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Ideas Have Consequences

A Presentation for Mr. Morton Blackwell President, Leadership Institute

Who We Are Voice of Freedom Coalition We are a Coalition of Conservative Activists We believe: o That being right is not enough to win, o The winner is determined by the number and effectiveness of the activists and leaders, and o The number and effectiveness of the activists and leaders is determined by the political technology used by that side. We realize that technology is philosophically neutral but crucially important. We are dedicated to the study and use of political technology for the Right. We have acknowledged and embraced our moral obligation to learn how to win. The Nature of Politics Today The Left has responded to Conservative organization (LI & Heritage) by counter-organizing and they are now better organized than we are. We are now two generations behind in grassroots organization. The Republican Party is unwilling or unable to recognize this fact and take action. The Tyranny of the Consultancy has become a Fifth Column aligned with the Left, which precludes effective organizing by conservative activists. Saul Alinsky, Green & Gerber, Steven Adler, and Howard Dean have created a Copernican Revolution in Politics that only the Left has embraced. The Voter, not the Campaign, is now the center of the political universe. Power to the Edge.

Why We Are Here We are tired of losing. We believe that Leadership Institute may be the only group with the Vision and Moral Authority to drive the change the Party needs. We understand the True Nature of Politics and have done our homework. We know the source of the Democrats Organizational Advantage and we want to bring it to the Right. We have been frustrated by the Tyranny of the Consultancy, which opposes the sharing of Data and seeks to tighten its control on organizational technology and political data. We believe that Leadership Institute shares our interest in using technology to improve the number and effectiveness of our activists. We believe you have the Vision to see how Leadership Institute can lead the way in building a unified technological infrastructure to empower Conservative Grassroots Activists. The Road Ahead Without a Unified Distributed Database on the Right, we will continue to be ruled by our political organizing betters, those on the Progressive Left. The Republican Party will not act to empower the Grassroots. Consultants will do everything in their power to prevent the Grassroots from organizing. Those of us with the Vision to see what must be done have a moral obligation to create the infrastructure that will allow the Conservative Philosophy to once again have true political power. If we fail, our Ideas will truly have no Consequences.

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