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012234567819 8-:,"+,; <<9 =><?@ ln Lhe CcLober 16, 2013 Speech from Lhe 1hrone, Lhe CovernmenL
of Canada afflrmed lLs conLlnued supporL for Lhe developmenL of broadband ln Canada's remoLe areas.
ln Loday's budgeL speech, llnance MlnlsLer llaherLy made a slgnlflcanL commlLmenL of supporL,
pledglng Lo lnvesL $303 mllllon over flve years Lo exLend and enhance broadband hlgh-speed lnLerneL
access for rural and norLhern communlLles.

Canada's norLh ls an underdeveloped markeL for communlcaLlons. 1here has noL been enough
lnvesLmenL ln lnfrasLrucLure, and Lhere ls growlng demand for beLLer servlce and Lechnology," sald !eff
hlllpp, lounder and CLC of Lhe SSl Croup of Companles (SSl). nowhere ln Lhls counLry ls supporL Lo
develop broadband more lmporLanL Lhan ln Lhe norLh, and we are very pleased LhaL Loday's budgeL
pledges slgnlflcanL lnvesLmenLs Lo help address Lhe dlglLal dlvlde for people llvlng here. 1hls wlll allow
for beLLer and more affordable broadband."

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lor SSl, more affordable and beLLer broadband servlces are essenLlal lf a dynamlc and compeLlLlve local
communlcaLlons markeL ls Lo develop ln Lhe norLh, and along wlLh LhaL, new lnvesLmenL, new
lnnovaLlon, consumer cholce, and compeLlLlve local prlclng. A lack of lnvesLmenL and backbone
capaclLy lnhlblLs markeL developmenL and Lhe dellvery of servlces for consumers, buslness and

1oday's budgeL conLalns very good news for norLhern consumers," sald uean rocLor, Chlef
uevelopmenL Cfflcer of SSl, WlLh Lhese lnvesLmenLs, Lhe CovernmenL conLlnues lLs role as a key
parLner Lo furLher develop Lhe communlcaLlons markeL ln Lhe norLh. 1hls wlll allow for much needed
growLh ln broadband, and asslsL Lhe developmenL of moblle, compeLlLlve local volce and essenLlal
governmenL servlces. We look forward Lo work wlLh Lhe CovernmenL Lo reallze Lhese lnvesLmenLs as
concreLe acLlon plans ln Lhe norLh."

SSi News Release

February 11, 2014

A"#BC D*+*./

Canada's norLh ls experlenclng rapld growLh:
Cu ls pro[ecLed Lo grow 64 Lo $16.3 bllllon by 2023 (,%" 98(:%"%(;% <8/"= 8: 9/(/=/)
Mlnlng, energy and LransporL secLors show lmmense poLenLlal
WlLhouL supporLlng lnfrasLrucLure, pro[ecLed growLh wlll be consLralned

Accordlng Lo Lhe C81C's 2013 CommunlcaLlons MonlLorlng 8eporL, Canada's norLh recelves sub-par
broadband access:
ln 2012, less Lhan 30 of norLherners had access Lo 3 Mbps broadband download speeds (aL very
hlgh cosL)
ln 2013, no saLelllLe served communlLy offered consumers access Lo 3 Mbps broadband speeds
?eL ln 2013, 94 of Canadlans has access download speeds ln excess of 3 Mbps
ln 2011, Lhe average resldenLlal download speed ln SouLhern Canada was 11.3 Mbps

8y worklng Lo narrow Lhe access gap beLween norLh and SouLh wlLh more and affordable broadband
capaclLy, we wlll encourage local markeL developmenL and greaLer cholces for consumers, buslness
and governmenL.

1he lederal CovernmenL's budgeL can be found aL: hLLp://

E:F"* DD#: PeadquarLered ln ?ellowknlfe, norLhwesL 1errlLorles, Lhe SSl Croup of Companles provldes
broadband servlce across Canada's norLh. SSl undersLands flrsL-hand Lhe challenges faced ln provldlng
effecLlve and affordable communlcaLlons servlces Lo remoLe and ouLlylng areas, and ln provldlng a
compeLlLlve alLernaLlve Lo Lhe lncumbenL operaLor ln small and remoLe markeLs.

SSl has deployed advanced saLelllLe and local broadband wlreless faclllLles LhaL dellver servlces
LhroughouL nunavuL under Lhe ClnlC" brand, and ln over LhlrLy communlLles of Lhe norLhwesL
1errlLorles, an area spannlng over Lhree mllllon square kllomeLers. 1he neLwork uses sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL
full mesh connecLlvlLy and supporLs broadband lnLerneL, volce and vldeoconferenclng Lechnologles.


DD# GF&*+B*/

uavld venloL
Manager, CommunlcaLlons 1el: 613-271-6464
1he SSl Croup of Companles Cell: 613-292-8332
Lmall: davldv[

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