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ClC Clobal Mlsslon loundaLlon, lnc.

20 Avenue, Cubao, Cuezon ClLy 1109, MeLro Manlla, hlllpplnes
1elephone numbers: 1runkllne (632) 709-4868 lax number (632) 709-4844

Families in the Holy Spirit Renewing the Face of the Earth

"#$% & !anuary 27, 2014

'%() *)+ & ClC-SlC lullLlme Workers, SlC Couple CoordlnaLors

,- & ClC lamlly MlnlsLrles Peads

'%() .+)( & 8enedlcL . !adulco- LvenL Pead, SlC lCCn 2014

/% & SlC Couple CoordlnaLors Conference 2014


Cod has glven us one of Pls preclous glfLs - marrlage. Pe has blessed us wlLh a spouse who wlll
[ourney wlLh us as we go Lhrough llfe. 1hls [ourney enLalls - consLanLly learnlng, regularly
forglvlng, conslsLenLly servlng and always lovlng, en[oylng Lhe advenLure en rouLe Lo our flnal
desLlnaLlon, our one Lrue heavenly home. Llkewlse, Pe creaLed marrlage for a greaLer purpose.
Pe lnsLlLuLed lL noL only for Lhe beneflL of Lhe couple buL more so Pe may use us as Pls
lnsLrumenLs ln renewlng Lhe face of Lhe earLh.

WlLh Lhls, we are announclng Lhe upcomlng ,)012% ,))+345#$)+6 ,)5*%+%5-% 7,,,89 Anchored
ln Lhe ScrlpLure!"!"#$%&'& #) *") +) +&,-. "/ '0& 12#& #,-34 5,'0 '0& 12#& %"6&4 7-,'&3 ,-
0&28'4 '0,-9,-. "-& '0,-.:; <0,%: =>=4 Lhe conference ls enLlLled !# %#&' () *+,+,-+*..

1he conference goals are as follows:
1. 1o sLrengLhen Lhe relaLlonshlps of couples servlng ln Lhe mlnlsLry
2. 1o lmparL ln Lhem Lhelr vlLal roles ln Lhe llves of Lhe slngles and ln ClC as a whole
3. 1o updaLe Lhe coordlnaLors on Lhe new developmenLs on Lhe mlnlsLry

1he conference wlll be held on :#$0+3#;< .%=+0#+; >?< @A>B *+)( C#( $) D&DA1(. 1he
reglsLraLlon fee ls EF1>AA 1%+ 1#+$4-41#5$. venue of Lhe conference wlll be announced soon.

8eglsLraLlon guldellnes and schedule are aLLached ln Lhls memo.

LeL's lnsplre one anoLher wlLh our presence and be remlnded of Lhe greaL and exclLlng [ourney
LhaL Cod has for us.

Cod bless!

ln ChrlsL, noLed by:

G%5%34-$ H#302-) I)24 '#50%2
LvenL Pead lnLernaLlonal CoordlnaLor
SlC lCCn 2014 ClC Slngles for ChrlsL

JK L#2M $) /%(%(=%+N

/%O46$+#$4)5 P043%245%6&

CCC 2014 reglsLraLlon slgn up ls CnLlnL
/%O46$+#$4)5 46 )52; *+)( H#50#+; @C $) .%=+0#+; >A9
uelegaLes may enllsL by logglng on Lo

SLeps afLer logglng ln:

SLep 1: cllckQ4%R /%O46$+#$4)5 S46$)+;
SLep 2: cllck Lhe $+#56#-$4)5 T" you wanL Lo reglsLer.
SLep 3: cllck /%O46$%+ *)+ 60= %U%5$: locaLed aL Lhe lefL upper parL of Lhe screen

?ou wlll be led Lo Lhe evenL page conLalnlng relevanL deLalls.

SLep 3: choose :.,T,VI@A>B ,,, on Lhe drop down llsL
SLep 4: chooseJK LKWX YV /Z'Z'GZ/Nln Lhe nexL drop down llsL
SLep 3: choose Lhe name of Lhe delegaLe you wanL Lo reglsLer on Lhe lasL drop down
SLep 6: cllck /%O46$%+
SLep 7& Cllck nexL Lo proceed on paymenL opLlons. Cash, 8ank and CredlL card are Lhe
opLlons for paymenLs.
SLep 8: Cllck Lhe necessary mode of paymenL, Lhen cllck nexL Lo conflrm mode of
paymenL. lollow Lhe procedure on paylng Lhe amounL.
SLep 9: Cllck nexL. A LransacLlon lu wlll be glven.
SLep 10: ay necessary amounL and enLer bank deLalls on Lhe glven LransacLlon lu.
WalL for Lhe conflrmaLlon and lf !"-/,8#&3, presenL your conflrmaLlon
sllp on Lhe CCC booLh on Lhe flrsL day.

lor clarlflcaLlons you may conLacL Lhe CCC commlLLee heads< ,F+46$4#5 K24R#5#O and !o Anne
8enLuLar aL sfclconccc[ Walk lns wlll also be accepLed on Lhe venue.


Y4(% K-$4U4$;

8:00 Arrlval / 8eglsLraLlon
9:00 Cpenlng Worshlp
9:20 :%664)5 > [ /)#3 $) \T ")]
Couple AcLlvlLy
10:43 :%664)5 @ [ H)0+5%;45O Y)O%$F%+
12:00nn Lunch
1:00 AfLernoon Worshlp
1:20 W)U45O /%61)56%6
3:30 LmpowermenL prayer

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