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T'"+e ! "#e S"4&6 A C m:a(a"';e S"4&6 T A))e)) T#e K% <+e&=e O% B+ & D %a"' % Am %= S"4&e%") O! S$'e%$e A%& N %/)$'e%$e S"(eam) S"4&6'%= I% Se+e$"e& P(e U%';e()'"6 C ++e=e) O! M4+,' >'"# A V'e< T P(e:a(e A% I%! (ma"' % B ,+e".

B('e! (e)4me ! "#e '%"e%&e& )"4&6 ?.1 Nee& ! ( "#e )"4&6 We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give (Sir Winston Churchill) Quality of life is a popular term that conveys an overall sense of wellbeing inclu ing aspects of happiness an satisfaction with the life as a whole; it is broa an sub!ective rather than specific an ob!ective" #ne of the most fulfilling an rewar ing e$periences in the life of a person is the miracle of bring forth a new life through bloo an who onates is calle serious one*" +loo is the river of life that flows in our bo y" Worl statistics show that to ay) bloo is the most sought after bo y part in the worl " ,n ia-s aily estimate re.uirement of bloo is roughly /0 million units of *10cc bloo packages" #f which only 100)000 units are available" 2oluntary bloo onors have increase the supply of bloo by si$ percentages in the worl " 3owever) eman has increase by eight percentages4"5illions of lives are save across the worl through the timely bloo transfusion" 6ny person within the age group of &7890 years with a bo y weight as minimum /1 kg an having hemoglobin content as minimum &*"1: can onate bloo /" Worl +loo ;onor ;ay is celebrate on &/ <une each year" ,t remin s us to raise global awareness of nee for safe bloo bloo an bloo pro ucts for transfusion an of critical contribution (voluntary)) unpai of worl bloo onors make to national health systems" =ow 1& onation) up from 4> in *00*"(he focus onation" %ach rop of bloo can onation onors) an the problem contribute towar s a life&" Something that given to a person or organi'ation is calle onor" (here is a shortage of active bloo

of attracting an retaining sufficient onors to meet eman for bloo an bloo pro ucts is a

countries have achieve &00 percent voluntary bloo

onor ay *0&0 was on young onors with the slogan =ew bloo for the

worl " ?oung people can make an important contribution by onating bloo an recruiting other young people to become onors1" 6wareness about onation can be promote through e ucation; the process of instruction aime at all roun evelopment of in ivi uals provi ing the necessary tool an knowle ge to onation" +loo onation is re.uire to un erstan an participate in ay to ay-s activities of the present worl "=urses can motivate everybo y by emphasi'ing on the nee for bloo

replace bloo lost because of acci ents or iseases) to treat shock ue to in!ury )for ma!or an minor surgeries inclu ing open heart surgeries) transplants etc) for burn victims) for patients suffering from anaemia) uring chil birth for the mother) for e$change transfusion for new born infants) make bloo bloo cancer9" 6 escriptive stu y was con ucte among stu ents) professors) an other staff on knowle ge an attitu es regar ing voluntary bloo only &/: of survey participants ha onation) with a sample si'e of /7@ in ivi uals in the onate bloo in the past" (he participants who were university community" ;escriptive statistics were use to analy'e the ata" (he result was planning to onate bloo in the future) stu ents were the ma!ority (77"&:)" When the males in the group that was planning to onate were compare to the females) the ifference was not statistically significant (>0"0: vs" 7/"*:) respectively" (he university population represents a pool of esirable onors; an informative an motivating campaign coul successfully convert the 7@"4: potential onors into actual volunteer bloo onors@" onation was con ucte in erivatives which are use to treat me ical problems) for chil ren suffering from ailments like thalassemia) haemophilia (blee ing isor ers) )leukaemia an

6 cross8sectional stu y on +ehavior isparities towar s bloo

Sikkim among 400 respon ents" (he stu y reveale that ma!ority (@7"@:) of the respon ents in the present stu y felt that people onate bloo to save a frien or a relative" #n the contrary) minority respon ents (/9:) were rea y to onate bloo voluntarily" #nly &*"@: of the respon ents ha ever onate bloo while 7@"4: ha never onate " 6mong ever onors) gen er wise men onors were foun to be more; 7>:" (here was a significant association between knowle ge about bloo onation an attitu e towar s voluntary bloo uty parameters7" onation) along with moral obligation) charity an

3ence) the researcher foun it appropriate to take up the present stu y an felt that an awareness regar ing the knowle ge on bloo towar s bloo onation can change the attitu e of a olescents onation" (he nee of bloo is increasing in all parts of worl an the actual

nee is i entifie an awareness is to promote young healthy onors of bloo " 2oluntary bloo onation gives self8satisfaction an can help to save life" 9"* Re;'e< +'"e(a"4(e 6 escriptive stu y was con ucte among 90> a ult population; 441 male (11:) an *@/ female (/1:)" on 6ttitu e) belief an knowle ge about bloo

onation an transfusion in

Sau i population an the ata was collecte using structure .uestionnaire" (he stu y showe that the 77"1: of the people who participate in the stu y believe that bloo onation was irect not harmful) where as *0: of them state that they woul refuse bloo transfusion even if they were in nee because of the risk of ac.uiring infectious isease" While 7/"1: preferre onation an />: of the sample state that they woul accept bloo relatives" +loo transfusion was consi ere safe only by 11: of the participants>" 6 Qualitative stu y was con ucte to assess on Anowle ge) 6ttitu es an (ren s of the Balestinian Community about +loo ;onation with a sample of 1/0 househol s was rawn from /1 localities selecte from 9 governorates in the West +ank" Cess than half(/4:) of the interviewees knows that bloo coul be transferre to in!ure people ue to acci ents) @/: knows that it coul be transferre to sick people) &7: to women uring elivery) *@: uring surgeries) an **: in icate that bloo coul be transferre to other cases such asD anemic people an those suffering thalassemia" only one fifth of the interviewees (*0:) ever onate bloo ) an of them /*: were males an 9: were females" 6bout 4@: of the interviewees never onate bloo ue to me ical reasons) while *>: of them reveale being scare of 6,;S infection) an &>: ue to aging&0. 6 cross sectional stu y was con ucte to assess the prevalence an associate factors of bloo onation in Belotas) Southern +ra'il" (he sample si'e consiste of *>79 in ivi uals age onation in the *0 years or more" (he results of the stu y showe a prevalence of bloo also a e that campaigns encouraging bloo onation shoul onation only from

previous years an a fre.uent onation pattern 8 were 4*:) @"@: an 4"9:) respectively" ,t iversify the onor profile for

reaching the group of people who are less incline to onate bloo


6 cross8sectional stu y was con ucte among &4>/ cases on knowle ge) attitu e an practice regar ing bloo believe that bloo onation in the city of ?a' ) ,ran" (he ata was collecte by clustering onation is a moral uty with a spiritual rewar an 47: of the population onate bloo at least once in the past" " sampling metho an aske to fill a specially formatte .uestionnaire" #nly >7: of them un er stu y (90: of men an &9: of women) ha

6lthough the attitu e level of women was high) their performance level was very low" ,ncrease in the level of knowle ge of women an young shoul be the topmost priority&*" 6 cross sectional stu y was con ucte among 100 a ults (males) on knowle ge) attitu e an practice regar ing bloo onation" (he stu y was carrie out at the 6rme Eorces 3ospital an

each in ivi ual complete a .uestionnaire in 6rabic language containing epi emiological ata an knowle ge regar ing bloo onation an reasons of bloo onation or non onation" (he result was) *>& (17"*:) were onors an *0> (/&"7:) were non onors" Eour hun re an seventy8one (>/"*:) replie that a person more than /18years of age coul not onate bloo " Eifty8one point two percent (&0@ out of *0>) of the non8 onors answere that one can onate bloo once a year" #ut of *>& onors) &79(94">:) onate bloo for their family members or frien s an &01 (49"&:) were volunteer bloo onors" %ighty8nine non onors (/*"9:) replie onation an 70 (47"4:) consi ere onation&4" that they were Fnot approache by anybo yF for bloo onation an nee of e ucation to promote safe bloo

themselves unfit for onation ue to weakness" (here are misconceptions regar ing bloo

6ll these stu ies showe a significant association between attitu e towar s voluntary bloo onation an e ucation" (he fin ing of these stu ies in icate that e ucation gives birth to an ocean of ifference between the positive attitu es of the general mass towar s voluntary bloo onation) in true life practice" (he results suggeste that reinforce steps shoul be taken to e ucate the population about voluntary bloo 9"4 P( 7+em )"a"eme%" 6 Comparative Stu y (o 6ssess (he Anowle ge #n +loo ;onation 6mong Stu ents #f Science 6n =on8Science Streams Stu ying ,n Selecte Bre Gniversity Colleges ,n 5ulki With 6 2iew (o Brepare 6n ,nformation +ooklet" ?.2 O78e$"';e) to etermine level of the knowle ge regar ing bloo using structure knowle ge .uestionnaire" to etermine level of the knowle ge regar ing bloo stu ents using structure knowle ge .uestionnaire" to compare the knowle ge between science an non8science streams stu ents of selecte pre university colleges in mulki on bloo to fin onation" non8 science stream stu ents onation among non8 science stream onation among science stream stu ents onation&/"

the association between knowle ge of science an

regar ing bloo

onation an selecte baseline characteristics (Hen er) source of information)

area of living an e ucation of parents)"

?.0 O:e(a"' %a+ &e!'%'"' % K% <+e&=e@ ,n this stu y) it refers to the correct responses given by stu ents to the items of the structure .uestionnaire regar ing bloo onation

B+ & & %a"' %@ ,n this stu y) it refers to a proce ure where a person voluntarily gives bloo to save a life un er me ical supervision" S"4&e%") ! )$'e%$e )"(eam@ ,n this stu y) it refers to both boys an girls stu ying in secon year in the selecte Bre university colleges) who have taken science as their main sub!ect for their stu y"

S"4&e%") ! % %/)$'e%$e )"(eam@ ,n this stu y) it refers to both boys an girls stu ying in secon year in the selecte Bre university colleges) who have taken commerce as their main sub!ect for their stu y"

I%! (ma"' %a+ 7 ,+e"@ ,n this stu y) it refers to systematically awareness of bloo bloo onation"


self8learning uration of

material prepare by the investigator for secon year pre university college stu ents to provi e onation) which inclu es meaning) relevance) criteria an

?.? A))4m:"' %) Stu ents will have some knowle ge regar ing bloo onation"

% ucational strategies may motivate stu ents to onate bloo "

?.1 De+'m'"a"' %) (he stu y is elimite to Stu ents stu ying in selecte pre university colleges"

?.A H6: "#e)') 6ll the hypothesis will be teste at 0"01 level of significance" 3&D 8 there will be significant ifference in the mean knowle ge score on bloo between the science an non8 science stream stu ents" 3*D8 there will be significant association between the mean knowle ge score of science stream stu ents an selecte baseline characteristics (Hen er) source of information) area of living)


an e ucation of parents)" 348there will be significant association between the mean knowle ge score of non8 science stream stu ents an selecte baseline characteristics (Hen er) source of information) area of living) an e ucation of parents) 1 Ma"e('a+) a%& Me"# &) 1.1 S 4($e) ! &a"a ;ata will be collecte from secon year pre university stu ents of science an non8science streams stu ying in selecte pre university college in mulki" 1.1.1 Re)ea($# &e)'=% ;escriptive esign will be use for the stu y" 1.1.3 Se""'%=) (he stu y will be con ucte in the selecte pre8university college of mulki" (he college is situate about *kms away from the national highway in mulki" (he college is run un er private management an caters co8e ucation" (he strength of the college inclu ing both the streams (science an non8science) an both levels (&st BGC an *n BGC) is 1/9(404 in &st BGC an */4 in *n BGC)" 1.1.5 P :4+a"' % (he population of this stu y inclu es secon year stu ents stu ying in selecte pre university colleges in mulki of both science an non8science streams" @.3 Me"# & ! &a"a $ ++e$"' % 1.3.1 Sam:+'%= :( $e&4(e Samples for the stu y will be selecte by stratifie ran om sampling" @"*"3.Sam:+e )'Be ,n this stu y) sample si'e consist of &*0 stu ents )90 samples(40 boys)40 girls) from science stream an 90 samples(40 boys)40 girls) from non8science stream" @"*.5.I%$+4)' % $('"e('a. Science an non8science stu ents stu ying in selecte pre8university college" 1.3.2 EC$+4)' % $('"e('a Stu ents stu ying in other levels"(first year)

1.3.0 I%)"(4me%" 4)e& (ool &D Structure knowle ge .uestionnaire Bart&D +aseline characteristics Bart *D Structure knowle ge .uestionnaire on bloo 1.3.? Da"a $ ++e$"' % me"# & Bermission will be obtaine from the concerne authorities prior to ata collection" (he investigator will intro uce herself to the participants #b!ectives of the stu y will be e$plaine " ,nforme consent will be obtaine from the stu ents ;ata will be collecte by a ministering structure .uestionnaire" ,nformation booklet will be provi e to both science an non8science stream stu ents @"*"@ P+a% ! ( &a"a a%a+6)') ;ata will be analyse using escriptive (mean) me ian an stan ar paire eviation) an inferential selecte baseline statistics" (he ata will be analyse for significance of between two stream stu ents using It- test" (he association between pre8test knowle ge score an iagrams" characteristics will be etermine using chi8s.uare test" ;ata will be presente in the form of tables an onation" onation"

5aterial use D ,nformation booklet which provi e awareness about bloo

1.5 D e) "#e )"4&6 (eD4'(e a%6 '%;e)"'=a"' % " 7e $ %&4$"e& % :a"'e%") ( "#e( #4ma%) ( a%'ma+)E I! ) , :+ea)e &e)$('7e 7('e!+6. ?es) stu y involves i entifying the knowle ge level of stu ents on bloo informe consent" @"/ Ha) e"#'$a+ $+ea(a%$e #a) 7ee% 7"a'%e& !( m 6 4( '%)"'"4"' %E ?es) ethical clearance has been obtaine from concerne institution" onation after getting

A L')" ! (e!e(e%$e)
1. httpDJJwww"globalgiving"orgJpro!ectsJsafe8bloo 8 onation8a8gift8of8lifeJ

*" 'eger Hary) selogie %ileen) Shulman a ,ra"+loo +anking an (ransfusion 5e icine"* n % ition) *00/) &1@8&7* 4" shenga namgay) pal ranabir) sengupta subhabrata 6sian !ournal of transfusion science *007 !uly;*(*)D19890 /" 6ustralian Ke Cross +loo Service" Who =ee s +loo L *007 ** <anuary" 1" 6nnouncing worl bloo 9" 6 voluntary bloo onor ay" =ightingale =ursing (imes *0&0 !une 9(4)D4)&@" onation camp at =ightingale college of nursing =oi a "=ightingale onationD knowle ge an attitu es of a

nursing timesD 6 win ow for health in action" *001;;ec(&)>D 44 @" ,barra B 5 2Ms.ue'") 5 5al ona o" +loo =ov;**(1)D4*484*7" 7" pal shrayan) shenga namgay) pal ranabir) sengupta subhabrata" +ehavior isparities towar s bloo onation" international !ournal of green pharmacy *00>;*4(*)D&9@8&@/ onation an transfusion >" ma!ee al8 ress ab ul" 6ttitu e) belief an knowle ge about bloo university population in Chile" spanish !ournal Kev Banam Salu Bublica" *00@

in Sau i population" Bakistan !ournal of me ical science .uarterly"*00> !an8march;*/D@/8@9 &0" the Balestinian Central +ureau of Statistics"Anowle ge) 6ttitu es an (ren s of the Balestinian Community about +loo ;onation"*004 may httpDJJwww"pcbs"gov"psJportalsJ8 pcbsJpress releaseJbloo "p f &&" +loo onation prevalence an associate factors in Belotas) Southern +ra'il" Kev" SaN e BNblica" *0&0;"//(&)D&&*8&*0" &*" Shahshahani 3 <ava 'a eh) 5( ?avari)5 6ttar)53 6hma iyeh" Anowle ge) attitu e an practice stu y about bloo onation in the urban population of ?a' ) ,ran) *00/" (ransfus onation 5e " *009 ;ec;&9(9)D/048/0>" &4" 5 6lam ) ; 5asalmeh +el"Anowle ge) attitu es an practices regar ing bloo among the Sau i population" Sau i 5e <ournal" *00/ 5ar;*1(4)D4&78*&" &/"httpDJJconferences"an'mac"orgJ6=O56C*00@JpapersJ3ol ershawP*"p f

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Rema(, ! "#e =4'&e


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11.? S'=%a"4(e 13.1 Rema(, ! "#e $#a'(ma% a%& :('%$':a+

13.3 S'=%a"4(e


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