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1500 Mete 2. PRODUCT

2.1 Power Meter A. The meter shall be UL listed and CE marked. B. The meter shall be desi ned !or m"lti!"n#tion ele#tri#al meas"rement on $ %hase %ower s&stems. 1. The meter shall s"%%ort $'element (&e) 2.* element (&e) 2 element Delta) and +'wire Delta s&stems. 2. The meter,s s"r e withstand shall #on!orm to -EEE C$../0.1 and A12- C32.+1 43k56. $. The meter shall be "ser %ro rammable !or 7olta e ran e to an& CT or PT ratio. +. The meter shall ha7e a 7olta e b"rden o! not more than 0.0.25A %er %hase Ma8 at 3005) and 0.00$5A %er %hase Ma8 at 120 5olts. *. The meter shall ha7e a #"rrent in%"ts b"rden o! not more than 0.0095A %er %hase Ma8 at 20 Am%s. 3. The meter shall a##e%t a 7olta e in%"t ran e o! 4* to $+.6 5AC Line to 1e"tral) and a ran e o! 410 to 30065AC Line to Line. .. The meter shall a##e%t a #"rrent readin o! "% to 20 Am%s #ontin"o"s. 2tart'"% #"rrent !or a * Am% in%"t shall be no reater than 0.00* Am%s. 9. The meter shall ha7e a !re:"en#& ran e o! 4+* to 3/./6;<. C. The %ower meter shall "se a d"al in%"t method !or #"rrent in%"ts. Method one shall allow the CT to %ass dire#tl& thro" h the meter witho"t an& %h&si#al termination on the meter) ens"rin the meter #annot be a %oint o! !ail"re on the CT #ir#"it. The se#ond method shall %ro7ide additional termination %ass'thro" h bars that allow the CT leads to be terminated on the meter. 1. The =a"lt C"rrent (ithstand shall be 100 Am%s !or 10 se#onds) $00 Am%s !or $ se#onds) and *00 Am%s !or 1 se#ond at 2$o C. 2. The Pass'thro" h wire a" e dimension o! 0.1..> ? +.* mm shall be a7ailable. $. All in%"ts and o"t%"ts shall be isolated to 2*00 5olts AC. D. The %ower meter shall meas"re and re%ort the !ollowin :"antities at a minim"m@ 1. (atts 4total and %er %hase6) 5ARs 4total and %er %hase6) 5A 4total and %er %hase6) Power =a#tor 4total and %er %hase6) 7olta e ma8?min in the -nter7al) and

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=re:"en#&. 100 millise#ond and one se#ond readin s shall be a7ailable sim"ltaneo"sl&. Readin s shall be a7ailable !or both meterin and #ontrol. All s%e#i!ied readin s shall be made a7ailable thro" h the meter,s standard and o%tional #omm"ni#ation %orts. 2. A##"m"lated (att'hr) 5A'hr) and 5AR'hrA (att'hr re#ei7edA (att'hr deli7eredA 5AR'hr and 5A'hr readin shall be a##"m"lated and stored !or ea#h o! the + :"adrants o! %ower. $. Power demand shall be sim"ltaneo"sl& #al#"lated "sin !i7e di!!erent a7era in methods@ =i8ed (indow 4Blo#k6 A7era e) 2lidin (indow 4Rollin Blo#k6 A7era e) Thermal A7era e) Predi#ted A7era e) and C"m"lati7e Demand. 5al"es !or all a7era in inter7als m"st be a7ailable sim"ltaneo"sl&. +. =i8ed (indow 4Blo#k6 A7era e inter7al shall be "ser'settable !rom one se#ond to 19 ho"rs. 2lidin (indow 4Rollin Blo#k6 A7era e s"b'inter7al shall be "ser' settable !rom one'se#ond to 19 ho"rs. The n"mber o! inter7als in the 2lidin (indow 4Rollin Blo#k6 A7era e shall be "ser'settable !rom one to 2** s"b' inter7als. E. The %ower meter shall #om%ensate !or errors in #"rrent trans!ormers and %otential trans!ormers. 1. Errors shall in#l"de 7olta e) m"lti%oint #"rrent) m"lti%hase an le) and better than .01B resol"tion. 2. The "nit shall "tili<e !i7e di!!erent #"rrent #om%ensation %oints %er %hase wherein the %oints shall be #on#entrated at the lower end o! the d&nami# ran e. =. The %ower meter shall %ro7ide the !ollowin a##"ra#ies. A##"ra#ies shall be meas"red as %er#ent o! readin at standard meter test %oints. 1. Power meter shall meet A12- C12.20 !or Class 2 and -EC 320*$'22 a##"ra#& re:"irements. 2. 5olta e a##"ra#& shall be within less than 0.0*B !or the one se#ond readin and less than 0.1B !or 100 millise#ond readin . $. C"rrent a##"ra#& shall be within less than 0.02*B !or the one se#ond readin and less than 0.1B !or the 100 millise#ond readin . +. =re:"en#& shall ha7e a dis%la& resol"tion a##"ra#& o! less than 0.01 ;< !or the one se#ond readin and less than 0.0$ ;< !or the 100 millise#ond readin . C. The %ower meter shall ha7e A"to'#alibration #om%onents that in#l"de@ 1. Pre#ision internal re!eren#es with real'time a"to #alibration !or 7olta e and #"rrent #hannels. 2. An internal tem%erat"re sensor that enables re#alibration o! the meter "%on #han e o! tem%erat"re in real time) while "nder o%eration.
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;. The %ower meter shall in#l"de "% rade %a#ks that shall enable in'!ield "% rade witho"t remo7in the installed meter. 1. The three "% rade %a#ks shall be@ a. 51 ' 2tandard %ower meter as des#ribed in this do#"ment with 129 Me aB&tes memor& and *12 sam%les %er #&#le. b. 52' 51 %l"s 1 Ci ab&te memor& and 102+ sam%les %er #&#le. #. 5$ ' 52 %l"s 10M;< Transient re#ordin . d. 5'2 and 5'$ shall enable an -EC 319*0 Proto#ol 1etwork 2er7er !or the standard Ethernet %ort. -. The %ower meter shall in#l"de an inte rated *..'in#h to"#h s#reen T=T LCD #olor dis%la& with m"lti%le dis%la& modes. 1. Dis%la& shall s"%%ort + ro"%s o! s#reens@ Real Time) Trendin ) Alarms) and Power D"alit& modes. Cro"%s o! s#reens shall in#l"de@ a. Real Time 7iewin o! 7olta e) #"rrent) %ower) demand b. A##"m"lated Ener & and Time o! Use readin s #. =li#ker readin s in -nstantaneo"s) 2hort Term 4P2T6) and Lon Term 4PLT6 d. Alarm #onditions e. Phasor anal&sis !. ;armoni# s%e#tr"m anal&sis and wa7e!orm s#o%es !or both 7olta e and #"rrent . Real Time trendin h. Lo stat"s i. Con!i "ration settin s 2. The Dis%la& shall be #onstr"#ted o! bri ht T=T lass with a hi h tem%erat"re and lon 'li!e LED ba#kli ht. CC=L ba#kli ht shall not be a##e%table. $. The meter shall ha7e two in!rared a##"ra#& test %"lses on the meter !ront. +. The dis%la& shall s"%%ort s#reen rotation to enable 7erti#al meter mo"ntin . *. The dis%la& shall be sele#table !or both En lish and 2%anish te8t. 3. The dis%la& shall ha7e a Demand Reset lo#k lo#ated on the bottom le!t se#tion o! the dis%la&. The Demand lo#k shall allow !or a %h&si#al lo#kin de7i#e to seal a Demand Reset swit#h.

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E. The %ower meter shall %ro7ide m"lti%le di ital #omm"ni#ation %orts and s"%%ort m"lti%le o%en %roto#ols@ 1. The meter shall in#l"de an A12- O%ti#al %ort !or #omm"ni#ation to e8ternal de7i#es that s"%%orts s%eeds o! "% to *.)300 b%s. 2. The meter shall ha7e one standard 10?100BaseT Ethernet %ort. (ith 5'2 and 5'$ "% rade %a#ks) this Ethernet %ort shall %ro7ide -EC 319*0 %roto#ol in addition to Modb"s?TCP. The -EC 319*0 Proto#ol Ethernet 1etwork ser7er shall %ro7ide the !ollowin !eat"res@ a. -nte rates into an& -EC 319*0 network. b. Pro7ides s"%%ort !or Modb"s and -EC 319*0 %roto#ols sim"ltaneo"sl&. #. Con!i "rable !or m"lti%le lo i#al nodes. d. Pro7ides b"!!ered and "nb"!!ered re%ortin . e. Pro7ides #on!i "rable .-CD and .C-D !iles. $. The meter shall ha7e a se#ond Ethernet %ort. O%tional Ethernet %ort shall be a7ailable as either 10?100BaseT or 10?100Base'=F =iber O%ti# #on!i "ration. +. The meter shall ha7e two o%tional R2+9* %orts thro" h the D"al P"lse O"t%"t?R2+9* #ard. The #ard shall ha7e + "ser'%ro rammable GHI %"lse o"t%"ts. Ea#h R2+9* %ort shall be "ser #on!i "rable with re ard to s%eed) %roto#ol) address) and other #omm"ni#ations %arameters. All Ports shall s"%%ort a minim"m #omm"ni#ation s%eed o! "% to 11*k ba"d sim"ltaneo"sl& and be assi nable !or Modb"s or D1P $.0 #omm"ni#ation. *. The meter shall ha7e a hi h's%eed U2B %ort mo"nted on the !ront %anel. 3. The meter shall #omm"ni#ate sim"ltaneo"sl& "sin Modb"s RTU) Modb"s A2C--) D1P $.0) Modb"s TCP?-P) D1P o7er Ethernet) and) with 5'2 and 5'$ "% rade %a#ks) -EC 319*0 %roto#ols as standard #on!i "rations. All instantaneo"s data) lo ed data) e7ent data) %ower :"alit& anal&sis and wa7e!orm in!ormation shall be a7ailable "sin both Modb"s TCP and =TP !ile trans!er !ormat. The meter shall also %ro7ide means !or #"stom Modb"s ma%%in . .. The meter shall in#l"de D1P $.0 %roto#ol "tili<in a le7el 2 im%lementation !or #omm"ni#ation to 2CADA s&stems. All instantaneo"s data and a7era e data shall be a7ailable "sin D1P $.0 %roto#ol. User shall be able to #"stom ma% data into D1P %roto#ol "sin (indows based Comm"ni#ator EFTJ so!tware. G. The meter shall ha7e -n%"t?O"t%"t e8%andabilit& thro" h !o"r O%tion #ard slots on the meter,s ba#k and thro" h o%tional E8ternal O"t%"t mod"les.

1. The O%tion #ards shall be #a%able o! bein installed in the !ield) witho"t remo7in the meter !rom installation. 2. The meter shall a"to'dete#t the %resen#e o! an& O%tion #ards. $. The a7ailable O%tion #ards shall be@

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a. D"al R2+9*?P"lse O"t%"t #ard) b. s"%%ort) d. Ethernet #ard with RE+* or =iber O%ti# %ort with 100BaseT

#. U% to two Rela& O"t%"t #ards with 3 o"t%"t rela&s on ea#h #ard) U% to two Di ital -n%"t 2tat"s #ards with 13 in%"ts on ea#h #ard. +. The meter shall ha7e o%tional E8ternal O"t%"t Mod"les in the !ollowin #on!i "rations@ a. The meter shall s"%%ort "% to + Analo O"t%"t Mod"les in 0'1mA or +' 20mA) in either + or 9 analo o"t%"t models. b. The meter shall s"%%ort "% to one Di ital Dr& Conta#t Rela& O"t%"t Mod"le) with + rela& o"t%"ts.

#. The meter shall s"%%ort "% to + Di ital 2olid 2tate P"lse O"t%"ts mod"les !or GHI %"lsin . d. The meter shall s"%%ort "% to + Analo -n%"t Mod"les !or e8ternal sensin o! tem%erat"re or %ro#ess #onditions.

e. E8ternal O"t%"t mod"les shall be %owered b& e8ternal %ower so"r#e and atta#hed to the meter with mo"ntin bra#kets. L. The %ower meterKs Ethernet %ort4s6 shall a#t as a (eb ser7er. 1. (eb ser7er shall host web%a es with meter in!ormation. M"lti%le meters ma& be dis%la&ed on the web%a es. (eb%a es shall be 7iewable "sin an& standard -nternet browser. (eb%a es shall %ro7ide a##ess to li7e meter readin s) %ower :"alit& in!ormation) and eneral meter in!ormation) and also shall enable remote "% rades to the Ethernet #ardKs !irmware. 2. $. +. *. 3. (eb ser7er shall o%erate witho"t A#ti7eF #ontrols or Ea7a A%%lets and shall be readable 7ia smart %hone and?or tablet #om%"tin de7i#es. (eb ser7er shall o%erate thro" h !irewalls. (eb ser7er shall s"%%ort emailin o! alarm #onditions to #on!i "red email addresses. (eb ser7er shall be !"ll& #"stomi<able. (eb ser7er shall s"%%ort D1P o7er Ethernet and at least 9 sim"ltaneo"s so#kets Modb"s TCP?-P.

M. The %ower meter shall internall& re#ord and store Time o! Use data. 1. The !ollowin Time o! Use %arameters m"st be in#l"ded@ a. Bi'dire#tional #ons"m%tion and demand b. Ei ht 496 TOU 2#hed"les

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#. Twent& 4206 Hear Calendar d. =o"r 4+6 seasons %er &ear. 2. The meter m"st %ro7ide the !ollowin TOU in!ormation !or all rates in real'time@ a. ;o"rl& a##"m"lations b. Dail& a##"m"lations #. (eekl& a##"m"lations d. C"rrent month a##"m"lations e. Pre7io"s month a##"m"lations !. C"rrent season a##"m"lations . Pre7io"s season a##"m"lations h. Total a##"m"lations to date i. Pro rammable =ree<e Re isters L. C"m"lati7e Demand. $. ="ll !o"r :"adrant a##"m"lations !or (att'hr) 5AR'hr) 5A'hr and #oin#ident 5ARs d"rin %eak watt demand in#l"din ma8 demand) shall be a7ailable !or ea#h rate s#hed"le) ea#h season and !or total a##"m"lations. 1. The %ower meter shall ha7e ei ht b"ilt'in di ital hi h's%eed stat"s in%"ts@ 1. -n%"ts shall a"tomati#all& sense when the #ir#"it is e8ternall& wetted. 2. -! e8ternall& wetted) in%"ts shall a##e%t "% to $005DCA i! internall& wetted the meter shall s"%%l& the ne#essar& 7olta e !or the #ontrol a%%li#ation. $. 2tat"s in%"ts shall be #on!i "rable !or %"lse a##"m"lation) %"lse s&n#hroni<ation) or e7ent monitorin . (hen "sed !or %"lse a##"m"lation) ea#h in%"t shall ha7e an a##"m"latin re ister to #o"nt in#omin %"lses. +. All #han es in stat"s shall be time stam%ed to the nearest millise#ond and %la#ed in an e7ent lo with time and e7ent label in!ormation. *. E7ent lo shall enable "sers to re#reate se:"en#e o! e7ents in7ol7in e8ternal stat"s %oints. 3. ;i h's%eed stat"s in%"ts shall be able to tri er wa7e!orm re#ordin to the wa7e!orm lo . O. The %ower meter shall enable "sers to %er!orm =li#ker anal&sis and re%ortin and shall #om%l& !"ll& with the re:"irements o! E131000'+'1* and E131000'+'$0 Class A. 1. The meter shall %ro7ide lo in and monitorin !or -nstantaneo"s) 2hort term readin s 4P2T'10min6 and Lon term readin s 4PLT'+ ho"r6.

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2. =li#ker shall s"%%ort both 2205olt?*0;< s&stems and 1205olt?30;< s&stems. $. The meter shall o!!er !"ll re%ortin o! %ower :"alit& #onditions "sin the E131000'+'$0 Class A methodolo &. The meter shall s"%%ort a"tomati# eneration o! E1*0130?-EC31000'+'$0 re%orts at "ser'settable inter7als. Re%orts shall be 7iewable with a Lo 5iewer %ro ram and downloadable to other a%%li#ations. -n s"%%ort o! E131000'+'$0 Class A methodolo &) the meter shall #al#"late ro"% and s"b' ro"% 7al"es !or harmoni#s and inter'harmoni#s) "% to the *1st order. Thresholds !or the 7al"es shall be %ro rammable. The s"b' ro"% readin s and o7er'threshold stat"s shall be a7ailable thro" h the =li#ker lo and Modb"s re isters. P. The %ower meter shall ha7e 13'bit (a7e!orm and =a"lt Re#order. 1. The meter shall re#ord "% to 102+ sam%les %er #&#le #ontin"o"sl& on all 9 #hannels sim"ltaneo"sl&) and transient #a%t"res sensiti7e to at least 133)000 sam%les %er #&#le. 2tora e !or re#orded wa7e!orm sam%les shall be "% to 1000 Me aB&tes. 2. The meter shall %er!orm 7olta e and #"rrent re#ordin with %re' and %ost'e7ent anal&sis when a wa7e!orm limit is e8#eeded. Pre and %ost e7ent shall be #on!i "rable to "% to $0 #&#les %re' and "% to $00 #&#les %ost'e7ent. $. =a"lt re#ordin shall o!!er 9 times !"ll s#ale #a%t"re #a%abilit&. +. The meter shall allow 7iewin o! ;armoni# ma nit"des to the *12th order. Real time ;armoni# ma nit"des shall be resol7ed to the 129th order. *. Per#ent T;D and G'!a#tor shall be #al#"lated b& the meter. 3. The a##"ra#& o! the -R-C'B time stam%in o! the wa7e!orm #a%t"re shall be 100 mi#rose#onds. D. The %ower meter with "% rade %a#k 5'$ shall ha7e a s"b'#&#le Transient re#order. 1. The transient re#order shall %ro#ess 10M;< hi h's%eed 7olta e transients. 2. Transient will be anal&<ed "tili<in a !ield %ro rammable ate arra& 4=PCA6 to desi nate the hi h %eak transient ma nit"de and its d"ration in nanose#onds. R. The %ower meter shall be e:"i%%ed with e8tensi7e non'7olatile memor& !or re#ordin lo s and Pro rammin data. 1. The meter shall ha7e at least 1000 Me aB&tes o! non'7olatile stora e. E:"i%%ed with 1000 Me aB&tes o! memor&) the meter shall be able to store 900 !iles or a total o! 900 Me aB&tes in lo s. 2. -n the e7ent o! loss o! #ontrol %ower) the data stored in memor& shall be retained !or no less than ten &ears.

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$. The meter shall ha7e no less than ei ht histori#al lo s. Ea#h histori#al lo shall be "ser #on!i "rable) and the "ser #an allot the amo"nt o! memor& !or ea#h lo . The "ser m"st be able to sele#t "% to 129 %arameters %er lo . +. The meter shall ha7e a lo !or Limits?Alarms. The Limits lo shall %ro7ide ma nit"de and d"ration o! an e7ent) time'stam%) and lo 7al"e. *. The meter shall ha7e a lo !or 2&stem E7ents. The 2&stem E7ents lo shall re#ord the !ollowin o##"rren#es with a time'stam%@ Demand Resets) Password Re:"ests) 2&stem 2tart"%) Ener & Resets) Lo Resets) Lo Reads) and Pro rammable 2ettin s Chan es. 3. The meter shall ha7e a lo !or ;i h's%eed -n%"t stat"s #han es. .. The meter with U% rade %a#ks $ shall ha7e a lo whi#h is #a%able o! re#ordin a wa7e!orm both when a "ser'%ro rammed 7al"e oes o"t o! limit and when the 7al"e ret"rns to within limit. 9. The meter shall store a se%arate -T-C?CBEMA lo that re#ords ma nit"de and d"ration o! 7olta e and #"rrent s"r es and sa s !or e7er& %ower :"alit& e7ent. The CBEMA lo shall be downloadable thro" h the di ital #omm"ni#ation %orts. 2. The %ower meter shall %ro7ide a se%arate -R-C'B in%"t !or time s&n#hroni<in to CP2 time si nal. 1. -R-C'B in%"t shall a##e%t "n'mod"lated time si nal in%"t !rom a standard CP2 satellite #lo#k. 2. Time in%"t shall enable s&n#hroni<in o! meter time to within one millise#ond o! Uni7ersal 2tandard Time as transmitted b& the CP2 #lo#k s&stem. 2&n#hroni<in shall not be s"bLe#t to network or other dela&s. T. The %ower meter shall be %ro rammable b& so!tware s"%%lied b& the meter man"!a#t"rer. 1. 2o!tware shall ha7e a "ser'!riendl&) (indowsM O2 #om%atible inter!a#e. 2. 2o!tware shall o%erate on (indowsM 200$ 2er7er) (indowsM 2009 2er7er) (indowsM FP Pro) (indowsM 5-2TA B"siness or Ultimate) and (indowsM . o%eratin s&stems. $. 2o!tware shall in#l"de #a%a#it& to %ro ram meter) download meter) and anal&<e downloaded data !iles. +. 2o!tware shall store all data in an ODBC #om%liant database. Data based stora e shall in#l"de all lo and wa7e!orm data. U. 1. The %ower meter shall %ro7ide Limits alarms and Control #a%abilit& as !ollows@ Limits #an be set !or an& meas"red %arameter.

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2. $. +. *. 5. 1. 2. (.

U% to $2 limits #an be set. Limits shall be based on B o! ="ll 2#ale settin s. Man"al Rela& Control shall be a7ailable thro" h so!tware. Rela& set dela&s and reset dela&s shall be a7ailable. The %ower meter shall be able to a#t as a Master RTU de7i#e. The meter shall ha7e the abilit& to %oll Remote Modb"s sla7e de7i#es) read data !rom the sla7e de7i#es and lo the data !or RTU #on#entrator !"n#tions. The meterKs Master RTU %ort shall s"%%ort Modb"s RTU. The %ower meter shall ha7e %assword and sealin swit#h %rote#tion. a. Le7el 1 shall %ro7ide a##ess to TOU a##"m"lations. b. Le7el 2 shall %ro7ide a##ess to all %assword %rote#ted !"n#tions. #. Le7el 2 shall allow the #reation o! "% to 9 additional %assword %ro!iles with s%e#i!i# restri#tions and #a%abilities.

1. The meter shall s"%%ort a bi'le7el and e8tended %assword #on!i "ration.

2. The meter shall s"%%ort a sealin swit#h #onsistin o! a %h&si#al swit#h lo#ated on the !ront %anel and a so!tware settin to enable?disable the sealin swit#h. (hen it is enabled) the sealin swit#h shall !"rther restri#t a##ess to %assword %rote#ted !eat"res. F. The %ower meter shall be a%%ro%riatel& #onstr"#ted to %ro7ide lon li!e in ab"si7e %h&si#al and ele#tri#al en7ironments.

1. Meter !irmware shall be held in !lash RAM and shall be "% radeable thro" h one o! the #omm"ni#ations %ort witho"t remo7in the "nit !rom ser7i#e. 2. Meter shall o%erate s"##ess!"ll& at tem%erat"re e8tremes !rom N20o C to O.0o C. $. De%endin on ordered o%tion) meter shall o%erate with #ontrol %ower !rom either 4100'2+065AC or 4/0'23*65ACP*0?30;< or 4100'$.065DC. +. Meter shall ha7e a standard +'&ear warrant&. H. The %ower meter shall be Ele#tro -nd"stries?Ca" eTe#h model@ 1e8"sM 1*00 meter. The %art n"mber is@ 1e8"s 1*00 ' D2 ' 30;< ' 5$ ' +9*P ' 1T=O ' 3RO1 ' 13D-1 1o s"bstit"tes allowed.

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=or #om%lete s%e#i!i#ation in!ormation) #onta#t Ele#tro -nd"stries?Ca" eTe#h at@ Ele#tro -nd"stries?Ca" eTe#h 1900 2hames Dri7e (estb"r&) 1H 11*/0 Phone@ *13'$$+'09.0 =a8@ *13'$$9'+.+1 www.ele#troind.#om

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