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Intertegumentary System

Building Medical Words Use adip/o or lip/o(fat) to build words that mean: 1.tumor consisting of fat: adipoma,lipoma 2.hernia containing fat: adipocele,lipocele 3.resembling fat: adipoid,lipoid 4.fat cell: adipocyte,lipocyte Use dermat/o(skin) to build words that mean: 5.inflammation of the skin: dermatitis 6.instrument to incise the skin: dermatotome Use onych/o(nail) to build words that mean: 7.tumor of the nails: onychoma 8.softening of the nails: onychomalacia 9.abnormal condition of the nails: onychosis 10.abnormal condition of the nails caused by a fungus: onychomycosis 11.abnormal condition of a hidden (ingrown) nail: onychocryptosis 12.disease of the nails: onychopathy Use trich/o(hair) to build words that mean: 13.disease of the hair: trichopathy 14.abnormal condition of hair caused by a fungus: trichomycosis Use -logyor -logistto build words that mean: of the skin: dermatology 16.specialist in skin (diseases): dermatologist Build surgical words that mean: 17.excision of fat (adipose tissue): adipectomy,lipectomy 18.removal of a nail: onychectomy 19.incision of a nail: onychotomy 20.surgical repair (plastic surgery) of the skin: dermatoplasty,dermoplasty

Matching Burn and Oncology Terms Match each term on the left with its meaning on the right. 1. erythema: i. redness of skin 2. T0: evidence of primary tumor 3. malignant: h.cancerous;may be life threatening 4. first-degree burn: g.heals without scar formation 5. grading: f. determines degree of abnormal cancer cells compared with normal cells 6. squamous cell carcinoma: a.develops from keratinizing epidermal cells 7. benign: b.noncancerous 8. T1: j. primary tumor size,small with minimal invasion 9. M0: evidence of metastasis 10. third-degree burns: d.extensive damage to underlying connective tissue
Matching Diagnostic,Symptomatic,Procedure,and Pharmacology Terms Match the following terms with the definitions in the numbered list. 1.infestation with lice: pediculosis depigmentation characterized by milk-white patches: vitiligo 3.fungal skin infection,also called ringworm: tinea 4.contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite: scabies 5.bacterial skin infection characterized by pustules that become crusted and rupture: impetigo 6.allergic reaction of the skin characterized by elevated red patches called hives: urticaria 7.hyperpigmentation of the skin,characterized by yellowish brown patches or spots: chloasma 8.hemorrhagic spot or bruise on the skin: ecchymosis 9.minute or small hemorrhagic spots on the skin: petechiae 10.loss or absence of hair: alopecia 11.topical agents to treat athletes foot and onychomycosis: antifungals 12.tissue destruction by means of high-frequency electric current: fulguration 13.agents that decrease inflammation or itching: corticosteroids 14.use of wire brushes or other abrasive materials to remove scars,tattoos,or fine wrinkles: dermabrasion

15.agents that kill parasitic skin infestations: parasiticides 16.agents that soften the outer layer of skin so that it sloughs off: keratolytics 17.procedure in which extracts of suspected allergens are injected subcutaneously: intradermal test 18.procedure in which allergens are applied topically,usually on the forearm: patch test graft taken from one site and applied to another site of the patients body: autograft graft taken from another species (usually a pig) to a human: xenograft

Pathology report: Skin lesion Terminology Terms listed in the following table are taken from Pathology report:Skin lesionthat follows. Use a medical dictionary such as Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary,the appendices of this book,or other resources to define each term. Then review the pronunciations for each term and practice by reading the medical record aloud. Atypia is a pathologic term for a structural abnormality in a cell, i.e. it is used to describe atypical cells. Atypical means irregular; not conformable to the type; in microbiology, applied specifically to strains of unusual type. Basal cell layer (sometimes referred to as stratum germinativum) is the deepest layer of the five layers of the epidermis Bowen disease is a form of intraepidermal carcinoma characterized by the development of slowly enlarging pinkish or brownish papules or eroded plaques covered with a thickened horny layer. Carcinoma is a malignant new growth made up of epithelial cells tending to infiltrate surrounding tissues and to give rise to metastases. Dermatitis is the inflammation of the skin. Dermis is the sensitive connective tissue layer of the skin located below the epidermis, containing nerve endings, sweat and sebaceous glands, and blood and lymph vessels. Dorsum means the back or he upper, outer surface of an organ, appendage, or part: the dorsum of the foot. Epidermal hyperplasia is an abnormal increase in the number of cells in the skin with consequent enlargement. Fibroplasia is the formation of fibrous tissue, as normally occurs in the healing of wounds. Hyperkeratosis is the hypertrophy of the cornea or the horny layer of the skin. Infiltrate means to cause (a liquid, for example) to permeate a substance by passing through its interstices or pores.

Keratinocyte is the predominant cell type in the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, constituting 90% of the cells found there. Those keratinocytes found in the basal layer of the skin are sometimes referred to as "basal cells" or "basal keratinocytes". Lymphocyte is a kind of white blood cell in the vertebrate immune system,specifically, a landmark of the adaptive immune system. Neoplastic is an abnormal new growth of tissue in animals or plants; a tumor. Papillary is a protuberance on the skin, at the root of a hair or feather, or at the base of a developing tooth. Pathological is relating to or caused by disease. Solar elastosis is a breakdown of elastic tissue (as the loss of elasticity in the skin of elderly people that results from degeneration of connective tissue) caused by sun. Squamous is consisting of one or more layers of flat platelike cells. 1.In the specimen section,what does skin on dorsum left wristmean? Skin was obtained from the back, or posterior, surface of the left wrist. 2.What was the inflammatory infiltrate? Lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate in the papillary dermis. 3.What was the pathologists diagnosis for the left forearm? Nodular and infiltrating basal cell carcinoma near the elbow. 4.Provide a brief description of Bowen disease, the pathologists diagnosis for the left wrist. Bowen disease is a form of intraepidermal carcinoma (squamous cell) characterized by redbrown scaly or crusted lesions that resemble a patch of psoriasis or dermatitis. Patient referral letter: Onychomycosis Terminology Terms listed in the following table are taken from the Patient referral letter:Onychomycosis that follows.Use a medical dictionary such as Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary,the appendices of this book,or other resources to define each term.Then review the pronuncia- tions for each term and practice by reading the medical record aloud. Alkaline phosphatase is a hydrolase enzyme responsible for removing phosphate groups from many types of molecules, including nucleotides, proteins, and alkaloids. Bilaterally is relating to the right and left sides of the body or of a body structure. Debridement is the medical removal of dead, damaged, or infected tissue to improve the healing potential of the remaining healthy tissue.

Hypertension or high blood pressure, sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated. Mastectomy is the medical term for the surgical removal of one or both breasts, partially or completely. Neurological means of or relating to the nervous system or neurology. Onychomycosis is the fungal infection of the nails. Sporanox is an oral antifungal drug taken for cases of fungal nail disease. Vascular means of, characterized by, or containing vessels that carry or circulate fluids, such as blood, lymph, or sap, through the body of an animal or plant. 1.What pertinent disorders were identified in the past medical history? History of hypertension and breast cancer. 2.What pertinent surgery was identified in the past surgical history? Mastectomy. 3.Did the doctor identify any problems in the vascular system or nervous system? Vascular and neurological systems were intact. 4.What was the significant finding in the laboratory results? Alkaline phosphatase was elevated. 5.What treatment did the doctor employ for the onychomycosis? Debridement and medication or Sporanox PulsePak. 6.What did the doctor recommend regarding the abnormal laboratory finding? The doctor recommended a repeat of the liver enzymes in approximately 4 weeks.

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