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8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes

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1hls ls an appeal by !"#$%&#'#% from Lhe declslon
of respondenL CourL of Appeals daLed
SepLember 13, 1998 whlch afflrmed Lhe [udgmenL rendered by Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
of SanLa Cruz, Laguna, flndlng hereln peLlLloner, 8udy Caballes y 1alno, gullLy beyond
reasonable doubL of Lhe crlme of LhefL, and Lhe resoluLlon
daLed november 9, 1998
whlch denled peLlLloner's moLlon for reconslderaLlon.
ln an lnformaLlon
daLed CcLober 16, 1989, peLlLloner was charged wlLh Lhe crlme of
LhefL commlLLed as follows:
"1haL on or abouL Lhe 28Lh day of !une, 1989, ln Lhe MunlclpallLy of agsan[an,
and/or elsewhere ln Lhe rovlnce of Laguna, and wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhls
Ponorable CourL, Lhe above-named accused, wlLh lnLenL of galn, and wlLhouL Lhe
knowledge and consenL of Lhe owner Lhereof, Lhe nA1lCnAL CWL8
CC8C8A1lCn, dld Lhen and Lhere wllfully, unlawfully and felonlously Lake, sLeal
and carry away abouL 630-kg of Alumlnum Cable ConducLors, valued aL 27,
430.00, belonglng Lo and Lo Lhe damage and pre[udlce of sald owner naLlonal
ower Corp., ln Lhe aforesald amounL.
CCn18A8? 1C LAW."
uurlng Lhe arralgnmenL, peLlLloner pleaded noL gullLy and hence, Lrlal on Lhe merlLs
1he facLs are summarlzed by Lhe appellaLe courL as follows:
"[AL] abouL 9:13 p.m. of !une 28, 1989, SgL. vlcLorlno noce[a and aL. Alex de
CasLro, whlle on a rouLlne paLrol ln 8arangay Sampalucan, agsan[an, Laguna,
spoLLed a passenger [eep unusually covered wlLh "kakawaLl" leaves.
SuspecLlng LhaL Lhe [eep was loaded wlLh smuggled goods, Lhe Lwo pollce
offlcers flagged down Lhe vehlcle. 1he [eep was drlven by appellanL. When asked
whaL was loaded on Lhe [eep, he dld noL answer, he appeared pale and nervous.
WlLh appellanL's consenL, Lhe pollce offlcers checked Lhe cargo and Lhey
dlscovered bundles of 3.08 mm alumlnum/galvanlzed conducLor wlres
excluslvely owned by naLlonal ower CorporaLlon (nC). 1he conducLor wlres
welghed 700 kllos and valued aL 33, 244.43. noce[a asked appellanL where Lhe
wlres came from and appellanL answered LhaL Lhey came from CavlnLl, a Lown
approxlmaLely 8 kllomeLers away from Sampalucan. 1hereafLer, appellanL and
Lhe vehlcle wlLh Lhe hlgh-volLage wlres were broughL Lo Lhe agsan[an ollce
SLaLlon. uanllo Cabale Look plcLures of Lhe appellanL and Lhe [eep loaded wlLh
Lhe wlres whlch were Lurned over Lo Lhe ollce SLaLlon Commander of
agsan[an, Laguna. AppellanL was lncarceraLed for 7 days ln Lhe Munlclpal [all.
ln defense, appellanL lnLerposed denlal and allbl. Pe LesLlfled LhaL he ls a drlver
and resldenL of agsan[an, Laguna, a nA8CCM clvlllan agenL slnce !anuary, 1988
alLhough hls ldenLlflcaLlon card (lu) has already explred. ln Lhe afLernoon of !une
28, 1989, whlle he was drlvlng a passenger [eepney, he was sLopped by one
8esLy lernandez who requesLed hlm Lo LransporL ln hls [eepney conducLor wlres
whlch were ln CavlnLl, Laguna. Pe Lold 8esLy Lo walL unLll he had flnlshed hls lasL
Lrlp for Lhe day from SanLa Cruz, Laguna. Cn hls way Lo SanLa Cruz, Laguna, he
dropped by Lhe nA8CCM headquarLers and lnformed hls superlor, SgL. Callos,
LhaL someLhlng unlawful was golng Lo happen. SgL. Callos advlsed hlm Lo proceed
wlLh Lhe loadlng of Lhe wlres and LhaL Lhe former would acL as back-up and
lnLercepL Lhe vehlcle aL Lhe SambaL aLrol 8ase ln agsan[an.
AfLer recelvlng Lhose lnsLrucLlons, he wenL back Lo see 8esLy. AlLhough 8esLy had
hls own vehlcle, lLs Llres were old so Lhe cable wlres were loaded ln appellanL's
[eep and covered wlLh kakawaLl leaves. 1he loadlng was done by abouL flve (3)
masked men. Pe was promlsed 1,000.00 for Lhe [ob. upon crosslng a brldge,
Lhe Lwo vehlcles separaLed buL ln hls case, he was lnLercepLed by SgL. noce[a and
aL. ue CasLro. When Lhey dlscovered Lhe cables, he Lold Lhe pollce offlcers LhaL
Lhe cables were loaded ln hls [eep by Lhe owner, 8esLy lernandez. 8uL desplLe
hls explanaLlon, he was ordered Lo proceed Lo pollce headquarLers where he was
lnLerrogaLed. 1he pollce offlcers dld noL belleve hlm and lnsLead locked hlm up ln
[all for a week."

Cn Aprll 27, 1993, Lhe courL ' )*& rendered [udgmenL
Lhe dlsposlLlve porLlon of whlch
"WPL8LlC8L, flndlng Lhe accused gullLy beyond reasonable doubL of Lhe crlme
of 1hefL of properLy worLh33,244.43, Lhe CourL hereby senLences hlm Lo suffer
lmprlsonmenL from 1WC (2) [?LA8S], lCu8 (4) MCn1PS, and CnL (1) uA? of
rlslon Correcclonal, as mlnlmum, Lo 1Ln (10) ?LA8S of rlslon Mayor, as
maxlmum, Lo lndemnlfy Lhe complalnanL naLlonal ower CorporaLlon ln Lhe
amounL of 33, 244.43, and Lo pay Lhe cosLs."
Cn appeal, Lhe CourL of Appeals afflrmed Lhe [udgmenL of convlcLlon buL deleLed Lhe
award for damages on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe sLolen maLerlals were recovered and
modlfled Lhe penalLy lmposed, Lo wlL:
"WPL8LlC8L, Lhe appealed declslon ls hereby Alll8MLu wlLh Lhe modlflcaLlon
LhaL appellanL 8uu? CA8ALLLS ls found gullLy beyond reasonable doubL as
prlnclpal ln LhefL, deflned and penallzed under ArLlcles 308 and 309, par. 1,
8evlsed enal Code, and Lhere belng no modlfylng clrcumsLances, he ls hereby
meLed an lndeLermlnaLe penalLy of lour (4) years, nlne (9) monLhs and Lleven
(11) days of +#%,%&- !&##"!!%&-'., as mlnlmum Lerm, Lo LlghL (8) years, LlghL (8)
monLhs and one (1) day of prlslon mayor, as maxlmum Lerm. no clvll lndemnlLy
and no cosLs."

eLlLloner comes before us and ralses Lhe followlng lssues:
"(a) WheLher or noL Lhe consLlLuLlonal rlghL of peLlLloner was vlolaLed when Lhe
pollce offlcers searched hls vehlcle and selzed Lhe wlres found Lhereln wlLhouL a
search warranL and when samples of Lhe wlres and references Lo Lhem were
admlLLed ln evldence as basls for hls convlcLlon,
(b) WheLher or noL respondenL CourL erred ln re[ecLlng peLlLloner's defense LhaL
he was engaged ln an enLrapmenL operaLlon and ln lndulglng ln speculaLlon and
con[ecLure ln re[ecLlng sald defense, and
(c) WheLher or noL Lhe evldence of Lhe prosecuLlon falled Lo esLabllsh Lhe gullL of
peLlLloner beyond reasonable doubL and Lhus falled Lo overcome Lhe
consLlLuLlonal rlghL of peLlLloner Lo presumpLlon of lnnocence."
1he convlcLlon or acqulLLal of peLlLloner hlnges prlmarlly on Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
warranLless search and selzure made by Lhe pollce offlcers, and Lhe admlsslblllLy of Lhe
evldence obLalned by vlrLue Lhereof.
ln holdlng LhaL Lhe warranLless search and selzure ls valld, Lhe Lrlal courL ruled LhaL:
"As hls lasL sLraw of argumenL, Lhe accused quesLlons Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe
search and valldlLy of hls arresL on Lhe ground LhaL no warranL was lssued Lo LhaL
effecL. 1he CourL cannoL agaln susLaln such vlew. ln Lhe case of eople v. Lo Po
[Wlng], C.8. no. 88017, !anuary 21, 1991, lL has been held LhaL 'conslderlng LhaL
before a warranL can be obLalned, Lhe place, Lhlngs and persons Lo be searched
musL be descrlbed Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe lssulng [udge - a requlremenL whlch
borders on Lhe lmposslble ln Lhe case of smuggllng effecLed by Lhe use of a
movlng vehlcle LhaL can LransporL conLraband from one place Lo anoLher wlLh
lmpunlLy, a warranLless search of a movlng vehlcle ls [usLlfled on grounds of
pracLlcablllLy.' 1he docLrlne ls noL of recenL vlnLage. ln Lhe case of valmonLe vs.
de vllla, C.8. no. 83988, May 24, 1990 (8esoluLlon on MoLlon for
8econslderaLlon, SepLember 29, 1989), lL was ruled LhaL 'auLomoblles because of
Lhelr moblllLy may be searched wlLhouL a warranL upon facLs noL [usLlfylng
warranLless search of a resldenL or offlce. x x x 1o hold LhaL no crlmlnal can, ln
any case, be arresLed and searched for Lhe evldence and Lokens of hls crlme
wlLhouL a warranL, would be Lo leave socleLy, Lo a large exLenL, aL Lhe mercy of
Lhe shrewdesL, Lhe mosL experL, and Lhe mosL depraved of crlmlnals, faclllLaLlng
Lhelr escape ln many lnsLances' (lbld.). ln umll v. 8amos, 187 SC8A 311, and
eople vs. CrLlz, 191 SC8A 836, Lhe Supreme CourL held LhaL a search may be
made even wlLhouL a warranL where Lhe accused ls caughL ln flagranLe. under
Lhe clrcumsLances, Lhe pollce offlcers are noL only auLhorlzed buL are also under
obllgaLlon Lo arresL Lhe accused even wlLhouL a warranL."

eLlLloner conLends LhaL Lhe flagglng down of hls vehlcle by pollce offlcers who were on
rouLlne paLrol, merely on "susplclon" LhaL "lL mlghL conLaln smuggled goods," does noL
consLlLuLe probable cause LhaL wlll [usLlfy a warranLless search and selzure. Pe lnslsLs
LhaL, conLrary Lo Lhe flndlngs of Lhe Lrlal courL as adopLed by Lhe appellaLe courL, he dld
noL glve any consenL, express or lmplled, Lo Lhe search of Lhe vehlcle. erforce, any
evldence obLalned ln vlolaLlon of hls rlghL agalnsL unreasonable search and selzure shall
be deemed lnadmlsslble.
Lnshrlned ln our ConsLlLuLlon ls Lhe lnvlolable rlghL of Lhe people Lo be secure ln Lhelr
persons and properLles agalnsL unreasonable searches and selzures, as deflned under
SecLlon 2, ArLlcle lll Lhereof, whlch reads:
"Sec. 2. 1he rlghL of Lhe people Lo be secure ln Lhelr persons, houses, papers, and
effecLs agalnsL unreasonable searches and selzures of whaLever naLure and for
any purpose shall be lnvlolable, and no search warranL or warranL of arresL shall
lssue excepL upon probable cause Lo be deLermlned personally by Lhe [udge afLer
examlnaLlon under oaLh or afflrmaLlon of Lhe complalnanL and Lhe wlLnesses he
may produce, and parLlcularly descrlblng Lhe place Lo be searched and Lhe
persons or Lhlngs Lo be selzed."
1he excluslonary rule under SecLlon 3(2), ArLlcle lll of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon bars Lhe
admlsslon of evldence obLalned ln vlolaLlon of such rlghL.
1he consLlLuLlonal proscrlpLlon agalnsL warranLless searches and selzures ls noL absoluLe
buL admlLs of cerLaln excepLlons, namely: (1) warranLless search lncldenLal Lo a lawful
arresL recognlzed under SecLlon 12, 8ule 126 of Lhe 8ules of CourL and by prevalllng
(2) selzure of evldence ln plaln vlew,
(3) search of movlng vehlcles,
consenLed warranLless search,
(3) cusLoms search, (6) sLop and frlsk slLuaLlons (1erry
and (7) exlgenL and emergency clrcumsLances.

ln cases where warranL ls necessary, Lhe sLeps prescrlbed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and
relLeraLed ln Lhe 8ules of CourL musL be complled wlLh. ln Lhe excepLlonal evenLs where
warranL ls noL necessary Lo effecL a valld search or selzure, or when Lhe laLLer cannoL be
performed excepL wlLhouL a warranL, whaL consLlLuLes a reasonable or unreasonable
search or selzure ls purely a [udlclal quesLlon, deLermlnable from Lhe unlqueness of Lhe
clrcumsLances lnvolved, lncludlng Lhe purpose of Lhe search or selzure, Lhe presence or
absence of probable cause, Lhe manner ln whlch Lhe search and selzure was made, Lhe
place or Lhlng searched and Lhe characLer of Lhe arLlcles procured.

lL ls noL conLroverLed LhaL Lhe search and selzure conducLed by Lhe pollce offlcers ln Lhe
case aL bar was noL auLhorlzed by a search warranL. 1he maln lssue ls wheLher Lhe
evldence Laken from Lhe warranLless search ls admlsslble agalnsL Lhe appellanL. WlLhouL
sald evldence, Lhe prosecuLlon cannoL prove Lhe gullL of Lhe appellanL beyond
reasonable doubL./01+2%/3-4$
53 6"'#!2 &7 8&9%-: 9"2%!."
Plghly regulaLed by Lhe governmenL, Lhe vehlcle's lnherenL moblllLy reduces expecLaLlon
of prlvacy especlally when lLs LranslL ln publlc Lhoroughfares furnlshes a hlghly
reasonable susplclon amounLlng Lo probable cause LhaL Lhe occupanL commlLLed a
crlmlnal acLlvlLy.
1hus, Lhe rules governlng search and selzure have over Lhe years
been sLeadlly llberallzed whenever a movlng vehlcle ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe search on Lhe
basls of pracLlcallLy. 1hls ls so conslderlng LhaL before a warranL could be obLalned, Lhe
place, Lhlngs and persons Lo be searched musL be descrlbed Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe
lssulng [udge - a requlremenL whlch borders on Lhe lmposslble ln Lhe case of smuggllng
effecLed by Lhe use of a movlng vehlcle LhaL can LransporL conLraband from one place Lo
anoLher wlLh lmpunlLy. We mlghL add LhaL a warranLless search of a movlng vehlcle ls
[usLlfled on Lhe ground LhaL lL ls noL pracLlcable Lo secure a warranL because Lhe vehlcle
can be qulckly moved ouL of Lhe locallLy or [urlsdlcLlon ln whlch Lhe warranL musL be
Searches wlLhouL warranL of auLomoblles ls also allowed for Lhe purpose of
prevenLlng vlolaLlons of smuggllng or lmmlgraLlon laws, provlded such searches are
made aL borders or 'consLrucLlve borders' llke checkpolnLs near Lhe boundary llnes of
Lhe SLaLe.

1he mere moblllLy of Lhese vehlcles, however, does noL glve Lhe pollce offlcers unllmlLed
dlscreLlon Lo conducL lndlscrlmlnaLe searches wlLhouL warranLs lf made wlLhln Lhe
lnLerlor of Lhe LerrlLory and ln Lhe absence of probable cause.
SLlll and all, Lhe
lmporLanL Lhlng ls LhaL Lhere was probable cause Lo conducL Lhe warranLless search,
whlch musL sLlll be presenL ln such a case.
AlLhough Lhe Lerm eludes exacL deflnlLlon, probable cause slgnlfles a reasonable ground
of susplclon supporLed by clrcumsLances sufflclenLly sLrong ln Lhemselves Lo warranL a
cauLlous man's bellef LhaL Lhe person accused ls gullLy of Lhe offense wlLh whlch he ls
charged, or Lhe exlsLence of such facLs and clrcumsLances whlch could lead a reasonably
dlscreeL and prudenL man Lo belleve LhaL an offense has been commlLLed and LhaL Lhe
lLems, arLlcles or ob[ecLs soughL ln connecLlon wlLh sald offense or sub[ecL Lo selzure
and desLrucLlon by law ls ln Lhe place Lo be searched.
1he requlred probable cause
LhaL wlll [usLlfy a warranLless search and selzure ls noL deLermlned by a flxed formula
buL ls resolved accordlng Lo Lhe facLs of each case.

Cne such form of search of movlng vehlcles ls Lhe "sLop-and-search" wlLhouL warranL aL
mlllLary or pollce checkpolnLs whlch has been declared Lo be noL lllegal per se,
for as
long as lL ls warranLed by Lhe exlgencles of publlc order
and conducLed ln a way leasL
lnLruslve Lo moLorlsLs.
A checkpolnL may elLher be a mere rouLlne lnspecLlon or lL may
lnvolve an exLenslve search.
8ouLlne lnspecLlons are noL regarded as vlolaLlve of an lndlvldual's rlghL agalnsL
unreasonable search. 1he search whlch ls normally permlsslble ln Lhls lnsLance ls llmlLed
Lo Lhe followlng lnsLances: (1) where Lhe offlcer merely draws aslde Lhe curLaln of a
vacanL vehlcle whlch ls parked on Lhe publlc falr grounds,
(2) slmply looks lnLo a
(3) flashes a llghL Lhereln wlLhouL openlng Lhe car's doors,
(4) where Lhe
occupanLs are noL sub[ecLed Lo a physlcal or body search,
(3) where Lhe lnspecLlon of
Lhe vehlcles ls llmlLed Lo a vlsual search or vlsual lnspecLlon,
and (6) where Lhe rouLlne
check ls conducLed ln a flxed area.

none of Lhe foregolng clrcumsLances ls obLalnlng ln Lhe case aL bar. 1he pollce offlcers
dld noL merely conducL a vlsual search or vlsual lnspecLlon of hereln peLlLloner's vehlcle.
1hey had Lo reach lnslde Lhe vehlcle, llfL Lhe kakawaLl leaves and look lnslde Lhe sacks
before Lhey were able Lo see Lhe cable wlres. lL cannoL be consldered a slmple rouLlne
ln Lhe case of "6GHIE !H5HIJ KJ, #GI88I;
Lhe CourL held LhaL Lhe physlcal lnLruslon of a
parL of Lhe body of an agenL lnLo Lhe vehlcle goes beyond Lhe area proLecLed by Lhe
lourLh AmendmenL, Lo wlL:
"1he AgenL . . . sLuck hls head Lhrough Lhe drlver's slde wlndow. 1he agenL Lhus
effecLed a physlcal lnLruslon lnLo Lhe vehlcle. . . [W]e are aware of no case
holdlng LhaL an offlcer dld noL conducL a search when he physlcally lnLruded parL
of hls body lnLo a space ln whlch Lhe suspecL had a reasonable expecLaLlon of
prlvacy. [1he] AgenL['s] . . . physlcal lnLruslon allowed hlm Lo see and Lo smell
Lhlngs he could noL see or smell from ouLslde Lhe vehlcle. . . ln dolng so, hls
lnspecLlon wenL beyond LhaL porLlon of Lhe vehlcle whlch may be vlewed from
ouLslde Lhe vehlcle by elLher lnqulslLlve passersby or dlllgenL pollce offlcers, and
lnLo Lhe area proLecLed by Lhe lourLh amendmenL, [usL as much as lf he had
sLuck hls head lnslde Lhe open wlndow of a home."
Cn Lhe oLher hand, when a vehlcle ls sLopped and sub[ecLed Lo an exLenslve search,
such a warranLless search would be consLlLuLlonally permlsslble only lf Lhe offlcers
conducLlng Lhe search have reasonable or probable cause Lo belleve, before Lhe search,
LhaL elLher Lhe moLorlsL ls a law-offender or Lhey wlll flnd Lhe lnsLrumenLallLy or
evldence perLalnlng Lo a crlme ln Lhe vehlcle Lo be searched.

1hls CourL has ln Lhe pasL found probable cause Lo conducL wlLhouL a [udlclal warranL an
exLenslve search of movlng vehlcles ln slLuaLlons where (1) Lhere had emanaLed from a
package Lhe dlsLlncLlve smell of marl[uana, (2) agenLs of Lhe narcoLlcs Command
("narcom") of Lhe hlllpplne naLlonal ollce ("n") had recelved a confldenLlal reporL
from lnformers LhaL a slzeable volume of marl[uana would be LransporLed along Lhe
rouLe where Lhe search was conducLed, (3) narcom agenLs had recelved lnformaLlon
LhaL a Caucaslan comlng from Sagada, MounLaln rovlnce, had ln hls possesslon
prohlblLed drugs and when Lhe narcom agenLs confronLed Lhe accused Caucaslan,
because of a consplcuous bulge ln hls walsLllne, he falled Lo presenL hls passporL and
oLher ldenLlflcaLlon papers when requesLed Lo do so, (4) narcom agenLs had recelved
confldenLlal lnformaLlon LhaL a woman havlng Lhe same physlcal appearance as LhaL of
Lhe accused would be LransporLlng marl[uana,
(3) Lhe accused who were rldlng a
[eepney were sLopped and searched by pollcemen who had earller recelved confldenLlal
reporLs LhaL sald accused would LransporL a large quanLlLy of marl[uana, and (6) where
Lhe movlng vehlcle was sLopped and searched on Lhe basls of lnLelllgence lnformaLlon
and clandesLlne reporLs by a deep peneLraLlon agenL or spy - one who parLlclpaLed ln
Lhe drug smuggllng acLlvlLles of Lhe syndlcaLe Lo whlch Lhe accused belonged - LhaL sald
accused were brlnglng prohlblLed drugs lnLo Lhe counLry.

ln Lhe case aL bar, Lhe vehlcle of Lhe peLlLloner was flagged down because Lhe pollce
offlcers who were on rouLlne paLrol became susplclous when Lhey saw LhaL Lhe back of
Lhe vehlcle was covered wlLh kakawaLl leaves whlch, accordlng Lo Lhem, was unusual
and uncommon.
aL. Alex de CasLro recounLed Lhe lncldenL as follows:
"A11?. SAn1CS
C now on sald daLe and Llme do you remember of any unusual lncldenL whlle
you were performlng your duLy?
A ?es, slr, aL LhaL Llme and daLe myself and ollce SgL. noce[a were
conducLlng paLrol ln Lhe sald place when we spoLLed a susplclous [eepney so we
sLopped Lhe [eepney and searched Lhe load of Lhe [eepney and we found ouL
(slc) Lhese conducLor wlres.
C ?ou menLloned abouL Lhe facL LhaL when you saw Lhe [eepney you became
susplclous, LM9 EGE 9.7 NIO.PI J7JQGOG.7JR
C When you became susplclous upon seelng Lhose leaves on Lop of Lhe load
whaL dld you do nexL, lf any?
A We sLopped Lhe [eepney and searched Lhe conLenLs Lhereof, slr."

1he LesLlmony of vlcLorlno noce[a dld noL fare any beLLer:
"A11? SAn1CS
C When you saw Lhe accused drlvlng Lhe sald vehlcle, whaL dld you do?

We hold LhaL Lhe facL LhaL Lhe vehlcle looked susplclous slmply because lL ls noL
common for such Lo be covered wlLh kakawaLl leaves does noL consLlLuLe "probable
cause" as would [usLlfy Lhe conducL of a search wlLhouL a warranL.
ln #I.QTI KJ, (M75 F. !56;
we held LhaL Lhe facL LhaL Lhe waLercrafL used by Lhe
accused was dlfferenL ln appearance from Lhe usual flshlng boaLs LhaL commonly crulse
over Lhe 8acnoLan seas coupled wlLh Lhe susplclous behavlor of Lhe accused when he
aLLempLed Lo flee from Lhe pollce auLhorlLles do noL sufflclenLly esLabllsh probable
cause. 1hus:
"ln Lhe case aL bar, Lhe SollclLor Ceneral proposes LhaL Lhe followlng deLalls are
suggesLlve of probable cause - perslsLenL reporLs of rampanL smuggllng of
flrearm and oLher conLraband arLlcles, CPuA's waLercrafL dlfferlng ln appearance
from Lhe usual flshlng boaLs LhaL commonly crulse over Lhe 8acnoLan seas,
CPuA's lllegal enLry lnLo Lhe hlllpplnes x x x, CPuA's susplclous behavlor, l.e., he
aLLempLed Lo flee when he saw Lhe pollce auLhorlLles, and Lhe apparenL ease by
whlch CPuA can reLurn Lo and navlgaLe hls speedboaL wlLh lmmedlaLe dlspaLch
Lowards Lhe hlgh seas, beyond Lhe reach of hlllpplne laws.
1hls CourL, however, flnds LhaL Lhese do noL consLlLuLe "probable cause." none
of Lhe LellLale clues, e.g., bag or package emanaLlng Lhe pungenL odor of
marl[uana or oLher prohlblLed drug, confldenLlal reporL and/or poslLlve
ldenLlflcaLlon by lnformers of courler of prohlblLed drug and/or Lhe Llme and
place where Lhey wlll LransporL/dellver Lhe same, susplclous demeanor or
behavlor, and susplclous bulge ln Lhe walsL - accepLed by Lhls CourL as sufflclenL
Lo [usLlfy a warranLless arresL exlsLs ln Lhls case. 1here was no classlfled
lnformaLlon LhaL a forelgner would dlsembark aL 1ammocalao beach bearlng
prohlblLed drug on Lhe daLe ln quesLlon. CPuA was noL ldenLlfled as a drug
courler by a pollce lnformer or agenL. *MI V5OH HM5H HMI KIJJIT HM5H VI88GIE MGP H.
57H.P5HGO5TT9 P58U MGP 5J G6 HMI Q8.OIJJ .V QI8QIH85HG6S 56 .VVI6JI, x x x."
("8+2',%, ,*++.%";)
ln addlLlon, Lhe pollce auLhorlLles do noL clalm Lo have recelved any confldenLlal reporL
or Llpped lnformaLlon LhaL peLlLloner was carrylng sLolen cable wlres ln hls vehlcle whlch
could oLherwlse have susLalned Lhelr susplclon. Cur [urlsprudence ls repleLe wlLh cases
where Llpped lnformaLlon has become a sufflclenL probable cause Lo effecL a
warranLless search and selzure.
unforLunaLely, none exlsLs ln Lhls case.
553 <.'%- 9%"1 ;&!$#%-"
lL cannoL llkewlse be sald LhaL Lhe cable wlres found ln peLlLloner's vehlcle were ln plaln
vlew, maklng lLs warranLless selzure valld.
!urlsprudence ls Lo Lhe effecL LhaL an ob[ecL ls ln plaln vlew lf Lhe ob[ecL lLself ls plalnly
exposed Lo slghL. Where Lhe ob[ecL selzed was lnslde a closed package, Lhe ob[ecL lLself
ls noL ln plaln vlew and Lherefore cannoL be selzed wlLhouL a warranL. Powever, lf Lhe
package proclalms lLs conLenLs, wheLher by lLs dlsLlncLlve conflguraLlon, lLs
Lransparency, or lf lLs conLenLs are obvlous Lo an observer, Lhen Lhe conLenLs are ln plaln
vlew and may be selzed. ln oLher words, lf Lhe package ls such LhaL an experlenced
observer could lnfer from lLs appearance LhaL lL conLalns Lhe prohlblLed arLlcle, Lhen Lhe
arLlcle ls deemed ln plaln vlew. lL musL be lmmedlaLely apparenL Lo Lhe pollce LhaL Lhe
lLems LhaL Lhey observe may be evldence of a crlme, conLraband or oLherwlse sub[ecL Lo

lL ls clear from Lhe records of Lhls case LhaL Lhe cable wlres were noL exposed Lo slghL
because Lhey were placed ln sacks
and covered wlLh leaves. 1he arLlcles were nelLher
LransparenL nor lmmedlaLely apparenL Lo Lhe pollce auLhorlLles. 1hey had no clue as Lo
whaL was hldden underneaLh Lhe leaves and branches. As a maLLer of facL, Lhey had Lo
ask peLlLloner whaL was loaded ln hls vehlcle. ln such a case, lL has been held LhaL Lhe
ob[ecL ls noL ln plaln vlew whlch could have [usLlfled mere selzure of Lhe arLlcles wlLhouL
furLher search.

5553 =&-,"-$"; ,"'#!2
eLlLloner conLends LhaL Lhe sLaLemenL of SgL. vlcLorlno noce[a LhaL he checked Lhe
vehlcle "wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe accused" ls Loo vague Lo prove LhaL peLlLloner
consenLed Lo Lhe search. Pe clalms LhaL Lhere ls no speclflc sLaLemenL as Lo how Lhe
consenL was asked and how lL was glven, nor Lhe speclflc words spoken by peLlLloner
lndlcaLlng hls alleged "consenL." AL mosL, Lhere was only an lmplled acqulescence, a
mere passlve conformlLy, whlch ls no "consenL" aL all wlLhln Lhe purvlew of Lhe
consLlLuLlonal guaranLee.
uoubLless, Lhe consLlLuLlonal lmmunlLy agalnsL unreasonable searches and selzures ls a
personal rlghL whlch may be walved. 1he consenL musL be volunLary ln order Lo valldaLe
an oLherwlse lllegal deLenLlon and search, l.e., Lhe consenL ls unequlvocal, speclflc, and
lnLelllgenLly glven, unconLamlnaLed by any duress or coerclon.
Pence, consenL Lo a
search ls noL Lo be llghLly lnferred, buL musL be shown by clear and convlnclng
1he quesLlon wheLher a consenL Lo a search was ln facL volunLary ls a
quesLlon of facL Lo be deLermlned from Lhe LoLallLy of all Lhe clrcumsLances.
Lo Lhls deLermlnaLlon are Lhe followlng characLerlsLlcs of Lhe person glvlng consenL and
Lhe envlronmenL ln whlch consenL ls glven: (1) Lhe age of Lhe defendanL, (2) wheLher he
was ln a publlc or secluded locaLlon, (3) wheLher he ob[ecLed Lo Lhe search or passlvely
looked on,
(4) Lhe educaLlon and lnLelllgence of Lhe defendanL, (3) Lhe presence of
coerclve pollce procedures, (6) Lhe defendanL's bellef LhaL no lncrlmlnaLlng evldence wlll
be found,
(7) Lhe naLure of Lhe pollce quesLlonlng, (8) Lhe envlronmenL ln whlch Lhe
quesLlonlng Look place, and (9) Lhe posslbly vulnerable sub[ecLlve sLaLe of Lhe person
lL ls Lhe SLaLe whlch has Lhe burden of provlng, by clear and poslLlve
LesLlmony, LhaL Lhe necessary consenL was obLalned and LhaL lL was freely and
volunLarlly glven.

ln Lhe case aL bar, SgL. vlcLorlno noce[a LesLlfled on Lhe manner ln whlch Lhe search was
conducLed ln Lhls wlse:
C Cn !une 28, 1989, where were you?
A We were conducLlng paLrol aL Lhe poblaclon and some barangays, slr.
x x x x x x x x x
C AfLer conducLlng Lhe paLrol operaLlon, do you remember of any unusual
lncldenL on sald daLe and Llme?
A ?es, slr.
C WhaL ls LhaL lncldenL?
A Whlle l was conducLlng my paLrol aL barangay Sampalucan, l saw 8udy
Caballes drlvlng a vehlcle and Lhe vehlcle conLalned alumlnum wlres, slr.
x x x x x x x x x
C When you saw Lhe accused drlvlng Lhe sald vehlcle, whaL dld you do?
A 8ecause l saw LhaL Lhe vehlcle belng drlven by Caballes was covered by
kakawaLl leaves, l became susplclous slnce such vehlcle should noL be covered by
Lhose and l flagged hlm, slr.
C uld Lhe vehlcle sLop?
C 8efore you saw Lhe alumlnum wlres, dld you Lalk Lo Lhe accused?
A ?es, slr, l asked hlm whaL hls load was.
C WhaL was Lhe answer of Caballes?
A FI EGE 6.H 56JLI8 56E B .NJI8KIE MGP H. NI Q5TI; W65SQ5Q5P7HT5W Z$%&[; J.
C And afLer you saw for yourself Lhe alumlnum wlres loaded on Lhe [eep,
whaL dld you do?
A l asked hlm where Lhose wlres came from and he answered Lhose came
from Lhe CavlnLl area, slr."

1hls CourL ls noL unmlndful of cases upholdlng Lhe valldlLy of consenLed warranLless
searches and selzure. 8uL ln Lhese cases, Lhe pollce offlcers' requesL Lo search personnel
effecLs was orally arLlculaLed Lo Lhe accused and ln such language LhaL lefL no room for
doubL LhaL Lhe laLLer fully undersLood whaL was requesLed. ln some lnsLance, Lhe
accused even verbally replled Lo Lhe requesL demonsLraLlng LhaL he also undersLood Lhe
naLure and consequences of such requesL.

ln ?J76OG.6 KJ, (.78H .V ?QQI5TJ;
Lhe apprehendlng offlcers soughL Lhe permlsslon of
peLlLloner Lo search Lhe car, Lo whlch Lhe laLLer agreed. eLlLloner Lhereln hlmself freely
gave hls consenL Lo sald search. ln #I.QTI KJ, A5OI865;
Lhe appellanLs who were rldlng
ln a Laxl were sLopped by Lwo pollcemen who asked permlsslon Lo search Lhe vehlcle
and Lhe appellanLs readlly agreed. ln upholdlng Lhe valldlLy of Lhe consenLed search, Lhe
CourL held LhaL appellanL hlmself who was "urbanlzed ln mannerlsm and speech"
expressly sald LhaL he was consenLlng Lo Lhe search as he allegedly had noLhlng Lo hlde
and had done noLhlng wrong. ln #I.QTI KJ, (7G\.6'
Lhe accused admlLLed LhaL Lhey
slgned a wrlLLen permlsslon sLaLlng LhaL Lhey freely consenLed Lo Lhe search of Lhelr
luggage by Lhe n8l agenLs Lo deLermlne lf Lhey were carrylng shabu. ln #I.QTI KJ,
lL was held LhaL Lhe accused sponLaneously performed afflrmaLlve acLs of
vollLlon by hlmself openlng Lhe bag wlLhouL belng forced or lnLlmldaLed Lo do so, whlch
acLs should properly be consLrued as a clear walver of hls rlghL. ln #I.QTI KJ,
Lhe pollce offlcers asked Lhe accused lf Lhey could see Lhe conLenLs of hls
bag Lo whlch Lhe accused sald "you can see Lhe conLenLs buL Lhose are only cloLhlngs."
1hen Lhe pollcemen asked lf Lhey could open and see lL, and accused answered "you can
see lL." 1he CourL sald Lhere was a valld consenLed search./01+2%/3-4$
ln case of consenLed searches or walver of Lhe consLlLuLlonal guaranLee agalnsL
obLruslve searches, lL ls fundamenLal LhaL Lo consLlLuLe a walver, lL musL flrsL appear
LhaL (1) Lhe rlghL exlsLs, (2) LhaL Lhe person lnvolved had knowledge, elLher acLual or
consLrucLlve, of Lhe exlsLence of such rlghL, and (3) Lhe sald person had an acLual
lnLenLlon Lo rellnqulsh Lhe rlghL.

ln Lhe case aL bar, Lhe evldence ls lacklng LhaL Lhe peLlLloner lnLenLlonally surrendered
hls rlghL agalnsL unreasonable searches. 1he manner by whlch Lhe Lwo pollce offlcers
allegedly obLalned Lhe consenL of peLlLloner for Lhem Lo conducL Lhe search leaves much
Lo be deslred. When peLlLloner's vehlcle was flagged down, SgL. noce[a approached
HMI Q.JGHGKI,W We are hard puL Lo belleve LhaL by uLLerlng Lhose words, Lhe pollce
offlcers were asklng or requesLlng for permlsslon LhaL Lhey be allowed Lo search Lhe
vehlcle of peLlLloner. lor all lnLenLs and purposes, Lhey wereG6V.8PG6S; 659;
GPQ.JG6S upon hereln peLlLloner LhaL Lhey wlll search hls vehlcle. 1he "consenL" glven
under lnLlmldaLlng or coerclve clrcumsLances ls no consenL wlLhln Lhe purvlew of Lhe
consLlLuLlonal guaranLy. ln addlLlon, ln cases where Lhls CourL upheld Lhe valldlLy of
consenLed search, lL wlll be noLed LhaL Lhe pollce auLhorlLles expressly asked, ln no
uncerLaln Lerms, for Lhe consenL of Lhe accused Lo be searched. And Lhe consenL of Lhe
accused was esLabllshed by clear and poslLlve proof. ln Lhe case of hereln peLlLloner, Lhe
sLaLemenLs of Lhe pollce offlcers were 6.H 5JUG6S V.8 MGJ O.6JI6H, Lhey were EIOT58G6S Lo
hlm LhaL Lhey wlll look lnslde hls vehlcle. 8esldes, lL ls doubLful wheLher permlsslon was
acLually requesLed and granLed because when SgL. noce[a was asked durlng hls dlrecL
examlnaLlon whaL he dld when Lhe vehlcle of peLlLloner sLopped, he answered LhaL he
removed Lhe cover of Lhe vehlcle and saw Lhe alumlnum wlres. lL was only afLer he was
asked a clarlflcaLory quesLlon LhaL he added LhaL he Lold peLlLloner he wlll lnspecL Lhe
vehlcle. 1o our mlnd, Lhls was more of an afLerLhoughL. Llkewlse, when aL. de CasLro
was asked Lwlce ln hls dlrecL examlnaLlon whaL Lhey dld when Lhey sLopped Lhe
[eepney, hls conslsLenL answer was LhaL Lhey searched Lhe vehlcle. Pe never LesLlfled
LhaL he asked peLlLloner for permlsslon Lo conducL Lhe search.

nelLher can peLlLloner's passlve submlsslon be consLrued as an lmplled acqulescence Lo
Lhe warranLless search. ln #I.QTI KJ, @588.J'
appellanL 8arros, who was carrylng a
carLon box, boarded a bus where Lwo pollcemen were rldlng. 1he pollcemen lnspecLed
Lhe carLon and found marl[uana lnslde. When asked who owned Lhe box, appellanL
denled ownershlp of Lhe box and falled Lo ob[ecL Lo Lhe search. 1he CourL Lhere sLruck
down Lhe warranLless search as lllegal and held LhaL Lhe accused ls noL Lo be presumed
Lo have walved Lhe unlawful search conducLed slmply because he falled Lo ob[ecL, clLlng
Lhe rullng ln Lhe case of #I.QTI KJ, @78S.J;
Lo wlL>
"As Lhe consLlLuLlonal guaranLy ls noL dependenL upon any afflrmaLlve acL of Lhe
clLlzen, Lhe courLs do noL place Lhe clLlzens ln Lhe poslLlon of elLher conLesLlng an
offlcer's auLhorlLy by force, or walvlng hls consLlLuLlonal rlghLs, buL lnsLead Lhey
hold LhaL a peaceful submlsslon Lo a search or selzure ls noL a consenL or an
lnvlLaLlon LhereLo, buL ls merely a demonsLraLlon of regard for Lhe supremacy of
Lhe law."
CasLlng aslde Lhe cable wlres as evldence, Lhe remalnlng evldence on record are
lnsufflclenL Lo susLaln peLlLloner's convlcLlon. Pls gullL can only be esLabllshed wlLhouL
vlolaLlng Lhe consLlLuLlonal rlghL of Lhe accused agalnsL unreasonable search and
]F%$%D)$%; HMI GPQ7S6IE EIOGJG.6 GJ $%^%$!%= 56E !%* ?!B=%; 56E 5OO7JIE $7E9
(5N5TTIJ GJ MI8IN9 ?(_"B**%= .V HMI O8GPI OM58SIE, (.JH EI .VGOG.,
!) )$=%$%=,

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