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Number of Questions: 15

Question 1Mark: 1.00 from 1.00 points CS - For analysing the contingency tables, if the contingency table has alues !absolute fre"uencies# smaller than $, is recomen%e% to use:

Chi square test with Yates correction Wilcoxon test Chi square test standard t-Student test with its variants Fisher exact test Precision Distribution curve's symmetry Exactitude Distribution curve's lattenin! Central tendenc"

Question &Mark: 0.00 from 1.00 points CS - Stan%ar% %e iation, an in%icator use% in the %escripti e statistics, is also an in%icator of:

Question 'Mark: 0.00 from 1.00 points CM - (ick the correct affirmation. )ariation coefficient:

Represents a division between standard deviation and mean expressed as a percentage #t is an indicator o data dis$ersion #s and indicator o the central tendenc" Can ta%e values between &-1&&' Represents a division between standard error and mean expressed as a percentage
Question *Mark: 1.00 from 1.00 points CS - +e use the follo,ing test for comparing the in%icators of central ten%ency !means, me%ians# for unpaire% %ata, if one of the %ata series faile% the normality test:

Chi square test ( Student test) t1 version Mann- hitney test Wilcoxon test ( Student test) t* or t+) de$endin! on the results o , test
Question $Mark: 1.00 from 1.00 points CM - Measures of %ata %ispersion

-ode -ean !tandard deviation -edian "ariance t-Student test .rubbs test Man ithney test i#coxon test F test

Question -Mark: 0.00 from 1.00 points CM - .he follo,ing are nonparametrical significance tests:

Question /Mark: 1.00 from 1.00 points CM - .he follo,ing are outlier tests:

$rubbs test Wilcoxon test %hauvenet's criterion , test /ol0o!orov-S0irnov test

Question 0Mark: 1.00 from 1.00 points CM - 1ormality tests are use% to %etermine ,hether a %ata set is ,ell-mo%ele% by a normal %istribution or not. (lease choose the false ans,ers. Some normality tests are:

/ol0o!orov-S0irnov test %hi s&uare test Mann- hitnet test D'1!ostino-Pearson test i#coxon test

Question 2Mark: 0.-/ from 1.00 points CM - 3 stu%y is con%ucte% concerning the e4istence of a correlation bet,een the plasmatic le el of cholesterol an% the alues of %iastolic bloo% pressure. .he results are: r50,2r6r!r-s"uare#50,2& y50.1&$-4-0.0/-2 7ase% on the abo e information, choose the correct ans,ers.

(he values are the ollowin!2 r3correlation coe icient) r4r3relative ris%) "3&51*56x-75&869 - re!ression equation5 We can conclude that 9*' o the de$endent variable variation is due to the inde$endent variable5 (he re!ression equation $oints us to a linear re!ression5 We can conclude that there is a wea% $ositive correlation between the $las0atic level o cholesterol :the inde$endent variable; and the values o diastolic blood $ressure :the de$endent variable;5 'he va#ues are the fo##owing: r(corre#ation coefficient) r*r+r s&uare,(coefficient of determination) y(-./012x-3.-425 - regression e&uation. e can conc#ude that there is a strong positive corre#ation between the p#asmatic #eve# of cho#estero# +the independent variab#e, and the va#ues of diasto#ic b#ood pressure +the dependent variab#e,.
Question 10Mark: 1.00 from 1.00 points CS - .he results of a stu%y regar%ing smoking an% the inci%ence of coronary heart %isease !C89#, are the follo,ing ones: ::5 &./, p50,00$&, C;2$<!0./ *.'#. .he correct interpretation of the results is:

(here is a ne!ative association) statisticall" si!ni icant) between ris% actor :s0o%in!; and the disease :C<D; 'here is a positive association) statistica##y significant) between ris6 factor +smo6ing, and the disease +%7D, (here is no association between ris% actor :s0o%in!; and the disease :C<D; (here is a ne!ative association) statisticall" insi!ni icant) between ris% actor :s0o%in!; and the disease :C<D; (here is a $ositive association) statisticall" insi!ni icant) between ris% actor :s0o%in!; and the disease :C<D;
Question 11Mark: 0.00 from 1.00 points CM - +e con%ucte% a stu%y concerning the effect of the %rug = on si%eremia. +e use% t,o groups of patients, the first one recei ing the %rug, the other one recei ing placebo. 7oth of the %ata series passe% the normality test. .he result of the significance test ,as p50.0$&. 7ase% on the abo e information, choose the correct statements.

#n the in erential statistics) we will use a non-$ara0etric test) in this case Wilcoxon test5 $iven the p va#ue) we can conc#ude that the means of the two data series differ statistica##y significant. 8n the inferentia# statistics) we wi## use a parametric test) #i6e t student test for unpaired data +t0 or t9 depending on the resu#t of F test,. #n the in erential statistics) we will use a non-$ara0etric test) in this case -annWhitne" test5 .iven the $ value) we can conclude that the 0eans o the two data series do not di er statisticall" si!ni icant5
Question 1&Mark: 0.00 from 1.00 points CS - .he corespon%ence of the alues obtaine% in %ifferent measurements represents:

Exactness Precision !tandard error S%ewness /urtosis

Question 1'Mark: 1.00 from 1.00 points CM - +e con%ucte% a stu%y concerning the role of beta-hemolytic Streptococcus in acute rheumatic arthriti%es. +e use% a group of &&0 patients from a rheumatology clinic, %iagnose% ,ith acute rheumatic arthriti%es ,hom has been %etermine% the presence of beta-hemolytic Streptococcus from pharyngeal e4u%ate. .he same test ,as use% on a group of $/0 healty sub>ects. +e obtaine% the follo,ing results: 7eta-hemolytic Streptococcus ,as present in 1&0 patients out of &&0 an% in &$0 sub>ects out of $/0 healty controls. .he results of the statistical analysis are: p50,00/ ?:51,$'C; 2$< !1,1&' - &,100# Choose the correct ans,ers.

(he statistical anal"sis used is correlation and re!ression5 'here is a positive association +:R;/, statistica##y significant between the presence of beta-hemo#ytic !treptococcus and acute rheumatic arthritides. (here is no association :=>?5; between the $resence o beta-he0ol"tic Stre$tococcus and acute rheu0atic arthritides5 'he statistica# ana#ysis used is the ana#ysis of contingency tab#es. e used %hi s&uare test) without any corrections. (here is a $ositive correlation :=>?&; statisticall" si!ni icant between the $resence o beta-he0ol"tic Stre$tococcus and acute rheu0atic arthritides5
Question 1*Mark: 1.00 from 1.00 points CM - 3 cohort stu%y ,as con%ucte% concerning the effects of a nutrient containing antio4i%ants on the occurrence of gastric cancer. .he results are: p50.00$* ::50.'& C;2$< !0.1& 1.1*# 7ase% on the abo e information, choose the correct ans,ers.

.iven the $ and >> values) we can conclude that there is a $ositive association) statisticall" si!ni icant) between the ris% actor and the disease5 $iven the p and RR va#ues) we can conc#ude that there is a negative association) statistica##y significant) between the ris6 factor and the disease. .iven the $ and >> values) we can conclude that there is a $ositive association)

statisticall" insi!ni icant) between the ris% actor and the disease5 'he ris6 factor is actua##y a <protective factor<. .iven the $ and >> values) we can conclude that there is a ne!ative association) statisticall" insi!ni icant) between the ris% actor and the disease5
Question 1$Mark: 0.$0 from 1.00 points CM - ;n the case of corelation an% regression analysis, the corelation coefficient is the in%icator ,hich:

Shows us how 0uch o the de$endent variable variation is due to the inde$endent variable #s a 0easure o the !rade and sense o association o the de$endent and inde$endent variables Can ta%e an" $ositive value Can ta%e values between & and 1 %an ta6e va#ues on#y in the interva# -/ and /

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