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MBB 1: Biotechnology and .ou Group Activity 1A: Traditional Biotechnology Products of Fermentation: Making Home Made !

ine from Fruit "#tracts $%T&'()*T$'% Biotechnology is the production of biomaterials using organisms or their physiological processes. Among the most commonly used organisms for food production since the ancient times to the present is the yeast. Under the right conditions, yeasts will produce gas carbon dioxide and alcohol in a series of chemical reactions known as fermentation. During winemaking, the fermentation of grape juice is a complex microbiological process involving interactions between yeasts, bacteria, and filamentous fungi, with the yeasts performing the central role during fermentation. MAT"&$A+, A%( "-)$PM"%T ! o". fresh ##$ fruit juice % & cup sugar 'emon extract (! lemons) ' distilled water Dry yeast P&'*"()&" . ,terili"e all the e/uipment by autoclaving and-or soaking ina solution of unscented bleach and water for !# minutes. Afterwards, rinse it out thoroughly with hot water to get rid of as much of the chlorine smell as possible. !. Boil the sugar with a /uarter of the water, stirring a little to make sure the sugar dissolves. 0. .our the sugar solution-syrup into the jug using a funnel. 1. Add the fruit juice and the strained lemonade or lemon juice. 2. Add the remainder of the water. ,tir with a long wooden or metal stick. 3. .ut a piece of plastic over the top and secure with a rubber band. ,tore at room temperature in the dark overnight. 4. 5ake off the rubber band and add #.!2 g yeast into the jug. +eplace the plastic with a new piece and secure with a rubber band. 6. ,tore in a warm and preferably dark place for one month to ferment. After the first month, some froth at the top of the li/uid should be observed. 7. +acking the wine should be performed after a few weeks, when a noticeable sediment a the bottom of the jug is observed. a. Autoclave another jug and sterili"e the tubing. b. .lace the jug of wine on a table, moving it carefully so as not to disturb the sediment. c. .ut the empty jug directly below on the floor. d. +emove the plastic cover and carefully insert one end of the tubing down into the wine to a few inches above the sediment. ,uck gently on the other end of the tubing and immediately place it into the empty wine container. ! %! ' sterile wine bottle *itchen funnel long stick or rod for stirring *itchen plastic wrap +ubber bands +ubber tubing ,tove-hot plate .ot for boiling Bleach

e. 8ontinue to siphon until just before the sediment begins to enter the tube. +emove the tube from both jugs. MBB 1: Biotechnology and .ou Group Activity 1B: Traditional Biotechnology Products of Fermentation: Making Home Made .ogurt $%T&'()*T$'% 9ermentation of food has been used as a method of preservation since ancient times. 5his process allows for longer storage of food while preserving valuable nutrients in the food. 9ermentation is an anaerobic process in which bacteria convert complex compounds, such as sugars, into simpler compounds, such as alcohol, lactic acid or carbon dioxide. :ogurt is another product of fermentation. During its production, whole milk or skimmed milk is fermented by the carefully controlled addition of a starter culture as special, harmless bacteria, usually the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. ;iven the right conditions, these bacteria ferment lactose, producing lactic acid which curdles the milk and gives yogurt its characteristic tangy taste and texture. MAT"&$A+, A%( M"TH'(, 1 cups milk (whole or skimmed) -3 cup powdered milk (skimmed, if possible) -6 cup pure maple syrup-honey ,tarter yogurt culture 9lavorings(s) P&'*"()&" . !. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 'ine the bottom of your clean, lidded jars with whatever flavouring you desire. .lace the lidded jars in a thermochest with the temperature maintained at 10%12 #8. .our milk into a large cooking pot and heat to 62 #8. Allow the milk to cool down to 10%12#8. Add the remaining ingredients and stir everything until everything is dissolved very well, .our the mixture into clean, lidded jars. 8over the jars and incubate for 3%6 hours at 10%12 #8. <hen the desired consistency is reached, transfer the homemade yogurt to the refrigerator to chill. .ot for boiling ,patula or whisk ,tove-hot plate *itchen thermometer <ater bath (10%12#8) 'idded jars (sterili"ed)

MBB 1: Biotechnology and .ou Group Activity 1: Traditional Biotechnology Products of Fermentation -)",T$'%, T' *'%,$("&: <hy shouldn=t the yeast be immediately added to the fruit juice and sugar solution> <hat type of organism-s is-are primarily involved in wine%making> <hat type of fermentation undergone by such organism-s and what is-are their products> During wine%making, it is imperative that containers are not filled to the brim with li/uid, thus leaving room for oxygen. <hy is oxygen still necessary in wine%making> ?ow is fermentation different from the aerobic respiration> <hat is the chemistry behind the process> <hy was it necessary to heat the milk> <hat steps were performed to ensure that only the desired microorganisms were acting to produce yogurt> <hat type of organism-s is-are primarily involved in yogurt%making> <hat type of fermentation undergone by such organism-s and what is-are their products>

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