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Force Talents pg 1

Force Talents (SW Saga Edition) Force Alter The Force grants you considerable power over your environment as well as others around you. Aversion (Clone, 53): As a swift action, you can spend a Force oint to radiate an invisi!le aura t"at #a$es ot"er !eings want to avoid you% &ntil t"e end of t"e encounter, all s'uares wit"in ( s'uares of you are considered difficult terrain for your ene#ies% T"is is a #ind)affecting effect% *isciplined +tri$e (Core, 1,,): -"enever you use a Force power t"at "as a cone effect (suc" as Force slam), you #ay e.clude a certain nu#!er of targets fro# t"e effects of t"at power% T"e nu#!er of targets t"at you #ay e.clude in t"is #anner is e'ual to your -isdo# #odifier (#ini#u# of 1)% (/rrata inserted: C"ange t"e p"rase 0"as a cone effect1 to 0"as an area effect1 instead%) Force Flow (2otor, 5(): For reasons un$nown to you, T"e 3iving Force flows t"roug" you in an irregular fas"ion% -"enever you roll a natural 1 on an attac$ roll or &se t"e Force c"ec$, you gain one te#porary Force oint% 4f you do not spend t"is Force oint !efore t"e end of t"e encounter, it is lost% 4llusion (2otor, 56, &nls", 56, 7edi, 18): As a standard action, you can spend a Force oint to create an illusion t"at see#s perfectly real to anyone w"o views it% 9ou designate t"e for# and co#ple.ity of t"e illusion, as well as its si:e and location, and #a$e a &se t"e Force c"ec$% -"en a creature views t"e illusion, co#pare t"e result of your &se t"e Force c"ec$ to t"e creature;s -ill *efense, if your c"ec$ result e.ceeds its -ill *efense, it !elieves t"e illusion to !e real% Any p"ysical interaction wit" t"e illusion (suc" as touc"ing it, passing t"roug" it, or s"ooting it wit" a !laster) i##ediately reveals t"e true nature of t"e illusion, and t"e creature is no longer deceived% T"e illusion lasts for a nu#!er of #inutes e'ual to your "eroic level% T"e illusion;s si:e also affects your &se t"e Force c"ec$, applying a penalty for e.ceptionally large illusions% T"e penalties are )1 for <uge 4llusions, )( for =argantuan 4llusions, )5 for Colossal 4llusions, and )1, for Colossal (frigate) or larger illusions% T"is is a #ind)affecting effect% Prerequisite: Mind trick. 4llusion >ond (7edi, 18): -"enever you create an illusion of a "u#anoid using t"e 4llusion talent, you are a!le to see and "ear as t"oug" you were standing in t"e space occupied !y your illusion% Prerequisite: llusion 4nfluence +avant (7edi, 15): ?nce per encounter as a swift action, you can return one Force power wit" t"e @#ind)affectingA descriptor to your Force suite wit"out spending a Force oint% 9ou can select t"is talent #ultiple ti#es% /ac" ti#e you slect it, you can use it one additional ti#e per encounter% 3in$ (7edi, 15): 9ou can lend your strengt" in t"e Force to anot"er c"aracter, creating a !ond !etween you t"roug" w"ic" t"e Force flows% As a standard action, you can designate one willing ally wit"in 1( s'uares of you and in your line of sig"t% T"is ally #ust !e trained in t"e &se t"e Force s$ill% As long as you re#ain wit"in 1( s'uares of eac" ot"er, you can aid eac" ot"er on &se t"e Force c"ec$s as a reaction% <owever, t"e c"aracter using t"e aid anot"er action ta$es a )5 penalty on all &se t"e Force c"ec$s until t"e end of "is ne.t turn% T"is lin$ lasts untl t"e end of t"e encounter, or until you or your ally ends t"e lin$ (a free action)% 9ou can only "ave one active lin$ at a ti#e% Bas'uerade (7edi, 15): 9ou can use t"e 4llusion talent to create a disguise for yourself% 9ou use t"e result of your &se t"e Force c"ec$ #ade to create t"e illusion for t"e purposes of creating a deceptive appearance, as per t"e application of t"e *eception s$ill% All ot"er rules and restrictions for using t"e 4llusion talent still apply% Prerequisite: llusion%

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Bove Bassive ?!Cect (3eg, 55): -"en you successfully use t"e move ob!ect power to #ove an o!Cect of 3arge si:e or !igger, you can #a$e an area attac$ wit" t"e o!Cect instead of t"rowing it or dropping it on a si#ple target, as nor#al for t"e power% 9ou #ust spend a Force oint w"en you activate t"e power to do t"is, and t"e area you target is !ased on t"e si:e of t"e o!Cect: 3arge (.(D <uge 3.3D =argantuan 8.8D Colossal and larger E.E% -"en you use move ob!ect to #a$e an area attac$ wit" t"e o!Cect you are #ovingyou co#pare your &se t"e Force c"ec$ to t"e Fefle. *efense of eac" creature, droid, and ve"icle in t"e target area% 4f your c"ec$ e'uals or e.ceeds t"e target;s Fefle. *efense, it ta$es da#age fro# t"e o!Cect (as deter#ined !y t"e move ob!ect power)% ?t"erwise, t"e target ta$es "alf da#age% T"is is an area affect% Prerequisites: Telekinetic Power, move ob!ect% +uppress Force (7edi, 15): 9ou can convince ot"ers t"at t"ey "ave !een cut off fro# t"e Force, even if t"at is not t"e case, preventing t"e# fro# #a$ing &se t"e Force c"ec$s% -"enever a target wit" an 4ntelligence of 3 or "ig"er wit"in 1( s'uares of you and in your line of sig"t atte#pts to #a$e a &se t"e Force c"ec$ for any reason, you can spend one use of t"e #ind tric$ Force power as a reaction% 9ou #a$e a &se t"e Force c"ec$ and if your &se t"e Force c"ec$ e'uals or e.ceeds t"e target;s &se t"e Force c"ec$ result, t"at target;s s$ill c"ec$ is negated and t"e action it was atte#pting fails% Prerequisite: n"luence #avant, mind trick. Tele$inetic ower (Core, 1,,): -"enever you roll a natural (, on your &se t"e Force c"ec$ to activate t"e Force disarm, Force grip, Force slam, Force thrust, or move ob!ect Force powers, you #ay c"oose to use t"at Force power again i##ediately as a free action% 9ou #ay direct t"e second use of t"e Force power against any eligi!le target% (/rrata: C"ange t"e te.t of t"e first sentence of t"e talent to say, 0-"enever you roll a natural (, on your &se t"e Force c"ec$ to activate a power wit" t"e @tele$ineticA descriptor, you #ay c"oose to use t"at power again i##ediately as a free action%1) Tele$inetic rodigy (&nls", 55): -"en you ta$e t"e Force Training feat and select move ob!ect as one of your Force powers, you can also select one e.tra power to add to your Force suite for free% T"is power #ust !e one of t"e powers affected !y Tele$inetic +avant talent% 9ou can gain on ly one e.tra power eac" ti#e you ta$e t"e Force Training feat, regardless of "ow #any ti#es you c"oose t"e move ob!ect power% Prerequisite: Telekinetic #avant. Tele$ininetic +avant (Core, 1,,): ?nce per encounter as a swift action, you #ay return one of t"ese Force powers to your suite wit"out spending a Force oint: Force disarm, Force grip, Force slam, Force thrust, or move ob!ect. 9ou #ay select t"is talent #ultiple ti#es% /ac" ti#e you select it, you #ay use t"is talent one additional ti#e per encounter% (/rrata: C"ange t"e te.t of t"is talent to say: 0?nce per encounter as a swift action, you #ay return one Force power wit" t"e @tele$ineticA descriptor to your suite wit"out spending a Force oint%1) Telepat"ic 4nfluence (2otor, 53): 9ou naturally and unconsciously influence t"ose w"o are regularly around you% -"enever you roll a natural (, on an attac$ roll or &se t"e Force c"ec$, instead of regaining all your spent Force powers, you #ay instead c"oose to grant one ally wit"in 1( s'uares a te#porary Force oint% 4f your ally does not use t"is te#porary Force oint !efore t"e end of t"e encounter, it is lost% Prerequisites: Telepathic $ink, trained in %se the Force% Telepat"ic 3in$ (2otor, 53): 9ou for# an en"anced telepat"ic lin$ wit" a willing ally wit" t"e Force +ensitivity feat as a swift action% T"e lin$ is #aintained until you c"oose to re#ove it (no action re'uired)% As long as you re#ain wit"in one $ilo#eter of your target, you and t"e target can co##unicate telepat"ically as t"oug" you were spea$ing% ?nce per encounter, you #ay use a Force power fro# your target;s Force suite (if t"e target consents), or you #ay allow t"e target to use one of your Force powers% 9ou #ay only "ave one telepat"ic lin$ active at a ti#e% Prerequisite: Trained in %se the Force%

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Force Control &ou have learned how to regulate your own body systems, control your emotions, and channel the Force. >east Tric$ (2otor, 53): 9ou can use t"e mind trick Force power on creatures of intelligence ( and lower% <owever, a !east wit" an intelligence of ( or less still cannot perfor# any co#ple. action or understand co#ple. co##ands it wouldn;t ot"erwise !e a!le to understandD an affected !east #ig"t understand 0Attac$ t"ose +it" troopersG1 !ut it would not co#pre"end, 0>rea$ into t"e co##and center and disa!le t"e co##unication array%1 C"annel /nergy (7edi, 1E): -"enever you use t"e negate energy Force power to successfully negate t"e da#age fro# an energy weapon attac$, you an spend a Force oint as a reaction to i##ediately activate any Force power currently in your Force suite% Prerequisite: 'egate energy. *a#age Feduction 1, (Core, 1,1): 9ou can spend a Force oint as a standard action to gain da#age reduction 1, for 1 #inute (see *a#age Feduction, page 155 Core)% /'uili!riu# (Core, 1,1): As a swift action, you can spend a Force oint to re#ove all de!ilitating conditions affecting you and return to a nor#al state (see Conditions, page 185 Core) Force /.ertion (&nls", 55): -"en you select t"is talent, c"oose one Force power t"at you "ave in your Force power suite% As a reaction, you can re#ove any one Force power fro# your active suite to add an e.tra use of t"e Force power designated !y t"is talent% *oing so #oves you )1 persistent step along t"e condition trac$% T"is persistent condition is re#oved !y resting for 1 #inute% 9ou can select t"is talent #ultiple ti#es% /ac" ti#e you do so, you c"oose a different Force power to !e gained !y u sing t"is talent% Prerequisite: Force Training feat% Force Focus (Core, 1,1): As a full)round action, you #ay #a$e a *C 15 &se t"e Force c"ec$% 4f t"e c"ec$ succeeds, you regain one spent Force power of your c"oice% Force <ar#ony (7edi, 15): ?nce per encounter, you can activate one Force talent t"at re'uires a Force oint to use wit"out spending a Force oint% Force Fecovery (Core, 1,1): -"enever you use your second wind (see +econd -ind, page 18E Core), you regain a nu#!er of additional "it points e'ual to 1dE per Force oint you possess (#a.i#u# 1,dE)% Prerequisite: /'uili!riu#% Force +uppression (2otor, 53): 4f you use t"e rebuke Force power to atte#pt to negate or redirect a Force power used against you !ut fail to overco#e your opponent;s &se t"e Force c"ec$ result, you instead lessen t"e effect of t"e Force power !y one step% For e.a#ple, if an opponent atte#pted to use t"e slow Force power on you and rolled a (1, if you fail to rebuke t"e power you only suffer t"e *C 15 effect instead of t"e *C (, effect% T"is talent only affects Force powers t"at "ave varia!le effects !ased on your opponent;s &se t"e Force c"ec$s, and powers wit" static *Cs wit"out varia!le effects (suc" as Force lightning) are unaffected% Prerequisite: (ebuke Force power 4ndo#inia!le -ill (&nls", 55): 9ou can spend a Force oint as a standard action to !eco#e i##une to all #ind)affecting effects for 1 #inute%

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Tele$inetic +ta!ility (3eg, 55): -"enever an attac$ or effect would nor#ally #ove you against your will (suc" as !eing targeted !y a >ant"a Fus", or !eing #oved !y Force thrust or stagger power), you can spend a Force oint to negate t"at #ove#ent% T"e -ill to Fesist (Clone, 53): ?nce per turn, as a reaction to !eing targeted !y a Force power or ot"er a!ility t"at targets your -ill *efense, you can #a$e a &se t"e Force c"ec$ and r ep lace your -ill *efense wit" t"e result of t"e &se t"e Force c"ec$% After you #a$e t"is c"ec$, until t"e end of your ne.t turn, you ta$e a )5 penalty on all &se t"e Force c"ec$s% Force *ar$ +ide The path to the dark side o" the Force is the quick and easy path, granting ama)ing power but "orever dominating the destinies o" those in its grasp. &ou must have a *ark #ide #core o" + or higher to select talents "rom this tree, i" your *ark #ide #core is ever reduced to -, you lose access to all talents in this talent tree until your *ark #ide #core increases. Consu#ed !y *ar$ness (Clone, 53): +o#eti#es your anger consu#es you% As a sw ift action, you can ta$e a )5 penalty to your -ill *efense to gain a H( Force !onus on attac$ rolls% T"e penalty and !onus last until t"e !eginning of your ne.t turn% *ar$ resence (Core, 1,1): As a standard action, you grant yourself and all allies wit"in E s'uares of you a H 1 Force !onus to all defenses until t"e end of t"e encounter% T"ese !onuses are lost if you fall unconscious or die% Affected allies t"at #ove out of range lose t"e !enefits for as long as t"ey re#ain out of range% Prerequisites: C"aris#a 13, ower of t"e *ar$ +ide% *ar$ reservation (3eg, 55): -"enever an effect would nor#ally #ove you down t"e condition trac$, you #ay spend a Force oint and increase your *ar$ +ide +core !y 1 to negate t"at #ove#ent down t"e condition trac$% Prerequisite: Power o" the *ark #ide. *ar$ +ide +avant (7edi, 1E): ?nce per encounter as a swift action, you can return one Force power wit" t"e .dark side/ descriptor to your Force suite wit"out spending a Force oint% 9ou can select t"is talent #ultiple ti#es% /ac" ti#e you select it, you can use it one additional ti#e per encounter% *rain 2nowledge (T"rt, 3,): As a standard action, you can spend a Force oint to drain t"e $nowledge of an aen#y you touc"D you #ust succeed on a &se t"e Force c"ec$ (*C e'ual to t"e target;s -ill *efense) to activate t"is talent, and if you fail to activate t"is talent, you #ay not try again on t"e sa#e target for one day% 4f successful, you i##ediately !eco#e trained in one s$ill t"at t"e target is trained inD if you are already trained in t"at s$ill, you instead gain +$ill Focus in t"at s$ill% T"is training or focus lasts for one day% Additionally, your target #oves )1 persistent step along t"e condition trac$, and t"e persistent condition can !e re#oved only !y resting for 5 "ours% Aditionally, you can c"oose to instead sift t"roug" t"e #ind of t"e target, loo$ing for a specific piece of $nowledge or infor#ation% *oing so re'uires you to #a$e a erception c"ec$ against t"e target;s -ill *efenseD succ3ess indicates t"at you pull t"e relevant infor#ation fro# t"e target;s #ind% -"en you do so, you do not gain t"e training or focus nor#ally granted !y t"is talent, !ut ot"erwise t"e talent functions as nor#al% &sing t"is talent increases your *ar$ +ide +core !y 1% ower of t"e *ar$ +ide (Core, 1,1): 9ou allow your "atred to fuel your attac$s% -"enever you spend a Force oint to #odify an attac$ roll, you #ay c"oose to roll an additional !onus die and ta$e t"e !est result% <owever, doing so increases your *ar$ +ide +core !y 1% For e.a#ple, a 1st)level c"aracter wit" t"is talent could increase

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"is *ar$ +ide +core !y 1 to roll (dE instead of 1dE, ta$ing t"e !est die result and applying it as a !onus on "is attac$ roll% Fevenge (Core, 1,1): -"enever an ally of e'ual or "ig"er level t"an you is $illed or reduced to , "it points wit"in your line of sig"t, you gain a H( Force !onus on attac$ rolls and da#age rolls until t"e end of t"e encounter% (+ince Force !onuses do not stac$, you donIt get a "ig"er !onus if #ore t"an one ally falls in t"e sa#e encounter%) Prerequisites: *ar$ resence, ower of t"e *ar$ +ide% +wift ower (Core, 1,1): ?nce per day, you can use a Force power t"at nor#ally ta$es a standard action or #ove action as a swift action% Prerequisite: ower of t"e *ar$ +ide% Transfer /ssence (7edi, 1E): -"en you die, you !eco#e a dar$ side spirit @see page 115, 7ediA until t"e end of t"e encounter% 9ou continue to occupy a space in t"is for#, !ut ot"er creatures can occupy t"e sa#e space or #ove t"roug" your space wit"out i#pedi#ent% As a standard action, you can atte#pt to possess an adCacent target% 9ou #ust succeed on a &se t"e Force c"ec$ against t"e adCacent target;s -ill *efense% 4f your c"ec$ result e'uals or e.ceeds t"e target;s -ill *efense, you deal 5dE points of stun da#age to t"e targetD if you reduce t"e target to , "it points or #ove it to t"e !otto# of t"e condition trac$ wit" t"is attac$, you possess t"e target as t"oug" it were a willing "ost @see t"e dar$ spirit te#plate for detailsA% Alternatively, as a standard action, you can transfer your essence into a single adCacent o!Cect, suc" as a "olocron or a lig"tsa!er% 4f you do so, you lie dor#ant wit"in t"e o!Cect until anot"er creature atte#pts to use t"at o!Cect, at w"ic" ti#e you can e#erge and atte#pt to possess t"e creature, as descri!ed a!ove% 4f you do not possess a creature or o!Cect wit"in 1, rounds of #anifesting as a dar$ spirit, your spirit dissipates and ceases to Prerequisite: *ark #ide #core equal to your 0isdom score% -rat" of t"e *ar$ +ide (&nls", 55): -"en you roll a natural (, on a &se t"e Force c"ec$ to activate a Force power t"at directly deals da#age to a target, you can c"oose not to regain all of your spent Force powers as nor#al and instead t"e targets da#aged !y t"e power ta$e "alf t"at da#age again at t"e start of t"eir ne.t turn% ?nly powers t"at directly da#age t"e target are su!Cect to t"is talent, including corruption, Force blast, Force grip, Force lightning, Force slam, Farce storm, Force thrust (only w"en spending a Force oint)% and repulse (only w"en spending a Force oint)% Prerequisite: ower of t"e *ar$ +ide% Force =uardian +pirit &ou have a spirit watching overy ou, providing advice and continuing your training in the Force. 1lthough Force spirits cannot physically aid you, their guidance is critical to your success. =uardian +pirit (7edi, 1E): 9ou "ave a guardian spirit watc"ing over you fro# t"e real# of t"e Force, providing you wit" insig"t and advice% 9our guardian spirit #ig"t !e an old #entor or an ancient #e#!er of your Force tradition w"o "as c"osen to guide you to your destiny% -"en you use t"e +earc" 9our Feelings application of t"e &se t"e Force s$ill, you can instead c"oose to consult your guardian spirit% -"en you do so, you learn #ore t"an Cust w"et"er t"e results of your actions will !e favora!le or unfavora!leD you also learn t"e nature of any i##ediate conse'uences, including potential encounters, and w"et"er or not certain actions will !ring you closer to ac"ieving your destiny% Additionally, you gain one !onus Force oint eac" day (availa!le after you rest for at least E "ours)% T"is !onus Force oint can only !e used to i#prove a Force power or activate a Force tec"ni'ue or a Force secret% 4f you do not spend your !onus Force oint in a given day, it is lost at t"e start of t"e ne.t day%

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Crucial Advice (7edi, 16): ?nce per encounter, w"en you fail a s$ill c"ec$, you an reroll t"e s$ill c"ec$ wit" a H( circu#stance !onus% (4n t"e case of s$ill c"ec$s wit" #ultiple possi!le results, suc" as activating a Force power wit" #ultiple effects, failing a s$ill c"ec$ is defined ac"ieving less t"an t"e #ini#u# *C for t"at c"ec$)% *istracting Apparition (7edi, 16): -"en you "ave a #anifested guardian spirit, t"e spirit also discourages your ene#ies and distracts t"e# fro# t"eir goals% Any ene#y wit"in 3 s'uares of your guardian ta$es a )( penalty to -ill *efense and a )( penalty on attac$ rolls against you% Prerequisite: Mani"est 2uardian #pirit Banifest =uardian +pirit (7edi, 16): 9ou can spend a Force oint as a swift action to "ave your guardian spirit #anifest for t"e duration of t"e encounter% 9our guardian spirit appears in any s'uare wit"in E s'uares of you% A guardian spirit occupies a space, !ut creatures can #ove t"roug" t"e guardiian spirit wit"out o!struction% As long as t"e guardian spirit re#ains wit"in 1( s'uares of you, you gain a H1 #orale !onus on attac$ rolls, a H( #orale !onus on &se t"e Force c"ec$s, and a H( #orale !onus to -ill *efense% 9ou can #ove t"e guardian spirit up to E s'uares as a swift action once per turn% Jital /ncourage#ent (7edi, 16): ?nce per encounter, your guardian spirit offers you vital encourage#ent, urging you to press on despite adversity% As a free action, you gain !onus "it points e'ual to 1, H one)"alf your "eroic level% *a#age is su!tracted fro# !onus "it points first, and any !onus "it points re#aining at t"e end of t"e encounter are lost% Force 3ig"t +ide The light side o" the F orce is not the easiest course to "ollow, but its promise o" peace and harmony can help even the most weak3willed o" Force3users on the right path. &ou must have a *ark #ide #core o" - to select talents "rom this tree, i" your *ark #ide #core ever increases to at least +, you lose access to all talents in this talent tree until your *ark #ide #core drops back to -. At eace (Clone, 53): 9ou can spend a Force oint to gain a H( Force !onus to all defenses until t"e end of t"e encounter or until you a ttac$, w"ic"ever co#es first% Attuned (Clone, 53): -"en you roll a natural (, on an attac$ roll against a target w it" a *ar $ +ide +core of 1 or "ig"er, you can activate a single Force power wit" t"e .light side/ descriptor i##ediately as a free action% Prerequisite: Focused Attac$% Focused Attac$ (Clone, 53): 9ou can spend a Force oint to reroll a n attac$ against a creature wit" a *ar $ +ide +core of 1 or "ig"er, $eeping t"e !etter of t"e two rolls% +urge of 3ig"t (Clone, 53): ?nce per encounter, as a swift action, you can return any Force power wit" t"e .light side/ descriptor to your suite w it"out spending a Force oint% 9ou can select t"is talent #ultiple ti#es% /ac" ti#e you select it, you can use t"is talent one additiona l ti#e per encounter% Force +ense &our attunement to the Force grants you uncanny powers o" perception. Feel t"e Force (&nls", 55): As a standard action, you can spend a Force oint to ignore all conceal#ent for 1 #inute%

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Force erception (Core, 1,1): 9ou can #a$e a &se t"e Force c"ec$ instead of a erception c"ec$ to avoid surprise, notice ene#ies, sense deception, or sense influence (see t"e erception s$ill, page 6,)% 9ou are considered trained in t"e erception s$ill for purposes of using t"is talent% 4f you are entitled to a erception c"ec$ reroll, you #ay reroll your &se t"e Force c"ec$ instead (su!Cect to t"e sa#e circu#stances and li#itations)% Force ilot (Core, 1,1): 9ou can use your &se t"e Force c"ec$ #odifier instead of your ilot c"ec$ #odifier w"en #a$ing ilot c"ec$s% 9ou are considered trained in t"e ilot s$ill for purposes of using t"is talent% 4f you are entitled to a ilot c"ec$ reroll, you #ay reroll your &se t"e Force c"ec$ instead (su!Cect to t"e sa#e circu#stances and li#itations)% Force (+"ips, 1E): -"en activating a stars"ip #aneuver, you #ay spend a Force oint to reroll your ilot c"ec$, $eeping t"e !etter result% +ee C"apter ( (+"ips) for #ore infor#ation on stars"ip #aneuvers% Prerequesites: Force #ensitivity, #tarship Tactics, Force Pilot Foresig"t (Core, 1,1): 9ou #ay spend a Force oint to reroll an 4nitiative c"ec$, $eeping t"e !etter of t"e two rolls% Additionally, if you roll a natural (, on t"e 4nitiative c"ec$ reroll, you i##ediately regain t"e Force oint spent to activate t"is talent% Prerequisite: Force erception% =auge Force otential (Core, 1,1): >y focusing on a specific creature in your line of sig"t, you can gauge "ow strong in t"e Force it is% T"is ta$es a standard action and re'uires a &se t"e Force c"ec$% 4f your c"ec$ result #eets or !eats t"e targetIs -ill *efense, you $now w"et"er or not it "as t"e Force +ensitivity feat, you $now "ow #any Force powers it $nows (!ut not w"ic" ones, specifically), and you $now "ow #any Force oints it "as currently% Prerequisite: Force erception% <eig"tened Awareness (Clone, 53): 9ou can spend a Force oint to add your C"aris#a !onus to your erception c"ec$% 9ou can select t"is talent #ultiple ti#es% /ac" ti#e you select t"is talent, you add your C"aris#a !onus an additiona l ti#e% 4nstinctive Kavigation (7edi, 16): 9ou can su!stitute your &se t"e Force s$ill for any &se Co#puter c"ec$ #ade to astrogate or operate sensors w"ile you are t"e pilot of a ve"icle% Prerequisite: Force Pilot. Botion of t"e Future (7edi, 16): As a swift action, you can peer into t"e future in searc" of signs of danger, re#oving one use of any Farseeing Force power fro# your active suite (as t"oug" you "ad Cust activated t"e power)% Any ti#e !efore t"e end of your ne.t turn w"en you are t"e target of an attac$ or Force power, you can force your attac$er to reroll t"e attac$ (or &se t"e Force c"ec$) against you, $eeping t"e second result%T"is counts as using t"e "arseeing Force power against t"e attac$er, !ut t"is talent replaces t"e nor#al rules and effect of t"at power% Prerequisite: Force Perception% syc"o#etry (Clone, 53): -"en you use t"e "arseeing Force power, you can c"oose to target an o!Cect you "old instead of a c"a racter or creature% 9ou can loo$ into t"e targeted o!CectIs past, up to a #a.i#u# of 5 years per your c"aracter level% Any infor#ation gained a!out t"e o!CectIs past is !ased on t"e t"oug"ts and e#otions of t"e person "olding or carrying t"e o!Cect at t"e ti#e you perceive, w"ic" can s$ew t"e results of t"e vision% Prerequisites: Force erception, "arseeing. +"ift +ense (Clone, 53): 9ou can spend a Force oint to gain low)lig"t vision for 1 #inute or until t"e end of t"e encounter, w"ic"ever is longer%

Force Talents pg 5

Jisions (Core, 1,1): -"enever you use t"e "arseeing Force power, you can spend a Force oint as a swift action to see into t"e targetIs past or future instead of t"e gli#psing t"e target in t"e present% 9ou declare "ow far into t"e targetIs past or future you wis" to loo$, up to a #a.i#u# of 1 year per your c"aracter level% Any infor#ation gained a!out a targetIs future is su!Cect to c"ange, depending on w"et"er steps are ta$en to alter t"at future% Prerequisites: Force erception, "arseeing.

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