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Aushapur Village, Ghatkesar Mandal, Ranga Reddy District 501 301

Lab Performance Sheet

Name ! the "a# $ OBJECT ORIENTE PROGRA!!ING Academic %ear$ "#$%&$' &lass$ B(Tech( II Year 'ranch ()ecti n $**** Name ! the )tudent $************************** R ll N + $ ***********
S(No ( Pro)ram T*t+e ate of Pro)ram E,ec-t*& on ate of Recor. S-bm*& //*on !ar0/ Remar0/

1+ 1+ 3+ 8+ 5+ ;+ <+

,A-. that prints all real s luti ns t the /uadratic e/uati n a012#02c 3 0+ ,A-. 4he 5i# nacci se/uence is de!ined #y the ! ll 6ing rule+ ,A-. that pr mpts the user ! r an integer and then prints ut all the prime num#ers up t that 7nteger ,A-. that checks 6hether a gi9en string is a palindr me r n t+ :0$ MADAM is a palindr me ,A-. ! r s rting a gi9en list ! names in ascending rder ,A-. t multiply t6 gi9en matrices ,A-. that reads a line ! integers and then displays each integer and the sum ! all integers+ =use )tring4 keni>er class? ,A-. that reads n !ile name !r m the user, then displays in! rmati n a# ut 6hether the !ile e0ists, 6hether the !ile is reada#le, 6hether the !ile is 6rita#le, the type ! !ile and the length ! the !ile in #ytes ,A-. that reads a !ile and displays the !ile n the screen, 6ith a line num#er #e! re each line ,A-. that displays the num#er ! characters, lines and 6 rds in a te0t ,A-. that & n9erts 7n!i0 e0pressi n t . st!i0 e0pressi n ,rite a pr gram t implement )tack AD4 ,rite an Applet that displays a simple message ,rite an Applet that c mputes the payment ! a l an #ased n the am unt ! the l an, the interest rate and the num#er ! m nths+ 7t takes ne parameter !r m the #r 6ser$ M nthly rateB i! true, the interest rate is per m nth,


A+ 10+ 11+ 11+ 13+ 18+

ther6ise the interest rate is annual


,A-. that 6 rks as a simple calculat r+ Cse a grid lay ut t arrange #utt ns ! r the digits and ! r the 2 D 0 ( E perati ns+ Add a te0t !ield t display the result+ ,A-. ! r handling m use e9ents ,A-. ! r creating multiple threads ,rite a pr gram t implement pr ducer c nsumer pr #lem ,A-. that lets users create y ur 6n user inter!ace t supp rt integer di9isi ns+ ,A-. that implements a simple client(ser9er applicati n+ 4he client sends data t a ser9er+ 4he ser9er recei9es the data, uses it t pr duce a result and then sends the result #ack t the client+ 4he client displays the result n the c ns le+ 5 r e0$ 4he data sent !r m the client is the radius ! a circle and the result pr duced #y the ser9er is the area ! the circle ,rite a Fa9a pr gram t implement 4ra!!ic "ights ,rite a pr gram t dra6 Rectangle ,G9al and "ines ,A-. t create an a#stract class named )hape, that c ntains an empty meth d named num#erG!)ides=?+ .r 9ide three classes named 4rape> id, 4riangle and He0ag n, such that each ne ! the classes c ntains nly the meth d num#erG!)ides=?, that c ntains the num#er ! sides in the gi9en ge metrical !igure+

1;+ 1<+ 1@+ 1A+ 10+

11+ 11+ 13+


Exam No. Date Marks Secured Remarks/Performance

1 1 3

S*)nat-re of Fac-+t2

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