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Chapter 13 MODERN JEWISH ANTI-COMMUNISM Today, protective propaganda fills the press, aimed to make it appear that Commu

nism and Jewry are enemies. Careful reading of the Jewish and Communist press reveals tha t the collective farms, even the whole Soviet system, is threatened with collapse from within for lack of wheat (now being supplied by the U.S.A.) and lack of other necessities. Racke teers who have been profiteering and lining their pockets with millions grabbed from the collec tives are being tried and executed. Most of them happen to be Jews. Quelling and stopping swindl ing of Jews is represented as causeless anti-Semitism and the U.N. and U.S.A. are being called up on to stop this cruel treatment. Meanwhile, Jewish control of Soviet Russia continues. Lazar Kaganovich, former a llpowerful head of all Soviet industry, a Jew whose family intermarried with Stali n s, is no longer in power. But, his place, as an all-powerful dictator of Soviet industry, has be en taken by another Jew, Dymshits. Careful reading of the press as to anti-Semitism alleged to exist in Soviet Russia reveals it to be either directed at Zionist Jews who favor a world power structure dominated from Israel, or concerning minor matters such as availability of Matsos on Jewish Holidays, and similar trivialities. However, the basic domination of the Communist world by Jews, in f orce since Jacob Schiff, Max Warburg, Trotsky (Bronstein), Litvinov (Finkelstein), Lenin (Ulyanov ) and others orchestrated the communizing of Christian Russia continues. One of the perpetual difficulties of the Jewish Talmudists is putting Communism into power and then concealing the Talmudic origin and direction of it. That Jewish look arou ses what is foolishly called anti-Semitism on the part of the collectivized populations suffer ing under their control. In the l950s the American press was seething with the cases of Red Spies, atomic and otherwise, who had long been operating to sell out American secrets to the Sovie ts. The Rosenbergs, Harry Gold, and others, were convicted. Code messages carried to and from Jacob Epstein, a Communist agent in Mexico City, by a U.S.A. Communist agent, were exp osed. Abraham Brothman and Miriam Moskowitz were convicted as spies. FBI hands tied after agents trap Red Spies, headed a February 18, 1950 Chicago Tri

bune report of Willard Edwards concerning Nathan G. Silvermaster, Russian born Jew, J . Peters, alias Isador Boorstein, and others. One thing in common was that the spies who were be ing exposed as Communist agents were Jewish. The American Jewish Committee, whose emphasis is on their global responsibility Jewry, was not idle. In their American Jewish year Book, Vol. 54, (1952), was th is: The widely publicized recent indictments and trials for espionage, the evidence b rought forth at investigative hearings gave rise early last Summer to a concern lest th ere result an increasing association of Jews with Communism in the minds of the general Americ an public. By order of the Executive Committee, we are told, An intensive educational progra m addressed to Jews and non-Jews alike with respect to Communism was adopted. During 1950 we stressed the role of the Jew in the fight against Communism. We ha ve employed the mass media to feature the activities of Jewish individuals who vigo rously oppose Communist totalitarianism we have enlisted the active participation throughout o ur chapters of Jewish groups in such enterprises as the Crusade for Freedom We have also exe rted our influence to disassociate Jews themselves from the activities of Communists and fellowtravelers (page 55). Then is mentioned the Jewish People s Fraternal Order, a Jewish section of the Com munist Party s International Worker s Order, and its recent disaffiliation from Jewish commu nities in various parts of the country. One must ask how or why a large Communist Jewish or ganization became an integral part of Jewish communities in the first place! Control of various American Legion activities, the use of periodicals reaching m illions of people with propaganda articles written by the American Jewish Committee, plus C ommittee writing of Faith and Freedom readers for Catholic Schools, material for the Nati onal Council of Churches, the Methodist Church, propaganda work on the Genocide Convention (whic h aims to punish anyone who causes a group such as Jews mental harm ) is also detailed, and i s all so factual, so fantastic in scope as to defy description. These wide-ranging activi ties must be studied to be believed. Foreign Changes With Communism triumphant over much of Europe, the blatant Jewish look had also to to

be changed concerning Communist governments abroad so as to mask these governments as being native ones, instead of the Jewish authored and run vehicles which they are, and have been. Country by country the action taken to change the face of Communist governments of the Jewish look is taken up in detail in the American Jewish Year Books. The false pro paganda given the general public is that Communists are anti-Jewish. In Hungary, native hatred of Jewish rule has inspired many Hungarian Jews to emi grate to Israel. In Hungary, to quote the American Jewish Year Book, Vol. 54, page 296: A considerable number of persons of Jewish descent held positions in government service, including that of the political police. Hence many anti-Communists blam ed the Jews for their sufferings under the Communist dictatorship The Jews were hated by the reg ime as traders, as Zionists and as cosmopolites From the outset, the anti-Jewish campaign was carried on with special zeal by Communist leaders of Jewish descent, such as exPremier Mathias Rakosi and the ministers Enroe Geroe and Joszef Revai. Elizabeth Dilling: The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today In Communist Rumania, Jewess Ana Pauker had become Premier, together with a larg e number of other Jewish officials. Some of them were taken from office, according to the American Jewish Year Books Vols. 54 and 55. In Communist Czechoslovakia, according to American Jewish Year Books, there were high Jewish officials in the office of the Premier, and in the ministries of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Information, and Secretary General Rudolph Slansky was also Jewish. O thers included Vitezslav Fuchs, Party Secretary in Ostrava; Hanus Lomsky (Lieben), son of a rabbi and Party Secretary in Pizen; Ruzena Dubova, a Party Secretary in Brno; Gen. Bed tich Rejcin, head of Army Intelligence; and Ervin Polak, Deputy Minister of the Interior, Bed rich Geminder, former representative of the Czechoslovak Communist Party in the Cominform; Gust ave Bares (Breitenfeld), Deputy Secretary General and Chief of Party Propaganda; Koloman M osko (Moskowitz), one of the four chief Party secretaries in Slovakia; Ludvik Frejka (Freund), one of the authors of the Czechoslovak Five-Year Plan; Josef Goldman, Deputy Chief of t he Planning Office, Rudolph Margolius, Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade; and others. Many of these Jewish officials left office or went to less prominent positions. However, one asks why so many Communist Jews ever came to power in these countri

es, unless part of a Jewish controlled world movement.

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