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If humans ruled the world they would have to be immortal Or perhaps one eye open watching back Break

it to them gently at least a nudge are they breathing Oh well WW III should wake them up for a little while If I should die before they wake v!o"#y$%&ok's (nd of )merica ) movie you must see to believe v!*+,$-a./Ol) 0I) Whistleblower 1usan ,indauer (23O1(1 (verything4 5(6treme 3re7udice5 After overcom !" the w ## !" suspe!s o! of $ sbe# ef % "h &a!' !" US (a)or *e!era# Exposes September ++ v!8i9o:;<=">c?feature!related %addafi tells it how it is v!@-la>$"*>A$ Illuminati e6posed by >uammar <addafi!annotation.BCD=;C?feature!iv?src.vid!w"Ep<d;8i$>?v!t#m#FsW9(rc <addafi says 9GA assassinated by Israel v!ugW0#li<B#g ) different story of (gypt v!-gsOHr(*(c( AennedyI BolshevismI Jionism ? 9ewish 1ecret 1ociety v!k8A<#B=cygg Israel killed Aennedy for trying to stop the Israel ,obby in )merica v!k8A<#B=cygg Why the military knows Israel Fid ;/DD v!aO%"hvplwd' @ruth about Israel >edia WonKt tell you 0LL Israel occupied @erritory v!w"Ep<d;8i$> ;/DD 9ewish (6/marine speaks out on Israel movement v!EH,k'v(JOJs Wiki,eaks Ira" 1hooting 8ideo )nalysis v!:h/"2C/H6go $1 soldiers War 0rimes v!t7sG1r1L:/k $1. war crimes in Ira" M3art DN v!Omo>uyHvJ7c $1. war crimes in Ira" M3art EN v!'*>E)Ima;+k $1. war crimes in Ira" M3art =N v!EiHd=LdtIe> $1. war crimes in Ira" M3art BN v!yow"2Eng-lB @he whole truth about the Ira" war
The War on Iraq, filmmaker Robert Greenwald chronicles the Bush Administration's determined quest to invade Iraq following the events of e!tember "", #$$"% The film deconstructs the administration's case for war through interviews with &% intelligence and defense officials, foreign service e'!erts, and &%(% wea!ons ins!ectors )) including a former *IA director, a former ambassador to audi Arabia and even +resident Bush's ecretar, of the Arm,% Their anal,ses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of one's !olitical affiliations% v!("A%GcG@B@' ) >ust Watch44 Firty Wars44 $1 War >asters44 @ruth kills truth saves 1ave yourself and the world 8ideo <one docid!=DD:==+ED=B=;E;EB;HO 8ideo #eplaced v!s3IfgmuLBns
In this lecture b, -ichel *hossudovsk,, he blows awa, the smokescreen !ut u! b, the mainstream media, that ./"" was an attack on America b, 0Islamic terrorists0% Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a militar,)intelligence !lo, behind the e!tember "" attacks, and the cover)u! and com!licit, of ke, members of the Bush Administration% According to *hossudovsk,, the 0war on terrorism0 is a com!lete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, 1sama bin 2aden, outwitted the 34$ billion)a),ear American intelligence a!!aratus% The 0war on terrorism0 is a war of conquest% Globalisation is the final march to the 0(ew World 1rder0, dominated b, Wall treet and the &% % militar,)industrial com!le'% e!tember "", #$$" !rovides a 5ustification for waging a war without borders% Washington's agenda consists in e'tending the frontiers of the American 6m!ire to facilitate com!lete &% % cor!orate control, while installing within America the institutions of the 7omeland ecurit, tate% v!bvayE+lJi-$ @ruth Aills v!+A;dg"Am9CH?feature

Gema Fetention 0amps >arshall ,aw Obstruct 9ustice truth and source kill )rrest warrants 3ope GrancisI %ueen (li&abethI 3ope Benedict 28II 3rime >inister -arper v!;2tt2h6'IAI Fownfall of the 8aticanI the %ueen and the system Gebruary EC EHD= v!ormOIlOiB8c 1entencing v!bAA*Il:sB-> -arper offends )rab ,egislators in Israel 9an EHDB v!et2)m/Oyl%%

A! ho!est ,ew te##s the -ruth about .srae#

$nited Lations )lien Jionist Insidious 3uppets @he 1tar of Favid in the ,eningrad 0ode6I DHH+ 0( $pon independence in D;B+I the new 9ewish state was formally named Medinat YisraelI or the 1tate of IsraelI after other proposed historical and religious names including Eretz Israel P5the ,and of Israel5QI JionI and 9udeaI were considered and re7ected.MECN In the early weeks of independenceI the government chose the term 5Israeli5 to denote a citi&en of IsraelI with the formal announcement made by >inister of Goreign )ffairs >oshe 1harett.ME*N @he name Israel has historically been usedI in common and religious usageI to refer to the biblical Aingdom of Israel or the entire 9ewish nation.ME:N )ccording to the -ebrew Bible the name 5Israel5 was given to the patriarch 9acob P1tandard YisraelI IsrlR 1eptuagint <reek: STUVWIsralR

5struggle with <od5



after he successfu##y wrest#e$ w th the a!"e# of the /or$.

9acobXs twelve sons became the ancestors of the IsraelitesI also known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel. 9acob and his sons had lived in 0anaan but were forced by famine to go into (gypt for four generations until >osesI a great/great grandson of 9acobIM=HN led the Israelites back

into 0anaan during the 5(6odus5. @he earliest archaeological artifact to mention the word 5Israel5 is the >erneptah 1tele of ancient (gypt Pdated to the late D=th century B0(Q.M=DN

-he area s a#so '!ow! as the

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be !" ho#y for a## Abraham

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) lie told Often enough becomes the #eality v!;n"Fk0&w2e'?feature @his is how they do it / Gake Femocracy ItKs a sin to tell a truth EHEH vision -umanity 0ompletion 6 EHEH WW III Worldly Wise Invisible Invincible Inalienable If not awakened the WW III traditional interpretation WW I8 1ticks and stones got a banana year D

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