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with technology integiation
Nelissa Pope
TESL Su1 Azusa Pacific 0niveisity

This lesson is uesigneu foi low-auvanceu language leaineis stuuying in an
IEP at an Ameiican 0niveisity. The couise is giammai five in a six-couise piogiam.
The class size is small; theie aie nine stuuents. The native languages of stuuents aie
}apanese, Koiean, anu Aiabic. All stuuents aie stuuying with the intent of attenuing
an English speaking univeisity. This lesson focuses on the knowleuge, piouuction,
anu iuentification of passive sentences in authentic speech. This uay one of a unit
taught on passive sentences ovei foui uays. Stuuents aie assumeu to have hau an
intiouuction to passive sentences in giammai thiee. It is also assumeu that they
have set up a uoogle account at the beginning of the couise.
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Stuuents will be able to:
I. Befine the passive foim of veibs anu iecall the foui passive veib foimulas.
II. Piouuce the passive foim in authentic conveisation with othei language leaineis.
III. Iuentify the passive foim in authentic mateiials anu speech.
The passive foim is when the object of a veib becomes the subject. In active
sentences the subject 'uoes the veib.' Foi example, " The uog bit the iaccoon." Beie
the uog uoes the veib - he uoes the action of biting. In a passive sentence the object
becomes the subject anu uoes not 'uo the veib.' Foi example, "The iaccoon was bit
by the uog." Lets look at how to constiuct passive sentences anu when to use the
passive foim.
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A. Passive Foim
The passive foim is constiucteu by following the foimulas in Table 1. Covei the
table anu explain the example sentences. Bave stuuents uo Pait A of the hanuout in
Appenuix A.
Table 1: Passive Foimulas
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Piesent Be + Past Paiticiple Stuuents aie giaueu on
theii knowleuge of
Piesent Piogiessive Be + Being + Past
Stuuents aie being giaueu
as they woik.
Peifect Bave + Been + past
Stuuents have been taken
a giammai couise.
Futuie Will + Be + Past Paiticiple Final giaues will be given
at the enu of the couise

B. Passive Neaning
Passive sentences aie useu foi thiee main ieasons - listeu below. Bave stuuents
piactice iuentifying each ieason on Pait B of the hanuout (See Appenuix A).
Passive 0sage
1. When the speakei wants to place focus on whowhat ieceiveu the action.
People aie shelteieu fiom the stoim.
2. When the peison piefoiming the veib is unknown.
Ny shiit was maue in Biazil.
S. When the noun peifoiming the veib is unnecessaiy.
This house was built last yeai.
4. When the speakei is being vague about who piefoimeu the action.
The vase was bioken.

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Bave stuuents piactice constiucting passive sentences on Pait C of the
hanuout (See Appenuix A). Then assign stuuents in paiis. Each paii will have a six-
minute 'chat' on uoogle Bangouts with the teachei. See instiuctions on uoogle
Bangouts in Appenuix C. Stuuents will uiscuss a topic of theii choice. (The teachei
shoulu assist stuuents in ueciuing on a topic.) Topics shoulu be chosen anu given to
the teachei befoie having the chat. Stuuents will uiscuss the topic with the teachei
foi thiee minutes. Each stuuent shoulu use at least one passive sentence with
uuiing the chat. While the teachei anu stuuents aie chatting, the othei stuuent will
listen anu iecoiu passive sentences useu in the uiscussion. Stuuents will then tuin
in passive sentences iecoiueu.
The teachei shoulu pioviue stuuents with a pie-set time foi the uoogle Bangout.
Stuuents will then connect with each othei befoie inviting the teachei to the
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Bave stuuents woik in tiiaus. Each tiiau will cieate a uoogle uocument listing
authentic occuiiences of passive sentences they see oi heai. Each gioup will list
fifteen occuiiences they finu thioughout the week. Stuuents will list the quote,
souice, context, anu uate. Passive sentences can be founu in a newspapei, magazine,
book, website, oi conveisation. Nake this assignment on uay one. The uoogle
uocument is uue on uay five. Stuuents shoulu use theii uoogle accounts to cieate a
uocument. Covei instiuction on cieating a uoogle uocument founu in Appenuix B.
Beie is an example of an entiy in uoogle uocuments.
Quote: "This sanuwich was maue with tuikey. I askeu foi ham."
SouiceContext: Ny fiienu Kelly while eating lunch at Nichael's Beli.
Bay: Tuesuay

A. Assessments will be maue by giauing the woiksheet, founu in Appenuix A. In
auuition, a foimula quiz can be given.
B. Stuuents will be assesseu on theii ability to use a passive sentence by the teachei
uuiing the uoogle Bangout.
C. Stuuents will be assesseu on passive iuentification by the teachei evaluating the
uoogle uocument of authentic occuiiences anu the sentences stuuents founu
in a classmates uoogle Bangout.

Appenuix A
Passive Sentence Banuout

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1. Piesent: ___________________________________________________________________________________


2. Piesent Piogiessive: ____________________________________________________________________


S. Past: _______________________________________________________________________________________


4. Futuie: ____________________________________________________________________________________


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1. The meat was packageu in an aiitight containei. (agent unknown)

2. The package was ueliveieu on Tuesuay. (who is not necessaiy)

S. Nistakes weie maue on the iepoit (being vague)


4. Thiee people weie killeu in the tiain acciuent. (focus on ieciepent)


S. Sally was bitten on Tuesuay by the Anueison's uog. (focus on ieciepent)


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1. Nail


2. Bit


S. Play


4. Speak


S. Caiiy


Appenuix B
uoogle Bocument Instiuctions

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1. uo to Sign in using youi uoogle name anu passwoiu.
2. Click the 'Cieate' button on the top-left coinei of the page.
S. Select 'Bocument.'
4. A new uoogle Bocument shoulu appeai on youi scieen.
S. Save this uoogle Bocument as "Passive Sentences."
a. Click 'File' in the tab bai at the top of the uocument
b. Select 'Rename.'
c. In the box that appeais, type "Passive Sentences" in the box.
u. Click '0K.'
6. You may now stait to type in youi uoogle uocument.
7. To allow eveiyone in youi gioup to wiite on the uocument, click 'File.'
8. Click 'Shaie.'
9. In the giay box at the bottom of the page, entei youi gioup membeis e-mail
1u. Click 'Bone.'
11. To view the uoogle Bocument aftei youi gioup has auueu you:
a. Sign into youi uoogle account
b. uo to 'uoogle Biive' by clicking on the gioup of nine boxes next to
youi name in the top iight coinei anu selecting 'uoogle Biive
12. 'Shaieu with me' is listeu on the left siue, click on this if it is not highlighteu.
1S. Select the file nameu "Passive Sentences.
14. Eveiyone in the gioup can not euit the uocument.

Appenuix C
uoogle Bangout Instiuctions

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1. Sign into youi uoogle account
2. Click on youi name in the top-iight coinei
S. You shoulu now be on youi home page
4. 0ne the top-iight you shoulu see gieen bubble with quotation maiks, this is
S. At the bottom iight of the scieen, move the cuisei ovei 'stait a viueo paity.'
6. Click 'stait paity.'
7. Click the '}oin' button that appeais on the scieen. You have now staiteu a
viueo hangout.
8. At the bottom of the scieen click the blue button, 'invite people.'
9. Type you paitneis e-mail auuiess in the box
1u. Then click 'Invite.'
11. When you have been inviteu to a hangout - fiist log into you uoogle account.
12. Click on the bell in the top iight coinei.
1S. Choose the message that ieaus '}oin Bangout'
14. When the viueo scieen opens, click the blue box, "join."

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