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Pakistan is a peace loving country. It is currently a developing country.

A lot of challenges in different forms have made it difficult for Pakistan to become a developed country. Despite of the challenges and hardship Pakistan is trying its best to become a stable develop country. After World War II Economist thought a lot about the factors because of which some countries are able to become develop, some developing and some underdeveloped countries. By doing extensive research they came to know that there are three main factors which are necessary for a countrys development that are Health, Education and Employment. Pakistan have all of the three things but still it is not a develop country, which means that there are other factors that are causing disturbance in a far more powerful way than the three factors which are present in Pakistan that is they are overcoming these three factors and stopping the country from becoming a developed country. Two of those factors are Defense of Pakistan, that is territorial and of its people and Economy. Choosing five articles on the topics of Health Education Employment Defense Analysis Economy

and doing critical analysis, one can easily grasp a good idea of future development of Pakistan that is how it might be and how it is going to be.

Critical Analysis On Article About Health Sector

The article by A.Islam( Department of Community Health Sciences, The Aga Khan University, Karachi.) on the topic of Health Sector Reform In Pakistan: and why is it needed. One can get good help of getting an idea about the health sector of Pakistan. How is it and a change is needed in the health sector and why it is needed. A critical analysis on this article can provide with better results that whether really the reform in the health sector should be brought or it should be kept the same way and the health sector will grow and move towards development. The article emphasizes that Pakistan condition is so that poverty level is high people are not able to avail health opportunities and for that a Reform in the health sector should be brought. The recently announced Devolution Plan of the Government of Pakistan (GOP) that seeks to introduce elected district level local bodies, offers an opportunity to assess the existing publicly funded health care system and introduce far-reaching reforms to make it more efficient and effective. The devolution plan might work for the health sector reform but bringing a flexibility in the current Health Sector would not be that easy because people even though are not able to avail all the health facilities but they are able to avail some of the facilities. If the countries brought some flexibility in the current health sector, prices of medicine and treatment would decrease. This flexibility can be brought when Government will support the HS sector and promote it more and do some good investments in it. The results will be good for short term. People will be happy because of the decline in prices and treatement but with that they should also know that a huge investment has been done on it. This investment can also be used in places such as to increase the employment. This way the people would have money to pay and avail the medical facilities and not rely on the Government to pay. Health Sector have also been affected because of the dictatorship in the country. WHO and other such organizations that were working for health sector in Pakistan faced challenges when the Structure of the Government changed to Dictatorship. It is not easy for One person to overlook all the problems of the country. Health Sector was given preference at that time but not all issues were discussed. Political, Structural, Social and Economical Levels, all should be given focus when it comes to necessary matters such as the Health, Employment etc. There are very good doctors and very good medical facilities in Pakistan but they could have been ruined because of the change in the Government Structure. Not all of the Democratic Parties are good. Pakistan has faced a lot of Corrupt Democratic Parties who have just only taken care of their own interests and never focused on such crucial problems that the country is facing. A reform should be brought in the health sector but not in a way that other sectors are left behind and only this sector is given concern.

Critical Analysis On Articles About Education

Article: Rethinking Education in Pakistan: Perceptions, Practices, and Possibilities Author: Shahid Siddiqui Publisher: Paramount Publishing Enterprise, 2007

'Rethinking Education in Pakistan' is a product of Shahid Siddiqui's scholarly pursuit in the capacity of teacher educator, researcher, and social thinker. The recurrent theme of the book is critical thinking and reflection which is very carefully built up in the book. Dr. Siddiqui's aim doesn't seem to reject or accept any school of thought in totality but to analyze and assess in order to offer a holistic understanding of the beliefs and practices and explore potential alternatives. The writer draws the evidence for building his case from a very broad range of sources, ranging from his personal experience as a teacher educator and researcher, in-depth study of the educational policies of the country, and contemporary literature in the domain of education. Talking about various components of education he refers to teacher as a central actor in action. He firmly believes that teachers can play an important part in initiating and sustaining educational and social change. In his words "A well- equipped teacher can create ways to improve the situation even under given constraint. The pivotal position of a teacher signifies the crucial role teacher education can play in Pakistan." The structure of the book enables the reader to think and reflect on the Policy issues, Teacher and Teacher education, Curriculum and Materials which has its bearing on the other sections of the book: Language Issues, School, Home and the current Research and Assessment practices in Pakistan.

In the first section of the book under the heading Policy issues have six articles that offer the critique of the philosophy of neo-liberalism and its unquestioned, unchecked pervasive impact on the entire education system of Pakistan. The main concern these articles show is the need to revisit the educational policy of Pakistan striking the balance between the qualitative and quantitative aspects in all areas of education in Pakistan. The article 'Commodification of Education' clearly shows that the entire academic system of the country has turned into a supermarket. "A large number of educational institutions emerged as 'industrial Zones' or 'production units' whose sole aim was maximizing the profit by producing more." In this corporate model that is being followed, the writer makes his readers see that knowledge is seen as commodity, Knowledge is commodity, and teachers are reduced to the level of sales person. To drive his point across, the writer gives the example of famous private schools with their chain

across the country which Rehman (1998) calls them Business Empire. Siddiqui sees the mercantile practices in opening the branches which he calls 'outlets'. His description evokes Conrad's 'Nostroma', 'Heart of Darkness' and the classic of 'Robinson Crusoe' where the main principle is the maximization of profit and the exploitation of the simple masses. The major difference is the exploiters in these novels are the outsiders but in our case they are both outsiders and insiders.

Dr. Siddiqui supports the efforts made at improvising the Higher education in Pakistan but he raises the question of the qualitative aspect of it. The present practices of research in the local universities needs to be revisited. It is the absence of "research tradition" at par with the standard of world universities. In our education policies we have not given the due importance to the qualitative aspect of our educational institutions.

The second section of the book: Teacher and Teacher Education have eight articles whose main thrust is on changing the beliefs and attitude of the teachers. Unfortunately Teacher Education Programmes in the country have focused on methodology and strategies instead on enabling teachers to re-conceptualize basic educational issues. Like Tagore's short story 'The Parrot's Training', for educating the bird to please the Raja, all the stakeholders put in tremendous effort. A cage of Gold was made for the bird and scribes wrote books that could touch the sky. However, no one notice that the bird had died long in the cage. Teacher education programs in the country have lost sight of the teachers.

The article 'The Work shop syndrome' demonstrates how novel idea of Learning by doing given by John Dewey, has been misused in Pakistan. The author is not against the novel idea of workshop whose entire philosophy was to add practical dimension to learning but with the practice of using the workshop as an end itself. The result of this, as Siddiqui argues that how educational change is possible without changing the frozen belief system. The touch and go teaching culture practiced at all levels of education known also as "briefcase teaching" culture is
critiqued on the ground that it has not only created stasis and stagnation for the practitioners but has adversely affected the value system of eastern education.

The fourth section titled Language Issues explores the paradoxes in the language policy of the country and the practices of English Language teaching in the country. 'The Language Factor' questions the centrality English language in the power corridors of Pakistan. "Various governments, for their political interests, played wantonly with the issue of Language". Shahid Siddiqui (2007) together with Tariq Rehman (2000) and Sabiha Mansoor (2005) takes a stance of offering Language options and choice to the people of the country. The streamlining of the policy matters require consensus and debate and practical efforts to restore Urdu its due place as

written in the constitution of the country and various policy documents. Moreover, this section also offers analysis of the ELT practices in the country. In Pakistan teaching of English Language is taken as teaching of English Literature as majority of the teachers perceive Language teaching as teaching of novels, dramas and poetry. The author proposes a middle ground of teaching language through literature. Section 5, 'Curriculum and Material' reviews the latest literature published on curriculum and Material development. Siddiqui, as usual, is careful not to be carried away by the new slogans but analyses the impact of these on our educational context. He views curriculum not as something which sits on the shelf of policy makers but "a vibrant phenomenon of which students, teachers, teaching material and school culture are important components."

The last section of the book 'Research and Assessment' analyses the quality aspect of existing research practices carried out in the local university. "Most of the research in established universities in Pakistan is mere repetition of earlier ones. In some cases even the subsidiary questions of an earlier research are replicated. The ultimate aim of such researchers and research thesis is to get their authors degrees". Before making the generalized statement the author has unpacked his idea of quality which is the addition to the existing knowledge of the world. One can disagree with the author on setting such stringent benchmark considering the intellectual infrastructure of the country.

Rethinking Education in Pakistan offers a fresh perspective on the traditional ideas and notions about issues in education in Pakistan. Written in a lucid manner, the articles in the book form a coherent whole, engaging enough to be recommended to the widest possible audience, i.e., research students, practicing teachers, teacher educators, curriculum planners, and policy makers.

Critical Analysis On Article About Employment in Pakistan

Article source:

The growth performance of the Pakistani economy, though not spectacular has been decent by the standards of developing countries. But growth has failed to improve employment conditions in the country even though the rate of labor force growth has so far been quite low. If the past patterns continue, the country will be soon confronted with an employment crisis.


This article looks upon the problem of unemployment in the country and how the government has been intervening to reduce the unemployment rate. The article is easy to comprehend, to the point and has put in relevant information and facts and figures; for instance; regarding the labor force participation rate in Pakistan. The article has also properly highlighted the types of unemployment in Pakistan that is; structural and cyclic unemployment as well as listed ways in which the government did and can to reduce unemployment. Also, a well rounded comparison between unemployment in rural and urban areas is given and its related social and economic impacts are also explained thoroughly.

However, this article has failed to provide the latest figures regarding the employment situation in Pakistan and whether the crisis is to be resolved fully and the details in which government is currently working to solve this crisis so that resources are not wasted and peoples incomes are not depressed. Overall, men seem to benefit more from improvements in the labor market. In 2010-2011, the share of men with a wage and salaried job was at 41.2 percent; almost double that of females, at 21.6 percent, reflecting a situation in which the few wage and salaried jobs that are created tend to go to men rather than women. Roughly six out of ten employed people in Pakistan (61.6 percent) in 2010-2011 were considered to be vulnerable, meaning at risk of lacking decent work. The large share of female vulnerability (78.3 percent) needs special attention. Also of concern is the large share of youth vulnerability (60.9). Although often better skilled than the rest of the labor force, young people seem to face similar labor market difficulties as adults. Pakistan has seen very low labor productivity over the last decade. In addition the relatively low growth in labor productivity has not gone hand in hand with the increasing labor force and employment growth. This development suggests that many new labor market entrants are taking on low-productivity, poorly remunerated work. The findings suggest that the problem in Pakistan is not so much the absence of economic activity but is more the low

quality and low productive nature of these activities which lead to low incomes in the country. Most poor and vulnerable people are working very hard and long hours but in very low productivity jobs, where social protection and safety nets and networks are most often inadequate or totally missing. Therefore, the majority of Pakistans population cannot afford to be unemployed and has to work to make a living for themselves and their families. Also, what government is actually doing in terms of attracting industrialists and foreign investment through economic and fiscal policies need be mentioned here along with the recommendations.

Critical Analysis of Article About Defense Analysis Of Pakistan

Article : War on terror and collapse of justice system. According to the article its says that the economy of a country collapse due to the collapse of Terror and due to justice system but on the other hand if in a country have their strong army and political situation and have unity among their nation then they were also successful. e.g. We take an example of Iran. Iran facing terror situation in their country but their other law enforcement agencies and army is strong and the main thing that their nation is united if any other country hit their territory they have a capability to react against it. The judiciary system matters but other its substitute are also important, its difficult that all countries have all capabilities for example Unity, Army, Judiciary system etc. After 9/11 the terror constantly increasing in this sub-continent which basically facing by Pakistan Afghanistan Iran Etc but you can reduce it by different ways like if your relation among other countries like America were stable then you can reduce the ratio e g when America hits our army on border site then Pakistan react and cut the supply line for U S army in Afghanistan. The USA , UK , European Union makes rules and regulation . Their intelligence agencies were creating terror situation in Pakistan or other countries like CIA Raw and mostly these agencies were working in Pakistan Borders area like Baluchistan area . These terror situation can be control by your good international relations . Its habit now every country want to take over others than due to this reason they have strengths and weakness due to which they want to take over. Our negligence provide the opportunities to the other countries for these type of situations. The political parties and political situations can also place an impact on laws , justice system and also on your army and law and enforcement agencies . If the nation and political system support the law enforcing agencies and their army then they will become a good justice system and strength full army . for example in 1965 War when our army call 1000 civilians in Hyderabad In response 60000 peoples comes for war and fight for their country which shows the unity of a country.

Critical Analysis On Article About Economy Of Pakistan

The article on Economy of Pakistan by Ishrat Husain provides an overview of Pakistans Economy. This article provides a good overview and a good critical analysis can be done on Pakistans economy through this article and how the economy is going to be In the future and how it is going to help in the development of the country. There are some points which shows precisely what the country was doing but in some places in the article points are not given that much concern and those points were looked upon with a very narrow look. In the article it is stated that the country had developed a lot since 1947 to 2004 but it only lacked social development. While that is not the case because if history of Pakistan is given a look, one can clearly see that the people of Pakistan have really worked well and in unity and faced the challenges. Even today the country is facing a lot of problems like terrorist attacks, safety issues etc but they stand together and stand firm and face the challenges. The main negative factor that Pakistan should have concerned upon is the development of the people, that is providing them with proper education and safety of the people. In the article it is discussed that the human development was not the only reason that because of which the growth, exports and revenues etc. Institutional and Structural problems were also the reason that countrys economy was falling apart. Pakistan relations with the western countries though in the article is mentioned that they were affected but not in that bad way. It was good for Pakistan to become a nuclear power. Because at that time no Muslim country was nuclear power. But It was not just the point. The value of Pakistan also increased in the world. Even though IMF, World Bank imposed policies that were not favorable for Pakistan but despite the fact it was of bigger advantage to Pakistan as they felt a bit safe when Pakistan became a nuclear Power. Pakistan has a very good strategic location for war in Asia. If Pakistan would have not became a Nuclear Power. Western countries might would have thought to take over Pakistan territory or would have tried to impose its policies and deployed its forces here like they did in Afghanistan, Iraq etc. It was not for long that IMF, World Bank and WTO had to again smoothen its policies for Pakistan because Pakistan is one of the important member in these unions and take a complete and good part in the activities of these organizations. Not just Pakistan has a good strategic position of war in Asia but also its one of the central route to Pakistans Neighboring countries for trade. If the policies would have been strict for Pakistan it could have affected the whole trade system and so for that purpose they had to lower the trade rules and regulations thus again the economy of Pakistan got a little boost.

Economy in Musharraf time even though was not at boom but it improved a lot because of the strategies that Musharraf and the Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. They made policies and promoted privatization. Because of this privatization huge investors were encouraged to invest in Pakistan in different industries such as telecom, energy sectors etc. That is correct that huge investors came to Pakistan and the tax rates were lowered for them. Economy was starting to develop but lowering the tax rates for foreign investors also created problems for the domestic people as now they were not able to compete with the foreign investors. Employment rate increased with this strategy but with that the economy was also facing a downfall. This decision proved good for the time being that is in the short run but it was not worth enough in the long run. Because it had scared the domestic investors. The countrys Trade Market was converted into Market Oriented Market, there was Government intervention in the form of different tariffs and taxes. The private sector developed because of this policy. More than 80% of the banking assets are now owned and managed by the private sector. It though helped out the private sector but rich because of this became richer and the poor became poorer. The Government when lost much of the banking assets to private sector it wasnt able to generate that much money to give subsidies to farmers and invest in projects where poor people will also be benefited. Economy can boost when a balance is kept between the rich and the poor people. A country can only then develop when it will be able to provide the poor people with the necessary facilities to the poor and the rich people to become a better human a better citizen. When there comes dictatorship in the country it is never good for the country, as the country policies of trade and the international relations are affected by it. The domestic and the foreign businesses that are working in the country are also effected because of the sudden change in the political structure of the country. Pakistan had faced this change several times. One of the basic reason it has not been able to overcome its economic crisis is this one. Transparency, consistency and predictability increases in the country but the economy is that much effected that even if there is transparency, it is of no use because the economy will be in no such state that it could be stolen or used for some wrongful purpose.


1. akistan_Employment_2012.pdf 2. 3. 4. 5.

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