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MEC8043: Labview assignment

Name and student number Roberto Sacoto Molina / Student number: 120395769

Comments and mark

Comments and mark

Comments and mark In the practice a Butterwords filter was applied , with the intention to eliminate the external noise of the signal obtained, that helped to avoid the contamination of the data because of noise. Amplitude: The unfiltered signal grounded represents the data that is not needed (i.e. noise)beginning the data from 0 to 4.5 in the Amplitud axis, however an accurate data is shown in the grounded filtered signal, where a sinusoidal wave apears and demostrate that the amplitude values begin from 0 with +- 1.5 values in the Amplitud axis. Frecuency: Both, the filtered and the unfiltered signals have similar frequency, but the filtered data have positive and negative values in the same amount of time in every frequency cycle, rather that the unfiltered data that only have positive values on every cycle. Offset: The offset voltage in the grounded signal is 0, in difference than the ungrounded signal where the offset voltage begins in -0.094 V. This means that the grounded data is more refined, but in reality the offset voltage signal of a component depends of its difference of fabrication, wich in this case a ground is added at the second signal with a variation in the beginning of the measure.

Comments and mark Mark (out of 20)

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