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(SEMESTER SYSTEM) YEAR 2012-2014 Bat ! 2012



Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

LIST OF CORE COURSES MEC)'&' MEC)'&% MEC)'&+ MEC)'&4 MEC)'&5 MEC)'&6 ,-RE.E## /01 MO"-.E 1/T/ COMMU0-C/T-O0 OPT-C/. COMMU0-C/T-O0 #*#TEM 2.#- 1E#-30 M-CROCO0TRO..ER# /01 EM"E11E1 #*#TEM# /12/0CE1 1-3-T/. #-30/. PROCE##-03 RE#E/RC7 MET7O1O.O3*

LIST OF ELECTI#E COURSES MEC)%&' MEC)%&% MEC)%&+ MEC)%&4 MEC)%&5 MEC)%&6 MEC)%&; MEC)%&< MEC)%&= MEC)%'& MEC)%'' MEC)%'% MEC)%'+ MEC)%'4 MEC)%'5 MEC)%'6 MEC)%'; MEC)%'< MEC)%'= MEC)%%& MEC)%%' MEC)%%% /0TE00/ #*#TEM E03-0EER-03 1-3-T/. -M/3E PROCE##-03 /01 /0/.*#-# -0FORM/T-O0 T7EOR* /01 CO1-03 EM- /01 EMC TEC70-8UE# #EM-CO01UCTOR 1E2-CE# /01 MO1E.-03 /RT-F-C-/. 0EUR/. 0ET,OR9# /01 FU::* #*#TEM# MEM# /01 M-CRO#*#TEM# TEC70O.O3* TE.ECOMMU0-C/T-O0 #,-TC7-03 #*#TEM# /01 0ET,OR9# PRO3R/MM/".E .O3-C CO0TRO..ER 0/0OE.ECTRO0-C# 1E2-CE# E03-0EER-03 P/R/..E. COMPUT-03 FU01/ME0T/.# #PEEC7 PROCE##-03 COMPUTER #*#TEM /RC7-TECTURE M-CROE.ECTRO0-C# TEC70O.O3* /12/0CE1 1-3-T/. #*#TEM 1E#-30 /12/0CE1 M-CROPROCE##OR# /01 -0TERF/C-03 MU.T-ME1-/ COMPRE##-O0 TEC70-8UE# M-CRO,/2E -0TE3R/TE1 C-RCU-T# 3.O"/. TR/C9-03 /01 PO#-T-O0-03 #*#TEM# COMMU0-C/T-O0 0ET,OR9 #ECUR-T* RF #*#TEM 1E#-30 1/T/ /01 COMPUTER COMMU0-C/T-O0 0ET,OR9#



Pa e % o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

U%&'()*&t+ C,--(.( ,/ E%.&%(()&%.$ Punjabi University, Patiala. 3eneral -nstructions to the Pa@er #etters (Common ?or M.Tech. in Com@uter En ineerin , Electronics anA communication En ineerin , Mechanical En ineerin "ranches! The M. Tech @a@er structure Bill be as shoBn beloB$ Patt()% ,/ 01(*t&,% Pa2() T-T.E OF #U">ECT (CO1E))))! Master o? Technolo y ("ranch! #ection$ CCC.. EnA #emester EDam T-ME /..O,E1$ + 7our 0oCCCC. MaDimum MarEs$ ;&


0ote$) /ttem@t ?our Fuestions selectin one Fuestion ?rom each section /, ", C anA 1. #ection E is com@ulsory. S( t&,%-A (F),3 S( 8'. ......................................................................... 8%. ......................................................................... S( t&,%-B (F),3 S( 8+. ......................................................................... 84. ......................................................................... S( t&,%-C (F),3 S( 85. ......................................................................... 86. ......................................................................... S( t&,%-D (F),3 S( 8;. ......................................................................... 8<. ......................................................................... t&,% A ,/ t!( *+--a41*) 'D'4 t&,% B ,/ t!( *+--a41*) 'D'4 t&,% C ,/ t!( *+--a41*) 'D'4 t&,% D ,/ t!( *+--a41*) 'D'4

S( t&,%-E (C,33,% /),3 5!,-( ,/ t!( S+--a41*) 8=. a!......................................................................... b! ......................................................................... c! ......................................................................... A! ......................................................................... e! ......................................................................... ?! ......................................................................... !........................................................................ Note for the paper setter: '. 0umbers o? Fuestions to be set are nine (=! as @er the above ?ormat.


%. #ection /, ", C anA 1 contain tBo Fuestions o? ?ourteen ('4! marEs each. 7oBever, ?ourteen marEs Fuestion may be s@litteA into sub@arts. +. #ection E is com@ulsory anA contains seven (;! sub)@arts o? tBo (%! marE each. The ansBers ?or each Fuestion shoulA @re?erably be o? % to + lines. 4. The maDimum limit on numerical Fuestions to be set in the @a@er is +5G Bhile minimum limit is %&G eDce@t theoretical @a@ers. 5. The @a@er setter shall @roviAe AetaileA marEin instructions anA solution to numerical @roblems ?or evaluation @ur@ose in the se@arate Bhite envelo@es @roviAeA ?or solutions. 6. The @a@er setters shoulA seal the internal & eDternal envelo@e @ro@erly Bith si natures & cello ta@e at @ro@er @lace. ;. .o tables, charts, ra@hs, 1esi n Aata tables etc. shoulA be s@eci?ieA, Bhenever neeAeA. Use o? #cienti?ic calculator shoulA be clearly s@eci?ieA.

Pa e + o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC- 101

5IRELESS AND MOBILE DATA COMMUNICATION LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A 5&)(-(** C,331%& at&,%9 -ntroAuction, Cellular conce@t, FreFuency reuse, Co)channel anA aAjacent channel inter?erence, Cell s@littin , 7anAover, Call @rocessin . D&.&ta- C(--1-a) M,4&-( S+*t(3*9 -ntroAuction, 3#M Ai ital cellular stanAarA$ 3#M services, 3#M architecture, 3#M RaAio as@ects, #ecurity as@ects, 7anAover, Call ?loB seFuence in 3#M, Evolutionary Airections SECTION-B CDMA D&.&ta- C(--1-a) Sta%=a)=9 #ervices, RaAio as@ects, #ecurity as@ects, Tra??ic channels, 9ey ?eatures o? -#) =5 C1M/ system, Evolutionary Airections. SECTION-C E?1a-&*at&,%$ D&'()*&t+ a%= C!a%%(- C,=&%.9 -ntroAuction, Trainin / 3eneric /Aa@tive EFualiHer, .inear EFualiHers, 0on).inear EFualiHation, /l orithm ?or /Aa@tive EFualiHation, 1iversity TechniFues, R/9E Receiver, -nterleavin , "locE coAes, Convolution CoAes anA Turbo CoAes. SECTION-D M,4&-( Data C,331%& at&,%*9 OvervieB o? circuit sBitcheA anA @acEet sBitcheA Aata services on cellular netBorEs, ,ireless local area netBorEs$ -ntroAuction, -EEE <&%.'' Bireless ./0, #u@@ort o? mobility on the internet$ Mobile -P R(/()(% (*9 1. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, Pearson Education 2. Raj Pandya, Mobile and Personal Communication System and Ser!ices, P"# $. %. Stallin&s, %ireless Communications and 'et(or), Pearson Education *. +.S. Ra,,a,ort, - %ireless Communications. Princi,les / Practice

Pa e 4 o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-102 Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A FIBER OPTIC GUIDES9 .i ht Bave eneration systems, system com@onents, o@tical ?ibers, #-, 3- ?ibers, moAes, 1is@ersion in ?ibers, .imitations Aue to Ais@ersions, Fiber loss, non linear e??ects. 1is@ersion shi?teA anA Ais@ersion ?latteneA ?ibers. SECTION-B OPTICAL TRANSMITTERS AND FIBERS9 "asic conce@ts, .E1 structures s@ectral Aistribution, semiconAuctor lasers, ain coe??icients, moAes, #.M anA #TM o@eration, Transmitter Aesi n, Reciever P-0 anA /P1 AioAes Aesi n, noise sensititvity anA Ae raAation, Reciever am@li?ier Aesi n SECTION-C LIGHT 5A#E SYSTEM9 Coherent, homoAyne anA 7etroAyne Eeyin ?ormats, "ER in synchronous anA asynchronous recievers, sensitivity Ae raAation, system @er?ormance, Multichannel, ,1M, multi@le access netBorEs, ,1M com@onents, T1M, subcarrier anA coAe Aivision multi@leDin . SECTION-D AMPLIFIERS9 "asic conce@ts, #emiconAuctor laser am@li?iers Raman)anA "rillouin)?iber am@li?iers, Erbium Ao@eA)?iber am@li?iers, @um@in @henomenon, ./0 anA cascaAeA -n)line am@li?iers. DISPERSION COMPENSATION9 .imitations,@ost)anA @re)com@ensation techniFues, EFualiHin ?ilters, ?iber soliton, #oliton baseA communication system Aesi n, 7i h ca@acity anA ,1M soliton system. F&4() O2t& N(t@,)89 /rchitecture o? Fiber)O@tic 0etBorEs, 0etBorE Mana ement anA the ?uture. R(/()(% (*9 1. 0. P. 1&ra(al, 2iber 3,tic Communication Systems, 2nd Edition, John %iley / Sons, 'e( 4or), 255$. 2. 2ren6 and Jain, 3,tical Communication System, 'arosa Publication, 'e( 7elhi, 1889. $. 0. :eiser, 3,tical ;iber communication Systems, Mc 0ra( "ill, 'e( 4or), 2555 *. 2ren6 and Jain, 3,tical Communication systems and Com,onents, 'arosa Publications, 'e( 7elhi, 2555

Pa e 5 o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-106 Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

#LSI DESIGN LTP 610 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A -ntroAuction to 271., 1ata objects anA 1ata ty@es, O@erators, Entity anA /rchitecture Aeclaration, -ntroAuction to "ehavioural, 1ata?loB anA #tructural style o? moAelin . /ssi nment statements, #eFuential statements, ConAitional statements, Concurrent statements, Case statements, /rray anA RecorAs, Functions, PacEa es & .ibraries. SECTION-B 271. moAelin o? combinational circuits such as /AAers, #ubtractors, Multi@leDers, EncoAers, 1ecoAers, CoAe converters, Com@arators anA -m@lementation o? "oolean ?unctions usin "ehavioural, 1ata?loB anA #tructural style o? moAelin . 271. MoAelin o? seFuential circuits such as Fli@ Flo@s, #hi?t re isters, Counters etc. SECTION-C 2.#- 1esi n FloB, 1esi n MethoAolo ies, /bstraction .evels. 1esi n o? 0MO# inverter Bith resistive anA active loaA, 1esi n o? CMO# inverter,1esi n o? %)in@ut CMO# 0/01 ate, 1esi n o? %)in@ut CMO# 0OR ate. CMO# Transmission ate. SECTION-D -ntroAuction to ROM, P./, CP.1s anA FP3/, FP3/ arhitechture$ #R/M baseA FP3/s, @ermanently @ro rammeA FP3/s. #tructural Aetails o? /ltera anA Ii.inD FP3/s. .o ic -m@lementation ?or FP3/Js, Physical Aesi n ?or FP3/s, -ntroAuction to Multi)FP3/ systems. R(/()(% (*9 1. 1 <"7= Primmer. >has)er? Prentice "all 2. <7"= 1nalysis / Modellin& o; 7i&ital Systems. 'a!abi @? Mc0ra( "ill $. 2P01 >ased System 7esi&n. %ayne %ol;? Pearson Education. *. 1n En&ineerin& 1,,roach to di&ital desi&n %illiam #. 2letcher? Prentice "all 9. 1shenden, P., +he 7esi&nerAs 0uide +o <"7=, Else!ier B255CD $rd Ed. E.:an&, S. and =eblebici, 4., CM3S 7i&ital #nte&rated Circuits F 1nalysis and 7esi&n, +ata Mc0ra( "ill B255CD $rd ed. G. %este, '.".E. and Eshra&hian, :., CM3S <=S# 7esi&n. 1 Circuits and Systems Pers,ecti!e, 1ddision %esley B188CD 2nd ed.

Pa e 6 o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-104 MICROCONTROLLERS AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LT P 6 1 0 Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%9 The OvervieB o? <&5' Microcontroller Family, The -nsiAe o? <&5' Microcontroller, Pin 1escri@tion o? the <&5', /AAressin MoAes. I%*t)1 t&,% S(t9 /rithmetic, .o ic anA #in le "it -nstructions, -(O instructions, etc. A**(34-+ La%.1a.( P),.)a33&%.9 communication, -nterru@ts Pro rammin . SECTION-B -(O Pro rammin , Timer(Counter Pro rammin , #erial

SECTION-C I%t),=1 t&,% t, E34(==(= S+*t(3*9 /n EmbeAAeA #ystem, Processor in the #ystem, 7arABare Units, #o?tBare, anA EmbeAAeA #ystem EDam@les. P), (**,) a%= M(3,)+ O).a%&Aat&,%9 #tructural Units in a Processor, Processor #election ?or EmbeAAeA #ystem, Memory Ma@, -nter?acin Processor, Memories anA -(O 1evices. SECTION-D D('& (* a%= B1*(*9 -(O 1evices, Timer anA Countin 1evices, #erial anA Parallel Communication "etBeen 0etBorEeA Multi@le 1evices Usin -%C, C/0, -#/, PC- anA aAvanceA -(O "uses. Ha)=@a)(-S,/t@a)( C,-=(*&.% &% a% E34(==(= S+*t(39 EmbeAAeA #ystem Project Mana ement, 1esi n -ssues in system 1evelo@ment Process, 1esi n Cycle, Use o? Tar et #ystem anA -n)Circuit Emulator, #o?tBare tools ?or 1evelo@ment o? EmbeAAeA #ystem, -ssues in EmbeAAeA #ystem 1esi n, Case #tuAies. R(/()(% (*9 1. Ma6idi, +he C591 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Pearson 2. Raj :amal, Embedded Systems, +ata Mc0ra( "ill $.:enneth J. 1yala, +he C591 Microcontroller, Penram #nternational

Pa e ; o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-10> AD#ANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< L T P 6 1 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%9 RevieB o?, classi?ication o? si nals anA systems, convolution, Ai??erence correlation. eFuations,

F,1)&() a%= B T)a%*/,)3*9 Pro@erties o? Fourier anA : trans?orms, FreFuency analysis o? Aiscrete time si nals anA .T- #ystems. SECTION-B D&* )(t( F,1)&() T)a%*/,)39 1e?inition anA @ro@erties o? 1FT, .inear ?ilterin methoAs usin 1FT, FreFuency analysis o? si nals usin the 1FT. Fa*t F,1)&() T)a%*/,)39 FFT al orithms anA their a@@lications, linear ?ilterin a@@roach to com@utation o? the 1FT. SECTION-C I32-(3(%tat&,% ,/ D&* )(t( T&3( *+*t(3*9 #tructure o? --R anA F-R systems, state s@ace analysis anA structures, 8uantiHation o? ?ilter co) e??icients. IIR F&-t() D(*&.%9 --R ?ilter Aesi n by -m@ulse invariance, "ilinear Trans?ormation, MatcheA)H Trans?ormation anA /@@roDimation o? 1erivatives MethoAs Characteristics o? commonly useA /nalo Filters. FIR F&-t() D(*&.%9 #ymmetric & /ntisymmetric F-R ?ilter Aesi n by FreFuency #am@lin , Usin BinAoBs methoAs. SECTION-D DSP P), (**,)*9 -ntroAuction to 1#P Processors, /rchitecture TM# +%&C54I anA /1#P %'&& 1#P @rocessors. A22-& at&,%* ,/ DSP9 /@@lications o? 1#P in Communications, s@eech @rocessin , ima e @rocessin , "iomeAical anA in RaAars Bith case stuAies. R(/()(% (*9 1. Johan 0. Proa)is and 7imitris 0. Manola)is, 7i&ital Si&nal Processin& Princi,les, 1l&orithms and 1,,lications, P"# 2. '. 0. Palan, 7i&ital Si&nal Processin&, +ech MaH Publications Pune $. 'air, 7i&ital Si&nal Processin&. +heory, 1nalysis and 7i&ital 2ilter 7esi&n, P"# *. 7i&ital Si&nal Processin& >y Mitra 9. 3,,enheim / Scha;er, 7i&ital Si&nal Processin&, P"#

Pa e < o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+


L-T-P 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A 0ature anA objectives o? research. MethoAs o? Research$ historical, Aescri@tive anA eD@erimental /lternative a@@roaches to the stuAy o? the research @roblem anA @roblem ?ormulation. Formulation o? hy@otheses, Feasibility, @re@ration anA @resentation o? research @ro@osal SECTION-B -ntroAuction to statistical analysis $ Probability anA @robability AistributionsK binomial, Poisson, eD@onential anA normal Aistributions anA their a@@lications. #am@lin $ Primary anA seconAary Aata, their collection anA valiAation, methoAs o? sam@lin $ #im@le ranAom sam@lin , strati?ieA ranAom sam@lin anA systematic sam@lin , /ttituAe Measurement lanA #cales$ -ssues, #calin o? attituAe, Aeterministic attituAes, measurement moAels, summative moAels, multiAimensional scalin . SECTION-C Re ression anA correlation analysis. Tests o? si ni?icance baseA on normal., t anA chisFuare Aistributions. /nalysis o? variance. "asic Princi@les o? Aesi n o? eD@eriments, com@letely ranAomiHeA anA ranAomiHeA blocE Aesi ns. SECTION-D . EAition, tabulation & testin o? hy@otheses, inter@olation o? results, @resentation, styles ?or ?i ures, tables, teDt, Fuotin o? re?erence anA biblio ra@hy. Use o? so?tBare ?or statistical analysis liEe #P##, Mini Tab or M/T .ab, Re@ort Britin , @re@aration o? thesis, use o? so?tBare liEe M# O??ice. REFERENCES9 '. C.R 9othari, Research MethoAolo y, ,ishBa PraEashan %. P.3 Tri@hati, Research MethoAolo y, #ultan ChanA & #ons, 0.1elhi +. Fisher, 1esi n o? ED@eriments, 7a?ner 4. #aAhu #in h, Research MethoAolo y in #ocial #ciences, 7imalya Publishers 5. #tou??eretal, Measurement & PreAiction, ,iley, 0.*orE 6. >., "ames, #tatistical /nalysis ?or En ineers & #cientists, Mc3raB 7ill, 0.*orE ;. 1onalA Coo@er, "usiness Research MethoAs, Tata Mc3raB 7ill, 0.1elhi

Pa e = o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-201 Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

ANTENNA SYSTEM ENGINEERING LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. S( t&,%-A Ba*& C,% (2t* ,/ Ra=&at&,%9 RaAiation mechanism, "asic sources o? RaAiation, Current Aistribution on antennas, "asic /ntenna @arameters. A%a-+*&* a%= S+%t!(*&* ,/ A%t(%%a*9 2ector @otential, /ntenna theorems anA Ae?initions, Ai@ole, loo@, re?lector, slot antennas, ty@es o? linear arrays, current Aistribution in linear arrays, /ntenna synthesis techniFues. S( t&,%-B Ra=&at&,% F),3 A2()t1)(*9 FielA eFuivalence @rinci@le, Rectan ular anA circular a@ertures, Uni?orm Aistribution on an in?inite rounA @lane, /@erture ?ielAs o? 7orn antenna)"abinets @rinci@le, 3eometrical theory o? Ai??raction, Re?lector antennas, 1esi n consiAerations ) #lot antennas. M& ), St)&2 A%t(%%a*9 RaAiation mechanisms, FeeAin structure, Rectan ular @atch, Circular @atch , Rin antenna. -n@ut im@eAance o? @atch antenna, Microstri@ Ai@ole, Microstri@ arrays. S( t&,%)C S3a)t A%t(%%a*9 #@atial RaAio Channel, #@atial @rocessin ?or Bireless systems$ introAuction, 2ector channel im@ulse res@onse & the #@atial si nature, #@atial @rocessin receivers, ?iDeA beam ?ormin netBorEs, sBitcheA beam system, /Aa@tive antenna systems, ,iAe banA smart antennas, 1i ital raAio receiver & so?tBare raAio smart antennas. S( t&,%-D MIMO C,331%& at&,% S+*t(3*9 -ntroAuction, "asic Princi@le, Ty@es$ #-MO, M-MO, #@ace time blocE coAin , #-#O & M-MO Characteristics, #@ace time transmit Aiversity (#TT1!, M-MO Ca@acity ain, M-MO raAio Channel moAel. Re?erences $ '. Jose,h C. =iberti, +heodore S. Ra,,a,ort Smart 1ntennas ;or %ireless Communications #S89 and third &eneration C7M1 1,,lications, Prentice "all, Communications En&ineerin& and Emer&in& +echnolo&ies Series, 255G 2. :raus J.7., 1ntennas ;or all 1,,lications, ### Edition, +M", 2559 $. Collin R.E. and @uc)er 2. 1ntenna +heory Part #, +ata Mc0ra( "ill, 2559 *. >alanis 1., 1ntenna +heory 1nalysis and 7esi&n, John %iley and Sons, 'e( 4or), 2552.

Pa e '& o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+



Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E.

SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,% a%= D&.&ta- I3a.( F1%=a3(%ta-*9 FunAamental ste@s in -ma e @rocessin , EDam@les o? ?ielAs that use Ai ital -ma e @rocessin , -ma e sensin anA acFuisition, -ma e #am@lin anA FuantiHation, some basic relationshi@s liEe nei hborJs connectivity, Aistance measure betBeen @iDels. -ma e Trans?orms$ 1iscrete Fourier trans?orm, some @ro@erties o? tBo)Aimensional 1iscrete Fourier trans?orm, Fast Fourier trans?orm, -nverse FFT. SECTION-B I3a.( E%!a% (3(%t9 #ome basic -ntensity trans?ormation ?unctions, 7isto ram @rocessin , #moothin usin #@atial ?ilters anA ?reFuency Aomain ?ilters, #har@enin usin s@atial ?ilters anA ?reFuency Aomain ?ilter, -ma e Restoration$ -ma e 1e raAation moAel, 0oise MoAels, Restoration in s@atial Aomain$ Mean ?ilter, OrAer statistic. SECTION-C I3a.( C,32)(**&,%9 CoAin -nter)@iDel anA Psycho visual reAunAancy, -ma e Com@ression moAels, Error ?ree com@ression$ 7u??man, /rithmetic, Runlen th, .ossy Com@ression$ "locE Trans?orm CoAin baseA on 1CT. . SECTION-D M,)2!,-,.& a- I3a.( P), (**&%. a%= I3a.( E=.( D(t( t&,%9 Erosion anA Ailation, mor@holo ical al orithms, ray scale mor@holo y. 1etection o? Aiscontinuities, EA e linEin anA bounAary Aetection, thresholAin , Re ion Orientation #e mentation. anA .a@lacian o? 3aussian eA e Aetector. R(/()(% ( B,,8*9 '. Ra?ael C. 3onHaleH & RicharA E. ,ooAs, L1i ital -ma e Processin M, /,.. %. /nAreB, LFunAamentals o? Ai ital ima e @rocessin M, P7+. /.9. >ain,M FunAamentals o? 1i ital -ma e Processin M, Pearson EAucation. 4. ,. 9. Pratt,M 1i ital -ma e Processin M. 5. Ramesh >ain, "rian 3. #chuncE, LMachine 2isionM, TM7.

Pa e '' o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-206 INFORMATION THEORY AND CODING LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%9 -n?ormation, Entro@y, #hanonJs noiseless coAin theorem, #ource CoAin , Channel Ca@acity, #hanonJs Channel Ca@acity Theorem. #am@lin Theorem$ Practical /s@ects anA #i nal Recovery. SECTION-B 5a'(/,)3 C,=&%.9 PCM Channel 0oise anA error Probability. 1PCM anA 1M CoAin #@eech at .oB "it Rates PreAiction anA /Aa@tive Filters. "ase "anA #ha@in ?or Aata Transmission. P/M si nals anA their PoBer #@ectra. 0yFuist Criterion, -#- anA eye Pattern EFualiHation. SECTION-C B&%a)+ a%= M-a)+ M,=1-at&,% T( !%&?1(*$ Coherent anA 0on Coherent 1etection. Error @robability anA "anABiAth E??iciency. "it error analysis Usin Ortho onal #i nalin . SECTION-D C!a%%(- C,=&%. a%= D( ,=&%. T( !%&?1(*9 Channel CoAin ) "locE CoAes, Cyclic CoAes anA Convolution CoAes, 1ecoAin , 2iterbi 1ecoAin /l orithm. Trellis CoAes. R(/()(% (*9 1. 7i&ital Communication +echniIues. Si&nal 7esi&n and 7etection by Simon, P"# 2. Princi,les o; Communication Systems >y +aub and Shillin&, +ata Mc 0ra( "ill $. 7i&ital and 1nalo& communication >y Couch, Pearson *. Communication Systems En&ineerin&, >y John 0. Proa)is Masoud Salehi, Pearson

Pa e '% o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-204 EMI AND EMC TECHNI0UES Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%9 /s@ects o? EMC Bith EDam@les, Common EMC Units, EMC ReFuirements ?or Electronic #ystems, RaAiateA Emission, ConAucteA Emission, E#1. SECTION-B EMC D(*&.%9 /@@lication o? EMC 1esi n, Bires, PC" .anAs, Com@onent .eaAs, Resistors, Ca@acitors, -nAuctors, ?errites, Electromechanical 1evices, 1i ital Circuit 1evices. SECTION-C A22-& at&,% D(*&.%9 Mechanical #Bitches, #im@le emission MoAel ?or ,ires anA PC" .anAs, .ice -m@eAance #tabiliHation 0etBorE (.-#0!, PoBer #u@@ly Filters, PoBer #u@@lies incluAin #MP#, Three ConAuctor lines anA CrosstalE, #hielAeA ,ires, TBisteA ,ires, MulticonAuctor .ines anA E??ect o? inciAent ?ielAs, #hielAin anA Ori in e??ect. SECTION-D I331%&t+ a%= P),t( t&,% &% D(*&.%9 Prevention o? E#1 event, its harABare anA immunity, #ystem 1esi n ?or EMC, 3rounAin , #ystem Con?i uration, PC" 1esi n. R(/()(% (*9 1. +he +echnicianJs EM# "andboo). Clues and Solutions >y Jose,h Carr 2. 0roundin& and Shieldin& +echniIues >y Ral,h Morrison 3. EMC ;or Product 7esi&ners, +hird Edition >y +im %illiams *. Printed Circuit >oard 7esi&n +echniIues ;or EMC Com,liance >y Mar) #. Montrose

Pa e '+ o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-20> SEMICONDUCTOR DE#ICES AND MODELING LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%9 #emiconAuctors, -nte rateA Circuit Fabrication Technolo y, Char e Trans@ort in #emiconAuctors, /@@lications o? P0 junction, "i@olar >unction Transistor anA Thyristers, >FET anA MO#FET. SECTION-B D&,=( a%= T)a%*&*t,) M,=(-&%.9 -nte rateA Circuits 1ioAes anA Transistors, Current 2olta e Characteristics, Ebersmoll MoAel anA 3ummel)Poon MoAel o? "i@olar Transistors. Current 3ain, Early E??ect anA 7i h .evel -njection, %)1 e??ect, Transient Parameters. SECTION-C MOSFET M,=(-&%.9 MO#FETs, /nalysis o? MO#FET Parameters, #hort Channel anA 0arroB ,iAth E??ects, 7ot Electron E??ects, MO#FET MoAels. SECTION-D FET M,=(-&%.9 FETs, MoAulation 1o@eA FETs, 7EMTs, 7eterojunctions anA 7"Ts, MicroBave anA O@tonic 1evices, Outline o? 0umerical /@@roach to %1 anA +1 1evice MoAels. R(/()(% (*9 1. Semiconductor 7e!ices. Modelin& and +echnolo&y >y 7as 0u,ta P"# 2. Semiconductor 7e!ices >y :ano Pearson Education

Pa e '4 o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+


ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NET5ORDS AND FUBBY LOGIC SYSTEMS LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%$ "iolo ical neuron @hysiolo y, brain s@eci?ications, arti?icial neural netBorEs, historical Aevelo@ment, /00 characteristics, terminolo y anA to@olo y o? neural netBorEs, neuron moAel$ McCulloh, Perce@tron, /1/.-0E anA M/1/.-0E, .earnin in arti?icial neural netBorEs$ su@erviseA learnin , unsu@erviseA learnin , rein?orceA learnin , com@etitive learnin , .earnin Rules$ 1elta learnin , Perce@tion learnin , ,iAroB 7o?? learnin , Correlation learnin , ,inner)taEe)all learnin anA 7ebbian learnin . SECTION-B N(1)a- N(t@,)8 Pa)a=&.3*9 FeeA)?orBarA anA ?eeAbacE neural netBorEs, "acE)@ro@a ation learnin al orithm anA its mathematical analysis, 7o@?ielA moAel anA its mathematical analysis, 9ohonen moAel anA its a@@lications, introAuction to raAial basis ?unction, a@@lications o? /00. SECTION-C F1AA+ L,.& F1%=a3(%ta-*9 "asic conce@ts, @ro@ositional lo ic, lin uistic variable, membershi@ ?unctions, o@erations anA rules o? ?uHHy sets, ?uHHy lo ic, ProAuct, Com@osition, ?uHHy rule eneration, -F T7E0 E.#E Rule, /@@roDimate reasonin , Ae)?uHHi?ication. SECTION-D F1AA+ S+*t(3 D(*&.%9 FuHHy system Aesi n, conventional control system vs. ?uHHy lo ic control system, ?uHHy lo ic control vs. P-1 control, inAustrial a@@lications o? ?uHHy lo ic control, introAuction to ?uHHy neural netBorEs anA ?uHHy neural control. R(/()(% (*9 1. Stamatios <. :artalo,oulos, Knderstandin& 'eural 'et(or)s and 2u66y =o&ic, P"# 2. >. 4e&narayana, 1rti;icial 'eural 'et(or)s, P"# $. 1hmad M. #brahim, #ntroduction to 1,,lied 2u66y Electronics, P"# *. +. J. Ross, 2u66y =o&ic (ith En&ineerin& 1,,lications, Mc0ra( "ill 9. J 'ie / 7 =in)ers, 2u66y 'eural Control, P"# E. J.M.@urada, L#introduction to 1rti;icial 'eural system, Jaico Publishers.

Pa e '5 o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+



Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%9 -ntroAuction to Microsensors anA MEM#, Evolution o? Microsensors anA MEM#, Microsensors anA MEM# /@@lications. SECTION-B M& ),(-( t),%& *9 Microelectonic Technolo ies ?or MEM#, Micromachinin Technolo y$ #ur?ace anA "ulE Micromachinin , MicromachineA Microsensors) Mechanical, -nterial, Chemical, /coustic. SECTION-C M& ),*+*t(3*9 Micosystems Technolo y, -nte rateA #mart #ensors anA MEM#, -nter?ace Electronics ?or MEM#. SECTION-D A22-& at&,%* a%= S&31-at,)*9 MEM# #imulators, MEM# ?or RF /@@lications, "onAin anA PacEa in o? MEM#, Future TrenAs. R(/()(% (*9 1. MEMS and Microsystems 7esi&n and Manu;acture >y "su, +ai Ran, Mac 0ra( "ill 2. #ntroduction ot Microelectromechanical Systems En&ineerin&, >y 'adim Malu; and :irt %illiams, 1rtech "ouse Publishin& $. MEMS Mechanical Sensors,->y Ste!e >eeby and 0raham Ensel and Michael :ra;t and 'eil %hite, 1rtech "ouse Publishin

Pa e '6 o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-20E TELECOMMUNICATION S5ITCHING SYSTEMS AND NET5ORDS LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%9 Evolution o? Telecommunications, basics o? sBitchin system, Telecommunication 0etBorEs. #troB er #Bitchin #ystems, Crossbar #Bitchin , Electronic #@ace 1ivision #Bitchin . SECTION-B Data T)a%*3&**&,%9 #@eech 1i itiHation anA Transmission, Time 1ivision Multi@leDin #Bitchin , FreFuency 1ivision Multi@leDin #Bitchin , CoAe 1ivision Multi@leDin #Bitchin , /@@lications o? O@tical Fiber #ystems in Telecommunications. SECTION-C Data N(t@,)8*9 1ata Transmission in P#T0s, sBitchin TechniFues ?or 1ata Transmission, 1ata Communication /rchitecture, .inE to .inE anA EnA to EnA .ayers, #atellite "aseA 1ata 0etBorEs, ./0, M/0, Fiber O@tic 0etBorEs, 1ata 0etBorE #tanAarAs, Protocol #tacEs anA -nternetBorEin . T(-(2!,%( N(t@,)8*9 #ubscriber .oo@ #ystems, Transmission Plan anA #ystems, 0umberin Char in Plan, #i nallin TechniFues, cellular Mobile Tele@hony. anA

SECTION-D T)a//& E%.&%(()&%.90etBorE tra??ic .oaA anA Parameters,3raAe o? servicin anA "locEin Probability, MoAellin #Bitchin #ystems, incomin Tra??ic anA service Time Characteristics, blocEin MoAels anA .oss Estimates, 1elay #ystems. I%t(.)at(= S()'& (* D&.&ta- N(t@,)8*(ISDN)9 0etBorE anA Protocol /rchitecture, Transmission Channels, User 0etBorE -nter?aces, #i nallin , 0umberin anA aAAressin , -#10 #tanAarAs, ED@ert #ystems in -#10, "roaAbanA -#10. R(/()(% (*9 1. +elecommunicaion S(itchin& Systems and 'et(or)s >y +hia&arajan <is(anathan, P"# 2. +elecommunication S(itchin&,+ra;;ic and 'et(or)s, >y 2lood, Pearson $. #S7' and >roadband #S7' >y Stallin&s, P"#

Pa e '; o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-20F PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A PLC Ba*& *9 /n Overall .ooE at P.Cs, The P.C$ / .ooE -nsiAe, P.C Pro rammin @roceAures, 1evices to ,hich P.C -n@ut anA Out@ut MoAules are ConnecteA. "asic P.C Pro rammin $ Pro rammin On(O?? -n@uts to ProAuce On( O?? Out@uts, Relation o? 1i ital 3ate .o ic to Contact( Coil .o ic, creatin .aAAer 1ia ram ?rom Process Control 1escri@tions..aAAer Aia ram o? various ates, 1e Mor anJs Theorem SECTION-B Ba*& PLC F1% t&,%*9 Re isters, Timer Functions, Counter Functions, /rithmetic Functions, Com@arison Functions, 0umberin #ystems anA 0umber Conversion Functions. SECTION-C Data Ha%=-&%. F1% t&,%*9 P.C #Ei@ anA Master Control Relay Functions, >um@ Functions, P.C 1ata Move #ystems anA Aata 7anAlin Functions. PLC F1% t&,%* Ha%=-&%. @&t! B&t*9 1i ital "it Functions, #eFuencer Functions anA MatriD Functions. SECTION-D A='a% (= I%*t)1 t&,%*9 Com@arison , 1ata movement , .o ical , Mathematical & #@ecial mathematical , Aata hanAlin , @ro ram ?loB control , P-1 instructions. A='a% (= PLC F1% t&,%*9 /nalo P.C O@erations, P-1 Control o? Continuos Process, 0etBorEin o? P.Cs, Factors to ConsiAer in #electin a P.C. R(/()(% (*9 1. John %. %ebb, Pro&rammable =o&ic Controllers. Princi,les and 1,,lications, P"#. 2. 0ary 7unnin&, #ntroduction to P=Cs, +homson 7elmar $. Jay. 2. hoo,er, #ntroduction to P=Cs

Pa e '< o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC 210


Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%9 0ano, #iHe matters, FunAamental #cience "ehinA 0anotechnolo y, Tools o? 0anosciences. SECTION-B S&-& ,% Na%,(-( t),%& * a%= U-t&3at( CMOS M& ),(-( t),%& T)a%*&*t,)9 #tructure, o@eration, Obstacles to MiniaturiHation$ #tructure anA O@eration o? a MO#FET, Obstacles to Further MiniaturiHation o? FETs. SECTION-C S,-&= Stat( 01a%t13 E//( t a%= S&%.-(-(-( t),% Na%,(-( t),%& D('& (*9 -slanA, Potential ,ells, anA 8uantum e??ects, Resonant Tunnelin 1evices, 1istinction /mon Ty@es o? nanoelectronic Aevices. D('& (*9 Other Ener etic E??ects, TaDonomy o? 0anoelecronic 1evices, 1raBbacEs anA Obstacles to #oliA) #tate 0anoelectronic 1evices. SECTION-D M,-( 1-a) E-( t),%& *9 Molecular Electronic #Bitches 1evices, "acE rounA o? Molecular Electronics, Molecular ,ires, 8uantum) e??ect Molecular Electronic 1evices, Electromechanical Molecular Electronic 1evices. -ntroAuction to nanolitho ra@hy Aevices. R(/()(% (*9 1. Ratner, 'anotechnolo&y, 1 0entle #ntroduction to 'eHt >i& #dea, Pearson 2 3!er!ie( o; 'anoelectronic 7e!ices, #EEE Proceedin&s. $. Silicon 'anoelectronics >y Shunri 3da

Pa e '= o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+



Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%9 Evolution, Parallel Processin Terminolo y, 1ata anA Control Parallelism, Pi@elinin , FlynnJs TaDonomy, #@eeAu@, #caleA #@eeAu@, anA ParalleliHability PR/M MoAel, Parallel /l orithms. SECTION-B M1-t&2), (**,)*9 Processor /rrays, Multi@rocessors anA Multi)com@uters. Processor Or aniHations, Processor arrays, Multi@rocessors) UM/, 0UM/, Multi)com@uters Pa)a--(- P), (**&%.9 -nstruction level Parallel Processin , Pi@elinin o? @rocessin elements, Pi@elinin .imitations, #u@erscalar Processors, 2ery .on -nstruction ,orA Processor SECTION-C I%t() ,%%( t&,% N(t@,)8*9 "asic Communication O@erations, -nterconnection 0etBorEs Ma22&%. a%= S !(=1-&%.9 EmbeAAin o? tasE ra@hs in @rocessor ra@hs, 1ilation, .oaA "alancin on Multicom@uters, #tatic #cheAulin techniFues, 1eterministic anA 0on)Aeterministic moAels, Prevention o? AeaAlocEs SECTION-D P()/,)3a% ( E'a-1at&,% ,/ Pa)a--(- C,321t()*9 "asics, #ources o? Parallel overheaA, #@eeA )U@ Per?ormance .aBs, /mAhalJs laB, #calability Metric, Per?ormance Measurement Tools. R(/()(% (*9 1. Michael J. Muinn, -Parallel Com,utin&, +heory / Practice-, Mc0ra( "ill 2. < Rajaraman / C S R Murthy, Parallel Com,uters, 1rchitecture and Pro&rammin&-, P"# $. 1. 0rama, #ntroduction to Parallel Com,utin& -, Pearson Education *. "(an& / >ri&&s 2.1., Com,uter 1rchitecture and Parallel Processin&

Pa e %& o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC G212 SPEECH PROCESSING LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,%9 FunAamentals o? 1i ital #@eech Processin , 1i ital MoAels o? the #@eech #i nal. SECTION-B S2(( ! P), (**&%. M,=(-*9 Time 1omain MoAels o? #@eech Processin , 1i ital Re@resentation o? #@eech ,ave?orm. SECTION-C F,1)&() A%a-+*&* a%= H,3,3,)2!& S2(( ! P), (**&%.9 #hort)Time Fourier /nalysis, 7omomor@hic #@eech Processin . SECTION-D C,=&%. a%= D&.&ta- S2(( ! P), (**&%.9 .inear PreAictive CoAin o? #@eech, 1i ital #@eech Processin ?or Man)Machine) Communication by 2oice. R(/()(% (*9 1. Rabiner, 7i&ital Processin& o; S,eech Si&nals, Pearson 2. +homas, L7iscrete +ime S,eech Si&nal Processin&, Pearson

Pa e %' o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC- 216


Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A Ba*& C,321t() O).a%&Aat&,%9 -ntroAuction, Or aniHation & /rchitectural classi?ication, Com@uter Evolution anA Per?ormance, com@uter #ystem "uses, re isters & stacEs, /.U, CPU, Control Unit, 7arABireA anA Micro @ro rammeA Control. SECTION-B CPU I%*t)1 t&,% S(t*9 Characteristics, Functions, /AAressin moAes anA Formats, CPU #tructure, Processor & Re ister Or aniHation, R-#C anA #u@erscalar Processors, PoBerPC, Pentium @rocessors etc. C,321t() A)&t!3(t& 9 -nte er & Floatin Point /rithmetic. SECTION-C M(3,)+ a%= I/O D('& (*9 -nternal & EDternal memory, 2irtual & 7i h)#@eeA memories, -(O 1evices & MoAules, Pro rammeA & -nterru@t Ariven -(O, 1M/. SECTION-D Pa)a--(- P), (**&%. a%= P&2(-&%&%.9 -ntroAuction, Parallelism in uni@rocessor system, Memory interleavin , Pi@elinin anA vector @rocessin , -nstructions anA arithmetic @i@elines, /rray @rocessor, @arallel @rocessin al orithms. R(/()(% (*9 1. John P. "ayes, Com,uter 1rchitecture and 3r&ani6ation-, Mc0ra( "ill 2. Stallin&s, Com,uter 3r&ani6ation and 1rchitecture-, Pearson Education $. M. M. Mano, Com,uter System 1rchitecture-, P"# *. Patterson and "ennessy, Com,uter 1rchitectures-, Mor&aon :au;;man

Pa e %% o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-214 Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A C)+*ta- G),@t! a%= 5a/() P)(2a)at&,%9 Materials ?or ?ormation o? crystal, Electronic)3raAe #ilicon, CHochralsEi Crystal 3roBth, #ilicon #ha@in , 7oriHontal "riA eman MethoA, 1istribution o? Ao@ants, :one re?inin , #ilicon Float :one @rocess, #i),a?er @re@aration. E2&ta7&a- a%= O7&=at&,%9 #ilicon on insulators, E@itaDial roBth, TechniFues useA ?or E@itaDial roBth such as .PE, 2PE, M"E. 3roBth Mechanism anA 9inetics, Thin ODiAes, ODiAation TechniFues anA #ystems, E??ect o? im@urities on the oDiAation rate, PreoDiAation Cleanin , MasEin @ro@erties o? #iO%. SECTION-B L&t!,.)a2!+9 -ntroAuction, O@tical .itho ra@hy, Electron .itho ra@hy, I)ray .itho ra@hy, -on .itho ra@hy, Photolitho ra@hy Process (.i?t o?? technolo y, Fine line @hotolitho ra@hy!, Pattern 3eneration(MasE maEin , Contact anA ProDimity @rintin , Photoresists. Et !&%. T( !%&?1(* & F&-3 D(2,*&t&,%9 ,et(1ry etchin , Reactive Plasma etchin techniFues anA a@@lications, #iHe Control anA /nisotro@ic Etch Mechanisms, 1e@osition Processes, Polysilicon anA #ilicon 1ioDiAe .ayer 1e@osition. SECTION-C D&//1*&,%$ MoAels o? 1i??usion in #oliAs, FicENs One)1imensional 1i??usion EFuations, /tomic 1i??usion Mechanisms, "asic Ai??usion @rocess (1i??usion eFuation, 1i??usion @ro?iles!, EDtrinsic Ai??usion, .ateral 1i??usion. I,% I32-a%tat&,%9 Ran e Theory, -m@lantation EFui@ment, /nnealin , -on -m@lantation Process (-on Aistribution, -on sto@@in !, -m@lant 1ama e anA /nnealin @rocess (Furnace anA RT/!. SECTION-D M(ta--&Aat&,%9 MetalliHation /@@lications, MetalliHation Choices, Physical va@or 1e@osition, Patternin . #LSI P), (** I%t(.)at&,%9 -ntroAuction, 2arious -C PacEa in methoAs anA Materials, -solation TechniFues, Chi@ Testin , ,ire "onAin techniFues, Fli@ Chi@ techniFue, 0MO# -C Technolo y, CMO# -C Technolo y, "i@olar -C Technolo y. R(/()(% (*9 1.71. 1nd Eshra&hian : >asic <=S# desi&n systems / circuits P"#. 2.0ei&ar >R, 1llen PE / Strader ME, <=S# desi&n techniIues ;or analo& / di&ital circuit Mc0ra( "ill. $.S.M. S6e, <=S# +echnolo&y Mc0ra( "ill. *.S.:.0andhi, <=S# 2abrication Princi,les John %iley / Sons. 9.7. 'a&achaudhary, #ntroduction to Microelectronics +echnolo&y, 7orlin& :indersley. E.:.R.>ot)ar, #nte&rated Circuits :hanna Publishers.

Pa e %+ o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+



Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A M&%&3&Aat&,% a%= D(*&.% ,/ C,34&%at&,%a- C&) 1&t*9 minimiHation Bith theorems, 9arnau h Ma@, 2ariable)entereA ma@@in anA Tabulation methoA. MSI a%= LSI C&) 1&t* a%= A22-& at&,%*9 /rithmetic circuits, Com@arators, Multi@leDers, CoAe converters, EIOR /01)OR)-02ERT 3ates, ,ireA .o ic, TR- )#T/TE "U# #*#TEM, Pro@a ation 1elay. SECTION-B SE0UENTIAL MACHINE FUNDAMENTALS9 0eeA ?or seFuential circuits, 1istinction betBeen combinational anA seFuential circuits, Conce@t o? memory, "inary Cell, Classi?ication o? seFuential machines, Fli@)Flo@, 1esi n o? clocEeA Flo@)Flo@s, Conversion o? Fli@) Flo@s. TRADITIONAL APPROCH TO SE0UENTIAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN9 #tate 1ia ram, /nalysis, 1esi n o? #ynchronous seFuential circuits, #tate ReAuction, MinimiHin the neDt state AecoAer, Out @ut AecoAer Aesi n, Counters, 1esi n o? #in le MoAe, Multi MoAe Counters, Rin Counters. #hi?t Re isters. SECTION-C MULTI INPUT SYSTEM CONTROLLER DESIGN9 #ystem Controllers$ timin anA ?reFuency consiAerations, M1# 1ia ram 3eneration, #ynchroniHin to systems anA choosin controller /rchitecture, #tate /ssi nment ,0eDt #tate 1ecoAer, 0eDt #tate AecoAer ma@s, Out@ut 1ecoAer, Control anA Ais@lay. SYSTEM CONTROLLER UTILIBING COMBINATION MSI/LSI CIRCUITS9 Usin the M#AecoAers in system controller, M#- multi@leDes in system controller, -nAirect) /AAresseA Multi@leDer Con?i uration. SECTION-D ASYNCHRONOUS FINITE-STATE MACHINES9 -ntroAuction, /synchronous /nalysis, The 1esi n o? #ynchronous Machines, Cycles anA races, 7aHarAs, ReaA only memories, ROMN# PROM# anA a@@lications, Usin the ROM ranAom lo ic, Pro rammeA .o ic arrays, /@@lications o? P./ R(/()(% (*9 1. %iilian # 2letcher, 1n En&ineerin& 1,,roach to 7i&ital 7esi&n, P"# 2. Morris Mano and Charles R. :ime, =o&ic and Com,uter 7esi&n 2undamentals,

Pa e %4 o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+



Ma7&313 Ma)8*9:0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A I%t),=1 t&,% t, M& ),2), (**,)*9 Ty@es o? Processors, '6 "it Micro@rocessors, Features anA -nternal /rchitecture o? Micro@rocessor <&<6, Re ister Or aniHation anA "locE 1ia ram o? <&<6 Micro@rocessors. /AAressin MoAes o? <&<6, Pin Con?i uration o? <&<6, MaDimum anA Minimum MoAe, <%<4 ClocE 3enerator, <%<< "us Controller. SECTION-B I%*t)1 t&,% S(t9 <&<6 -nstruction 3rou@s, /AAressin MoAe "yte, #e ment Re ister #election, #e ment OverriAe anA <&<6 -nstructions. D(41. a%= A**(34-()9 1ebu Pro rammin o? <&<6. CommanAs, /ssembler 1irectives, O@erators, /ssembly .an ua e

SECTION-C M(3,)+ a%= I/O I%t()/a &%.9 -nter?acin EPROM anA R/M to <&<6. -(O -nter?acin TechniFues. -nter?acin o? PP- <%55, Pro rammable 1M/ Controller <%+;, Pro rammable -nterru@t Controller <%5=. SECTION-D 62-B&t M& ),2), (**,)*9 -ntroAuction, ?eatures, architectures anA aAAressin moAes o? +<6, 4<6 anA Pentium Micro@rocessors. R(/()(% (*9 1. >adri Ram, 1d!anced Micro,rocessors and #nter;acin&, +ata Mc0ra( hill 2. 0ilmore, Micro,rocessor Princi,les and 1,,lications, +ata Mc0ra( "ill $. %alter 1. +ribel and 1!tar Sin&h, C5CC and C5CE Micro,rocessor, P"# *. >. >ray, 1d!anced Micro,rocessor and #nter;acin&, P"#

Pa e %5 o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+


MULTIMEDIA COMPRESSION TECHNI0UES LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A INTRODUCTION$ "rie? history o? Aata com@ression a@@lications, OvervieB o? in?ormation theory, reAunAancy. OvervieB o? 7uman auAio, 2isual systems, TaDonomy o? com@ression techniFues. OvervieB o? source coAin , source theory, rate Aistribution theory, vector Fuantisation, structure FuanitiHers. Evaluation techniFues)error analysis anA methoAolo ies. TEHT COMPRESSION9 Com@act techniFues)7u??mann coAin )arithmatic coAin )#hannon)Fano coAin anA Aictionary techniFues) .:, ?amily al orithms. Entro@y measures o? @er?ormance)8uality measures. SECTION-B AUDIO COMPRESSION9 /uAio com@ression techniFues)?reFuency Aomain anA ?ilterin )basic subbanA coAin )a@@lication to s@eech coAin )3.;%%)a@@lication to auAio coAin )MPE3 auAio, @ro ressive encoAin ?or auAio)silence com@ression, s@eech com@ression techniFues)2ocoAers. SECTION-C IMAGE COMPRESION9 PreAictive techniFues)PCM, 1PCM, 1M. Contour baseA com@ression) FuaAtrees, EP-C, #P-7T, Trans?orm coAin , >PE3, >PE3)%&&&, >"-3. SECTION-D #IDEO COMPRESSION 92iAeo si nal re@resentation, 2iAeo com@ression techniFues)MPE3, Motion estimation techniFues) 7.%6'.OvervieB o? ,avelet baseA com@ression anA 12- technolo y, Motion viAeo com@ression, P.2 @er?ormance, 12- real time com@ression. R(/()(% (*9 '. Mar) 'elson,7ata com,ression boo), >P> Publishers,'e( 7elhi,188C 2. Sayood :haleed, #ntroduction to data com,ression, Mor&an :au;;man ,=ondon,1889 $. %at)inson,J.Com,ression in !ideo and audio, 2ocal ,ress,=ondon.1889 *. Jan <o6er,<ideo com,ression ;or multimedia,1P ,ro;es,'e(4or),1889.

Pa e %6 o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-21E MICRO5A#E INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A MICROSTRIPS LINES$ DESIGN$ ANALYSIS9 -ntroAuction, ty@es o? M-Cs anA their technolo y, Pro@a atin moAels, /nalysis o? M-C by con?ormal trans?ormation, 0umerical analysis, 7ybriA moAe analysis. losses in Microstri@, -ntroAuction to slot line anA co@lanar Bave uiAe. COUPLED MICROSTRIP$ DIRECTIONAL COUPLERS AND LUMPED9 -ntroAuction to cou@leA Microstri@, Even anA oAA moAe analysis, 1irectional cou@lers, branch line cou@lers, 1esi n anA Fabrication o? .um@eA elements ?or M-Cs, Com@arison Bith AistributeA circuits. SECTION-B NON-RECIPROCAL COMPONENTS AND ACTI#E DE#ICES FOR MICS9 Ferroma netic substrates anA inserts, Microstri@ circulators, Phase shi?ters, MicroBave transistors, Parametric AioAes anA /m@li?iers, P-0 AioAes, Trans?erreA electron Aevices, -MP/TT, "/R-TT, /valanche AioAes, MicroBave transistors circuits. SECTION-C MICROSTRIP CIRCUIOT DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS9 -ntroAuction, -m@eAance trans?ormers, Filters, 7i h @oBer circuits, .oB @oBer circuits, M-Cs in satellite anA RaAar SECTION-D MMIC TECHNOLOGY9 Fabrication @rocess o? MM-C, 7ybriA M-Cs, Con?i uration, 1ielectric substances, thicE anA thin ?ilm technolo y, Testin methoAs, Enca@sulation anA mountin o? 1evices. R(/()(% (*9 '. 7o??man R. 9. O7anA"ooE o? MicroBave inter rateA circuitsO, /rtech 7ouse, "oston,'=<;. %. 3u@ta 9.C anA /marjit #in h,OMicroBave -nter rateA circuitsO >ohn ,iley, 0eB *orE,'=;5.

Pa e %; o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-21F GLOBAL TRACDING AND POISIOTIONING SYSTEM Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A INTRODUCTION9 #atelites, -ntroAuction to TracEin anA 3P# #ystem, /@@lications o? #atelite anA 3P# ?or +1 @osition, 2elocity, Aetermination as ?unction o? time, -nterAisci@linary a@@lication (e ,.Crystal Aynamics, ravity ?ielA ma@@in , re?erence ?rame, atmos@heric occulation!"asic conce@ts o? 3P#. #@ace se ment, Control se ment, user se ment, 7istory o? 3P# constellation, 3P# measurement charecteristics, selective availability(/#!, antis@oo?in (/#!. ORBITS AND REFERENCE SYSTEMS9 "asics o? satelite orbits anA re?erence systems)TBo)boAy @roblem, orbit elements, timre system anA time trans?er usin 3P#, coorAinate systems, 3P# Orbit Aesi n, orbit Aetermination @roblem, tracEin netBorEs, 3P# ?orce anA measurement moAels ?or orbit Aetermination, orbit broaAcast e@hemeris, @recise 3P# e@hemeris, TracEin @roblems SECTION-B GPS MEASUREMENTS9 3P# Observable)Measurement ty@es(C(/ CoAe,P)coAe,.' anA .% ?reFuencies ?or navi ation, @seuAo ran es!,atmos@heric Aelays(tro@os@heric anA ionos@heric!,Aata ?ormat(R-0EI!,Aata combination(narroB(BiAe lane combinations, ionos@here)?ree combinations sin le, Aouble, tri@le Ai??erences!, unAi??erenceA moAels, carrier @hase 2s -nter rateA 1o@@ler, inte er biases, cycle sli@s, clocE error. SECTION-C PROCESSING TECHNI0UES9 PseuAo ran e anA carrier @hase @rocessin , ambi uity removal, .east sFuare methoAs ?or state @arameter Aetermination, relation @ositionin , Ailution o? @recision. SECTION-D GPS APPLICATIONS$ #urveyin , 3eo@hysics, 3eoAsey, airborne 3P#, 3rounA trans@ortation, #@aceborne 3P# orbit Aetermination, attituAe control, meteorolo ical anA climate research usin 3P#. R(/()(% (*9 '. >. "o;;man %ellenho;, ". =ichtene&&er and J. Collins, -0PS. +heory and Practice -, *th re!ised edition, S,rin&er, %ein, 'e( yor), 188G %. 1. =eic),-0PS Satelite Sur!eyin&-,2nd edition, John %iley / Sons, 'e(4or),1889 +. >. Par)inson, J. S,il)er, Jr.BEdsD,-0PS. +heory and 1,,lications-, <ol. # / <ol.##,1#11,$G5 = JEn;ant Promenade S%,%ashin&ton,7C2552*,188E 4. 1. :leusber& and P. +eunisen BEdsD,0PS ;or 0eodesy,S,rin&er <erla&,>erlin,188E 5. =. 1dams, -+he 0PS.1 Shared 'ational 1sset, Chair, 'ational 1ccademy Press, %ashin&ton, 7C, 1889.

Pa e %< o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-220 COMMUNICATION NET5ORD SECURITY Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A CON#ENTIONAL ENCRYPTION9 -ntroAuction, Conventional encry@tion moAel, #te ano ra@hy, 1ata Encry@tion #tanAarA, blocE ci@her, Encry@tion al orithms, con?iAentiality, 9ey Aistribution. PUBLIC DEY ENCRYPTION AND HASHING9 Princi@les o? @ublic Eey cry@tosystems, R#/ al orithm, 1i??ie)7ellman 9ey EDchan e, Elli@tic curve cry@tolo y, messa e authenti?ication anA 7ash ?unctions, 7ash anA Mac al orithms, 1i ital si natures. SECTION-B IP SECURITY9 -P #ecurity OvervieB, -P security /rchitecture, authenti?ication 7eaAer, #ecurity @ayloaA, security associations, 9ey Mana ement. SECTION-C 5EB SECURITY9 ,eb security reFuirement, secure socEets layer, trans@ort layer security, secure electronic transaction, Aual si nature. SECTION-D SECURITY SYSTEM9 -ntruAers, 2iruses, ,orms, ?ireBall Aesi n, TrusteA systems, antivirus techniFues, Ai ital -mmune systems. R(/()(% (*9 1. %illiam Stallin&s,-Cry,to&ra,hy and 'et(or) security-, 2nd Edition ,Prentice "all o; #ndia, 'e( 7elhi, 1888 2. >ald(in R and Ri!est. R. -+heRC9,RC9 C>C,+C9 C>C P17 and RC9 C+9 1l&orithms,R2C25*5-,3ctober188E.

Pa e %= o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-221 RF SYSTEM DESIGN Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40< LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A INTRODUCTION9 RF circuits, -m@eAance matchin anA 8uality ?actor, E??iciency, /m@li?iers, RF @ream@li?iers , ?ilters, FreFuency converters, MiDers, RaAio receivers. OSCILLATORS AND PLL9 RelaDation oscillators, #eries resonant oscillators, 0e ative resonant oscillators, Oscillator Aynamics, #tability, oscillator noise, 1esi n eDam@les, @hase locEeA loo@s)loo@ Aynamics, analysis, FreFuency synthesiHers. SECTION-B AMPLIFIERS AND PO5ER SUPPLIES9 /m@li?ier s@eci?ications) ain,banABiAth anA im@eAance, stability, /m@li?ier Aesi n, 0oise consiAerations class C class 1 am@li?iers 7i h @oBer am@li?iers, Recti?iers, #Bitchin converters, "oost anA "ucE circuits. SECTION-C COUPLERS AND 5A#EGUIDE CIRCUITS9 1irectional cou@lin , 7ybriAs, PoBer combinin , trans?ormer eFuivalent circuits, 1ouble tuneA trans?ormers, Trans?ormers Bith ma netic anA iron cores. Transmission lines, trans?ormers "aluns, ,ave uiAes, matchin in Bave uiAe circuits, ,ave uiAe junctions, coaDial lines, resistance im@eAance briA e, stanAin Baves. SECTION-D MODULATION AND DETECTION CIRCUITS9 /M, 7i h level moAulation, 1i ital to analo moAulation, ##", /n le anA ?reFuency moAulation, 1ioAe Aetectors, FM AemoAulators)1esi n. @oBer Aetectors. Measurement o? @oBer, 2olta e anA -m@eAance. #Be@t ?reFuency im@eAance measurements R(/()(% (*9 '. >on ". 7a en, RaAio FreFuency Electronics, CambriA e university @ress,CambriA e,'==6 %. >ames 7arAy,O7i h FreFuency Circuit 1esi nO, Resto Publishin Co.,0eB*orE,'=;= +. -an 7icEman,ORF 7anA"ooEO "utter ,orth 7einemann .tA.,OD?orA,'==+. 4. Ulrich .. RohAe, T.T.0."ucher,OCommunication RecieversO,Mc 3raB 7ill, 0eB *orE,'==<. 5. R. .uAcoi NRF Circuit 1esi nN Pearson /sia EAucation anA P. "retchEo, 0eB 1elhi.%&&&.

Pa e +& o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC- 222

DATA AND COMPUTER COMMUNICATION NET5ORDS LTP 6- 1- 0 Ma7&313 T&3(9 6 H)*; L( t1)(* t, 4( =(-&'()(=9 4>->>

Ma7&313 Ma)8*9 :0 M&%&313 Pa** Ma)8*9 40<

I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) 2a2()-*(tt()9 The Fuestion @a@er Bill consist o? ?ive sections /, ", C, 1 anA E. #ections /, ", C anA 1 Bill have tBo Fuestions ?rom the res@ective sections o? the syllabus. #ection E Bill have one Fuestion Bith &; short ansBer objective ty@e @arts, Bhich Bill cover the entire syllabus uni?ormly. /ll Fuestions Bill carry same marEs. I%*t)1 t&,%* /,) a%=&=at(*9 CanAiAates are reFuireA to attem@t one Fuestion each ?rom sections /, ", C anA 1 o? the Fuestion @a@er anA the entire section E. SECTION-A Data C,331%& at&,% T( !%&?1(*9 #ynchronous)/synchronous Transmission, 1i ital Transmission, Transmission MeAia, -m@airments, 1ata encoAin TechniFues C,331%& at&,% N(t@,)8*9 Circuit sBitchin , Messa e sBitchin , PacEet #Bitchin . I.%5, ./0 Technolo ies, 2irtual Circuits N(t@,)8 R(/()(% ( M,=(-*$ O#- anA TCP(-P, .ayereA architecture SECTION - B Data L&%8 La+()9 1esi n issue, ?ramin , error control, ?loB control, 71.C, #1.C, Aata linE layer in the -nternet (#.-P, PPP! N(t@,)8 La+()9 Routin /l orithms, shortest @ath, Aistance vector routin , .inE state routin , anA multicast routin . Con estion control, tra??ic sha@in , leaEy bucEet, toEen bucEet, choEe @acEets, loaA sheAAin , internetBorEin ) connection orienteA anA connectionless, ?ra mentation, internet architecture anA aAAressin , -P @rotocol, -CMP, /PR, R/RP, O#PF, "3P, C-1R, -Pv6. SECTION - C T)a%*2,)t a%= S(**&,% La+()9 Trans@ort #ervice, Fuality o? service, connection mana ement, aAAressin , ?loB control anA bu??erin , multi@leDin , -nternet trans@ort @rotocols) TCP anA U1P, #ession layer) 1ialo ue mana ement, synchroniHation anA remote @roceAure call. SECTION - D P)(*(%tat&,% La+()9 Aate re@resentation, Aata com@ression, netBorE security anA cry@to ra@hy. A22-& at&,% La+()9 10#, #0MP, Telnet, TFTP, 0F# E) mail, #MTP anA ,orlA ,iAe ,eb R(/()(% (*9 1. 1. S. +anenbaum, -Com,uter 'et(or)s-, Pearson Education 2. %. Stallin&s, 7ata and Com,uter Communications-, P"# $. J.2. :urose, :.%. Ross, Com,uter 'et(or)in&. 1 +o, 7o(n 1,,roach ;eaturin& the #nternet-, Pearson Education *. =.=. Peterson, >.S. 7a!ie, Com,uter 'et(or)s. 1 Systems 1,,roach, Pearson Education

Pa e +' o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC-601 ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING LAB Each stuAent Bill be reFuireA to com@lete a course on .ab ,orE com@risin o? aAvanceA ED@eriments relateA to Electronics En ineerin . The eD@eriments in the .ab ,orE Bill be AeciAeA by the concerneA teacher(section)in char e. The stuAent Bill be reFuireA to com@lete the @rescribeA .ab Course anA other reFuirements relateA to evaluations o? the Practical Course. The evaluation Bill be Aone by the committee o? eDaminers constituteA by 7eaA o? 1e@artment.

Pa e +% o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+



L-T-P 0- 0- C

Each stuAent Bill be reFuireA to @re@are a #eminar Re@ort anA @resent a #eminar on a to@ic in any o? the areas o? moAern technolo y relateA to Electronics En ineerin incluAin interAisci@linary ?ielAs. The to@ic(title Bill be chosen by the stuAent in consultation Bith the Faculty /Avisor allocateA to each stuAent. The stuAent Bill be reFuireA to submit the #eminar Re@ort anA @resent a talE to an auAience o? Faculty(#tuAents in o@en Ae?ense in ?ront o? the #eminar Evaluation Committee havin Faculty /Avisor as one o? its members. The 7eaA o? 1e@artment Bill constitute the #eminar Evaluation Committee.

Pa e ++ o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

MEC -606

L-T-P 0- 0- C

Each stuAent Bill be reFuireA to com@lete a Project anA submit a Project Re@ort on a to@ic on any o? the areas o? moAern technolo y relateA to Electronics En ineerin incluAin interAisci@linary ?ielAs. The title anA objectives o? the Project Bill be chosen by the stuAent in consultation Bith the Project 3uiAe allocateA to each stuAent. The stuAent Bill be reFuireA to @resent a talE to an auAience o? Faculty(#tuAents in o@en Ae?ense in ?ront o? the P),I( t E'a-1at&,% C,33&tt(( havin Project 3uiAe as one o? its members. The 7eaA o? 1e@artment Bill constitute the Project Evaluation Committee ?or the @ur@ose o? evaluation ?or internal assessment.

Pa e +4 o? +4

Punjabi University, Patiala. "O#$ %&'%

M.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. En .!, Re ular(Part)Time, "atch %&'%, *ear %&'%)%&'+

Each stuAent Bill be reFuireA to com@lete a 1issertation anA submit a Britten Re@ort on the to@ic on any o? the areas o? moAern technolo y relateA to Electronics En ineerin incluAin interAisci@linary ?ielAs in the Final semester o? M.Tech. course. The title anA objectives o? the 1issertation Bill be chosen by the stuAent in consultation Bith the #u@ervisor (s! anA the same Bill be reFuireA to be Ae?enAeA by the stuAent in o@en Ae?ense in ?ront o? the D&**()tat&,% M,%&t,)&%. C,33&tt(( a@@roveA by the 7eaA o? 1e@artment. The title anA objectives Bill be a@@roveA by the 1issertation Monitorin Committee havin main #u@ervisor as one o? its members. The @ro ress Bill also be monitoreA at BeeEly coorAination meetin s Bith the #u@ervisor (s!. The stuAent Bill be reFuireA to @resent a talE to the atherin in o@en Ae?ense in ?ront o? the 1issertation Monitorin Committee havin main #u@ervisor as one o? its members. The 1issertation Monitorin Committee Bill be constituteA by 7eaA o? 1e@artment ?or the @ur@ose eDaminin the suitability o? the BorE carrieA out by the stuAent in the 1issertation ?or its evaluation by the eDternal eDaminer. The 1issertation Bill be sent to the EDternal EDaminer ?or its evaluation only a?ter its Aue a@@roval by the 1issertation Monitorin Committee. The eDternal evaluation Bill be Aone jointly by the main #u@ervisor anA eDternal eDaminer a@@ointeA by the 7eaA o? 1e@artment. The Aissertation (non)creAit course! Bill be either a@@roveA or rejecteA. The eDternal eDaminer Bill evaluate the Aissertation anA the viva)voce Bill be ?iDeA by the 7eaA o? 1e@artment. /?ter 2iva)voce, the eDaminers (internal anA eDternal! Bill a@@rove(reject the Aissertation. -n case, the Aissertation is rejecteA, the canAiAate Bill reBorE anA resubmit the Aissertation. The Aissertation Bill be a ain be evaluateA jointly by the same eDternal eDaminer anA the Main #u@ervisor.

Pa e +5 o? +4

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