and metastasis, by reduced Akt'multiple cellular processes activity, induced the activation of A36<'cellular energy(, and inhibited mT>;'mediate cellular responses( signaling in breast cancer cells'+)(. -n 8er42 breast cancer, fo$ grape seed e$tract increased the e$pression of Ba$'an apoptosis promoter( and A-7'Apoptosis inducing factor(, and decreased total 6A;6'cellular processes( e$pression, leading to significant downregulation of 8er42 in 3174. cells'+*(.

.. Pineapple 6ineapple is a species of Ananas 1omos, belonging to the family Bromeliaceae and native to southern Bra2il and 6araguay. Today it is widely cultivated for commercial uses. -ts rich of vitamins and mineral and digesting en2yme bromelin seems to help digestion after a high protein meal. -t is a second only to banana as AmericaHs most favourite tropical fruit. Bromelain, a major chemical constituent or herb used in traditional medicine found in pineapple has e$erted its anti4metastasis of breast cancer by up regulating the function of c4Bun =4terminal kinase in cell proliferation, differentiation, survival and migration and p)" kinase to cause programmed cell death'+,(. -n 9-4 0 A breast cancer cells, bromelain induced cell death via activation of the apoptosis mechanism, in increased dose4 dependent by promoting apoptosis and cytokine processing of caspase4/ and caspase4) coinciding with elevation of serum 1< " levels'+,(. -n the br3#A43B42) mammary carcinoma, oral administration of bromelain increased the reduced b3A<4 and 3A<4cell activity in cell cycle regulation from .."@ to +*@ 'b3A<4cell activity( and from ,@ to *.@ '3A<4cell activity by stimulating the deficient monocytic cellular cytoto$icity of mammary tumor'+.(. /. "pple "pple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, a species of the rose family ;osaceae. -t is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits originated in 1entral Asia. -n estrogen4dependent 3174. and estrogen4independent 3#A43B42) breast cancer cell lines, apple phytochemical e$tracts significantly inhibited cell proliferation in a dose4dependent manner and cell cycle modulation'+"(. -n breast carcinoma 3cf4. and 3cf4.I8er " cells, peels of apple was found to be effective in antiproliferation accompanied by a 904 9 phase arrest in cell cycle of breast cancer cells by a tumor suppressor protein that suppressed the regulation of cell invasion, metastasis, and angiogenesis'+/(. Study of apple e$tracts and Auercetin )4beta4d4glucoside combination, also showed to possess the synergistic effect in 3174. cell proliferation',0(. 1. 2range >range is a species of 1itrus Sinensis, belonging to the family ;utaceae and native to the Southeast Asia. >range is round citrus fruits with finely4 te$tured skins, orange in color and one of most popular fruits in the world. 6olymetho$yflavones '637s(, a chemical compound found in Sweet orange

'1itrus sinensis :.( peel, showed to induce 1a'2?(4mediated apoptosis in human breast cancer cells by induced proapoptotic activity', (. #4limonene, another compound in orange peel oil, in rodent studies, also e$hibited its chemotherapeutic activity against mammary cells, through the induction of tumor cell apoptosis, tumor redifferentiation, and!or suppression of key proteins of cell growth4regulating ',2(. #. 2t%ers 0. Blac! 3ice Black ;ice is a type of rice with enriched Anthocyanins. including -ndonesian black rice and Thai jasmine black rice. -t has been considered as one of nature super foods with vary antio$idants. Anthocyanins in black rice, with oral administration of A&B; ' 00 mg!kg!day( to BA:B!c nude mice bearing 3#A43B4*+) cell $enografts significantly suppressed tumor growth and angiogenesis by suppressing the e$pression of the physiological process factors 3364/33642' en2ymes involved in the breakdown of e$tracellular matri$(, and u6A'activator( in tumor tissue. Altogether, this study suggests the anticancer effects of A&B; against human breast cancer cells by inducing apoptosis and suppressing angiogenesis').(')"(. >ther chemical constituents of species of black glumedJ =javara '>ry2a sativa :.( isolation, namely, flavonolignans, tricin *H4>4'erythro4C4guaiacylglyceryl( ether 'compound ( and tricin *H4>4'threo4 C4guaiacylglyceryl( ether 'compound 2(, were also found to e$ert its effect on breast cancer cell line 3174., causing apoptosis at concentration *0 and )0 Kg! by decreasing protein in the mitochondrial membrane, leading to chromatin condensation')/(. &. *reen tea 9reen tea contains more amount of antio$idants than any drinks or food with the same volume, and is the leaves of 1amellia sinensis, undergone minimal o$idation during processing, originated from 1hina. 9reen tea has been a precious drink in traditional 1hinese culture and used e$ceptional in sociali2ation for more than *000 thousand years. Because of their health benefits, they have been cultivated for commercial purposes all over the world. As suggestions, regular green tea intake has been associated with an inverse risk of breast cancer, as green tea enhanced the production of <i4,., a cancer antigen when compare to women who do not.',)(. '4(4 epigallocatechin gallate, a phytochemical in green tea was found to e$ert its epigenetic effects in altering the #=A methyltransferase e$pression in many

types of cancer, including breast cancer',*(. 1atechins, another phytochemical of green tea, inhibited proliferation of breast cancer cells and blocked carcinogenesis in breast cancer probably through the e$pression of translocation across membranes or for degradation, ribonucleoprotein #=A reduplication, apoptotic cascade, etc.',+(. -n inflammatory breast cancer, a most aggressive type of breast cancer, green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin4)4gallate '&919(, showed decreased e$pression of genes that promote proliferation, migration, invasion, and survival in human breast cancer cell lines, SL34 */ and SL34 /0 by reduced lymphangiogenesis4 promoting genes',,( and inhibited the cell proliferation at .2 hours, after 0 micro3 of &919 treatment. These suggested a possible reactivation of apoptosis, may be through the comple$ity of the angiogenic switch leading to the modulation of the cell migration processes against triple negative breast cancer cells',.(. -n human breast cancer 3174. cells, selenium containing polysaccharides 'Se49T6s( from a new variety of selenium4 enriched Miyang green tea, in dose4dependent, e$hibited an effective cell growth inhibition by inducing 3174. cancer cells to undergo 92!3'cell cycle( phase arrest and apoptosis by an up4regulation of p+) 'tumor antigen( e$pression',"(. Lnfortunately, epidemiological data, on incidence of breast cancer and recurrence of breast cancer, consumption of + or more cups of green tea a day showed a non4statistically significant trend towards the prevention of breast cancer development. &vidence indicates that green tea consumption may possibly help prevent breast cancer recurrence in early stage '- and --( cancers',/(. '. 3ed wine ;ed wine, made from the pigments of grape varieties is a wine involved e$traction of color, and flavour components from the grape skin. ;ed wine phenolics piceatannol and myricetin showed to inhibit the profileration of estrogens hormone4dependent breast cancer cells by binding to the gene e$pression of estrogen receptor '&;( alpha, which interacts with responsive #=A seAuences located within the promoter region of target genes'.0(. 1atechin hydrate '18(, an antio$idant in red wine, induced apotoposis against 3174. cells, with the rate of *0..@ and * . ,@ in the volume of +0 Kg!ml 18 in 2* hours, respectively. 3oreover, a *"4hour e$posure to +0 Kg!ml 18 and )00 Kg!ml 18 resulted in *)..)@ and +2./+@ apoptotic cells, through its ability to increase the e$pression of pro4 apoptotic genes such as caspase4), 4", and 4/ and T6+)'. (. ). Blac! bean

Blac! bean is a Small roughly ovoid legumes with glossy black shells, genus 6haseolus, belonging to the family 7abaceae and can bought in most grocery stores all around the year in dried and canned forms. -t is believed that black bean was first domesticated growth in South America. %ater4soluble condensed tannins isolated from black beans showed inhibition against breast cancer cell line 3174. at 2* micro3 by suppressed fetal bovine serum 'blood fraction remaining after the natural coagulation of blood( stimulated cell migration and the secretion of matri$ metalloproteinase42 '33642 or gelatinase A(, matri$ metalloproteinase4/ '3364/ or gelatinase B('involved in the breakdown of e$tracellular matri$(, and vascular endothelial growth factor N&97' ,+('regulator of angiogenesis( receptors e$pression'.2(. 6hytochemical of black bean '6haseolus vulgaris( seed coats, also enhanced potent antio$idant and antiproliferative activities against 3174. human breast cancer cells in doses depending manner'.)(. +. (ermented soybean 7ermented soybean made from ground soybeans, is an popular ingredient used in cuisines of &ast and Southeast Asia. 1hungkookjang, a <orean fermented soybean, containing high concentration of isoflavones and peptides showed to inhibit the growth of breast cancer 317. cells in decreased dependent on the concentration by activating T97C pathway in cellular processes and depressing inflammation'.*(. -n murine breast adenocarcinoma, fermented soy product '7S6( showed an effectiveness in tumor containment with smallest tumor volumes. &$pressed larger amounts of nitric o$ide and -:4 C 'regulation of immune and inflammatory responses( and e$hibited larger tumor si2es'.+(. -. Pean t 6eanuts is belong to the the legume related to the bean family and first cultivated in the in the 1haco region of 6araguay and Bolivia. :ectin ' '6=A(, a chemical constituent of peanut was effective in inhibiting proliferation of human breast cell lines 'M;4.+. and .)*4B('.,( and 3174 ., T *.#, 8B: 00, BT 20'..(. Beta4Sitosterol found in legumes, oil seeds and unrefined plant oils such as peanut butter, pistachios and sunflower, showed to e$hibit the e$trinsic apoptotic programmed cell death pathway in human breast 3174. and 3#A43B42) '."(. .. (a4seed 7la$ seed is native to the region of the eastern 3editerranean to -ndia and

also known as common fla$ or linseed. 7la$, an erect annual plant, can grow to .2 m tall. The leaves are 20O*0 mm long and ) mm broad. Study of athymic mice fed with basal diet 'control(, or 0@ 7S diet, with or without T;AS '2.+mg!kg( treatment for + wk, showed a positive effects in reduced tumor si2e and increased tumor apoptosis. #ietary 7S improved the function of T;AS in increased overall survival'./(. -n dietary fla$seed lignan or oil combined with tamo$ifen showed an enhancing effect in reducing growth of estrogen receptor positive breast tumors '3174.( at low circulating estrogen levels by inhibiting cell proliferation, e$pression of genes, and proteins involved in the &;4 and growth factor4mediated signaling pathways'"0(, with 7> greatest effect in increasing apoptosis compared with TA3 treatment alone'"0(. :ignans 'a class of phytoestrogens( consumption was associated with a significant reduction in breast cancer risk'" (. -n estrogen4receptor4positive '3174.( and estrogen4 receptor4negative '3#A43B42) ( cells, 7la$seed sprouts induced apoptosis and inhibited cancer cell growth by significantly upregulated p+)'Anti tumor antigen( m;=A 'transmits genetic information from #=A to the cytoplasm and controls certain chemical processes in the cell( in both cell cancer lines'"2(. 3any hours have been spent, hundred studies have been read, they may be worthless, if this article can not induce some women to change their diet patterns toward plenty vegetables and fruits accompanied with healthy style of living. Negetables and fruits in the article, indeed, showed a positive effect in inhibiting proliferation and causing apoptosis in many breast cancer cell lines. But with e$pansions of 93>s into almost all food sources in production of large scale, approved by 7#A and promoted by elective officials for commercial profits with lack of long term studies, organic farming are sitting in the defendant corner waiting for the death sentence in the ne$t super gene of 93>s cross4contamination. %ill the foods in this article be the same in the futureP %ill they still e$ert their anti breast cancer effectsP..... #%inese ,ecrets To (atty 5iver "nd 2besity 3eversal Lse The ;evolutionary 7indings To Achieve >ptimal 8ealth And :oose %eight Back to 3ost common Types of 1ancer httpI!!!p!blog4page.html

Back to <yle B. =orton 8ome page httpI!! 3eferences ' ( -ntake of specific fruits and vegetables in relation to risk of estrogen receptor4negative breast cancer among postmenopausal women by 7ung TT, 1hiuve S&, %illett %1, 8ankinson S&, 8u 7B, 8olmes 3#.'6ub3ed( '2( 7ruits, vegetables and breast cancer riskI a systematic review and meta4 analysis of prospective studies by Aune #, 1han #S, Nieira A;, ;osenblatt #A, Nieira ;, 9reenwood #1, =orat T.'6ub3ed( ')( 6remenopausal breast cancer risk and intake of vegetables, fruits, and related nutrients. 7reudenheim B:, 3arshall B;, Nena B&, :aughlin ;, Brasure B;, Swanson 3<, =emoto T, 9raham S.'6ub3ed( '*( :ife style and risk of development of breast and ovarian cancer by 6iQta B, 1hmaj4%ier2chowska <, >pala T.'6ub3ed( '+( &pidemiological evidence for a relationship between life events, coping style, and personality factors in the development of breast cancer by Butow 6=, 8iller B&, 6rice 3A, Thackway SN, <ricker A, Tennant 11.'6ub3ed( ',( &pidemiological correlates of breast cancer in South -ndia by Babu 9;, :akshmi SB, Thiyagarajan BA.'6ub3ed( '.( #ietary organic isothiocyanates are cytoto$ic in human breast cancer 3174. and mammary epithelial 3174 2A cell lines by Tseng &, Scott4 ;amsay &A, 3orris 3&.'6ub3ed( '"( Breast cancer risk in premenopausal women is inversely associated with consumption of broccoli, a source of isothiocyanates, but is not modified by 9ST genotype by '/( &$tracts of strawberry fruits induce intrinsic pathway of apoptosis in breast cancer cells and inhibits tumor progression in Somasagara ;;, 8egde 3, 1hiruvella <<, 3usini A, 1houdhary B, ;aghavan S1. '6ub3ed( ' 0( Blackberry, black raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, red raspberry, and strawberry e$tracts inhibit growth and stimulate apoptosis of human cancer cells in Seeram =6, Adams :S, Mhang D, :ee ;, Sand #, Scheuller 8S, 8eber #.'6ub3ed( ' ( Ben2yl isothiocyanateI double trouble for breast cancer cells by ;ao 1N.'6ub3ed( ' 2( -nhibition of human breast cancer $enograft growth by cruciferous vegetable constituent ben2yl isothiocyanate by %arin ;, 5iao #, Arlotti BA,

Bommareddy A, Singh SN.'6ub3ed( ' )( p+)4-ndependent apoptosis by ben2yl isothiocyanate in human breast cancer cells is mediated by suppression of 5-A6 e$pression by <im S8, Singh SN.'6ub3ed( ' *( ),)H4diindolylmethane and paclita$el act synergistically to promote apoptosis in 8&;2!=eu human breast cancer cells by 3c9uire <6, =goubilly =, =eavyn 3, :an2a4Bacoby S.'6ub3ed( ' +( Translocation of Ba$ to mitochondria induces apoptotic cell death in indole4)4carbinol '-)1( treated breast cancer cells by ;ahman <3, Aranha >, 9la2yrin A, 1hinni S;, Sarkar 78.'6ub3ed( ' ,( Anti4proliferative and apoptosis4inducing activity of lycopene against three subtypes of human breast cancer cell lines by Takeshima 3, >no 3, 8iguchi T, 1hen 1, 8ara T, =akano S.'6ub3ed( ' .( R&ffect of lycopene on the proliferation of 3174. and 3#A43B42) cellsS. RArticle in 1hineseS by %ang A8, Mhang :S.'6ub3ed( ' "( 3odulation of gene methylation by genistein or lycopene in breast cancer cells, by <ing4Batoon A, :es2c2ynska B3, <lein 1B.'6ub3ed( ' /( 1ombinational effects of he$ane insoluble fraction of 7icus septica Burm. 7. and do$orubicin chemotherapy on T*.# breast cancer cells by =ugroho A&, 8ermawan A, 6utri ##, =ovika A, 3eiyanto &, <awaichi 3. '6ub3ed( '20( Synergistic effects of ethyl acetate fraction of 7icus septica Burm. f. and do$orubicin chemotherapy on T*.# human breast cancer cell line by =ugroho A&, 8ermawan A, 6utri # 6, 3eiyanto &, 8akim :.'6ub3ed( '2 ( Ba$ translocation mediated mitochondrial apoptosis and caspase dependent photosensiti2ing effect of 7icus religiosa on cancer cells by 8aneef B, 6arvathy 3, Thankayyan ; S<, Sithul 8, Sreeharshan S. '6ub3ed( '22( 9arlic constituent diallyl trisulfide induced apoptosis in 317. human breast cancer cells by 3alki A, &l4Saadani 3, Sultan AS.'6ub3ed( '2)( Anticancer effects of garlic and garlic4derived compounds for breast cancer control. Tsubura A, :ai D1, <uwata 3, Lehara =, Doshi2awa <.'6ub3ed( '2*( 6urif ied 6rotein 7raction of 9arlic &$tract 3odulates 1ellular -mmune ;esponse against Breast Transplanted Tumors in BA:B!c 3ice 3odel by &brahimi 3, 3ohammad 8assan M, 3ostafaie A, Mare 3ehrjardi =, 9ha2anfari T.'6ub3ed( '2+( 7ood sources of phytoestrogens and breast cancer risk in 3e$ican women by Torres4STnche2 :, :Upe241arrillo :, :Upe241ervantes 3, ;ueda4

=eria 1, %olff 3S.'6ub3ed( '2,( -ntake of carrots, spinach, and supplements containing vitamin A in relation to risk of breast cancer by:ongnecker 36, =ewcomb 6A, 3ittendorf ;, 9reenberg &;, %illett %1'6ub3ed( '2.( 6otential anticancer effect of red spinach 'Amaranthus gangeticus( e$tract by Sani 8A, ;ahmat A, -smail 3, ;osli ;, &ndrini S.'6ub3ed( '2"( The dietary intake of :aminaria, a brown seaweed, and breast cancer prevention by Teas B.'6ub3ed( '2/( &ffect of Bapanese seaweed ':aminaria angustata( e$tracts on the mutagenicity of ., 24dimethylben2RaSanthracene, a breast carcinogen, and of ),2H4dimethyl4*4aminobiphenyl, a colon and breast carcinogen by ;eddy BS, Sharma 1, 3athews :.'6ub3ed( ')0( -ndoleamine 2,)4dio$ygenase activity and :4tryptophan transport in human breast cancer cells. Travers 3T, 9ow -7, Barber 31, Thomson B, Shennan #B.'6ub3ed( ') ( RSubstance isolated from the kelp rhi2oid identified as :4tryptophan shows high inhibition of breast cancerS.RArticle in BapaneseS by Takahashi =, >jika 3, #ogasaki 1, =ishi2awa 3, 7ukuoka 8, Sahara 8, Sato =, 3ori 3, <ikuchi <.'6ub3ed( ')2( 1apsaicin causes cell4cycle arrest and apoptosis in &;4positive and 4negative breast cancer cells by modulating the &97;!8&;42 pathway by Thoennissen =8, >H<elly B, :u #, -wanski 9B, :a #T, Abbassi S, :eiter A, <arlan B, 3ehta ;, <oeffler 86.'6ub3ed( '))( 1apsaicin4induced apoptosis in human breast cancer 3174. cells through caspase4independent pathway by 1hou 11, %u D1, %ang D7, 1hou 3B, <uo SB, 1hen #;.'6ub3ed( ')*( Apoptosis induction by dohevanil, a #8A substitutive analog of capsaicin, in 3174. cells by Tuoya, Baba =, Shimoishi D, 3urata D, Tada 3, <oseki 3, Takahata <.'6ub3ed( ')+( 7ruit and vegetable intake in relation to risk of breast cancer in the Black %omenHs 8ealth Study. by Boggs #A, 6almer B;, %ise :A, Spiegelman #, Stampfer 3B, Adams41ampbell ::, ;osenberg :.'6ub3ed( '),( The antio$idant and anticancer effects of wild carrot oil e$tract by Shebaby %=, &l4Sibai 3, Smith <B, <aram 31, 3roueh 3, #aher 17. '6ub3ed( ').( &$tracts from black carrot tissue culture as potent anticancer agents by Sevimli49ur 1, 1etin B, Akay S, 9ulce4-2 S, Desil41eliktas >.'6ub3ed( ')"( Selective Anti46roliferation of 8&;246ositive Breast 1ancer 1ells by Anthocyanins -dentified by 8igh4Throughput Screening by :iu %, 5u B, %u S, :iu D, Du 5, 1hen B, Tang 5, %ang M, Mhu 5, :i 5.'6ub3ed(

')/( Tricin *H4>4'erythro4C4guaiacylglyceryl( ether and tricin *H4>4'threo4C4 guaiacylglyceryl( ether isolated from =javara '>ry2a sativa :. var. =javara(, induce apoptosis in multiple tumor cells by mitochondrial pathway by 3ohanlal S, 3aney S<, Santhoshkumar T;, Bayalekshmy A.'6ub3ed( '*0( %hole Blueberry 6owder -nhibits 3etastasis of Triple =egative Breast 1ancer in a 5enograft 3ouse 3odel Through 3odulation of -nflammatory 1ytokines, by <anaya =, Adams :, Takasaki A, 1hen S.'6ub3ed( '* ( 1hemopreventive and therapeutic activity of dietary blueberry against estrogen4mediated breast cancer by Beyabalan B, AAil 7, 3unagala ;, Annamalai :, Nadhanam 3N, 9upta ;1.'6ub3ed( '*2( Blueberry anthocyanins and pyruvic acid adductsI anticancer properties in breast cancer cell lines by 7aria A, 6estana #, Tei$eira #, de 7reitas N, 3ateus =, 1alhau 1.'6ub3ed( '*)( Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of analogues of avocado4produced to$in '?(4';(4persin in human breast cancer cells by Brooke #9, Shelley &B, ;oberts 19, #enny %A, Sutherland ;:, Butt AB.'6ub3ed( '**( A novel plant to$in, persin, with in vivo activity in the mammary gland, induces Bim4dependent apoptosis in human breast cancer cells by Butt AB, ;oberts 19, Seawright AA, >elrichs 6B, 3acleod B<, :iaw TD, <avallaris 3, Somers4&dgar TB, :ehrbach 93, %atts 1<, Sutherland ;:.'6ub3ed( '*+( Synergistic cytoto$icity between tamo$ifen and the plant to$in persin in human breast cancer cells is dependent on Bim e$pression and mediated by modulation of ceramide metabolism by ;oberts 19, 9urisik &, Biden TB, Sutherland ;:, Butt AB.'6ub3ed( '*,( &$tracts of strawberry fruits induce intrinsic pathway of apoptosis in breast cancer cells and inhibits tumor progression in mice by Somasagara ;;, 8egde 3, 1hiruvella <<, 3usini A, 1houdhary B, ;aghavan S1. '6ub3ed( '*.( Strawberry polyphenols are eAually cytoto$ic to tumourigenic and normal human breast and prostate cell lines by %eaver B, Briscoe T, 8ou 3, 9oodman 1, <ata S, ;oss 8, 3c#ougall 9, Stewart #, ;iches A.'6ub3ed( '*"( Anticarcinogenic Activity of Strawberry, Blueberry, and ;aspberry &$tracts to Breast and 1ervical 1ancer 1ells, by %edge #&, 3eepagala <3, 3agee BB, Smith S8, 8uang 9, :arcom ::.'6ub3ed( '*/( Anticancer activities of pomegranate e$tracts and genistein in human breast cancer cells by Beune 3A, <umi4#iaka B, Brown B.'6ubv3ed( '+0( Antiproliferative effects of pomegranate e$tract in 3174. breast cancer cells are associated with reduced #=A repair gene e$pression and induction of double strand breaks by Shirode AB, <ovvuru 6, 1hittur SN, 8enning S3, 8eber #, ;eliene ;.'6ub3ed(

'+ ( 6omegranate fruit e$tract impairs invasion and motility in human breast cancer by <han 9=, 9orin 3A, ;osenthal #, 6an G, Bao :%, %u M7, =ewman ;A, 6awlus A#, Dang 6, :ansky &6, 3erajver S#.'6ub3ed( '+2( The effect of grapefruit intake on endogenous serum estrogen levels in postmenopausal women by 3onroe <;, Stanc2yk 7M, BesinAue <8, 6ike 31.'6ub3ed( '+)( 8S4 ./), a resveratrol analogue, induces cell cycle arrest and apoptotic cell death in human breast cancer cells by <im BA, <im #8, 8ossain 3A, <im 3D, Sung B, Doon B8, Suh 8, Beong T1, 1hung 8D, <im =#. '6ub3ed( '+*( 9rape polyphenols inhibit Akt!mammalian target of rapamycin signaling and potentiate the effects of gefitinib in breast cancer by 1astillo4 6ichardo :, #harmawardhane S7.'6ub3ed( '++( Suppression of oncoprotein 8er42 and #=A damage after treatment with 7lavan4)4 ol vitis labrusca e$tract by Scola 9, 7ernandes 1orreia :aurino 11, 3enin &, Salvador 3.'6ub3ed( '+,( Bromelain4induced apoptosis in 9-4 0 A breast cancer cells by #handayuthapani S, 6ere2 8#, 6aroulek A, 1hinnakkannu 6, <andalam L, Baffe 3, ;athinavelu A.'6ub3ed( '+.( &ffects of oral bromelain administration on the impaired immunocytoto$icity of mononuclear cells from mammary tumor patients by &ckert <, 9rabowska &, Stange ;, Schneider L, &schmann <, 3aurer 8;. '6ub3ed( '+"( Apple phytochemical e$tracts inhibit proliferation of estrogen4 dependent and estrogen4independent human breast cancer cells through cell cycle modulation by Sun B, :iu ;8.'6ub3ed( '+/( Antiproliferative effects of apple peel e$tract against cancer cells by ;eagan4Shaw S, &ggert #, 3ukhtar 8, Ahmad =.'6ub3ed( ',0( Synergistic effect of apple e$tracts and Auercetin )4beta4d4glucoside combination on antiproliferative activity in 3174. human breast cancer cells in vitro by Dang B, :iu ;8.'6ub3ed( ', ( Apoptosis4inducing activity of hydro$ylated polymetho$yflavones and polymetho$yflavones from orange peel in human breast cancer cells by Sergeev -=, 8o 1T, :i S, 1olby B, #ushenkov S.'6ub3ed( ',2( 3onoterpenes in breast cancer chemoprevention by 1rowell 6:. '6ub3ed( ',)( logical effects of green tea capsule supplementation in pre4surgery postmenopausal breast cancer patients by Du SS, Spicer #N, 8awes #, Tseng 11, Dang 1S, 6ike 31, %u A8'6ub3ed( ',*( &pigenetic effects of green tea polyphenols in cancer by 8enning S3,

%ang 6, 1arpenter 1:, 8eber #.'6ub3ed( ',+( 9reen Tea 1atechinsI 6roposed 3echanisms of Action in Breast 1ancer 7ocusing on The -nterplay Between Survival and Apoptosis by Diannakopoulou &1.'6ub3ed( ',,(&pigallocatechin4)4gallate inhibits stem4like inflammatory breast cancer cells by 3ineva =#, 6aulson <&, =aber S6, Dee AS, Sonenshein 9&. '6ub3ed( ',.( &pigallocatechin4)49allate '&919( inhibits cell proliferation and migratory behaviour of triple negative breast cancer cells by Braicu 1, 9herman 1#, -rimie A, Berindan4=eagoe -.'6ub3ed( ',"( -nhibitory effects and molecular mechanisms of selenium4containing tea polysaccharides on human breast cancer 3174. cells by 8e =, Shi 5, Mhao D, Tian :, %ang #, Dang 5.'6ub3ed( ',/( The effects of green tea consumption on incidence of breast cancer and recurrence of breast cancerI a systematic review and meta4analysis by Seely #, 3ills &B, %u 6, Nerma S, 9uyatt 98.'6ub3ed( '.0( The red wine phenolics piceatannol and myricetin act as agonists for estrogen receptor alpha in human breast cancer cells by 3aggiolini 3, ;ecchia A9, Bonofiglio #, 1atalano S, NivacAua A, 1arpino A, ;ago N, ;ossi ;, AndV S.'6ub3ed( '. ( 1atechin hydrate suppresses 3174. proliferation through T6+)!1aspase4mediated apoptosis. by Alshatwi AA.'6ub3ed( '.2( -nhibition of 1aco42 colon, 3174. and 8s+."T breast, and #L *+ prostatic cancer cell proliferation by water4soluble black bean condensed tannins by Bawadi 8A, Bansode ;;, Trappey A 2nd, Trua$ ;&, :osso B=. '6ub3ed( '.)( 6hytochemicals of black bean seed coatsI isolation, structure elucidation, and their antiproliferative and antio$idative activities by #ong 3, 8e 5, :iu ;8.'6ub3ed( '.*( -nflammation4related signaling pathways implicating T97C are revealed in the e$pression profiling of 317. cell treated with fermented soybean, chungkookjang by 8wang BS, Doo 8B, Song 8B, <im <<, 1hun DB, 3atsui T, <im 8B.'6ub3ed( '.+( A soy4based product fermented by &nterococcus faecium and :actobacillus helveticus inhibits the development of murine breast adenocarcinoma by <inouchi 7:, 3aia #1, de Abreu ;ibeiro :1, 6laceres 31, de Nalde2 97, 1olombo ::, ;ossi &A, 1arlos -M.'6ub3ed( '.,( 6eanut agglutinin inhibits proliferation of cultured breast cancer cells by 3arth 1, #a$enbichler 9.'6ub3ed( '..( The influence of dietary lectins on the cell proliferation of human breast

cancer cell lines in vitro by Nalentiner L, 7abian S, Schumacher L, :eathem AB.'6ub3ed( '."( beta4Sitosterol activates 7as signaling in human breast cancer cells by Awad AB, 1hinnam 3, 7ink 1S, Bradford 69.'6ub3ed( './( #ietary fla$seed4trastu2umab interactive effects on the growth of 8&;24overe$pressing human breast tumors 'BT4*.*( by 3ason B<, 7u 38, 1hen B, Du M, Thompson :L.'6ub3ed( '"0( #ietary fla$seed lignan or oil combined with tamo$ifen treatment affects 3174. tumor growth through estrogen receptor4 and growth factor4 signaling pathways by Saggar B<, 1hen B, 1orey 6, Thompson :L. '6ub3ed( '" (1onsumption of fla$seed, a rich source of lignans, is associated with reduced breast cancer risk by :owcock &1, 1otterchio 3, Boucher BA. '6ub3ed(

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