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I .

Project identification
Call for proposals

I . I . Project Title
1.2. Project Acronym
1.3. Project Code
1.4. Date of approval 1.5. Priority / Measure

Second call for ordinary project proposals Shared Project for Environmental Evaluation with Dynamic governance SPEEDY Z0ordJ0226/0
P~~onty Measure

name in English. Cotintry, level of Nuts I1 - 111 or equivalent)

NU~I S ~ - I /eq !

7.7. Project length

starf ~ n d
Tots! months

3 Accessibility and Networks 3.3 Communication networks Region of Abruzzo - Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and EC Policies, External Affairs, Energy ITALY Abruzzo - Pescara 09/20 12 0812015 36

1.8. Total budget 1.9.Partnership

2.535.000,OO E
Number of Benefioanes pet Country

Total Number of Benehoanes Total Number of Associates

2 0 1 1 5 0 0 1 0 10 2

1.10. Project Summary

The project is structured in 7 WPs. WP1 and WP2 are transversal activities. The first one will guarantee the coordination of the projects' activities and the second one will ensure the continuous exchange of information among beneficiaries and institutions operating in the interested territories. The 5 technical WPs will allow reaching the aim of the project through the shared construction of a methodology on environmental evaluation activities. In the WP3 the analysis of local and national regulations of the different participants will allow the realization of Comparative Dynamics Analysis in order to evaluate the state of the art and compare the currently procedures of SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment), better identifying gaps and critical issues about them that influence the achievement of the EU objectives. be taken into . should . . - - .- . ...a methodfir identifying and discussing shared ITEMS' that efinition,of account. in the phase of web advanced platform SKP (Shared Knowledge Platform) development. In WP5 SKP (Shared Knowledge Platform) will be realized: web platform will be an adlvanced-online tool, with different accessibility's levels, that allows working on docu-ments in an assisted revision and in streaming. So WP5 starts
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simultaneously with WP4 in order to coordinate and validate the elaboration phase of the model with the im-plementation of the web tool.

,&. '"f"'

WP6 will fogsee the use of the platform (SKP) including the activation and manage-ment of working groups that will work

on the preparation of documents that will be published online. WP7's objective put forward a contribution in setting-up operative suggestions on processes providing some clear information on how face and solve some critical issues of the Environmental Assessment Procedure, in order to get to SEA useful tool to reach the objectives set by EU legislation.

3. Project Description

Project background and the problems and/or challenges to be addressed

The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive is an important step to forward in European environmental law, by requiring that the environmental effects of a broad range of plans and programmes have to be assessed. Whilst the concept of strategic environmental assessment is relatively simple, the implementation of the Directive sets Member States in a hard challenge. It goes to the heart of much public-sector decision-making. In many cases it requires more structured planning and consultation procedures. There are difficult questions of interpretation, but when properly applied, these assessments can help produce decisions that are more sustainable, now and for future generations. As described in the report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the application and effectiveness of the Directive on Strategic Environmental Assessment (Directive 2001142lEC) (COM(2009) 469 final) there is a need to develop capacity in the Member States so as to ensure

capacity building must be strongly encouraged, in effective implementation of the SEA Directive. Ingierb,do-this,~htha
particular through targeted campaigns for the recruitment and training of SEA experts and guidance documents in particular on the interpretation of certain key concepts of the Directive (screening criteria, identification of alternatives, coordination mechanisms and/or joint procedures for fulfilling the requirements for assessment under other Directives, specific guidance on the link between SEA and EIA and Natura 2000 Assessment)..Overall, it can be concluded that practice is still limited strategic environmental assessment is a tool that is still evolving and changing. Ind.eedLc_urrent SEA -. . -with regaid tq_mnth~dol~gi~al issues, participatory approaches, quality control as well as general procedural and
~ ~

institutional deficits. The main technical and institutional problems of SEA are summarised as: (?considerable differences in terms of the institutional and legal arrangements of the SEA procedure, @ift-icult !'?mitations to integrate planning and programming procedures to SEA ones; of information and training
LY;' '.
,o. . i


difficult in the coordination of the ioi& procedures for fulfilling the requirements gov-erning assessments under other

directives (EIA, Habitat and Birds, IPPC, Water Frame-work).

3.2. Project Objectives (general and spec~fic)


. to fa v g l b r m i o n a l cooperationMPublic-aimedtodAvelnp

and apply an efficient environmental assessment+process in the Adriatic space. This goal fits very well with the Candidate CountrieslPotential Candidate Countries' (CCICCPs) efforts to transpose the EU ,acquis in order to..apprgximate their .. legjsla~tion and policies ~ j t h . E u r o p ~ a Standa& n .the eavironmental. topic, Synergic action be-tween the various neighbouring countries is linked to the consideration that common envi-ronmental problems can only be solved tt-~~hr~u-gb c o o r d i n a t i n ~ r v e n t i o n _-l s edge rather than 'acting on restricted territories. The increasing use of electronic corn-munication provides opportunities for reaching this goal in direct ways through the estab-lishment of international forum. It will give all beneficiaries the opportunities to be engaged in lively debates in some of the more popular fields on environmental impact assessment. In detail, the above objective will be achieved through the development of SEA web plat-form aimed to promote and extend knowledge and share information about SEA. Thanks to this advanced web platform each beneficiary will be trained and-

' ?*, c( ;
real time information on events,

legislation and procedures, so it will be part of SEA critical issues management. SEA web platform will facilitate transnational consultations on international plans and programmes according to SEA Directive, such as the New Adriatic cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. In details the project's specific objectives are the following:
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'araw - up shared s-uggestiqns useful to modify and update European SEA Directive; Qcreate a useful tool able to allow Public European Institutions to contribute to the de-bate about SEA procedural weaknesses; ontroduce innovative participatory management approaches and tools improving in-stitutional capacity, strengthening public involvement, and creating an effective rep-lication strategy; a r e a t e a permanent Environmental Assessment Network; 8develop approaches and practices for comprehensive and integrated impact assessment; a m p r o v e assessment procedures and methods for practical application; 9 i e w existing regulations, key components, and applications of Strategic Environ-mental Assessments (SEA); *'assess SEA requirements, including the authorizations, applications, initiatives, and relevant existing conditions of SEA; identify lessons learned and challenges in implementing SEA.
3.3. Qherence of the oroiect
3 3 1 Coherence of the project with the Programme's strategy

The proposed project shows a relevant coherence with the aims, both general and particular. identified in the IYA CBP. Regarding to programme priorities, the proposed activities are suitable to the PriorityJgeneral and and developing tran=, .- integrating existing infrastructure networks, promoting --"
_ I _ _


aim to "at strengtheniiig



services" through the creation of,SEA web advanced platform~spreading the informative material and the related studies. p r o c a e s and proced~res~related to the institutional activities of the

In particular, the project fits very well into the Measure 3.3. as it aims to create a tool for sharing experiences related to

_governance -- -- --..-

environma-S.J At strategic

level, the project activities are in line with to IPA CB's purpose to aligner the Candidate Coun-triesIPotentialCandidate Couptries (CCICCPs) legislation with the acquis!As defined by the programme, the processes of alignment with European law in the field of environment are in delay. This situation is also confirmed by the COM(2011) 666 final on Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2011-2012 whose conclusion are "Full compliance with the acquis in the field of the environment and climate change could be achieved only in the long term and would necessitate increased


levels of investment .
3 3 2 Coherence olthe project w ~ t h the relevant EU pol~cies and homontal Issues

The project is consistent with the EU policies concerning ICT, Governance, Environment a n d - ~ & r ~ e m e @ policy. According to the Guidelines for Cohesion Policy 2007-13 the dissemina-tion of ICT across the EU contributes to improve inclusiveness and accessibility. Indeed, these objectives are desirable for reducing social inequality. In particularly, accessibility is crucial for sustainable development, as it improves well-being. These themes are integrated with those of aovemance. The White Paper on Governance, adopted by the European Commission in July 2001, proposed a more open policy making process in the European Union, to ensure wider participation of citizens and organizations. Among the most recent documents, there is,Renewed Social Agenda (2008) that defines the e-inclusion and accessibility in Europe as a key objects desirable for reducing social inequality. The combination of these effects then generates a virtuous cycle that leads to the improvement of European society. The project fits perfectly in these strategies, as it aims-


and~,rpc.e~urreess~e~ated to t h e s t u t i ~ n a l activities on e n v i w ~ s s u n t nst y ,~c~~~-~pecific~olicie~ab~u!I~fheU~&u As underlined in many EU documents, there is a growing appreciation that there is a need to consider the environmental
d and s e m Q k m s . Strategic and social implications of regional and sectoral development plans, a ~ macroeconomic ) an analytical and participatory approach for mainstreaming and up streaming Environment A s s e s s m e n t s ~ is

to create a tool for sharing experiences r e l a g

environmental and social issues into decision-making and implementation processes at the strategic level. SEC (2006) 621 on HALTING THE LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY BY 2010 -AND BEYOND Sustaining ecosystem services for human well-being considers to strengthen effectiveness of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in informing decisionmaking so as to prevent, minimise and mitigate damages to Natura 2000 sites. In relation EU Enlargement policy, the project activities fit very well with EU policy's goals and prospects to support CCICCPs'effortsto transpose the EU acquis in ~the and a,r,ea-of a r d s environme-n;_, in order to approximateiheir l e g i s @ o _ ~ a n ~ p o ~ i e ~ ~ w ~ t h , E ~ p e a ~ S
3 3 3 Coherence of the project with public nattonal and subnaOonai st!ateg:cs

The existence, expected at the level of the National Strategic Framework (NSF), programming tools that act at different territorial level, not only regional and national but also interregional, calls for a stronger coordination capacity to ensure
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non-overlap interventions, their integration and, more generally, the ability of the system of government as a whole. This need for integration and coordination require a significant effort in terms of overall gov-ernance of the system and undoubtedly represent a major challenge in the current pro-gramming period, which will also continue to invest in improving the ability to plan and im-plement interventions at different institutional levels. The proper setup and management of development policies requires, therefore, that there is ability to link between different levels of government and at the same time, public institutions that are able to relate to the territory and to collect, system and make integrate knowledge at local level. The success of these policies also requires a strengthening of the Public Administrations that has to be able to provide efficient services for citizens and businesses in a system of clear and shared rules. The improvement of governance and institutional capacity are addressed in the Priority 10 "Governance, institutional capacity and competitive and efficient markets", which has as its overall objective is to: increase the governments' capacity in programming and management of additional regional policy and strengthen the involvement of economic and social partnership. The specific objective, which aims to enhance technical skills and government administrations, to improve the effectiveness of programming and the quality of interventions in order to offer better services to citizens, responds directly to the need to address a number of critical issues that continue to determine the efficiency and capacity of government for Public Administration. The concept of efficiency of public administration cannot be distinguished from the aspects of legality and transparency must be secured in its operation and the presence of knowledge and skills related to management issues and implementation of regional policy-ordinary. Speedy project fits very well with these strategies: thanks to the creation of an instrument for sharing experiences related to governance processes and institutional activities procedures related to the environmental assessment, it aims to strengthen the technical expertise and government administrations, it improve the effectiveness of programming and the quality of interventions in order to offer better services to citizens.
3.4. Added value of the cross-border coooperation in this


The power of the project stands in the common effort in tackling the environmental sustain-ability on the part of countries, districts and regions, that so far have handled such difficult matter on their own, each of them in different ways. The partnership is made up of 2 EU member States (Italy and Greece) and I Candidate Country (Croatia) and 2 from Potential Candidate (Albania and Serbia) and it represents very well the aim of IPA CBC Program. Each partner will actively contribute to the realization of the activities and will join their forces together and elaborate common strategies aimed to develop and apply an efficient envi-ronmental assessment process in the Adriatic space aligning its legislation and policies with European standards. The Italian Ministry, as Associate, M.A.T.T.M.

- Environmental Assessment Directorate (MATTM-DVA), will participate at

the project's activities in a transversal way. M.A.T.T.M. will mainly give its contribution in the dissemination of project's results playing its role of national focal point for SEA. The Serbian Ministry, as Associate, Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, will participate for developing and for the implementation of efficient environmental assessment in Serbia, adopting EU legislation, policies and standards in scope of environmental protection,sharing and solving common environmental problems in Adriatic countries, and promotion of environmental solutions and common efforts in Adriatic countries.
3.5. Methodology approach

Research and design process will progress through several steps, some of which will be carried out in parallel. WP1 and
.... - - - - and . WP2 will be transversal activities carried out during all the proiect imolgnent&m with the aim of a good-management

good and efficient dissemination of project's results and activities. The other W c h n i c a l - s c i e n t i f i c purposes with the objective of deifying a web platform for a a t h e r i n a l information, best practices and operative m c e d u r e s already available, t u h a r e point of view on SEA issue. G l l the above activities will be based on bottom-up approach. The p r o j e m e o r e t i c a l work with l-t ientific and institutional validation; Technical and political guidance; Consolidation of the institutional relationships between the Countries of the Adriatic area. awlns and Scientific Institutions. The cooperation will aim at:

. .

ed on t

m of Public

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3AExpecfed results arid outputs

'.A clear developed institutional framework for administering and enforcing the law and pro-cedures is SPFEDY main
1 7


results. In particular this project expected results are the following ones: worked out provisions for coordinating planning and assessment procedures ._improvedpublic participation;

*yclarifiedresponsibilities for various authorities involved in environmental assessment process;

l7 Improved integrat~on of environmental, with soclal, health and other impacts;

Provided technical advice and policy support in applying an EU compliant law on environment;

:"i -,identified options for structural integration of strategic environmental assessment with other policy instruments;
;,developed strategic alliances; ,?,provided preliminary guide with information that may prove helpful in dealing with environmental assessment;

4 strengthened administrative capacity and institutional cooperation for the implemen-tation and enforcement of legislation
related to Strategic environmental assessment.

_rlndatsdegulation and policies of SEA p

, with a view to pro-moting improved assessment ~ractice

. ""

in the future.

3.7. Sustainability and lor~g last effects of the project

Given the general objective of the project that means cross-border cooperation between Public Administrations aimed to develop and apply an efficient environmental assessment process in the Adriatic space, ] predisposition on shared and validate indications for the revision and adjustment of EU Directives on environmental assessments, aim to contribute to the EU debate on facing procedural weaknesses with Communi-tarian Institutions involved in such topic of SEA,

the sustainability and the long last effects of the project could became -a stepplng stone for the revision of EU Directives and could contribute to the promotion of alignment with th$a~:quis. communautaire and approximation with the Accession


criteria of EU Countries Another long last effect of the project results could be the use o m e Knowledge Shared Plat-form - KS.P_CYVP5) for a testing " phase about cross-border consultation activities on a concrete procedure laid down within an environmental assessment procedure concerning i.e. SEA New Programming period 2014-2020.
3.8. Level of cross-border cooperation

Joint Develooinenf Joint Staffing

Joint lmplementat~on

Jo~nl F~nancing

the project will rea1;ze one/more of the previous join! coo~etatlon syitenl

t h e potential beneficiaries will cooperate in at least two of the f o l l o w i n g ~ y ~ Joint development of the project's idea, Join implementation of the activities. The aim of SPEEDY is to develop and apply an efficient environmental assessment process in the Adriatic space. The project has beenconcerted among beneficiaries. Project outputs have been developed jointly by all beneficiaries as well as project activities, management system that has been split in interconnected activities involving all under Abruuo Region responsibility. The transnational partnership wJ!%ntributewith ---

their _.-_(.I experi-ences and ingfiutzhe development and u~datinaof



The project has been ideated through the joint development of all partners that-. took part to the definition of project objectives since the beginning in order to find the most suitable solu-tions ta?ackle.{he emerged common needs on Strategic environmental assessment. Speedy project proposal foresees a cornmobscheme that requires the participation of all partners involved in the project in all activities and in the common definition of the outputs. Starting from the management, whose responsible is the project Lead partner, to the communication and dissemination phase, all partners will carry out jointly mo-f the project activ$fs T h e 3 foresees the involvement of all partners, workir?g~c!~%da/

t w r , during the SC Meet-ings, which can guarantee the ownership of the p 3 e A f r o m all the partners2 Moreover, _ I _ _ , ~ I _ _ . the communication and dissemination activities foresee the dissemination of project's activities and results. Furthermore, --WP2 AS depending on therr status, partners lnvolved In the project wlll common work together on technical - sclentlflc

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far as regards the IPA programme and in particular on its measure (3.3) Speedy project wants to maximize the indications and foreseen objectives.
3 9. Project management
. .>.d,~ &(>:^;

The project will be managed by a cross border coordinating structure. In this contest a Steer-ing Committee (hereafter SC) be represented. . The SC will have technical-operative tasks in order to will be set up in which each beneficiarkwill .+----7

implement the project activities. The SC will absolve to the following tasks: definition of the partnership general address monitoring of the right development of project activities to ensure and promote the active participation of all the partners to the partnership management to approve the intermediate and final report connected with the project activities to deliberate on the required activities and/or on variation required from each single beneficiary to approve the final budget and modifications exclusion of beneficiaries from the partnership or Partnership enlargement allocation of the excluded beneficiaries activity
-- will meet 2 times during the year. Further meetings will be held in case of necessity. The SC decisions are blnding The SC

for each beneficiary. Every beneficiary will be responsible for the foreseen activities in its Work Package (WPj, the actlons will be shared with the other involved beneficiaries. For every WP it will be selected a COORDINATOR and the same will be charged in the arrangement of the Report and the outputs foreseen by the Work Package with the cooperation of all

beneficiaries. Each beneficiary assumes itself the responsibility for the realization of its own activities. Moreover each

beneficiary engages itself: to manage its own project activities and cooperate with the other beneficiaries of the project to nominate qualified staff and experts with appropriate experience to offer all the necessary equipments for the good execution of the project to stipulate the necessary assurance covering the risk of the committed activities to carry out all the necessary relationship with the Public Administration to offer the financial, procedural, qualitative monitoringd-ata required by the Lead beneficiary - -- - -- . , -

In order to guarantee the work progress, a Project Manager, who must be named by the LB, will - plan meetinqs (launch Project Manger will employ a Management Unit made up events, meetings of the SC and TSC), reports and publicatio~s. of national and cross border se-cretariat in order to coordinate and manage day-to-day project activities. The SC will be supported by a technical board named Technical-Scientific CommitteeATSC) (composed of experts appointed by each beneficiary) whose task will be: scientific support, technical assistance, planning support, monitoring and evaluation of the implemented ac-tivities. The SC will have the general overview of the project and its progress and will define the implementation strategies, which will be validated by the Technical-Scientific Committee. The coordination of the TSC is due to the Project Manager that will convoke about it the meetings previously to those of the SC.

, '

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Beneficiaries list
Renefictary role Institution

! ,


Lead Beneficiary
institution national orig;iial iai~yuage

lnstiruoon Enghsh language Legel starus "da tninnnis" co;~dtiiori S t r ~ Number t Postal code

REGIONE ABRUZZO - Direzione Affari della Presidenza, Politiche Legislative e Comunitarie, Rapporti Esterni, Politica energetica, Qualit& dell'aria e SlNA Region of Abruuo - Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and EC Policies, External Affairs, Energy Public Body NO J ~ iPassolanciano, a 75, 65121 Pescara ITALY Abruzo - Pescara Antonio Sorgi General Director Antonio Sorgi General Director Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 6 67100 L'Aquila 00390862363248 00390862363475-00390862363300 IT 7800604003600000000040300 BPMOIT22XXX 420.000,OO 357.000,OO 63,000,OO 0 '00

Countiy NLJTS I1 - 111 0 eQlilV

Legal representative /Author~zedNameIsurnatne Person F~mction Contact person


Street Nunihej Postal code city Ph Nuirl


Beneficiary financial details

/BAN Code
Swiff Code

Total budgel
EU co-finanoiig

Nat!onal co-financing Additfonal publ;c/private funding (whe~e recjuiredl

Beneficiary organization (human resources. equipment, budget, other important it~forn~ation)

Abruuo Region will be the beneficiary of the project. It has appropriate human and material resources for executing all the activities of the project. Abruzzo has a specific Directorate that is involved in environmental issues.
Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

Abruuo Region has been involved in many EU projects, lnterreg IIIC(Eprodata, REGENERGY), lnterreg lllA (MEM, CULTURADIA and RIVERNET, DIVAS, INTEGRA, ), IPA (Powered as lead partner). It took part also in Socrates Grundtvig programme, Leonardo, art. 6 ESF, youth voting Europe, IEE pro-gramme, 6FP. Abruuo Region has experiences also in other projects financed by structural funds i.e. Equal round 1 and 2, Socrates Accompanying Measure as lead partner and also as a partner. On innovation field, particularly in RIS project (it is the only European Region that managed 2 RIS projects, of which the second was entirely financed with regional funds). Within RIS NAC of 2003, it was partner in 4 pro-jects: BaBY RIS - Banska Bystrica (SK); RIS PRESOV- -Presov (SK); RISforCCH-Lucerne(CH); NEBG RIS-Varna (BG). In lnterreg Projects: TWIST (Transport With a Social Target) INTERREG IIIB-CADSES.
Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

Thanks to its very long experience, Abruzzo Region has all the necessary technical and managerial capacities for managing the whole project. Consequently, Abruuo Region can provide all the necessary support to the final beneficiaries in the development of the project activities. It will work on the following WPs:

Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary m frnplementing project activities and results

WP . project management P7, Findings and suggestions to EU.

Abruuo Region has an extensive experience on Envi-ronmental assessments (Natura 2000 assessments, EIA and SEA) of projects, plan and programmes. Moreover in the last years it has reached a good knowledge and awareness of
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technical-specific experience and tech-nological and management competences.

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Beneficiary role Institution

Final Beneficiary
inst~tution name flahonai onofnal

Fi,R,A. s , p . ~ , Fi,R.A, S,p,A,

lnstl~citioll name I / ;

Eiiglrsh language

Legai statiis

I ~ o d governed y by public law

No Via Enzo Ferrari, 155, 65124 Pescara ITALY A b r ~ -~pescara o

"deminirnis" conri,ho,?



Sfieef Numbe{ Postal code


NUTS li - Ill o equii.

Legal representative /Authorized Person Contact person


Function Narne/suii?arno

Slreet Nuniber

Postal code

Ph Nuin

~-niar/ Beneficiary financial details

'BAN Code ~ w i fCode l CUP Code

/President Gabr~ella Pagan0 Respons~ble Operational Area Via Enzo Ferrar~, 155 65124 Pescara 00360854213832 00390854213834 g.pagano@f~ra.~t IT29L0555015400000000564037 BPMOIT22XXX

450.000,OO 382.500,OO Natro~?al co-finanong 67,500 $0 Add~tronalpubl~dpr~vate 0,00 funding [where iequired)
EU LO financing

Total budget

Beneficicrary organizatron (human resources, equ~pmentbudget, other fmportant ~nformat~on)

Abruzzo F1.R.A is a funding body of Abruuo Region, Joint Stock Company mixed public private capital of f5.100.000(51 O O / Region, 49% banks operating in the Region). Bodies of Fi.R.A : shareholders' Assembly, Board of Directors, Board of statutory auditors, President. It has been established with Regional Law n. 8711987. It is aimed at supporting economic, social and teni-torial development of the region by promoting and supporting economically feasible and coherent initiatives with the regional planning. Institutional goals are to facilitate the growth of SMEs operating in the region by facilitating the access to the credit and by sup-porting investment projects implemented by local public or private bodies. Located in Pescara in a building of 600sm. Organizational structure: Board of Management (9 adminis-trators), 2 responsible people for Administrative and Management Areas, 10 employees with permanent contract, 3 employees with not permanent contract and 4 collaborators.
Description of previous (and current) experiences ir? CBC and internatior7al projects

1) Paying authority for the following EU Programme: a. lnterreg IIIA; b. lnterreg lllC - Ecosind c. lnterreg lllB - Go-Network 2) Participation at Ex EU program PMI 1994-1996 sub program 3.1.2: "measure 7.2 - Action A measure 7.9 -Action B" approved by EU on 24th June 1996 with Deci-sion n. C(96) 1333; 3) EU Program RETEX favouring the request of services from SMEs in the Region;
4) EFFECT Project under South East Europe Program. Technical Assistance to Abruzzo RegionI ARAEN

5) Intermediate body for the management of Docup Abruuo 2000 - 2006; 6) Rotation Fund: POR-FESR Abruuo MEASURES 1.2.2. - 1.2.4. for the creation and management of a rotation fund for supporting innovative SMEs and to facilitate the fusionlaggregation of guarantee consortia
Contribution of the Beneficrary to the project

F1.R.A as a CED office, with 3 people with a specific responsible. F1.R.A has an informatics infrastructure based in IBM technologies, in Microsoft and Unix envi-ronment. Its data centre,
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with advanced technological infrastructures, is equipped with security devices, systems, software procedures and qualified human resources with ex-perience in ICT services. CED Fi.R.A is specialized in the development and integration of applications and software's systems for Public Administration; it is oriented in supporting compa-nies in the ambit of organizational consultancy and in the development and implementation of advanced technology solutions. Fi.R.A will be responsible of WP 5 "Building up of Shared Knowledge Plafform (SKP)".
Competences, capacity and kt?ow how of the Beneficiary

in?plernenbng project activities and rescilts

Fi.R.A has qualified competences in designing, implementation and management of integrated software's solutions, and Know-How gained in the vertical software develop-ment for the management of the entire life cycle of laws. Moreover F1.R.A has "FIRA-Document"that is a web-based informatics platform for data gathering, automation and management of documents flaw able to manage different kind of information coming from various sources. Fi.R.A software's procedures have been internally realized by CED office and are replicable depending on the required needs.

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Beneficiary role Institution

Final Beneficiary
inshtut~onilarne nahonal onglnal

Regione Marche Marche Region Land, Environment and Energy Department of Marche Region Public Body No Via Tiziano,44, 60125 Ancona ITALY~ Marche - Ancona Antonio Minetti Head of Land, Environment and Energy Department of Marche Region Velia Cremonesi. Project Manager Via Tiziano n 44 60125 Ancona 0039071 8063897 0039071 8063012 IT12 NO60 5502 6000 0000 0003 BAMAIT3AXXX

English language

Legai stahis
"de min~mis" i:vndlhon


Street Number. Postal code

Country NUTS ii - lli


Legal representative /Authorized Person Contact person



Street Numbs! Postal code


PI?. Num.

E-mail Beneficiary financial details

/BAN Code

swln code
CUP Code
Total budget

250.000,OO 21 2.500,OO Nabonal co-hiiai~c~iig 37,500,00 Acldil~o~~alpuh/ic~piivate 0,00 ft~nd~n (where g iequireci)


Beneficiary organization (human resources. equipment, budget, other ~mportant information)

Marche Region develops several European and nationalllocal projects. Marche Region offices are equipped with personal computer and Broad Band Internet access for each employee.
Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

IPA POWERED INTERREG IVC: PASE"Pub1ic policies And Social Enterprises", RSCHRegions for Sustainable ChangeU,Pre-waste. INTERREG I1IA:ADRIAFORM"TechnicalSupport for the Development of a Network for the Qualification of Human Resources in the Logistic and Transport Sectors", GALlLEOnet "Growing Adriatic Laboratories In Locating Economic

Organizations-net(LP)PORTUS"PerspectivesOn Inter-Regional Transport Unitary SystemW,TAC-LineVTrans Adriatic

Communication Line" INTERREG 1IIB:TWIST "Transport Wlth Social TargetU,l-L0G"lndustrialLogistics and intermodal transport for SMEs' developmentn(LP)LIFE: TASMAC "Tourism Accessibility in Small Attractive Citiesn(LP)Cooperation in Urban Development and Dialogue (CIUDAD) - Gestion Optimiske de Dechets en Mediterranee EIE - Energy Sustainability for Adriatic Small Communities - EASY INTERREG IVC Improve the effectiveness of waste prevention policies in European territories
Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

Marche Region, Department of Land Environment Energy will primarily contribute to matters relating to regulatory issues and information and awareness of local actors.
Competences, capacity and know how of the Benefioary

in7plernentlng project actfvittes and results

Marche Region has developed several initiatives to support sustainable development policies and environmental evaluation system at local and European level. It has a consolidated experience in coordinate and develop EU projects in this field. Marche Region has the capacity to directly influence regional and local policies, since this is its basic role. It has in charge all the activities of the administration and the planning of environmentala policies and for this reasons it co-finances activitie to improve sustainable development systems especially in relation with local authorities and municipalities.



Page 1 1 of 65

Beneticialy role tfl~tit~tion

Final Beneficiary
IrrstJlUtioll narne In naiional originai !nstltiltiotl name ill Ef~giisii language Legal status

Regione Molise Molise Region, Public Body NO Via Geneva, 11, 86100

"de tnintinis" condilioti


Stleer Niifnber. Psstai

cotinrry NUTS 1 1 - ll! o PqurV

Molise - CamPobasso Francesco Manfred1Selvaggi Respons~bleof the Environmental Protection and Prevention Servrce (Michela Palmieri. Technrcal Support Via S. Antonro Abate 236 86100 Campobasso +390874424444 +390874424434 IT52Q0560803801 000000236331 NVRBIT2N081 1250.000,00

Legal representatwe Person

/Author~zedName s u r r l a ~ e
Furictron Naint.,kcii7ianre Fi~rrOon Slreef Nur,ber ~ o s t acode i cliy

IContact person

~h ~
E niari

Benefic~aryfinanc~al deta~ls

'BAN Code
swifl Code

Total budget

212.500,OO 37,500,00 AdditrooaIpub/~c/pdvate 0,00 funding (wheia req~iiredl

Natioim! co-finaiiciiig

EU CCJ-fmaiictny

Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment. budgct, other impor?ant informat~on)

Molise Region has got all the skills necessary for the project's activities, such as administrative offices, re-porting techniques related to the field of interest of the project. It is an organization composed of a complex structure which occurs to the organization of the staff, the signature of contracts, the financial issues and so on... . The Environment Area is the sector which pro-vides to the VIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and VAS (Strategic Environmental Assessment) prom-dures and it has got qualified staff as environmental engineers, expert in administration, and people grad-uated in foreign languages.
Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and inten?ational projects

The Responsible of the Environment Area took part to the lnterreg Program related to some projects about the impact environmental of the anthropogenic actions. The projects KATER I and KATER II were interested in to the water resources protection. In fact in the SEE Program there is the Climate Change Waters Project of which the Molise Region is one of the Partner. In all these projects there are partners which belong to the IPA zone .
Contribution of the Beneficiary to the prolect

The ARPA will take part to the execution of the project because it is the technical organ which support the Molise Region in its duties of the environmental protec-tion. Others subjects which should take part to the project are the Municipalities which are the direct be-neficiaries of the project, together with the Molise Re-gion, because they well know the problem of urban growth.
Cornpetences. capacity and know how of the Beneficiary ~nitnplernentii-rgproject activities and results

The VAS methodology, applied to the urban instru-ments, can be used also to value the existing settle-ments and the planning zoning already approved in order to give them an attestation of environmental quality. That can be used as a marketing instrument in order to attract new inhabitants or persuade the people who live there to not go away.

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Page 12 of 65

Beneficiary role Institution

Final Beneficiary
1nstl:~tto)l ~?a!nt. in national origtna! iariyuage lnstitii!ioii iiarne 111 Eiiglisl? language

UniversitB G.DIAnnunzio Chieti-Pescara

"G. d'AnnunzioW University

i.egai statiis
' ; 7 ern;i?ifnis" co~idition


Street Nu!?bei. Pdslai code city ~oiinlry

NUTS I! - Ill

Public Body No Viale Pindaro,42, 65124 Pescara ITALY Abru~o - Pescara Franco Cuccurullo. Rector of University Valter Fabietti. full professor V.le Pindaro 42, 65124 Pescara Mobile Phone 00393475382253 003908563879;; lT48J055501550100000044138 BPMOIT22XXX


Legal representative /Authorized Person Contact person

Namt+/sunlame Fu,ictmn Nome/sur.namo F~incoon Street, Nuniber Postal code otv

~ hNum. .

Fax E-RI~I!

Benefic~ary financial details


Code code

CUP Cndc
Total budget

220.000,00 187.000,OO Mahoilal cci-finarrcii~g 33,000,00 Addtfronalpiih!ic/~~riva:o 0,00 h~nd:ny {whale rayuiredl
EU co ljnei?rtng

Beneficiary organization (human resources, equlpment. budget, other important tnformatiotij

Gabriele D'Annunzio University is composed by 12 col-legesldepartmentsdivided between the 2 Universities Campus of Pescara and Chieti, where there is the reg-istered office of the University, with the Headmaster's and the Management offices. From its establishment the Gabriele D'Annunzio Univer-sity developed international relationships in different study's and researches' fields, in order to improve stu-dents and teachers to cooperate in the European and international didactics (Socrates, Erasmus, collabora-tion's programs in the EU and extra-EU areas). In par-ticular, the College of Architecture carries out research programs and cooperates with France, Spain, England, Holland, Turkey and China, through 5 Departments, outfitted by technical and informatics nlodern facilities, for videoconference, multimedia projection, web design and graphic activities.
Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and inte,?7atinnalprojects

2007 in progress VAS - G. D'Annunzio University, Ministry for the Environment, Province of Chieti - 200612007 CULTURA 2000 "Transhumance of sheep tracks and civilization: a cultural and environmental European network" . D'Annunzio University

- Ministry for the Envi-ronment, Land and Sea - Valladolid University, Ca' Fo-scari University, Maison de la Transhumance - - 200312005 LOT0 "Landscape Opportunities for Territorial Organization" Convention between DART- .
"Research and experimentation on identification, cataloguing, recover and increasing of tratturi's territories" . G.

D'Annunzio University and Marche Region - lnterreg Ill b CADSES "Transnational cooperation project" - 200312004 D'Annunzio University. Ministry for the Environment, Ministry of University and Scientific re-search - 2000/2002 SEA "Application models of strategic environmental assessment on urban planning" G. D'Annunzio University - Research COfinanced by MIUR-PRIN
Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

G. D'Annunzio University will take part to the coordination of the foreseen activities (taking part also to the Steering
Committee) and will engage in the organization and realization of the meeting with the involved Adriatic area partners. In particular the G. D'Annunzio University, through the College of Architecture and the Department of Environment, Networks and Territory (DART), will engage in the definition and realization of a joint methodological model. In this field the DART will
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Page 13 of 65

work on the analysis' elaboration of the Italian ad European experiences, identifying best practices, realizing intervention manuals and publishing editorial publications to support the advancement and the implementation of involved partners' activities.
Cornpetences, capac~ty arid kriow how of the Beneficiaty

~mplernei>ttng project activities and results

G. D'Annunzio University offers its technical and methodological know how, acquired through the undertaken activities by
the Department of Environment, Networks and Territory (DART), lead partner of the Tratturi e civiltd della transumanza project, in cooperation with Abruzzo Region, that achieved quantitative and qualitative results about the experimental valorisation, that took place in protected areas of Abruuo, in cooperation with the Department of the Environment, Italian and foreign universities, Local Bodies and Environment Organizations. Therefore, G. D'Annunzio University offers its experience in the field of Strategic environmental analysis, in agreement with the Department of Environment and Abruzzo Region. Particulary DART G. D'Annunzio University led the research project "SEA. Models of application of strategic environmental analysis in urban planning".

0211112011 23:26:16


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Beneficiary role Institution

Final Beneficiary
/ r ~ s ! ~ t u ?!rai?ie i u ! ~ itr nationai ongin.31 idi,gi!age iostitiitior~iiarrie !ti fngii:!I iai!gudge :.egai statlis


Public Body No Mi~ka Kranjca 12, 11090 Belgrade SERBIA Serbia Bojan Milic President of the Municipality Zoran Andjelkovic Advisor Kralja Milana 7N 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3246 841, 3246 842, +381 63 669 586 +381 11 3246 841,3246 842,, RS35908504101000767229 NBSRRSBG 235.000,OO 199.750,OO 35,250,00 0,00

''a? mii,irn!s' coi~ciiiio~r


%!eel Ni!ir!be, Piis&! code


Coiintiy NUTS ii - 111 o


Legal representative /Authorized Person Contact person

Nar"""unlanl" Fui~ct!ori Na!3iebini!an1c) Fl~ricrian Street, NuniDer Postai code

~h N i ~ m


t nia~i

Beneficrary frnancial detarls

S ~ V I Code ~!

CUP Code
Total L~idgr'l

LU < o i i n a i l r i r l ~
Naboilal GO-fnaw ! r g

Add~fional pubtic CriialP fund~r,g( w h e ~ e teqciirsd'

budyet, ofher ~rnpoflant mformabon) Beneficiary organizat!on (human resources, equ~pment,

Rakovica Municipality is the most undeveloped Belgrade Municipality, with high rate of unemployment and industry in restructuring and privatization. The great potential for improvement in the Municipality is environmental management, i.e. problem with ecologic status with should be improved.
Description ofprevious (and current) experiences M7 CBC and ir?terriationalprcyects

Rakovica Municipality is nowadays involved in some EU projects.

Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

Rakovica Municipality will cooperate with all final be~eficiaries in the study of application of CAS in Ser-bia Country.
Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary

irnplernentfng project act~vities and results

Rakovica Municipality has the right competences to coordinate and organize the environmental assess-ment in the involved territories.

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Beneficiary role Institution

Final Beneficiary
nai~cnal !nstitiltioriilaine;il 0!lglnCl/ :anguaye EIJ~JIS lanyiiaye /I
1 ego1 s t a t ~ ~ s

Regionalna razvojna agencija Dubrovacko- neretvanske iupanije DUNEA d.0.0 Dubrovnik Neretva County Regional Development Agency DUNEA Public Body NO Branitelja Qubrovnika 41, p.p. 358, 20 000 Dubrovnik CROATIA Dubrovnik-Neretva l ~ e l a n i j aMilic. Director Heiena Kangjera. Senior advisor for EU projects Branitelja Dubrovnika 41, p.p. 358 20 000 Dubrovnik +385 20 312 714; +38520312715 HR7223400091110226110 BPZGHR2X

"de mi,i~rnis"co~?ditioi?


Socar N~ifr~bi.1 Pustai

city Csun!iy NUTS ! !- 1 1 1o rjriii

Legal representat~ve /Authorized Person Contact person


~arne/s1n7~ame F~inction Street, Number Postal code city Ph Nriin. Fax


deta~ls Beneficiary fir~ancial

/BAN Code
S W I ~ Code

CUP Code

250.000,OO 21 2.500,OO Natio~iai ccr-financiiry 37,500,00 Add~tionalp~ii~!ic/pnvate 0,00 funding (wheie ieqiiiredl
ELI co-financing

T t ~ i abudget l

Beneficiary organizat~on (human resources, equipmei?t. budget, other ~mportant ~nformation)

RDA Dunea is an organization in 100% ownership of the regional government. It currently holds its own two floor building, office and meeting premises and conference hall. The agency also has a representation office in Bruxelles in premises of Molise region. There are 10 full time people employed with~n the RDA Dunea and one employee in Bruxelles representation office. The budget of the organization is approx. 700.000,OO Euros per year.
Description of previous (and current) experiences m CBC and ~riternational projects

In cross border cooperation,Dunea has finalized several projects. "Another project also on the theme of rural tourism was financed under lnterreg lllA Adriatic "Across the sea and the mountains" where the LP was Informest. The project "BIOLFISH" was also financed from the same cross border programme. A project in waste managementnlntegratedWaste Management on Korcula island" was also another cross border initiative financed under precession programme IPA 2005.Dunea is also involved in two translational cooperation programmes - "COASTANCE" financed from the MED programme and "Adriatic Danubian Clustering" SEE. It is also implementing three cross border projects in partnership with other organizations: "OLIVE", "Nature for the Future" From Croatia and Montenegro and "PITAGORA" from IPA. Delegation of European Union to RC is also funding a projectWEC&YOUth" dedicated to informing youth about European youth policies while CES is financing "CHANCE" project for improving youth employment.
Contribution of the Beneficiary to l l ~ e pt-oject

The contribution of Dunea will be especially directed to the bordering countries in the partnership consortium such as Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina since it maintains the relevant experience within the EU funding and implementing sector. The cross border initiative will have a positive effect on sharing experience and setting up new directions of the institutional cooperation in the neighbourhood area of the Western Balkans, as well.
Competences. capacity and know how of the Bei~eficiaryi i i iinp/f,mei?l~ng projeci act~vit~es and results

RDA Dunea holds a relevant EU programming, preparation and implementation experience that has gathered as project partner and/or applicant over the past three years. It has competent staff, knowledgeable about the matter with great success in implementing all projects in different areas such as: environmental protection, rural tourism, rural development,
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Page 16 of 65

agriculture, institutional cooperation and coordination etc. All finalized projects were marked as highly successful by the relevant contracting and monitoring bodies, thus, the Agency has highly positive results within the field

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Beneficiary role lnstlt~tion

Final Beneficiary
!nsfilutio!r name 10 nafionai i ~ r i n ! n ~ ~ i

Qendra per Kerkim dhe Zhvillim Centre for Research and Development Non profit private organization NO Street " Luigj Gurakuqi ", P. 1511 , Shk.1 , Ap.1 , tirana Tirane ALBANIA Tiran& Mirlinda Rusi E x e a v e Director Ereda Xhumari Contact Person Street" Luigj Gurakuqi ", P. 1511 , Shk.1 , Ap.1 NIA Tirane +35542230445 +35542230445 AL76208111010000032301031801 USALALTR

~~~stltc~ nanlt. t;oll

E i ~ g l ~ siangtiage i?

1 egai


so "


Stiecr Nllfnber Poiial (;ode

c ! ~
COG ii~tr~,
N U i S I! - Ill o iq118u

Legal representative / Authorlred Person Contact person

p4am'".2!rriafl'e Ftn~cOon


F~;i;coon Street Nunibtr

Posts: coda

~ hN . , I ~


Beneficrary financial deta~ls

I6AN code

s w h Code
CUP Code
Tor81 lxidyet


EU co-finai~i:~tiy

fundmu (wheic ieqliired)

85.000,OO , 15,000,00 ,~drl,t10~~alpl1bii~/ ! 0,00 ~~1~8iB

t$at~onal cc-firia;iciiig

Beneficiary organizatron (human resources, equ~pment, budget, other ~rnportant ~nformat~on)

Centre for Research and Development, Tirana (CRD) was duly registered at the Court of Tirana in 27.03.2001 (Decision No. 1067) as an independent and non-profit organisation. CRD was established by a team of highly professional and experienced specialists with the aim to undertake research work serving the needs of public and private organisations, international institutions and Albanian academic community in: Economic and Socio Policy Analysis; Regional Planning and Project Management; Institutional Strengthenina and Local Governance; Analysis of SMEs performance, Surveys and Innovation; Each member of our team combines economic and technical skills with policy and strategy development experience. Since its inception, CRD is striving to create an independent think tank institution with a distinctive profile in Albania based on the professional expertise of our specialists
Description of previous (and current) experrences in CBC arld ~ r ~ t e i i l a t ~ o projects ~lal

CRD team clearly balance experience in Albanian public administration, academic achievements and experience at private sector. The reflection of such qualities could also be seen to high standards and the quality of our projects and our support we are getting from various Albanian and Internationkl organisations.
Contribution of the Beneficiary to the pi-oject

Centre for Research and Development, Tirana (CRD) will cooperate with all final beneficiaries in the study of application of EEA in Albania Country.
Competences. capacity and know how of the Betleficiary r r l impiemeiliii~g project act~vities arld resiilts

The CRD founders and their collaborators are senior professionals with distinctive achievements and reputations

0211 112011 23:26:16


Page 18 of 65


BeneRoary role Institution

Final Beneficiary
/ns/it~,?!o~l iia~iw ; ; i :~al~on 0!1cnn3i ~i/

i i i i ~ i i i i i i i i i ~ i i i ~ ~ i / i ~ i i ~ i i ~


i egdi siaiiis

'nc- m!ii!rnis" ro:,ci!i,tio~l


Strent i<iiinbei Pusizi

c : ! t ; .

Public Body No SAMARA STR., 13, , 491 00 CORFU GREECE Kerkyra

NUTS i l - Ill o i-qtiiv

Person Contact person

N? nc acirtfsnre

Slietf NIIP b r r
Pcstaf i o d ~




Beneficrary finanoal detarls

F ma!,



ii Coda


CUP C x i e

175.000,OO 148.750,OO Nafronal co-?il~ailcliig ,26.250,0() Addil!onal putl~::inri/nls O , ~ O iunoiny jirheie reqiiir'ed)
EU cu-'inanci~!:

Total budget

Beneficiary organization (human I-esources, eqi~ipment, hudgel. otlier ftnporlartt fnfonnation)

The Region of lonian Islands is a public body that forms an independent decentralized Administrative Unit of the Greek Government.lts main competence is to plan, program, co-ordinate and implement the National Policies for the financial,social and cultural development of the region. The Region is also an Administrative Unit composed of de-partments, public authorities and has a specific administrative structure on top of which is the Governor, who is responsible for the implementation of the strategic policies. A staff of around 270 employees of higher education covers an extensive scope of expertise, such as geology, environmental engineering, agriulture, animal farming, fish farming, rural topography, mechanical,electricaI, chemical and civil engineerirlg,eiectronics, informatics, infrastructure engineering, chemical engineering, food technology, health & wel-fare,sccial service,organisation and administration of local authorities and financial planning and management
Description of previous (and ciirret~t) experiences in CBC uni' ~ilernationai projects

The Regional Unit of Corfu has already managed 13 projects in the framework of the INTERREG programmes and has thus acquired experience in their management:"Thc3 T,~lediterranean Islands sustainability ISO: 9001 Action Plan (20062015)" (INTERREG lllB ARCHlMED "ITNet (INTERKEG lllA GREECE ITALY; "SEALINKINTRAFLOWS" (INTERREG

lllA GREECE ITALYPOPULAR" (INTERREG lllA GREECE ITALY), "TRIAnet" (INTERREG lllA GREECE ITALY),"La Bottega delle Voci- LiOPERA dei Giovani" (INTEEKEG lllA GREECE ITALY,"La Bottega delle Voci-Centro di Produzione TEATRALE (A.I.G.S,C)"(INTERREG lllA GREECE !T.:,LY), TERRE PARLANTI""Su1Cammino di EneaWlntra-radar" (INTERREG lllA GREECE ITALY, Medisolae 3D" (IN TERREG lllB ARCHIMED "NETWORKING OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES", Moreover, it currently implements two IPA Adr~atic projects (STAR & Adri-Seaplanes) and will shortly start implementing 9 rojects under the GR-IT CBC 2007-2014.1n all of the above projects, the Regional Unit of Corfu has participated as partner
Contribution of the Beneficjay to the project

The beneficiary (Region of lonian islands1 Regional Unii of Corfu) will participate in all the activities of the project, and will follow technical and administrative guide-lines pr~bided by the work package leaders1 the beneficiary will contribute to the

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implementation of the activlt~es through its documented experience in the management and implementation of a sign~ficant number of cross border co operat~on projects.
Competences, capaclty and kr~ow /?owof the Beneficiary 11, irnl~kvnenting project activibes and results

Region of lonian islands1 Regional Unit of Corfu has devel-oped capabilities through successive years of experience in various fields of cross-border cooperation projects. The use of modern equipment and instrumentation devices adds to the cost efficiency and high quality of services it provides. The practical experience of the personnel and their know-how on business operations allows the Region of lonian Islands to develop, implement, and integrate innovative Projects. It has also been certified with the I S 0 9001 quality management. Technical versatility, know-how, and organizational flexibility are significant elements of the Region's successful operations. it is expected that all this experience in the administrative and technical procedures gained through the participatioti cf the Region in several cooperation projects will be capitalized during the implementation of SPEEDY project that will add significantly to the image of the island.

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Page 20 of 65

Beneticiary role lnst~tut~on

Final Beneflclary
n ;I


ma1 oriuin,iI


Agjenc~a Kombetare e Planifik~mit Territorial National Territorial Planning Agency Public Body Rr. Muhamet Gjollesha, lnstituti I Ndertimit, 10123

nanle I r ! f i i g h r l i ia!?guage

i egai sta:rrs

rnir~~rnrs' cor?~lii,(!o~~ No


SIiuel N[li?bt!r


Tirana ALBANIA NuJS!ll/!oPQ(jlL Other [art. 97 reg (EC) 718120071 - Albania IKreuza Leka Legal representative /Authorized Naln~'suniame Person Fur!cfion Director Na~ni~;sorlianre Contact person Enerieta Murataj F~incii~n Contact Person Sireel Nun?ber Rr. Muhamet Gjollesha, lnstituti I Ndertimit ilas!ai coda 10123 Qii. Tirane ~h N I I ~ . +355695845794 Fau +355695845794 i-n1a11 /BAN Code Benefic~ary financial detatis AL98202110130000000010900100 ~wf Code i SGSBALTX

c ~ t ~

1 Tatai budgc:

CUP Code

185.000,OO 157.250,OO Nattonal cci-finni~crr~g 27,750,00 Adrlit~onai piio!ic/private 1 ) , 0 1 ) funding (vuheie tequimd)
EU cc-linaiic<ni;

(human resources, equipment. Dudgct othet-important ~nformat~on) Beneficiary organizat~on

NATP is headed by the general director who organizes and chairs all the activity of NATP and reports to the Council of Ministers. The general deputy director is appointed, dismissed and fired by the Prime Minister, following the proposal of the general director. The structure of NATP is endorsed by an order of the Prime Minister. The number of NATP employees is 37 persons.NATP IS a budgetary lnst~tut~on flnanced by the State Budget, forelgn donat~ons and other The ----- _ _--- " legal _ - sources. I I

budget of NATP forms an Important part ~nthe budget of Prlme Mlnlstry. The Internal work of NATP

Description of previous (and current) experiences

pertinent regulations approved by the Prime Minister NATP operates in the entire territory of the Republic of Albania. , . - -117

CBC ;+rid ~:ite~iiaiiona/ projects


IS regulated

by the

National Territorial Planning Agency has participated in international project such as: Millenium Challange Development Goals 1 USAlD
Contr~buhon of the Berieffciaty to the project

NTPA will be the WP leader for WP +~&~QuI of shared working-,model. It..will also support LB and all FB in the main % . project and coordination activities.
Competences, capacity and know ha* of the B~ileficrary ir? in?pitvll~ntiiig prolect actiwties and results

NATP has the following responsibilities and duties:

. supports the horizontal coordination between the national authorities of territory planning and vertical coordination
between the national and local planning authorities with the aim of harmonizing and handling the issues of national and local importance in the domain of territory planning by~gathering the responsible panning authorities and the groups of interest; assisting in resolving the conflicts between them and being part in the interlocutory commissions,conducting and stimulating the procedures and mechanism facilitating and supporting the cooperation and coordination of every level undertaking the initiative in determining the issues of nationai importance in territory planning, in providing the publication and the public information, in imposing the preliminary suspension of development, in conducting the coordination, counseling and providing the participation of interested parties

-02/1112011 23:26:16 2"ord 1022610

Page 21 of 65

Beneficiary role Institution


nai~n?,+! origoia!


,';ig't:,.,i iar:giidge
:Legal status

per le valutazioni ambientali (MATTM-DVA) M.A.T.T.M. - Environmental Assessment Directorate (MATTM-DVA),

Public Body via cristoforo colornbo 44, 000147

Minister0 dell'Ambiente e dells tutela del territorio e del Mare- Direzione


S t ~ c e tN~~inl,t-,: Pusiai


Roma ITALY NiJTS/'-iiio*~l!iv Other [art. 97 reg (EC) 718/2007] - Italy Legal representat~ve /Aofhoi~zedK3(ce'.s"m3n1p Mariano Grillo Person FU-C~,OII General Director Narr~e kuvtanie Contact person P s l a Andreolini Fel~ic~;l>ri Coordinator for E.U. technical assistance programs S P I X ~ Nunihiw !Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 t.'osta; code 1000147 , CIO Roma ~h N ( i m +3906-57225901 ,=ax '+3906 57223040 E~nia,:


Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and ir~iernational projects

M.A.T.T.M. takes part in a number of EU initiatives which will identify the following main areas and experiences:

- many Twinning ("Monitoring of drinking water quali!y

in the Republic of Poland", "Implementation of Water Framework

Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC in the Republic of Polar:d", "Strengthen environmental protection", "Management System of Drinking Water Monitoring in Chief Sanitary Inspectorate", "Support to the Ministry of Land Management, Water and Environment for the in-tegrated Environment management, harmonisation of the national environmental legal framework and con-vergence with EU environmental legislation", "Streng-thening of surface water monitoring network, "Water Quality Management", ""Support to Environmental Manageme~t" con il Minister0 delllAmbiente montenegrino Eastern Europe) (ex CADSES), and Central Europe Program.
Contribution of the Associate to the project activities
> )

- projects in the fields of transport and climate change in the Alpine Space Program (ex lnterreg IIIB), SEE Program (South


Environmental Assessment Directorate (MATTM-DVA), project partner will play a trasversal activity for

identified actions. it will participate at the project's activities in a transversal way. M.A.T.T.M. will mainly give its contribution in the dissemination of project's results playing its role of national focal point for SEA.
Added value from the pattecipation of the Associate

M.A.T.T.M. has a structure dedicated to environmental assessments of national and international level. That structure, according to Aarhus Convention and the D.Lgs.15212006 concerning access to environmental information and participation in collaborative purpose, provides technical and administrative procedures relating to the SEA and EIA, together with other data and information, synthesis and 1or depth (ex. sector studies ), it is useful to the :iarious parties involved in the evaluation by environmental and the community. Through this system , M.A.T.T.M. participates the implementation of the project taking shape as part of the network hub for the sharing and the implementation of natio7al and cross-border information data.

0211 112011 23:26:16


Page 22 of 65

Beneficiary role

~ilsti~L'tloiiisame ;'I naional nnoinal


Ministarstvo zivotne sredine, rudarstva I prostornog planiranja Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning Public Body omladinskih brigada 1, 11000 Belgrade SERBIA Serbia Nebojsa Pokimica. Assistant minister j a Lausevic Stanic j~ssistant Omladinskih brigada 1 1 1000 Bebrade +381 11 3132572 +382 11 3131-355


fi?gi1~17 lnsiiiliiJ@ll iailyusyr nanlelrl

1 egai staiiis


St!ee! Nurnbe* Pos!n/


C 1 h
tdiJTS /I - lil o

Legal representative /Authorized N,-f""'Surname Person fzimct~on Contact person

iNaiiie;surr)anie O l
S ~ O ! N~inibor

tiostai code




Description of previous (and curre17t) experier7ces ir, CBC ai~cl i:,ter~?ational projects

Project with Swedish Agency for international cooperation for supporting in infrastructure investment in scope of environmental protection EAS Project - Technical assistance for preparation of na-tional strategy for approximation in scope of environmental protection International programme Blue flag-Eco project for rivers protection, lakes and coast
* Cross border reservation of biosphere, Agreement between Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia * Project for implementation of Stockholm Convention on long term organic pollution substances

Contribution of the Associate to the project activities

developing and implementation of efficient environmental assessment in Serbia -adopting EU legislation, policies and standards

in scope of environmental protection

-sharing and solving common environmental problems in Adriatic countries -promotion of environmental solutions and comrnon efforts in Adri-atic countries
Added value from the panteclpation o i the Associate

The Ministry deals with activities related to environmental protection, construction and spatial planning and mining. The Ministry includes following sectors: Urbanism and spatial planning; Construction, investments and construction intended land; Planning and managing; Natural resources protection; European integration, international cooperation and project management; Control and monitoring and Mining and geology. Managing unit in the Ministry is Agency for environmental protection.

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i i , r A 1022610

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Work package
T~tle Description Respoi~sible beneficiary

1 Project Preparation




Region of Abruzzo - Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and EC Policies, External Affairs, Energy

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Page 24 of 65

Titie Descriptiorl

Responsible beneficiary Actions

Crossborder Project Management and Coordination This WP aims to assure a cohesive and effective coordination of the projects' activities and of the administrative, legal and financial matters. A structure will be given to the partnership with Steering Committee (SC) and Technical Scientific Committee (TSC). Abruuo Region will be the coordinator of the project and it will be directly the responsible organism facing the MA, both from substance and an administrative point of view. LB will activate the mechanisms of connection among the beneficiaries that will contribute to the effective management of the project activities in respect of the working plan. All the beneficiaries will be involved in the coordination of the project, through the sharing of special constituted organisms. Region of Abruuo - Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and EC Policies, External Affairs,

Role o f each brnehclary


LB: Follow up of overall Abruuo Region its financial execution - workplan implementaThis action will ensure tion; establishment of the implementation of the Management Unit, of the Steering the project work pian Committee and the and its financial Scientific Committee. All Beneficiaries: will attend to the Steering Committee and Technical Scientific Committee. They will communicate the details of implementation, the overall progress of the project, and achievement of progress indicators. Abruuo Region 39.900,OO 10aily communication. LB: Setting the I in this action has been communication plan iforeseen also among and instruments; :all beneficiaries a daily creation of intranet for beneficiaries' lcommu-nication that /will be established communication on the website. Beneficiaries: E : z : ; , " S " t " h ; o u g h Continuous ~&'ZEtLtion communication with LB; reporting of 1 password protected progress and problems platform. encountered Fulfilment of all !compulsory documents 'by Partnerships (Subsidy contract from ; LB, joint convention i agreerr~ent between 40,500,001Monitoring activities - The LB and each WP's Abruuo Region 'MONITORING will be a Coordinator will assess the degree to which :joint re-sponsibility; each beneficiary will be deliverables meet :responsible for quality scientific standards, follow quality criteria, assur-ance of and specifications. ,deliverables undertaken. Beneficiaries: Will ; Seneficiaries will provide inputs and i submit periodical progress indicators on ' reports (every 6 deliverables; selfmonths) to the LB who, assess its own contribution. return, will consolidate the ,financial and activity i information in order to conduct the progress reports, the , ;nterrnediary and final repxt, and submit :aem tc the IPA MA.



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qLUrc I{-'>,>"


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Hole of each ber~ehciay


Elaboration of a monitoring plan and tools - Elaboration of a monitoring tool and elaboration of a monitoring plan

Evaluation Elaboration of the on going evaluation (with possible adjustments) and final evaluation.

Abruzzo Region Abruuo Region coordinates the activities of monitoring and con-solidation of beneficiaries' reports; reporting them to the IPA MA. All beneficiaries collaborate to the activity of verification between ex-pected and obtained results. Abruzzo Region Abruzzo region evaluates constantly the sub-sistence of conditions and requirements about relevance, feasibility and sustainability of the project. Each beneficiary will support WP's responsible. Once ended the practical experience, WP's responsible coordinates the action of final evaluation of the project. With the support of each beneficiary.

Qualitative and quantrtat/ve descnptlotrs of the oiitputs

Date of deltvery Descnplton B,nefrc;ary/~rs Target value

1. Months 1. Periodical partners progress report + Report 6,12,18, to the IPA Managing authority 24,30,36 2.Final report 2.Month 36 3.Monitoring and evaluation methodology plan 3.Month 4 4. lntranet communication password protected -6 platform 4.Months 3 5. Work programme and methodology to

5.Months 2 activities division. -4 6.Kick-off meetings and establishment: 6.Months 4 Management Unit, Steering Committee and 7.Months TSC


1. All 2.All 3.LB 4.LB + All 5. LB 6.LB 7. All

1. 1 for each reporting period

implementation of the project, with work

2.1 3.1 4. 1 5. 1 6.1 8. All 7.6 9. Partner organizer of the meeting 8.1 10.LB 9.6 1 1 . LB 10.2 11. 8

19,36 11. Months 2,6, 10, 14,18,22,

Qualitative and quantitatlve desc~ipfions of the rcsults
Descrtpiion Rei!efiudr).ii-s Target value

I. Month 2 - 1. Establishing of the managerial and organizational

structure for carrying out the project activities - the 3.LB 2.Month 6, Management Unit; SC and TSC 12,18,24, 2. Verification between expected and obtained results 4.LB through monitoring report 3.Month 19 3.Coordination of "in itinere" evaluation 4.Month 2 - 4. Organization Chart Flow for Partnership
Total aniouni

1. LB + all 2.All

1. 1 2. 5 3.1 4. 1

487.750,OO E

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Title Descriptior?

Responsible benefioary Actions

Slatiing month

2 Communication and Dissemination DisseminationlCommunication activities' will ensure the continuous exchange of info among institutions operating in interested territories. Project will develop a communication strategy acting on internal communication (constant information flow within the partners using web-site-intranet, e-mail, ect ...) and external communication (actions to disseminate project activitiesloutputslresults towards interested target groups through: newsletter, brochures, press releases, press conferences, workshop, web site, public events, etc.). Beneficiaries will use all the relevant networks in order to make the widest possible dissemination to all relevant stakeholders and involved operators. Molise Region.

Eocirrig :non!h

Total ainotii?! F



01' tach









1 i







Territory of each Each beneficiary will 110.750,00 Dissemination have the responsibility beneficiary meetings to inform, through its Dissemination relevant networks, the meetings will bring identi-fied target group together about the progress public Institutions, project's activities and decision makers the dissemination of arld experts I ongoing output and technicians results according to the of beneficiaries' Countries and from EU communication and dis-semination plan. Commission relevant office operating in the ,interested topic of environmental impact assessment, in order to ijresent the results of (rhe project. Territory of each Each beneficiary will 21 8,450,001 iss semi nation have the responsibility beneficiary meerings to inform, through its Dissemination relevant networks. the meetin g s will bring identi-fied target group together about the progress public Institutions, project's activities and decision makers the dissemination of and experts I ongoing output and technicians results according to the ]of beneficiaries' Countries and from EU communication and dis-semination plan. Commission relevant office operating in the @nterested topic of environmental impact I.xsessnent, in order to I present the results of :he?O_;ecl 75.000,00 1 E-brochure and other The project e-brochure Not relevant ,idissemination . activities will be common for all - Phis activity responds the beneficiaries. ,to the need to ensure Each beneficiary will be ieftective dissemination respon-sible to translate the content to 'of the resuits of the ~roject. It will be struc- its language of each tared arotlnd a series dissemination material. Ad hoc dissemination rf sctivities at key and pro-motion r,h;-ses: activities will be organ(:.c~nmi~nication ized by each 19-nat~rials (Leaf-lets, beneficiary. 1 ?nwngs, etc.) ., Design, translation a n d print~ng of a project hrocii~re: ' P:ibiica:ion of pel 1cd:cal newslet-ters. Additional ad hoc , -.-?, a+.>~itie~.

I. 1

of the ouiputs Qualitatwe and quantitative descript~ons


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Date c f delivery Desc~ipftorr

I. Months 4 I. Web site -5 2.International Meetings

1 B<.!i~efr!a!y'ies 1. W P leader + All

2.WPs responsibles 3.WP leader 4.WP leader 5.WP leader

-4 5.Months 2 -4 6.Months 5 - 36 7.Months 4, 10, 16, 22, 28, 34 8.Months 12, 24, 3 6 9.Months 1 2 -36 10.Period 1-36 1 1. Period 4-3 6
Date of delivery

implement 3.Project identification (documents, PPT ation; templates) months 6 - 4.Communication and dissemination plan 3 6 5. Project e-Brochures 6. maintainin 6.e-Brochures downloaded online 7. WP leader + All 7. Leaflets 8. WP leader + All 9 2.Months 8.Periodical newsletter: number of newsletters 9. 4, 10,16, issued 10.All 11. 22, 28, 34 9. Newsletter downloaded online 3.Months 2 10.Number of articles in regionalllocal press -4 11. Number of connections to the project website 4.Months 2

1. 1 2. 6(I launching meeting, 4

intermediated meetings, 1 final meeting)


3.1 4.1 5.1 6.200 7.7 8.3 (one for each 9.600 10.22 11.1000




Qualitat~ve and quantitative descriptio!?~ of the results

.. . . -


Targel valiie

Months 1

3 6

1. Number of all involved IPA CBC pof~ulation

informed 2 .Number of all the relevant regional stakeholders contacted 3.Number of Knowhow and best practices transferred to all partnership


1. At least 30 people or each beneficiary 2.At least 1 0 for each beneficiary 3.1 for each beneficiary

Total amounl

404.200,OO E

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Title Description

I~esponsible berieficiary Actions


3 Comparative Dynamic Analysis Different institutional settings, stages of implementation of EU legislation and large production of detailed rules at local level have enabled strong differences in procedures and method-ologies concerning SEA (strategic environmental assessments), leading to basics problems limiting the sustainable development. Analysis of locallnational regulations, of the different institutional settings and procedures for SEA, might allow the delivery of a shared set of pro-posals harmonizing the different provisions. Comparative Dynamics Analysis will evaluate the state of the art and compare the procedures of SEA currently set-up, better identifying gaps and critical issues about procedures affecting the fulfilment of the objectives set by EU. l~ubrovnik Neretva County Regional Development Agency DUNEA

Start!ng month



Toia! w:noi!n! E



RO:Pof each hmclic;!ary






68.500,00 State of the art of SEA WP leader will coordinate the procedures - Action activities. aims to collect All partners will be governing provisions involved in the for SEA application collection and t~ithin the countries systemati-zation of taking part in the provisions concern-ing project, providing an overall view of the strategic environmental 'current shortcomings assessment concerning procedures. methodological issues,Associate will support consultation and the partnership in providing the existing public participation, quality audit available documenprocedural tations on SEA. iweaknesses. /inalysis ,will highlight i * tke difficulties in : ~ntegrating SEA piocedures within planning GI-~d pro-gramming I >ro#;esses, I* the lacks of 1 ir:formatioii tile training needs. rt also aims to show-up and overcome the / .. .. aif~~culties encountered i in setting-up of an efiect~de ccjcl-dination /i;~ii~~ :he en SEA pro,esure and other EU aircictives on EIA, ;isti-tat, 3irds, IPPC !x d i ' ~ ~ a & r .

Each Coun-try and regions of partners



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2 c,:ci K225'0

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month ACT Startirig rnonth E~iding 0112013 3.2 0912012

idtdi dinoiint

Oe,, iiptro:~

Rare of each nei~ehc!ay









61.100,OO State of the art of SEA procedures - Action aims to collect governing provisions for SEA application within the countries taking part in the project, providing an overall view of the current shortcomings concerning methodological issues consultation and public participation, I. quality audit 11.0cedlrraI I ~eaitnesses. Analysis \r~ill highlight the difficulties in :nleyating SEA procedures within planning and pro-gramming I praoesses, 1. the lacks of 1 ;n:or.rnation the training needs. it also aims to show-up land overcome the ldi~iculties encountered 1 in sett~ng-up of an efliecti,ve ccordination iiehbeen the SEA proieaure and other EU ; Dtrecbves on EIA, 1:4lit.:-tat,&cis, l?PC / and ,water.. 140.000,00,C;athered data: a~alysis and ccmparison - The 3.3 jact~on aims to make a 1 rompara-tive irafneworks of the data qathered through the definition the common cri~l-rions for the ronlnarison , about t9e procedure of S?r~tegic f nvironI 'v?ntai Assessment liSczA), organiza-tional e r r institutional ze;~,r%gs (3.1) v p,.2$tica; /'vr,rlonier?tstion of the SEA prccedure within 'le ::olifitries taking - m pwi :n project (3.2) . . . 'he . -. 74.150,00 .:)y:~a;:rriic I.lndat!ng - At i - i ~ stage , the data;vary concerning ,I-v-, ;ict9C;ri 2.3 wiil be -i)c'<~;ed Lsing the l ~ n c ~ idsrined el in the


Each Coun-try and reWP leader will jions of partners coordinate the activities. All partners will be involved in the collection and systemati-zation of provisions concern-ing strategic environmental assessment procedures. Associate will support the partnership in providing the existing available documentations on SEA.

Vot rele-vant WP leader will coordinate the activities, All partners will contribute to analysis realization The University of Pescara will de-fine the common criterions for the comparison Associate will support the part-nership in the realization of the report.


. I,,+-':-

i't~o ilyriamic update wili sllows verification

o f tr1e covpleteness anq siqo!*,cance of the data-base deiivered by fqs ?revic, actions of 'Alp:! ir order to -3ci-ieve ; < : i ;,.lf~?!ii~lS:'dt3
; i : :' - i s 3 1

WP leader will coordinate the activities, All partners will contribute to the data updating The University of Pescara will be in charge of the dynamic up-dating of the data

Not relevant

:a:nt:;-~o:k, esge-cially

, , .; -~

a:ia:yzing all ,;l..:a! ;ssues.


-- 02111/2011 23 26 16
N :

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Qual~tabve and quant~tat~ve d e s c r ~ p b oof ~ ,the ~ outpiits


Date o f delrve~y Descnptinn




Target vslr~e

Output from 1 to 4 - months 6 Output 5 month 24

1. Report on lnst~tut~onal and legal arl ; ! L 3 ne Z 'all state of the art (3 1) 2. Report on the State of the art of SEA procedures (3 2) I 3 Defin~t~on of Comparative analys~s:r a- nn: I (3.3) 4 Report on Comparat~ve analysls (3 3 5. Updated Report on Comparatlve ar;z',t~~s (3.4)

1 2 3 4 5

1 1 1 1 1

Qualrtatlve and quant~tative descriptions of the tesults

about the state of the art of strategic evaluat~on amongst local actors anz ~nvolved Countr~es

,irurn~afltdl ~rts ~f

at least 1 member for slngle benef~c~ary

0211112011 23 26 16

: 1-(1'022610

Page 31 of 65

Title Descriptiotl

I ~esporisiblebeneficrary

Building-up of shared workjhg model This activity will be focused on the definition of a method for identifying and discussing shared ITEMS' that should be taken into accourlt in the phase of web platform development. A result will be the building-up of a European network of organizations, actively working on environmental assessment issues, both theoretically as well as in a practical and scientific way. The above results will be achieved through the network that will be developed through an ICT platform, using existing software firstly evaluated and classified according to the 'aim of identifying the one suitableto the needs and issues setting-up by the project. l ~ a t i o n aTerritorial l Planning Agency

e partnership in the

, ;' ,.,,.. tion on wiii be


. 7'.

vb "5

Qualttative a t ~ d quantitative descnptior~s of the outp~its

\Np leader+ all

Qualilative ar~d quantitat~ve descrtpi~on.~ of the iesirlts

Date of dciivciy Dtscnp1,on

Targci ~aiiic

I. Month 12 I. Methodology of shared work

2.Month 12 2. Suggestions for updates to the m++_


1. 1 Report 2. 1 Report

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2 , 1 3$022613

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Title Descriptior?

Responsible benefioaty

Building-up of a Shared Knoi~ledge Platform (SKP) Web platform is an advanced online tool, with different accessibility's levels, that allows working on documents in an assistetl revision and in streaming. WP will start together with WP.1 in order to coordinate and validate the elaboration phase of the model with the implementation of the web tool, allowing actions to go deeper with the required characteristics in terms of technical feasibility and effectiveness of the platform. The building-up of the platform will be followed by a testing phase. It will be facilitated through online support for all the duration of the project. F1.R.A. S.p.A. - .. .-


2010oleac/, t.efioircrary



5.2 1012013

i 1

5.3 0112014

planning of WP leader will provide abruuo the SAP - During this the Executive planning acticrn the Platform's of the SKP. execution plan will be All partners, and build-up starting from associate, will support the proto-type the WP leader. ]developed in WP4. The /final design will contain all the information and diagram schemes. Within this action, using schemes about the implementation of ,the platform will be ,defined as well. 115.950,OOj 8~1!rl1ng -up of SKP - WP leader will provide abruuo Th15action includes the the Executive planning of the SKP. I C ; ier-up of the Pititform and its All partners, and associate, will support ;lautich~ng over the internet. The ICT the WP leader. :stri.ictilre of the plsiiorrn will be 'designed according to 1 tne execution plan unner Action 5.1. Once the Platform is up , a n d running over the intc!rnet, it will be iauriched with several ' i~ck;x~:r,i~a events. ti~n WP leader will organize abruuo region 146.250,OO '-'ic:ertation to tne :art-srs and training the event in Pescara ab'.list the use of SKP - and in loco training sessions. i.4 ?i::lsh3p will be rezii;,i?ijin order to A l l partners, and nrF.::,ent 117 the project's associate, will actively car'.ners the SKP and to the training both in Trair14ng session will be loco and on line. orq3nized in the same :training in loco Ah:cr;:o Region). ,4finr the \vi)rksh3p E(?~#.,*;i'.ic~ sesslons will . : P .':alrzed according ia ?,e aifterent levels i ~2:+:id:.~ati~11 and


1 1

02/11/2011 2326 16


Page 34 of 65


Starting month

Ending moiiti-

7 d a i a~noiirirC



Roie 3f e s i h iietiefiodry





36.400,OO Testing of the Platform for SKP - A joint on line test of the platform will out by using be ~arried it, ~n order to verify the cor;ipliance of the tecnnical and operational requirements to the reslrlts of the modelling action. This action is necessary to assess the need within the WF5 to make changes and realignments to the IC1 tscl sccording to ,..--, ,# ;, , cquest . , received by / ;.a;ir:ers. P 1 .1 activities !'?<!I? 2 2 iacilitate? by :;lni.i>g support.

WP leader will manage not relevant the testing phase. All partners, and associ-ate, will actively partici-pate in providing ideas and suggestions.

Qualitative and quantitative descript~ons of the outpiits

Date of dehveiy Description

1. Month 13 1. Executive planning of the SKP witti 2. Month 14 for beneficiaries (5.1) 3. Month 15 2. Building -up of SKP (5.2) 3. Presentation to the partners (5.3) 4. Month 16, 17, 18 4. On line Training sessions about the cise of 5. Months SKP (5.3) 18 5. Certificate of attendance of all (in I ( ~ L G :iiid ~n 6. Month 17 line) training sessions 6. Testing of the Platform for SKP

>ciltiil i a y ~ c ~

3. 1 workshop in Abruuo 4. 4 (implementation, access, use. development of the sKP) 5. 1 for each beneficiar! 6. 1 Report on testing

Qualitative and quantitabve descriptions of the results

Date of debvery Description Targei value

I ; all ihe 1. Month 16 Building-up of a shared tool, accordin$ ! needs expressed by the partners of the project. 2. Month 16 Availability of all tools of information and support to the start-up process; use and testing frr SKP. - 18 1. Participation at workshop. 2. Participation at training session

- 18


1. at least 2 members for single beneficiary 2. at least 1 member for single beneflclary

Total amount

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2 1x6 /C226/0

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Responsible beneficiaiy Actions

Starting month

Use and implementationofhe Platform for Shared Knowledge This activity will allow to achieve the objectives set by the project through the activation and implementation of the various tools of work-sharing provided by the platform according to WP5. This phase includes the usual monitoring and realignment of the activities, a testing phase about cross-border SEA consultation activities. This action also includes the activation and management of working groups that will work on the preparation of documents that will be published online. Forums and training sessions will be created in order to actively develop activities on environmental assessment procedures. Marche Region Land, Environment and Energy Department of Marche Region


I lola1 dmount E




Ro:e of n.3ch beneffc~d~y


and fulfilling

WP leader will coordinate the ac-tivity.




I 1



activation and section inserting i.e irnp!ementation of the national laws, guide dats base which do not lines, include real-time inrecommendations, best voivement between the practices, SEA prslect part-ners. operative procedures. 90.450,OO On line Forums WP leader will animation and coordinate the activity. moderation - This Coordinators will be 'phase includes the established for each lac;t$\/ation of the forum, it will animate aifierent virtual forums. the virtual forum on !Thev will enable project various topics of ;partners ro ex-change environ-mental vielrds in real time, on assessment procedure, vat-I-GUS issues pro-moting debate and corlsiaered crucial to raising key-issues :.he smooth producing a final acr~ievement of the report. : objec-tives set by All partners will Participate in the deEuropean Law conceininy strategic bates to be raised dircnmental .:s: ?';s8*rient,t r c ~ g h - -.,.- , > . , tc ; . by experts I ,&nA!azili:a!ors. I raci! iarcrn w.,l pr4citlce z: final re-port , 1;;.I i17aissaes take into , ca -. s!?.eration. 103.950,OO f:c-::rt~c,us Training (e- ,WP leader will :r?a;~iil-g\ - This phase coordinate the activ-ity. ~c <;;les the activation University of Pescara of c ~ I > - I ~ ~rrai~ing c? will be respon-sible for ..,2.. ,,.,sious on methods on-line training on larld :echn~questo be methods and ~ r ~ l i ein c tne i techniques to be wnlementation of the applied in the S E nrecedure implementation of the ti rci-ssd to ,SEA pro-cedure \is3 !-R\IP not jet iforeseen by the Tool cl~\!~?ioperj specific ! Sec-tion. ;.rp'.rtrne on the sub- l ~ lpartners l can r,>*-t participate in online .. , ; , i C t ~ i a ? to : analyse inclasses ,jch:gl! : ;'c?~~fiz &spects I c .. * 2, .a ; : , :3E,\.


-- --021111201 I 23:26:16


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Start~ny rnonlh

t:ridiny mon!P

Jots1 d1nct117i f

L,,~~,,. 'I,;,' !

Kdlr of

tsc-r!o e ~ i e f t c f d y





71 .500,00 Joint actii/ity on platform's use on a cross-border consultation phase of Envicorimental assessment procedure (1.t).on common environmental project) - The testing phase of the platform will be carried out on crossborder activity of consultation as part of an SEA procedure to ne started on a 1 ::ansnational program c' ,;to verify the qual!:y :i 3rJf. of the methjodolsgy 2nd util;lies is$-up.

not relevant WP leader will coordinate the activity. All partners participate in the implementation of Environ-mental assessment procedure Associate will support the ac-tivity with its experience in crossborder consultation phase

Qualitat~ve and quantitative descriptions of ihe ocltplits

Date of dehvsty Descnpiion
- -- - .- -. -- - .


Target valiie

1. Months 36 2. Months 23- 36 3. Months 23 - 36 4. Months 23 - 36 5. Months 123, 30, 36

1. Completion and updating of the da;a oas; (6.1) 2. ~ o r u m (6.2) 3. Forums' final report (6.2) 4. Training sessio;ls on SEA topics (5 3) 5. Joint cross border activity (6.4)

wp Izader+ all

1. 2. 5 3. 1 for each forum 4. 7 5. 1




Qualitative and quantitative descriptiot?~ of the results


B<viei~[ ICI:;.,<.-S -

Target valire

23- 36 2. Months 23- 36 3. Months 23- 36

Ensure that the expected results are actiieved, Improving the management of resc;b:oas. .Ensuring flows of information, Increase the capacity of the parties involved in the manage-ment and Ensure transparency through: 1. Forum's Participation (6.2) participation (6 3 ) 2. Training sessi~ns 3. Joint cross border activity (6.4)


at least 1 member for single beneficiary at least 2 member for single beneficiary at least 1 member for single beneficiary

Total amount

353.150,OO E

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Tifle Descripiiorl

Responsible beneficiary Actions


7 . Findings and suggestions to EU The objective of this phase is to translate the considerations and insights made on occasion of previous WPs into operational tools for implementing the SEA process amongst the Institutions dealing with it. The WP7 will, therefore, put forward a contribution in a double perspective: i. Setting-up of operative suggestions on processes and procedures findings to support policymakers in the development of the "Screening Report", "Scoping Report" and "Environmental" Report. ii. Providing some clear information, both methodologically and in practice, on how face and solve some critical issues of the Environmental Assessment Procedure, just to get a SEA (as a true evaluation process ) qudj&tively sufficient to meet the objectives set by EU legislation. Region of Abruzzo - Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and EC Policies, External Affairs, 1 Energy

Scarling rnontl~ Eliding rnontli




I !utal a,nuii!ir b

-- -



Ku:i! uf car11L~i;i~ef~c~ar)


97.500,OOjpredisposition of evalirsting tools for the effectiveness of the SEA Directive (Directive 42/2001/CE) The operational tools enabling the meas:~rernentof the level of achievement of the objactives set by the SEA D~rective will be set up in a concerted

WP leader will not relevant coordinate the activity supported by University of Pescara led WP 3.3

! L. 1. .
7.2 0412015 0712015




92,250,001Evaluation of the offectivecass of the SEA 01:ective (t)irec?ive42/20Ol/CE) - --his onase will lassess tne capacity of the SEA . . .procedure, as ccrd~fleu Ir, the turopean Direc-five, to ac,levr toe set in 1 the di-ect~ve it-self, looking to the results acnieved against the goals previously def!nt?cland trying to ,;ssos: them each-

not relevant WP leader will coordinate the activity. All partners will actively par-ticipate to the evaluation by giving their contribution.


-, . . . . . . .





WF leader will not relevant 1 03.950,00!.~c:tt1n!~i z of operaticnal guidelines coordinate the activity. Ail partners will support zrtd :ne~:validation Gci~ce:~iit! wlli oc set up in writing and validate jahni*t pc::sible updates the operational I .:r.rl ! m ~ ~ ~ o v e m of e ~ t\guidelines s ,nt i f urouean Directive (.~n[bt! STi-ateg~t;


~ I ! \ I ~,mental :oI

/i.?s?!;.~n:ent. i'r1,sc.s Clperational i:;.!.aeiines, resulting ram 152 project ~,I<I:;~ may S, ,..:-i S r - % , , a constitcite a ,3(. )-:I ,r:ul!cr~ tc the

raryol va:iie


< ,,.).>,A*, - : ,.,,?>


.L .re:,!.,


optloas c.f rhe I .. -,, a<.,,0 : .he 1 . . - ;;g.s<,<2;;& , -)l:E(,::,b - - - ~ e. . I


-,_ ,. . . _ :.olicy
; ;!?I.,





QualitaBve and quanti1aOve descnpt~oi-is of the ofitputs


Date of del~vety Doscripi!an





< r +,vc$

Month 36

I~uideline to EU.

____. _

12 II : ~ -

Page 38 of 65

--0211 112011 23 26 16

Qualitative and quarttifafive descr~pfint~s of the res(11is

)ate of dehve~y

Month 36

lmprovrng coordrnatron between the 35'- ~ ~ i c ~ c e d i ~ r ; and other env~ronmental as-sessmei? nr rjdures prov~ded by other D~rect~ves througk r)eor),p with rncreased knowledge

at least 1 member for single beneficiary at least 1

02/11/2011 2326 16


Page 39 of 65

5.7 Totai project budget per WP

VVPU jtlj Keg!on of Abrurzo Direclorate for Bureau Affnrrs, Legislative and EC Pokaes External Affa~lairs. Energy

WI [q

WF)F'-? if!

W P (6) ~

W P (5) ~

ws (6)
33.200.00 30.000,OO

W P if! ~

wrr rq
37.400.00 43.700,OO


420.000,OO 16,57





Ft H A . S.p A
Land. Envtronrnef?r
Adarche Regfort

0.00 0,OO

34.200,OO 43.450,OO

16.950,OO 16.950,OO

18.900,OO 16.500,OO

46.000,OO 32.750,OO

212.450,OO 28.000,OO

57.000,OO 80.850,OO

64.500,001 31.500.00

450.000,OO 250.000.00

17,75 9,86

20 in.: I.:;

02/11/2011 23:26:16


Page 40 of 65

5.1 1 Totai project budget per costs category

Staff (0 Region of Ahrtirzo - Directorate for Bureau Affafrs, Legisiatrve and EC Poiraes. External Affaraiis, Energy
Overheaus i 6 J

Travel and Exleirid/ experiise iircornmodatron (6) (6)

FJeetings arid evcrits (0

Proniotfofi costs

1 0

Eqilrprneni (El


h i 1

chargei &

TOTAL ti;)

griar. iF)











FI R A S.o 4
Marcllc keyfor* Land. Env~rorimen! and Eiie~gy Deparment of M d r c i e Regfor,
A4oitsr Fieardr~
,,,a , g'Ar~,:kcr~7,~ On!. c3rsrzv,

79.000.00 86.850,OO

0.00 0,OO

20.700,OO 20.700,OO

231.950.00 132.700,OO

10.950,OO 3.750,OO

6.000,OO 6.000,OO

101.400.00 0,OO

0,OO 0,OO

0,oo 0,OO

_- 450.000,OO

17,75 9,86

107.350,OO 86.350.00 96.250,OO 11 5.250,OO

0,OO 0.00 0,oo

20.700,OO 20.800,OO

69.350.00 106.850,OO


40.850j00. 6.000,OO



. . .

. o,oo_?5!Lo?O2Oo.

-- 9.85
8,68 9,27

- . .

?,4!JN3i P A : ii i O F

rinico; :c,:


~;:i,i,,i.i;ik i\j-,ci&n C'r;:.r,:i. !?e<,oi;oj






<,eutrc: for
fie?ear<-t.' I < , < !

41.900,OO 80.200.00





nchr;r,n,;-o-: ;~'r. > 3!,, t.>i


- - -





0.UO I

,.,,::, G-..

,SL4,\fi.S q r i > / c l r d A , ! [i11;!7 CrF

1 048.950.00



0.00 ii



0211112011 23:26:16


Page 41 of 65

5.3 Total budget overview per budget lines and per WP

WPu jC)


289.350,OO 0,OO 121.800,OO 70600,OO 6.000,OO 0,OO 0,OO


115.000,OO 0,OO 79.200,OO 71.300,OO 34.250,OO 104.450,OO 0,OO 0,OO

WP3 (6)


71.250,OO 0.00 0,OO 163.200,OO 0,0 0,OO 0,Oo

WP5 16)

WPG ()

WP7 i<)


Trairl iii~d

accommodahiin E x t ~ r n a lexnerriqe
Mt!ebri:jr and i i e , n t s F'rorri~~trd~i rusts

0,OO 0,OO 0,OO 0,OO 0,oo 0.00 0,OO 0,OO O,OO 0.00 0.00

138.100,OO 0,OO 0,OO 205.650.00


140.000,OO 0,OO 16.800,OO 144.000,OO

. .

168.000,OO 0,Oo 0,OO 182.750.00


127.250,OO 0,OO 0,OO


1.048.950.00 0,OO 217.800,OO 1.002.750,~O 104.450,OO 106.400,OO

. . . -.

41,38 0,OO 8,59 39,56 2,161 4,12 4,20

. . .

0.00 0.00 0,OO O,OO 34375000 1 3 , a ---

10.800,OO 106.400,OO 0,OO 0,OO

1.200-00 0,OO

Eqtiiurr~errt inve.sto~tnts

0,OO 0x00 353.150,OO

F , ~L I hrir0t.s 4 .;uar
j r ( * ? ,


Q ! ! ?
0 0 293.700,s

" t.'


. ..



-__0300_-0 .


1 11.59;

2 535 OOO,OC, f
. -I

0211112011 23:26:16


Page 43 of 65

5.4 Total spending forecast per WP and per per/od


0,OO 0,OO 0,OO 0.00 0,OO

LVPI ,el


23.020,OO 28.420,OO 28.430,OO 40.940,OO 31.030,OO

wp3 ,q

wp4 IE)

WPS (0

W P 6 I!

wp7 I F I





t ~ ' !

34.800,OO 47.980,OO 47.920,OO 35.890,OO 35.950.00

0,OO 105.490,OO 105.490,OO 0,OO 0,OO

0,OO 0,OO 23.000,OO 117.210,OO 94.240.00

0,OO 0,OO 0,OO

33.620,OO 0,OO 0,OO

97.910,OO 0,OO

189.350,OO 181.890,OO

7,47 7,18 8,08



O:iO2/2/,1013 '30'04'2013
v d ' '05'20?,? 30,(16,20 I J

-7 7 7-'";I 0.00 204.840,OO

-- -

0;.%?i;'OJ3 <7'rot?o7







0211112011 23:26:16


Page 44 of 65

5.5 Beneficiaries' birdgets per budget lines and per WP

Region of Ahruzzo - Directnrafe for Bureai~ Affairs, Legislafive and EC Policies. External Affairs, Energy
WPO ()

W P l (1
0,OO 0,oo 0.00 0,OO I 0.00 1 112.000,OO 0,OO 14.100,OO 16.000,OO 6.000,OO

WP2 (E)
42.500,OO 0,oo 14.400,OO 15.000,OO 0,OO

WP3 (6)
18.250.00 0,OO 0.00 22.250.00 0.00

WP4 ()
11.250,OO 0,OO 0,OO 21.950,OO 0,OO

WP5 j)
19.000,OO 0,OO 2.400.00 0,OO 3.600.00

WP6 ()
35.000,OO 0,OO 0,OO 0,OO 2.400,OO

WP7 (1
17.500.00 0,oo 0,OO 25.000,OO 1.200,OO

T O ! A ~,. t ~

Trarel ailif accurninodotion

255.500.00 0,OO 30.900,OO 100.200.00' 13.200.00

60,83 0,oO 7,3bI

Exteroai exgemse

h4ee:,rigs ar:d events

2 s 3.14

0211112011 23:26:16

2"ord J022610

Page 45 of 65

FI.R.A. S.p.A. WPO (1


0,OO 0,OO 0,OO

17.500,OO 0.00 11.900,OO

W P {@I ~
0,OO 0 , O O 7.200,OO

W P (6) ~
0.00 0,OO 0.00

WP~ (4
8.500,OO 0,OO 0,OO

W P j ~~ )
29.000,OO 0,OO 1.600,OO

WP6 ()
14.500,OO 0,OO 0 , O O

Wp7 iej
9.500,OO 0.00 0.00

. -

79.000,OO 0.00 20.700,OO

Oi ertlesos

17.56 0 , O O 4,60

I-rtro!,e/ and dcron~:ncidati,i~~

0211112011 23:26:16


Page 46 of 65

Marche Region Land Envr~unrnent atld Energy Department o f Marche Regcon

WPO (6)

0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 000 _ 0 00 O OO

27 000 00 0 00 11 900 00 4 550 00 0 00 0,OO 0 00 0 00
- -

WP2 (6)
0 00 0 00 7 200 00

WP3 (1

WP4 (6)
0 00 0 00 0 00 19 500 00
O O0

- 11 75000 -

o =r'e i

Tri e l di'd
iicidrll'Jlv /<it CI
- -

0 00

0 00 1 600 00

0 00

0 00

E*fcm?l r y r i i rl \e
\ r i c i i i


Pro! I iior ~ o s r s
i Cb !If

6 000 00 000

, L.

r r,



L -

-020_ 43450 00 17 3 5

00 32 750 0C 13 11 2\11


0211112011 23:26:16


Page 47 of 65

blolise Region

I )

0 00 000 0 00

20 750 00 0 00 11 900 00

W P (~ E)
39 500 00 0 00 7 200 00

wP3 if)

WP4 ( f ~
0 00 000 0 00

WP5 ij
9 000 00

16 150 00

TOT* ( t




Y f -


1 3

ti/ + P P



10 200 00 0 00 0 00

11 750 00

0 0 0 1 600 00

0 "00 00

0 00


107 350 00 000 20 700 00


42 94

0 00


11250 or:

8 28 -_ 2 7 74 4 7 0 16 34

0%- -


0 00 23 45'? 0 1 2
9 381

L -

7 88'

2b 15 ? i 10 d b '



250 90

0 2 0 00 0 00


0211112011 23:26:16


Page 48 of 65

G d Annii~izto Un~versity
WPO (1

0 00 0 00 0 00

20 750,OO 000 12 000,oO 3 500 00 0 00

7 500,OO 0 00 7 200 00

WP3j q
18 000 00 0>2-0 00

WP4 (1

_WP5 $1

O O o .

wPhl% 0 00 1 600 00

__-- 11 750 00

l3 850



_ .



14 500 00 0 00

39 25

c?~ert ri r 3 ('1 ,ro

dc~ol~~rz~ ) d d t f

0-: 0

o x
106 850311

EZ i l


0 00
0 00



20 000 00

15 ')or


0 00

0 002 24 700 O r

- -


I ? 250 00 I 60iI

15 30

0211112011 23:26:16

2 b r d A022610

Page 49 of 65


WPO { )
$ 1 '
il a


0 00 0 00 0 00

W P I (1 WP) ( E l Wp3 [G) . . Wp.3 (E) W p 5 m wP6 @) 20 750 00 6 000 00 16 50000 ____!E 16 250 00 0 00 000 -_ o o o --- _ - LOO__ - 0 00 12 000 00 7 200 00 0 00 0 00 1 600 00

w : 'L f ~

'ciTfiL ,f


* l

i i


r i i i

r7r I

L 5%

E G9 ~ rw

0 00 0 00 O OO 0 00

00 - 7 750 -

3 75000 6 000 00 0 00

30 750 00

17 250 00
0 00



0 00 0 00 0 00

0 00






- -

_ _

_ L -

0 00 44 750 00 I 19041 --

0 00 1~2,000 I 20 111

0 00

I 11 811


3 1 COL







0 3r'

14 1

11 71,1

0211112011 23:26:16


Page 50 of 65

Dilbrovt?jk Neretva Colinfy Regcoiiai Deveiopn~nt Agency DUNEA

02111/2011 23:26:16


Page 51 of 65

5.6 Beneficiartes' spending forecast per WP and per period

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0.711112011 23:26:16


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2 cD
2 d



? -

--- -- I

1 I I r




I -_ ------

X Oct


.....--Dec J ---...-..--1


. I -----









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