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2014 Yearly Horoscope for Cancer

You're still riding high as lucky Jupiter continues his generous tour through your stars in 2014. Maximize this amazing good fortune for the first six months of the year before Jupiter moves on to your neighboring sign of Leo in July. Don't fear that all of your luck will run dry when Jupiter leaves Cancer. The good news is that starting in July you'll have the benefit of the big planet working on your money house for a year. If you've been waiting for a windfall in your finances, watch how drastically your money situation improves starting this summer. Your confidence has been on the rise since last year, and the increase in self-esteem is about to pay off in myriad ways, Cancer. Yes, you've officially come out of your shell and now you're in high demand, baby!

The focus on intense relationship karma continues in 2014, Cancer. At this point you're probably feeling like you've had enough drama to last an entire lifetime. Saturn and Pluto are still working hard on your love and partnership zones respectively over the next year, asking you to commit to working on your own psychological issues while working on the relationship. The two are mutually independent now. You're realizing that you can no longer simply afford to blame the other if you're not happy with the state of the relationship.

Furthermore, after learning some very challenging lessons about navigating power dynamics, you're feeling more humbled and clear about your own personal boundaries. Integrity has and will continue to be a major theme for the long haul, so consider yourself a divine work-in-progress. More and more you're seeing how important it is for you to author your own life and live by the rules that you set for yourself rather than judgments and expectations of others. You're starting to really master the subtle workings of knowing your limits and asking for what you need without sounding needy. First, you're getting clear about who you are and

what is essential to make your life flourish. And then second, you're learning how to ask directly and clearly for exactly that. No more whining or beating around the bush, Cancer. You're too good for that!

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Your love life is a major focus again this year, with two of the heavyweight planets working for your relationship cause. Pluto and Saturn are demanding deep commitment and integrity. This is not a time to date lightly, Cancer. If you've been struggling with the whole question of long-term versus short-term viability, this is the time to think duration. It's been a hard road of having to face your own shadow in relationships. Everything that irritates you about your beloved is pointing a glaring mirror right in your own face. Although this may feel highly painful during the process, trust that it's so worth the potential for insight and wisdom about yourself. The reason you're able to endure such an intense confrontation with yourself and your own demons now is that you've got the power of love on your side. Are you ready to explore every nook and cranny of your personality and what others trigger in you? Of course you are!

Finding harmony and peace of mind in your relationships (especially with family members) will require the majority of your attention and energy in 2014. The North Node of Fate shifts into the sign of beauty and balance early in the year, urging you to focus on where you need more equilibrium in your life. Of course this will require tempering some extremes, but the graceful flow that follows is worth it. If there are any hidden selfish tendencies that have a way of destroying the beauty of your connections, this is the year to weed them out and learn the art of compromise. You have a tendency to be the emotional caretaker in your family, but this year you're being asked to work on balancing that out by taking better care of yourself. It might feel selfish at first, but you'll soon realize this actually allows you to have more to give. Establishing clear and firm boundaries with those who might take advantage of your emotional generosity is another important lesson of the year. Every relationship and love lesson will be a profound opportunity to come home to yourself this year, Cancer. That's what it's all about for you in 2014: One big homecoming!

Your worldly life and professional dreams should still feel incredibly blessed in 2014. Having the support of Jupiter in your stars backing your biggest hopes and dreams isn't shabby. You'll be working that influence most strongly during the first half of the year right up to your birthday until the big guy moves on to your money zone in July. At that point, you'll be moving the focus from building your self-esteem and public image to dreaming about how to double, if not triple, your earning potential. Jupiter brought much wisdom about polishing your personal image and working your brand, and now you're ready to cash in on all of that knowledge.

You may be experiencing a bit of an inner tug of war as the Nodes of Fate pull between your domestic and career zones. The domestic loving side of your nature is fighting with the ambitious side. The North Node in Libra at the base of your horoscope is asking to spend more time with yourself in the quest for more balance. The South Node in your career zone may be vying for more of your efforts towards pushing your goals to the next level. If you take care of yourself, your family and strive toward greater overall balance, your career will automatically flourish as a result. This is easier said than done, of course, but if anyone can find a way to bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan, it's you, Moon child!

Continue to be highly selective in your choice of colleagues this year, Cancer. If you're going to be investing your hard energy, heart and trust, then you have to be sure to put your potential ally to the test. Do you share the same values? Can you trust their integrity? Do they have a proven track record? Does your association with this person lift you up or would you be compromising your image by working with them? These are the kinds of questions to ask yourself over the duration of 2014, especially before committing to any long-term commitments.

How sweet it is -- the Year of the Horse, that is. After two years filled with obstacles, your time to shine has come! You get 11 favorable months and one neutral month this year. Nothing can hold you back while the Horse has the reins. That big dream you've had forever? Carpe diem. This is the perfect time to implement changes for the better. This year is all about adventure and evolution. Do some hard thinking, then get out there and lead the parade. You're going to have some luck in all areas of your life. Keep your eyes wide open so you don't miss those good opportunities. Seek wisdom from your inner self! Get a Free Spiritual Reading today. Call 1-800-615-8029 right now!

Sound the alarm -- it's go time! Your career is on fire this year. It's not an exaggeration to say that you're nearly unstoppable. Question is, what do you want to do with this power? Is it time to pour your heart and soul into a new project? Say 'see ya' to the nine-to-five job? Or would you rather rise on the corporate ladder at your current company? Whatever it is, you've got lots of energy and stamina pushing you forward. The best part? You can tackle lots of projects and never lose focus. Well, maybe not 'never,' but you get the idea. The sky is the limit, and so is your imagination. Open up that noggin of yours and dream big.

Thought you'd cozy up with your Kindle and avoid the dating scene to find yourself this year? Think again. While there's nothing wrong with taking time to work on yourself, it's a problem when you're the star of the show -- and you are, at least where romance is concerned. Single or attached, you're attracting honeys like crazy. So work it! If you're itching to take the next step in your life as a couple,

all signs point to yes. This year, love is filled with excitement. So even if you're feeling blase about your partner, there ought to be a few surprises that bring the zip and zing right back into your heart. So don't shy away from your inner pizzazz. Own it. Flirt, dance, drink, love and be merry. What romantic adventures are in store for you? Get a Free Psychic Reading today. Call1-800-6158029 right now!

Staying fit is at the top of your priority list. You tackle health goals with a new gusto this year. Want to lose those last five pounds? Tired of not being able to keep up with your kids? Just want to look hot in a bathing suit? All you need to do to achieve those goals is find a plan that works for you and to stick with it. Finding ways to integrate exercise into your daily routine keeps you mentally and physically sharp. And you might even start a new eating regimen that seems to work wonders for your well-being. Just make sure you don't burn the candle at both ends. Yes, there will be plenty of play, but even Tigers need a good snooze to stay in tip-top shape.

Wealth? Yes, please, and lots of it. Honestly, it's about time those big ideas paid off, right? Money comes rushing into your life this year, from lucky flukes like finding a $20 bill on the sidewalk to finally getting a big promotion. Unexpected checks are likely to show up out of the blue, too. The source of this flow is most likely coming from a simple but potent talent you possess: the ability to make things happen. That entrepreneurial spirit works to your advantage right now, and you can tell those naysayers 'I told you so' when you make your first million. Be smart with your riches. Spend a little, save a lot and use the rest to fund your next big idea.

Here is the Astro Chart you requested:

Hi there, here is the interpretation of the astrological chart that you asked for. Also attached is a .GIF graphic file which depicts your chart wheel. Thank you for visiting the Astrolabe WEB site at This report has been created especially for you. It represents your Unique picture at the time you were born and at the place you were born. If you are unsure of the exact time of day of your birth (or the date or the place), the reading will probably not seem as accurate as it could be in certain places, but other parts will seem to be very appropriate. You will notice at certain places in the reading that contradictory information seems to be given. This is to be expected, because the personality of most people is extremely complex. For example, at times we are quite shy and at other times we are very aggressive, and so forth. You will also notice that, at

certain points in the reading, certain patterns may be repeated over and over, especially in a longer more detailed report than this one. This is also to be expected. This simply means that your horoscope has an extremely strong focus on this particular pattern and that you should pay extra close attention to what is said about it. Now, on with your Report! Name: Melody Campomanes July 11 1986 1:00 AM Time Zone is AWST Manila, PHIL Rising Sign is in 10 Degrees Taurus Calm and deliberate, you hate to move quickly or act hastily. Very practical, every effort must count or you can't be bothered. Patient, persistent and steady, but very stubborn -- you can't be pushed or pressured into anything. You seem outwardly self-assured because you tend to repress your inner tension and turmoil. You exude an earthy warmth, friendliness and charm. You demand comfortable surroundings and appreciate the good life. Be careful of a tendency to be overly self-indulgent. At times, you are lazy and difficult to motivate. Overcoming inertia is a problem for you and, because you are not by nature a self-starter, it is often necessary for you to receive stimuli from others in order to get moving. Sun is in 18 Degrees Cancer. Very emotional and sensitive, you have an intuitive understanding of the "vibes" around you. You tend to be quite generous, giving, loving and caring, but only when your own needs for emotional support, love and security have been met. If they are not met, you tend to withdraw into yourself and become very insecure and selfish. Your home and family (especially your mother or the person who played that role for you early on) represent security for you and thus assume a larger-than-life importance. Very sentimental, you have vivid and long- enduring memories of the past. No matter how well adjusted you are, you will always need a secret quiet place of your own in order to feel at peace. Feeding others can give you great pleasure you would enjoy being part of a large family. Moon is in 27 Degrees Leo. You always want to be proud of yourself and will never do anything that will make yourself look bad. You need the respect and admiration of others and enjoy attracting attention to yourself. Everything you do tends to be selfemphasized and self-exaggerated. Very stubborn, willful and independent yourself, be sure to allow others who are close to you the similar right to "be

themselves." Your need for love, affection and reassurance, and your tendency toward vanity, allow you to have your head easily turned by flattery. The more insecure you are, the more you tend to be a showoff. You love games and sports as a matter of fact, you would usually rather play than work. Be careful of a tendency to be snobbish and uppity -- it does not become you. Mercury is in 06 Degrees Leo. You are usually quite convinced that your own ideas are correct and you enjoy persuading others that they are. At times, you are very stubborn and proud of your beliefs and principles, and you get very defensive when they are challenged. You appreciate truth and honesty -- you practice it yourself and expect it in others. You have good talent for organizing, directing and planning. You delight in being asked for your advice and counsel. Venus is in 28 Degrees Leo. You have a striking, regal appearance and demeanor that attracts others to you. Your friendship is highly sought and you tend to take friendships quite seriously -- you remain loyal and true to those to whom you are attached. For you, love is mixed with pride and respect. Relationships are over when you lose respect for your partner. Be careful of a tendency to relate only to those who make you look good -- the powerful, important and influential. This can lead to arrogance and selfishness, and neither of these qualities becomes you. Mars is in 17 Degrees Capricorn. Extremely ambitious, you are willing to work very hard to reach the goals you have set for yourself. Very practical, cautious and conservative, you demand tangible results for your efforts. You need to excel in whatever you do, and you have the required sense of responsibility, dedication and self-discipline to bring it about. Beware of your tendency to judge others only by their degree of status and prestige, or by how well they will be able to advance you in your climb to the top. Jupiter is in 22 Degrees Pisces. You are at your best when you give of yourself and what you have -- try to avoid being a martyr about it, though. You're a true idealist, but you must learn not to be upset when life does not cooperate with the way you think things should be. Very concerned with spiritual truth and growth, when you practice what you preach, you make an excellent role model for others. You are so devoted to altruistic ventures and concerns that you tire easily at times. It then becomes necessary for you to go off by yourself to recharge your batteries.

Saturn is in 03 Degrees Sagittarius. Basically quite conservative, you respect traditional authority figures and are very thankful and supportive of the laws and institutions which govern your life. You learn and accept new ideas only after having very thoroughly examined them. Ideals and abstract concepts are important to you only if they can be used in some practical fashion. You are so practical and so orderly that you have natural skills in planning, administrating and organizing. Uranus is in 19 Degrees Sagittarius. You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world. Neptune is in 04 Degrees Capricorn. You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts. Pluto is in 04 Degrees Scorpio. For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search. N. Node is in 25 Degrees Aries. You're at your most comfortable when involved in group activities outside of your immediate family circle. You delight in getting involved with others in neighborhood civic or political activities, especially if you can be a part of the leadership of the group. Your zeal and overabundant energy bring out your real creativity when you can work toward tangible results -- things that will immediately benefit those around you. You have a real gift for getting the most out of charity drives and community benefits. Take time out between projects though, because you tire out easily and your effectiveness becomes greatly diminished when your energy is depleted. Also, don't even think of trying to get involved at a peripheral level -- you need a total commitment to feel personally fulfilled. Let others bake the cookies and set up the chairs -- you should be the one to tell everyone what to do and when to do it!

If you would like a detailed (approx 30 page) interpretation of your astrological profile which includes your houses, aspects, and major trends in your chart - or if you would like other reports or readings that depict your life and the influences that you are under for any specific dates - See our chart service offerings at or contact us at 1-800-THE-NOVA for prices and information. Thank You! To have a record of this mini reading; Please print this page or select 'file' / 'save as' to save it on your hard drive. When saving use (web page, complete) as the file type. If you have any problems or comments about using this feature, contact the Astrolabe webmaster Ray White.

Here is the Astro Chart you requested:

Hi there, here is the interpretation of the astrological chart that you asked for. Also attached is a .GIF graphic file which depicts your chart wheel. Thank you for visiting the Astrolabe WEB site at This report has been created especially for you. It represents your Unique picture at the time you were born and at the place you were born. If you are unsure of the exact time of day of your birth (or the date or the place), the reading will probably not seem as accurate as it could be in certain places, but other parts will seem to be very appropriate. You will notice at certain places in the reading that contradictory information seems to be given. This is to be expected, because the personality of most people is extremely complex. For example, at times we are quite shy and at other times we are very aggressive, and so forth. You will also notice that, at

certain points in the reading, certain patterns may be repeated over and over, especially in a longer more detailed report than this one. This is also to be expected. This simply means that your horoscope has an extremely strong focus on this particular pattern and that you should pay extra close attention to what is said about it. Now, on with your Report! Name: Ronie Rafanan December 26 1963 12:00 PM Time Zone is AWST Manila, PHIL Rising Sign is in 06 Degrees Aries You are a free spirit and you must be first at everything you do. Very energetic, self-assertive and active, things must be done your way. Even though you may feel calm and serene on the inside, you certainly do not act that way. You want to do everything full-tilt, 100 miles per hour! A great competitor, but a poor cooperator -- you must learn how to lose more gracefully. Very self-confident, ambitious and passionate, you radiate positive energy. You are blunt and direct, but at times unfeeling and tactless, especially if anyone offers you any resistance. You fight for your beliefs, but your tendency to act first and think later often causes you much grief. Sun is in 03 Degrees Capricorn. Extremely serious and mature, you are capable of accepting responsibilities and do so willingly. Others expect you to be dutiful as a matter of course. You tend to get angry when people get rewards after not having worked anywhere near as hard as you. You are goal-oriented and an achiever by nature -- you're a hard worker and are justifiably proud of the tangible results of your efforts. You tend to have "tunnel-vision" -- this allows you to block out extraneous matters that might distract others and to concentrate totally on the matter at hand. As such, you are the ideal one to manage or administrate any ongoing project and to be practical and efficient at it. You are not a fast worker, but you are quite thorough. You are known for being totally persistent, tenacious and tireless in reaching your goals. Moon is in 04 Degrees Taurus. Warmth, comfort, security and familiar surroundings are necessary for you to feel at ease. Very loving and affectionate, you prefer a steady, patterned way of life. Patient, calm and steadfast, you are not easily upset. Others look to you for support. You tend to be a slow starter and a slow mover -- others may try to rush you, but they will never succeed. Emotionally, you are quite stubborn -- your

attitudes about people and things were firmly set in your youth and will change very little as an adult. You are also very cautious and conservative about spending money. It is not that you are selfish, you just need to feel secure. Beware of a tendency to become overly complacent and too self-satisfied. Mercury is in 20 Degrees Capricorn. You are a careful thinker, very cautious and conservative. You are quite skillful at organizing, directing and planning activities. Practical and useful things interest you -- you are not attracted to abstract thoughts or ideas. With your tendency to be highly focused and very goal-oriented, you have a good head for business. But beware of a tendency to be narrow-minded and dogmatic. Your sense of humor tends toward being earthy and slapstick crude. Venus is in 02 Degrees Aquarius. You are a friendly and outgoing individual, but close relationships are difficult for you to maintain due to your fear that they will cause you to lose your freedom. You attract friends and associates who are exciting, different and sometimes a bit odd. You are popular with others and enjoy working within a group toward group goals. Mars is in 15 Degrees Capricorn. Extremely ambitious, you are willing to work very hard to reach the goals you have set for yourself. Very practical, cautious and conservative, you demand tangible results for your efforts. You need to excel in whatever you do, and you have the required sense of responsibility, dedication and self-discipline to bring it about. Beware of your tendency to judge others only by their degree of status and prestige, or by how well they will be able to advance you in your climb to the top. Jupiter is in 10 Degrees Aries. The way that you grow and develop is by being an uncompromising individualist. You have a great need to be yourself and to explore your latent talents and abilities. Do not be afraid to let yourself go and develop self-confidence and pride in your accomplishments. But try not to become so self-centered that you ignore the needs of others. Also, you may have to build up your self-discipline in order to focus your energies properly. Saturn is in 19 Degrees Aquarius. Your personal sense of values is a reflection of the value structures of your peer group and of those you respect and admire. Try to be more critical in your acceptance of these values -- you tend to prejudge the abilities of those you trust

and then follow what they say blindly. Basically very conservative, you prefer orderly, systematic changes and fear doing things rashly or impulsively. Ideas and philosophies must have some sort of immediately realizable, utilitarian function in order for you to pay any attention to them. Uranus is in 10 Degrees Virgo. You, and all your peers, will be known for the degree of intensity with which you dislike normal everyday routines and chores. You will go out of your way to invent innovative, unique and timesaving ways to perform the various mundane routines and duties of living. You will be attracted to all manner of practical and useful gadgets -- anything that will make your daily life more exciting. Neptune is in 17 Degrees Scorpio. You, and your entire generation, are extremely interested in anything deep and mysterious. You will explore and idealize the benefits that can accrue from the study of the occult, healing and psychology. You are willing to experiment with substances like drugs in order to push your understanding of your inner being to the extreme. Pluto is in 14 Degrees Virgo. For your entire generation, this will be a time when profound changes in society's attitude toward work, duty and responsibility will be initiated. Radical changes in attitudes toward personal health and general nutrition will be promulgated and gain wide acceptance and practice. N. Node is in 11 Degrees Cancer. You genuinely enjoy meeting other people, but you're at your best if you can do so from the comfort of your own home. You prefer others to come to you and tend to feel uncomfortable about leaving your home or neighborhood for any extended period of time. Those who do come in contact with you are struck by your caring and obliging nature -- you really make them feel at home. You form the closest ties, however, with members of your immediate family, especially your parents and children. You're at your best attending or organizing family reunions!

If you would like a detailed (approx 30 page) interpretation of your astrological profile which includes your houses, aspects, and major trends in your chart - or if you would like other reports or readings that depict your life and the influences that you are under for any specific dates - See our chart service

offerings at or contact us at 1-800-THE-NOVA for prices and information.

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