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Dr. D.C. Yermak The great and wise Pharaoh Shishak once presided over a very important meeting held at his palace. He was surrounded by counselors of trust. Shishak had tens, if not hundreds of various manuscripts Surrounded by his counselors of trust, the Great, Wise Pharaoh Shishak presided over a very important meeting, ever held in his palace. utside it was hot under the burning !gyptian sun, but inside the spacious halls, it was cool. Shishak had before him tens if not hundreds of various manuscripts and maps, all of great importance not only for the land of the Pharaoh at that time, but for the entire humanity to our own days. "efore we proceed, we must say to our readers a few, very important details. #ong, long ago, west of the $frican boundaries of !gypt, deep in today%s Sahara, there lived the wise people of #ubu, or as the !gyptian wrote, the &ebu. They were advanced in many sciences and they are said to be the first monotheists. This last knowledge was disclosed to the ancient !gyptians, who in their turn passed this knowledge to the Greeks. ne of the greatest minds of ancient Greece, Socrates, spent a number of years studying !gyptian wisdom. When returned back to his native country, he started teaching the $thenian youth that there was only one God. These teachings caused Socrates% condemnation to death' The great Philosopher of old, calmly drank his cup of Hemlock and entered immortality near the $cropolis. Socrates was the first Greek to say God was ne. We do not say Socrates was the only one of his compatriots who believed in this truth. There were many more but perhaps it would have been too dangerous back then to (throw the glove) at the priesthood of the *+ lympian Gods, -ust as it would have been dangerous to do the same in !gypt. The great truth remained a monopoly of the priesthood, while the common religion of the people, was -ust good for (popular consumption). .uring his youth, the Wise Pharaoh Shishak/or Shishonk as other old scripts call him0, was a high priest in the asis of $mon1&a right at the frontier of !gypt and the land of the people of #ubu. 2t is there that he perfected himself and undertook deep study of the wisdom of his time. Soon his fame reached the ears of the Pharaoh who ordered him to come and stay with him as his counselor. With every passing day, the 3ing of !gypt disclosed more and more, that Shishak was really one of the greatest minds of his time. Pharaoh reigned successfully thanks to Shishak%s wise advice and made him take a very serious responsibilty. He declared Shishak as his heir' 4aturally there was a lot of reaction from the side of all those who, in accordance with the e5isting customs and regulations, ought to succeed Pharaoh after his death. "ut there was also a very strong reaction from the side of the !gyptian high priests who had seen in this event the possibility of the !gyptians% sub-ugation to those who never bowed their heads before

them and never accepted their rule (de facto). 4aturally, some parts of the #ubu%s land were included in the !gyptian soils, but their inhabitants, as many ancient Greek authors mention in their writings, had never considered themselves as Pharaoh%s sub-ects. 4ow, by ascending the Throne of Pharaoh of the high priest Shishak, things might get totally out of control' "ut soon after the Pharaoh%s death, the fears proved to be un-ustified. The new Pharaoh, Shishak, sent his countrymen who were known as the best seamen of the ancient past, to prove their abilities. 2t was only after World War 22 that the passages of those great seafarers were found from South $merica to the Soviet 6nion and from the caves of 7alifornia to the island of Thera, the ancient 3allisti, without speaking of the people of the scripts on the ancient #ubu in 8rance, 4ew 9ealand and Hawaii' $nd elsewhere, where those great seamen and e5plorers had set their foot, they proudly wrote: (We are seamen of the great Shishonk') "ut our aim today is not to deal with e5plorations on the ancient #ubu. We shall deal with that part of history which concerns all of us today and is more connected with our religion. "ut let us return to the premises of 3ing Shishonk, where he presided over a council more than +;;; years ago. Taking one of the papyri before him, he passed it to one of the priests and ordered him to read saying: (#et us e5amine the whole matter from the very beginning') The script was written in Hebrew' (Solomon to Hiram, 3ing of Tyre, Sidon, and Phoenicia, his friend and his father%s friend. (3now that by the grace of the great God 2 have taken possession of the kingdom of .avid, my father, by whom 2 was also commanded to build a Temple to the creator of heaven and earth. (4ow 2 beseech thee by this letter that thou wilt send me artisans and laborers from thy kingdom to serve me until 2 bring the work dedicated to God to an end, as 2 am commanded. (2 have sent to Galilee, Samaria, to the <oabites, the $mmonites and the Gileadites, bidding them to provide all things that are necessary from their land every month. 4amely, each month ten thousand =cors% of corn and wine, the oil and other things needed will come from >udea, and 2 have commanded $rabia to supply the animals for meat.) The answer to this letter was: (Hiram to Solomon the great king, greetings' ("lessed be God, the creator of heaven and earth who has chosen so noble a man, the son of a noble father. Thy letters have delighted my heart and 2 have re-oiced and given thanks to God that thou hast received the kingdom. 2 have sent thee eighty thousand Tyrians and Phoenicians, and amongst them is an architect, a man of Tyre whose mother is a >ewess of the Tribe of .avid. He hath understanding in all manner of building, both in the theory and practice of the work. 8or the rest, it will be thy part to write to the governors of the districts in order that they may be diligent to provide all that is necessary for so great a number of men.)

So this was the beginning not only of important historical events but also of the curse, which survived to our days and continues to cause so much unrest. Gradually, our readers will also understand, why now the events in #ebanon instead of finding a solution, continue and increase with every passing day and bring rivers of innocent blood. "ut there were also other very important problems and information mentioned during that meeting of the special council of Pharaoh Shishak. 2t was mentioned that when Shishak had discovered 3ing Solomon, who at the beginning of his life was such a religious and God1fearing man, gradually switched to .evil1worship and tried to (unify) all religions under one God, who was the devil himself, the attitude of the wise Pharaoh Shishak changed. 3ing Solomon was far too strong to be faced by force, so a better path was chosen. 3ing Shishak sent his own daughter to be one of the many wives of 3ing Solomon, at the same time offering her the town of Ge?er as a gift. His intention was to have continual information about what was happening in the palace of 3ing Solomon' The proof which reached us shows that his plans worked. Here are only a few brief messages of the #ibyan princess which were secretly sent to her father Shishak. They are brief but elo@uent no doubt. (.uring the day everybody sleeps e5cept the servants and slaves. The endless rituals begin with the coming of the night. fferings are given to all gods, especially to the new gods from South $rabia. $s incense of all kinds is burnt, the voices and screams of hundreds of demons galloping with their hooves upon the brightly polished floors are heard.) (Some priests of &a tried to protest because new gods are honored. "ut they e5ist no more. Human sacrifices are made every night. <ainly small children of both se5es after they had been engaged in se5ual intercourse with grown1ups. The children sometimes are very small. #ess than *1+ years oldA) (Solomon spends much of his time inviting evil spirits who are coming through the black mirrors, with #illith the worst of them and the new one who came out of South $rabia. They all smell so badly that camel1loads of incense cannot dissolve the foul air around them. 2 thank you that you have taught me they cannot read my mind. 2 saw the king only once.) ( h Great 8ather, when will you come here to put an end to all these in-ustices to men, women, and childrenB When will you come and throw the evil gods of darkness into dustB Many slaves become pregnant without having slept with men. Some say that they are children of the hoofed ones. The author has read hundreds of such ancient manuscripts and messages concerning 3ing Solomon%s deeds, who switched in gone times from the True God to worshipping evil spirits, and he does not hesitate to believe even for one single moment that everything mentioned in those messages to Shishak is *;;C true' The best proof for it are the endless publications in the world press during recent years that everything

mentioned -ust above is still repeated in all countries which continue under 9ionist and <asonic guidance, the (Great Task) of 3ing SolomonADes they do happen in 9ionist and <asonic controlled countries' We do not know what was the fate of the fearless #ibyan princess, the daughter of 3ing Shishak, but we do know very well that one day his army crossed the frontiers of !gypt and rushed towards the Temple of Solomon built originally for the Glory of the ne God, but was finally converted into the Temple of .evil1worship. Today%s followers of 3ing Solomon /9ionists and <asons0 all over the world dream to reconstruct this Temple by demolishing the Sacred <os@ue of $l1$@sa. Having e5amined the background and first steps of the world enemies of humanity, i.e. World 9ionism and <asonry, we shall now enter another area in which we shall try to present in the simplest possible way as to how the <asonic (theater) works and which are its secret final aims. $s we have already stated, we are not fighting <asons but rather <asonry of which they are victims. The old tales with which the <asons were feeding the public for the last E;; years have definitely lost their value. What we mention here and in other publications is based upon facts coming from original sources, i.e. from our own men whom we planted into the ranks of our enemies and from the documentary proof emanating from the <asonic secret scripts. 2t would be a waste of time to e5amine if <asonry emanates from the ancient &oman collegia or artisans or if it was brought by the 3nights 7rusaders from Palestine. Though the last case is more or less correct but only to a certain e5tent. So let us use the old popular saying: (#et us take the devil by his horns') <asonry is as old as 3ing Solomon%s Temple. 2n fact, every <asonic #odge is nothing other than a miniature imitation of the Temple. $ll efforts were and are made to resemble its (original) as much as possible. Why then should we lose our precious time and that of our readersB We simply advise them to read a book written by a distinguished <ason, <r. $le5 Horne, under the title, (3ing Solomon%s Temple: 2n the <asonic Tradition) which he dedicates to his (<other #odge). <r. $le5 Horne is of the EErd and last <asonic degree and is a member of Fuatuor 7oronati #odge 4o. +;GH/&esearch0 of #ondon. His book was published in *IG+ and has been republished many times since then. "ut neither <r. $le5 Horne, nor any of his colleagues who, during the last +;; years have given us so many interesting details about <asonry and its functions, had willingly or unwillingly omitted certain details, which we will try to e5plain to our readers.

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