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9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy



Event: Interview of FBI special··~~\,-ge·n~

.. ...~ucson RA

Type of event: Interview

Dates: January 7, 2004

Special Access Issues: None

Prepared by: Hyon Kim

Team Number: lA

Location: FB I, Phoenix Field Office

\,\.participaDts - Non-Commission: FBI, Assistant General Counsel Randy Blair

farliciponls - Commission: Michael Jacobson, Hyon Kim


!was the case agent fo The case has been closed sincD
I Jias left the country, as In t epilot circle of individuals such as
Hanjour, L,~tfi Raissi and Raye ! //
I \l}rst entered the United States ~n 1993. !In addition to Arizon~ " I
has hved io~a, South Florida, and San Diego, where he attended the same English as
Second Language school as Hani Hanjour, though not at the same time. ,"" ,/'

o- ~ In the su~m·~~\of20001 ",as

in Vera Beach, Florida·.1 ,".. I·
departed in August~pf2000, Post 9/11, '~he~ was interest because ~j?eof'the a1lldi
hiiackers was associated with the same ~ddtess in !Vero Beach. N~,,'.fin~:'betwee.:
nd the hijaCJcers was found, l\he ~ight school in Vero .'~ea~h did have a arge
g udent enrollment. \: i :/...:' ....: /
v.~. I~ems t~·.~ave loaned one" t . ny of his ~~o<;i~tes h) Arizona. A
review of bank if~i;ounts indicates tha as just p~ovjding cash advances and
that his associates'would a
him back s ; rtly. , ani Hanjq~r borrowed a few hundred
dollars from ,als~ ~elp~/ some st~d~rits with bonds they had to
, post to atten .. '\ \ i !! ,,:</', ...:' :/

• 9/11 Personal Privacy

9 / 11 Law En for c erne n t Pr i va cY ....:.':,-::
9/ 11 Persona l' Prlvacy

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"friend ria.
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". , 'bled
9/11 Classified
~ ...:--- .....
. '~
: is, not aware of any evidence
~fo .... ~---.
issociates in Iowa of a
sitive 10,
"'. '.' .,/ ·'as'.t(~v~.1ed to Pakis~,~~~'
..:,Thef'e are also rip b~~ggaps in the timeIine roD
.... _-..... . ':'. ,:.::>,: :,/:: ~ ....,
'''frS)I 'J~other is·Gem:i~~. ~nd hi~ father was a Sau'di official who died when
I Jwas yObng.1
9/11 Classified Information

9/11 Classified Information

, ,

As far asl .:" r-trip,ito Las v:~g'~s'~nd to San Diego, s\'-...~\ .......:,,;..;.;.;.;;;.;.;;;;;~
with any particular' reasons for the trips. lis not aware of sAl
activities in Fort.Collins.or of any contact with Anwar Aulaqi. \ .... ---- ...

I t~Iose··~~s~ciales in Arizona were not the fundamentalists but rather the

Saudis who would d~.j~ and play/pool. \

~ CEi)1
that workmg [04 :'
r~ssome type of "cover. ;,
i There is no indication

¢}I t'~sed to buy ~~~ sell vehicles to make a profit. It is possible that Lotti
Raissi was doing the same. SA 1 Idid not find any indication that they were trying
to hide ownership of vehicles .

• 2

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