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Name: _____________________________________________Gr. & Sec._____________ Score: ___________

I. DIRECTION: Select and encircle the best answer from the given choices for each question.
1. Which are similar fractions?
a. a. 3/5, 1/5, 1/2
b. 4/5, 2/5, 3/5
c. 1/3, 2/3,
d. 8/10, 2/5, 3/7
2. Which are improper fractions?
a. a. 2/5, 3/6
b. 5/3, 3/2
c. 1/5, 2/3
d. 4/8,
3. Fractions having the same denominators.
a. a. similar
b. equivalent
c. dissimilar
d. mixed
4. To add dissimilar fractions we change first to similar fractions by finding the ________.
a. common factor
b. greatest common factor
c. least common denominator
d. prime factors
5. Change dissimilar fractions to similar fractions: ,
a. a. 2/4,
b. , 2/4
c. 2/4, 2/4
d. 2/4, 3/4
6. Which are equal fractions?
a. a. 1/3 and 2/6
b. and 2/3
c. 2/5 and 3/10
d. 1/3 and 1/6
7. Change 4/5 into higher term.
a. a. 8/10
b. 8/12
c. 16/10
d. 16/25
8. 16/20 when reduce to lowest term is ____.
a. a. 4/8
b. 4/7
c. 4/6
d. 4/5
9. Express 15/25 to lowest term.
a. a. 5/25
b. 3/5
d. 5/3
10. How long is 6/10 and 1 3/10 meters of ribbon?
a. a. 1 9/10
b. 9 1/10
c. 10 1/9
d. 1 10/9
11. How is 5 2/3 changed to an improper fraction?
a. a. 15/2
b. 16/14
c. 17/3
d. 18/3
12. Before we can subtract 2/3 and 5/6, what shall we do first?
a. a. subtract the denominator
b. change to similar fraction
b. c. change to lowest terms
d. subtract the numerator
13. Reduce to lowest term: 3/9= n
a. a.
b. 1/6
c. 1/3
14. What is of 120?
a. a. 60
b. 70
c. 80
d. 90
15. What is the product of and 2/3?
a. a. 5/6
c. 2/3
d. 3/4
16. What is the first step in adding dissimilar fraction?
a. a. Reduce to lowest term
b. multiply
c. subtract
d. find the LCD
17. What is 2/3 + 1/3 + 2/3?
a. a. 5/3
b. 1 2/3
c. 2 1/3
d. 3
18. What is 5 + 4/5?
a. a. 5 4/5
b. 6 1/5
c. 5 5/4
d. 5/4
19. Change 1 3/5 into improper fractions.
a. a. 6/5
b. 8/5
c. 7/5
d. 10/5
20. Subtract: 7/8 3/8 = n
a. a. 4/8
b. 3/8
c. 2/3
21. If 5/6 is taken away from 15, What is left?
a. 15 5/6
b. 15 1/6
c. 14 1/6
d. 14 5/6
22. A blouse needs 3 3/5 meters of cloth. How many meters are needed for 8 blouses?
a. 25 4/5
b. 18 4/5
c. 20 1/5
d. 27 2/5
23. What is the LCD of 2/4, 4/8, and 15/14?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 24
d. 32
24. What is 3/8 + ?
a. 6/7
25. Angel helped her mother sew dresses for hours on Monday and 3/5 hours on Tuesday. How long did
she help her mother for two days?
a. 1 7/20
b. 7/20
d. 9/20
26. What is 12/32 in lowest term?
a. 3/8
b. 5/6
c. 4/5
d. 7/9

27. Dingdong has 6 notebooks. If 1/3 of them are thick, how many are thick?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 1
d. 5
28. What is the LCM of 6 and 9
a. 18
c. 72
29. Which of the following is equal to ?
a. 2/6
b. 3/12
d. 10/15
30. Subtract 6 from 8 4/4.
a. 2 2/4
c. 3
d. 4
31. What is 20/45 in lowest term?
a. 4/9
b. 2/3
c. 10/9
d. 5/6
32. When you subtract 4 from 7 2/5 the difference is,
a. 2 2/5
b. 3 2/5
c. 1 2/5
d. 4 2/5
33. Add 11 5/9 and 3 2/9.
a. 14 3/6
b. 14
c. 14 7/9
d. 14 6/12
34. The sum of 1/15+ 3/15+ 5/15+6/15,
a. 5/15
c. 9/15
35. 2 4/8+6/8= N, What is N?
a. 2 2/8
b. 3 2/8
c. 3
d. 2
36. What is the difference of 8- ?
a. 6
37. Mikay was 18 years old last June. Last summer was added to his age. How old is Mikay last
a. 18
c. 18 4/6
d. 18 1/2
38. Subtract 2/3 from 5.
a. 4 1/3
b. 3 1/3
c. 2 1/3
d. 9
39. Mrs. Sanchez bought 2/3 kg of lettuce, kg of cabbage, 2 1/10 kg of string beans. How many kilograms
of vegetables did Mrs. Sanchez buy in all?
a. 5 9/20
b. 6 9/20
c. 5 3/5
d. 4 9/20
40. Alpha baked a cake. She gave to her sister in law and kept the rest for the family. When her father
arrived, he ate of the cake. What part of the cake was eaten by the father?
41. Thirteen atis and 3 more. How many in all?
a. 15
b.15 1/6
d.13 1/2
42. Write twenty-five and two hundredths in decimal form.
a. 25.02
43. What is the place value of the underline digit in this number 3.007?
a. tenths
b. hundredths
c. thousandths
d. tens
44. Read this decimal number 0.0078
a. seventy-eight hundredths
c. seventy-eight ten thousandths
b. seventy-eight thousandths
d. seventy eight millions
45. How do you write seven and seven thousandths?
a. 7.700
d. 7.07
46. Find the sum of 3.46 and 5.99.
a. 8.45
d. 7.45
47. What is 49.876+9.24?
a. 59.161
d. 59.611
48. Take away 8.42 from 82.42
a. 71.00
c. 73.00
d. 75.00
49. Arrange them in column and then add 48.2+29.8+3.85=?
a. 81.85
c. 81.75
d. 82.75
50. Find the difference between 99.25 and 13.45.
a. 85.08
b. 85.80
c. 85.07
d. 85.70

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