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Bridges and Houses Washed Away

Rallroad Track Under Six Feet of
Agricultural Exports SAYS NAVY IS INADEQUATE Waters Street Seething River
Tho calendar ear la closing ith THE
every Indication that tho remarkable FAMOUS
olume ot export3 will remain at the Hot Spifnge Ark Tho heaviest lain
flood A bulletin from tho bureau ot JnpanWIII Precipitate War Within ever known fell hero Tuesday night SAN ANTONIO BEElT
Five Years and Capture the Phil- and Wednesday and by reason of tho
statistics nt Washington la testimony ippines and Hawaii
to this effect Xhe bulletin deals with washing away of bridges and houses
In the holfthorn part ot the city tire
the exports of domestic breadstuffs Talk is cheap but you cannot conlrrtver-
meat and dairy products food animals San Antonio Tex RichmondPear
merchants along central avenue were
damaged to the extent of at least 75 lfdctsl
cotton and mlnoral oils for November son Hobson ot Merrlmac fame was in 000 Central avenue which is the
and for tho 11 months ot tho present the city Tuesday to deliver a lecture principal thoroughfare of the city was lafcr is subject to cllmnllcnl CoiujWon-
year ended wj th November Tho total In an Interview too expressed great for hours a seething river The wa- sjVomorc nvornblc cllmatoUs kndjvjiffljniiyj
Jor the produclloAof aeiiiji

of theso exports for November was concernover the probability of war ter Sviia waist deep on a man and no
105311000 against 993ll 0001n 1905 with Japah and predicted that the yel- ono attempted to croBS the street ex- a bevorndc thiMoursk fo
and for the 11 months J78S257000 Jow men would precipitate a conflict cept
in a vehicle
compared with 703509000 last year with the1 United States
In less than
five years He thinks they havo every
Three houses on Water street were ait unhealthy cHffltc WW
ho December returns are not likely eliovv ot success to drlv e us frpm the twdsed awaV 1nlso Vas thd grand jpo not cOlnpttt
to show any relatfvo decrease and tho Orient stand at Whlttlngton Park At least
twenty bridges wero swept down orSr Qiirnc
entire year Is fairly certain to show a Capt Hobson said I think that tho
largo advance over last Several Japanese fivant to brlrig oH AaV with streamja nd In thojlower part of the
city the lumbermen lost many thou-
features oflho bulfetln sho wlng com- the United States at the earliest pos sands of feet of lumber All cellars
mand special Interest Though theie fttbto moment without flying fn tlie along1 Central avenue were flooded to oaA hi
was something of a falling toft In this face of public opinion They will cre depths
¬ There Dolna43URCriorVfryll
of ten feet and allgoods stored Jcinvinccdr
class of exports for he month our ate a pretext If necessary They can thero wero destroyed or damaged i

Bbjpments abroad of meat and dalry- cosily capture the Philippines and Ha- There were no trains In or out of the SAN ANTONIO BREWING ASSOCIATION
productsand of food cattle were 208 wailan Islands and exclude us from 6ity
Our navy Is at present to- arrived
after tho early morning trains
979000 In 190S or more than 20000 the Orient ¬
The Rock Island attempted
tally inadequate to cope with the situ- to ¬

000 In excess ot these ot the sanio 11 send Its train out at 2 oclock but
ation and Japan knows It Tho Japan- after proceedingabout
Ave miles was
months of 1905 Legislator by con ese realize theat thero will eventually
forced to return to the city The Lit-
Kress andJtho steps taken by the ad- be a war for supremacy between the F P LUCK Agent Shiner Texas
tle Rock Hot Springs Western did
ministration In accordance therewith whlto and the yellow races and for not
aiming at safeguarding tho purity tl that reason desrea to entrench her- tracks wero under six feettrains
attempt to send out as tho This fine beer is for sale in Shiner by E J Wnnge
ot water for mann JoeMocha and at Dreyer by Artolph Sehultz
the output have Increased foreign con- self as the sole power In the tirlent a distance of COO yards a short dis- ¬

fidence Tho figures are of value as She realizes that it a war with the tance from tho city It will be im- ¬ Also bottled Jbeer by Aug Schramm
proving that while we sell abroad less the United States met with success possible for the railroad companies to
barley oats and corn we are disposing it must be precipitated within the next o
five years before we have had time
learn to the extent of their damage >
In largo quantity of what may be until the water subsides
to properly strengthen our naVy Jap-
called the finished products from such an will find sOmo pietext to bring
raw material Tho Americans are about war The California trouble is
feeding more of tho grain to llvo stocjt only one step in that direction While
Raln wos still falling Wednesday
night with no encouraging prospects SHINER AN-OIL MILL
and selling more cattlo and meat to- as proud of the Nations naval history ORDERED JUNE 151906
tho old world This Is really an as any American I do not think we
economic advantage as finding a mar- are prepared to cope with Japan on- Inventories for Assessors Have Not
ket for tho higher valued product al- tho Pacific The quicker the United Yet Been Delivered
ways Is The bulletin accentuates the States takes stops to prepare for lhs Austin Tex Tho following is a
predominance ot this country as a War tho better it will ba for the Na-¬
statement by J W Stephens control- I Is ready for business and will buy all your
source of food supply whilo the com- tion congress Ala-
ler seed and pay the highest market price
plete returns aro pretty certain to Hobson enters from ¬
Many assessors ot taxes aro mak-
bama in March and his attention will
prove that It has been a big1 yoar for bo Immediately given to urging the ing inquiries us to why this office does
exports of manufactures also not supplyInventories as the law di-
nation to prepare fol tho war hebe- rects so th ey can begin assessing tax-
Heves inevitable es 3 2r-
Polands Pitiable Condition Replyirigito these inquiries I will
Tho situation of Poland today Is-
BLOODY NEW YEAR say tho orderffor these Inventories was Sell your seed to the HOME MILL and
Warsaw has
lltlablo Business In
fallen oft 60 per cent and more the
placed wlthlthe secretary of ihe print-
ing boarduJune 15 1900 with a ic-
fashionable T boulevards are partly de- Ten Dead and Fortyone Injured Int questthattjiey bodelivered by Nov
serted the restaurants nie but halt and About New Orleans 1 190G
filled and tho leading hotel Is running New Orleans La Ten deadandf-
at a 16isv Tho city owrnas with ortyone injured is tho net esult of and thoboartanive made repeated ef
Xrhe4ecr jiaVvSf thQ printing board D C DANIEL Manager v

Year crimes and casualties In forts aythe Request of thlsN depart-

roonsbut martial law brings only New Inventories de-
oppression not secmlty Hardly a and around this section Of the ten fa- ment to have these ¬

get them to assess

talities three occurred in New Or- Ilveied in time to
day passes but officials are killed or
leans sty in Louisiana outside of this ore by Jan 1 but all efforts have
wounded by tho terrorists while sus- city ¬
and one In Mississippi
pected persons are arrested clubbed jured thirtyfive are placed
Of the In- been In vain
In New

or shot to death by the authorities Orleans four in other sections of Lou- they will bo Immediately forwarded

Upon receipt of these inventories HOUSE BAR

The terrorists aro strong enough to isiana and two In Mississippi Be- to assessors
defy tho government while tho gov- tween midnight and 10 p m Tuesday

ernment Is strong enough to crush a thlrtflve cases had been brought to- TENEMENTS ON FIRE Sariny purchased this Saloos I lnrltc all my Frloafis
general revolt and tho result Is an- tho Charity Hospital this city sev-

archy When it will end no one can eral ot them serious The laBt case Ten Buildings on Rlre In West 53rd aaia the Olfi Customers to
tell But some day says G H Blakes brought In was that of W A Llpsey- Street New York
A serious ffre broko out
lee In tho Outlook peace will surely a grain broker who was stabbed in New York
come for Poland Is to have autonomy
The Poles demand It The gicat ma- strcetB
the neck by an unknown In a saloon on West 63rd street Wednesday morn-
at tho cdrtier of Baronno and Julia Ing and at 215 oclock ten bnlldlngj
His condition is serious had been destroyed pr were fn flames
jority of tho Russian Duma has prom-
The fire at thattilmo was gaining rap

ised It and Russian liberalism must Hearne Tex Deputy Sheriff Baker Idlythrentenlng the entlro block Sev- I will keep a full stock of the Beat Whiskies Wines
eventually win Larkln came In from Mumford Mon- eral engines were deserted as the fire

day and reported that a Mcxlcab Fu- men could not get within 100 feet o Beer and Cigars and will always treat you right
Romance of Motor Travel glo Aricna bad been shot and killed the Are Tenants cwiUiln a radius ol
The motor carhas rescued tho ro- near Mumford Saturday night Rob half a dozen bl6cks werelordejed out
bery is supposed to be the motive to avoid posalbleMliinger to their Uvea
mance ot tracl freelnrit from tho

rltAtlng compulsions and contacts ot

the ralway tho bondage to Axed Browowood Tex Brownwood for Died Fom Blow
hour s and the beaten track and ap- many months has gone without street Sherman Tex
lighting with the exce ption of a few died at White right ftom what the
Ed Mason colored
iproaeh to each town tnrough the area
of ugliness and desolation created by- little Incandescent
lights here and phjiicians said fwas the effect of a <
Ithe railway Itself With tho motor thero until tho city council has either blow on tho1 head wltVsomo bjunt in-

Bismarck Saloon JH SKHftm

decided to turn over a now leaf or are strnment ToriVLogan colored was
sayB Edith Wharton in Atlantic we- ashamed of tho place after Nev- placed In Jail upon thejtfiarge of mur-
havo regained tho wonder the ad- ertheless from fifteen to twenty of the der lodged In Justice Campbells

venture and the novelty which en- 2000 candle arc lights will be distrib- court It is alleged in the complaint

livened the way of our posting grand- uted over the city In the placeswhich that he struck Mason with a hammer THE BEST WHISKIES WINES
parents aboyo all tho delight of tail- Are in need of lights tho worst
¬ They wero fellow employes at a mill AND LIQUORS ALWAYS IN STOOI-
ing a town unawares stealing on li-
by back ways and unchronicled paths CWe sell the favorite PABST BEER
surprising In It some Intimate aspect FINE OIQARfl-
of past time somo sllhouetto hidden
for half a century or more by tho uglj
mask of railway embankments and the
glass and Iron bulk of a hugo statfon
F T FEHRENKAMP Toltt and Courteous Tr tinen


Then tho villages that one missed and
yearned for from the windows of th i
The Moulton Lumber Dealer
tralnjtho villages navo been given Re4 only oantea a Pull Stock ot th Yarr Best
back to us t BnH txtvtHmH HHnnn tKnKt t > t>
> >
et tnHnKt < K >txn >ti tn >t > cnH > tK tnit > t t> i


Mfttico winds up its year with a le-
markably satisfactory financial show
Bat h can lao lupply yom with i THE PALACE SALOON j
ling She reports exports of 271000 Brick Paints Oils Builders Hardware if
000 d> increase ofnearly 63000000 r j
BarbWlre Poultry NetUng Piimpt Pipe Fitting tod
over ihe preceding jcar and Imports
Newly Renovated and Improved
of 220051000 a gain of over 12000
000 ButHvliat s still better Is the ad-
vancetalong all tho lines ot domestic
girsa t srdn-
Prompt aloM aMangoa all Has Just Eeei Bcopened By R J Wangemann-
development Mexico is literally llv
tag lnpeace and plenty with the most Moulton T xl I Will Carry th Finest and Bent of Wlne Whlikiw Beer and Olgara
efficient of governments under the ta Town dull and Pea Me and Ton Will
W bo Mada Welconit
wise directinghand of President Diaz
The day of upheavals and factional
rcsullDgln gonornlkdomor-
eems to lioypast taroyevi-
Advertisers can always gtt rropHttor
Moxlcojjfasjjjearned the wcrefoi vys-
dolf government results tftroiigh tnis paper <

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