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California ID# 990464 P.O. Box 7141 Van Nuys CA 91409-7141 ( 1 ! "#9-"910 info$sf%no&.or'

San Fernando Valley/Northeast Los Angeles NOW PAC

CALLAC/NLLAC, P.O. Box 433 Torran e CA !"#"$%"433 &'(3) *$*.#4*+ alla ,-an.t/ 0er. o1 Also Part2 23at2ng4 52ss 6e7ol/t2onar2es, Br2ng 8olly9ood 8o1e Fo/ndat2on, and the :n2ted For ;d/ at2on Coal2t2on 1ente<ran a,1sn. o1, L.A. Progress27e, Cal2<orn2a L:LAC =nst2t/te &CL=), aal/e7ano,aol. o1, Todos :n2dos, aa1entor'""",aol. o1 ;ndorse1ents .y the SPC are ons2dered 213ortant 3r2>es 2n Los Angeles area ele t2ons. ?/r2ng the '"(' ele t2on y le, .oth o< SPC@s endorsees, 6e3resentat27e Brad Sher1an and long%shot Ste7e Fox 9ent on to 92n the2r ra es. 6/nn2ng ("A ahead 2n the 3olls, Sher1an sent a last 12n/te 1a2l2ng to e7ery ?e1o rat2 and =nde3endent reg2stered 9o1an 2n h2s d2str2 t to/t2ng the SFV/N;LA NOW endorse1ent and 9ent on to .eat h2s o33onent, 6e3. 8o9ard Ber1an, .y an asto/nd2ng '" 3o2nts on ele t2on n2ght. ?/r2ng the '"(3 Los Angeles 5/n2 23al ele t2ons, all <o/r o< the 1a-or 5ayoral and2dates so/ght and 9ere 2nter72e9ed .y SPC <or endorse1ent. =n the r/no<<, 92th the ex e3t2on o< SFV/N;LA NOW 9h2 h 1ade a tr23le endorse1ent 2n the 3r21ary 9h2 h .e a1e a r/no<< d/al endorse1ent, all other SPC endors2ng gro/3s endorsed 5ayor%ele t ;r2 Bar ett2 <or the r/no<<. A '""+ 3ro<ess2onal 3oll o112ss2oned .y C2ndy 5ontane> de1onstrated that a1ongst San Fernando Valley endors2ng organ2>at2ons, the 7oters ons2dered the SFV/N;LA NOW endorse1ent to ha7e the h2ghest 2ntegr2ty. SPC attr2./tes the red2.2l2ty o< the2r endorse1ents to the2r str2 t non%3art2sansh23 & organ2>at2ons ha7e 1ade 3ast endorse1ents o< ?e1o rats, 6e3/.l2 ans, =nde3endents, Breens, and Pea e C Freedo1 Party and2dates) and on<l2 t o< 2nterest 3ol2 2es to 2ns/re that 2nterested 2nd272d/als annot 3art2 23ate or 1/st l212t 3art2 23at2on 2n s3e 2<2 ra es, e7en .ased /3on a 1ere a33earan e o< 213ro3r2ety. SPC re ogn2>es that o/r -o2nt and2date D/est2onna2re 2s one o< the 1ost d2<<2 /lt 2n Cal2<orn2a .e a/se 2t 2s o13letely s/.-e t27e and annot .e Es ored.F So1e and2dates .r2stle at ha72ng to ans9er D/est2ons that ha7e noth2ng to do 92th the o<<2 e they are r/nn2ng <or. Th2s 2s .e a/se 2n the era o< Eter1 l212tsF

3ol2t2 2ans 3lay 1/s2 al ha2rs 92th greater <reD/en y. Go/ 1ay .e r/nn2ng <or dog% at her today and state leg2slat/re t9o years <ro1 no9. We do not 9ant to hel3 yo/r areer 2< yo/ are d2a1etr2 ally o33osed to o/r 3os2t2ons on r2t2 al 2ss/es. For /3 o12ng ele t2ons, SPC has added, 2n add2t2on to 2ts on<2dent2al <a e to <a e 2nter72e9, an o3t2onal on%re ord se12%<or1al 3ress on<eren e 2n 9h2 h and2dates see02ng the endorse1ent 92ll .e en o/raged to 3art2 23ate. All 1ed2a 92ll .e 2n72ted, ./t an e13has2s 92ll .e 3la ed /3on see02ng 3art2 23at2on <ro1 alternat27e and s1all 1ed2a o/tlets, s/ h as o11/n2ty ne9s3a3ers, on%l2ne 3/.l2 at2ons, and ethn2 /non%;ngl2sh lang/age 3ress. Add2t2onally, SPC 92ll hart yo/r 3rogress 2n o<<2 e to Ehold 2n /1.ents@ <eet to the <2reF .y o13ar2ng the 3ro12ses and re3resentat2ons they 1ade d/r2ng the endorse1ent 3ro ess to yo/r 3er<or1an e 2n o<<2 e. SPC 92ll see0 3er2od2 <a e to <a e 1eet2ngs 92th those ele ted to re72e9 the2r e<<orts to 213le1ent the2r 3ro12ses and to hel3 ./2ld 3/.l2 s/33ort <or the re<or1s they ha7e de1anded and 9e ex3e t yo/ to 3ledge yo/rsel< to s/ h 3er2od2 re72e9 <ollo92ng the ele t2on. Ho2nt Cand2date =nter72e9 Co112ttee o< the Sa1e Page/52s1a Pag2na Coal2t2on '"(4 Cand2date I/est2onna2re For candidate convenience, the Same Page/Misma Pagina Coalition will jointly consider candidates questionnaires and jointly interview candidates. SF /!"#$ !%& and C$##$C will ma'e their own inde(endent endorsements) C#* and +odos ,nidos do not endorse as 501(c)(3) non-profits , -ut (artici(ate .or (ur(oses o. (olitical education .or the (u-lic. +he (rocess -egins with your su-mission o. res(onses to the .ollowing questionnaire/ !ame o. Candidate/ Sandra Mendo0a Sought/ C$ State $ssem-ly, 1istrict 23 Party a..iliation/ 1emocratic Party %ccu(ation/ Pu-lic Sector 4 Program Manager %rgani0ational $..iliations/ Mem-er o. the !ational &omens Political Caucus, !ational %rgani0ation .or &omen, C$ 1emocratic Party State 1elegate Contact in.ormation .or your cam(aign, including tele(hone, address, and email) names o. liaisons. Cam(aign Manager/ Mario 5eltran 26789:786;<; Cam(aign contact tel/ 37389728=772 Cam(aign email/ sandra.orassem-ly> Cam(aign mailing address/ 1<37 So. ermont $ve., #.$., C$ =;;;6

$?" @%, $ M"M5"? %F $!@ %F +A" SPC P$?+*C*P$+*!B %?B$!*C$+*%!SD #ist any such organi0ations you -elong to. *. not, list the organi0ations you would li'e to join. * am a mem-er o. !%& and (lan to join C$##$C. =ss/es =%Wo1en, LBBT= C Fa12ly La9 1. 1e.ine E.eminismF and state whether you are a .eminist. Feminism as * view it, is us women see'ing gender equality culturally, (ro.essionally and (ersonally. * consider mysel. a .eminist. 7. $re you G(ro8choiceDF "H(lain your views on the .ollowing issues/ IaJ legally im(osed waiting (eriods .or the termination o. (regnancies I-J legally required s(ousal and/or (arental noti.ications as a requisite .or a minor to get an a-ortion IcJ -ans on s(eci.ic termination (rocedures, such as so8called E(artial -irth a-ortionF IdJ residency requirements .or women to law.ully see' a-ortions IeJ restrictions on government .unding I.J codi.ication o. ?oe vs. &ade aJ * am o((osed to Eim(osed waiting (eriods. -J S(ousal and (arental noti.ication should -e voluntary and not required as a requisite to a womans (ersonal li.e a..ecting decision as to what she wishes to do with her -ody. cJ $ny ty(e o. -an on termination (rocedures in an invasion o. (rivacy on women and should -e tough choices le.t -etween a woman and her doctor. dJ * o((ose such requirements as residency requirements as these are added im(ositions on womens health choices. eJ Pu-lic .unding to health should include termination o. (regnancies as these are health related choices that may a..ect women long term i. done illegally due to lac' o. .unding. .J * su((ort codi.ication o. ?oe vs. &ade. 3. Aow many -eds are availa-le in the jurisdiction you are running in .or -attered women and childrenD &hat will/can you do to increase availa-le .acilitiesD 1o you su((ort eHtension o. .unding .or the iolence $gainst &omen $ct I $&$J and how did you vote on it i. you have already had an o((ortunity to do soD 1o you su((ort eHtending $&$ to allow !ative $mericans to (rosecute non8 !atives or !atives .rom other tri-es .or domestic violence and related crimes within their tri-al court systemsD 1o you su((ort s(eci.ic wording indicating that $&$ (rotects #B5+K* community Isince 2;L o. #es-ian victims o. domestic violence are turned away .rom sheltersJD 1o you su((ort 'ee(ing (rotections .or immigrant women such as with ,8 isasD

* su((ort eHtension o. $&$, this includes victims o. the B5+ community and r !ative $merican women within their tri-al jurisdictions. * su((ort 'ee(ing (rotections .or immigrant women, such as the ,8 isas. :. 1o you su((ort the "qual ?ights $mendment and how will you wor' .or its (assageD IFor .urther in.ormation on the "?$ see +hough controversial on its ince(tion, o((osed -y many including #a-or, * su((ort the spirit alone o. E"quality o. rights under the law cannot -e denied or a-ridge -y the ,nited Sates or any State on account o. seH.F +he Civil ?ights $ct o. 1=6: did a lot to assert womens rights. Aowever, our struggle to have equal re(resentation in many levels, including government, continues. $s women it is our duty to continue to -uild on eHisting laws to gain equal rights .or our gender. Passed Congress, vote to rati.y. Su((ort legislative -oycott o. states that re.use to rati.y. 2. &hat have you done to elect Iand a((ointJ more women and more .eminists to (u-lic o..iceD Currently, * am su((orting Ailda Solis .or County Su(ervisor, and su((ort and have su((orted other women who care a-out their community, jo-s, education, health care and who are homegrown candidates who -est understand the needs o. constituent -ased on their community eH(eriences. Financial through contri-utions, election related activities 6. 1o you su((ort a legislatively enacted EFast +rac'F mandate .or the determination o. .amily/child su((ort issuesD *. not, eH(lain your views. ?egarding child custody/visitation issues, do you su((ort amending the Family Code to (rovide that the (u-lic (olicy o. Cali.ornia is that visitation or custody o. children with a violent (arent, a domestic a-user, and/or a child molester *S !%+ in the E-est interestsF o. the childD @es, our (riority should -e the sa.ety and overall well8-eing o. a child or women in strenuous circumstances as the result o. .amily Ihus-and and wi.eJ se(aration. <. 1o you su((ort SF /!"#$ !%&s (ro(osed criminali0ation o. aiding and a-etting child su((ort non8(ayment along with its (rovision creating a (rivate cause o. action against the aiders and a-ettors Idownload co(y .rom'.htmlJD *. you dont su((ort it, eH(lain your views. @es, an irres(onsi-le dead-eat (arent who is em(loyed should held accounta-le .or their childIrenJ including those who aid and a-et the hiding o. income or assets to avoid child or s(ousal su((ort (ayment.

9. 1o you su((ort -ringing -ac' Eintentional crueltyF as a Cali.ornia cause o. action .or divorce, with automatic -i.urcation o. marital status, as a ground .or a greater allocation o. income and assets to a s(ouse and/or children who have -een the victims o. on8going domestic a-useD @es. =. 1o you su((ort amending the Cali.ornia "vidence Code to (reclude the introduction o. evidence that a s(ouse .ailed to have .ormal (olice re(orts o. a-use made unless the s(ouse who wishes to introduce such evidence to dis(rove allegations o. a-use .irst demonstrates that the (olice de(artmentIsJ with jurisdiction had realistic (rocedures and actual (ractices in e..ect that would actually (rotect women .rom .urther a-use .ollowing an arrest or re(ort o. the alleged a-useD @es, there should -e mandatory (ost standards o. training o. all sa.ety agencies so that is a uni.orm .or (rocessing and hel(ing victims o. domestic violence. 1;. 1o you su((ort the Cali.ornia Su(reme Courts .inding that marriage is a .undamental right that it enunciated in Pere0 v Shar( Ideclaring laws against inter8 racial marriage unconstitutionalJ and more recently when stri'ing down laws against same8seH marriageD 1o you su((ort the right o. (eo(le to enter into same8 seH marriages as a matter o. Cali.ornia lawD *. not, why notD @es, individuals should have the right to marry whomever they choose to -e ha((y with. Cali.ornia has made strides in this matter. 11. 1o you su((ort .ederal (assage o. "m(loyment !on81iscrimination $ct I"!1$J to -an discrimination on the -asis o. seHual orientation and/or gender identityD @es. 17. &hat is your (osition a-out +?$P laws -eing (assed across the country which have the eH(ress (ur(ose o. closing clinics that (rovide a-ortion related servicesD $s a woman and as an individual * o((ose such laws as they (rohi-it / discourage womens rights to (ersonal choices and violate womens (rivacy. +hese laws are a (rimary reason why terminations Ia-ortionsJ are not availa-le in many states and counties in the country. 13. Aow many clinics o(erate in your jurisdiction that (rovide a-ortion services, .amily (lanning and re(roductive health services .or (atients with limited meansD 1o you thin' there need to -e moreD Aow would you accom(lish thisD Aow can Cali.ornia ensure that there are such services availa-le across our State to everyone who needs themD

*n Cali.ornia, in #os $ngeles and in (articular in $1 23 these clinics eHits throughout the district. +here are (lenty o. such clinics, also 'nown as Clinica de la Mujer I&omens ClinicJ. +he goal is not necessarily to increase clinics -ut ensure the resources are secured to hel( eHisting clinics hel( women in these communities. 1:. 1o you su((ort (u-lic .unding .or organi0ations li'e Planned ParenthoodD *. not, why notD *. so, what will you do to ensure that such .unding continuesD @es, * su((ort (u-lic .unding .or organi0ations such as Planned Parenthood. +hese venues, in addition to health services, (rovide counseling and (reventive care (articularly among low income communities. Funding .or such organi0ations should -e (art o. vital services (rovided to the (u-lic IwomenJ. 12. 1o you agree that com(rehensive seH education should -e a (art o. school curriculumD Aow would you su((ort thisD 1o you agree that access to relia-le and reasona-ly (riced -irth control should -e a .undamental right .or everyoneD Aow do you (ro(ose countering the attac's against re(roductive rightsD SeH education is one an e..ective mean o. (revention and health education .or adolescents. +he to(ic should -e (art o. the curriculum in health/-iology classes. Parents should -e educated on the -ene.its minors receive a-out learning on the e..ects o. (regnancies and other health issues as the result o. seH. 5irth control reasona-le (riced or .ree is a major way to (revent unwanted (regnancies and it should -e widely availa-le. ==%8/1an, C272l C =nternat2onal 62ghts 16. 1o you su((ort the Model %rdinance .or Citi0en %versight o. Police Misconduct Idownload co(y .rom'.htmlJD *. not, eH(lain your views on the issues it raises. * su((ort this ty(e or similar ordinances that .ocus on (u-lic accounta-ility 1<. "H(lain your views on the .ollowing criminal justice issues/ Bun control legislation. * su((ort res(onsi-le gun ownershi( and legislation that (rotects citi0ens .rom irres(onsi-le gun owners and (rotection .rom war8ty(e wea(ons. Programs that stress alternatives to incarceration .or individuals whose illegal acts will not harm the community. @es, *m a -eliever in alternative incarceration and continuing education o. these individuals. "H(ansion o. (risons and jails. &e have too many jails, to eH(and is to (rovide incentives .or the system to (rovide -odies .or these venues.

Protection o. Prisoner civil rights -y ma'ing Sections 76;;876;3 com(liant with the *nternational Covenant on Civil M Political ?ights

Presum(tion o. innocence that (rohi-its incarceration -e.ore conviction unless the accused, i. released, is a (u-lic threat or will not a((ear .or trial. 1oes not a((ly in C$ as we already a C$ laws in (lace to address this issue. 5ail that re.lects the .inancial circumstances o. the accused and the seriousness o. the crime. @es, * su((ort. $..irmation o. the (rinci(le that the criminal justice system -e reha-ilitative rather than (unitive. $gree. Su((ort and counseling .rom (arole sta.. to minimi0e chances o. recidivism. @es, -ut also actively engage in .unding resources .or such sta... Community involvement -y (olice to (revent crime. @es, through neigh-orhoods watches and community driven e..orts. +rying juveniles as adults. 1e(ends on the levity or gravity o. the crime and in in the age o. the juvenile. Strengthening (reventive (rograms .or juveniles. @es, including mental health services .or at8ris' youth Prom(t decisions in juvenile cases. *n most non8violent crimes this should -e the (rotocol 19. 1o you su((ort SF /!"#$ !%& s(onsored $5 161< Idownload materials .rom'.htmlJD &ill you s(onsor ado(tion o. it as a (olicy o. the governmental -ody you are see'ing to -e a (art o.D *. you do, may we list you as an endorserD *. not, eH(lain your views on the issues it raises. I!ote/ the (rece(ts o. $5 161< have -een ado(ted -y Cali.ornia and !ational #,#$C as o..icial legislative (olicyJ. @es, (ro(er (olicies in (lace to hel( (revent and address seHual harassment in the wor' (lace should -e a continuous e..ort to institute and en.orce. 1=. $s o. 7;;3 only 6.7L o. the (rivate investigators admitted to the E(anelF created -y the #os $ngeles Su(erior Court judiciary were .emale and less than 7;L were minorities. Since then, the num-er o. women have declined while only a hand.ul are even .luent in .oreign languages, including S(anish. 1o you agree that the State o. Cali.ornia should standardi0e court (anel rules, (ermit (anel mem-ers to -argain collectively over wages and wor'ing conditions, and .or-id ar-itrary criteria .or admission to judicially created (anels o. attorneys, investigators, and eH(ertsD *. not, eH(lain your views. &e should su((ort a system where standardi0ation, unioni0ation, a..irmative action, access to language services Iother than "nglishJ are im(lemented .or a more e..icient court system with well re(resented (u-lic and wor'ers. <

7;. +he #os $ngeles Community College 5oard o. +rustees elects mem-ers at8large. +his has resulted in a situation in which i. a (erson drives .rom the &est side home o. the .arthest northern trustee in =;;69, to the neHt south in 5everly Aills, to the =;;32 home neHt south, and .inally to the =;;:2 home o. the .arthest south &est side trustee, the entire tri( will ta'e a((roHimately one8hal. hour. +wo other trustees live only minutes a(art in 0i( codes =;;:1 and =;;:7 in the !ortheast #os $ngeles area. +his leaves South Central, "ast and Southeast #os $ngeles virtually unre(resented and .or years, the San Fernando alley went unre(resented until a recent a((ointment. 1o you su((ort electing college -oard trustees -y districtD &hy or why notD @es to district re(resentation. 1istricts would ensure equal re(resentation throughout the geogra(hical district o. #$CC1. 71. $. +he Ehuman resources s(ecialistsF o. the #os $ngeles ,ni.ied School 1istrict who conduct investigations into em(loyee disci(linary matters -y their own admission in testimony -e.ore a hearing o..icer, have no .ormal training in how to detect dece(tion and automatically give more credence to statements made -y managerial witnesses, such as (rinci(als, than to other witnesses. $dditionally, an attorney em(loyed -y the Beneral Counsels was overheard -y the Presidents o. SF #,#$C and SF M$P$ Iwho are -oth -oard mem-ers o. SF !%&J laughing and jo'ing a-out the accent o. an immigrant student whod testi.ied -e.ore the #$,S1 Personnel 5oard. *n s(ite o. noti.ication o. this outrage, then8Su(erintendent 5rewer and the Beneral Counsels never even -othered to interview the witnesses. *n another incident, #$,S1 re.used to conduct an investigation into why Steve ?ooney 4 arrested .or child molestation 4 covered u( a criminal assault and -attery on a su-stitute teacher -y .ailing to re(ort it to the (olice while telling the victim that he had. &ill you su((ort esta-lishment o. an inde(endent commission o. re(resentatives o. civil rights organi0ations and (ro.essional investigative organi0ations to eHamine the (olicies and (rocedures -y which the #$,S1 human resources de(artment, the Beneral Counsels, and other #$,S1 institutions conduct investigations and remediation into em(loyee disci(linary matters and com(laints o. harassment, retaliation, and discrimination, including eHamination o. whether the (rinci(les o. $5 161< should -e im(lemented in the districtD @es, the systems in (lace are more .ocused on teacher (rotection rather than child IstudentJ, (arent and other (arties (rotection. 5. Similarly to the #$,S1, the #os $ngeles City (ersonnel EinvestigatorsF who are assigned to investigate discrimination, harassment, and retaliation have admitted that they have no training in how to detect dece(tion in investigative interviews and have never -een tested on their a-ility to do so. 1o you su((ort incor(orating the (rovisions o. $5 161< as a munici(al ordinance -inding on city em(loyment related investigationsD

$s a City em(loyee, * have .irst8hand 'nowledge o. the Citys (olicies on seHual harassment. +he City ta'es this issue seriously. Sadly, some City sta.. ignores the (olicies in (lace or have -latant disregard +raining methods and (rocesses can always -e im(roved .or any agency including the City, including (rovisions o. $5 161<. 77. #egislating the goal o. the Same Page/Misma Pagina/1do' Bot "un Page/Aaman Sa.he Coalition o. ado(ting a ?ecommended $mendment to ?emedy the Chilling "..ect o. the ?uling in Plastics vs. !#?5 I-y amending Section 11;2 o. the Cali.ornia #a-or CodeJ Ico(y availa-le at'.htmlJ &or'ers whether document or undocumented should .eel (rotected when attem(ting to organi0e. $mendments such as these are needed to (rotect wor'ers rights. $s a (erson who has -een engaged in an !#?5, and having eH(erienced and witness .irst hand an anti8union cam(aign * su((ort such an amendment. 73. $mending Section 93:c o. the Cali.ornia Penal Code/ $. +o require mandatory ienna Convention noti.ications .or MeHican nationals and the citi0ens o. any other &estern Aemis(here nation that desires inclusion 5. +o (lace ienna Convention noti.ications to detained individuals on a (ar with Miranda warnings .or (ur(oses o. su((ression o. evidence remedies availa-le under the Cali.ornia and ,nited States Constitutions 7:. "nacting legislation to ma'e the (rovisions o. the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights sel.8eHecuting $gree, we need to (ut en.orcement (rovisions in (lace .or these 72. "nacting legislation to ma'e the (rovisions o. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women IC"1$&J sel.8eHecuting $gree. 76. "nacting legislation to ma'e the (rovisions o. the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination sel. eHecuting $gree. 7<. "nacting legislation to ma'e the (rovisions o. the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment sel.8eHecuting

$gree. 79. Passing a resolution su((orting an end to ,nited States I".".,.,.J unilateralism in legislating immigration law and calling u(on President 5arac' %-ama and Secretary o. State Nohn Oerry to invo'e $rticle 71 o. the Treat of !uadalupe "idalgo I+reatyJ .or resolution o. all issues -etween the ,nited States o. $merica and the ,nited States o. MeHico, including -ut not limited to/ $. *mmigration (olicy 5. C. ?emedies .or violations o. and non8im(lementation o. the +reaty and the Protocols o. Kuaretaro IProtocolsJ -y the ,nited States o. $merica ?emedies and recom(ense .or the ethnic cleansing Ithe E?e(atriationF (rogram o. the Aoover $dministrationJ o. 7,;;;,;;; residents o. the ,nited States o. $merica in the 1=3;s, 1.7 million o. whom were $merican citi0ens

7=. $ resolution urging a retroactive (ardon .or the (ur(orted crimes o. Noaquin Murrieta and an o..icial a(ology to his descendants .or the .ailure o. the State o. Cali.ornia to (rosecute ga#achos who lynched his -rother and gang 4 ra(ed his wi.e. * do not 'now enough or the history o. N Murrieta, -ut it would server justice to he .amily. 3;. #egislatively mandating that the a..irmative de.ense o. unclean hands in a judicial .oreclosure action and/or an unlaw.ul detainer action su-sequent to non8judicial .oreclosure is an a-solute de.ense and may -e used to a-ate a legal action i. the .oreclosing (arty violated (u-lic (olicy in ma'ing, selling, trading, and/or servicing the loan or assumed the lia-ility .or such a violation when ta'ing (ossession and/or control o. the loan. 31. Strengthening the traditional $merican a-olition o. im(risonment .or de-t -y (rohi-iting munici(al governments .rom criminali0ing non8(ayment o. taHes as a stand alone violation. 37. 1o you su((ort a-olition o. the death (enaltyD

29. 1o you su((ort im(lementation o. the $..orda-le Care $ct IE%-amacareFJD *. you have had an o((ortunity to vote on it or on im(lementing legislation how did you voteD 1o you su((ort the $C$ (rovision requiring coverage o. contrace(tion .or womenD


30. 1o you su((ort restoration o. the right o. the "ast #os $ngeles 5o-cats s(orts (rogram .or children to conduct activities .or .ree at ?u-en Sala0ar Par' -y the County o. #os $ngelesD *. not, why notD 31. 1o you su((ort an inde(endent investigation into the 'illing o. ?u-en Sala0ar and other (artici(ants in activities o. the !ational Chicano Moratorium and unconstitutional surveillance and disru(tion o. (eace.ul (olitical activities in the late siHties and throughout the seventiesD "H(lain your ideas .or creating/em(owering an inde(endent investigating commission. 32. 1o you su((ort the E1ream $ctDF &hat is your (osition on immigration re.ormD &hat is your (osition on whether undocumented immigrants should -e a-le to attend (u-lic schools, o-tain a drivers license and o-tain medical treatment i. neededD 33. 1o you su((ort amending Cali.ornia Constitution $rticle *, Section 6 IESlavery is (rohi-ited. *nvoluntary servitude is (rohi-ited eHce(t to (unish crime.FJ to stri'e the words EeHce(t to (unish crimeFJD &ould you su((ort legislation (roviding inmates collective -argaining rights along with -inding ar-itration .or dis(utesD === ;n72ron1ental H/st2 e 3:. &hat is your (osition on the eH(ansion o. .rac'ing .or natural gas within the State o. Cali.orniaD &hat is your (osition on the (assage o. S5: which (ur(orts to regulate the (ractice o. E.rac'ingF in Cali.orniaD &ould you su((ort a moratorium on .rac'ing in your jurisdictionD $n outright -anD Stronger regulations than those set .orth in S5:D +he long term e..ect o. .rac'ing is not yet 'nown, -ut we that the immediate e..ect can -e devastating to the environment. * am o((osed to .rac'ing as long as the chemicals used .or .rac'ing are not disclosed, studied, and their e..ect o. humans, animals and (lants is not o(enly 'nown, until the latter is com(lied with, .rac'ing should -e -anned. 32. $re you aware that alero is (ro(osing to trans(ort 6;,;;; -arrels o. tar sands (er day into &ilmington .or re.ining and has su-mitted an a((lication to the $KM1 which it re.uses to ma'e (u-licD 1o you su((ort having the #os $ngeles City Council require that this a((lication -e made (u-lic, -e o(en .or a (eriod o. (u-lic review and comments and the a((ointment o. the $KM1 as the overseeing agency .or a((roval o. this a((licationD Aow would you address the .act that the air quality in the #os $ngeles Aar-or area is some o. the worst in the country and that (eo(le who live near the re.ineries are su..ering .rom asthma, cancer and other chronic illnesses at much higher rates than the general (o(ulationD


* thin' the City o. #.$. should require such a((lication to -e made (u-lic, distri-uted to the .ol's in the Aar-or so that they can -etter (re(are .or such ongoing activity. Furthermore, 'nowing the .acts o. the (oor quality o. air in the Aar-or, the $KM1 owes it the (eo(le in such geogra(hical areas to issue more .requent re(orts o. air quality .or its residents. 36. &hat is your (osition on the a((roval o. the Oeystone P# Pi(eline and tar sands re.iningD $((roval o. the P# Pi(eline should -e (ost(oned. +he answer should not -e more oil, or how do we eHtract and trans(ort more oil, -ut rather how do we reduce oil consum(tion. Aow do we increase (roduction and trans(ort o. -io.uelD Aow do we develo( new means o. using solar energy and u(grading in.rastructure to rely on alternative energiesD "tc. Br2ng 8olly9ood 8o1e Fo/ndat2on S3e 2al Se t2on 1. $re you aware o. the -illions o. dollars Cali.ornia is losing due to the outsourcing o. jo-s in .ilm, + , and commercial (roductionD @es and * strongly agree that something needs to -e done to (revent those dollars .rom leaving the state. 2. 1o you thin' cor(orations that lo--y in Cali.ornia and unions that lo--y in Cali.ornia should -e -rought to greater scrutiny when they ( heavily .rom outsourcing jo-s in .ilm, + , and commercial (roductionD $gree. &e should -e doing more to (rotect our entertainment industry, including scrutini0ing .irms that .rom ro--ing Cali.ornia o. jo-s. 3. 1o you thin' .orcing our entertainment industry artists to wor' outside o. the state and the country ma'ing it di..icult to raise children, -e involved in their communities, and hel( care .or their elderly (arents is a good ideaD 4. Should Cali.ornia have a G(illow lawG that gives .amilies in the .ilm, + , and commercial (roduction industry incentives .or staying home and slee(ing on their own (illows raising their children, caring .or their aging (arents and -eing involved in their communitiesD 5. $re you aware that the major studios who lo--y at the national, state, and local level only (roduced less than a do0en .ilms last yearD !ow * 'now. *ts outrageous.


6. 1o you thin' it is .air to .orce inde(endent .ilmma'ers in Cali.ornia to -e limited to a lottery when they are trying to stay in the state to ma'e .ilms and televisionD

7. $re you aware that the majority o. the + (roductions green lighted -y major media will not -e .ilmed in Cali.orniaD 1o you thin' the state elected o..icials are doing enough to sto( the outsourcing o. jo-s in the entertainment industry. * thin' the C$ legislature can do more to hel( retain and grow our entertainment industry. 8. ,nder the current system where the studios and the unions are involved in outsourcing .ilm, + , and commercial (roduction jo-s is it not the jo- o. elected o..icials to .ind ways to sto( the loss o. -illions in taH dollars .rom the loss o. these jo-sD @es it is, -ut it is a joined res(onsi-ility o. all (arties involved/ la-or/government/(roducers. 9. &hat would you -e willing to do to get involved in calling the outsourcing o. jo-s Q(iracyQ o. the .uture o. Cali.orniaQs youthD Consult with .ilm industry and all industry (layers as to how integrate Cali.ornias youth. $lso create incentives in training, education and a((renticeshi(s "8Mail your res(onse as a E&ord,F E%(en &riter,F or EP1FF attached .ile to/ SF /!"#$ !%& in.o> C$##$C callac>jan-tuc' C#* aaluevano> +odos ,nidos aamentor7;;;> Miss ?evolutionaries learlaw>earthlin'.net 5ring Aollywood Aome sharonhardeejimene0> ,nited For "ducation mente.ranca>


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