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Binaural Beats

Video Presentation


What Are Binaural Beats? Binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses which ori inate in the superior olivary nucleus o! each hemisphere. "hey result !rom the interaction o! two di!!erent auditory impulses# ori inatin in opposite ears# below $%%% &' and which di!!er in !re(uency between one and )% &' *Oster# $+7),.-or e.ample# i! a pure tone o! /%% &' is presented to the ri ht ear and a pure tone o! /$% &' is presented simultaneously to the le!t ear# an amplitude modulated standin wave o! $% &'# the di!!erence between the two tones# is e.perienced as the two wave !orms mesh in and out o! phase within the superior olivary nuclei. "his binaural beat is not heard in the ordinary sense o! the word *the human ran e o! hearin is !rom 0%10%#%%% &',. 2t is perceived as an auditory beat and theoretically can be used to entrain speci!ic neural rhythms throu h the !re(uency1!ollowin response *--3,11the tendency !or cortical potentials to entrain to or resonate at the !re(uency o! an e.ternal stimulus. "hus# it is theoretically possible to utili'e a speci!ic binaural1beat !re(uency as a consciousness mana ement techni(ue to entrain a speci!ic cortical rhythm.

The "frequency-following response" effect.

"he binaural1beat appears to be associated with an electroencephalo raphic *445, !re(uency1!ollowin response in the brain*),. 6any studies have demonstrated the presence o! a !re(uency1!ollowin response to auditory stimuli# recorded at the verte. o! the human brain *top o! the head,. "his 445 activity was termed 7!re(uency1!ollowin response7 because its period corresponds to the !undamental !re(uency o! the stimulus *8mith# 6arsh# 9 Brown# $+7:,. Binaural1beat stimulation appears to encoura e access to altered states o! consciousness.

Various ses !f Audio With "#$edded Binaural Beats

;ses o! audio with embedded binaural beats that are mi.ed with music or various pin< or bac< round sound are diverse. "hey ran e !rom rela.ation# meditation# stress reduction# pain mana ement# improved sleep (uality# decrease in sleep re(uirements# super learnin # enhanced creativity and intuition# remote viewin # telepathy# and out1o!1body e.perience and lucid dreamin . Audio embedded with binaural beats is o!ten combined with various meditation techni(ues# as well as positive a!!irmations and visuali'ation.

%esonant entrain#ent of oscillating syste#s

3esonant entrainment o! oscillatin systems is a well1understood principle within the physical sciences. 2! a tunin !or< desi ned to produce a !re(uency o! //% &' is struc< *causin it to oscillate, and then brou ht into the vicinity o! another //% &' tunin !or<# the second tunin !or< will be in to oscillate. "he !irst tunin !or< is said to have entrained the second or caused it to resonate. "he physics o! entrainment apply to biosystems as well. O! interest here are the electroma netic brain waves. "he electrochemical activity o! the brain results in the production o! electroma netic wave !orms which can be ob=ectively measured with sensitive e(uipment. Brain waves chan e !re(uencies based on neural activity within the brain. Because neural activity is electrochemical# brain !unction can be modi!ied throu h the introduction o! speci!ic chemicals *dru s,# by alterin the brain>s electroma netic environment throu h induction# or throu h resonant entrainment techni(ues.

The &isco'ery !f Binaural Beats

Binaural beats were discovered in $?)+ by a 5erman e.perimenter# &. @. Aove. "he human ability to 7hear7 binaural beats appears to be the result o! evolutionary

adaptation. 6any evolved species can detect binaural beats because o! their brain structure. "he !re(uencies at which binaural beats can be detected chan e dependin upon the si'e o! the species> cranium. 2n the human# binaural beats can be detected when carrier waves are below appro.imately $%%% &' *Oster# $+7),. Below $%%% &' the wave len th o! the si nal is lon er than the diameter o! the human s<ull. "hus# si nals below $%%% &' curve around the s<ull by di!!raction. "he same e!!ect can be observed with radio wave propa ation. Bower1!re(uency *lon er wave len th, radio waves *such as A6 radio, travel around the earth over and in between mountains and structures. &i her1!re(uency *shorter wave len th, radio waves *such as -6 radio# "C# and microwaves, travel in a strai ht line and can>t curve around the earth. 6ountains and structures bloc< these hi h1!re(uency si nals. Because !re(uencies below $%%% &' curve around the s<ull# incomin si nals below $%%% &' are heard by both ears. But due to the distance between the ears# the brain 7hears7 the inputs !rom the ears as out o! phase with each other. As the sound wave passes around the s<ull# each ear ets a di!!erent portion o! the wave. 2t is this wave!orm phase di!!erence that allows !or accurate location o! sounds below $%%% &'*+,. Audio direction !indin at hi her !re(uencies is less accurate than it is !or !re(uencies below $%%% &'. At ?%%% &' the pinna *e.ternal ear, becomes e!!ective as an aid to locali'ation. 2n summary it>s the ability o! the brain to detect a wave!orm phase di!!erence is what enables it to perceive binaural beats.

(ow It Wor)s !n The Brain

@hen si nals o! two di!!erent !re(uencies are presented# one to each ear# the brain detects phase di!!erences between these si nals. 7;nder natural circumstances a detected phase di!!erence would provide directional in!ormation. "he brain processes this anomalous in!ormation di!!erently when these phase di!!erences are heard with stereo headphones or spea<ers. A perceptual inte ration o! the two si nals ta<es place# producin the sensation o! a third 7beat7 !re(uency. "he di!!erence between the si nals and wanes as the two di!!erent input !re(uencies mesh in and out o! phase. As a result o! these constantly increasin and decreasin di!!erences# an amplitude1 modulated standin wave 1the binaural beat1 is heard. "he binaural beat is perceived as a !luctuatin rhythm at the !re(uency o! the di!!erence between the two auditory inputs. 4vidence su ests that the binaural beats are enerated in the brainstem>s superior olivary nucleus# the !irst site o! contralateral inte ration in the auditory system *Oster# $+7),. 8tudies also su est that the !re(uency1!ollowin response ori inates !rom the in!erior colliculus *8mith# 6arsh# 9 Brown# $+7:,7 *Owens 9 Atwater# $++:,. "his activity is conducted to the corte. where it can be recorded by scalp electrodes.

Altered *tates
Binaural beats can easily be heard at the low !re(uencies *D )% &', that are characteristic o! the 445 spectrum *Oster# $+7),. "his perceptual phenomenon o! binaural beatin and the ob=ective measurement o! the !re(uency1!ollowin response *&in<# Eodera# Famada# Ea a# 9 8u'u<i# $+?%, su est conditions which !acilitate

entrainment o! brain waves and altered states o! consciousness. "here have been numerous anecdotal reports and a rowin number o! research e!!orts reportin chan es in consciousness associated with binaural1beats. 7"he sub=ective e!!ect o! listenin to binaural beats may be or stimulatin # dependin on the !re(uency o! the binaural1beat stimulation7 *Owens 9 Atwater# $++:,. Binaural beats in the delta *$ to / &', and theta */ to ? &', ran es have been associated with reports o! rela.ed# meditative# and creative states *&iew# $++:,# and used as an aid to !allin asleep. Binaural beats in the alpha !re(uencies *? to $0 &', have increased alpha brain waves *-oster# $++%, and binaural beats in the beta !re(uencies *typically $G to 0/ &', have been associated with reports o! increased concentration or alertness *6onroe# $+?:, and improved memory *Eennerly# $++/,. Hassively listenin to binaural beats may not spontaneously propel you into an altered state o! consciousness. One>s sub=ective e.perience in response to binaural1beat stimulation may also be in!luenced by a number o! mediatin !actors. -or e.ample# the willin ness and ability o! the listener to rela. and !ocus attention may contribute to binaural1beat e!!ectiveness in inducin state chan es. 7;ltradian rhythms in the nervous system are characteri'ed by periodic chan es in arousal and states o! consciousness *3ossi# $+?GI 8hannaho!!1Ehalsa# $++$I @ebb 9 Aube# $+?$,. "hese naturally occurrin shi!ts may underlie the anecdotal reports o! !luctuations in the e!!ectiveness o! binaural beats. 4.ternal !actors are also thou ht to play roles in mediatin the e!!ects o! binaural beats7 *Owens 9 Atwater# $++:,. "he perception o! a binaural beat is# !or e.ample# said to be hei htened by the addition o! white noise to the carrier si nal *Oster# $+7),# so white noise is o!ten used as bac< round. 76usic# rela.ation e.ercises# uided ima ery# and verbal su estion have all been used to enhance the state1chan in e!!ects o! the binaural beat7 *Owens 9 Atwater# $++:,. Other practices such as hummin # tonin # breathin e.ercises# auto enic trainin # and/or bio!eedbac< can also be used to interrupt the homeostasis o! resistant sub=ects *"art# $+7:,.

Brain Wa'es and +onsciousness

Jontroversies concernin the brain# mind# and consciousness have e.isted since the early 5ree< philosophers ar ued about the nature o! the mind1body relationship# and none o! these disputes has been resolved. 6odern neurolo ists have located the mind in the brain and have said that consciousness is the result o! electrochemical neurolo ical activity. "here are# however# rowin observations to the contrary. "here is no neurophysiolo ical research which conclusively shows that the hi her levels o! mind *intuition# insi ht# creativity# ima ination# understandin # thou ht# reasonin # intent# decision# <nowin # will# spirit# or soul, are located in brain tissue *&unt# $++:,. A resolution to the controversies surroundin the hi her mind and consciousness and the mind1body problem in eneral may need to involve an epistemolo ical shi!t to include e.tra1rational ways o! <nowin *de Quincey# $++/, and cannot be comprehended by neurochemical brain studies alone. @e are in the midst o! a revolution !ocusin on the study o! consciousness *Owens# $++:,. Hen!ield# an eminent contemporary neurophysiolo ist# !ound that the human mind continued to wor< in spite o! the brain>s

reduced activity under anesthesia. Brain waves were nearly absent while the mind was =ust as active as in the wa<in state. "he only di!!erence was in the content o! the conscious e.perience. -ollowin Hen!ield>s wor<# other researchers have reported awareness in comatose patients *&unt# $++:, and there is a rowin body o! evidence which su ests that reduced cortical arousal while maintainin conscious awareness is possible *-ischer# $+7$I@est $+?%I Aelmonte# $+?/I 5oleman $+??I Kevnin # @allace# 9 Beidenbach# $++0I @allace# $+?GI 6avromatis# $++$,. "hese states are variously re!erred to as meditative# trance# altered# hypno o ic# hypnotic# and twili ht1learnin states *Bud'yns<i# $+?G,. Broadly de!ined# the various !orms o! altered states rest on the maintenance o! conscious awareness in a physiolo ically reduced state o! arousal mar<ed by parasympathetic dominance *6avromatis# $++$,. 3ecent physiolo ical studies o! hi hly hypnoti'able sub=ects and adept meditators indicate that maintainin awareness with reduced cortical arousal is indeed possible in selected individuals as a natural ability or as an ac(uired s<ill *8abourin# Jutcomb# Jraw!ord# 9 Hribram# $++),. 6ore and more scientists are e.pressin doubts about the neurolo ists> brain1mind model because it !ails to answer so many (uestions about our ordinary e.periences# as well as evadin our mystical and spiritual ones. "he scienti!ic evidence supportin the phenomenon o! remote viewin alone is su!!icient to show that mind1consciousness is not a local phenomenon *6c6onea le# $++),. 2! mind1consciousness is not the brain# why then does science relate states o! consciousness and mental !unctionin to brain1wave !re(uencies? And how is it that audio with embedded binaural beats alters brain waves? "he !irst (uestion can be answered in terms o! instrumentation. "here is no ob=ective way to measure mind or consciousness with an instrument. 6ind1consciousness appears to be a !ield phenomenon which inter!aces with the body and the neurolo ical structures o! the brain *&unt# $++:,. One cannot measure this !ield directly with current instrumentation. On the other hand# the electrical potentials o! brain waves can be measured and easily (uanti!ied. Jontemporary science li<es thin s that can be measured and (uanti!ied. "he problem here lies in oversimpli!ication o! the observations. 445 patterns measured on the corte. are the result o! electroneurolo ical activity o! the brain. But the brain>s electroneurolo ical activity is not mind1consciousness. 445 measurements then are only an indirect means o! assessin the mind1consciousness inter!ace with the neurolo ical structures o! the brain. As crude as this may seem# the 445 has been a reliable way !or researchers to estimate states o! consciousness based on the relative proportions o! 445 !re(uencies. 8tated another way# certain 445 patterns have been historically associated with speci!ic states o! consciousness. 2t is reasonable to assume# iven the current 445 literature# that i! a speci!ic 445 pattern emer es it is probably accompanied by a particular state o! consciousness. As to the second (uestion raised in the above para raph# audio with embedded binaural beats alters the electrochemical environment o! the brain. "his allows mind1 consciousness to have di!!erent e.periences. @hen the brain is entrained to lower !re(uencies and awareness is maintained# a uni(ue state o! consciousness emer es. "his state is o!ten re!erred to as hypno o ia 7mind awa<e/body asleep.7 8li htly hi her1 !re(uency entrainment can lead to hyper su estive states o! consciousness. 8till hi her1!re(uency 445 states are associated with alert and !ocused mental activity needed !or the optimal per!ormance o! many tas<s. Herceived reality chan es dependin on the state o! consciousness o! the perceiver *"art# $+7:,. 8ome states o! consciousness provide limited views o! reality# while others provide an e.panded awareness o! reality. -or the most part# states o! consciousness chan e in response to

the ever1chan in internal environment and surroundin stimulation. -or e.ample# states o! consciousness are sub=ect to in!luences li<e dru s and circadian and ultradian rhythms *3ossi# $+?GI 8hannaho!!1Ehalsa# $++$I @ebb 9 Aube# $+?$,. 8peci!ic states o! consciousness can also be learned as adaptive behaviors to demandin circumstances *5reen and 5reen# $+?G,.

*ynchroni,ed $rain wa'es

8ynchroni'ed brain waves have lon been associated with meditative and hypno o ic states# and audio with embedded binaural beats has the ability to induce and improve such states o! consciousness. "he reason !or this is physiolo ical. 4ach ear is 7hardwired7 *so to spea<, to both hemispheres o! the brain *3osen'wei # $+G$,. 4ach hemisphere has its own olivary nucleus *sound1processin center, which receives si nals !rom each ear. 2n <eepin with this physiolo ical structure# when a binaural beat is perceived there are actually two standin waves o! e(ual amplitude and !re(uency present# one in each hemisphere. 8o# there are two separate standin waves entrainin portions o! each hemisphere to the same !re(uency. "he binaural beats appear to contribute to the hemispheric synchroni'ation evidenced in meditative and hypno o ic states o! consciousness. Brain !unction is also enhanced throu h the increase o! cross1 collosal communication between the le!t and ri ht hemispheres o! the brain.

%esetting -our Brains *odiu#.Potassiu# %atio In Theta

Four brain cells reset their sodium 9 potassium ratios when the brain is in "heta state. "he sodium 9 potassium levels are involved in osmosis which is the chemical process that transports chemicals into and out o! your brain cells. A!ter an e.tended period in the Beta state the ratio between potassium and sodium is out o! balance. "his the main cause o! what is <nown as 7mental !ati ue7. A brie! period in "heta *about : 1 $:min, can restore the ratio to normal resultin in mental re!reshment.

What you Will Need

*tereo (eadphones *34Q;234A,

A Progra# to /enerate Binaural 0requencies *2 use a pro ram called Brainwave 5enerator,#
it can be downloaded here 1 http://bw .rar *"his !ile comes with every preset ever ;ploaded onto their site# you will need a crac< to ma<e it -ull Cersion# and 3e istered to you# you can chan e the name to yours# simply by openin the 73e ister7 !ile on Lotepad# and chan in the name# then savin it. &ere is the Jrac< !ile 1!' l'd/yw TIP1 If you arent sure which preset to try once the progra# is installed2 a really good one to try is "0eeling of unity with e'erything" this one is 'ery rela3ing2 it #a)es you feel clear headed afterwards2 and it %educes the a#ount of sleep that you need2 I use it e'eryday

A 4ature *ound /enerator *"his is Optional o! course# but does ma<e the e.perience more
en=oyable * 2 use Latura 8ound "herapy )# it can be downloaded here 1 here is the 8erial Lumber !or the pro ram 1 ;3EB1@)E?1O0B:1B0L?

Another great 4ature *ound /enerator Progra# is 7Atmosphere Aelu.e G.%7 and it can be
downloaded here 1 http://www.brotherso!!tMid=$?0+)9url=httpN)AN0-N0-!iles.brotherso!t.c omN0-dvdMvideoN0-videoMtoolsN0-AtmosphereMAelu.eM$?0+).e.e Aownload the Jrac< &ere 1!' wnyi

If your loo)ing for a great way to play White2 Pin)2 or Brown 4oise2 while listening to
Binaural Beats2 chec) out 1

That's It!

A&&ITI!4A5 I40!%6ATI!4 AB! T B%AI4WAV"*

Brain Wa'es in 6editation

"he measurement o! brain waves in meditation is a relatively recent development# as scientists strive to discover how this ancient practice o! meditation can reduce stress# increase !eelin s o! well bein # and bene!it overall health# amon other advanta es. 2t is o! speci!ic use to help one increase alertness# rela.ation and re!lection even in Owa<in P states. Brain waves in meditation are predominantly those discussed below# while those in normal consciousness are o! the beta type. 4ach type# as discussed below# has speci!ic bene!its. Brain waves in meditation shi!t throu h various sta es. "he most common brain waves in meditation are alpha waves. "hese alpha brain waves in meditation basically promote chan es in the autonomic nervous system that calm it. 3e ular contemplative practice o! this type reverses the roles o! the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems so that the normally dominant sympathetic nervous system ta<es a bac< seat to the normally secondary parasympathetic nervous system. "his lowers blood pressure and heart rate and lowers the amount o! stress hormones in the body# as well as calmin the mind. One o! these stress hormones is cortisol# incidentally# which has been shown to encoura e wei ht ain when it is elevated over the lon term. 5amma brain waves in meditation also reatly increase. 5amma waves denote intense !ocus and are usually wea< and transient in normal brain activity. 2n e.perienced meditation practitioners# it was particularly noted that amma brain waves in meditation were especially hi h in the le!t pre!rontal corte. o! the brain. "his is an e.citin !indin # since this area is o!ten associated with decreased an.iety and !ear# positive emotions# and a decrease in depressive !eelin s or symptoms. "heta brain waves in meditation are said to help open the Othird eyeP !or practitioners. "his Oetheric eyeP is said to be the channel throu h which practitioners ain illumination wisdom via vibrations received throu h the third eye. 2n practical terms# theta brainwaves in meditation also invo<e a deep sense o! rela.ation and also encoura e creativity and ma<e problem solvin and memori'ation easier. 6ost people have also e.perienced a theta state# !or e.ample# in the condition <nown as Ohi hway hypnosis#P wherein drivers can per!orm drivin tas<s so automatically that they don>t remember ma<in the drive home !rom their o!!ice. "heta waves also present themselves !or most people when they do any tas< that is automatic or nearly so# such as !oldin clothes# washin hair# etc. -inally# delta brain waves in meditation are the slowest o! all. 4veryone e.periences delta waves in deep sleep# but delta brain waves in meditation are said to help e.perienced practitioners access the unconscious mind. "heir e.istence may also be part o! the reason that newly learned s<ills may be best inte rated i! one Osleeps on them#7 since they are associated with peopleQs

ability to inte rate newly learned tas<s.

The 0ollowing is a list of what Brainwa'es will help what types of things

6usicians 1 &elps develop 3elative Hitch and Her!ect Hitch. Inso#niacs 1 Aelta @aves will help you rela. very (uic<ly and !all asleep. Fou will wa<e up !ell ener i'ed. Artists 1 "heta waves can ma<e you more creative. Alpha waves ma<e colors loo< more vivid# ob=ects sharper# smells <eener &aydrea#ers 1 "heta waves can help with uided ima ery. (ypnosis 1 "heta and Alpha waves can put you in a hypnotic trance. 6editate 1 "heta @aves help you to rela. and concentrate in a tranceli<e state. Athletes 1 Alpha waves help you to rela. in competitions while providin you with an ener y rush and better circulation. Fou will play 7in the 'one.7 &epression 1 Alpha waves release serotonin# dopamine# and endorphins in the brain and body. 6anic &epression1 Alpha waves can put you in a manic# hyperactive# ener etic# euphoric state. Partygoers 1 Alpha waves help you become more social# lowerin your inhibitions. Philosophers 1 Alpha waves ive you insi ht you never thou ht you had. *ocial An3iety &isorder 1 Alpha waves help you to rela. and sociali'e. Ti#e Warp 1 Aays a!ter listenin to Alpha waves# time !eels li<e it is oin e.tremely slow. A&&2 A&(& 1 Beta waves can help you concentrate and calm down. /eniuses 1 Beta @aves help you to Joncentrate without 3italin# 5insen # or 5in< o Biloba. 6artial Arts 1 Alpha waves speed up muscle re! and lowers your pain threshold. *tudents 1 Beta waves can help you concentrate# remember# and or ani'e your thou hts.

Bower brainwaves *Aelta# "heta# and low Alpha, may cause stupor and sleepiness. "hey tend to release serotonin while hi her !re(uencies *Beta and 5amma, release more dopamine. Beta !re(uencies or ani'e thou hts# helpin you to remember thin s and concentrate. @ithdrawal !rom

Alpha @aves ma<es you remember childhood memories. Alpha waves rela. the body and helps blood !low to e.tremities.

*lower $rain wa'es can )eep us healthier1 #entally and physically

;tili'in brainwave entrainment consistently can de!initely yield many health1related bene!its. ;sin alpha brain waves can result in calmness# peace!ulness# and rela.ation 1 which helps bloc< stress !rom cripplin our immune system. Boostin theta brain waves can improve our health by ma<in us !eel youn er# ivin us more ener y# and improvin our immune system. And !inally# delta brain waves allow us to produce anti1a in hormones# they boost our immune system# and allow our body to replenish itsel!. 4ach o! those Oslower brain wavesP sound li<e they can produce wonder!ul health bene!its. 2t de!initely sounds wonder!ul that these Oslower brain wavesP are able to do such a phenomenal =ob at <eepin us healthy.

Powerful rela3ation and $etter o'erall well$eing

A common bene!it to increasin the amount o! slow brain waves Ri.e. alpha# theta# deltaS in your brain is !eelin deeply rela.ed. 8cientists have !ound that when the brain is in slower brain wave states Rli<e alpha and thetaS# it produces speci!ic hormones and Oneuropeptides.P "hese hormones and neuropeptides that are produced have been lin<ed to boosted memory# creativity# and ability to learn.

4ach time you lower the baseline !re(uency o! your brain waves# the more you will !eel the healthy anti1stress# anti1a in hormones and neuropeptides. "hese naturally boost your overall level o! rela.ation and wellbein . @hat the slower brain waves also do is increase the amount o! bene!icial neurotransmitters and endorphins in the brain. -or e.ample: usin alpha and theta brain waves will increase your overall level o! rela.ation by increasin the production o! serotonin in the brain. 8erotonin is an e.tremely help!ul neurotransmitter that has been lin<ed to both mental and physical rela.ation. Also# certain slower brainwave !re(uencies produce endorphins which ma<e us !eel ood 1 li<e a Onatural hi h.P

-or these reasons# virtually any time you utili'e brainwave entrainment# neuro!eedbac<# meditation# or even yo a# you are able to !eel more rela.ed and peace!ul. @hat do all o! the mentioned e.ercises have in common? "hou h they may all be Odi!!erent !ormsP o! e.ercisin your brain# in the end# they will all slow down your brain waves.

Why you feel 7a natural high8 after running

"hou h you may not <now it or remember it# you>ve li<ely e.perienced Oa natural hi hP 1 also <nown as# your body bein !looded with the production o! endorphins. 4ach time that you o !or a run or do any !orm o! hard cardiovascular e.ercise# endorphins are released. 6ost people have e.perienced the bene!its o! endorphinsI whether it be a!ter a lon run# bas<etball ame# or other sportin event. "hou h you will usually !eel very e.hausted and were very sweaty a!ter a hard wor<out# you will also usually !eel very ood. A!ter wor<in out we naturally !eel physically rela.ed Rand tiredS# plus 1 we !eel mentally rela.ed and calm. "hou h 2 hi hly recommend e.ercise to increase your overall level o! wellbein # it is not the only activity that will ma<e you !eel ood by producin endorphins. Any time you utili'e brainwave entrainment# neuro!eedbac<# meditation# or yo a# in order to slow your brain waves# you will probably !eel the same endorphins RPnatural hi hPS that you did a!ter a strenuous wor<out.

(ow endorphins $oost our cognition 9i.e. #e#ory and learning:

"hou h you already <now that endorphins allow our bodies to !eel a natural hi h# you may not have <nown that each time we enter an alpha or theta brain wave state# speci!ic endorphins <ic<1 in that actually boost our overall co nitionI they improve our memory and ability to learn. 8cienti!ic research has proved that in rats that were in=ected with endorphins had improved memories 1 they also were able to run throu h ma'es more (uic<ly. 3esearch has also shown that the production o! endorphins can actually reverse amnesia 1 Ra condition in which memory is disruptedS. 3esearchers have also thou ht that the parts o! the brain that are involved in the production o! endorphins# are the e.act same areas that are involved with memory and learnin . One study even proposed that each time we learn 1 our brain releases endorphins to reward itsel! and to help us store our memories. "his is why memori'in and ability to learn are boosted each time we have increased production o! endorphins in our brains. 2ncreased endorphins in our brain has been lin<ed to theta and alpha brain wave states o! consciousness. "hin< about it: each time we are able to slow our brain waves to the alpha and / or theta ran e# it is naturally easier !or us to drop our old belie!s and literally OlearnP new belie!s. "his is why you may have heard that slowin your brain waves down to theta and alpha ran es allows you to re1pro ram your belie!s.

(ow alpha and theta $rain wa'es $oost our learning a$ilities
Jatecholamines# acetylcholine# and vasopressin# are three Ramon manyS o! the bene!icial hormones and other help!ul neuropeptides that are produced in slower brain wave !re(uencies. 8tudies have shown that acetylcholine is vital !or lon term memory. "hey have also !ound that when acetylcholine production Rin the brainS is hi h# we e.perience boosts in our lon 1term memory. 6ore studies have !ound that when individuals ta<e supplements that boost the production o! acetylcholine in the brain# they are better at learnin and have improved memories.

2ndividuals who have lower levels o! acetylcholine usually stru le with tas<s involvin learnin and memory. 2ndividuals with the devastatin Al'heimer>s disease usually have very low levels o! acetylcholine. "heta brain waves have been speci!ically lin<ed to the production o! the neuropeptide vasopressin 1 a neuropeptide which improves reaction time# ability to learn# and ability to remember. "heta brain waves also have the ability to produce catecholamines which aid once a ain in our learnin process and memory.

Boosted attention and alertness

2t is not only our production o! neuropeptides that allows us to learn more e!!ectively in slower brainwave patterns. Because theta and alpha brain wave states are lin<ed to rela.ation# we e.perience decreased blood pressure# heart rate# and our entire body !eels rela.ed. "his boosts the overall o.y en level in our brains and ma.imi'es blood!low to our corte.. "his naturally boosts our attention span and level o! alertness. Boosted attention and alertness ma<es it much easier to memori'e and learn new thin s.

*lower $rain wa'es and feeling young again

Are you a person that wishes you could et bac< some o! the same ener y you had when you were a <id? "hou h there are many products on the mar<et to help you: loo< youn er# !eel more

ener etic# happier# and healthier# many do not wor<. @hy? Because they don>t tar et your brain wavesT 3esearch has !ound that patterns o! delta brain waves# theta brain waves# and alpha brain waves# positively a!!ect the production o! the hormones: melatonin# A&4A# and cortisol. "hese three brain wave patterns are able to slow a in # boost rela.ation# and increase our overall wellbein .

2n the alpha and theta brain wave ran es# the amount o! melatonin and A&4A is si ni!icantly boosted in our brains. 3esearch has discovered that A&4A can increase over :%N in certain casesT 4ven more impressive were the studies on melatonin. 3esearchers !ound that slower brain waves boosted the production o! melatonin by )%%N in some casesT Avera e melatonin increases were nearly $%%NU On top o! all the other bene!its# the production o! cortisol 1 Ra stress hormone usually produced by hi h1beta brain wavesS# declined by nearly :%NT

Increase anti-aging hor#ones

As mentioned earlier# the hormone OcortisolP is a power!ul stress hormone that has potential to actually <ill brain cells. 2t has been lin<ed to sped1up a in # health problems# an.iety# and stress. Because o! the problems associated with cortisol# it can have a si ni!icantly ne ative impact on our memory# ability to learn# and our overall wellbein . 2t is de!initely not !avorable to have hi h levels o! cortisol !loatin around in your body.

@ith that said# A&4A is a hormone that you want to have plenty o! in your body. Bi<e cortisol# it is produced by our adrenal lands. ;sually# in your twenties# A&4A production will reach its ma.imum. 2n your thirties# A&4A production declines and as you a e 1 it continues to decline. 2ndividuals who are over 7% have rou hly $/:th the amount o! A&4A as an individual in their twenties. @hen our A&4A levels drop low# we are more susceptible to developin disease# ettin sic<# and a in (uic<ly. "he hi her we <eep our levels o! A&4A# the less li<ely we are to et sic<# become stressed out# or speed up our a in process.

Bastly# we notice si ni!icant improvements with the hormone melatonin. 6elatonin has been lin<ed to better# more rest!ul sleep. Fou already <now that sleep is very bene!icial !or replenishin the brain and body with vital neurotransmitters and hormones. 4ach time we et a (uality ni ht>s sleep# we help ward o!! the a in process. @hen we et poor (uality sleep# we speed up our a in process. Bi<e A&4A# the amount o! melatonin produced in our bodies declines as we et older. -or this reason# it is important to lower our brain waves to the alpha and theta rhythms and boost our melatonin levels.

Why slower $rain wa'es release helpful neurotrans#itters

&ope!ully# you now !ully Ror betterS understand that when you increase your alpha# theta# and delta brain waves Rslower brain wavesS your brain naturally increases the production o! bene!icial hormones. "his is why many people Rincludin researchersS consider activities such as: brainwave entrainment# meditation# and yo a to be bene!icial. &ave you ever (uestioned why the brain produces these help!ul hormones and neurotransmitters in the slower brainwave !re(uencies?

@ell# accordin to scienti!ic research# neurons RPbrain cellsPS are electrochemically tri ered to produce certain neurotransmitters# neuropeptides# and certain hormones at certain brainwave !re(uencies. Leurons are almost OactivatedP to produce certain neurochemicals when they are interactin with certain brainwave !re(uencies. "hin< o! brain waves as communication in the brain. "he neurons and the brain communicate by sendin speci!ic brainwave !re(uencies.

"his is why each time your brain waves are slowed to the alpha ran e or theta ran e# they produce di!!erent# more help!ul neurochemicals than they would in the beta ran e. 8lowin your brain waves with entrainment is comparable to sendin a direct messa e to your brain cells to start creatin help!ul neurochemicals. "he concept is easy to understand too. 4ach time you et a (uality ni ht>s sleep# your brain shi!ts to the lower theta and delta ran es.

@hen you wa<e up# you usually !eel li<e your ener y supply has been replenishedU "hat>s because your ener y supply was replenished by the delta and theta brain waves. "hey produced many help!ul# healin hormones and neurotransmitters while you were asleepT "hou h slower brain waves tend to have a lot o! health1related bene!its# you should never rule out your beta brain waves. 4ach brain wave has somethin help!ul to o!!er / brin to the table.

6aster your $rain with all ; types of $rain wa'es

2t>s very important !or you to understand that thou h theta brainwaves can be very bene!icial and help!ul 1 they are not the most important brainwave pattern. 2n !act# none o! the / basic brain wave patterns *beta# alpha# theta# delta, are considered Omost bene!icialP or Obest brainwave.P All brain waves are o! e(ual importance and serve their intended purpose. "hey all have certain bene!its and drawbac<s in certain situations.

"he <ey is to cultivate a ood combination o! each o! the / brain waves Rbeta# alpha# theta# deltaS in order to ta<e !ull control o! your mind and li!e. "his can be accomplished via meditation or neuro!eedbac<. Both activities allow you to ta<e OconsciousP control over your brain wave patterns and consciously Oshi!tP to an optimal brainwave !or any iven situation. "his ma<es li!e much easier !or us to live because we are able to optimally deal with any situation. @hen you are able to incorporate theta brain waves in your li!e# you may !eel peace!ul and bliss!ul durin a session o! meditation# but you may not even be able to remember itT @hy? "heta brain waves involve the subconscious mind and i! we don>t have any alpha brain wave activity to trans!er this Osubconscious in!ormationP to our conscious mind *beta waves, 1 you>ll believe that you <now somethin on a deeper level# but aren>t sure what because you cannot remember itT Accessin alpha# but not bein able to tap theta waves will allow you to !eel rela.ed# more internally aware# but will not have the emotional intensity# creative insi hts# or the spiritual1 connection that can only be accessed throu h theta waves. "his is why bein able to tap both the theta brain waves# while also havin access to alpha waves# allows our brains to trans!er important in!ormation# emotions# and insi hts to our conscious mind Rbecause alpha brid es the ap between the Osubconscious mindP *theta waves, and Oconscious mindP *beta waves,. "his allows us to actually use the in!ormation that our theta ran e can provide. &ope!ully that last para raph helped you understand why all !our patterns o! brainwaves are needed to master the brain. And in case you were wonderin about delta brain waves 1 =ust thin< o! them as one sta e deeper than theta brain waves. 2n order to trans!er in!ormation !rom the delta brainwave ran e to your Oconscious mind#P you need to utili'e OthetaP *receives in!ormation !rom delta, 1 OalphaP *receives in!ormation !rom theta, 1 and ObetaP *receives in!ormation !rom alpha,. "his allows us to be consciously aware o! even the deepest universal <nowled e and truths. As you may have already uessed# masterin your brain waves will allow you to live the li!e o! your dreams and consciously create your reality. &owever# it ta<es wor< 1 and# most people don>t put in wor<U @hich is why a minority o! the population is able to live out their dreamsT Anyways# the <ey is to be sure you>re in an optimal brain wave state !or your iven situation. -or more in!ormation on each o! the various brainwaves# and understand which brainwave pattern is optimal# chec< out each o! the descriptions posted belowT


&elta Brain Wa'es < !.= to ;(,> %.: &' 1 3ela.ation# helps soothe headaches %.: 1 $.: &' 1 Hain relie!. 4ndorphin release %.+ &' 1 4uphoric !eelin $ &' 1 @ell bein . &armony and balance 0.: &' 1 Hroduction o! endo enous opiates *pain <illers# reduce an.iety, 0.: &' 1 3elieves mi raine pain. Hroduces endo enous opiates )./ &' 1 &elps achieve rest!ul sleep ).: &' 1 -eelin o! unity with everythin . @hole bein re eneration ).+ &' 1 8el! renewal# enhanced inner awareness /.% &' 1 4n<ephalin release !or reduced stress /.% &' 1 Allows brain to produce en<aphalins# all natural pain <iller /.% &' 1 -ull memory scannin . 3eleases en<ephalins /.% &' 1 Cital !or memory and learnin . Hroblem solvin # ob=ect namin $ 1 ) &' 1 Hro!ound rela.ation# restorative sleep. "ran(uillity and peace

What are delta $rainwa'es?

Aelta brainwaves are considered the most brainwave !re(uency ran e. Aelta brainwaves are commonly associated with the deepest sleep Rsta es ) 9 /S and a state o! unconscious awareness. Aelta brainwaves are the lowest in brainwave !re(uency: ran in !rom % 1 / &'# but are the hi hest in amplitude. Aelta brainwaves# li<e other slower brainwave patterns# are enerated in the ri ht hemisphere# thou h they may be observed in widespread patterns throu hout various parts o! the brain. "he delta brainwave ran e is associated with empathy# the unconscious mind# and a decreased sense o! awareness.

Benefits of increasing delta $rainwa'es1

%elease of Anti-Aging hor#ones 1 One o! the associated bene!its o! increasin your delta brainwaves is the release o! anti1a in hormones. "he delta brainwave pattern stimulates the release o! melatonin and A&4A# 0 power!ul anti1a in hormones. "he delta brainwaves are also associated with decreased levels o! cortisol 1 a hormone lin<ed to stress that has been scienti!ically proven to speed up the a in process. 8tate o! empathy 1 Aelta brainwaves can provide you with the ability to read other peoples emotions and determine their !eelin s at unconscious levels. 2n healthy amounts# delta brainwaves cause a person to have an advanced state o! empathy# understandin # and compassion !or others. 2! you are always able to relate to others and can Oread other people>s minds#P you probably have more delta than the avera e person. 2! you !ind yoursel! ettin into trouble !or not bein considerate enou h or !or Osteppin on other people>s toes#P you may have less overall delta brainwave activity.

"3tre#e $liss 1 Advanced meditation practices and yo ic traditions have associated the delta brainwave !re(uency ran e with a !eelin o! all1encompassin bliss. 8ince most people aren>t able to consciously e.perience the delta brainwave state# it may be tou h to !eel e.treme bliss !rom the delta waves li<e the yo is# mon<s# or advanced meditators. @ith that said# there have been people that have testi!ied to !eelin the bliss associated with the delta brainwave while per!ormin e.tremely deep meditation.

Ad'anced healing of $ody and #ind 1 "he delta brainwave rhythm is <nown to completely re=uvenate# replenish# and heal the entire body and brain. "he delta brainwave revives the body a!ter a hard day by re=eneratin necessary chemicals while a person is asleep. Aue to the deepest levels o! rela.ation that the delta brainwave provides# the body and mind are easily able to restore themselves a!ter minor stress# a ri orous wor<out# or a!ter boostin your brain power.

(u#an /rowth (or#one <(./.(.> %elease 1 "he delta brainwave is associated with the stimulation o! the pituitary land# which in1turn# is able to release human1 rowth1hormone V commonly re!erred to as &.5.&. 2t doesn>t release enou h !or you to s<yroc<et in hei ht and wei ht. "he delta brainwave will not provide adults with a second version o! puberty. @ith that said# there is evidence that it does release sli ht amounts o! &.5.&. in certain individuals. 2! you are loo<in to increase your &.5.&.# you should de!initely consider usin delta brainwave entrainment and evaluate how it wor<s out !or youT +onnection with unconscious #ind 1 "hou h the alpha and theta brainwaves are capable o! brid in the ap between conscious thou hts and the subconscious mind# the delta brainwave allows us to connect deeper: it allows us to connect with the deepest possible level o! our consciousness. "he oal o! many meditation practices is to e.perience and consciously control the unconscious mind. "he subconscious mind# or our brain>s ri ht1hemisphere# becomes activated when slower brainwaves li<e alpha# theta# and delta waves <ic< in. 2! you spend too much time in beta# it may !eel incredible to !inally rela. and ive yoursel! a chance to connect with your deepest sense o! awareness.

&eepest possi$le le'el of #ind . $ody rela3ation 1 Aelta brainwaves while a person is conscious or awa<e# are e.tremely rare. &owever# advanced meditators and in!ants# are 0 roups o! people that are able to en=oy the deeply bene!its o! the delta brainwave. 3emember what you !elt li<e when you were an in!ant? Hrobably not 1 the delta brainwave is associated with e.treme rela.ation# yet completely unconscious mental processes.

Perfect intuition 1 4ver have a power!ul ut1instinct that helped you ma<e a ood decision? Or a ut1instinct that you should>ve !ollowed? 2! we et ourselves too cau ht up in the upper brainwave patterns o! beta# our intuitiveness becomes severely dama ed. As you increase your theta brainwaves and your delta brainwaves# your intuition will increase and so will your ability to reco ni'e the !eelin s in your O ut.P "here are some disa reements as to whether or not the theta brainwave patterns are better !or intuition vs. the delta brainwave patterns# but most research su ests that i! you can become consciously aware in the delta brainwave state# you will have a nearly per!ect sense o! intuition.

+onnecting with the spiritual $ody 1 6any consider the delta brainwave to brid e the conscious mind with hi her planes o! reality# the subconscious mind# and / or the unconscious mind. Advanced spiritual urus have considered the lowest brainwave pattern# delta# one that connects their spirit and their body to a universal li!e ener y. Becomin consciously aware o! e.periencin the delta brainwave !re(uencies has been associated with the deepest sense o! spirituality# hi hest sense o! internal awareness# and !eelin directly connected to a &i her Hower.

Paranor#al "3periences 1 Heople are especially open to O.O.B.4.>s *Out O! Body 4.periences,# astral travel# connectin with spiritual bein s *i.e. Ospirit uides#P Oan els#P etc.,# 4.8.H.# and other phenomenon in the delta brainwave ran e. "hou h most paranormal and psychic e.periences can be ar ued to be real or !a<e# there is evidence that most people tend to have them when their brain is producin hi her than avera e amounts o! delta# and /or theta brainwaves. "hou h spiritual e.periences and phenomena are commonly e.perienced in the theta brainwave state# the delta brainwave state has been associated with many tooT Boosted i##une syste# 1 2ncreasin your delta brainwaves can lead to a boosted immune system due to the !act that delta brainwaves are associated with a e1reversal or slowin # the production o! healthy hormones# and si ni!icantly decreased amounts o! stress. 2ncreasin your delta brainwaves can lead to a boosted immune system due to the !act that delta brainwaves are associated with healin and re=uvenation o! the body. 8tress and too much an.iety can do harm to the immune system by releasin harm!ul chemicals such as epinephrine *adrenaline, and too much o! the hormone: cortisol# associated with the adrenaline release. "he delta brainwave releases pleasant chemicals and neurotransmitters to help <eep your immune system at ar uably its hi hest rate o! per!ormance.

Who has high a#ounts of delta $rainwa'es?

Ad'anced 6editators 1 "he oal o! many meditation practices is to increase the amount o! slower brainwave patterns. ;sually# a!ter practice# meditators are able to become consciously aware in the alpha# and possibly the theta brainwave ran es. 2t ta<es a ri orous amount o! meditation and dedication to become consciously aware durin the delta brainwave state. A!ter you ain a lot o! meditation e.perience# you can eventually learn how to shi!t your brainwaves !rom the beta ran e# throu h the pleasant calmness o! alpha# into the e.traordinary theta ran e. 2! you et luc<y# you>ll eventually cultivate awareness in the delta ran e. 4.perienced meditators are able to reco ni'e and control their state o! awareness and brainwaves. Bi<e any practice# the more you do it# the better your chances o! passin throu h the alpha brainwave ran e# into theta# and !rom theta into the delta brainwave rhythm. Infants 1 "he delta brainwave is the dominant rhythm in in!ants up to $ year o! a e. 2t would be e.tremely rare !or an in!ant to display any o! the upper ran e brainwave !re(uencies li<e beta. "he delta brainwave really promotes reat neural development and moldin o! the brain !ormation. -oung +hildren 1 Foun er children tend to have e.tremely hi h levels o! theta and delta brainwaves compared to adults. 6ost youn <ids display very low amounts o! hi her brainwave !re(uencies li<e beta brainwaves# yet display a lot o! lower !re(uency brainwaves in the alpha# theta# and delta ran es. "hou h most children with A.A.A. have abnormally hi h amounts o! theta brainwave activity# some have lar e amounts o! delta V ma<in it nearly impossible !or them to concentrate. Indi'iduals With A.&.&. or A.&.(.&. 1 "he ma=ority o! individuals with AAA or AA&A tend to have brains that produce too much theta brainwave activity. @ith that said# it is not uncommon to !ind an individual with AAA or AA&A that cannot concentrate because they have too much delta brainwave activity and not nearly enou h beta brainwave activity. 2ndividuals with AAA can e.hibit a number o! di!!erent brainwave combinations. 8ome people have: hi h amounts o! delta brainwave activity or a combination o! theta and delta brainwaves with virtually 'ero beta activity. &avin too much o! the delta brainwave activity e.plains why AAA people aren>t able to concentrate well and !ind it impossible to stay on tas<. *On a personal note# 2 have been able to cure my AAA by stayin disciplined to a set o! : daily steps,.

People with $rain da#age 1 Heople with head trauma# concussions# and other !orms o! brain dama e# tend to have much hi her amounts o! delta brainwaves than other people. Heople in a coma# with brain tumors# or any other problem that can cause brain in=ury or dama e usually produces many o! the slower delta brainwaves or theta ran e brainwaves. @hen people say they ot O<noc<ed out#P they really were O<noc<ed outP due to the increased production o! delta brainwaves as a conse(uence o! their in=ury. Allowin thin s to <ill your brain cells will not help promote a healthy delta brainwave.

People who?'e had 4.&.".?s <4ear-&eath "3periences> 1 Heople who have had a Lear1Aeath 4.perience# tapped into their delta brainwave activity durin their e.perience. 6any times people o!ten report a disconnection !rom their body# ettin a limpse o! the a!terli!e# and / or !loatin sensations. "hou h this topic is hi hly controversial# most a ree that the person with the L.A.4. was in the delta brainwave ran e. Kust li<e any o! the other brainwave patterns# too much o! a dominant rhythm can cause problems. By no means would it be recommended to increase a brainwave that you already have hi h levels o!. 2n !act# you may e.perience some ne ative a!!ects !rom too many delta brainwaves.

Pro$le#s associated with too #any delta $rainwa'es1

Pac)ing on e3cess 7e#otional $aggage8 1 2! you>ve ever been told that you worry too much about the emotions o! others or literally O!eel what others are !eelin #P chances are ood that you have too much delta. @hile some people may en=oy increased empathy# others may !eel li<e they are too cau ht up in other people>s emotional lives. "he delta brainwave can de!initely ma<e you pac< on too many e.tra emotions i! you aren>t prepared.

"3tre#ely unfocused #ind 1 Lot everyone may particularly en=oy an increased amount o! delta brainwaves in their wa<in 4.4.5. "he delta brainwave ran e has been lin<ed to e.tremely un!ocused# unconscious thin<in # and AAA. "he delta brainwave ran e can increase mental !o iness# dreamin # and !or et!ulness. 2! you are already e.tremely un!ocused# increasin your delta brainwaves isn>t recommended. "3tre#e sleepiness 1 8ince the delta brainwave pattern has been lin<ed to the deepest sta es o! dreamless sleep# increasin this brainwave may ma<e you !eel more sleepy than you normally do. "he delta brainwave is !ound in individuals that are sound asleep. Arowsiness and e.treme sleepiness will occur i! the delta brainwave is displayed while a person is awa<e. @hen increasin your delta brainwaves# it is e.tremely common to !all asleep as your brain is bein trained. Fou will wa<e up !eelin re!reshed thou h. 2t is very di!!icult to stay aware in the delta state o! consciousness unless you are advanced in the practice o! meditation. (yperacti'ity 1 Because the brain is !unctionin at the slowest possible brainwave pattern# the central nervous system uses up virtually 'ero ener y. All o! the ener y that you>ve accumulated throu hout the day !rom eatin !ood needs to be put to use somehow. &avin too much delta brainwave activity allows your brain and JL8 to et by with very little ener y. 8ince the brain and JL8 use less overall ener y# the e.cess ener y is e.pressed in some people throu h hyperactivity.

(ealthy ways to increase delta $rainwa'es1

Brainwa'e entrain#ent 1 As 2 mention a lot# brainwave entrainment is reat !or !ine tunin your state o! consciousness and awareness. 2! you want to easily and naturally e.perience delta brainwaves# 2 recommend tryin any o! the pro rams in my Orecommended productsP section. Brainwave entrainment is an easy process that involves simply listenin to a tone *stimulus, and your brainwaves will automatically# naturally shi!t in order to match the desired !re(uency associated with the acoustic tone. @hile delta brainwave states usually occur in deep sleep# it is possible to train yoursel! to remain awa<e while e.periencin the delta brainwave. /etting a good night?s sleep 1 Aelta activity is present in sta es ) and / o! sleep. 5ettin a ood ni ht>s sleep is important !or stayin healthy# <eepin a healthy# power!ul brain. "hou h delta brainwaves will not increase when you wa<e up the ne.t day# they are hi hly prevalent in your brain while you are deeply asleep. 6ost non1dream# deep sleep is lin<ed to an increase in delta brainwave activity# whereas dream1sleep is mostly lin<ed to theta brainwave activity. 6editation 1 "he oal o! most types o! meditation is to lower the brainwaves into the alpha1theta brainwave ran e. A very sa!e# healthy way to attempt to increase your delta brainwaves is to ma<e the act o! meditation a daily habit or start up a meditation routine. 2! you are already meditatin # reat 1 you>ll naturally increase your !le.ibility to travel throu h the alpha brainwave ran e# possibly throu h the theta brainwave ran e# and into the depths o! the delta brainwave ran e.

(ypnosis . *elf-hypnosis 1 "he oal o! all hypnosis and sel!1hypnosis pro rams is to tar et the lower brainwave ran es *i.e. alpha and theta, and implant new belie!s. 2! you practice !re(uent enou h# and lon enou h# you may !ind that you are able to tap into your inner delta brainwave awareness. Fo a 1 Bi<e meditation# yo a is yet another activity that promotes rela.ation and wellbein by shi!tin your brainwaves to the calmin patterns o! alpha# theta# and sometimes delta. "he yo ic phenomenon o! suspended animation has been claimed to only ta<e place in the delta brainwave ran e. "hou h there are many di!!erent types o! yo a# i! they are practiced correctly# they can be utili'ed to slow brainwaves to tap the delta awareness and insi ht !rom within.

nhealthy ways to increase delta $rainwa'es1

*)ipping sleep 1 Aeprivin yoursel! o! a ood ni ht>s sleep or completely s<ippin sleep will increase the amount o! cortisol *a hormone associated with stress and a in , and will !lood your brain with a combination o! un!ocused brainwaves: mostly theta# some delta and in some cases hi h1beta. 2! you have ever pulled an Oall ni hter#P you>ll <now that s<ippin sleep ma<es you !eel e.tremely un!ocused# di''y# and con!used. "his is due to to a combination o! unbalanced chemicals# hormones# and brainwaves. Lot a wise idea to s<ip sleep to increase your delta brainwaves.

0inal e'aluation of delta $rainwa'es1

2 personally thin< that delta brainwaves are very uni(ue to e.perience and everyone has a di!!erent reaction. "he deep spaced1out connection associated with delta activity can !eel reat. Fou should be the =ud e as to whether or not increasin delta is the brainwave you want to e.periment with. 2! you are already e.periencin many o! the listed Obene!its#P your delta brainwave could be within it>s healthiest ran e. Are you already a mentally !o ed person? 2! so# chances are ood that your brain could be naturally producin some delta brainwave activity. &owever# most people do not have lar e amounts o! the delta brainwave unless they are in the deepest sleep sta es. 2! you are e.periencin too many o! the listed ne ative e!!ects# you may want to consider speedin up your brainwaves into the beta ran e. 2 personally recommend entrainin the delta brainwave to see how you react. 6ost people don>t produce lar e amounts o! delta naturally. "here is no evidence that the delta brainwave can even be entrained# but there are people who claim that sessions help heal the body and brain durin sleep i! entrained with Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional. 2! you purchase Leuro1Hro rammer 0 or any o! my recommended brainwave products# you can create a customi'ed delta brainwave session or use a speciali'ed one that>s already built into the library. "he built in delta sessions are reat V 2>ve personally had success with them. 2! you are con!used about your brainwave pattern# consider ivin Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional some e.perimentation and seein how your brain reacts and your reality is shi!ted.

If you?d li)e to e3perience &elta $rainwa'es1

2! you have ever iven delta brainwaves a shot# 2>d really li<e to hear your e.perience in the comments section. 2! you are interested in e.periencin some delta brainwaves or have any (uestions !or me# !eel !ree to send me a messa e throu h my contact !orm. 2 appreciate when you buy products throu h my re!erral ads to help me pay !or blo hostin services and the promotion o! this blo T 2ncreasin your delta brainwave pattern is de!initely an e.perience that has potential to boost your brain power and help you connect with your deepest# spiritual sense o! awareness.

Theta Brain Wa'es < ; to @ (,> /.: &' 1 Brin s about 8hamanic/"ibetan state o! consciousness# "ibetan chants. /.+ &' 1 2nduce rela.ation and deeper sleep /.+ &' 1 2ntrospection. 3ela.ation# meditation : &' 1 3educes sleep re(uired. "heta replaces need !or e.tensive dreamin :.): &' 1 Allows breathin # !ree and e!!icient

:.: &' 1 2nner uidance# intuition G.: &' 1 Jentre o! "heta !re(uency. Activates creative !rontal lobe 7.: &' 1 Activates creative thou ht !or art# invention# music. Hroblem solvin 7.: &' 1 4ase o! overcomin troublesome issues 7.?) &' 1 8chumann earth resonance. 5roundin # meditative# Beaves you revitali'ed ) 1 ? &' 1 Aeep rela.ation# meditation. Bucid dreamin ) 1 ? &' 1 2ncreased memory# !ocus# creativity / 1 7 &' 1 Hro!ound inner peace# emotional healin . Bowers mental !ati ue / 1 7 &' 1 Aeep meditation# near1sleep brainwaves.

"heta brainwaves are considered e.tremely brainwave activity that is commonly associated with sleep and dreamin . "heta brainwaves are hi h in amplitude and cycle within the ran e o! / W ? &' and are usually enerated in the brains ri ht hemisphere. "heta waves <ic< in when we !eel emotional# rela.ed# daydreamy# un!ocused# or are asleep. "heta brainwaves are enerally thou ht o! as the brainwaves that are dominant in people with A.A.A.# hi h levels o! rela.ation# hi h levels o! creativity# and random thin<in . "he theta brainwave is considered the brainwave pattern that is dominant in deeply rela.ed# dream sleep. "heta brain waves typically ran e !rom / &' to ? &'. "heta brain waves are associated with the Osubconscious mindP and are usually produced in the ri ht1hemisphere o! the brain 1 as opposed to beta brain waves# which are produced in the le!t1hemisphere and are associated with the Oconscious mind.P "he brain creates theta brain wave rhythms each time you are in Odream sleep.P Also# durin 3.4.6. R3apid14ye 6ovementS sleep# the brain is !ull o! theta brain wave activity. Learly )/: o! your entire time spent sleepin at ni ht involves the production o! theta brain waves in your brain. 6any individuals also are able to access theta brain waves when they are: drivin !or a lon stretch on the hi hway# practicin their meditation routine# usin a sel!1hypnosis recordin # or practicin other !orms o! deep rela.ation. @hen you are able to consciously access the alpha brain waves state# you are =ust one step away !rom accessin the depths o! theta. @hat>s cool about theta brain waves is the !act that they allow you to connect with your Osubconscious mind.P "he subconscious mind is the place where all e.periences# lon 1term memories# natural creativity# power!ul emotions# spiritual connections# and inspiration are all stored. "hin< o! the Osubconscious mindP as one bi # in!inite stora e space !or Oeverythin P in your li!e. "he theta brain waves are e.tremely help!ul !or healin the body o! in=ury and the mind o! diseased1states.

Benefits of increasing theta $rain wa'es1

&eep le'els of rela3ation 1 "heta brainwaves while a person is awa<e is e.tremely uncommon. &owever# advanced meditators and children are 0 roups o! people that are able to en=oy the deeply bene!its o! the theta brainwave. 3emember what you !elt li<e when you were a <id? "he theta brainwave is a care!ree state o! mind that ma<es you !eel emotionally connected with others.

"#otional connection 1 "he theta brainwave ran e is associated with stron # power!ul emotions. "he cool thin about theta brainwaves is as they increase# so does the intensity o! your emotions. O!ten times beta brainwaves can bloc< out our emotions or not allow us to !ully e.perience our natural emotions. As theta brainwaves return or are stren thened throu h rela.ation techni(ues or brainwave entrainment# we can learn to !eel and understand our emotions better. Ad'anced intuition 1 4ver have a power!ul ut1instinct that helped you ma<e a ood decision? Or a ut1instinct that you should>ve !ollowed? 2! we et ourselves too cau ht up in the upper brainwave patterns o! beta# our intuitiveness becomes severely dama ed. As you increase your theta brainwaves# your intuition will increase as well as your ability to reco ni'e those !eelin s in your O ut.P *u$conscious connection 1 "hou h the alpha brainwave is capable o! brid in the ap between conscious thou hts and the subconscious# the theta brainwave allows us to deeply connect with our subconscious mind. "he subconscious mind# or our brain>s ri ht1hemisphere becomes activated when slower brainwaves li<e alpha and theta waves <ic< in. 2! you spend too much time in beta# it may !eel incredible to !inally rela. and allow yoursel! to connect with your subconscious mind. Pea) le'els of creati'ity 1 "he theta brainwave is o!ten !ound in hi hly creative individuals. 6any talented musicians# inventors# and artists are !ound to have e.tremely hi her than avera e amounts o! theta brainwaves. 6usicians and artists are also able to utili'e so!tware li<e Leuro1 Hro rammer 0 in order to help them increase their creativity when it runs dry. ;tili'in the theta brainwave will de!initely enhance your overall levels o! creativityT Ad'anced pro$le# sol'ing s)ills 1 "he problem associated with havin too much o! the beta brainwave pattern is the inabiltiy to problem solve and et past Omental bloc<sP by thin<in creatively. 4ver et writer>s bloc<? 2ncreasin your theta or alpha brainwaves will most li<ely help you <eep O!lowin P ri ht throu h your paper or article without ettin Ostuc<.P 2>ve heard cases o! alpha brainwaves used to help prevent writer>s bloc< and 2>ve also read that theta waves were very e!!ective. 5ower an3iety2 stress2 and neurosis 1 Bowered levels o! stress and an.iety is yet another bene!it that the theta brainwave can brin to your li!e. Lot all people with lar e amounts o! theta waves are rela.ed# but the theta brainwave band has been lin<ed to lower levels o! an.iety# stress# and neurosis. 2ncreasin the total amount o! theta brainwaves will help slow rapid thou hts and will ma<e you !eel more com!ortable in your own body. 5earning a new language 1 "here has been plenty o! research done on lan ua e learnin and development. "he claim that children are able to pic< up new lan ua es so (uic<ly is because o! their increased amount o! theta brainwaves. Adults and students o! a new !orei n lan ua e may reatly bene!it !rom shi!tin their brainwaves to the theta ran e. Bridges the spiritual connection 1 6any consider the theta brainwave to be a brid e between the physical body and spiritual body. "he theta brainwave has been associated with deeper spirituality and a deep spiritual connection. Accordin to some# the theta brainwave ran e

provides enhanced spiritual awareness and pro!ound insi ht. 6any spiritual e.periences and phenomena are commonly e.perienced in the theta brainwave state. A$ility to progra# su$conscious #ind 1 "here is some evidence to believe that by tar etin the lower brainwave patterns and usin a!!irmations or positive sel! tal<# you can chan e some o! your deepest unconscious belie!s or emotional bloc<a es. 2n the theta brainwave ran e# the brain is e.tremely open to su estion and new ideas. 2t is the openness o! the brain in the theta !re(uency ran e that constitutes the ability to re1pro ram the brain. Paranor#al "3periences 1 Heople are especially open to psychic e.periences# OOB4>s *Out O! Body 4.periences,# visions# 48H# and other phenomenon in the theta brainwave ran e. "hou h most paranormal and psychic e.periences can be ar ued to be real or !a<e# there is evidence that most people tend to have them when their brain is !ull o! theta brainwaves. Hsychics are supposedly able to tap the theta brainwave ran e in order to connect with hi her spirits and the divine. ABBC $oost in learning a$ility 1 "hou h the alpha brainwave spectrum *? 1 $0 &', has been associated with Osuper learnin P abilities# the theta brainwave !re(uency ran e has been heavily lin<ed to pro!ound learnin bene!its. As your mind is able to enter the !re(uencies o! the theta ran e# you will be able to retain over )%%N more in!ormation than you can while in the beta brainwave state. "he theta brainwave allows people to learn lar e amounts o! in!ormation in a much (uic<er time than the beta brainwave state and may even be (uic<er than the alpha brainwave !or some activities. Boosted i##une syste# 1 2ncreasin your theta brainwaves can lead to a boosted immune system due to the !act that theta brainwaves are associated with vitality and usually 'ero stress. 8tress and too much an.iety can do harm to the immune system by releasin harm!ul chemicals such as epinephrine *adrenaline, and too much o! the hormone: cortisol# associated with the adrenaline release. "he theta brainwave releases pleasant chemicals and neurotransmitters to help <eep your immune system at it>s pea<. I#pro'ed long-ter# #e#ory 1 As theta brainwaves increase# the ability o! the brain to recall and store lon 1term memories increases. "he hippocampus# a part o! the brain involved in memory processin and storin memories# has a normali'ed theta brainwave rhythm passin throu h this area. As we become more stressed out# the beta brainwaves throw the normali'ed theta brainwaves o! the hippocampus out o! sync. "his is why stress!ul people usually have poorer ability to recall lon 1term memories. O!ten times therapists and hypnotherapists try to slowly open up traumati'ed clients to the theta ran e in order to recall repressed memories. "he therapists help the client shi!t to this brainwave ran e in order to recall the repressed memory and help tal< them throu h the event. A$ility to hyperfocus 1 6any people with hi h amounts o! theta brainwave activity are able to O et in the 'oneP and stay intensely !ocused and motivated with one idea. 6any people with AAA or AA&A attribute their success in certain areas o! li!e to their ability to hyper!ocus. &yper!ocus is a uni(ue phenomenon that can really only be e.perienced in the theta brainwave ran e. 8ome meditators have also claimed to have learned the hyper!ocus ability. (ealing of $ody and #ind 1 "he theta brainwave rhythm is well1<nown to re=uvenate# replenish# and heal the body and mind. "he theta brainwave is <nown to reset your brains sodium /

potassium ion ratio. @hen you et yoursel! heavily involved in the upper !re(uencies o! the beta ran e# your brain>s sodium / potassium ion ratio is severely thrown out o! sync. Aue to the deep levels o! rela.ation that the theta brainwave brin s# the body and mind is easily able to restore itsel! a!ter a tou h mental or physical wor<out.

Theta $rain wa'es1 tap the su$conscious

"heta brain waves are such an important pattern o! brain waves due to their ability to rant us access to our subconscious mind power. Accessin the theta rhythm allows us to in!luence and consciously control our Osubconscious mind.P &ow does this happen? @ell# each time you are in theta# you are able to pass throu h your conscious mind. Hassin throu h your Oconscious mindP is o!ten a ood idea. @hy? Because our conscious minds> beta1brain wave activity usually acts as a O!enceP or O ate.P "his O ateP o!ten can prevent us !rom manipulatin or chan in our deep1rooted thou ht patterns in our subconscious mind. "his O ateP can also ma<e it very di!!icult !or us to chan e our emotional state# thou ht patterns# limitin belie!s# and attitudes i! we don>t <now how to pass throu h it. Another interestin !act is that our Osubconscious mind#P accepts any a!!irmations# incantations# or statements that you !eed it. 2t doesn>t (uestion the statement or thin< about the statement# it be ins to act upon the statement immediatelyT -or this reason# it is actually (uite easy to et rid o! any ne ative emotions or thou ht patterns i! you are able to access this state. Fou can et rid o! these thou ht patterns by implantin new belie!s into your Osubconscious mind.P "his is why accessin the subconscious mind via hypnosis can have a power!ul e!!ect on a person. "he reason hypnosis can be success!ul is because it allows you to pass throu h the O ateP and add any desirable a!!irmations# statements# and belie!s directly inside your subconscious mind.

Access your inner 7Den8

8cientists have <nown that durin deep meditation# the amplitude *stren th, o! theta brain waves will increase. "he deeper you are able to o into meditation# the more power!ul your theta brain waves will be. 8cientists also have discovered the !act that the emotions !or OblissP and deep internal Opeace#P are only !elt when theta brain waves are dominant on the 4.4.5. @ant to amp up your spiritual li!e? @ell# it has also been noted by researchers that it is theta brain waves that allow individuals to e.perience their Ostron est spiritual connection.P Jertain scientists even believe that it is possible to speed1up the process o! connectin with the spirit. A!ter this research# many personal development products and practices were created. 6any o! these personal development products created lots o! hype because they seemed li<e the (uic<est

way to !eel OblissP and OpeaceP 1 without spendin years meditatin . "hey claimed to help individuals access their Oinner XenP and also claimed they would e.perience reat health1related bene!its. "hese products included rela.ation pro rams# brainwave JA>s# and sel!1hypnosis recordin s. 6any o! these will not wor< to help you access your Oinner Xen#P but some de!initely do. One product that 2 !re(uently use and hi hly recommend is Leuro1 Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional. "hus !ar# it has allowed me to have better control o! my mind# state o! consciousness# and emotions. 2 hi hly recommend at least ivin the !ree )% day trial version a shot i! you don>t want to buy itT

Theta $rain wa'es lin)ed to 7ah-ha8 #o#ents

"hou h alpha brain waves have been lin<ed to Oah1haP moments# many individuals have e.perienced them in the theta brain wave ran e as wellT 8ince theta brain waves are associated with the creativity# in!inite data# and inspiration o! the Osubconscious mind#P it ma<es per!ect sense that Oah1haP e.periences occur in this brainwave ran e. -or this reason# you can usually hear !amous musicians# scientists# writers# actors# and other creative individuals discuss how they O!ound inspiration.P 6any people assume that researchers only spend all day slavin away in a laboratory with little mice tryin to ma<e a brea<throu h discovery. @hat>s interestin thou h# is the !act that most *i! not all, o! ma=or scienti!ic brea<throu hs and / or inventions have been a result o! intuitive uidance via mental ima ery# dreams# and hunches that scientists received when their brains> were in the theta brain wave ran e and they had some access to their subconscious mind. "hese scientists were usually: # sleepin # drivin home !rom wor<# and doin non1wor< related activitiesT Aurin these Oah1haP moments that many scientists have had# their brains> were !ull o! activity in the subconscious mind. "he ma=ority o! the best scientists are completely aware o! how the Osubconscious mindP wor<s. Kust to name a !ew eniuses such as: Au ust Ee<ulY# "homas 4dison# Albert 4instein# have all tapped the power o! their subconscious mind to help them ma<e hu e brea<throu hs. As you may now understand# your ability to utili'e and harness the power o! your subconscious mind is an e.tremely important !actor in determinin the success o! many individuals *i.e. scientists# authors# researchers# musicians# etc.,. Are you currently utili'in the power o! your subconscious to help you solve problems or stay inspired? 2! not# =ust ta<e a second to thin< about how much more e!!icient and power!ul you could be i! you were able to >shi!t> into theta brain waves when you !elt it necessaryT ;n!ortunately# many people aren>t able to access this theta brain waves state o! consciousness due to certain !actors such as: stress and disease. -or these individuals# Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional will de!initely et them on the ri ht trac<.

Wa)ing up in theta $rain wa'es?

4ach time that theta brain waves !lood your brain# you are temporarily detached !rom your body and awareness. "his is why each time you wa<e up when your brain is in the theta phase o! your sleep cycle# you won>t remember anythin . 2! you>ve ever laid down to rela.# ended up !allin asleep# and then wo<e up lon past your normal wa<in tim# you>ve li<ely e.perienced some (uality theta brain waves. 3emember# that how you !eel and your entire Owa<in upP e.perience depends completely on the brainwave pattern o! sleep you>re in be!ore awa<enin T Below is a recap o! the basic brain waves that you can awa<en !rom and what you>ll li<ely !eel li<e in each state.

(ow you feel when wa)ing - phase of sleep cycle

"ach $rainwa'e state it is possi$le to wa)e up fro#1

Alpha brain waves: Fou will !eel e.tremely ener i'ed# pumped1up# alert# awa<e# and ready !or whatever the day has to brin . @hen wa<in in this state# you>ll also be able to completely remember most o! your dreams !rom throu hout the ni ht.

"heta brain waves: Fou will !eel very surprised that so much time has passed while you were asleep. Fou won>t remember the act o! !allin asleep. "he last thin you>ll remember is layin down on your bed 1 be!ore you reali'e it# it>s already the mornin T 4ach time you wa<e up in the theta brain waves state and your brain doesn>t shi!t !rom: theta to alpha be!ore oin into the beta brain waves state# you won>t recall any o! your dreams.

Aelta brain waves: 2t is e.tremely tou h !or any individual to wa<e up i! their brain is producin mostly delta brainwaves. &owever# i! you do happen to wa<e up durin this phase o! sleep# you will !eel irritable# unaware# and very tired. 2t will ta<e a lot o! e!!ort to et yoursel! out o! bedT Ae!initely not a ood phase o! brain waves to wa<e up inT

Who has high a#ounts of theta $rainwa'es?

"3tro'erts 1 Jompared to introverts# e.troverts have more lower brainwave patterns in the alpha and theta ran es. 4.troverts with low traits o! neurosis and an.iety were !ound to have hi h levels o! certain theta brainwave !re(uencies that introverts did not. 6editators 1 "he oal o! many meditation practices is to increase the amount o! slower# alpha and theta brainwave patterns. A!ter a lot o! meditation e.perience# you can eventually learn how to shi!t your brain !rom the beta ran e# throu h the pleasant calmness o! alpha# into the e.traordinary theta ran e. 4.perienced meditators can reco ni'e and control this state o! awareness. Bi<e any practice# the more you do it# the easier it will become to pass throu h alpha and into the theta brainwave ran e throu h meditation. +hildren 1 Jhildren tend to have e.tremely hi h levels o! theta brainwaves compared to adults. "hou h everyone has some de ree o! theta activity# most adults have an e.tremely tiny amount. "hou h the theta brainwave is very mysterious# it is a relatively sa!e brainwave. Cirtually all children and people with A.A.A. have lar e amounts o! theta brainwave activity. As we a e# the beta brain wave pattern tends to increase and dominate the other patterns. "hat>s why many adults would de!initely bene!it !rom a theta or alpha brain wave boost more than youn people. Indi'iduals With A&& or A&(& 1 2ndividuals with AAA or AA&A tend to have brains that produce too much theta brainwave activity and not nearly enou h beta activity. &avin too much theta brainwave activity e.plains why AAA people aren>t able to concentrate well and have a tou her time stayin on tas<. On a personal note# 2 have been able to cure my AAA by stayin disciplined to a set o! : daily steps. "3tre#ely stressed indi'iduals 1 "he most advanced sta es o! stress *i.e. bein e.tremely stressed out !or more than a !ew months, will cause your brain to eventually enter the theta brainwave state due to a burnout o! the central nervous system. As you produce too many hi h beta brainwaves !or lon er than a !ew months# your brain will eventually be e.tremely low in alpha brainwaves# e.tremely low in low1beta brainwaves# and !ull o! desynchroni'ed theta and hi h beta activity.

Eust li)e any of the other $rainwa'e patterns2 too #uch of a do#inant rhyth# can cause pro$le#s. By no #eans would it $e reco##ended to increase a $rainwa'e that you already ha'e high le'els of. In fact2 you #ay e3perience so#e negati'e affects fro# the theta $rainwa'es.

Pro$le#s associated with too #any theta $rainwa'es:

Ina$ility to focus 1 Bi<e 2 mentioned earlier# not everyone will bene!it !rom a theta brainwave increase. "he theta brainwave ran e has been speci!ically lin<ed to lac< o! !ocus and AAA. 2n most cases# theta brainwaves are associated with mental !o iness# daydreamin activity# and random thin<in . 2! you are already e.tremely un!ocused# increasin your theta brainwaves is not a ood ideaT Too #any daydrea#s 1 Bi<e the alpha brainwaves# as you increase theta brainwaves# you may have too many daydreams without any control over it. &i her than avera e amounts o! theta brainwaves is never bene!icial and too many daydreams is a prime e.ample o! why you may not want to entrain theta. &epression 1 &i h amounts o! theta brainwaves are !ound in individuals> brains that have been dia nosed with clinical depression. ;sually# individuals that have too many lower brainwaves tend to !eel more depressed: increasin the amount o! beta brainwaves will help them outT 2! you are depressed !rom bein overstimulated# theta or alpha brainwaves can help your condition improve# but i! you are too understimulated# 2 su est stayin away !rom alpha or theta brainwaves and stic<in to beta. *leepiness 1 "he theta brainwave pattern has been lin<ed to dream sleep. "he theta brainwave is !ound in individuals that are sound asleep or e.tremely tired. 8leepiness and drowsiness occur when theta brainwaves are !ound in people that are !ully awa<e. @hen increasin your theta brainwaves# it is e.tremely common to !all asleep and wa<e up !eelin re!reshed. 2t is very tou h to stay aware in the theta state o! consciousness unless you are trainin throu h meditation. 5ac) of e3cite#ent - 4.citement is associated with beta brainwaves and the adrenaline that they produce. 2t is not uncommon to !eel une.cited# or e.treme !eelin s o! boredom while in the theta ran e. 2! you are currently !indin yoursel! bored with new activities# it is time to wor< to increase your beta brainwaves and stay away !rom increasin theta. "3tre#e i#pulsi'eness 1 8ince a lac< o! conscious thou ht is associated with theta brainwaves# it is not uncommon !or e.tremely impulsive people to be hi h in theta brainwaves. One symptom o! AAA is bein overly impulsive. 2t isn>t at all a surprise that increasin the total amount o! theta brainwaves correlates with hi her levels o! impulsive behavior.

(yperacti'ity 1 Because the brain is !unctionin at such a slow brainwave pattern# the central nervous system is usin up less overall ener y. All the ener y that you accumulate !rom !ood you eat needs to be put to use somehow. &avin too much theta brainwave activity allows your brain and JL8 to et by with less ener y. 8ince the brain and JL8 use less overall ener y# the e.cess ener y is e.pressed in the individual throu h hyperactive behaviors. !'erly recepti'e #ind 1 2n the theta brainwave state# your brain may be overly receptive to su estions and new in!ormation. Bein overly receptive isn>t always a ood thin and can ma<e your subconscious more open to acceptin ne ative su ested belie!s. 6any hypnotherapists tar et the theta brainwave ran e to help you implant new belie!s into your mind. &ealthy ways to increase theta brainwaves: Brainwa'e entrain#ent 1 As 2 mention a lot# brainwave entrainment is reat !or !ine tunin your state o! consciousness and awareness. 2! you want to easily and naturally e.perience theta brainwaves# 2 recommend tryin any o! the pro rams in my Orecommended productsP section. Brainwave entrainment is an easy process that involves simply listenin to a tone *stimulus, and your brainwaves naturally shi!t in order to match the !re(uency associated with the acoustic tone. Playing 4intendo 1 Hlayin Lintendo literally shuts down all brainwave activity in the brain>s pre!rontal corte.# an area which is responsible !or producin beta brainwaves to help <eep you !ocused. As an individual plays Lintendo ames# his or her brain shi!ts !rom !ocused thin<in to the un!ocused# visual# theta brainwaves. "hose who play Lintendo !or lon er periods o! time on a consistent basis tend to have much more theta activity than those who don>t. 5istening to #usic 1 Cirtually all enres o! music *besides classical, tar et the brain>s ri ht hemisphere and increase theta brainwave levels. 4ver wonder why music ma<es you !eel more emotional or provo<es an intense emotional reaction !rom within? 6usic brin s emotions to the sur!ace because when we listen# our brain naturally increases it>s theta brainwavesT /etting a good night?s sleep 1 5ettin a ood ni ht>s sleep is important !or stayin healthy# <eepin a healthy# power!ul brain. "hou h theta brainwaves will not increase when you wa<e up the ne.t day# they are hi hly prevalent in your brain while you are sleepin . 6ost dream1sleep is lin<ed to an increase in theta brainwave activity# whereas dreamless sleep is mostly lin<ed to delta brainwave activity. 6editation 1 "he oal o! most types o! meditation is to lower the brainwaves into the alpha1theta brainwave ran e. A very sa!e# healthy way to increase your theta brainwaves is to ma<e meditation a daily habit or start up a meditation routine. 2! you are already meditatin # reat V you>ll naturally increase !le.ibility with to travel throu h the alpha brainwave ran e to e.perience the depths o! theta. (ypnosis . *elf-hypnosis 1 "he oal o! all hypnosis and sel!1hypnosis pro rams is to tar et the lower brainwave ran es *i.e. alpha and theta, and implant new belie!s. Aoin sel!1hypnosis on a consistent basis or seein a hypnotherapist will de!initely help you reduce stress by increasin your theta brainwaves.

+reati'e Visuali,ation 1 4very time that you close your eyes and do creative visuali'ation# the amount o! natural theta brainwave increases. "hou h it is tou h to maintain awareness in a brainwave state predominantly comprised o! theta waves# it can be done. Jreative visuali'ation will ive your theta brainwaves a nice# healthy boost while you are en a ed in this eyes1closed# e.tremely1rela.ed process. 2! you are the type o! person that o!ten shuts your eyes to visuali'e# you probably have hi her than normal amounts o! theta brainwave activity. Cisuali'ation can o hand1in1hand with a meditation practice# but i! you>d rather only visuali'e# you>ll still be boostin your theta brainwaves. -oga - 5i)e #editation# yo a is yet another activity that promotes rela.ation and wellbein by shi!tin your brainwaves to the calmin patterns o! alpha and theta. "here are many di!!erent types o! yo a# and i! practiced ri ht# they>ll de!initely slow your brainwaves and allow you to e.perience a much reater sense o! awareness and insi ht within the theta ran e. ;nhealthy ways to increase theta brainwaves: *)ipping sleep 1 Aeprivin yoursel! o! a ood ni ht>s sleep or completely s<ippin sleep will increase the amount o! cortisol *a hormone associated with stress and a in , and will !lood your brain with a combination o! un!ocused brainwaves: mostly theta# some delta and in some cases hi h1beta. 2! you have ever pulled an Oall ni hter#P you>ll <now that s<ippin sleep ma<es you !eel e.tremely un!ocused# di''y# and con!used. "his is due to to a combination o! unbalanced chemicals# hormones# and brainwaves. Ta)ing Valiu# <dia,epa#> 1 Calium is a sedative that is commonly used to treat an.iety# stress# and panic. "a<in the dru Calium will increase your brain>s lower !re(uency brainwaves: mostly theta. "he theta brainwaves are what ma<es a person !eel tired and deeply rela.ed. 2! you have ever ta<en Calium# you <now what a <ic< o! the theta brainwaves !eel li<e. &rin)ing Alcohol 1 "hou h drin<in alcohol primarily increases the total amount o! a person>s alpha brainwaves# it de!initely has an e!!ect on the theta ran e too. 2n e.treme cases o! alcoholism and drun<enness# the theta brainwave pattern can dominate the brain and leave the individual e.tremely con!used and impair all memory !unctions. (allucinogenics *i.e. 6a ic 6ushrooms / B8A / Acid, 1 &allucino enic dru s li<e 6a ic 6ushrooms# B8A# and Acid are de!initely not wise to ta<e. "hey are thin s that <ill your brain cells and can cause a user to have e.tremely ne ative reactions that result in hu e emotional upheavals and possible psychotic episodes. 2n my opinion# 6a ic 6ushrooms are the sa!est o! the three mentioned# but they all should be avoided. @ith that said# i! you have ever ta<en them# you have entered the theta brainwave ran e with a dru ed perspective.

0inal e'aluation of theta $rainwa'es1

2 personally thin< that theta brainwaves can !eel awesome and are reat to e.perience. "he emotional intensity that is associated with hi h amounts o! theta !eels reat. @ith that said# theta can be an intense brainwave to e.perience. 2! you !ind yoursel! overemotional and depressed# the

theta band is not recommended. Fou should be the =ud e as to whether or not increasin theta is best !or you. 2! you are already e.periencin many o! the listed Obene!its#P you probably don>t need much o! an theta brainwave booster. Are you already an overemotional person? 2! so# chances are ood that your brain naturally produces lar e amounts o! theta brainwave activity and you may not need a boost. 2! you are e.periencin too many o! the listed ne ative e!!ects# you may want to consider speedin up your brainwaves into the beta ran e. 2 personally don>t recommend entrainin the alpha brainwave or the theta brainwave i! you currently <now that your brain already produces lar e amounts o! theta. 2! you are oin to do theta brainwave entrainment with Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional# 2 recommend tryin the 7.?) &' !re(uency. 2! you purchase Leuro1Hro rammer 0 or any o! my recommended brainwave products# you can create a customi'ed 7.?) &' theta brainwave session or loo< !or one that is already built into the library. 2! you are con!used about your brainwave pattern# consider ivin Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional some e.perimentation and seein how your brain reacts and your reality chan es.

If you?d li)e to e3perience Theta $rainwa'es1 2! you have ever iven theta brainwaves a shot# 2>d really li<e to hear your e.perience in the comments section. 2! you are interested in e.periencin some theta brainwaves or have any (uestions !or me# !eel !ree to send me a messa e throu h my contact !orm. 2 appreciate when you purchase products throu h me. 2t helps me pay !or blo hostin services and the promotion o! this blo . 2ncreasin your theta brainwave pattern is de!initely an e.perience that has potential to boost your brain power and help you connect with your emotions.

Alpha $rain wa'es < @ to FG(,> ?1 $% &' 8uper1learnin new in!ormation# memorisation# not comprehension. ?.00 &' 1 Associated with the mouth. Brin s creativity $% &' 1 4nhanced serotonin release. 6ood elevation# arousal# stimulant $% &' 1 Hrovides relie! !rom lost sleep# improves eneral mood $% &' 1 6ood elevator. ;sed to dramatically reduce headaches $% &' 1 Jlarity# subconscious correlation. 3eleases serotonin $$ &' 1 3ela.ed yet awa<e state $0 &' 1 Jenterin # mental stability. $$ 1 $/ &' 1 2ncreased !ocus and awareness $0 1 $/ &' 1 Bearnin !re(uency# ood !or absorbin in!ormation passively

Alpha brain waves are considered rela.ed brainwave activity. Alpha brainwaves are brainwaves that cycle within the ran e o! ? W $0 &' and are usually enerated in the brains ri ht hemisphere or in a synchroni'ed pattern between both ri ht and le!t hemispheres. Alpha waves <ic< in when our mind and body are completely rela.ed and !ree o! stress. Alpha is enerally thou ht o! as the normal brainwave that is dominant in people who are rela.ed# creative# and have a clear mind. Alpha is considered the OnormalP brainwave pattern and is dominant when people close their eyes. Jhildren tend to have much hi her levels o! alpha brainwaves than adults. Alpha brainwaves are considered the healthiest brainwave ran e and $%

&' has widely been accepted as the Osa!estP brainwave !re(uency to train. 6ost children and youn er teena ers have a dominant alpha rhythm. "here isn>t a sin le brain wave pattern is better than the others W so don>t thin< alpha brainwaves are a Ocure all.P 2! your brain is de!icient in the alpha brainwave pattern# increasin them can !eel awesomeT 2 can personally testi!y based on my e.perience.

An interesting factoid1 alpha brainwaves were the !irst brainwave roup to be researched and the !irst roup to be discovered. "he alpha brain wave rhythm is also considered to be the Osa!estP o! the brain wave !re(uencies to use durin brainwave entrainment and neuro!eedbac<. @hy? Because out o! all !our roups o! brain waves Rbeta# alpha# theta# deltaS# alpha waves usually yield the most bene!its via entrainment and rarely produce any unwanted side1e!!ects.

Why alpha $rain wa'es are called 7alpha $rain wa'es8

Ar. &ans Ber er who was a psychiatrist !rom Austria !irst discovered electrical waves in the brain in the year $+%?. Ber er called these electrical waves Oalpha brain wavesP due to the !act that they were the !irst brain wave to be discovered. Another interestin !act about Ar. &ans Ber er is the !act that he was the inventor o! the 4.4.5. machine# better <nown as an electroencephalo raph. "he 4.4.5. machine is what allows researchers# scientists# and neuro!eedbac< practitioners to understand brainwave activity. 2t wor<s by ampli!yin # recordin # and creatin raphs o! electrical activities in the brain. A!ter usin the 4.4.5.# researchers (uic<ly !ound other !orms o! brain activity. Beta waves were discovered ne.t# then delta waves# then theta waves. A!ter all the basic brain waves were discovered# amma brain waves were !ound. 4ventually# in the $+:%>s# scientists discovered that it was indeed possible !or individuals to learn to ta<e !ull conscious control over their brainwaves. "hese scientists learned that meditation allowed people to slow their brain waves !rom the common beta ran e down to theta and alpha waves.

Benefits of increasing alpha $rain wa'es1

%ela3ed $ody and #ind 1 "he alpha brainwave is associated with a completely rela.ed body and mind. "he brain>s thou ht process is slowed and the mind is clear. "he body is completely rela.ed and !ree o! all tension and nervousness. Boostin the alpha brain wave is a reat way to en=oy the !eelin o! rela.ation and a reat way to let o o! all worries and tension. (igher le'els of creati'ity 1 "he alpha brainwave rhythm is enerally associated with above avera e levels o! creativity. Alpha brainwave levels are !ound to be much hi her in artists# musicians# and creative thin<ers. Jreative problem solvers are what many employers currently need to thin< o! new# creative# innovative ideas !or their companies. 2! you>d li<e to boost your creativity# consider ivin alpha brainwaves a boost. 8cientists have shown that hi hly1creative individuals tent to have di!!erent brainwaves than normal and less creative people. 2n order to be creative# your brain must be able to produce bursts o! alpha brainwaves: mostly in the le!t1 hemisphere. @hy? Hroducin them on the le!t hemisphere shuts down the le!t1brain and allows the more creative# ri ht1hemisphere to e.pose new ideasT

I#pro'ed a$ility to pro$le#-sol'e 1 "he problem associated with havin too much o! the beta brainwave pattern is the inabiltiy to problem solve and et past Omental bloc<sP by thin<in creatively. 4ver et writer>s bloc<? 2ncreasin your alpha brainwaves will most li<ely help you <eep O!lowin P ri ht throu h your paper or article without ettin Ostuc<.P

Balanced #ood <e#otional sta$ility> 1 "he alpha brainwave# especially the $% &' !re(uency# is associated with a balanced mood and stable emotions. 6any overan.ious and hyperactive# unstable people could reatly improve their brains by increasin their alpha brainwaves. -eelin emotionally stable means not overreactin to stress!ul situations and bein able to maintain a calm state o! mind. "he alpha brainwave state is associated with a very stable state o! mind.

Pea)-perfor#ance 1 "he $% &' alpha brainwave !re(uency is commonly re!erred to as a Opea< per!ormanceP state o! mind or bein Oin the 'one.P "here has been conclusive evidence !rom studies with pro!essional bas<etball players and ol!ers that show alpha brainwaves increasin in their Ole!t hemispheresP =ust be!ore ma<in a !ree1throw or shootin a reat ol! shot. 2n players that did not ma<e the shot# beta brainwaves !looded their le!t1hemisphere. 2t seems that Oover thin<in P *beta brainwaves, or Ounder thin<in P *theta brainwaves, are detrimental to ameplay. "he study was also proved by comparin elite mar<smen to novice mar<smen. "he elite mar<smen showed a bi burst o! alpha in their le!t1brain hemisphere be!ore their per!ect shots. Hro!essional athletes are much more li<ely to show the alpha rhythm# while novices and intermediate players show virtually noneT 2t seems that the $% &' alpha brainwave is the best brainwave !or athletes and mars<men loo<in to improve their per!ormance and overall ame. 5owered le'els of stress H an3iety 1 Bowered levels o! stress and an.iety is a hu e bene!it that the alpha brainwave can brin to your li!e. Enow anyone su!!erin !rom chronic stress or rapid# an.ious thou hts? 8u est brainwave entrainment to them and have them read over this article to see whether or not they>d li<e to try to increase their alpha brainwaves. 0low state of consciousness 1 A state o! O!low#P re!ers to a mental state that all events and thin s seem to pass without problems. Fou are able to deal with li!e>s problems easily and aren>t overan.ious or too rela.ed. Fou are somewhere in between overstimulation and understimulation.

2n essence# you>re mind is ObalancedP and in an optimal state o! !unctionin . 7*uper learning8 a$ility 1 "he alpha brainwave spectrum has been associated with Osuper learnin P and bein able to remember and retain in!ormation with less overall e!!ort. "he alpha brainwave state mostly improves one>s natural ability to passively absorb lar e amounts o! in!ormation. Basically# you don>t need to ma<e as much o! an e!!ort to learn a new ability# lan ua e# or s<ill. Boosted i##une syste# 1 4nhancin your alpha brainwaves can lead to sel!1healin and prevention o! illness. "his is due to the !act that alpha waves are usually associated with Olac< o! stressP and Orela.ation.P 8tress and too much an.iety can do harm to the immune system by releasin harm!ul chemicals such as epinephrine *adrenaline, and too much o! the hormone: cortisol# associated with the adrenaline release. Hositive thin<in 1 "here has been some research that has !ound the alpha brainwave rhythm# especially the $% &' !re(uency# to be associated with a positive state o! mind *i.e. positive thou hts,# a positive mood# and an overall !eelin o! wellness. 2n my e.perience with alpha brainwaves# the positive thou hts and mood de!initely were due to my enhanced level o! rela.ation. Increased le'els of 7serotonin8 1 Alpha brainwaves are associated with the neurotransmitter serotonin bein released. Bow levels o! serotonin have been one !actor that some researchers have lin<ed to depression. Aeep sel!1introspection 1 Alpha brainwaves are associated with an increased awareness o! your sel!: body and mind. @here as beta brainwaves cause the mind to !ocus more on e.ternal events# the alpha brainwaves enhance the overall awareness o! one>s sel!.

Alpha $rainwa'es $ridge the conscious #ind with the su$conscious

Alpha brain waves allow you to understand what is oin on in your subconscious mind a!ter meditation and a!ter dreamin . @ithout the presence o! alpha waves in your 4.4.5. a!ter dreamin # your brain would not be able to trans!er subconscious in!ormation to the conscious mind. Alpha waves are the connection that allows in!ormation to be trans!ered between subconscious and conscious. 4ach time you remember a dream that you had# you used alpha brain waves.

4ach time that you visuali'e or o into meditation# your alpha brain waves li<ely <ic<ed in. Alpha waves are a <ey part o! providin clear# vivid visuali'ation sessions. "hey allow you to use your ima ination# tap your subconscious creativity# and the creativity throu h your conscious mind. "he alpha waves are usually also at wor< each time you daydream or use your ima ination.

Inow when you access 7Alpha $rainwa'es8

4ach time that you are daydreamin or not !ully awa<e# you are in the alpha brain wave ran e. "he state o! mind Zri ht1be!ore> you !all asleep is usually comprised o! lots o! alpha brain waves. 2ndividuals who lac< normal amounts o! alpha brain waves usually have insomnia# an.iety# sleep disorders# or hi h stress. "his is why increasin alpha waves !or overstressed people can be e.tremely e!!ective at helpin them !all asleep. 2 can personally vouch !or the use o! alpha brain waves to !all asleep. 2n !act# 2 used them last ni ht to put me outT 2 played a $% &' alpha brain wave created session and within $% minutes# 2 was asleep 1 2 didn>t even <now about it. "hey can be a reat tool when utili'ed e!!ectivelyT Other times that your brain uses alpha brain waves includes: each time you watch ".C.# each time you are # each mediation session# each time you close your eyes# each time you breathe deeply# or !eel completely rela.ed durin a hot / steamy shower. -or in!ormation on how you can increase the production o! alpha brain waves in your brain# chec< out the article 0% @ays "o 6urder 8tress. About : o! the activities mentioned in that article will do a reat =ob at increasin alpha production. Any time you !eel rela.ation# your alpha waves are at wor<T 4ach time that you !eel both mentally and physically rela.ed# you are in a state o! alpha brain waves. "he !irst time that 2 heard about alpha brain waves# 2 thou ht that they sounded li<e a ood brain wave ran e# but 2 also thou ht that they would ma<e me drowsy and wantin to sleep# so 2 stayed away !rom usin them and stuc< with beta. @hen 2 !inally decided to use alpha brain waves# it was an incredible e.perience. 2 !ound a new state1o!1mind that allowed me to remain peace!ul# calm# and rela.ed 1 all while maintainin a positive mental state. 2t really !elt reat to !inally e.perience alpha waves. Low# 2 use alpha brain waves a lot more because 2 <now what they can do !or me. 2 use them to help me !all asleep (uic<ly or !or some power!ul rela.ation sessions. 4ach time when 2>ve been stressed out and used alpha brain waves# my rela.ation level s<yroc<eted a!ter about $: minutes o! use. 2 really didn>t thin< they could wor< as e!!ectively as they actually didT

Who has high a#ounts of alpha $rainwa'es?

"3tro'erts 1 Jompared to introverts# e.troverts have much more alpha brainwave activity. 3esearchers in the -aculty o! 8cience at the ;niversity o! "echnolo y 8ydney have discovered that the type o! brainwaves in the pre!ronal corte. has correlated to introversion and e.troversion.

Accordin to the results !rom their study: O2! you have hi h amounts o! alpha brainwaves# you are at least three times as li<ely to be an e.trovert.P 6editators 1 "he oal o! many meditation practices is to increase the amount o! slower# alpha and theta brainwave patterns. Laturally your brain will enter a state o! alpha awareness and calmness. 4.perienced meditators can reco ni'e and control this state o! awareness. Bi<e any practice# the more you do it# the easier it becomes to enter alpha throu h meditation. +hildren 1 Jhildren tend to have much hi her amounts o! alpha and theta brainwaves than the avera e population. As we a e# our beta brainwave pattern tends to increase and dominate the other patterns. "hat is why many adults would de!initely bene!it !rom an alpha brainwave increase more than a youn er person.

Eust li)e any of the other $rainwa'e patterns2 too #uch of a do#inant rhyth# can cause pro$le#s. By no #eans would it $e reco##ended to increase a $rainwa'e that you already ha'e high le'els of. In fact2 you #ay e3perience so#e negati'e affects fro# the alpha $rainwa'es.

Pro$le#s associated with too #any alpha $rainwa'es1

5ac) of focus 1 Bi<e 2 mentioned earlier# not everyone will bene!it !rom an alpha brainwave increase. "hou h the alpha brainwave isn>t usually lin<ed to lac< o! !ocus and AAA# in some cases it can created a !o y state o! mind. 2! you are already very un!ocused# increasin the alpha brainwave pattern is usually not recommended. Too #any daydrea#s 1 As you increase your alpha brainwaves# you may have too many daydreams without much control. 8ome daydreams are !ine# but hi her than avera e amounts o! alpha brainwaves wouldn>t be o! much bene!it i! you are already daydreamy.

&epression 1 &i h amounts o! alpha brainwaves in con=unction with relatively little beta brainwave activity has been lin<ed to depression. "hou h pea<1per!ormers are able to enerate a bi burst o! alpha in their le!t hemisphere ri ht be!ore their best shots# too much alpha activity in the le!t1hemisphere o! the brain has been lin<ed to depression. 2! you are depressed !rom bein overstimulated# alpha will probably help you out# i! you are too understimulated# 2 su est stayin

away !rom alpha and stic<in to beta waves. Tiredness 1 "he alpha brainwave pattern has been lin<ed to tiredness and drowsiness in some individuals. 2! you are wor<in to increase your alpha and you notice yoursel! becomin tired or drowsy# it may be temporary and your brain is most li<ely read=ustin to !it the new pattern. @ith that said# alpha brainwaves are the brainwaves that are naturally produced ri ht a!ter you close your eyes to !all asleep. Bac< o! e.citement 1 "hou h it is usually rare# some people may run into the problem o! not !eelin e.citement !or awhile. A!ter my personal e.perience with alpha brainwaves# 2 !elt super rela.ed and une.cited !or a couple wee<s. 2t de!initely helped calm my mind# but 2 did miss the !eelin o! e.citement. 5ac) of 'isual acuity 1 Alpha brainwaves are associated with a lac< o! visual acuity and visual awareness. Beta brainwaves are associated with hei htened visual awareness and acuity. @hen slowin your brainwaves down to the alpha ran e# the visual area o! the brain is also much less clear. !'erly recepti'e 1 2n the alpha brainwave state# your brain may be overly receptive to su estions and new in!ormation. Bein overly receptive isn>t always a ood thin and can ma<e your subconscious more open to acceptin ne ative su ested belie!s.

(ealthy ways to increase alpha $rainwa'es1

Brainwa'e entrain#ent 1 As 2 mention a lot# brainwave entrainment is reat !or !ine tunin your state o! consciousness and awareness. 2! you want to increase your alpha brainwaves# 2 recommend tryin any o! the pro rams in my Orecommended productsP section. Brainwave entrainment is an easy process that involves simply listenin to a tone *stimulus, and your brainwaves naturally match the !re(uency associated with the tone. 6editation 1 "he oal o! most types o! meditation is to lower the brainwaves into the alpha1theta brainwave ran e. A very sa!e# healthy way to increase your alpha brainwaves is to ma<e meditation a daily habit or start up a meditation routine. 2! you are already meditatin # reatT Fou>ll naturally increase !le.ibility with your alpha brainwaves as you continue the process. *elf-hypnosis 1 "he oal o! sel!1hypnosis is to tar et the lower brainwave ran es *i.e. alpha and theta,. Aoin sel!1hypnosis on a consistent basis will de!initely help you reduce stress by increasin the natural amount o! your alpha brainwaves. Visuali,ation 1 4very time that you close your eyes and visuali'e# alpha activity si ni!icantly increases. 2! you are the type o! person that o!ten en=oys shuttin your eyes to ima in or picture thin s# you>ll have a naturally hi her amount o! alpha brainwave activity than others. Cisuali'ation

can o hand1in1hand with a meditation practice# but i! you>d rather only visuali'e# you>ll still be boostin your alpha brainwavesT -oga 1 Bi<e meditation# yo a is yet another activity that promotes rela.ation and wellbein by shi!tin your brainwaves to the calmin patterns o! alpha and theta. "here are many di!!erent types o! yo a# and i! practiced ri ht# they>ll de!initely allow you to tap into your alpha awareness. &eep-$reathing 1 Aeep breathin is not only reat !or improvin overall o.y en levels in the brain and body# it is reat !or achievin a state o! rela.ation. @hen you ma<e deep1breathin a habit# you will be in to !eel more rela.ed and your brainwaves will shi!t !rom the somewhat stress!ul beta brainwaves to the alpha rhythm. *aunas . (ot Tu$s 1 Lot only do saunas and hot tubs cause your entire body to !eel completely rela.ed# they cause your mind to (uiet and drowsiness to <ic< in. "he brainwave associated with those !eelin s o! rela.ation li<e you>ve been sittin in a hot tub or in a steamy sauna are the alpha waves. 8ame would apply !or layin in the sun tannin on a nice warm beach V !eelin the hot sun soa< into your body is deeply . "hat !eelin o! deep rela.ation is due to an increased amount o! alpha brainwaves. Watching T.V. 1 A!ter =ust )% seconds o! watchin ".C.# your brain>s alpha brainwaves <ic< in. 4ven i! you happen to be readin captions or te.t on the ".C. screen# the alpha waves still <ic< inT Lormally# beta brainwaves <ic< in while readin # but not while readin on ".C. All radiant li ht !rom cathode1ray technolo y in ".C.>s and other appliances automatically cause the brain to idle and shi!t to the alpha rhythm. 2 personally don>t consider watchin ".C. to be the best way to increase your alpha brainwaves# but 2>m not oin to put it in the unhealthy cate ory.

nhealthy ways to increase alpha $rainwa'es1

&rin)ing alcohol 1 2n moderation# alcohol probably won>t <ill your precious brain cells# but it isn>t a healthy activity !or your body or your brain. Alcohol is a hu e alpha brainwave booster. Are you a person that is constantly ettin drun< to rela.? Alpha brainwaves are the reason that tense and stressed people turn to alcohol. @hen you are drun<# your brain produces lots o! alpha brainwaves and lowers your inhibitions. *#o)ing #ariJuana - "hou h there is controversy as to whether or not smo<in mari=uana is ood or bad# 2 personally don>t consider mari=uana or any other ille al substance to be healthy. 8mo<in mari=uana does increase alpha brainwaves# which is why smo<in mari=uana ma<es people !eel rela.ed. 6ari=uana will not ive you the aware# synchroni'ed# pea<1per!ormance alpha brainwave that most people are strivin !or.

6y description of 7alpha $rain wa'es8

"hin< about your entire body and mind bein !ully rela.ed and peace!ul. Fou may !eel sli htly spaced out# but it actually !eels very pleasant. 2! you>ve every ot a very massa e or sat in a hot1tub to the point o! rela.ation# this is what the alpha brain waves !eel li<e. All o! this will usually be !ollowed by inner1calmness# silence# and (uietude 1 as i! your entire world was silent and completely still. 2t>s still very di!!icult !or you to !ully understand alpha brain waves i! you haven>t e.perienced them. 2n !act# some people L4C43 e.perience the alpha ran e !or most o! their livesT "hou h my description de!initely will help you understand alpha brain waves better# it is still recommended to e.perience them !or yoursel!. @hy? Because describin alpha brain waves is comparable to tellin you what chocolate tastes li<e. 2 can describe the chocolate by usin many di!!erent ad=ectives and descriptors# but in the end# you really must try the chocolate in order to !ully understand it and appreciate it. 8ame rules apply !or the alpha brain wave state o! consciousness. @hen you are !inally able to !ully understand the alpha brain wave ran e# you will !eel liberated and open to an entirely new worldT 2t really is an ama'in e.perience# but one that you need to e.perience !or yoursel!. 2! you are interested in e.periencin power!ul alpha brain waves# 2 recommend either Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional or 6ind @or< 8tation. "hese products will et you started and de!initely will help you et into the alpha ran e. 2 personally use Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional sessions usually at around $% &' and they>ve been absolutely phenomenal.

If you?d li)e to e3perience Alpha $rainwa'es1

2! you have ever iven alpha brainwaves a shot# 2>d really li<e to hear your e.perience in the comments section. 2! you are interested in e.periencin some alpha brainwaves or have any (uestions !or me# !eel !ree to send me a messa e throu h my contact !orm. 2 appreciate when you buy products throu h my re!erral ads to help me pay !or blo hostin services and the promotion o! this blo T 2ncreasin your alpha brainwave pattern is de!initely an e.perience that has potential to boost your brain power.

0inal e'aluation of alpha $rainwa'es1

2 personally thin< that alpha brainwaves !eel awesome to increase and the $% &' brainwave is the sa!est brainwave to entrain. &owever# you should be the =ud e as to whether or not increasin them is best !or you. 2! you are already e.periencin many o! the listed Obene!its#P you probably don>t need much o! an alpha booster. Are you already a rela.ed# laid bac< person that !eels emotionally stable? 2! so# chances are ood that your brain naturally produces lar e amounts o! alpha brainwave activity and you may be per!ect in the alpha ran e. 2! you are e.periencin too many o! the listed ne ative e!!ects# you may want to consider speedin up your brainwaves into the beta ran e. 2! you are over an.ious# tend to worry a lot# and aren>t emotionally balanced# chances are ood that you>d bene!it !rom the alpha increase. 2! you are oin to do alpha brainwave entrainment with Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional# 2 hi hly recommend tryin the $% &' !re(uency. 2! you purchase Leuro1Hro rammer 0 or any o! my recommended brainwave products# you can create a customi'ed $% &' alpha brainwave session 1 it isn>t built into the session library. 2! you are con!used about your brainwave pattern# consider ivin Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional some e.perimentation and seein how your brain reacts and reality chan es.


Beta $rain wa'es < FA to AB(,> $/ &' 1 Awa<eness# alert. Joncentration on tas<s# -ocusin # vitality. $G &' 1 Bottom o! hearin ran e. 3eleases o.y en/calcium into cells $0 1 $: &' 1 3ela.ed !ocus# improved attentive abilities $) 1 07 &' 1 Hromotes !ocused attention toward e.ternal stimuli $) 1 )% &' 1 Hroblem solvin # conscious thin<in $?10/ &' V 4uphoria# can result in headaches# an.iety

Beta brainwaves are considered O!ast brain waveP activity. Beta brainwaves are brainwaves that cycle within the ran e o! $0 W )? &' and are usually enerated in the brain>s le!t1hemisphere. Beta waves <ic< in when lo ically thin<in # !eelin stressed# and !eelin tense. Beta is enerally thou ht o! as a OnormalP rhythm and is dominant in people who are alert# an.ious# or have their eyes open. Beta brainwaves are considered to be the normal brainwave pattern in healthy adults. 6ost children and teena ers have dominant theta and alpha brainwave patterns. "here isn>t a sin le brain wave pattern is better than the others W so don>t thin< beta brainwaves are some sort o! miracle that your children needT 2! you happen to be de!icient in the beta brain wave ran e# increasin them may !eel li<e a miracleT

Benefits of increasing $eta $rainwa'e acti'ity include1

A$ility to thin) quic)ly W @hen a person is hi h in beta brainwaves# they are able to thin< !ast# enerate new ideas (uic<ly# and live in a hi h1state o! !unctionin . Quic< thin<in and mental processin de!initely helps when applyin !or a =ob in the 0$st century and preparin !or e.ams. 8tudies have shown that people who thin< (uic<ly !eel more con!ident# happier# and actually live lon er than slower thin<ers. Being #ore social W @hen a person tal<s# their beta brainwave ran e naturally increases. 2! you are interested in becomin more social# an increase in beta brainwaves may be the tic<et. 2n most people# an increase in beta activity boosts conversational ener y and ability to <eep conversation oin . 2>ve had personal e.periences in the hi h beta brainwave ran e and you are more social period.

0eeling e3cited W 4ver et that nice healthy adrenaline rush or !eelin o! e.citement in the pit o! your stomach? "hat !eelin is caused by an increase in the amount o! beta brainwaves. Beta waves <ic< in when people et e.cited and de!initely !eel invi oratin . /oal oriented W @hen people are in the beta brainwave state# they naturally !eel more oal1 oriented. 2t could be due to the !act that they have more ener y# are more social# and have hi h levels o! !ocus that cause them to naturally be more oal1oriented. 2t could also be the !act that an increase in le!t1hemisphere brain !unctionin is associated with oals and oal settin . 4ither way# it de!initely will et you more pumped up and inspired to achieve your oals. Pea)-perfor#ance W "hou h a speci!ic pea<1per!ormance brainwave pattern is heavily debated# beta brainwaves can certainly aid in per!ormance ability. @hen a person>s !ocus s<yroc<ets# and their ener y levels s<yroc<et# their per!ormance abilities will naturally increase. (ighest le'els of focus W &ave some mental !o and a low level o! !ocus? Beta brainwaves may be the tic<et to chan in that aroundT Heople with AAA and AA&A are commonly prescribed stimulants# which cause beta brainwave activity in their brains to increase. &ence# an increased ability to !ocus# et thin s done# and all the other thin s associated with beta waves. 6ore energy W Ao you lac< ener y? Are you always tired and wish you had more ener y? @ell# beta brainwaves could de!initely help you outT Heople low in beta brainwaves !eel tired and report less overall ener y throu hout the day. "o et out o! a sleepy state and li!t some mental !o # consider increasin your beta wavesT Positi'e thoughts W 2>ve de!initely noticed that 2 !eel less depressed and constantly am able to enerate positive thou hts while in a hi h1beta mental state. Hositive thin<in and an increase in beta waves ma<es per!ect sense because the le!t1hemisphere is associated with positive thou hts. Write easily and quic)ly W @hen beta brainwave levels are hi h# one>s ability to write increases. Beta activity occurs in the le!t hemisphere which is hi hly activated while writin . 2 can personally testi!y !or this one: my ability to write is de!initely enhanced when 2 am able to et into a state o! beta. Increase in I.K. W 8tudies have been done and show that people hi her in the beta brainwave ran e actually have hi her 2.Q.>s than the avera e population. 2t ma<es per!ect sense# since activities li<e readin and solvin math problems can de!initely help build a smart brain.

As goes for anything2 too #uch $eta acti'ity can $e a $ad thing. By no #eans would it $e a good idea for you to increase a $rainwa'e that you already ha'e high le'els of. In fact2 you #ay e3perience the horror of $eta $rainwa'es2 as they can cause1

An3iety W 2 can personally vouch !or this one. "oo much beta activity caused me to !eel a!raid or have thou hts o! !ear towards thin s that 2>m normally completely calm with. 2 would ima ine that i! your brainwaves et hi h enou h in the beta ran e# you will be in to notice a !ear o! thin s that are not normal to !rea< out over. *tress W "hou h there are many ood thin s that come with beta waves# there is also a hu e possibility that they may stress you out. "hey are lin<ed to increased stress# which is why it is important to learn how to shi!t your brainwaves when needed. Paranoia W Haranoid schi'ophrenics are actually able to enerate much more hi h1beta activity than the avera e population. Are beta brainwaves the cause o! schi'ophrenia? Lo# they are a side1e!!ect and schi'ophrenia is a much more comple. disease. 2ncreasin beta brainwaves will not increase the li<elihood o! you becomin cra'y# but they could ma<e you !eel more paranoid than usual. Always chec<in the loc<s and worried that someone will brea< in? 2t may be time to boost that alpha brainwave pattern and tone down the betaT 6uscle tension W Another drawbac< to the beta brainwaves is that your body will !eel uneasy and muscle tension increases. Lobody en=oys !eelin tensed and unable to rela. their muscles. Avoid hi h amounts o! beta activity to avoid tense muscles. Increased $lood pressure W &i h blood pressure is usually not anythin to be proud o!. Beta brainwaves cause an increase in stress and thou hts and naturally increase your blood pressure. 2! your blood pressure is already hi h# chances are ood that you <now what a beta brainwave state !eels li<e. nwanted thoughts W Beta brainwaves can be a source o! unwanted or an.ious thou hts. "oo much beta activity can cause one to e.perience a mild !orm o! obsessive compulsive disorder. 3apid# random thou hts that are beyond control have potential to haunt the person that is hi h in beta. Inso#nia W @ant to stay up all ni ht? 2! so# 2 recommend increasin your beta activity. 2t is probably a bad idea to do any beta eared activity ri ht be!ore !allin asleep. Eeep your brain healthy# et that sleep# and wor< to prevent insomnia. Addiction W Are you addicted to the internet? Jhances are that i! you have an addiction# you would reatly bene!it !rom a downscalin in your current amount o! beta brainwavesT Addiction is a lon # bad cycle to o down that 2 don>t recommend. Boo< at Ohow to boost your alpha brain waveP to help you curb and hope!ully eliminate your addictions.

(ealthy Ways To Increase Beta Brain Wa'es1

Brainwa'e entrain#ent W Jhec< out my recommended products section and try out Leuro1 Hro rammer 0 i! you haven>t already. Brainwave entrainment is de!initely a revolutionary techni(ue to help you naturally increase brainwave activity within a certain ran e. Hrepare to be impressed with this technolo y# i! you aren>t already. 4eurofeed$ac) W Leuro!eedbac< is (uite e.pensive# but is actually very e!!ective at increasin beta brainwave activity !or people who have AAA and AA&A. "here is a very hi h success rate !or helpin AAA in neuro!eedbac<T Jonsider chec<in it out. Brain training ga#es W Brain trainin ames increase thin<in speed and naturally increase amounts o! beta activity. Lot all brain trainin ames are borin : chec< out the ames Bi Brain Academy !or the Lintendo @ii or A8 and Brain A e 0 !or the Lintendo A8 and prepare to have some !un. 2>ve also heard ood thin s about the Buminosity.Jom brain pro ram# so consider chec<in that out. &oing ho#ewor) W 6uch o! the schoolwor< eared towards students in the 0$st century is actually beta1 eared. Aoin math problems and readin short stories is a power!ul# natural way to increase your beta activity. %eading a $oo) W 3eadin is a le!t1hemisphere oriented activity that everyone should do. Lot only may you actually learn somethin # you will et smarter and increase your beta waves. *ol'ing #ath pro$le#s W 2! you aren>t a student# print out some math problems or buy a boo< o! math !acts to et up to par.

&rin) a cup of coffee W "he ca!!eine in co!!ee de!initely ives a =olt o! ener y to the brain and body. @hy? "a<in in ca!!eine increases the amount o! beta brainwaves !or awhile. "he ca!!eine e!!ect is di!!erent !or everyone# but you>ll learn that ca!!eine is de!initely a beta brainwave booster.

nhealthy Ways To Increase Beta Brain Wa'es1

*nort cocaine W Aru s are =ust plain unhealthy# addictin # and li!e threatenin . Jocaine does increase beta activity in the brain W causin adrenaline rushes# rapid heartbeat# and positive thin<in . 8tay away !rom this stu!! and increase your beta waves naturally.

Ta)e diet pills W Ahh# ood old !ashioned diet pills. Hop a !ew down the hatch and you don>t have to wor< out or eat healthy to lose wei htUri htU Aiet pills are not ood !or you. Fou should <now better i! you are currently ta<in themT Ta)e so#e a#pheta#ines <Adderall> W 2! you need to ta<e stimulants !or AAA# then do what you>ve otta do. 2! you don>t have a prescription !or Adderall# then it is ille al to ta<e and could potentially be very addictin . Kust stay away !rom amphetamines i! you don>t need them. "heir lon 1term health e!!ects are brutalT &rin) a %ed$ull <or another energy drin)> W 4ner y drin<s are =ust plain unhealthy in my opinion. Fes# they do ive you a shoc<in amount o! ener y temporarilyT A!ter the ener y comes# a crash occurs and your ener y is completely 'apped !or the rest o! the dayT 2 recommend avoidin these to increase your beta activity. *#o)e a cigarette W "he nicotine !ound in ci arettes is a beta brainwave booster. @ant lun 1 cancer# a tarred up throat# and to lose money in the process? Lobody doesT 8tay away !rom ci arettesT

0inal "'aluation of $eta $rainwa'es1

2 personally thin< that beta brainwaves are reat# but you need to be the =ud e as to whether or not increasin them is ri ht !or you. Are you already a positive thin<er with hi her than normal amounts o! ener y? 2! so# chances are ood that your brain naturally produces lar e amounts o! beta activity and you may even bene!it !rom slowin down your pattern to the alpha ran e. 2! you are tired a lot# !eelin unmotivated and bored# chances are ood that you are a type o! person that would bene!it !rom the increase. 2 recommend ivin Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional a shot and doin a little bit o! e.perimentation to !ind out what>s ri ht !or your brainT


5amma brainwaves are considered the brain>s optimal !re(uency o! !unctionin . 5amma brainwaves are commonly associated with increased levels o! compassion# !eelin s o! happiness# and optimal brain !unctionin . 5amma brainwaves are associated with a conscious awareness o! reality and increased mental abilities. A 5amma wave is a pattern o! brain waves# associated with perception and consciousness. 5amma waves are produced when masses o! neurons emit electrical si nals at the rate o! )? &' 1 7% &' and have a tiny *virtually unnoticeable, amplitude. 5amma brainwaves can be !ound in virtually every part o! the brain. "hey serve as a bindin mechanism between all parts o! the brain and help to improve memory and perception. By one de!inition# amma waves are mani!est at 0/ &' and hi her# thou h researchers have reco ni'ed that hi her level co nitive activities occur when lower !re(uency amma waves suddenly double into the /% &' ran e. 3esearch has shown amma waves are continuously present durin low volta e !ast neocortical activity *BC-A,# which occurs durin the process o! awa<enin and durin active rapid eye movement *346, sleep. 8ome researchers do not distin uish amma waves as a distinct class but include them in beta brain waves.

Lew evidence has emer ed o! brainwave states above the hi hest reco ni'ed brainwave !re(uencies o! Beta *)% &',. &i her1than Beta !re(uencies are called 5amma. "hese 5amma brainwaves resonate around /% &' and are associated with the brain !unction which holo raphically synthesi'es all the bits o! individual data !rom various areas o! the brain and !uses them all to ether in a hi her perspective. 5amma is a QnewerQ brainwave only because it is di!!icult to et instrumentation to accurately measure it. 2t is thou ht the 5amma is the harmoni'in !re(uency 1 !or e.ample when you are observin an ob=ect# its colour# si'e# te.ture etc are all perceived and processed by di!!erent parts o! the brain# it is thou ht that 5amma allows !or uni!ication o! all the di!!erent in!ormation.

"his brainwave activity is associated with states o! sel! awareness# hi her levels o! insi ht and in!ormation# psychic abilities and out o! body e.periences. "his new re ion o! brain activity and states o! consciousness associated with it is called 4H82BOL. "heta and amma rhythms also interact helpin the brain to pac<a e in!ormation into coherent ima es# thou ht and memories. 445 researchers are noticin e.tremely hi h brainwave !re(uencies above 5amma# at up to $%% &'. "otally opposite speed brainwave !re(uencies 1 some at $%% &' and others at less than %.: &' 1 have e.actly the same states o! consciousness associated with them. "hese hi h1ran e brain !re(uency states are named &yper5amma. Bater in!ormation showed new evidence o! !re(uencies even hi her than this# at almost 0%% &'.named: Bambda brainwave !re(uencies and states o! consciousness. "hese &yper5amma# Bambda and 4psilon !re(uencies# are lin<ed to ether in a circular relationship 1where i! you loo<ed with a ma ni!yin lass at an e.tremely slow 4psilon brain !re(uency# you would see hidden within it a modulation !re(uency o! $%% 1 0%% &'. 2! you stand bac< !ar enou h !rom an e.tremely !ast 0%% &' brainwave !re(uency# you would see that is it ridin on the crest o! a slow motion modulatin wave o! 4psilon. "his 4psilon state o! consciousness *the state Fo iQs o into when they achieve 7suspended animation7, is where western medical doctors can perceive no heart beat# respiration or pulse. &yper5amma and Bambda states o! consciousness are the states associated with the ability o! certain sects o! "ibetan mon<s who can mediate in the &imalayan mountains in sub1'ero temperatures with scanty clothin and melt the snow all around them. -ast# amma rhythms ran e !rom )% to $%% &'# and may vary in !re(uency durin a response. "he 0%1$%% &' ran e we consider here overlaps the beta band *$: to )% &',# but we will i nore the !iner points o! 445 classi!ication here. "he natural history and !unctional roles o! synchronous amma oscillations have been reviewed recently. 5amma rhythms occur in humans and other mammals !ollowin sensory stimuli. "hey o!ten occur in brie! runs in these responses. 72nduced rhythms7 at :%1G% &' were !irst described in ol!actory bulb by Adrian. "hey have since been !ound in: ol!actory# visual# auditory# somatosensory# and motor corte.. 5amma oscillations also occur in the hippocampus# where the lin< with e.ternal sensory stimuli is less direct# but may still in the multimodal inputs it receives !rom hi her order sensory cortices. &ippocampal amma tends to occur durin the theta */1$0 &', 445 that is a prominent !eature o! the hippocampus in vivo# especially durin e.ploration. 2n 6an the auditory response includes brie! 7/% &' transient responses7 which increase when the sub=ect pays attention and which disappear with loss o! consciousness durin anaesthesia. 3epetitive auditory stimulation at [/% &' enerates a lar e 7/% &' steady state response7. 645 recordin s in 6an su est that amma rhythms can be very widespread# both durin wa<in and dream states. Other 645 measurements in 6an su est that amma rhythms may be or anised to sweep across the whole brain# perhaps providin 7temporal bindin .... into a sin le co nitive e.perience7.

+ogniti'e &e'elop#ent

Lew studies conducted by April Benasich# pro!essor o! neuroscience at 3ut ers ;niversity in Lewar<# and her collea ues reveal that amma wave activity in the brains o! children provide a window into their co nitive development# and could open the way !or more e!!ective intervention !or those li<ely to e.perience lan ua e problems. O3esearch into the adult brain has shown that amma activity is the Z lue> that binds to ether perceptions# thou hts and memories#P notes Benasich. OBittle research# however# has been conducted into the development o! amma activity in the in!ant brain and its possible connection to co nitive and lan ua e s<ills.P Benasich and her research team are the !irst to loo< at Orestin P amma power in the !rontal corte.# the Othin<in P part o! the brain# in children $G# 0/ and )G months old. 2n an article published online and in an upcomin issue o! Behavioral Brain 3esearch# Benasich o!!ers si ni!icant new insi ht into the li<ely role amma activity plays in supportin emer in co nitive and lan ua e abilities durin the !irst )G months o! li!e. 5amma waves are !ast# hi h1!re(uency# rhythmic brain responses that have been shown to spi<e when hi her co nitive processes are en a ed. 3esearch in adults and animals su ests that lower levels o! amma power mi ht hinder the brain>s ability to e!!iciently pac<a e in!ormation into coherent ima es# thou hts and memories. &owever# until now little has been <nown about the developmental course o! amma power in children. Analy'in the children>s 445s *electroencephalo rams,# Benasich and her research team !ound that those with hi her lan ua e and co nitive abilities had correspondin ly hi her amma power than those with poorer lan ua e and co nitive scores. 8imilarly# children with better attention and inhibitory control# the ability to moderate or re!rain !rom behavior when instructed# also had hi her amma power. "here were no di!!erences in amma power based on ender or socio1economic status. "he measurements were obtained by placin a so!t bonnet with G0 sensors on the heads o! the children as they sat on a parent>s lap and (uietly played. 2n separate tests# children were evaluated !or their emer in lan ua e and co nitive s<ills. "he researchers loo<ed both at children !rom !amilies with normal lan ua e development and those at hi her ris< !or problems because they were born into !amilies with a history o! lan ua e disorders. As suspected# the roup o! children with a !amily history o! lan ua e impairments showed lower levels o! amma activity. O@e believe that maturation o! the brain mechanisms that support amma activity and those critical !or mountin normal lan ua e and co nitive development may be occurrin simultaneously#P says Benasich. O@e seem to have identi!ied a window# durin a period o! sustained and dramatic lin uistic and co nitive rowth# that can help us to better determine where a child is developmentally.P 8uch an understandin could provide !or earlier and more e!!ective intervention. -or e.ample# i! a child is !ound to have lower than avera e restin amma# intervention and learnin methods could be instituted as a preventative measure. 8uch early intervention possibly also could result in increasin amma power in the !rontal corte.. 2n her other related research# Benasich has discovered that how well in!ants distin uish di!!erences in successive rapidly occurrin tone se(uences is a ood predictor o! !uture lan ua e problems and that it can be determined as early as three months whether a baby will stru le with lan ua e development. "hese latest !indin s appear to show that the emer ence o! stron amma activity is critical !or lin uistic and co nitive development and that children at ris< !or lan ua e impairments may la in this process.

O&avin stron bursts o! amma appears to assist the brain in ma<in the neural connections needed !or e!!ective lan ua e development#P says Benasich. OBy measurin amma activity in the !rontal corte.# which is the last brain area to mature and is used to ma<e decisions and solve problems# we may be able to tell how well the brain is developin in eneral.P Bein able to determine a child>s level o! development could allow !or more e!!ective treatment at a critical point in time when the brain is layin the !oundations !or co nition and lan ua e and establishin e!!icient connections !or !uture learnin . -rom $G to )G months# there is a dramatic e.plosion o! lin uistic and co nitive rowthI children rush headlon into lan ua e# rapidly developin their s<ills# increasin !rom a vocabulary o! $%% words to $#%%% words# learnin that words stand !or ob=ects# and that words not only are associated with a speci!ic ob=ect but cate ories# such as Odo P representin not =ust a sin le animal but all do s. OAurin this intense learnin period# they are little scientists in their environment puttin thin s to ether and !i urin thin s out#P says Benasich. OBower levels o! amma power in the restin brain may provide a Zred !la > indicatin that a child will e.perience lan ua e or attentional problems. Enowin that may allow us to provide e!!ective intervention durin this critical learnin period.P -or more in!ormation on Ar. Benasich>s research# please visit http://babylab.rut or contact her at benasich\andromeda.rut

Fou may have come across various e.perts and e.ponents o! "he Baw o! Attraction discussin the lin<s between the 5amma brainwave and mani!estation. Or# more accurately# the lin< between the 5amma brainwave and success!ul mani!estation. 8o# what are 5amma brainwaves and what is its connection to mani!estation and "he Baw o! Attraction? 5amma brainwaves are the !astest o! all the brainwave !re(uencies *certainly o! those that have been success!ully and comprehensively studied,. 5amma brainwaves typically ran es !rom anywhere between 0? and more than ?% cps *cycle per second,# with each o! these cycles comprisin an QonQ state *a pea<, and an Qo!!Q state *a trou h,. 5amma brainwaves are enerally only !ound to be active in the minds o! people under oin e.treme mental stress or other mental activity. 2t is also prevalent in those who have achieved an unusually deep meditative state. A recent study o! Buddhist mon<s in "ibet recorded 5amma brainwave activity in the re ion o! /% cycles per second# coincidin with their meditative activities# particularly when they had reached a hi her state o! clarity and insi ht!ulness. 5iven that mani!estation calls !or clarity o! mind and !ocus# it need hardly be said that the ability to achieve these hi her 5amma brainwave states would undoubtedly be o! considerable bene!it. 2n !act# there are those who believe that success!ul mani!estation *as de!ined by "he Baw o! Attraction, is virtually impossible !or those who arenQt capable o! achievin these hi her states.

"his e.plains the recent e.plosion o! interest amon st Baw o! Attraction devotees in binaural beats# monaural beats# isochronic tones and other brain entrainment systems to stimulate the brain into adoptin a particular !re(uency. "he lin< between the amma brainwave and mani!estation is li<ely to become more pronounced as time oes by.

5in)ed to higher reasoning faculties

5amma waves are involved in hi her mental activity. "ransient periods o! synchroni'ed !irin over the amma waveband# o! entire ban<s o! neurons !rom di!!erent parts o! the brain# have been proposed as a mechanism !or brin in a distributed matri. o! co nitive processes to ether to enerate a coherent# concerted co nitive act# such as perception. -or e.ample# it has been su ested that amma waves are associated with solvin the bindin problem. 3ecent studies have shown that reco nition o! new insi hts occur when patterns =ump !rom 0% to /% &'.

5amma waves have been studied in how visual cues elicit a neural synchronic reaction with both conscious and subliminal stimuli."his research also sheds li ht on how neural synchrony may e.plain stochastic resonance in the nervous system.

Benefits of increasing ga##a $rainwa'es1

Boosted #e#ory 1 &i h amounts o! amma brainwaves have been associated with a boosted memory and ability to recall past events. "he /% &' amma !re(uency has been associated with

a well1re ulated memory. 2! you are currently stru lin with maintainin a reat# healthy memory# consider increasin your /% &' amma brainwave. "nhanced perception of reality 1 5amma brainwaves can provide you with an enhanced overall perception o! reality and understandin o! consciousness. Because amma brainwaves can be !ound in virtually every part o! the brain# it allows parts o! the brain to communicate. "hrou h their communication# your reality and perception is !ormed. Binding of senses 1 "he amma brainwave is what allows us to e.perience: smell# touch# vision# taste# and hearin alto ether. 2t allows our brain to process multiple sensations at the same time and allows us to identi!y environmental !orms o! stimulation. 2t also improves our overall perception o! our senses by enhancin our levels o! !ocus. Increased co#passion 1 Advanced meditation practices and yo ic traditions have associated the amma brainwave !re(uency ran e with a pure state o! compassion. 3ichard Aavidson hoo<ed lon 1time meditators up to an 4.4.5. at the ;niversity o! @isconsin 6adison and !ound that the more meditation e.perience a person had# a hi her amount o! amma brainwave was displayed. 8ince most people aren>t able to cultivate a pure state o! compassion li<e many mon<s# they may not ever understand or !eel the wonderment o! the amma brainwave ran e. (igh-le'el infor#ation processing 1 5amma brainwaves are associated with hi h1level in!ormation processin in the brain. Basically# the brain is able to operate more e!!iciently at a hi her level. "hou hts are easily processed and the brain is able to easily absorb and understand new in!ormation and chan es in one>s environment. 4atural antidepressant 1 "he amma brainwave is a <nown natural antidepressant. Lot only does it increase our level o! compassion !or others# it boosts our overall levels o! happiness. 6any people claim that listenin to the amma brainwave while meditatin has proved to be e.tremely e!!ective at completely eliminatin their depression. "he amma brainwave decreases durin stress# an.iety# and cases o! depression. Lo wonder that increasin your amma brainwaves will ma<e you !eel much less depressed. 2n people with depression# the amount o! amma brainwave tends to be much lower than avera e. Ad'anced learning a$ility 1 8ince amma has been associated with a hi her level o! in!ormation processin # (uic<er thin<in # and an enhanced perception o! reality# people with hi h amounts o! amma brainwaves tend to have an advanced learnin ability. Heople with learnin disabilities# AAA# and those under a lot o! stress# tend to have a si ni!icantly smaller amount o! the amma brainwave than others. Intelligence <I.K.> Increase 1 "he amma brainwave has been associated with hi her than avera e levels o! intelli ence. Heople with lower 2.Q.>s and learnin disabilities tend to have very low amounts o! amma brainwave compared to smarter individuals. 2ncreasin your amma brainwave# especially /% &'# will probably correlate with at least a sli ht intelli ence increase. Positi'e thoughts 1 Are you a person that always thin<s positive and one who has compassion !or others? 2! you already thin< positively and are rela.ed# you probably have hi h amounts o! the amma brainwave. 2n people with depression# there is relatively little amounts o! the amma brainwave that can be observed in an 4.4.5. 2! you have depression or are a chronic ne ative thin<er# you may want to really consider naturally increasin your amma brainwaves.

(igher energy le'els 1 &i her brainwave !re(uencies in the beta and amma brainwave ran es correlate with increased physical and mental ener y. 8ince the amma brainwave ran e is amon the hi hest o! <nown brainwave !re(uencies# it de!initely will ive your ener y level a =olt upwards. 2! you currently have low amounts o! ener y# consider increasin your brain>s amma brainwaves. (igh le'el of focus 1 "he mind is e.tremely !ocused on =ust one thou ht while in the amma brainwave ran e. 2t is important to cultivate a hi h level o! !ocus in order to e!!iciently complete tas<s and succeed in the world. 2t is very di!!icult when you have a learnin disability or are lac<in in !ocus to be success!ul. 8ustainin a hi h level o! !ocus can be done easily by increasin the amount o! /% &' amma activity in the brain. I#pro'ed perception . consciousness 1 5amma brainwaves have been lin<ed to improved perception o! reality and the ability to be aware o! one>s consciousness. 5amma brainwaves are very power!ul and may !eel li<e (uite an awa<enin to increase i! you don>t have much natural amma activity. Advanced meditators have much more amma activity than the avera e person which is why it is easy !or them to control and understand their state o! consciousness.

Who has high a#ounts of ga##a $rainwa'es?

Ad'anced 6editators 1 Advanced meditators tend to have a lar e amount o! amma brainwave activity compared to non1meditators. "he amount o! amma brainwave and its amplitude increases as one>s ability to o deeper into meditation increases. "hou h most meditation practices increase the amount o! slow brainwaves in the alpha and theta ran e# the amma brainwave !re(uency increases as well. "he amma brainwave is what allows meditators to distin uish the alpha# and possibly the theta brainwave ran es. As you are able to ain more meditation e.perience# you>ll learn to naturally boost your amma brainwave activity. 3esearch has shown that the more e.perience you have with meditation# the more amma brainwave activity you>ll display. Pea) perfor#ers 1 Hea< per!ormers tend to have lar e amounts o! amma brainwave activity compared to others. "hou h alpha bursts in the le!t hemisphere has been scienti!ically proven to be lin<ed to pea< per!ormance# amma brainwave activity is su ested to be essential to per!ormin at an optimal level. 2! you are interested in manipulatin your brainwave patterns to help create a state o! pea< per!ormance# you may want to try alpha and amma and be the =ud e as to which one wor<s better. 2>ve heard o! several brainwave trainin re imens that claim it is best to use $% &' alpha !or visuali'ation several hours be!ore your sportin event# then the amma brainwave around )% min. 1 $ hour be!ore your event. "he combination o! alpha# !ollowed by amma# is supposed to create a state o! pea< mental preparation and per!ormance.

LEust li)e any of the other $rainwa'e patterns2 too #uch of a do#inant rhyth# can cause pro$le#s. By no #eans would it $e reco##ended to increase a $rainwa'e that you already ha'e high le'els of. Though it is e3tre#ely rare2 it is possi$le that the ga##a $rainwa'e could cause a couple pro$le#s.

Pro$le#s associated with too #any ga##a $rainwa'es1

*o#e an3iety 1 "hou h amma brainwaves are usually not correlated with stress and an.iety# they can be. @hen a person mostly displays hi h amounts o! beta brainwaves in combination with amma on an 4.4.5.# the individual probably has very hi h levels o! an.iety. "hou h amma brainwaves usually decrease when we are under stress# the dopamine released !rom amma brainwaves can actually cause us to !eel overan.ious# nervous# or tense. 2t is best not to increase both amma and beta brainwaves at the same time. Aependin on your current brainwave state# it is important to reco ni'ed that thou h you are usually sa!e with increasin amma# overdoin trainin time or !re(uency o! trainin may ma<e you !eel unpleasantly an.ious. +lear2 conscious perception of reality 1 8ome people are not prepared !or the mental awa<enin that is associated with amma brainwaves. 2! you are currently livin a !airly un!ocused li!e and happen to be in entrainin the amma brainwave# it may !eel li<e a hu e =olt to your consciousness. 2! 2 was e.tremely un!ocused# 2>d de!initely wor< on entrainin the amma brainwave# but 2>d do it slowly and in moderation. "oo much amma entrainment will actually ive you a headacheT 2t is important to not become disturbed by your brains initial reactions to an increased amma brainwave and perception o! reality.

(ealthy ways to increase ga##a $rainwa'es1

Brainwa'e entrain#ent 1 As 2 mention a lot# brainwave entrainment is reat !or !ine tunin your state o! consciousness and awareness. 2! you want to easily and naturally e.perience amma brainwaves# 2 hi hly recommend tryin any o! the pro rams in my Orecommended productsP section. Brainwave entrainment is an easy process that involves simply listenin to a tone *stimulus, and your brainwaves will automatically# naturally shi!t in order to match the desired !re(uency associated with the acoustic tone. 2! you have Leuro1Hro rammer 0 or 6ind 8tereo# 2 recommend creatin a customi'ed amma brainwave session at /% &'. @hy /% &'? /% &' is the brainwave o! choice and has been lin<ed to the most power!ul# positive e!!ects which are currently associated with the amma brainwave. /etting a good night?s sleep 1 5amma brainwave activity is present in 3apid14ye 6ovement *3.4.6., 8leep and is sometimes associated with dreamin . 5ettin a ood ni ht>s sleep is important !or stayin healthy# <eepin a healthy# power!ul brain. 5amma brainwaves also increase the moment we awa<en. "hou h we are in the theta brainwave !or most 3.4.6. sleep# the amma brainwave is present alon with the theta. 6ost non1dream# deep sleep is lin<ed to an increase in delta brainwave activity# whereas dream1sleep is mostly lin<ed to amma and theta brainwave activity. 6editation 1 "he oal o! most types o! meditation is to lower the brainwaves into the alpha1theta brainwave ran e. @ith that said# as you learn to become more aware and increase awareness o! your brainwave state# your amma brainwave activity will naturally increase. A very sa!e# healthy way to attempt to increase your amma brainwaves is to ma<e the act o! meditation a daily habit or start up a meditation routine. 2! you are already meditatin # reat 1 you>ll naturally increase your awareness. As you increase your awareness# your amma brainwave will increase. (ypnosis . *elf-hypnosis 1 "he oal o! all hypnosis and sel!1hypnosis pro rams is to tar et the lower brainwave ran es *i.e. alpha and theta, and implant new belie!s. "hou h you are slowin your brainwaves# your concentration levels are s<yroc<etin as well. Only havin lar e amounts o! alpha and theta without amma would ma<e sel!1hypnosis very di!!icult and an ine!!ective practice. "he more o!ten you participate in sel!1hypnosis# the more your amma brainwave amplitude will increase. -oga - 5i)e #editation - yo a is yet another activity that promotes rela.ation and wellbein by shi!tin your brainwaves and increasin your perception o! reality. Brainwaves o! yo is have shown that they are able to increase their amma brainwaves to hi her than avera e amounts. "hou h there are many di!!erent types o! yo a# i! they are practiced correctly# they can be utili'ed to increase awareness and ain valuable insi ht !rom within.

nhealthy ways to increase ga##a $rainwa'es?

There are no )nown unhealthy acti'ities that increase ga##a $rainwa'es Virtually all acti'ities that are detri#ental to #ental health2 decrease the a#ount of ga##a $rainwa'e acti'ity in the $rain "hin s li<e eneral anesthesia# stress# and <illin brain cells will decrease your brain>s natural production and amount o! amma brainwave activity. As amma brainwave activity decreases# susceptibility to depression# stress# and un!ocused or impulsive thin<in may overta<e the brain.

0inal e'aluation of ga##a $rainwa'es1

2 personally thin< that amma brainwaves are very invi oratin # reality enhancin # and reat !or everyone to e.perience. "he advanced !ocus# learnin ability# and perception o! consciousness is somethin that everyone should e.perience. "he amma brainwave is a natural antidepressant and e.periencin the power o! /% &' !eels awesome. &owever# you should be the =ud e as to whether or not increasin amma is the brainwave you want to e.periment with. 2! you are already e.periencin many o! the listed Obene!its#P your amma brainwave could be within it>s healthiest ran e. Are you already a very smart# compassionate person? 2! so# chances are hi h that your brain could be naturally producin a !air amount o! amma brainwave activity. &owever# most people do not e.perience lar e amounts o! the amma brainwave unless they are in a state o! compassion meditation. 2! you thin< you are one o! the rare people that actually have too much o! a conscious perception o! reality and are sli htly an.ious# you may not want to increase your amma brainwaves. 2 hi hly recommend entrainin the /% &' amma brainwave to see how you react. 6ost people don>t produce lar e amounts o! amma naturally and most people can bene!it. "here is not much documented evidence that the amma brainwave can even be entrained# but most people that 2>ve tal<ed to claim that it does have an e!!ect. 2 have also iven the /% &' amma brainwave a shot and have !ound it to be e.tremely e!!ective !or increasin my !ocus. 2! you purchase Leuro1 Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional or any o! my recommended brainwave products# you can create a customi'ed /% &' amma brainwave session or use a speciali'ed one that>s already built into the library. "he built1in amma brainwave sessions are supposed to be reat. 2 usually stic< to creatin my own amma sessions with custom !re(uencies. 2! you are con!used about your brainwave pattern# consider ivin Leuro1Hro rammer 0 Hro!essional some e.perimentation and seein how your brain reacts and your reality is shi!ted.

If you?d li)e to e3perience /a##a $rainwa'es1

2! you have ever iven amma brainwaves a shot# 2>d really li<e to hear about your e.perience in the comments section. 2! you are interested in e.periencin some amma brainwaves or have any (uestions !or me# !eel !ree to send me a messa e throu h my contact !orm. 2 appreciate when you buy products throu h my re!erral ads to help me pay !or blo hostin services and the promotion o! this blo T 2ncreasin your amma brainwave pattern is de!initely an e.perience that has potential to boost your brain power and ta<e your brain to a hi her level o! !unctionin .

"his is a listin o! !re(uencies that various parties have claimed can a!!ect the human mind or body in some way. "he !ollowin sorts o! !re(uencies are included

Brainwave -re(uency Bistin Brainwave -re(uencies 1 "hese are !re(uencies associated with various mental states. ;sin brainwave entrainment# you can coa. your brainwaves to a certain !re(uency# and in doin so# achieve the mental state associated with that !re(uency. 7&ealin 7 -re(uencies 1 "hese are !re(uencies that various parties claim could be used to heal illnesses o! di!!erent <inds# or stimulate some re ion o! the body *cha<ras,. "he medium used to do this varies 1 some o! these parties used devices that enerated 46 !ields which were applied to a precise part o! the body# while others used vibration and sound. *2 donQt have any e.perience with usin 46 !ields 1 most o! my personal toyin about with this stu!! uses a sound medium., Latural Hhenomena -re(uencies 1 "his includes natural !re(uencies that occur in nature R8chumannQs 3esonance# !or instanceS# as well as sound tones calculated !rom the revolution/orbit o! the various planets. "he sources o! these !re(uencies claimed that they could a!!ect humans in a variety o! ways. "he ori inal pa e that 2 be an buildin this compiled in!ormation !rom is<tcp/research/!re(.htm "he in!ormation in reen is !rom this ori inal pa e. "he in!ormation 2Qve added is in violet. 6y personal comments are in li ht blue. &yperlin<ed words have lossary de!initions that you can access by clic<in on them. "o !ind the ori inal source !or any o! this in!ormation Ror where 2 ot it# at leastS# chec< the letters in brac<ets at the end o! the entry and re!er to the biblio raphy. "his is also where 2Qll ive any indications about what medium the source !or the in!ormation used *sound# li ht# 46 !ields# or vibrations,. By de!ault# assume it to be sound.


JFJB48 H43 84JOLA *&43"X,# and Jorrespondences to 64L"AB 8"A"48#

H&F82OBO5F# JOBO38# LO"48 9 HBAL4"8 "hese !re(uencies are o! all typesI li ht# sound# electrical# etc. "he two1 or three1 character source codes a!ter each !re(uency are de!ined in the biblio raphy. %.$1$ Or an/muscle resonances R88S %.$1) Aelta ran e# accordin to RL4;]J32S 1 deep sleep# lucid dreamin # increased immune !unctions# hypnosis RL4;SI Aecreased awareness o! the physical world. Access to unconscious in!ormation. Aominant brainwave in in!ants under one year old. "his ran e normally decreases when we !ocus# but this doesnQt happen when a person with AAA 1 delta waves actually increase when they try and !ocus. RJ32SI 76onroe !ocus 0$7 R6B0 via A@SI %.$G 1 $% 1 Leural ias RA"S %.$? 1 $% 1 6od. therapy RA"S %.0% 1 %.0G 1 Aental pain RA"S %.0% 1 $% 1 Host1traumatics RA"S %.0? 1 0.$: 1 Alcohol addiction RA"S %.0? 1 $% 1 Arthritis RA"S %.)% 1 %.$: 1 Aepression RA"S %.)% 1 $% 1 Jervobrachial syndrome RA"S %.)7 1 0.$: 1 Aru addiction RA"S %./% 1 $% 1 Jon!usion RA"S %./: 1 $% 1 6uscle pain RA"S Below %.: 1 4psilon ran e# e.traordinary states o! consciousness# hi h states o! meditation# ecstatic states o! consciousness# hi h1level inspiration states# spiritual insi ht# out1o!1body e.periences# Fo ic states o! suspended animation. RJL3S %.: 1 very # a ainst headache R6BS# !or lower bac< pain RA8S I "hyroid# reproductive# e.cretory stimulant# whole brain toner R88S %.:1$.: Hain relie! R88 ] J6HS I endorphins# better hypnosis R88S

%.:1) Aelta ran e# accordin to R3AS %.:1/ Aelta ran e# accordin to R88#H@6]A@2S. Aeep dreamless sleep# trance# suspended animation R88SI Anti1a in . 3educes amount o! cortisol# a hormone associated with stress 9 a in . 2ncreases the levels o! A&4A *anti1a in , 9 melantonin *decreases a in process., RBA3SI Associated with unconscious mind 9 sleep state 1 in con=unction with other !re(uencies in a wa<in state# 7Aelta acts as a !orm o! radar W see<in out in!ormation W reachin out to understand on the deepest unconscious level thin s that we canQt understand throu h thou ht process.7 Hrovides intuition# empathetic attunement 9 instinctual insi ht. RA@2SI Jonducive to miracle type healin # divine <nowled e# inner bein 9 personal rowth# rebirth# trauma recovery# 7one with the universe7 e.periences *samadhi,# near death e.perience# characteri'ed by 7un<nowin 7# merely a bliss!ul 7bein 7 state such as deep sleep or coma. RH@6 via A@S "he anti1a in in!o comes !rom a Brainwave 5enerator preset authored by "he6ind0 1 he uses binaurals at %.:# $.%# $.:# 0.%# 0.:# ).%# ).: 9 /.% &X. "hey all play simultaneously. %.+ 4uphoria R88S %.+: 1 $% 1 @hiplash RA"S $1) 1 Aelta: deep# dreamless sleep# trance state# non1346 sleep R??SI pro!ound rela.ation# restorative sleep# !eelin s o! tran(uility9peace# i! one can remain aware RC;5 via A@S "hereQs disa reement over where the delta ran e be ins 9 ends 1 R88#H@6]A@2S list it as %.: to /.% &X# RL4;S %.$ to ).% &X# 9 R3AS considers it %.: to ).% &X. $.% 1 -eelin o! well1bein # pituitary stimulation to release rowth hormoneI overall view o! inter1relationshipsI harmony 9 balance R6BS $.%: &elps hair row ] et its color bac< R3ASI pituitary stimulation to release rowth hormone *helps develop muscle# recover !rom in=uries# re=uvenation e!!ects, R&8@S $.0 1 *used on, headaches R38S $./: 1 "ri1thalamic entrainment !ormat. Accordin to 3onald de8trulle# creates entrainment between hypothalamus# pituitary 9 pineal. 6ay bene!it dysle.ics ] people with Al'heimerQs. R6H0S $.: Abrahams ;niversal &ealin 3ate R88SI 8leep RL4;SI "hose individuals whose ailments have mani!ested into the !ourth sta e o! Jhronic -ati ue# where

some !orm o! disease is apparent# e.perienced a release !rom the ne ative sensation o! their symptoms when moved into $.:&X. RLF" via L4;S $.? 8inus Jon estion seems to clear centerin around $.? &X R6H"S *tested with binaural beats# primarily, 0.% Lerve re eneration RLO3S 0.%G Associated with coccy. *small trian ular bone at end o! the spinal column, R"O8S 0.$: 1 $% 1 "endova inatis RA"S 0.)% Associated with enitals R"O8S 0.: 1 pain relie!# rela.ation R6BSI production o! endo enous opiates. R4QSI ;se !or sedative e!!ect R48HSI 8edative e!!ect 1 reported use on bleedin # bruises# insomnia# and sinusitis. R38S 8e.ual stimulation? R8XS 0.:7 Associated with bladder R"O8S 0.G7 Associated with intestines R"O8S ).%1:.: 1 7"heta$7 3an e. RA@S RA@S divides the "heta 3an e into "heta$ 9 "heta0. ).% 2ncreased 3eaction "ime R3"S R88SI ).% &X 9 below used to reduce muscle tension headaches# but wor<ed less well on mi raines 9 sinus headaches. R34ASI used to treat aller ies# in con=unction with ))% &X R38S ).%7 Associated with hara *)cm or $.: inch below navel# balance o! pelvis, R"O8S ) 1 / 2n!luences physical vision R88S ) 1 G Jhildhood awareness/vivid memories R88]3AS ) 1 ? "heta 3an e accordin to RL4;SI deep rela.ation# meditation# increased memory# !ocus# creativity# lucid dreamin # hypna o ic state RL4;S )./ 1 8ound sleep ).: 1 -eelin o! unity with everythin # accelerated lan ua e retention R^SI enhancement o! receptivity R6BSI 4arth 3esonance *?, R88SI *a remedy !or, depression 9 an.iety R483SI @holebein re eneration# ALA stimulation R421dS

R6H"S 2 was under the impression the 4arth 3esonance is 7.?) &X 1 unless R88S is tal<in about a di!!erent earth resonance. ).:17.: 1 "heta 3an e Rper J32S 1 Jreativity# intuition# daydreamin # !antasi'in # recollection# ima ery# dreamli<e# switchin thou hts# drowsinessI 7oneness7# 7<nowin 7# repository !or memories# emotions# sensations. Jan lead to trance1li<e states. "heta stron durin internal !ocus# meditation# prayer ] spiritual awareness. 3e!lects state between wa<e!ulness] sleep. 3elates to subconscious. Observed in an.iety# behavioral activation]behavioral inhibition. Hromotes learnin ]memory when !unctionin normally. *2 thin< they mean it helps you process what youQve learned 1 i! you tried to actively learn while in the theta state# 2 doubt youQd have success 1 but sometimes the theta state can ive your subconscious a chance to chew the proverbial !at that youQve learned durin the day# and di est it., Abnormal in awa<e adults# but seen in children up to $) years old. 8uppression o! theta can help concentration/!ocus o! attention. RJ32S ).G *a remedy !or, an er 9 irritability R483S ).?/ Associated with ovaries *4!!ects=vitality# li!e at every level, R"O8S ).+ *a remedy !or, unsociable behavior R483SI "heta/Aelta brainwave ran e 1 crystal clear meditation# lucid dreams# enhanced inner awareness# 7!acilitates easy access to inner resources 9 creates space !or inner peace ] sel!1renewal7. R84AS /1G 1 attitude 9 behavior chan e R6&S /17 1 "heta 3an e : recall# !antasy# ima ery# creativity# plannin # dreamin # switchin thou hts# Xen meditation# drowsinessI Access to subconscious ima es# deep meditation# reduced blood pressure# said to cure addictions R88SI 3eset the brainQs sodium potassium levels# which cuts down on mental !ati ue R2L"SI 2ncreases se. drive R2L"S I 6editation# 2ntuitive Au mentation RL4;SI Lear 8leep brainwaves# conducive to pro!ound inner peace# 7mystical truths7# trans!ormin unconsciously held limitin belie!s# physical 9 emotional healin # purpose o! li!e e.ploration# inner wisdom# !aith# meditation# some psychic abilities# 9 retrievin unconscious material. RH@BSI bursts o! inspiration# twili ht sleep learnin # deep rela.ation# reverie# hi h levels o! awareness# vivid mental ima ery. &ypnopompic 9 &ypna o ic states RL88 via A@SI 6ilitary remote viewers operate in this ran e R3CXS 8ome disa reement over the theta ran e 1 RL4;S lists it as ).% to ?.% &X. RA@2S lists it as /.% to ?.% &X. R3AS 9 RH@BS both have it as /.% to 7.%. RA@S divides it into two ran es# "heta$ *).%1:.: h', 9 "heta0 *:.:1?.% h',. /.% 1 ?.% &X "heta 8tate accordin to RA@2S]RC;5 via A@S 1 present in dreamin sleep# deep meditation# storehouse o! creative inspiration# spiritual connection#

subconscious mind RA@2SI creative insi ht# twili ht *7sleep7, learnin # vivid mental ima ery. -ound in advanced meditators RC;5 via A@S /1$0 8<eletal muscle resonances R88S /.% 1 4n<ephalins# 4.trasensory perception R6BSI Astral Hro=ection# "elepathy# 78eduction mindset7 R421dSI Jatecholamines# vital !or memory 9 learnin # respond at around / &X. RH82SI 8ubconscious Hroblem 8olvin /-ull 6emory 8cannin *i! one can mana e to stay awa<e, R3A]JAC via A@SI Associated with ob=ect namin # an important aspect o! memory R"A6 via A@SI 7"hose who su!!er !rom Jhronic -ati ue e.haust very easily. @hen moved to /&X these individuals showed mar<ed improvement in the len th o! time between the occurrence o! e.haustion a!ter certain e.ercises were completed.7 RLF" via L4;S /.$$ Associated with <idneys *4!!ects=stren th, R"O8S /.: 8hamanic 8tate O! Jonsciousness/"ibetan Buddhist Jhants R66- via A@S /.:1G.: @a<e!ul dreamin # vivid ima es R88S /.G Associated with spleen 9 blood *4!!ects=4motional 2mpulse, R"O8S /.+ 1 2ntrospection R88SI 2nduce rela.ation# meditation# 9 deeper sleep R483S :.% 1 unusual problem solvin R^S reduced sleep needed# theta sounds replacin need !or e.tensive dreamin R2L"S I rela.ed states# pain1relie! *beta endorphin increases o! $%1:%N reported, R2L"SI Alle ed 8phincter 3esonance *mechanical,*not ood, R"BS :.% 1 $%.% 3ela.ation RL4;S :.$/ Associated with stomach *4!!ects=4motional Acceptance, R"O8S :.): Associated with lun s *4!!ects=O.y en# &eat, R"O8S :.:1?.% 7"heta07 !re(uency ran e : .. Jonsists o! trains *lon runs, o! rhythmic !rontal activity centerin at G.:1&' with amplitudes reachin the :%1$%% uC *micro1volt, ran e. .. 2s induced in some people by the per!ormance o! a mental tas< such as mental arithmetic# tracin a ma'e# countin the number o! cubes piled in a three1dimensional representation# 9 ima in a scene. .. 6ore common in e.troverts with low traits o! neurosis 9 an.iety. Because "heta0 is associated with mental tas<s 9 its in!luence is seen in evo<ed potential latencies# 6i'u<i *$+?7, believes that the appearance o! "heta0 closely relates to mechanisms o! attention or arousal. RA@S :.: 1 6oves beyond <nowled e to <nowin # shows vision o! rowth needed I

72nner 5uidance7 R88SI 2nner 5uidance# intuition# heat eneration R421dS :.? *reduce, -ear# Absent1mindedness# Ai''iness R483S G.% 1 lon term memory stimulation R6BS I *reduce, unwillin ness to wor< R483S G.% 1 $%.% Jreative Cisuali'ation 1 about Gh' !or a while# then up to $%h' RL4;S G1+.G 8omatic 3esponses# tin lin # pressure# heat R88S G.$: Associated with heart *4!!ects=love#warmth, R"O8S G.01G.7 -rontal 6idline "heta *-m "heta, is a speci!ic 445 !re(uency seen in those sub=ects actively en a ed in co nitive activity# such as solvin math problems 9 playin "etris R"A6 via A@S G.0G1G.G &emispheric desync# con!usion# an.iety# low 3eaction "ime# depression insomnia R88S G.)% &' 1 6ental 9 astral pro=ection R88 seconded thisSI accelerated learnin 9 increased memory retention.R??SI *reduce, An er ] 2rritability R483S G.: 1 7Jenter7 o! "heta0 Brainwave -re(uency 3an e RA@SI 7Four !rontal lobe# or brain entrainment o! the two hemispheres is around G.: h'.7 R3AS 2 (uoted the second entry !rom R3AS directly# due to its ambi uity. 2t probably ties into what the :.:1?.% &X entry says above. G.? Hossible use !or muscle spasms R483S I associated with telepathy / 8chumann 3esonance RA&AS RA&AS associated G.? &X with the 8chumann 3esonance and the Alpha1"heta borderline. 2 thin< this is sli htly o!! 1 most sources consider the lowest !re(uency o! the 8chumann 3esonance to be 7.?) &X# and thatQs also considered the borderline between "heta brainwave and Alpha brainwaves. G.?? Associated with collarbones *4!!ects=vitality# overall balance# stability, R"O8S 7.% 1 ?.% -or healin purposes# li<e layin o! hands by a healer# or sel! vi'uali'ation in a healin situation R3ASI "reatment o! Addictions RA@S 7.% 1 6ental 9 astral pro=ection# bendin ob=ects# psychic sur eryI 2ncreased 3eaction "ime R88SI 6ass a re ate !re(uency *can dea re ate matter,# alle ed to resonate 9 rupture or ans at e.cessive intensity R"BSI "reatment o! sleep disturbances RH58 via A@SI Bone rowth RLO3S

7.: 1 2nter1awareness o! sel! 9 purposeI uided meditationI creative thou ht !or art# invention music# etc.I contact with spirit uides !or directionI entry into meditation R6BSI At 7.: &X sub=ects who be!ore su!!ered !rom con!used thin<in reported an ease at !indin solutions to troublesome problems a!ter a re1 evaluation was conducted. RLF" via L4;SI *?, 4arth ma netic !ield !re(uency# use!ul theta *brain, waves !re(uency R"BS 7.: 1 ? -or "reatin Alcohol ] Aru Addiction 1 "his ran e o! !re(uencies tells a person theyQre satis!ied# which is 7missin 7 in addictive personalities R3AS 7.G+ Associated with shoulders *4!!ects=stren th o! the arms# e.pansion# teachin , R"O8S 7.? 8chumann 3esonance *see 7.?) &X,# 48H activation R421dSI AoyereQs roup *$++),# !ound that short hi h !re(uency bursts at 7.7 &' induced B"H in pre!rontal corte.# thou h only !or one day. RAA via A@S 7.?1? 8timulates 48H# paranormal R88S 7.?) 1 4arth 3esonance# roundin R^S# 78chumann 3esonance.7 R"8# 483]&8@# 6A5SI anti1=etla # anti1mind control# improved stress tolerance R88SI psychic healin e.periments R483SI pituitary stimulation to release rowth hormone *helps develop muscle# recover !rom in=uries# re=uvenation e!!ects, R&8@SI 4arth 3esonance -re(uency 1 Qleaves you !eelin revitali'ed li<e youQve spent a day in the country.Q RH@6 via A@SI reports o! accelerated healin /enhanced learnin 1 7the earthQs natural brainwave7 R6A5S R&8@S notes that hi her octaves o! the 7.?) 8chumann 3esonance can also stimulate the pituitary in the same way that 7.?) &X can 1 especially )$.)0 &X. *One needs to be care!ul to distin uish between octaves o! the 7.?) 8chumann 3esonance# and the other si. 8chumann 3esonances# which are not hi her octaves o! 7.?) &X., ?1?.G 3educed 8tress/An.iety R88S ?.%1$%.% learnin new in!ormation R6&SI Alpha 1 3apid 3e!reshment $: min RL4;SI 7BO@ ABH&A7 inner1awareness o! sel!# mind/body inte ration# balance RJ32S ?.%1$0.% 1 Alpha ran e *per L4;# 3A# H@6# L88 9 J32, 1 li ht rela.ation# 7super learnin 7# positive thin<in . RL4;SI Jonducive to creative problem solvin # accelerated learnin # mood elevation# stress reduction# etc.# characteri'ed by intuitive insi hts# creative 7=uice7# inspiration# motivation# daydreams etc. 3ela.ed# yet alert RH@6 via A@SI Associated with calm# rela.ed# un!ocused *not concentratin ,# lucid mental states# dream sleep 9 pleasant dri!tin !eelin s or

emotions. RL88 via A@S I promotes mental resource!ulness# aids in mental coordination# enhances rela.ation# 7Jan move (uic<ly ] e!!iciently to accomplish whatever tas< is at hand.7# !eelin s o! 7at ease7 ] calm# promotes ood moods# a brid e between conscious ] subconscious# alpha waves indicate a person is alert but not actively processin in!ormation# seen more in e.troverts than introverts# seen durin creative problem solvin RJ32S As you can see# di!!erent sources contradict each other. 8ome paint Alpha as a ran e o! rela.ed attentiveness# ideal !or learnin . Others associate it with 7daydreamin 7 Rwhich doesnQt sound li<e it would be ood !or learnin S. ;nless theyQre not tal<in the 7attentive7 sort o! learnin Ri.e. sittin in a classroom ta<in notesS# but rather the 7tryin to assemble it all to ether in our heads7 sort o! learnin # where our subconscious is doin most o! the wor< in the bac< round# and our conscious mind ta<es a bac<seat. 2 see the Alpha ran e as the !ine line between daydreamin and alertness. 2tQs li<e a baseball player on a base 1 heQll move away !rom the base# so that he can steal i! the opportunity presents itsel!. But he always stays close enou h to the base so he can et bac< in case the pitcher throws the ball to the baseman. Alpha 3an e is the same way 1 itQs close enou h to the 7attentive7 mental state !or us to o to it as needed. But we can also (uic<ly retreat into the realm o! sleep i! need be. R6H"S ?1$) 1 Alpha ran e 1 Lon1drowsy but rela.ed# tran(uil state o! consciousness# primarily with pleasant inward awarenessI body/mind inte ration. I Ampli!ies dowsin # empty1mind states# detachment# daydreams# mind/body inte ration. *can cause, epilectic sei'ures R88SI Lote : RL4;S# R3AS# RH@6S# RL88S ] RJ32S consider the alpha ran e to be ?.%1 $0.%. RA@2S considers it +.%1$/.%. RC;5S has it as +.%1$).%. ?1$/ 1 Qi 5on and in!ratonic Qi 5on machine RQ5S ?.% 1 Hast li!e re ression R^SI 6ore Bymphocytes# ALA repair *3AA1G, R88SI Associated with Base/6uladhara cha<ra *Jolor=3ed, *Body Harts=Adrenals# 8pinal Jolumn# Eidneys, *4!!ects=Hhysical ener y# will to live,*Lote=J, RO6BS ?.00 Associated with mouth *4!!ects=speech# creativity, R"O8S ?.) 1 Hic< up visual ima es o! mental ob=ects R??SI clairvoyance R88SI 76onroe -ocus $0?7 RL4;S ?.G1+.? 2nduces sleep# tin lin sensations R88S +.%# $$.%# $G.% RbadS documented calcium ion mi ration *brain tissue, R88S "hereQs some disa reement over whether these !re(uencies o!!er anythin to !ear when used !or binaural beats. &ereQs the thread !rom the Brainwave

5enerator messa e board : http:// roup/bw en/messa e//:+0 +.% 1 $).% 1 Alpha 3an e *accordin to RC;5S, 1 rela.ed# not thin<in about anythin in particular# sometimes a pleasurable !eelin o! 7!loatin 7. O!ten dominant in certain <inds o! meditation# alpha waves have !or the past twenty years been associated with calm# lucid mental states *the 7alpha state7,. "heyQre also o!ten detected durin dream sleep. "his pattern typically occurs in daydreamin # rela.ed awareness# uided or !ocused ima ery 9 smoothly rhythmic athletic activity. "hereQs o!ten a euphoric# e!!ortless !eelin o! 7!low7 as the doer is absorbed in activity and sub=ect ] ob=ect are !elt to be united. RC;5 via A@S +.% 1 $/.% Alpha ran e *accordin to RA@2S, 1 3ela.ed 9 detached awareness# visuali'ation# sensory ima ery# li ht reverie. Also# ateway to meditation 1 provides brid e between the conscious 9 subconscious mind. RA@2S +.% 1 Awareness o! causes o! body imbalance 9 means !or balanceR^S Blind person phantom touch readin *somatosensory corte., R3ASI Associated with 8acral/8vadhisthana cha<ra *Jolor=Oran e, *Body Harts=5onads# 3eproductive 8ystem, *4!!ects=3elationships/8e.uality, *Lote=A, RO6BS +.$+ Associated with upper lip *4!!ects=emotions# con!lict resolution, R"O8S +./ 6a=or !re(uency used !or prostate problems. R483S 1 8el!1e.planatory. =, +./$ 1 Hyramid !re(uency *outside, +.:1$% 1 Jenter o! Alpha 3an e 1 "he brainQs scannin /idlin !re(uency 1 indicatin a brain standin by# waitin to 7 ive way to beta should attention be re(uired# or be the brid e# the ate# to "heta 9 Aelta !or drowsiness# sleep# and certain co nitive challen es. RA@S &e ives credit !or the Qbrain scannin Q !actoid to 4ccles 9 @alter *$+:%,. *2t was their conclusion., +.G 1 6ean dominant !re(uency associated with earthQs ma netic !ield R4QSI -acial "onin R483S *2Qm not completely sure what 7!acial tonin 7 is.. Anybody?, +.?1$%.G Alertness R88S $% 1 enhanced release o! serotonin 9 mood elevator# universally bene!icial# use to try e!!ects o! other R6BS. Acts as ananal esic# sa!est !re(uency# especially !or han over 9 =et la . R4QS 6e Hatterson used !or nicotine withdrawal. R6B)S dominant alpha !re(uency# clarity# normalcy# anti1convulsant# circadian rhythm resync# activate <idneys# raise body temp# more serotonin R88SI

5ood when tryin to correlate in!ormation by the subconscious 1 8ort o! a waitin !re(uency while the subconscious does the wor< at lower !re(uencies. R3ASI 6otor impulse coordination *6otor Jontrol corte., R3ASI Bearnin a !orei n lan ua e R3A]H@6 via A@SI Jenterin # 8leep 8pindles# Arousal R421dSI Associated with 8olar cha<ra *Jolor=Fellow, *Body Harts=Hancreas# 8tomach# Biver# 5all Bladder# Lervous 8ystem, *4!!ects=8piritual wisdom# sel!1healin ,*Lote=4, RO6BSI 2ncreased alertness *caused by an increase in norepinephrine ] serotonin 9 a decrease in melatonin,# sense o! well bein 9 decreased pain *caused by increase in beta1 endorphins, R34ASI Adrenal 8timulant R38SI 8i ni!icant improvements in memory# readin 9 spellin are reported *in con=unction with $? &X, R3;8 via A@SI "reatment !or Attention Ae!icit Aisorder/&yperactivity RB;B via A@SI "reatment !or closed head in=ury R&O- via A@SI QBer er 3hythmQ RB43 via A@SI *used on, headaches R38SI li ament healin RLO3S $%1$0: &25& ABH&A 3AL54 1 centerin # healin # mind/body connection RJ32S $%1$/ Aream/sleep spindles R88S $%.0 Jatecholamines $%.) Associated @ith Lasal Hassa es *4!!ects=breathin # taste, R"O8S $%.: 1 -re(uency !or healin o! body# mind/body unity# !irewal<in R^SI potent stabili'er 9 stimulatin !or the immunity# valuable in convalescence. R6BS 3ela.ed alertness# contemplation# body healin # mind over matter R88S Bowerin Blood Hressure R3A]H@6 via A@SI Associated with &eart/Anahata cha<ra *Jolor=5reen, *Body Harts="hymus# &eart# Blood# Jirculatory 8ystem, *4!!ects=Bove o! Bi!e# love o! sel!9others, *Lote=-, RO6BS $%.G 1 3ela.ed 9 alert $%.7 Associated with ears *4!!ects=hearin # !ormal concepts, R"O8S $$.% *9 Below, 1 8tress 3eduction *A@, $$1$/ -ocused alertness R88S $$.% *used to, achieve 7rela.ed yet alert7 states. RH@6S $$.:1$/.: An implication !or neurotherapy is that i! increased intelli ence ] mental e!!iciency is the ob=ective# then a !re(uency band with a $)1&' center should be used. A more desirable !re(uency band than $0 to $:1&' is $$.: to $/.:1&'. RA@S $0.% 1 Jenterin # doorway to all other !re(uencies R^S I !re(uency o! earth resonance *&ercules 1 a researcher,I Jenterin # mental stability# transitional

point# time seems !aster R88SI "o stimulate mental clarity R483SI Associated with "hroat/Cishuddha cha<ra *Jolor=Blue, *Body Harts="hyroid# Bun s# Cocal Jords, *4!!ects=4.pression/sel! in society,*Lote=5, RO6BS $0.%1)G.% Beta 3an e Rper J32S 1 dominant brainwave in alert/awa<e/an.ious adults with their eyes open. Jomes into play when 7listenin 9 thin<in durin analytical problem solvin # =ud ment# decision ma<in # processin in!ormation about the world around us.7 RJ32S $0.%1$/.% Bearnin -re(uency 1 5ood !or absorbin in!ormation passively# when you plan to thin< about it later. R3AS R3AS distin uishes between active studyin where youQre processin in!ormation 9 passive studyin where youQre =ust tryin to absorb in!ormation ] plan to thin< about it later. -or the !ormer# he su ests )G to // &X. $0.%1$:.% Beta *low, 1 rela.ed !ocus# improved attentive abilities RL4;]J32SI "reatin &yperactivity R3AS I 8ensorimotor 3hythm *863, 1 ;sed in the treatment o! mild autism RA;" via A@S $0.) Associated with eyes *4!!ects=Cisuali'ation, R"O8S $)107 1 Beta 3an e *accordin to RL88S, 1 Associated with !ocused attention towards e.ternal stimuli# alert mental activity# normal wa<in consciousness# 9 active thou ht processes. RL88 via A@S $)1)% 1 Beta 3an e 1 Lormal wa<e!ulness# the ta<in in 9 evaluatin o! various !orms o! data received throu h the senses. 2tQs present with worry# an er# !ear# hun er 9 surprise. R^S @a<in state# motivation# outer awareness# survival# problem solvin # arousal# dendrite rowth# combats drowsiness R88SI Jonscious "hin<in # Autonomic Hrocesses 9 4motions R4&S RL88S considers Beta to be $)107 &X# RA@2S considers it $/1)? &X# RH@6S 9 R3AS consider it $)1/% &X# and RC;5S *seems to, consider it $/1)% &X. RJ32S lists it as either $01)G or $/1)G 1 it contradicts itsel! in di!!erent parts o! the article. RL4;S brea<s up Beta into ran es 1 Bow Beta=$01$: &X# 6id Beta=$:1$? &X# 9 &i h Beta=$?.%] &X. RJ32S does as well. $)1/% Beta 3an e *accordin to R3AS ] RH@6S, 1 a hi h !re(uency pattern# conducive to stimulatin ener y ] actionI most o! our current institutionali'ed education is beta eared# characteri'ed by lo ical# analytical# intellectual thin<in # verbal communication# etc. RH@6 via A@S $).% 1 Alle ed sphincter resonance *mechanical,*not ood, R"BSI Associated with Brow/A=na cha<ra *Jolor=2ndi o/Ciolet, *Body Harts=Hituitary#Bower Brain# Be!t

4ye# 4ars# Lose# Lervous 8ystem,*4!!ects=Cisuali'ation# Jonceptuali'ation,*Lote=A, RO6BS $).? 1 Associated with -rontal Bobes *4!!ects=the seventh sense# !inal decision, R"O8S $/1$G 1 associated with sleep spindles on 445 durin second sta e o! sleep R4QS Rnote 88 said $%1$/S $/1$: 1 8lows conditioned re! R88S $/.%1)%.% 1 Beta 3an e *?2 thin<? accordin to C;5, 1 "his pattern is optimal !or intense mental activities such as calculations# linear lo ical analyses 9 other hi hly structured !unctions RC;5 via A@S $/.% 1 Awa<e 9 alert R??SI Alert !ocusin # vitality# concentration on tas<s R88?SI 8chumann 3esonance *0nd o! 7 !re(uencies. 7.?) &X bein the !irst, R"8]&8@SI 2ntelli ence 4nhancement in con=unction with 00.% &X *medium=audio1visual stimulation, RAH4S RAH4S used audio1visual stimulation alternatin between $/ 9 00 &X. Jhec< the lin< under RAH4SQs biblio raphy entry !or more in!ormation. $/.$ 74arth 3esonance7 R88SI 4arth &armonics 1 accelerated healin R421dS *probably tied to 8chumann 3esonance above., $:.%1$?.% Beta *mid, 1 increased mental ability# !ocus# alertness# 2Q RL4;]J32SI 7alert but not a itated7/7aware o! sel! 9 surroundin s7 RJ32SQI $:10/ 4uphoria R88S 2 will vouch !or this one 1 2 !ind binaurally produced tones between $? &X 9 0$ &X have very pleasant results# in a =o erQs hi h sort o! way. "his e!!ect seems the stron est around 0% &X. @hile other sources e(uate this !re(uency ran e with stress# 2Qm thin<in it mi ht be li<e the roar o! a car en ine 1 in small doses# it can be (uite a rush# but too much o! it can lead to a headache. "he serotonin system is !unny li<e that. R6H"S $: 1 chronic pain R6BSI 8ound which bypasses the ears !or sublimination *auditory corte., R3ASI Associated with Jrown/8ahasrara cha<ra *Jolor=Ciolet/@hite, *Body Harts=Hineal# ;pper Brain# 3i ht 4ye,*4!!ects=2nte ration o! personality 9 spirituality.,*Lote=B, RO6BSI capillary !ormation# !ibroblast proli!eration# decreased s<in necrosis RLO3S $:./ 1 Associated with Jorte. *4!!ects=intelli ence, R"O8S

$G.% 1 bottom limit o! normal hearin R6H0SI 3elease o.y en 9 calcium into cells RJJS $G./ Associated with top o! head *4!!ects=spirit# liberation# transcendence, R"O8S $?.%100.% 1 Beta: outward awareness# sensory data R??S I "hrows brainQs sodium/potassium levels out o! balance# resultin in mental !ati ue. R2L"SI "heoretically can be used to achieve a 7rela.ed body/!ocus mind7 state o! consciousness RA@S R2L"S ] RA@S seem to contradict each other here. $?.%] Beta *hi h, 1 !ully awa<e# normal state o! alertness# stress 9 an.iety RL4;SI 8i ni!icant improvements in memory# readin 9 spellin are reported *in con=unction with $% &X, R3;8 via A@SI *used to, improve hyperactive behavior RH@6 via A@SI Associated with mental activity li<e math ] plannin 1 alert# but may also be a itated RJ32S 0%1)% Hhospene ima ery# pea< luminosity in visual !ield R88S 0%1/% 6editation -or 8tress 3elie!/Kust At "he 4d e O! Audible 8ound/As A 6usical Bac<round R3AS 0%.% 1 !ati ue# ener i'e. Jauses distress durin labor.R4QSI &uman &earin "hreshold R88SI 8chumann 3esonance *)rd !re(uency o! 7, R"8]&8@SI 2mposin subconscious commands on another *thou ht center, R3ASI 8timulation o! pineal land R483SRKBS I &elps with tinnitis *a condition that causes ear1rin in , RKBSI Adrenal 8timulant# *used on, sinus disorders/sinus in!ection/head cold/headache R38SI Jommonly used 7cure1all7 3i!e -re(uency RJ3S 0%.0$: B8A10: RH82S *he implies it could mimic the e!!ects o!, 0%.) 74arth 3esonance7 R88S Hrobably the same thin as the 8chumann 3esonance at 0% &X. 00.% ;sed in con=unction with $/ &X !or intelli ence enhancement *medium=audio1visual stimulation,RAH4SI ;sed in con=unction with /% &X !or Qout o! bodyQ travel R4@2 via A@SI Also used with /% &X !or psychic healin . R-A& via A@S RAH4S used audio1visual stimulation alternatin between $/ and 00 &X. Jhec< the lin< under RAH4SQs biblio raphy entry !or more in!ormation. 00.%07 8erotonin RH82S *heQs unclear what he means by this,

0:.% Bypassin the eyes !or ima es imprintin *visual corte., R3ASI "ested clinically with patients who complain o! an.iety RH58 via A@S 0G.% 8chumann 3esonance */th !re(uency o! 7, R"8]&8@SI 0G.% 1 0?.% Astral Hro=ection / produced durin meditation by some RALOS 0G./ 74arth 3esonance7 R88S 07 1 // -re(uency ran e that cats purr at 1 said to have restorative e!!ects on the body# particularly the Qhealin and stren thenin o! bonesQ RBOLS 07.: lowest note on a piano R6H0S )% 6e Hatterson used !or mari=uana. R6B)S )% 1 G% 5amma 3an e 1 little <nown but includes decision ma<in in a !ear situation# muscle tension# R4&S R2L"S considers 5amma to start at /% &X. )% 1 $+% Bumba o RA"S )%1:%% &i h Beta: Lot associated currently with any state o! mind. 8ome e!!ects have been observed# but currently not enou h research has been done in this area# to prove# or disprove# anythin .I a !ew people able to replicate at will *?? 1 not sure what that last point means, 8tartin at )% &X# sources be in to seriously disa ree over what the names o! each ran e are. R4&S considers )% to be the be innin o! the 5amma ran e# which it believes run to G%. 2t then considers G% to $0% to be the Bambda ran e. 2ncidentally# R2L"S believes that /% is where Beta ends 9 5amma be ins. )$.)0 Hituitary stimulation to release rowth hormone *helps develop muscle# recover !rom in=uries# re=uvenation e!!ects, *this is a hi her octave o! the 7.?)&X 8chumann 3esonance, R&8@S Lote 1 LO" one o! the seven 8chumann 3esonances 1 itQs a hi her octave o! the 7.?) &X 8chumann 3esonance. 2 had ori inally thou ht it was related somehow to the 8chumann 3esonance at )) &X# and 2 was wron . *8orry., )0 Aesensiti'erI enhanced vi our 9 alertness R6BS

)) Jhrist consciousness# hypersensitivity# Hyramid !re(uency *inside, I 8chumann 3esonance *:th !re(uency o! 7, R"8S -un<y coincidence it lines up with the Jhrist Jonsciousness 9 Hyramid !re(uency# eh? 2Qve had some interestin results with this one 11 particularly when 2 overlap waves at +.% &X *pyramid outside !re(uency,. "he mind tends to wander in !unny ways. ): 1 $:% -ractures RA"S ): 1 $+) Arthral y RA"S ): Awa<enin o! mid1cha<ras# balance o! cha<ras )G 1 // Bearnin -re(uencies# @hen RActivelyS 8tudyin Or "hin<in . &elps "o 6aintain Alertness. @a<in Operatin 8tate R3ASI -re(uencies o! the ol!actory bulb# prepiri!orm corte. 9 amy dala RA8& via A@SI Joordinates simultaneous processin o! in!ormation in di!!erent areas o! the brain. Associated with hi h1 level in!ormation processin . QA ood memory is associated with well1re ulated 9 e!!icient /% &X activity# whereas a /% &X de!iciency creates learnin disabilities.Q RJ32S )? 4ndorphin release R@BS )+.% 8chumann 3esonance RGth !re(uency o! 7S R"8S /%1G% an.iolytic e!!ects 9 stimulates release o! beta1endorphines R6BS /) 1 $+) Jarcinomatosis RA"S /%.% 1 dominant when problem solvin in !ear!ul situations. R4QS I 5amma 1 associated with in!ormation1rich tas< processin 9 hi h1level in!ormation processin RL4;SI 7Q-or scientists who study the human brain# even its simplest act o! perception is an event o! astonishin intricacy. /% &' brain activity may be a <ind o! bindin mechanismQ# said Ar. 3odol!o Blinas a pro!essor o! neuroscience at Lew For< ;niversity. Blinas believes that the /%1cycle1per1 second wave serves to connect structures in the corte. where advanced in!ormation processin occurs# and the thalamus# a lower brain re ion where comple. relay 9 inte rative !unctions are carried out.7 RL64 via L4;SI ;sed in con=unction with 00 &X !or Qout o! bodyQ travel R4@2 via A@SI Also used with 00 &X !or psychic healin . R-A& via A@SI 7/%11&' activity varies !rom )?.? to /%.$1 &'# re ardless o! the electrode site. "he avera e !re(uency is in the [)+.:1&' ran e. 2n summary# when the body is pro!oundly rela.ed 9 the mind is in a state o! hi h !ocus and concentration# 0% 9 /%1&' brain activity can be seen in the raw and (uantitative 445 o! some sub=ects. 2t is possible that $? to 001&' Beta 9 possibly /%1&' neuro!eedbac< trainin may help create a 7rela.ed body/!ocused

mind7 state o! consciousness.7 RA@SI Activity in the ectosylvian 9 lateral corte.# medial eniculate# reticular !ormation# center median thalamus 9 hippocampus R3O@ via A@SI Jon!irmin 8heer et al.Qs wor<#compared the 445 o! middle1 9 hi h12.Q. sub=ects durin mental multiplication activity. A /%1&' rhythm occurred =ust prior to the sub=ectQs answerin the (uestion. -orty11&' pulses are thou ht to lead to synchroni'ation ] coordination o! neurons assi ned to the processin o! incomin sensory stimulation. Hut in 7computerese#7 /%1&' may be the brainQs 7operatin system7 !re(uency R52A via A@S 2nvolved 2n "he Hrocessin O! Hsi 2n!ormation *see note, R46JS Jonsidered the dividin point between beta waves ] amma waves# althou h thereQs some disa reement about this. R2L"S http://brain.web1'/de!ault.htm 5amblers were presented a computer screen with !our playin cards shown on them# and then as<ed to uess which o! the !our cards would appear on the screen by itsel! ne.t. "heir uessin was about as accurate as random chance# B;" when they had their eyes on the correct card that would inevitably turn up# the amount o! /%&X activity re isterin in their brain was hi her. 5o here !or more in!ormation: http:// roup/bw en/messa e/)GG? /:.% 8chumann 3esonance *7th !re(uency o! 7,R"8S /G.+? 1 ;se!ul !or 7weird e!!ects7 *use with G0.G/ &X and 7%./7 &X, R"BS R"BS ets the award !or most ambi uous description. Althou h# 2Qm includin it since itQs a very speci!ic !re(uency. 2Qll research it !urther and try to di up some additional in!ormation. :%1G% Aocumented ne ative e!!ects too numerous to mention "here is no correlation iven with si nal stren th or modality used# i.e. audio1visual# 46-# ma netic# electrostatic# ravitic. Also# most 4B- research is now 5ovt classi!ied# particularly since the mid1$+G%Qs when &amer discovered behavioral e!!ects as the result o! applied sinusoidal !ield radients as low as / volts. R88 via A@S :%.% 1 dominant !re(uency o! polyphasic muscle activity# mains electrical in ;.E. R4QSI 8lower cerebral rhythms R??S ::.% 1 "antric yo aI stimulates the <undalini. R^S G% 1 $0% Bambda 3an e 1 Bittle <nown but includes central nervous system activity R4&S G% electric power lines G0.G/ 1 ;se!ul !or 7weird e!!ects7. *use with /G.+? &X and 7%./7 &X, R"BS

G) Astral pro=ection R^S G:.? Associated with coccy. *small trian ular bone at end o! the spinal column, *hi her octave o! 0.%G &X, R"O8S 7%1+#%%% Coice spectrum R6H$S 7% 6ental 9 astral pro=ection I 4ndorphin production/used with electroanal esia. RCHBS 7%./7 ;se!ul !or 7weird e!!ects7. *use with /G.+? &X and G0.G/ &X, R"BS 70 4motional spectrum R??SI ;sed on sinusitis/sinus in!ection/head cold R38S 7).G Associated with enitals *hi her octave o! 0.)% &X, R"O8S ?% Awareness 9 control o! ri ht direction. Appears to be involved in stimulatin :1 hydro.ytryptamine production# with $G%&'. Jombine with 0.: &'. R4QS ?0.) Associated with bladder *hi her octave o! 0.:7 &X, R"O8S ?) "hird eye openin !or some people ?:.: Associated with intestines *hi her octave o! 0.G7 &X, R"O8S +%.% 1 $$$.% Hleasure1producin beta1endorphins rise between these !re(uencies. RH82S 2n the 62A2 scale# the notes that would !all in this ran e be in with -_) and o up to A). R7A)7 bein the !ourth octave up 11 since thereQs an A%# and A$# A0 lower than it.S Hlayin the -_) and the A) as a chord seems to !unction as a ood pain<iller. An additional undertone in the alpha ran e o! !re(uencies sometimes helps too. R"ry addin a tone around $0.: &XS. +%.% 5ood !eelin s# security# well1bein # balancin R??S +:.%1$0:.% Acoustical 3esonances o! Assorted Ancient 8tructures RAJ8 via A@S +:.% ;se !or pain alon with )%/% &X R483S +?./ Associated with hara *)cm or $.: inch below navel# balance o! pelvis, *hi her octave o! ).%7 &X, R"O8S $%% Jan help with pain Rused with electrical stimulationS RJ6HS

"he site speci!ically mentions it can be ood !or pain initially# but then recommends usin %.: or $.: to treat pain. $%: Overall view o! complete situation $%? "otal <nowin $$%.% -re(uency associated with stomach. RLote=AS RB&$SRB&/SI Associated with ovaries *4!!ects=vitality# li!e at very level, *hi her octave o! ).?/ &X, R"O8S $$$ Beta endorphins R6B0S. cell re eneration R??S $$7.) -re(uency associated with Hancreas RLote=J_S RB&$SRB&/S $0% 1 :%% H.8.2.# movin o! ob=ects# chan in matter# transmutation# psycho<inesis $0% &elps with !ati ue *6edium=pad,RKBSI *used on, sinus disorders/sinus in!ection/head cold R38S $0: 5raham potentiali'erI 8timulation R6&SI *used on, sinusitis R38S $0G.00 1 8un# )0nd octave o! 4arth year R&JSI "he -re(uency O! "he 8un *Lote=J, *Jolor=5reen, *"empo=$$?.) BH6, *Jha<ra=6anipura# also called &ara `associated with Lavel 9 )rd lumbar vertebraea, *4!!ects=advances the !eelin o! centerin o! ma ic 9 o! the transcendental, R&J/Hlanetware websiteS "here seems to be a little disa reement between R&JS 9 R&J/HlanetwareS over what e.actly this is the !re(uency o! 1 R&JS ties this into the period it ta<es the earth to revolve around the sun# while R&J/HlanetwareS says this is the !re(uency it would ta<e an ima inary planet to orbit the outside ed e o! the sun. 6y money is on the second# since there is another !re(uency that is iven !or the 4arth year. *$)G.$ &X, "his is tric<y to paraphrase# so here it is as it appeared on the Hlanetware website : 76editation carried out to this tone will lead to state beyond ood and bad# shame and uilt# beyond space and time# <nowled e and wisdom# action and rest an bein and not1bein . 2t leads to a state where bein has no name# to a state where the all1one and the all encompassin are no lon er separate entities but are reunited at their one common ori in# the ori in that is also you.7 $)0.% Associated with <idneys *4!!ects=stren th, *hi her octave o! /.$$ &X, R"O8SI Associated with coccy. *small trian ular bone at end o! the spinal column, *hi her octave o! 0.%G &X, R"O8S

$)G.$ 8un: li ht# warmth# =oy# animus R3CSI 3esonates with the earth year *Lote=J_, *Jolor="ur(ouise 5reen, *4!!ects=calmin # meditative# # centerin , RH82SI Heriod it ta<es earth to revolve around sun *"empo=G).?b$07.G, *Jha<ra=Anahate/&eart cha<ra,*4!! # soothin # balancin # harmony with the cosmos# associated with the soul `7!re(uency o! the soula, *6edicinal=8edative, *Other=si ni!icant tone in 2ndian music `called it the 7sad=a7 or 7!ather to others7 1 it was a <eynotea 1 corresponds to 7O67 9 the Jhristian 7A64L7, R&J/Hlanetware websiteS Lote : RH82S seems to disa ree a bit with the ori inal source on the list. RH82S says this one calms/centers# while the ori inal source seems to associate it with happiness. Also some disa reement between R3CS and R&J/HlanetwareS# once associatin this with the sun# and the other associatin this with the !re(uency with the earth year. 2 suppose you could associate the earth year with the sun# since itQs the time it ta<es the earth to o around the sun# but $0G.00 &X uses 7!re(uency o! the sun7 in a little di!!erent conte.t. 8ee the comments with that !re(uency !or more. $/%.0: Hluto: power# crisis 9 chan es R??SI -re(uency associated with the orbit o! HlutoI *Lote=J_, *Jolor=blue1 reen, *"empo=G:.7 b $)$./ BH6, *4!!ects = support the ma ic roup dynamic principle and is said to be responsible !or inte ration into certain structures o! society, R&J/Hlanetware websiteS $/$.07 6ercury: intellectuality# mobility R??SI -re(uency associated with orbit o! 6ercury *Lote=J_ or A, *Jolor=blue1 reen or blue, *"empo=GG.0, *Jha<ra=Cishudda/"hroat cha<ra, *4!!ects=8upports speech center and communicative1intellectual principle# associated with communication and cleverness, R&J/HlanetwareS R&J/HlanetwareS says the !re(uencies o! planets revolvin around the sun are less important than those o! the moon# sun# and 4arth. A ain# 2Qm not sure how R&J/planetwareS is associatin these !re(uencies with these cha<ras. `shru sa A discrepancy in the note and color 1 theyQre both iven twice 1 once as J_ and blue1 reen# the second time as A and blue. R&J/HlanetwareS and RB&S seem to associate di!!erent !re(uencies with the revolutions o! each planet 1 these !re(uencies are determined by &J/Hlanetware by ta<in hi her octaves o! the actual period 1 octaves that are in the audible ran e. RB&S mi ht use even hi her octaves than R&J/HlanetwareS does# or some other method completely. $//.% *helps with, headaches *6edium=pad,RKBS

$//.70 6ars: activity# ener y# !reedom# humor R??S I -re(uency associated with the orbit o! 6ars *Lote=A, *Jolor=blue, *"empo=G7.? b $):.G BH6, *4!!ect : 8upports stren th o! will and !ocused ener y# ability !or achievement, R&J/HlanetwareS $/G.% *used on, sinus in!ection/head cold R38S $/7.% Associated with the spleen/blood *4!!ects=4motional 2mpulse, *hi her octave o! /.G &X, R"O8SI Associated with enitals *hi her octave o! 0.)% &X, R"O8S $/7.?: 8aturn: separation# sorrow# death R??SI -re(uency associated with orbit o! 8aturn *Lote=A, *Jolor=Blue, *"empo=G+.) b $)?.G BH6, *4!!ects=enhances concentration and the process o! becomin conscious ] shows very clearly <armic connections# brin s structure and order 1 is considered to be a cosmic controller, R&J/HlanetwareS 2Qm not completely sure what the dual tempo means. 2Qll have to research that !urther. $G%.% Appears to be involved in stimulatin :1hydro.ytryptamine production# with ?% &'. R4QSI ;se !or rapid relie! !rom headaches R483SI used on sinus in!ection/head cold R38S $G/.) -re(uency associated with 5all Bladder RLote=4S RB&$SRB&/S $G:.% Associated with stomach *4!!ects=4motional Acceptance, *hi her octave o! :.$/ &X, R"O8SI Associated with bladder *hi her octave o! 0.:7 &X, R"O8SI $G:.%1$7%.% 8piritual !all/consciousness collapse RK6S RK6S said to avoid between $G:.% &X to $7% &X# 7althou h the repercussions e.tend !or a ways on either side o! that.7 &eQs not completely clear why he !eels this particular ran e should be avoided. *&e had said heQd o into more detail when Awa<enin 6ind 22 is released., $7$.% Associated with lun s *4!!ects=O.y en# &eat, *hi her octave o! :.): &X, R"O8SI Associated with intestines *hi her octave o! 0.G7 &X, R"O8S $70.%G 1 3esonates with the Hlatonic year `about 0G#%%% yearsa *Lote=-, *Jolor=purple1violet, *4!!ects==oy!ul# cheer!ul# spiritual e!!ect, RH82SI "he -re(uency O! "he Hlatonic Fear *Jolor=red1violet `purplea, *"empo=?%.G BH6, *Jha<ra=8ahasrar/Jrown cha<ra, *4!!ects=cheer!ulness# clarity o! spirit# cosmic unity on hi hest levels, *6edicinal=antidepressive, *Other=- is considered the tone o! the spirit# and had a lot o! si ni!icance to the Jhinese, R&J/Hlanetware

websiteS Other sources RH6S disa ree about the tone - bein associated with the Jrown cha<ra# which is how &J/Hlanetware connects this !re(uency to the crown cha<ra. RH6S considers the crown cha<ra to be associated with the B note# and not -. $7G.% 1 -re(uency associated with the colon. RLote=- or -_S RB&$SRB&/S $?).:? 1 Kupiter: rowth# success# =ustice# spirituality R??S I -re(uency associated with the orbit o! Kupiter *Lote=-_, *Jolor=3ed, *"empo=?G.%: b $70.$ BH6, *4!!ects : supports creative power and continuous construction, *Associated with Kupiter : 5enerosity# Jontinuity# 6a nanimity# Koviality, R&J/planetware websiteS $?:.% 1 *used on, sinus in!ection/head cold R38S $?7.G$ !re(uency o! 7moon culmination7 I R&J/planetware websiteS $+/.$? !re(uency o! 8ynodic 74arth7 Aay `the 7day tone7a *Lote=5, *Jolor=Oran e 3ed, *"empo=+$.% BH6, *Jha<ra=6uladhar/Base cha<ra, *4!!ects = dynamic# vitali'in ,*6edicinal=7toni!ies7, *Other=7weather determinin 7 spheric !re(uency# in!luences proteins# brin s one into harmony with nature7, R&J/planetware websiteS Lote : By 7weather determinin 7# R&J/planetwareS seems to imply that somebody tuned into this !re(uency may be able to predict the weather in the short1term !uture. 2Qm =ust a little# little bit s<eptical o! this one# but i! anybody has any luc< with it# let me <now. 2Qm not sure how R&J/planetwareS is associatin these cha<ras to these !re(uencies. 2t doesnQt seem to be based on the note# since 5 isnQt the note typically associated with the base cha<ra Rper H6S. "he associations mi ht tie in with somethin astrolo ical instead. `shru sa. $+/.7$ 1 4arth: stability# roundin R??SI Eey O! 5 resonates with !re(uency o! earth day# the color oran e1red# 9 has a dynamic# stimulatin # and ener i'in e!!ect on the body1mind. RH82S "here seems to be some disa reement between RH82S and the ori inal source !or this list. RH82S associates this !re(uency with ener i'in # while the ori inal source associates it with stability/ roundin . 2 thin< this one# and the one ri ht below it R$+7.7$ &XS mi ht be based on the same thin . One source mi ht have done a typo# and then other sources based their in!ormation !rom that.

$+7.% Associated with heart *4!!ects=love#warmth, *hi her octave o! G.$:, R"O8SI Associated with hara *)cm or $.: inch below navel# balance o! pelvis, *hi her octave o! ).%7 &X, R"O8S $+7.7$ !re(uency o! 8ideric Aay I R&J/planetware websiteS 0%7.)G 1 ;ranus: spontaneity# independence# ori inality R??SI -re(uency associated with orbit o! ;ranus `insert one o! do'ens o! bad =o<es herea *Lote=5_, *Jolor=Oran e, *"empo = +7.0 B6H, *4!!ects = supports the power o! surprise and renewal# has primeval and erotic power, R&J/planetware websiteS 0$%./0 !re(uency o! 8ynodic 6oon *Lote=5_, *Jolor=oran e, *"empo=+?.G BH6, *Jha<ra=8vadisthan `0nd Jha<raa, *4!!ects=stimulates se.ual ener y# supports erotic communication, *6edicinal=re ulation o! menstruation# disturbances in the land and lymph system, R&J/planetware websiteS 0$$.// 1 Leptune: the unconscious# secrets# ima ination# spiritual love R??SI !re(uency associated with orbit o! Leptune *Lote=5_, *Jolor=oran e, *"empo=++.$ BH6, *4!!ects = supports intuition# the unconsciousness# and enhances the dream e.perience, R&J/planetware websiteS 00%.% -re(uency associated with lun s. RLote = AS RB&$SRB&/S Associated with collarbones *4!!ects=vitality# overall balance# stability, *hi her octave o! G.?? &X, R"O8SI Associated with ovaries *4!!ects=vitality# li!e at very level, *hi her octave o! ).?/ &X, R"O8S 00$.0) 1 Cenus: beauty# love# se.uality# sensuality# harmony R??SI -re(uency associated with the orbit o! Cenus *Lote=A, *Jolor=yellow1oran e, *"empo=$%).7 BH6, *Jha<ra=A=na/"hird 4ye, *4!!ects=supports hi her love ener y and aspiration !or harmony, R&J/planetware websiteS 007./) !re(uency o! 8ideric 6oon I R&J/planetware websiteS 00+.00 !re(uency o! 6etonic Jycle Rrelated to moonS I R&J/planetware websiteS 0)/.$G !re(uency o! 6oon <not I R&J/planetware websiteS 0/$.:G !re(uency o! 8aros periode I Rrelated to moonS I R&J/planetware websiteS 0/G.%/ !re(uency o! Apsidis rotation I Rrelated to moonS I R&J/planetware websiteS 0:%.% 4levate and revitali'e 0:/.:7 -re(uency associated with orbit o! 2carus *asteroid, R6H"S 0:G.% 3oot Jha<ra *$:$, *Lote=J, RB&)S R6@&S

0G).% Associated with mouth *4!!ects=speech# creativity, *hi her octave o! ?.00 &X, R"O8SI Associated with <idneys *4!!ects=stren th, *hi her octave o! /.$$ &X, R"O8S 0G/.% 3elated to Hersonality somehow. *Lote=J], RB&/S 070.% ))rd octave o! 4arth year R&JSI -re(uency associated with 8elenium *mineral nutrient, *Lote=J_, RB&S 070.0 -re(uency associated with orbit o! 4arth *Lote=J_, RB&0S 07).% "ranspersonal Jha<ra *$:$:, RLote=J_S *4arth Orbit 070, RB&)S 0?%.: -re(uency associated with orbit o! Hluto RLote=J_S RB&0S 0?$.% 1 -re(uency associated with 2ntestines RLote=J_S RB&$S 0?$.G 1 -re(uency associated with 8mall 2ntestine RLote=J_S RB&/S 0?0./ 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! 6ercury. RLote=AS RB&0S 0??.% 1 Holarity Jha<ra *+:$, RLote=AS *6ars Orbit 0?+, RB&)SI 8acral Jha<ra R6@&S 0?+./ 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! 6ars. RLote=AS RB&0S 0+).% 1 7un<nown7 Jha<ra *$:$/, *Lote=A], *8aturn Orbit 0+G, RB&)S 2 ta<e it by A]# she means a note somewhere between A and A_. A (uarter note# perhaps. R6H"S 0+/.% 1 Associated with the upper lip *4!!ects=emotions# con!lict resolution, *hi her octave o! +.$+ &X, R"O8SI Associated with the spleen/blood *4!!ects=4motional 2mpulse, *hi her octave o! /.G &X, R"O8S 0+:.7 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! 8aturn *Lote=A_, RB&0S 0+:.? 1 -re(uency associated with -at Jells *Lote=J_, RB&$SRB&/S 0+G.%7 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! "outatis *asteroid, R6H"S )%/.% 1 ;se!ul on headaches *medium=pad,I sedation and pain relie! *medium=tube, RKB]E-BS I *use!ul !or, blood pressure# *and with, sti!! muscles *E-B,I -re(uency associated with Hotassium *mineral nutrient, *Lote=A_, RB&S

)$%.7 1 -re(uency associated with spin o! Leptune *Lote=4b, RB&0S )$:.% 1 Aiaphra m Jha<ra *$%:$, *Lote=4b, RB&)S )$:.? 1 -re(uency associated with Brain *Lote=4b, RB&$S )$7.?) 1 -re(uency associated with Biver *Lote=4b, RB&$SRB&/S )$+.?? 1 -re(uency associated with Eidney *Lote=4b, RB&$SRB&/S )0%.% 1 8olar Jha<ra *$%:$, *Lote=4b, RB&)S R6@&SI -re(uency associated with Jalcium *mineral nutrient, *Lote=4 or 4b, RB&S )0$.+ 1 -re(uency associated with blood. *Lote=4 or 4b, RB&$SRB&/S )0/.% 1 -re(uency associated with muscles. *Lote=4, RB&$SRB&/S )0+.% Associated @ith Lasal Hassa es *4!!ects=breathin # taste, *hi her octave o! $%.) &X, R"O8SI Associated with stomach *4!!ects=4motional Acceptance, *hi her octave o! :.$/ &X, R"O8S ))%.% ;sed to treat aller ies in con=unction with ) &X R38S ))).% *used on, sinus in!ection/head cold R38S ))0.? 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! 8un *Lote=4, RB&0S @hen RB&0S says the 7orbit o! the sun7# 2 believe she means how lon it would ta<e an ima inary planet to orbit around the sunQs outer boundary Rcircum!renceS. "his is how R&J/planetwareS made this calculation 1 the period is then lowered a !ew octaves to et it into the audible sound ran e. "hatQs how R&J/planetwareS does most o! its calculations# and probably how RB&S does it as well. R&J/planetwareS# when lowerin Ror in the case o! planets raisin S the octave# seems to un !or lower tones than RB&S does. "he R&J/planetwareS tones would be a little 7bassier7. @hich is probably why the !re(uencies o! all these astronomical phenomena that R&J/planetwareS ives doesnQt line up with the !re(uencies that RB&S ives. ))G.% 1 -re(uency associated with 6olybdenum *mineral nutrient, RB&S )/$.% 1 &eart Jha<ra *$:$0, *Lote=-, RB&)S R6@&S R6@&S had the &eart Jha<ra at )/$.)# i! you want to nitpic<. )/0.% 1 Associated with ears *4!!ects=hearin # !ormal concepts, *hi her octave o! $).? &X, R"O8SI Associated with lun s *4!!ects=O.y en# &eat, *hi her octave o!

:.): &X, R"O8S ):0.% 1 -re(uency associated with bladder. *Lote=-, RB&$SRB&/SI "hymus Jha<ra *$$:$, *Lote=-_, RB&)S "here seems to be a discrepancy here as to which note this !re(uency is. RB&S cites both - and -_. R6H"S )G%.% 1 "he 7Balance -re(uency7 1 brin s sensations o! =oy and healin / derived !rom the 5olden 8ection / brin s balance to health / *per LA8A astronauts, the 4arth creates a )G% &X tone in space., R42S )G7.% 1 *used on, sinus in!ection/head cold R38S )G7.0 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! Kupiter *Lote=-_, RB&0S )G?.%+ 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! Apollo *asteroid, R6H"S )70.% 1 7un<nown7 Jha<ra *$:$$, *Lote=5_, *4arth 8pin )7?, RB&)S )7:.7% 1 -re(uency associated with the orbit o! 4ros *asteroid, R6H"S )7?.: 1 -re(uency associated with spin o! 4arth. *Lote=-_, RB&0S )?%.+G 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! 2da *asteroid, R6H"S )?/.% 1 75urd=ie!! vibration associated with root cha<ra. harmonic o! si.# center o! the brainwave spectrum.7 R3HSI "hroat Jha<ra *$0:$, *Lote=5, RB&)SR6@&SI -re(uency associated with Jhromium *mineral nutrient, *Lote=5?, RB&S )?+./ 1 -re(uency associated with spin o! 6ars. *Lote=5, RB&0S )+).% 1 Associated with eyes *4!!ects=Cisuali'ation, *hi her octave o! $0.), R"O8SI Associated with heart *4!!ects=love#warmth, *hi her octave o! G.$:, R"O8S )+).)/ 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! Hallas *asteroid, R6H"S )+/.7G 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! Jeres *asteroid, R6H"S )+G 1 5 *musical note, RHBSI 7Biberatin 5uilt and -ear7/8ol!e R84S io -re(uency Q;"Q

/%% 8eems to decon est RE-BSI -re(uency associated with 6an anese *mineral nutrient, *Lote=5 or 5_, RB&S

bb/%: 1 Ciolet RHBS 1 *TTT, 8ee 5lossary entry 7JOBO37 /%?.7 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! Kuno *asteroid, R6H"S /%+.$ 1 -re(uency associated with spin o! Cenus *Lote=5_, RB&0S /$%.% 1 7un<nown7 Jha<ra *$:$%, *Lote=Ab, *Cenus 8pin /%+, RB&)S /$/.7 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! ;ranus *Lote=5_, RB&0S /$G.% 1 Hsychic Jenter Jha<ra *$):$, *Lote=Ab, *;ranus Orbit /$:, RB&)SI -re(uency associated with 2ron *mineral nutrient, *Lote=Ab, RB&S /$7 1 7;ndoin 8ituations and -acilitatin Jhan e7/8ol!e R84S io -re(uency Q3eQ

/$?.) 1 -re(uency associated with bones *Lote=Ab, RB&$SRB&/S /0%.?0 1 6oon: love# sensitivity# creativity# !emininity# anima /0$.) 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! moon *Lote=Ab, RB&0SI Also associated with spin o! 6ercury# but here# she lists the Lote as 7A7 RB&0S. /00.? 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! Leptune *Lote=Ab, RB&0S /0/.% 1 *used on, -ati ue *medium=pad, RKBSI -re(uency associated with 2odine *mineral nutrient, *Lote=Ab, RB&S /0G.7 1 Brow Jha<ra *Lote=A, R6@&S R6@&S calls this A# but itQs !latter than the A o! @estern 6usic at //% &X. One could =usti!iably call it Ab. 2tQs probably closer to Ab than it is to A. /)%.? 1 -re(uency associated with spin o! ;ranus *Lote=Ab, RB&0S bb/)? 1 2ndi o RHB?S *TTT, 1 8ee 5lossary entry 7JOBO37 /)+.% 1 Jrown Jha<ra *Lote=A? B?, R6@&S -or the modern diatonic scale# this would be an A note. R6@&S calls it a B note on their website. 2Qm not sure i! theyQre perhaps basin this on some older scale. "he !re(uencies that notes at have chan ed over the years. //% 1 A *musical note, RHB?S I Associated with -rontal Bobes *4!!ects=the seventh sense# !inal decision, *hi her octave o! $).?, R"O8SI Associated with collarbones *4!!ects=vitality# overall balance# stability, *hi her octave o! G.?? &X, R"O8S

//$.% 1 "he Ein Qs Jhamber -re(uency 1 acts towards preservation and e(uilibrium R42S Her R42SQs website# 7Hlay a //$ &X tone in a chaotic room and people will !ind themselves mellowin down.7 2 1dare1 somebody to actually test this and see i! it holds any water. //0.% 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! Cenus. *Lote=A, RB&0S //?.% 1 "hird 4ye Jha<ra *$/:$, *Lote=A, RB&)S //:.% 1 R7un<nown7S Jha<ra *$:+, *Lote=Bb, *Cenus Orbit //0, RB&)S "hatQs what RB&S put. 7un<nown7 R6H"S /::./ 1 -re(uency associated with spin o! 8aturn *Lote=A_, RB&0S /:G.% 1 *used on, sinusitis/sinus in!ection/head cold R38S /G$.G7 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! Cesta *asteroid, R6H"S /G/.% 1 -re(uency associated with Jopper *mineral nutrient, *Lote=Bb, RB&SI *used on, sinus in!ections/head colds w/ 70?h'#7?/h' 9 ??%h' R38S bb/7) 1 Blue RHB?S *TTT, 1 8ee 5lossary entry 7JOBO37 /7).+ 1 -re(uency associated with spin o! Kupiter *Lote=Bb, RB&0S /?% 1 Jrown Jha<ra *$: : $, *Lote=B, RB&)SI -re(uency associated with Hhosphorous 9 Xinc *mineral nutrients, *Lote=B, RB&S /?G.0 1 -re(uency associated with spin o! Hluto *Lote=B, RB&0S /+0.% 1 -re(uency associated with 8pleen *Lote=B, RB&/SI Associated with Jorte. *4!!ects=intelli ence, *hi her octave o! $:./ &X, R"O8S /+0.? 1 -re(uency associated with Adrenals *Lote=B, RB&$SI Associated with Adrenals# "hyroid 9 Harathyroid RB&/S /+).%% 1 -re(uency associated with the orbit o! 5aspra *asteroid, R6H"S /+: 1 B *musical note, RHB?S /+:.0: 1 -re(uency associated with orbit o! Jastalia *asteroid, R6H"S

/+7.$ 1 -re(uency associated with spin o! 8un. *Lote=B, RB&0S :%%.% 1 *used to treat, Anthra. *medium=tube, RKBS AisclaimerTT 1 2! you le itly thin< you have anthra.# do LO" rely on my stupid !re(uency chart. 5o see a doctor. &owever# i! you do want to tin<er around# this !re(uency was used as an 46 !ield# not a sound. 2Qm not sure i! it would wor< as a sound. ;se at your own ris<. *"hat oes !or the other anthra./smallpo. !re(uencies too., :0%.% 1 *used on, &eadaches *medium=pad, RKBS :00.% 1 *used on, sinus in!ection/head cold R38S :0G 1 Associated with top o! head *4!!ects=spirit# liberation# transcendence, *hi her octave o! $G./ &X, R"O8S I Associated with mouth *4!!ects=speech# creativity, *hi her octave o! ?.00 &X, R"O8S bb:07 1 5reen RHB?S 1 *TTT, 8ee 5lossary 4ntry 7JOBO37 :0? 1 J *musical note, RHB?SI 7"rans!ormation and 6iracles *ALA 3epair,7/8ol!e io -re(uency Q62Q R84SI 7;sed by enetic scientists to mend ALA/stren thens cell wall to boost immunity7 R42S :/0 1 Bio1ener etic !re(uency !or Cariolinum *i.e. smallpo. vaccine,. 8ee disclaimer !or :%% &X. R38S :G+ 1 Bio1ener etic !re(uency !or Cariolinum *i.e. smallpo. vaccine,. 8ee disclaimer !or :%% &X. R38S bb:?% 1 Fellow RHB?S 1 *TTT, 8ee 5lossary 4ntry 7JOBO37 :?G.% 1 Associated with Jirculation 9 8e. *Lote=J_, RB&/S :??.% 1 Associated with the upper lip *4!!ects=emotions# con!lict resolution, *hi her octave o! +.$+ &X,R"O8S :+/ 1 A *musical note, RHB?S bb:+7 1 Oran e RHB?S 1 *TTT, 8ee 5lossary 4ntry 7JOBO37 G0% 1 Eeely -re(uency *use with G)% and $0%%%, R"BS G)% 1 Eeely -re(uency *use with G0% 9 $0%%%, R"BS G)) 1 Bio1ener etic !re(uency !or Anthracinum *i.e. anthra. vaccine,. 8ee

disclaimer !or :%% &X be!ore even playin with this. R38S G)+ 1 7Jonnectin /3elationships7 / 8ol!e io -re(uency Q-AQ R84S

G:? 1 Associated @ith Lasal Hassa es *4!!ects=breathin # taste, *hi her octave o! $%.) &X, R"O8S GG% 1 4 *musical note, RHB?S GG/ 1 *used !or, -ati ue *medium=pad, RKBS G?: 1 Associated with ears *4!!ects=hearin # !ormal concepts, *hi her octave o! $).? &X, R"O8S bb7%% 1 3ed RHB?S 1 *TTT, 8ee 5lossary 4ntry 7JOBO37 7%/ 1 - *musical note, RHB?S 707 *used on, Aller ies# 8inusitis R38SI Jommonly used 7cure1all7 3i!e !re(uency RJ3S 70? 1 *used on, sinus in!ections/head colds w/ 7?/h'#??%h' 9 /G/h'. R38S 7/$ 1 7Awa<enin 2ntuition7 / 8ol!e io -re(uency Q8OBQ R84S

7?/ 1*used on, sinus in!ections/head colds w/ 70?h'#??%h' 9 /G/h'. R38S 7?7 1 Associated with eyes *4!!ects=Cisuali'ation, *hi her octave o! $0.), R"O8SI *used to treat, Aller ies# 8inusitis R38SI Jommonly used 7cure1all7 3i!e !re(uency RJ3S ?%% 1 Jommonly used 7cure1all7 3i!e -re(uency RJ3S ?%0 1 *used on, sinusitis with $::% &XI *used on, sinus in!ection/head colds R38S ?0% 1 *used on, sinus in!ection/head colds R38S ?)0 1 Bio1ener etic !re(uency !or Cariolinum *i.e. smallpo. vaccine,. 8ee disclaimer !or :%% &X. R38S ?:0 1 73eturnin "o 8piritual Order7 / 8ol!e io -re(uency QBAQ R84S

??% 1 Associated with -rontal Bobes *4!!ects=the seventh sense# !inal decision, *hi her octave o! $).?, R"O8SI *used on, Aller ies# 8inusitis R38SI *used on, sinus in!ections/head colds w/ 70?h'#7?/h' 9 /G/h'. R38SI Jommonly used 7cure1all7 3i!e -re(uency RJ3S

+:0 1 *used on, sinus in!ection/head colds R38S +G: 1 muscles# especially those o! the nec< RE-BS +?/ 1 Associated with Jorte. *4!!ects=intelli ence, *hi her octave o! $:./, R"O8S $%%% 1 Jerebral neurons $%:0 1 Associated with top o! head *4!!ects=spirit# liberation# transcendence, *hi her octave o! $G./ &X, R"O8S $:%% 1 *used on, sinus in!ection/head colds R38S $::% 1 *used on, sinusitis with ?%0 &X# *used on, sinus in!ections/head colds R38SI $::0 1 *used on, eye disorders RE-BS $G%% 1 *used on, eye disorders R483S 0%0: 1 Hroton Hrecession/@ater 3esonance R"BS 0G7: 1 7"he Jrystal 3esonator7. A subharmonic o! the !re(uency o! (uart' crystal. 7e.tremely e!!ective !or char in and clearin (uart' crystals .. use!ul !or clearin and balancin o! their own ener ies. 8ome claim it ener i'e crystals in the brain. Others say that it activates aspects o! the auric !ield. 7 *medium=sound/tunin !or<, RK5S )000 1 Bio1ener etic !re(uency !or Cariolinum *i.e. smallpo. vaccine,. 8ee disclaimer !or :%% &X. R38S )%/% 1 ;se !or pain alon with +: &X R483S /$?G 1 hi hest note on a piano R6H0S //%% 1 *used on, sinus in!ections/head colds 1 try scannin between /)?/ 9 //$G by intervals o! ? &X. R38S :%%%1?%%% &X 1 rechar e 7brain batteries7 most rapidly. -astest rechar e at ?%%% &X. 7"he an.iety1easin # memory1e.pandin G%1beat tempo creates easy communication with the subconscious mind.7 RH82S :%%% 1 Jommonly used 7cure1all7 3i!e !re(uency R"B]J3SI *used on, aller ies# sinus in!ections/head colds 1 short use only 11 lon e.posures destroy red blood cells. R38/E-BS

++++ 1 5eneral vitality 9 ener y RE-BS $%#%%% 1 Jommonly used 7cure1all7 3i!e !re(uency R"B]J3SI *used to treat, alcoholism# aller ies# headaches R38S $0#%%% &X 1 Eeely -re(uency *use with G0% &X 9 G)% &X, R"BS $G#%%% 1 0%#%%% 1 ;pper ran e !or normal hearin R6H0S 0)#%%% up 1 &ypersonic 8ounds Rabove human hearin S )?%%% 1 /%%%% &X 1 6a ic @indow R4X via 66]"BS /0?%% &X 1 Aetheric dissociation/water resonance *water 1c aetheric !orce, R"BS 1111111 Lote 1 down !rom this point are E&X R<ilohert'S values# not &X values $:%1$G% E&X 1 6a ic @indow R4X via 66]"BS $?% E&X 1 -erroma netism R"BS 1111111 Lote 1 down !rom this point are 6&X Rme ahert'?S values# not &X values $.$1$.) 6&X 1 6a ic @indow R4X via 66]"BS )?? 6&X 1 Alle ed to cause dama e/disruption to humans R"BS 1111111 Lote 1 down !rom this point are 5&X R i ahert'?S values# not &X values $.%:7 5&X 1 6a ic @indow R4X via 66]"BS 1111111 Lote 1 down !rom this point are H&X RHetahert'S values# not &X values *$ H&X = $#%%%#%%%#%%%#%%%#%%% &X., $% H&X 1 6a ic @indow in the near ultra1violet ran e R4X via 66]"BSI 7li!e ener y7 !re(uency R4X via 66S

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