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DIY Green Tea Cleansing Hair Rinse

Posted on September 2, 2011 by Dawn Michelle in DIY, Hair I decided to again stop using all store bought conditioners I did my usual online research on simple hair regimens and o! course I !ound articles and !orums !illed with in!ormation about the no"poo hair care method ***Updated notes at the end of the article. #o"poo re!ers to no longer using shampoo and !or some no longer using conditioner either I ha$e been using conditioner only !or %uite sometime as my hair cleanser and my hair has done e&tremely well I then added shi'a'ai powder to my coconut deep conditioning treatment to !urther cleanse my hair I began to wonder i! so many di!!erent ingredients in my hair care not only complicated things, but also made cleansing my hair with stronger ingredients more important I assumed that i! I simpli!ied my hair regimen e$en more with the right ingredients that my hair may not need as many conditioning products I could then most certainly cut things bac' to the basics I came across a !ew di!!erent !orums that spo'e about the water only hair method, sebum only hair method, and basic ingredients to cleanse the hair li'e ba'ing soda, apple cider $inegar, tea, applesauce, apple (uice, and lemon (uice My scalp does not produce e&cess sebum, so I)$e ne$er had to wash my hair more than once a wee' I also was $ery clear that the sebum only hair method wouldn)t wor' on my hair type, nor would it go o$er well with a hair stylist when wor'ing a (ob on set *hate$er I used needed to wor' well +a'ing soda and lemon (uice are completely out o! the healthy hair pH range o! , 0"- 0, so I 'new both o! those ingredients were not an option I had no interest in using apple (uice or applesauce so that was out too +ut I did thin' about tea and apple cider $inegar +lac' tea has a pH o! about , . and green tea has a pH o! / 00/ , Since green tea is not as acidic as blac' tea, I !elt that it would be a better mi& with apple cider $inegar which has a pH o! 2 102 0 I also already use green tea in my DIY Soothing 3ntio&idant 4oner and always li'e using something that I already ha$e at home 5nce I settled on green tea and apple cider $inegar, I decided to add raw honey !or its humectant and conditioning properties

Benefits of Green Tea for Hair

6reen tea is !ull o! antio&idants and soothes dandru!!, psoriasis, and other scalp irritations 6reen tea contains $itamins 7, D, and 8 as well as $itamin +9 :panthenol; 6reen tea stimulates hair !ollicles there!ore increases healthy hair growth and reducing hair loss

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair

3pple cider $inegar)s natural antibiotic and antibacterial properties balances the pH o! your scalp while remo$ing dead s'in cells on the scalp It is also a natural remedy !or hair thinning, hair loss, and dandru!! 3pple cider $inegar rinses away

chemicals and e&cess oils !rom the hair and scalp without dehydrating the hair lea$ing it conditioned and tangle !ree 4he best nutrients are in organic raw apple cider $inegar So here)s the recipe

What you will need:

5rganic 6reen 4ea 5rganic <aw 3pple 7ider =inegar <aw Honey Puri!ied *ater Spray +ottle I steeped one green tea bag in 2"2 cups o! water !or 200/0 minutes I then added 2", tablespoons o! apple cider $inegar (depending on clarifying needs) and 1 tablespoon o! raw honey I mi&ed thoroughly until the honey disappeared 5nce the li%uid cooled I poured it into my spray bottle now ready !or use

How To se
Part hair in hal! and rinse with water #ow spray the tea rinse on scalp and hair thoroughly and gently massage the scalp 7lip one side up then proceed to the other 5nce hair is completely saturated, let it sit !or at least !i$e minutes >se any remaining tea cleansing rinse to repeat to both sides be!ore rinsing

!y "otes
+e!ore I e$en began using this method o! hair cleansing I clari!ied my hair with apple cider $inegar and water I used 1?2 part ratio o! apple cider $inegar to water 4he ne&t wash day I started using the my tea rinse +ecause this tea rinse has no slip, I no longer detangle my hair in the shower I also do not !inger comb or manipulate the hair too much during the cleansing process @or my usual styling method o! setting my curls with braids, I use a mi& o! aloe $era, unre!ined shea butter, hemp oil, camellia oil, and guar gum Surprisingly the guar gum gi$es this mi& the e&act amount o! slip needed to easily detangle my hair I belie$e that because this hair cleansing process doesn)t open the hair cuticle detangling is also easier I do not put any oil on my scalp so that the s'in can breath and does not become irritated I don)t !eel li'e my hair needs to be deep conditioned wee'ly any more and will only deep condition my hair a!ter my monthly henna treatments My results are shiny beauti!ul curls in the most minimal way I e$er imagined Pay attention to how your hair responds to new methods and hair products You sometimes need to isolate products to really 'now i! they are wor'ing or not I ha$e a shower !ilter which gi$es a good balance to hard water Depending on the water you are dealing with can also a!!ect what wor's !or your hair Aastly i! you ha$e chemically damaged hair, your hair cuticle is not intact as

strongly as $irgin hair I)$e used henna !or so long and 'now that it coats and !ills in the hair cuticle I suggest doing henna or cassia treatments to impro$e your hair)s damaged condition as you grow out chemically o$er"processed hair Many turn to silicone based products to temporarily !ill in damaged hair cuticles Henna and cassia are long term natural ways to strengthen and condition hair 4his hair cleansing method isn)t going to wor' !or e$eryone or be !or e$eryone I ha$en)t used natural shampoos !or sometime and was ready to ta'ing things one step !urther 4o read more on the no"poo method chec' out this really in!ormati$e site here

If you use the no#poo hair $ethod I%d lo&e to hear what wor's for you( Co$$ent )elow* +++ pdate ,e)ruary -./0+++
I lasted with a conditioner !ree hair method !or about !our months then !ollowed with the 7urly 6irl Method !or ten months !ollowing again using BnaturalC conditioners 7urrently I)m bac' to herbal hair care, yet am so glad that I re$isited conditioners only to learn what I 'now now and share my disco$eries and new pre!erences My hair care is simpler than be!ore yet still curl !riendly I)$e gotten plenty o! responses !rom readers who lo$e this DIY 6reen 4ea 7leansing Hair <inse yet I)$e !allen in lo$e with DIY herbal hair cleansers 4hey cleanse, so!ten, and detangle hair especially when used with clay I created this recipe o$er a year ago and ha$en)t tried it !or sometime It all depends upon what products you use in your hair as well as the transitioning period !rom not using traditional shampoos I added honey to the recipe !or a humectant yet !eel !ree to try this without it I)m currently en(oying yucca root as a hair cleanser I)$e also had great success with clays Aet me 'now i! you ha$e any other %uestions +est wishesD

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