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Take the left-brain test first. Once you go through the list ... score it.

THEN take the right-brain test. Score it. The higest score is your dominant brain. The lesser the supportive brain.

Left 1. Thinks in Words (you don't need illustrations to understand what you readunderstands abstracts words) 2. Good Spellers 3. Good w/number & higher math 4. Perfectionist 5. Analytical (to analyze problems or situationthink through situations before making a decision) 6. Articulate (verbal skills, speaks well) 7. Follows Rules (likes guidelines & rules) 8. Reads Directions 9. Organized (likes everything in their proper place) 10. Gives Attention to Details 11. Makes Lists 12. Rigid (not pliable, nonnegotiable) 13. Tends to be Cynical/Sarcasm

Right 1. Thinks in Pictures (words must illustrate picture thoughtsees abstract in picture words or designsuch as prose) 2.DayDreamer 3. Spatial (sizing up w/out measuringexample a roomor sees the whole in parts, like parts to a bicycle or puzzle.) 4. Inverts Numbers 5. Difficulty with Higher Math (abstract math) 6. Unlikely to Read Instructions (when all else fails read instructions) 7. Sensitive (feelings easily hurt, can be defensiveromantic at heartlikes cards, flowers and feeling special) 8. Dislikes Structure (anything too organized inhibits freedom to create) 9. Visionaries (Goal Setters) 10. People Skills (social/charismatic) 11. Empathetic (feels deeply for others) 12. Thinks While Speaking (w/out editing what they are saying) 13. Metaphors, (Flowing, Descriptive, Action Words) 14. Thinks Outside the Box (improve, problem solve, recreate, or go outside given limits) 15. Difficult Time Staying on Task (easily distracted)

(abstract humor) 14. Enjoys Reading 15. Does Well on Tests 16. Sequential Processing (order, 1, 2, 3, step processingalso known as linear processing) 17. Black & White Absolutes (facts, rules & absolutes are important)

16. Creative (fantasy creation, must create, artistically) 17. Gets Bored Easily (must be inspired, or boredom sets in.) 18. Tends to be Positive (looks for the good, the silver lining in just about everything) 19. Passionate (Strong Emotions) 20. Trouble with Spelling or Grammar (affects ability to read and write) 21. Intuition (gut feeling) 22. Creative Writing (tends to write fiction over fact base

18. Focused (easily stays on tasks)

booksbetter at essays) 23. Impulsive (jumps into projects, relationships, or takes risks

19. Learns instruments easily (piano, flute or other similar instruments) 20. Loyal (faithful) 21. Careful or Cautious (not impulsive) 22. Likes Structure (needs guidelines, and rules. Runs tight ship) 23. Good Memory (facts, numbers, faces and names) 24. Likes to Teach or Correct 25. Can be Clueless to Feelings 26. Questions (needs to know whytends to debate) 27. Record Keeper (check book, papers, and incidents)

without considering consequences) 24. Storytellers (like to illustrate through stories) 25. Prone to Wander (random thinkers, and mind wandersMay stop in the middle of a thought and talk about something else) 26. Humor (visual illustrative humor) 27. Impatient (waiting is difficult) 28. Arts (Fine & Visual) (drama, painting, drawing, music, dance, photography, computer art, or anything else dealing with artistic expression) 29. Needs Approval (people pleaser) 30. Takes Risks (likes challenges) 31. Pliable (compromises easily - flexible) 32. Learns from the School of Hard Knocks (learns lessons the hard way. Wants to experience it himself)

28. Sings on Tune (pitch) 29. Learns Language Easily 30. Performance (important to perform well)

33. Mind Jumps Around (Hyperactive, or hurried.) 34. Inventive (needs to problem solve or invent something to make life easier) 35. Motivator (Charismatic personality)

31. Gatekeeper to new ideas (generally a no person. Smoke Detectors (sees potential problems, red flags and lets you knowmay throw water on new ideas) 32. Easily Annoyed ( imperfection or imperfect peopleannoyed at lack of professionalism) 33. Likes Documentaries 34. Auditory Learner (auditory on left side of the brain) 35. Note Taker 36. Good Grammar Skills 37. Research 38. Security 39. Can be Negative/Critical (imperfection in themselves, others or situations may lead to critical thinking) 40. Prefer Writing Fact Over Fiction Score____________ 37. Concrete, (must see object, such as table, apple, or give clear picture of what is being said) 38. Does Not Do Well on Tests (scan reads misses preposition such as, is, not, and are. They pick up partial meeting of the sentence.) 39. Tends Towards Dyslexia (reading letters words backwards, misplacing letters, numbers or not being able to sound out letters or words) 40. Disorganized (records, receipts, keys or other important items) Score___________ 36. Intuitive (make decisions on gut feelings)

What is Your Score?

If on the left side you might choose 10 out of 40 traits and on the right side you might choose 30 out of 40. You are 25% on the left side of the brain and 75% on the right, which makes you a strong right with a weak supportive left. This person borders on being and extreme right brainer. Scores between 45 - 70% on your "dominant" side, are highly desirable. The extreme percentages (above 80%) are extraordinary, but come with problems.

40 to 70% on both sides = mixed middle-dominant (common) 80% or more on the right & 80% on the left = double dominant (rare) Above 60% on the right and less than 40% on the left = right brain dominant/supportive left Above 60% on the left and 40% or less on the right = left brain dominant/supportive right 90% or more on the right with 20% or less on the left = extreme right brain 90% or more on the left with 20% or less on the right = extreme left brain 1% - 30% highest marks on both = "Stuck"

Take the left-brain test first. Check off all the characteristics that are true of you. Take the right-brain test second. Check off all the characteristics that are true of you. The higher number is your dominant brain. The lesser number is your supportive brain.

If the numbers are about equal, such as 27 on right, and 30 on left, you are mixed middle brain. You use both sides of your brain. It is best if one side of your brain is a little more dominant.

Those who have almost equal scores on the left and right can fall into the stuck mold. The stuck mold is where you cant move forward. One side of the brain must be dominant or there will be an internal debate to which side of the brain takes lead. For example, one foot must go before the other foot. So, one brain, usually the more dominant, will lead over the less dominant brain. Another example, the organized side of the brain cant be disorganized at the same time. Or, you cant edit and free write the same time. You may also be stuck if you are swimming upstream, trying to be left-brain when you are dominant right-brained. The stuck person feels as if he's treading water. He can't move forward. These people tend to be unhappy at the jobs. They may have itcy feet, looking for something else to satisfy them. There are varied reasons to why a person is stuck. Children, who are mislabled as learning disabled, when in school, may have a underdeveloped mind due to lack of training in their natural abilities. The double dominant maybe stuck due to mental overload. . Their over active brains maybe compared to an overloaded computer. They crash, or become stuck. The person with low scores on both sides may also be a sign of being stuck. Low scores can also be the result of brain injury. For more information, purchase the book, "i'm not stupid, I'm Right Brained".

You Should be Able to Draw as Easily as You Write Your Name!

Have you ever wondered why most adults drawings look like preschool drawings. The reality is, most adults drawings haven't inproved since entering Kindergarten. Why do adults drawing ability suddenly stopped around age six? The probelm is that most schools encourage the development of the left-side of the brain. Math, reading, spelling, memorizing, critical thinking and grammar are left-brain abilities. Music lessons are mostly left-brain learning. Crafts can be a left-brain activity,

because crafts are done in a one, two and three consecutive order. The brain is a muscle. Both sides of the brain need to be developed. If the right-brain is developed, we should be able to draw as easily as we write our name. It can happen! Sadly, I have seen that too often children by the time that they are twelve lose the ability to be creative. Parents have been led to believe that if they push left-brain academia that their children will have a good education. Arts and creative thinking are important in developing the right-side of the brain. Using both sides of the brain is better. Whole brain thinking enable us to see a problem from the left and right side of the brain. The great geniuses had a good grasp on the right and on the left side of the brain. They used their whole brain, seeing it visually (the right), and symbolically (through math symbols, the left). The left-brain must be quieted if we are to encourage creativity to come to the fore. The left-brain is the rational cortex, developing logic, rationalizing, deducing, and judging. The right-brain tends to see the whole picture. It draws on intuitive response, providing inspiration and creativity that seem very close to the nature of chochma (sudden insight, wisdom or knowledge). (Elmer Green of the Menninger Clinic at Topeka, Kansas) The right-brain person can learn. They learn in using their right-brain strengths to shift to the left-brain. They will learn grammar and other leftbrain skills through inspiration, and intuition. A left-brain person can also develop wonderful art. Their work will be more detailed, representational, but no less, brilliant work. We all can improve in using both hemispheres of our brain. Whole brain thinking will enable us to embrace the best of both worlds. Those who are left can develop a stronger right. The right can develop their left. Those who are double will see the necessity to develop one side more than the other. They will learn how to move from a stuck mold or overloading their already highly functioning brain. Most people can develop the right brain and learn to draw as easily as they write their name.

Read, im not stupid, Im Right-Brained to enhance your right or left brain. Questions, contact us at or put forth your questions on the forum.

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