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BOLETA: 2012020291 GRUPO: 6IV03

Reported Speech
1) What is reported speech?
El Reported speech o Estilo indirecto es una estructura que usamos cuando reportamos o hacemos mencin sobre algo que alguien ha dicho previamente. The Reported speech or indirect style is a structure that we use when we report or make mention of something someone has said previously. If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speakers exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. The structure is a little different depending on whether you want to transform a statement, question or request. El estilo indirecto, a diferencia del estilo directo, no utiliza las comillas y no necesita ser palabra por palabra. En general, cuando se usa el estilo indirecto, el tiempo verbal cambia. Las expresiones de tiempo cambian en el estilo indirecto. En los cambios de tiempo en los ejemplos ms abajo y despus, encontrars una tabla con ms explicaciones de los cambios de tiempo en el estilo indirecto. Indirect style, in contrast to the direct style, don't use the quotes and need not be Word for Word. In general, when the indirect speech is used, the tense changes. Expressions of time change in reported speech. In time the examples more changes down and then you'll find a table with more explanations of the changes of time in reported speech.

2) When do people use R. S.?

El Reported speech o Estilo indirecto es una estructura que usamos cuando reportamos o hacemos mencin sobre algo que alguien ha dicho previamente.
Se le conoce como reported speech, o sea, parafrasear lo que dijeron otras personas. Cuando queremos comunicar o informar de lo que otra persona ha dicho, hay dos maneras de hacerlo: utilizando el estilo directo o el estilo indirecto. Direct Speech (El estilo directo) Cuando queremos informar exactamente de lo que otra persona ha dicho, utilizamos el estilo directo. Con este estilo lo que la persona ha dicho se coloca entre comillas ("...") y deber ser palabra por palabra. Ejemplos: "I am going to London next week," she said. ("Voy a Londres la semana que viene," ella dijo.) "Do you have a pen I could borrow," he asked. ("Tienes un bolgrafo que puedas prestarme?," l pregunt.) Alice said, "I love to dance." (Alice dijo, "Me encanta bailar.") Chris asked, "Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?" (Chris pregunt, "Te gustara cenar conmigo maana por la noche?") Reported Speech (El estilo indirecto) El estilo indirecto, a diferencia del estilo directo, no utiliza las comillas y no necesita ser palabra por palabra. En general, cuando se usa el estilo indirecto, el tiempo verbal cambia. A continuacin tienes un explicacin de los cambios que sufren los tiempos verbales. A veces se usa "that" en las frases afirmativas y negativas para introducir lo que ha dicho la otra persona. Por otro lado, en las frases interrogativas se puede usar "if" o "whether". Nota: Ten en cuenta tambin que las expresiones de tiempo cambian en el estilo indirecto. Fijate en los cambios de tiempo en los ejemplos ms abajo y despus, encontrars una tabla con ms explicaciones de los cambios de tiempo en el estilo indirecto.

3) Special features of R. S.?

REPORTED SPEECH (Estilo indirecto) El estilo indirecto , a diferencia del estilo directo , no utiliza las comillas y no necesita ser palabra por palabra. Principalmete para la utilizacion de este tipo de estilo , deben tener en cuenta los siguientes aspectos:

Se suprimen las comillas. Se cambian los pronombres Se cambia el tiempo gramatical. Se puede o no utilizar el pronombre (that)

Para hacer mencin sobre lo que alguien ha dicho se usan verbos como : explain , promise, say, tell ... aunque los ms utilizados son say y tell.

Ej: Robert said (that) he learned spanish. Robert said he learned spanish. He said that he drank coffe. He said he drank coffe. Para entender lo relacionado con estos estilos es fundamental tener en cuenta las siguientes caracteristicas

4) Backshift Charts of R.S.?

1) If the introductory sentence starts in the present (Susan says), there is no backshift of tenses in Reported speech. Example: Direct speech: Susan: "I work in an office." Reported speech: Susan says (that) she works in an office. 2) If the introductory sentence starts in the past (Susan said), there is often backshift of tenses in Reported speech.

4.1) Tense backshift Example: Susan: "I work in an office." Susan said (that) she worked in an office. 4.2) Sentence structure backshift
La estructura gramatical del reported


es muy utilizada se emplea cuando

queremos contar o hacer referencia sobre algo que otra persona a dicho con anticipacin. Ejemplo: I go to school everyday, Alice said. (Lenguaje Directo) Yo voy a la escuela todos los das, dijo Alicia. Alice said that she went to school everyday.(Lenguaje Indirecto) Alicia dijo que ella fue a la escuela todos los das. Para poder convertir una oracin de Lenguaje Directo a Indirecto podemos introducir la frase utilizando diferentes verbos como por ejemplo: answer (responder), suggest (sugerir), explain (explicar), say (decir),tell (contar), promise (pro meter). Tambin debemos tener en cuenta que si la oracin en Lenguaje Directo se encuentra en Presente Simple, al pasarla a Lenguaje Indirecto no es necesario cambiar el tiempo verbal. En otros casos, al convertir una oracin a Reported Speech el verbo principal retrocede un tiempo verbal.

Lenguaje Directo now today last night tonight this afternoon this month next week here next year

Lenguaje Indirecto at that moment / then that day the night before that night that afternoon that month the following week there the year after

4.3) Special vocabulary backshift


fall for somebody (in. phrasal verb) to be attracted to somebody and deeply in love with them. How can you fall for such a lazy man? He doesnt even work full time! be on call (idiom) to be available for work, especially for emergencies. My father is a doctor, and hes always on call. Sometimes he has to leave dinner unexpectedly to perform surgery. take over (in. phrasal verb) to have control over something. Do you think love can take over the world? not give a crap / shit / fuck / damn (slang) to not care about something. I dont give a damn how old your grandmother is! Shes a rude lady. have the nerve (idiom) behaving in a way that other people find rude or offensive. I cant believe he has the nerve to bring his new girlfriend to the party after breaking up with you last week. figure out (sep. phrasal verb) to think about and solve a problem. I cant figure out how to fix my computer. Can you help me?

Verb Tense Change in Reported Speech If the reporting verb is in the past (said, told, thought, knew, found out, asked, realized), then you must change the verb tense.

will would I said, Bring an umbrella because it will rain. I said bring an umbrella because it would rain. simple present simple past He said, I need help! He said he needed help. present progressive past progressive

She said, I am learning English now. She said she was learning English now. present perfect past perfect He said, The hotel staff have been so helpful. He said the hotel staff had been so helpful. simple past past perfect She said, My father studied chemistry. She said her father had studied chemistry. can could He said, I cant pass the TOEFL. Its too hard! He said he couldnt pass the TOEFL because it was too hard. past perfect / would / could no change in verb tense I said, I couldnt go to the meeting last week.

If the reporting verb is in the present, future or present perfect, then you do not have to changethe verb tense.

5) Examples
Direct Speech Present "I work in Argentina" "I am doing my job" Past "We saw a good film on TV" "I was dancing with Mary" Present Perfect "I have done this before" "I have been doing this for two years" Future "I will visit my mother" "I will be flying to Spain" Future Perfect "I will have arrived there by 5 pm" "I will have been selling books for two years"

Reported Speech Past He said that he worked in Argentina He said that he was doing his job Past Perfect He said they had seen a good film on TV. He said he had been dancing with Mary Past Perfect She said that she had done that before He said that he had been doing that for two years

Conditional He said that he would visit his mother He said that he would be flying to Spain Conditional Perfect He said he would have arrived here by 5 pm He said that he would have been sellingbooks for two years

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