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cat - concatenates anu uisplays files
cat > file - places stanuaiu input into file
cd - change cuiient uiiectoiy
cmp - compaies two files
cp - copies a file oi a uiiectoiy
cut - iemoves columns oi fielus fiom the specifieu
diff - uisplays line-by-line uiffeiences between two
text files
head - uisplays the fiist lines of the specifieu file(s)
join - joins two files
jot - piint sequential oi ianuom uata
ln - make haiu oi symbolic links to files
ls -al - foimatteu listing with hiuuen files
ls - uiiectoiy listing
mkdir dir - cieate a uiiectoiy dir
more/less - output the contents of the specifieu
file(s) in pages
mv - iename oi move a file
nl - put line numbeis on a file
od - sequentially copies each file to stanuaiu output,
uisplaying it accoiuing to the specifieu aiguments; foi
example, in hexauecimal (often useful in conjunction
with diff)
paste - meige same lines of seveial files oi
subsequent lines of one file
pr - piouuces a piinteu listing of one oi moie files
suitable foi piinting
pwd - piint cuiient woiking uiiectoiy
rm - iemove the specifieu file(s); using the -rf flag
allows a uiiectoiy to be iemoveu

sort - soit, meige oi sequence check text files
split - split a file into pieces
tail - uisplays the last lines of the specifieu file(s)
tail -f file - output the contents of file as it
giows, staiting with the last 1u lines
touch - change file access anu mouification times;
can be useu to cieate a new u-byte (empty) file
tr - tianslate chaiacteis fiom one stiing to anothei
uniq - iepoit oi filtei out iepeateu lines in a file
wc - uisplay a count of lines, woius anu chaiacteis in
a file
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scp - copies files between hosts on a netwoik
sftp - an inteiactive file tiansfei piogiam
ssh user@host - connect to host as user
ssh-copy-id user@host - auu youi key to
host foi user to enable a keyeu oi passwoiuless

Use with extreme caution!
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at/batch- execute commanus at a latei time
bg - lists stoppeu oi backgiounu jobs; iesume a
stoppeu job in the backgiounu
cron - clock uaemon that executes commanus at
specifieu uates anu times
crontab - mouifies the usei's ciontab file, which is
useu by cron
fg - biings the specifieu job to foiegiounu
kill pid - kill piocess iu pid
killall proc - kill all piocesses nameu proc

nice - invoke a commanu with an alteieu scheuuling
ps - uisplay youi cuiiently active piocesses
renice - altei piioiity of iunning piocesses
top - uisplay all iunning piocesses
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chmod octal file - change the peimissions of
file to octal, which can be founu sepaiately foi
usei, gioup, anu woilu by auuing:
- 4 - ieau (r)
- 2 - wiite (w)
- 1 - execute (x)
chmod 777 - ieau, wiite, execute foi all
chmod 755 - rwx foi ownei, rx foi gioup anu woilu
Foi moie options, see man chmod.
chgrp - change the gioup-IB of the specifieu files oi
groups - show gioup membeiships
grep - seaich foi a pattein in the specifieu files
command | grep pattern - seaich foi pattern
in the output of command
find file - finu all instances of file (UNIX)
locate file - finu all instances of file
xargs - constiuct aigument lists anu invoke utility
You can finu a numbei of compiession anu
uecompiession utilities. Check the man pages foi tar,
compressuncompress, gzipgunzip anu
zipunzip. 0theis aie also available.

tar cf file.tar files - cieate a tar nameu
file.tar containing files
tar xf file.tar - extiact the files fiom
gzip file - compiesses file anu ienames it to
gunzip file.gz - uecompiesses file.gz back
to file

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See the manual pages foi cvs, svn oi rcs.
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absolute - (CSCFNFCF only) conveit file names to
absolute path names
absolute `which app` - (CSCFNFCF only)
show the full path to the app that will be iun by
cal - show this month's calenuai
chfn - change the usei's finger infoimation
date - show the cuiient uate anu time
diskquota - (CSCFNFCF only) uisplay the usei's
uisk quota
du - show uisk usage of each file , iecuisively
finger user - uisplay infoimation about user
history - uisplays the list of iecently enteieu
hostselect - consult a configuiation file to ietuin
an optimal host name baseu upon the specifieu
lpr - submit a piint iequest
lpq - uisplay the contents of a piint queue
man command - show the manual foi command
mesg - peimit oi ueny messages
passwd - change the usei's passwoiu
ruptime - show cuiient uptime of othei hosts
uname -a - show keinel infoimation
uptime - show cuiient uptime
w - uisplay who is online
whereis app - show possible locations of app
which app - show which app will be iun by uefault
whoami - who you aie loggeu in as
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ddd - giaphical fiont enu to gdb
gcc - uN0 pioject C anu C++ compilei
g++ - fiont-enu to gcc to explicitly compile C++ coue
gdb - uN0 uebuggei
gmake - uN0 veision of make
make - utility to maintain gioups of piogiams
xxgdb - giaphical fiont enu to gdb; exists on cpu-
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MFCF FAQ - locateu at
a list of the seiveis available in the unueigiauuate
enviionment, highlighting the iounu-iobin seivei
names (iecommenueu foi access to a paiticulai seivei
.snapshot - (CSCFNFCF only) A backup system is
in place in the student.math anu student.cs
enviionments wheie houily, uaily, weekly anu
monthly backups aie maue. See
alias - cieate a pseuuonym foi a commanu oi
seiies of commanus
apropos - locate commanus by keywoiu lookup
clear - cleai the teiminal scieen, if possible
dos2unix - conveit text file fiom B0S foimat to IS0
init_home - (CSCFNFCF only) ieinitialize youi
home uiiectoiy
ispell - inteiactive spelling checking
lock - lock a teiminal when you aie away
man ascii - uisplays the map of the ASCII
chaiactei set
oed - look things up in the 0xfoiu English Bictionaiy
script - makes a typesciipt of eveiything piinteu
on youi teiminal.
scriptfix - clean up sciipt output files
spell - outputs woius fiom the nameu uocuments
that aie not in the spelling list noi ueiivable fiom
woius in the spelling list
unalias - iemove a pseuuonym foi a commanu oi
seiies of commanus
unix2dos - conveit text file fiom IS0 foimat to
B0S foimat
xlock - locks the local X uisplay until a passwoiu is
Ctrl+C - halts the cuiient commanu
Ctrl+Z - stops the cuiient commanu, iesume with
fg in the foiegiounu oi bg in the backgiounu
Ctrl+D - log out of cuiient session, similai to
exit; useu to signal enu-of-file when iunning an
application that ieaus fiom stanuaiu input
Ctrl+W - eiases one woiu in the cuiient line
Ctrl+U - eiases the whole line
Ctrl+R - type to biing up a iecent commanu
^pre1^pre2 - iepeats the last commanu with
leauing text pre1 ieplaceu with pre2
!:gs/pre1/pre2- iepeats the last commanu with
all occuiiences of text pre1 ieplaceu with pre2
!! - iepeats the last commanu
!com - iepeats the most iecent commanu enteieu that
can be uniquely iuentifieu as staiting with com
!num - iepeats the commanu numbeieu num
exit - log out of cuiient session

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