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SAn ulLCC-!anuary 28, 2014-1he unlLed naLlons has declared 2014 Lhe lnLernaLlonal ?ear of lamlly
larmlng. lanL WlLh urpose, an envlronmenLal nonproflL, parLners wlLh over 16,000 farmlng famllles ln
poor, rural communlLles worldwlde. locuslng on lnlLlaLlves llke reforesLaLlon pro[ecLs and susLalnable
agrlculLure Lralnlng, lanL WlLh urpose embraces Lhe mlsslon of Lhe ?ear of lamlly larmlng by
equlpplng farmers Lo produce food and heal Lhelr land.
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mllllon famllles around Lhe world survlve on whaL Lhey grow, Lhelr greaLesL resources belng Lhe land on
whlch Lhey llve and access Lo waLer. As poverLy moves ouLslde of urban areas Lo rural communlLles, Lhe
number of small-scale farmlng famllles lncreases. lL ls Lhls populaLlon LhaL lanL WlLh urpose walks
alongslde Lo empower Lhrough Lralnlngs and resources.
lanL WlLh urpose programs around Lhe world are creaLlng hope-fllled Lomorrows for farmlng famllles.
ln PalLl, for example, famllles learn soll conservaLlon meLhods Lo bulldup Lhe nuLrlenLs for crops Lo
succeed. CommunlLles ln 1anzanla have seen a @AB &#>,'"5' &# >,)1 8&'/4 due Lo a susLalnable farmlng
meLhod known as double-dug gardens. ln Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc, agroforesLry meLhods creaLe crop
dlverslflcaLlon and greaLer markeL accesslblllLy.
Slnce parLnerlng wlLh lanL WlLh urpose ln 1halland, llfe for Lhe Layog famlly has Lransformed. 1helr
famlly garden produces 30 varleLles of vegeLables lncludlng musLard, onlon, garllc, eggplanL, and beans.
LaLlng well ls a source of prlde for Lhe famlly. 1hey sLlll buy rlce, buL Lhey esLlmaLe aL leasL 30 savlngs
ln Lhelr food budgeL by growlng vegeLables. 1hese savlngs go Loward educaLlon for Lhe Layog chlldren.
Mr. Layog ls commlLLed Lo glve everyLhlng so LhaL hls dream-earnlng a hlgher lncome and provldlng a
sLable llfe for hls chlldren-can become reallLy.
lanL WlLh urpose has long belleved LhaL we need Lo address poverLy from Lhe ground up," says
LxecuLlve ulrecLor ScoLL Sabln. lL's abouL parLnerlng wlLh people, and Leachlng Lhem pracLlces, LhaL wlll
lmpacL generaLlons Lo come." lL ls pracLlcal soluLlons such as Lhese LhaL requlre llLLle flnanclal
lnvesLmenL or ouLslde lnpuLs, yeL Lhey are changlng Lhe fuLure for lanL WlLh urpose parLnerlng
As Lhe year commences, lanL WlLh urpose accepLs Lhls unlque opporLunlLy Lo conLrlbuLe Lo famlly
farmlng lnlLlaLlves and conLlnue lmpacLlng fuLure generaLlons Lhrough susLalnable envlronmenLal care.


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lanL WlLh urpose ( ls an lnLernaLlonal developmenL organlzaLlon LhaL
Lransforms llves ln rural areas where poverLy ls caused by deforesLaLlon. lor 30 years, lanL WlLh
urpose has provlded lasLlng soluLlons Lo rural poverLy Lhrough a communlLy developmenL approach
LhaL lnLegraLes reforesLaLlon, susLalnable agrlculLure programs, economlc opporLunlLy Lhrough
mlcroflnance, and local leadershlp developmenL. lanL WlLh urpose currenLly works ln more Lhan 323
communlLles parLnerlng wlLh over 16,000 famllles ln slx counLrles: 8urundl, Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc,
PalLl, Mexlco, 1anzanla, and 1halland and has planLed over 11 mllllon Lrees worldwlde.

lor lnLervlews, lnqulrles or addlLlonal lnformaLlon on lanL WlLh urpose, lncludlng vldeos or phoLos,
please conLacL 8ecky 8osaler.

D)#.">.E 8ecky 8osaler
MarkeLlng CoordlnaLor
(800) 633-3319 Cfflce
(760) 630-2819 Cell

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