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BUILDING DISASTER RESILIENT and SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES October 24, 1999 Draft Need or Rationale Definitions Context Background !"ortance #ttributes $et%ods &roble!s

Additional Sources to Consult: #r!strong, $ic%ael '( 2000( )Back to t%e *uture+ C%arting t%e Course for &ro,ect !"act(- Natural Hazards Review, .ol( 1, No( /, #ugust, ""( 1/01144( Berke, &%ili" R( and $aria $anta Conro2( 2000( )#re 3e &lanning for 4ustainable De5elo"!ent6 #n 75aluation of /0 Co!"re%ensi5e &lans(- Journal of the American Planning Association, .ol( 88, No( 1, 3inter, ""( 211//( 9eis, Donald 7( 2000( )B2 Design+ :%e Disaster Resistant and ;ualit21of1<ife Co!!unit2(- Natural Hazards Review, .ol( 1, No( /, #ugust, ""( 1=11180( 9ore, .ice &resident #l( 2000( Building Livable Communities( On1line at >R<+ %tt"+//???(li5ableco!!unities(go5/re"ort2k(%t! nstitute for Business @ Ao!e 4afet2( 2000( Tem late! "BH# #howcase #tate for Natural $isaster Resistance and Resilience % A #&stematic 'anagement A roach for $isaster Loss Reduction( BDraft for #d Aoc 4%o?case Co!!ittee Re5ie?C #ugust 10( $a2, &eter ', et al( 1998( (nvironmental 'anagement and )overnance! "ntergovernmental A roaches to Hazards and #ustainabilit&( <ondon and ND+ Routledge( $ileti, Dennis 4(, 'o#nne DeRouen Darlington, 75e &asserini, Bets2 C( *orrest, $ar2 *ran $2ers( 199=( ):o?ard an ntegration of Natural AaEards and 4ustainabilit2(- The (nvironmental Professional, .ol( 1F, ""( 11F1128( $itc%ell, 'a!es G( Bed(C( 1999( Crucibles of Hazard! 'ega*Cities and $isasters in Transition( :ok2o, ND, &aris+ >nited Nations >ni5ersit2 &ress( $onda2, 'acHuel2n <( and $ar2 *ran $2ers( 1999( Co ing +ith $isasters B& Building Local Resilienc&( *airfax, .#+ &ublic 7ntit2 Risk nstitute, nternet 42!"osiu!, October 41F, 1999(


Nort% Carolina Di5ision of 7!ergenc2 $anage!ent( 2000( Hazard 'itigation in North Carolina! 'easuring #uccess % (,ecutive #ummar&- Raleig%, NC+ NCD7$, *ebruar2( Nort% Carolina Di5ision of 7!ergenc2 $anage!ent( 2000( Hazard 'itigation in North Carolina! 'easuring #uccess- Raleig%, NC+ NCD7$, *ebruar2( &aton, Douglas, <eig% 4!it% and 'o%n .iolanti( 2000( )Disaster Res"onse+ Risk, .ulnerabilit2 and Resilience(- $isaster Prevention and 'anagement. .ol( 9, No( /, ""( 1F/11F9( &%illi"s, Brenda( 2000( I7n5iron!ental AaEards, 4ustainabilit2, and 4ocial 'ustice+ $aking a Difference(I C%a"ter 24 B""( 20=1209C in Anal&zing #ocial Problems! (ssa&s and (,ercises B2nd ed(C, Dana Dunn and Da5id 3aller Beds(C, >""er 4addle Ri5er, N'+ &rentice Aall( :?igg, 'o%n( 199912000( ):%e #ge of #ccountabilit26+ *uture Co!!unit2 n5ol5e!ent in Disaster Reduction(- &"( =11=0 in The Australian Journal of (mergenc& 'anagement, .ol( 14, No( 4, 4u!!er( 3itt, 'a!es <( 2000( Remar/s for James L- +itt. #mart )rowth #&m osium 'ec/lenburg Count&. NC- 3as%ington, DC+ *7$#, 'ul2 14, 2000(


Need or Rationale+ )7xtre!el2 %ig% le5els of "ro"ert2 da!age in recent disasters clearl2 suggest t%at current "atterns and "ractices of land use and co!!unit2 building are not sustainable in t%e long run(- BBeatle2 1990, 281C )4ustainable co!!unities !ini!iEe ex"osure of "eo"le and "ro"ert2 to natural disastersJ sustainable co!!unities are disaster1resilient co!!unities(- BBeatle2, 1990, 24/C )3%ile disasters in5ol5e t%e destruction of li5es and "ro"ert2Kso!et%ing is created as ?ell+ o""ortunities to i!"ro5e safet2, en%ance eHuit2, and rebuild in ne? or different ?a2s( deall2, in our 5ie?, t%ose o""ortunities ?ould be used to "roduce safer co!!unities ?it% !ore eHuitable and sustainable li5eli%oods for "eo"le(BBolin/4tanford 1990, 222C )<osses of life and "ro"ert2 fro! natural disasters in t%e >nited 4tatesLand t%roug%out t%e ?orldL%a5e been enor!ous and t%e "otential for substantiall2 greater future losses loo!s( t is clearl2 in t%e "ublic interest to reduce t%ese i!"acts and to encourage t%e de5elo"!ent of co!!unities t%at are resilient to disasters( :%is goal can be ac%ie5ed t%roug% ?ise and sustained efforts in5ol5ing !itigation, "re"aredness, res"onse, and reco5er2(- BNRC 1990, 1C ):%e continued u"?ard s"iral of t%e costs of natural disasters in t%e >nited 4tates ?ill be broken onl2 b2 a strateg2 t%at addresses t%e full range of obstacles to natural disaster reduction( 3it% t%e gro?t% in "o"ulation and t%e globaliEation of t%e econo!2 and trade, t%e 5alue of "ro"ert2 and ca"ital assets at risk in t%e >nited 4tates and around t%e ?orld is constantl2 increasing( #s a conseHuence, !ore assets t%an e5er are in %ar!Ms ?a2 in a gi5en e5ent( :%e continued location of t%ese assets at %aEardous sites and in inadeHuate s%elter furt%er raises t%e "ossible losses( Decisions regarding t%e siting of 5aluable, fragile, long1range ca"ital in5est!ent are t2"icall2 !ade ?it% little or no regard for natural %aEards( *urt%er!ore, t%is "roble! is co!"ounded ?%en t%ese assets are s%eltered in structures t%at are inadeHuatel2 engineered to sur5i5e a %aEardous e5ent( Decisions are rendered !ore difficult still b2 t%e co!"lexit2, interde"endence, and inertia of !odern societ2, ?%ic% ser5es to reduce flexibilit2 and res"onsi5eness(- BN4:C 1998, 21122C ):oda2Ms cities, b2 5irtue of t%eir large scale alone, %a5e beco!e increasingl2 co!"lex s2ste!s( nterlocking, tec%nolog21de"endent s2ste!s of co!!unication, trans"ortation, banking, and defense, a!ong ot%ers, are t%erefore increasingl2 5ulnerable to natural %aEards( Often, !an2 indi5idual structures in a large urban area !a2 sur5i5e a %aEardous e5ent, but t%e area is rendered d2sfunctional b2 t%e disru"tion of one or !ore of t%e fi5e basic lifelines+ gas/liHuid fuel su""lies, electrical "o?er, co!!unication, trans"ortation, and ?ater/se?age( Currentl2, cities and regions of t%e >nited 4tates are t%e!sel5es beco!ing increasingl2 interlocked and interde"endent( :%us t%e Nort%ridge eart%Huake disru"ted deli5er2 of electrical


"o?er as far nort% as 4eattle( *looding in do?nto?n C%icago resulting fro! t%e breakage of old ?ater trans"ort infrastructure affected financial !arkets nation?ide( # !a,or concern regarding a re"eat of t%e Ne? $adrid eart%Huake is t%e "otential disru"tion of %eating oil su""l2 to t%e Nort%east in t%e ?inter( :%e t%reat of solar flares to electrical "o?er su""lies is co!"ounded b2 t%e current interlocking of "o?er grids, in so!e cases across national boundaries( :ec%nological ad5ances t%at %a5e c%anged t%e structure of toda2Ms societ2 %a5e also gi5en rise to ne?, !ixed %aEards( # tornado striking abo5e1ground facilities for nuclear ?aste or floods releasing toxic substances fro! c%e!ical "lants into ?aters%eds are exa!"les of co!"lex disasters t%at c%allenge t%e !itigation ca"abilities of local entities(- BN4:C 1998, 21122C Definitions+ 4ustainable Co!!unities+ )K?%ere "eo"le and "ro"ert2 are ke"t out of t%e ?a2 of natural %aEards, ?%ere t%e in%erentl2 !itigating Hualities of natural en5iron!ental s2ste!s are !aintained, and ?%ere de5elo"!ent is designed to be resilient in t%e face of natural forces- B9odsc%alk, Gaiser, and Berke 1990, 08C( Context+ )4ustainable de5elo"!ent N ?%ic% !eets t%e needs of t%e "resent ?it%out co!"ro!ising t%e abilit2 of future generations to !eet t%eir o?n needs N is generall2 understood to reHuire B1C econo!ic gro?t%, B2C "rotection of t%e en5iron!ent, and B/C sustainable use of ecological s2ste!s( :%ere is, %o?e5er, a fourt% criterion of eHual i!"ortance+ 4ustainable de5elo"!ent !ust be resilient ?it% res"ect to t%e natural 5ariabilit2 of t%e 7art% and t%e solar s2ste!(- BN4:C 1998, 4C )Cost1effecti5e, affordable o""ortunities for natural disaster reduction abound( Disaster reduction begins ?it% risk assess!ent and care to sta2 out of %ar!Ms ?a2( &ro"er land use and !anage!ent, es"eciall2 in coastal and ri5erine en5iron!ents, near fault Eones, and in ot%er geologicall2 acti5e sites, can result fro! good ris/ assessments( :%e2 can also lead to !itigation of disastrous conseHuences( *urt%er o""ortunities for disaster reduction are afforded b2 good mitigation ractices N adeHuate building codes and "ro"er enforce!ent of t%ese codes+ careful attention to ensure t%e resilience of societal lifelines suc% as trans"ortation s2ste!s, gas, ?ater, and electrical "o?er deli5er2, and co!!unicationsJ and a""ro"riate agriculture and sil5iculture( &ro"er societal fra!e?orks and "olicies, ?it% res"ect to "ublic a?areness, cultural 5alues, and financial and insurance institutional structure and be%a5ior, are also essential co!"onents of an2 !itigation strateg2( Once t%e risk beco!es realit2 N fro! t%e e5ent onset, t%roug%out its duration, and in t%e i!!ediate after!at% N t%e %ig%est "riorities for ss5ing li5es and reducing in,ur2 are an adeHuate warning s&stem and ?ell1re%earsed, effecti5e e!ergenc2 res"onse "rocedurers( 4o!e %aEards, notabl2 droug%t, flooding, and ?ildfires,


offer o""ortunities for acti5e inter5ention( $uc% can also be done during s%ort1 and long1ter! disaster reco5er2 to !itigate t%e i!"acts( :%ese t%ree ele!ents N ris/ assessment as t%e necessar2 starting "oint, to identif2 t%e resilienc2 neededJ an o5erarc%ing mitigation strateg2 to build societal resilience to %aEardsJ and warning and information dissemination to bring t%at resilienc2 into "la2 i!!ediatel2 before and during t%e %aEardous e5ent itself N are t%e cornerstones of natural disaster reduction(- BN4:C 1998, 41=C )Natural disaster reduction is a sustainable de5elo"!ent issue( 4%eer siEe and geogra"%2 ex"ose t%e >nited 4tates to a broad range of %aEards, so t%at natural disaster reduction and sustainable de5elo"!ent are necessaril2 ?o5en toget%er( &%2sical "lants and facilities !ust be designed to sur5i5e t%e natural %aEards t%at t%e2 can ex"ect to ex"erience t%roug%out t%eir lifeti!es( Ne? tec%nologies !ust be exa!ined ?it% an e2e to t%e ne? 5ulnerabilities t%at t%e2 !a2 create ?it% res"ect to natural %aEards( *or exa!"le, current de"endence on co!"uters and %ig%1s"eed teleco!!unications !eans t%at, e5en if electrical "o?er is "rotected during a stor! or eart%Huake, t%e loss of business acti5it2 could be substantial if co!"uters are destro2ed and co!!unications disru"ted( Natural disaster reduction is also a !atter of en5iron!ental ,ustice( :%e burden of natural disasters falls dis"ro"ortionatel2 on t%e disenfranc%ised N t%e "oor, et%nic !inorities, t%e aged, and t%ose ?it% disabilities( 3orld?ide, loss of life fro! floods, eart%Huakes and stor!s is far %ig%er a!ong t%e less de5elo"ed nations t%an it is in de5elo"ed nations( 3it%in eac% nation, t%e "oor are !ost greatl2 affected, e5en in de5elo"ed nations( :?o t%irds of t%e casualties after t%e Gobe eart%Huake in 'a"an ?ere t%e elderl2( n t%e >nited 4tates, t%e greatest danger fro! tornadoes lies in !obile %o!e "arks( n t%e 199= %eat ?a5e, !ost of t%e fatalities ?ere a!ong t%e elderl2( *urt%er!ore, natural disaster reduction is intergenerational( :%e disasters ?e suffer toda2 are, to a large extent, ine5itable conseHuences of decisions !ade b2 our forefat%ers( B2 contrast, for?ard1looking decision!aking toda2 regarding land use, t%e direction and nature of econo!ic de5elo"!ent, and needed in5est!ent in societal infrastructure and ca"ital facilities i!"ro5es t%e "ros"ects and o""ortunities afforded to future generations( >nfortunatel2, t%ese for?ard1looking "ractices are rarel2 "ro"ortionatel2 distributed across econo!ic, et%nic, and societal grou"s( n addition, %ousing for t%e "oor and disenfranc%ised is often located in !arginal areas Bsuc% as along flood "lains or on %illsidesC and is rarel2 retrofitted ?it% !odern !itigation tec%nologies(- BN4:C 1998, =18C Background+ :%e use of t%e ter! )disaster resistant- or )disaster resilient- co!!unities is relati5el2 ne?( )Back in t%e earl2 nineties, Don 9eis, for!erl2 ?it% t%e nternational Cit2 and


Count2 $anage!ent #ssociation, introduced t%e ter! Odisaster resistant co!!unit2BC>47C 1990C( :%e ter! sustainabilit2 in en5iron!ental "lanning and "olic2 circles is onl2 a cou"le of decades older+ t began a""earing in t%e literature in t%e earl2 19F0s and e!erged as a significant t%e!e in t%e 1900s, ?%en sustainabilit2 ?as e!braced b2 suc% nongo5ern!ental organiEations as t%e 3orld?atc% nstitute and 3orld Resources nstitute, go5ern!ental organiEations suc% as t%e >(4( #genc2 for nternational De5elo"!ent, and a nu!ber of international stud2 grou"s( BBeatle2 1990, 2/=C Beatle2 goes on to note t%at )a""lication of conce"ts of sustainabilit2 to cities, to?ns, and settle!ent "atterns %as been an e5en !ore recent "%eno!enonK(Pand t%atQ ncreasingl2, t%e literature and t%e debate about sustainabilit2 enco!"asses natural %aEards- BBeatle2 1990, 2/8 and 2/0(C !"ortance+ Kt%e e!erging 5ision of en5iron!ental sustainabilit2 ?edded to econo!ic 5italit2 and social eHuit2 is beco!ing an i!"ortant rationale for reducing risk to %u!an settle!ents fro! natural %aEards( BOls%ansk2 and GarteE 1990, 189C n t%e "re1disaster "eriod, sustainabilit2 5alues seek to a5oid saddling future generations ?it% s"ra?ling, ?asteful land use "atterns t%at not onl2 reduce t%e social li5abilit2 and econo!ic 5iabilit2 of co!!unities, but also under!ine t%e abilit2 of t%e natural en5iron!ent to absorb %aEard forces and ex"ose "eo"le to significant %aEard risks( n t%e "ost1disaster "eriod, sustainabilit2 5alues seek o""ortunities to relocate land use out of %aEard areas and rebuild da!aged %o!es and infrastructure in !ore resilient ?a2s instead of re"licating brittle and unsustainable de5elo"!ent "ractices( B9odsc%alk, Gaiser, and Berke 1990, 08C One social 5alue t%at is funda!ental to t%e idea of sustainabilit2 is t%e 5alue it "laces on "artici"ation of at1risk co!!unities in "lanning to reduce 5ulnerabilit2( 4o!eti!es t%ose !ost at risk are t%e "oor, t%e grou" !ost likel2 to li5e in %aEard areas because t%e2 cannot afford better, safer land( :o increase a?areness of %aEards and o""ortunities for !itigation, "lanners !ust co!!unicate and consult ?it% t%ose at risk( :%is !a2 entail decentraliEing so!e decision !aking to gi5e neig%bor%oods !ore control o5er t%e c%oice of !itigation strategies and to "ro!ote res"onsibilit2 a!ong indi5iduals and organiEations( :%e basic economic 5alue underl2ing sustainable co!!unities is t%e desire to "reser5e and en%ance a co!!unit2Ms ca"ital assets( :%ese include bot% natural and !an1!ade ca"ital, ?%ic% co!"le!ent eac% ot%er and increase t%e co!!unit2Ms ca"abilit2 to re!ain 5iable in t%e face of s%ocks( Cost1effecti5e !et%ods of "re5enting en5iron!ental catastro"%es also "re5ent or reduce losses to


"roducti5it2 t%at constrain econo!ic gro?t%( 7cono!ic resources s%ould su""ort t%e "resent "o"ulation ?it%out decreasing t%e econo!ic o""ortunities of future generations, t%at is, t%e2 s%ould be c%aracteriEed b2 intergenerational eHuit2( *inall2, sustainable co!!unities stress t%e ecological 5alue of "reser5ing t%e resilience of biological and "%2sical s2ste!s and t%eir abilit2 to ada"t to c%ange( :%is in5ol5es li!iting en5iron!ental degradation fro! "ollution and uncontrolled urban de5elo"!ent, as ?ell as !aintaining t%ose natural s2ste!s, suc% as ?etlands and dunes, t%at increase a co!!unit2Ms abilit2 to absorb external s%ocks fro! natural %aEards( t in5ol5es !aintaining biodi5ersit2, ?%ic% en%ances t%e ada"ti5e ca"acit2 of natural s2ste!s( :%e connection bet?een degradation of natural resources and 5ulnerabilit2 to natural catastro"%e de!ands "re5enti5e "lanning( B9odsc%alk, Gaiser, and Berke 1990, 00N09C #ttributes+ Co!!on attributes of sustainable co!!unitiesKinclude t%e follo?ing+ co!"act, %ig%er1densit2 de5elo"!ent, and t%e !ore efficient use of land and s"aceJ t%e )greening- of co!!unities ?it% greater e!"%asis on trees, "arks, and o"en s"aceJ an e!"%asis on rede5elo"!ent of underutiliEed urban areas and on infill de5elo"!entJ greater e!"%asis on "ublic transit, and creating !ixed1use en5iron!ents ?%ic% are !ore a!enable to ?alking and less de"endent on autosJ and energ2 and resource conser5ation and lo? "ollution, a!ongst ot%er Hualities( ncreasingl2, t%e resilience of a co!!unit2 to natural disasters is being added to t%is list of central HualitiesK BBeatle2 1990, 2/8C #n2 5ision or t%eor2 of sustainabilit2 !ust "ro!inentl2 include consideration of t%e long1ter! safet2 and sur5i5abilit2 of co!!unities and t%eir citiEens( &rotection fro!, and a5oidance of, natural disasters is an i!"ortant ele!ent of sustainabilit2K# sustainable co!!unit2, t%en, is clearl2 one t%at seeks to a5oid ex"osure to floods, and eart%Huakes( Co!!unities are sustainable ?%en t%e2 can sur5i5e and "ros"er in t%e face of !a,or natural e5ents( #5oidance is t%e "referable a""roac%, but sustainable co!!unities recogniEe t%at so!e ex"osure is ine5itableK BBeatle2 1990, 24/C K4ustainable co!!unities stri5e to balance risk against ot%er social and econo!ic goals( BBeatle2 1990, 24/C 4ustainabilit2 also i!"lies an eHuitable distribution of t%e costs ofKrisks and t%e "rogra!s Bsuc% as beac% renouris%!entC for !itigating t%e! BBeatle2 1990, 244C( # sustainable co!!unit2, t%en, is a resilient oneJ it is a co!!unit2 t%at seeks to understand and li5e ?it% t%e "%2sical and en5iron!ental forces "resent at its location BBeatle2 1990, 244C(


4ustainable co!!unities recogniEe funda!ental ecological li!its and seek to "rotect and en%ance t%e integrit2 of ecos2ste!s BBeatle2 1990, 244C( 4ustainable co!!unities "ro!ote a closer connection ?it%, and understanding of, t%e natural en5iron!ent BBeatle2 1990, 248C( 4ustainable co!!unities seek to reduce t%e consu!"tion of land and resources in funda!ental ?a2s( #t t%e %eart of t%e idea of sustainabilit2 is recognition of limits, and of t%e need to curtail %u!an consu!"tion of land and resources( 3it%out suc% collecti5e restraint, ?e ?ill be unable to ac%ie5e sustainable co!!unities( BBeatle2 1990, 24FC 4ustainabilit2 )Kre"resents a basic shift in "%iloso"%2( nstead of s"oradic, incre!ental ad,ust!ents to !eet en5iron!ental ends, sustainable co!!unities seek to use and consu!e onl2 t%e a!ount of land t%at is absolutel2 necessar2, and to cause en5iron!ental destruction onl2 as a last resort and ?%ere no reasonable alternati5es existKin essence, land is consu!ed s"aringl2, en5iron!entall2 sensiti5e land B?etlands, %abitat, !ountainous areas, coastal s%orelinesC is "laced off1li!its and de5elo"!ent and land use "ractices reduce t%e consu!"tion of resources at e5er2 stage( BBeatle2 1990, 240C( 4ustainable co!!unities recogniEe t%e interconnectedness of social, econo!ic, and en5iron!ental goalsK( # nu!ber of i!"ortant social and econo!ic goals are included in t%e 5ision of sustainabilit2( :%ese include t%e a5ailabilit2 of affordable %ousing, trans"ortation, and !obilit2J access to basic "ublic ser5ices and facilitiesJ access to recreationJ creation of li5able and aest%eticall2 attracti5e "lacesJ and access to ,obs, inco!e, and econo!ic acti5it2K( n t%e context of natural %aEards, a sustainable econo!2 is one t%at is resilient and robust in t%e face of natural e5ents like floods and eart%Huakes( Gee"ing businesses and econo!ic infrastructure out of and a?a2 fro! %ig%1risk areas, and areas ?%ere natural e5ents cause re"eated econo!ic disru"tion, is one ?a2 to go about "ro!oting a !ore sustainable local econo!2 Balong ?it% ot%er !itigation !easures suc% as building codes and construction standardsC( :%e %ig% degree of de"endence of !an2 co!!unities on federal and state disaster assistance also raises Huestions about %o? sustainable t%e2 are( ndeed, t%e 5ision of sustainabilit2 in "art e!bodies a s"irit of res"onsibilit2 and self1sufficienc2, and %ea52 reliance on outside resources a""ears inconsistent ?it% t%is( Co!!unities !ust be better "re"ared to co"e ?it% t%e financial i!"lications of disaster e5ents and s%ould be ex"ected to utiliEe !ore of t%eir o?n resources, at least in all but t%e !ost catastro"%ic of disaster e5ents( &artl2 t%is !eans acce"ting !ore res"onsibilit2 for allo?ing, or e5en acti5el2 "ro!oting, de5elo"!ent in 5ulnerable "laces, and stri5ing to reduce t%is o5er ti!eK BBeatle2 1990, 249C


4ustainable co!!unities reHuire a ne? et%ical "ostureK(:%e et%ic of sustainabilit2 ex"licitl2 argues for an ex"ansion of t%e )!oral co!!unit2-K(Co!!unities %a5e an obligation to consider t%e i!"acts of land use "olicies on future residents and future generations( BBeatle2 1990, 2=2C 4ustainable co!!unities seek a fair and eHuitable distribution of resources, o""ortunities, and en5iron!ental risksK( Natural disasters are not al?a2s fair and eHual in t%eir i!"acts, and t%ere are i!"ortant ?a2s in ?%ic% a sustainable co!!unit2 in its "ursuit of safer, less %aEardous land use "atterns !ust be cogniEant of social eHuit2( s risk !ini!iEed or reduced for so!e econo!ic or social classes and not ot%ers6 $ust certain grou"s endure %ig%er le5els of risk6 *or instance, %ig%1risk flood"lains tend to be t%e location of 5er2 inex"ensi5e %ousing, ?%ose occu"ants, t%e co!!unit2Ms "oorest citiEens, are t%e !ost 5ulnerable to flooding( BBeatle2 1990, 2==C 3%ile sustainabilit2 is sub,ect to ?ide and contradictor2 inter"retations, t%ere is general agree!ent t%at it e!braces social and econo!ic "ractices t%at can be carried out indefinitel2 into t%e future ?it%out s%ifting en5iron!ental and social costs on to ot%er "eo"le, ecos2ste!s, or generations Be(g( &irages 1994J 3C7D 190FJ Danarella and <e5ine 1992C( BBolin/4tanford 1990, 2/1C Ksustainable develo ment s%ould be disarticulated fro! t%e notion of sustainable growthKsustainable de5elo"!ent in5ol5es 0ualitative c%anges in econo!ic s2ste!s, not Huantitati5e ex"ansion of t%e s2ste!( Det t%e "otentiall2 5ast financial risks t%at California or 'a"an face fro! eart%Huakes are "recisel2 a conseHuence of t%e continuing Huantitati5e ex"ansion( BBolin/4tanford 1990, 2/1C $et%ods, #""roac%es and Co!"onents+ B2 !o5ing "eo"le and "ro"ert2 out of %ig%er1risk locations, long1ter! sustainabilit2 of a co!!unit2 can be en%anced Bfor instance, relocating de5elo"!ent out of t%e flood"lain as occurred in a significant ?a2 follo?ing t%e 199/ $id?est floodsC( BBeatle2 1990, 2/9C ncreasingl2, rebuilding follo?ing disasters !ust be 5ie?ed as an i!"ortant o""ortunit2 to !o5e societ2 in t%e direction of greater sustainabilit2 BBeatle2 1990, 2/9C(

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$ini!u! building codes and construction standardsKare i!"ortant co!"onents of a sustainable co!!unit2, as are !ini!u! facilities for s%eltering, and "rogra!s, "olicies, and actions for e5acuation of residents fro! %ig%1risk areas BBeatle2 1990, 24/C( # sustainable a""roac% to natural %aEards understands t%at freHuentl2 t%e !ost effecti5e ?a2 to reduce 5ulnerabilit2 of "eo"le and "ro"ert2 is to "reser5e a %ealt%2, ?ell1functioning ecos2ste!K(One dra!atic case is t%e decision b2 t%e >(4( #r!2 Cor"s of 7ngineers to acHuire and "rotect 0,=00 acres of natural ?etlands in t%e C%arles Ri5er B$assac%usettsC ?aters%ed as an alternati5e to constructing ne? flood control ?orks( BBeatle2 1990, 24=C :%e ke2 issue is %o? to build safer co!!unities t%at are affordable for all ?%o li5e t%ere, not ,ust t%e "ri5ileged classes( :%is, ?e suggest, reHuires bot% a sensiti5it2 to local sociocultural co!"lexit2 and a artici ator& a roach to "lanning and !itigation Be(g( $askre2 1994C( &artici"ation can create t%e illusion of de!ocrac2 if it is not a!ong eHuals and if it is used !erel2 to ratif2 elite or tec%nocratic agendas B$ilton 1998J 4EasE 1994, 3oods 199=C BBolin/4tanford 1990, 22=C( )Funda ental Ne! A""roac#es Are Re$uired% 4ustainable de5elo"!ent reHuires a re?orking of t%e >(4( "osture to?ard natural disaster reduction( n general+ #ttention !ust s%ift fro! t%e current e!"%asis on reaction to natural disasters to greater antici"ation of natural %aEards, on t%e basis of long1range risk assess!ent and accurate, ti!el2, deter!inistic "rediction( AaEard1b21%aEard, site1b21site a""roac%es !ust gi5e ?a2 to co!"re%ensi5e, coordinated, co!!unit2?ide "lanning and action( #fter1t%e1fact retrofits !ust gi5e ?a2 to societal "lanning and ?a2s of doing business t%at build in resilience to natural %aEards fro! t%e beginning and fro! t%e ground u"(

$ore s"ecificall2+ Broadcast ?arnings !ust be re"laced b2 fail1safe t?o1?a2 co!!unications to ensure t%at ?arnings reac% t%ose in %ar!Ms ?a2( 4"ecial attention !ust be gi5en to t%e needs of t%e disenfranc%ised, because t%e burden of natural disasters often falls "ri!aril2 on t%e "oor( Reliance on *ederal bailouts !ust gi5e ?a2 to increased indi5idual res"onsibilit2 for insuring against unacce"table risk(

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&ro'le s:

*ederal, 4tate, and local go5ern!ents, as ?ell as t%e "ri5ate sector and t%e general "ublic, !ust act in "artners%i"( :%e >nited 4tates !ust s%o? leaders%i" internationall2 and focus on a !ulti1 %aEard a""roac%(- BN4:C 1998, FC

#n2 suggestions of t%e li!its to gro?t% or sustainable de5elo"!ent t%at !ig%t reHuire suc% li!its go against "o?erful econo!ic interests t%at "rofit fro! consu!"tion and t%e ?aste t%at it "roduces Be(g( Aorton 199=J '( OMConnor 1994C BBolin/4tanford 1990, 2/2C( ):o ac%ie5e a resilient societ2 in t%e face of natural %aEards !eans o5erco!ing significant societal inertia(- BN4:C 1998, 21C )$itigation efforts generall2 fall to 4tate and local go5ern!ents, businesses, and indi5idualsJ as a result, societal attitudes and "erce"tions can "re5ent a for!idable obstacle to disaster reduction( *e? co!!unities %a5e conducted risk assess!ents or considered t%e full range of a5ailable disaster reduction !easures des"ite t%eir feasibilit2 and cost effecti5eness( $is"erce"tions of risk, a failure to learn fro! "ast disasters, inadeHuate dis"ersion of kno?ledge and resources, and co!!unit2 "lanning di5orced fro! "re5ention are but a fe? of t%e c%allenges at t%e 4tate, local, and regional le5els( <ack of a?areness of t%e "otential t%reat and indifference to t%e conseHuences, underesti!ation of t%e risk to t%e co!!unit2, business, or indi5idual, and o5erreliance on tec%nolog2, luck, or "ersonal abilit2 to co"e ?it% a O%2"ot%eticalM disaster can "reci"itate an a"at%etic or inacti5e res"onse to t%e t%reat of natural disasters on t%e "art of 4tate and local officials as ?ell as indi5iduals( #s a result, scarce local funds are not co!!itted to %aEard reduction(- BN4:C 1998, 22C

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Sources Used or Cited Beatle2, :i!ot%2( 1990( :%e .ision of 4ustainable Co!!unities( C%a"ter eig%t of Coo erating with Nature, edited b2 Ra2!ond Burb2( 3as%ington, DC+ National #cade!2 &ress, 'ose"% Aenr2 &ress( Bolin, Robert, ?it% <ois 4tanford( 1990( The Northridge (arth0ua/e! 1ulnerabilit& and $isaster- <ondon and Ne? Dork+ Routledge( The C2#(C Journal- B# "ublication of t%e Central >nited 4tates 7art%Huake Consortiu!(C 1990( Re,u5enating t%e 7art%Huake &rogra! :%roug% &ro,ect !"act( The C2#(C Journal =, no( / B3interC+ 112( 9odsc%alk, Da5id, 7d?ard Gaiser, and &%ili" Berke( 1990( ntegrating AaEard $itigation and <ocal <and >se &lanning( C%a"ter four in Coo erating with Nature, edited b2 Ra2!ond Burb2( 3as%ington, DC+ National #cade!2 &ress, 'ose"% Aenr2 &ress( Aorton, 4( 199=( Ret%inking Rec2cling+ :%e &olitics of t%e 3aste Crisis( Ca italism Nature #ocialism 8, no( 1, ""( 1121( $askre2, #( 1994( Disaster $itigation as a Crisis of &aradig!s+ Reconstruction after t%e #lto $a2o 7art%Huake, &eru( n $isasters. $evelo ment. and (nvironment, edited b2 #( .arle2( C%ic%ester, >G+ 3ile2( $ilton, G( 1998( (nvironmentalism and Cultural Theor&- <ondon+ Routledge( National Researc% Council, Board on Natural Disasters BNRCC( 1990( Reducing $isaster Losses Through Better "nformation( 3as%ington, DC+ National #cade!2 &ress( N4:C BNational 4cience and :ec%nolog2 Council, Co!!ittee on t%e 7n5iron!ent and Natural Resources, 4ubco!!ittee on Natural Disaster ReductionC( 1998( Natural $isaster Reduction! A Plan for the Nation( 3as%ington, DC+ >(4( 9o5ern!ent &rinting Office, Dece!ber( OMConnor, '( 1994( s 4ustainable Ca"italis! &ossible6 n "s Ca italism #ustainable3 Political (conom& and the Politics of (colog&. edited b2 $( OMConnor- Ne? Dork+ 9uilford( Ols%ansk2, Robert, and 'ack GarteE( 1990( $anaging <and >se to Build Resilience( C%a"ter six in Coo erating +ith Nature, edited b2 Ra2!ond Burb2( 3as%ington, DC+ National #cade!2 &ress, 'ose"% Aenr2 &ress( &irages, D( 190F( 4ustainabilit2 as an 75ol5ing &rocess( 4utures 28, no( 2+ 19FN20=( 4EasE, #( 1994( (co o ulism! To,ic +aste and the 'ovement for (nvironmental Justice$innea"olis+ >ni5ersit2 of $innesota &ress(

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3oods, 7( 199=( $emocrac& Against Ca italism( Ca!bridge+ Ca!bridge >ni5ersit2 &ress( 3orld Co!!ission on 7n5iron!ent and De5elo"!ent B3C7DC( 190F( 5ur Common 4uture( Ne? Dork+ Oxford >ni5ersit2 &ress( Danarella, 7(, and R( <e5ine( 1992( Does 4ustainable De5elo"!ent <ead to 4ustainabilit26 4utures 24, no( 10+ F=91FF4(

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