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----------Why is it that we humans kill each other with war for profit? When all of us would profit more from space exploration. We should put all our effort in Mars for it is the next planet that we will call home. War isn't the answer to profit because all you will own is the death of one planet when you could own the Universe. A silent big bang has happened within the last hundred years called knowledge explosion, and if we all come together where do you think we can be in the next hundred or two years? To gain wisdom from knowledge in pure love is the gold we all seek. Order must come out of the mess we have made before we can ever hope

to profit, and this will never happen if we can't work together. We have been given a garden to farm, and we can't profit from it because of selfishness, and greed. We could have terraformed Mars fifty years ago, but we didn't do it because we couldn't, but because we wouldn't for greed. This world is limited to what's on the planet, and if we don't start soon to seek out new resources were doomed, and it wont take a hundred years to get to that end. The MESA FARMER project is a great way to start a repair mission that can reverse the mess were all in today 07/29/2013. The research gathered by MESA FARMER can aid in the terraforming of Mars, and show that we can live on other world's. To lift people up is the key, but to keep them down only prolongs the death of the whole planet. The MESA FARMER project is pro life in every way. It will create jobs for everyone on the planet, and every mouth will be fed, but the only way to get there is for all to come together. It's time to take care of each other, and if we don't were all dead. And remember for those who keep taking your dead already. We must terraform Mars it is the only way for the human race to survive. The way things are today the 20 year old wont live to see 70, and your children's children wont live to see 20. We can not only terraform Mars atmosphere, but the soil as well, and it would only take about 40 years to do so. Only 1/3rd the effort can bring about 100% profit for all mankind. The Universe is a field made for us to harvest yet we live in a box, and let foolishness control our future. Do you not know that we have been given the power to become the sons god, but Oppression has held us back because of greed. It's never to late to make real change no matter what the age, and a universe so rich in resource's how then do we sit in a box letting

foolishness control our future? Our future streets have been paved in gold, but we settle for stone. We can turn a desert into a garden, and project MESA FARMER is a great start, and our greatest resource on this planet is the people of all ages, and from every country.

The research data that the MESA FARMER will provide is key to new life on Mars, and will change the compensation of the soil and will greatly help give an atmosphere to the planet. Here is one resource, Iron, and we know there is silicone crystal on the surface thanks to one of the rovers that is on Mars right now. We also could use ground penetrating radar, and large drills to find all kinds of things we didnt even know were there. I can bet you there is so much to gain in resources on Mars we wouldnt be able to use it all . And once we get to the Vanillin belt we could turn the lager rocks into mini planets. There is so much to profit from space exploration we can not afford not to go, and we need to go as soon as possible .

A picture of the sprayer I call FARMER it will do all the labor , and load the return pods that go back to S.P.O.T.R and on to Earth.

This is one of many return pods that will carry resources from Mars to S.P.O.T.R, and back to Earth.

It truly is time to harvest the knowledge of wisdom. 1. Science is only one aspect of knowledge given to us, and there are many more. 2. The wisdom of God is what Mankind is to seek first and foremost . 3. The Universe was given to Mankind in pure love. 4. Theres no greater love than one laying down once life for another. 5. Yes we are our brothers keeper. 6. And above all love your neighbor as you would yourself . 7. Anything other than the wisdom of God leads to destruction.

Now with that being said, out of all the millions of galaxies in an endless universe how then can mankind say were alone? This is not possible by any means, due to the shear number of the stars with habitable zones in our own galaxy, not to mention how many suns in our galaxy that are like the Earths Sun. My point being, if they ( meaning aliens ) can get to Earth then mankind can get to there planet . All it takes is a global effort to bring the human race into this universal arena. We dont need an alien race to destroy us, we do it to ourselves with oppression of knowledge. Jesus Christ knew this when he said ( my people die from a lack of knowledge ) . We have an institution of every kind that try to say ( were right and your wrong ), but the only one I see that has ever worked 100% of the time is the wisdom of God . Imperatively speaking, it is essential that Jesus Christ be first and foremost in every step we take, and on that notion we must place the Holy Bible as our basic, and our ultimate handbook . When we do this we setup an unending supply of wealth in every way, and every means every my friend. When you have the supreme leader of the universe on your side, who then can defeat you? As you can see in the picture above, even scientist will tell you that God left his foot print in everything.

By nature when looking at a compass we say north, south, east, to west, am I not right? God has left proof even in the compass as I have illustrated in the picture below.

Start At North, then go South, when headed East you form a tail, then go East to West, and now draw a big C from North to West , and that will complete the fish shape, and now you have the symbol of Christ, and proof that God put his fingerprint even in the compass. The big C = Christ, and we know the fish is his symbol, and the compass is on every map pointing the way HOME!!! And the compass itself is always a Cross.

Mankind has a gun to its head, the trigger has already been pulled, and the bullet is at the end of the barrel with no time to turn back. Although it is harsh but true, what do we do about it? At this point in time we have only two options . --------------1. We step out of the way into safety or 2. We just stay where we are and die

We must be able to develop the ability to look beyond, and the wisdom of God Is the only way to that knowledge . We didnt make the United States of America great, in God we trust did . We didnt start the space race, God did when he spoke the words ( let there be light ), And That is the very moment the big bang happen .

S.P.O.T.R ----Space Port Outpost Trade Route -----

SPOTR is the key to get resources from one planet to another planet, and can offer relief to man and hardware. SPOTR is a chain of space ports that become a well known trade route that can stock and supply all the resources needed between planets coming and going like S.P.O.T.R #1, #2, #3, and so forth. This will setup commerce along the trade route for many job's just like a city here on Earth, and will give well needed R&R to all who travail back and forth along the expanse, and the list goes on beyond our wildest dreams. Putting two or three SPOTR's between Earth and Mars will save lives, money, and resources, and will open the door for any life we choose to live on Mars. We have the power to bring a dead planet back to life, and our human race into a new age of life in space and beyond. The only way to get there from here is to start now! But if we hold anyone back from knowledge we will all die in Oppression. Who knows what the future holds, but if we don't include everyone in on the journey we'll never see Maximum profit, and when I say profit I don't mean as in money, but I mean Profit as a whole because in any other way just leads to death. Every day you will be a student, one week you may be a cop the next week you may be a cook the next a doctor, and the next maybe a farmer. We must share in every way so that we will be ready for anything that should and will arise, and that will leave none lacking anything. When we lift up the weak we all become strong, and our survival rate go's through the roof. Why hold a bucket when you can be driving a dump truck? Why not use the Army to save life not take it? The Army's of the world is the smartest group of people we have, and is the one's to lead the way, and already have the right resources to teach on a Global stage.

Space just may be the future home for Mankinds survival. We may have to live more in space rather than on any planet, and use the planets as the resource zones to keep the SPOTR's supplied. Nevertheless a door has been unlocked we just have to step through.

We can no longer afford to sit in the dark.

By stepping into the light we are free from darkness, and its oppression.

U.C.O.M ------United Coalition Of Mankind ------UCOM is a world wide University for space exploration that will teach everyone young and old, and will be mandatory in every classroom around the world. That way we all will have a chance to help all of mankind to be lifted up, and reap the benefits of what our Universe has to offer. This will create so many jobs in so many ways it truly is mind staggering . We have dropped the ball on this by means of suppression of knowledge,

and the human right to survive. UCOM provides the wisdom to overcome the mess our tiny world is facing today, and will secure our future, yes even into other solar systems. UCOM can truly take us where no man has gone before. When we recognize the potential of the human mind we will realize the wealth of wisdom brought about by knowledge, and we will begin to see the profit of true change. If we don't bring about change soon there wont be nothing left to change, and there will be no future for mankind. We have fought in every way for death's sake, now we must fight in every way for the sake of the life of all mankind, if we don't the only thing in our future is death. UCOM can bring life back into this world by giving everyone the chance to learn how to look into our future, and know how to survive. The greatest minds come only once or twice in a life time or so, but what if we had one or two a day? If we can learn to let wisdom take over the mind there is nothing we can't accomplish in pure love for all life. What ever the answer is, we weren't put here to hurt one another, but rather to help everyone, and anything other than that leads to death for all in which were fixing to find out very soon. Eliminate status by making everyone equal, and that will make a happy heart, and the man with a happy heart will work harder, and live longer to profit all. If we fight each other we die, but if we standup for each other we live, but we must start now or were all doomed, and sooner than you think. Mars is in the habitual zone, and Earth and Mars are the only two planets that are in this zone. We can terraform Mars to mimic Earth in say 60 years or less if we start now. In many ways Mars is safer than Earth because it's farther away from the Sun, so in the future Mars will be better to live on than Earth because Earth will get closer to the Sun, and the Sun will get larger, and the Earths magnetic field is getting weaker as the Sun's coronal mass ejection's are getting more powerful.

If we terraform Mars to the point that it has an atmosphere it would protect us better than Earth ever has or will. Putting colonies on Mars will insure Mankinds survival, and we can harvest resources from the Vanillin belt much easier, and reach Jupiter and it's moons quicker too. We can also harvest wind and solar power on Mars, and use large drills to go underground as well. Rather than send fuel to Mars we can make new fuel from Mars.

Here is a good thought , why not use methane as fuel? They say there is more methane on Earth than all fossil fuels combined, and it Can be artificially made as well. With such a readiness on Earth and Mars, and in an endless supply throughout the Universe it seems to be the fuel of choice, wouldnt you agree? We can reduce Oil use to a lubricant, and increase the use of methane to an all round fuel source. We have already been given the right tools to accomplish anything under the Sun, but the Question is what are we going to do about it?With the help of UCOM, I suspect the task ahead will be one of the most profitable Mankind has ever undertook as in hope for a

real future.

The pictures here shows how things may look on the surface of Mars, how we may gather research data, and live in colonies. Researchers are producing data everyday that Mars is more like the Earth than we ever thought. Heres a theory what if the Vanillin belt was once a large planet, and the gravitational pull of the Sun and Jupiter pulled it apart, and Mars was closer to it than Earth was thus robbing Mars of its atmosphere, and now being broken into many smaller peaces it takes a more peaceful trip around the Sun. And here is a fact, the sky isnt blue its purple, but the human eye cant really see the color purple unless its put in an object deliberately.

The Astro farmer below is testing the silicone crystal that is running down the hill in the background behind him.

NASA has said that there is even snow and ice on Mars. So if snow can fall on Mars then why not rain? Dont put it all on the sholders of Nasa Lets all do our part too. Look at it as if everything is an eco system. We got what it takes, and the courage to get it done.

This shows test and research data that can only be done in space or zero gravity. Studies have shown that there is many test made in zero gravity that just can not be Made on Earth, and that such research made in space has added to the equality of all mankind. This kind of thinking has opened doors that otherwise without it would sill be closed. Space exploration, and its research will provide the data needed to insure the survival of all life living on planet Earth today, and it will provide equality for all.

The no one left behind policy must be implemented world wide to insure equality for every age, race, and country because were only as strong as our weakest link . I speak of such policys so that you the reader can see that there is a lot of resources already in place to be utilized in correct ways in hopes of cost reduction.

Its up to us to make it happen people there is a way to survive, but we must start now! Put aside indifference, and there is nothing we cant accomplish .

The True Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the one true GOD,

and to his son JESUS CHRIST,

and then to the United States of America.

For that is the only way it will stand as

"one Nation under GOD"



truth, love, liberty,

and justice for all life. Amen'

There is never an end,

only life everlasting .


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