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Morality review

Abortion The Church states that any action - either before, during, or after sexual intercourse - intended to prevent procreation, as an ends or means/reason, is to be excluded It is never lawful to intentionally do evil in order to avoid a greater evil or promote a greater good Therefore, it is a serious error to think that a married life can justify sexual intercourse Evangelium Vitae talks about abortion as an action opposed to life itself Culture of death promotes consumerism and efficiency

Anthropocentrism -a world view that is human centered where the value of human kind (individuals and communities) is the most important thing in the universe; opposed to God or animals Opposed to theocentric

Aristotle 1) Pursuit of Happiness: living well and acting well (the good person) happiness is found living in a community -happiness is found in the person who lives well and acts well Happiness is developed by performing human tasks perfectly ex. Living a healthy life to the best of ones ability 2) Teleology: use of reason to develop conscience and thereby good character The good persons actions are based on excellent reason and who spends time contemplating 3) Human Excellence: acting virtuously, develop habits o To act virtuously means allowing reason to guide one's actions and control one's desire o By choosing continually to do virtuous things, these actions become ingrained in us like a habit 4) The mean: the "golden" mean --> living in moderation - need to maintain balance in our actions - centre of all happiness The only way you can achieve true happiness is through wisdom of what is good Happiness is the condition of the good person who succeeds in living well ad acting well. The good relates to the goodness of one's soul

The Good life according to Aristotle People do find the good they find part of the good Each object has good as it has a purpose Each object has a end to which it is orientated towards

Artifical Birth Control In a contraceptive mentality is adopted: Could lead to adultery and disloyalty to the marriage Lower moral standards Man who makes contraceptive methods a habit may forget to respect a woman and not care about her physical and emotional balance- bringing her down and using her for his own desires Not treating her as his partner who he should be caring for with affection

Atheism: -denial of Gods existence: belief that any god was only a creation of the human imagination

*Autonomism: -the belief that I am a law unto myself -freedom as a will: to choose to look after your own well-being The will to be completely in control of ones freedom Power governed by will alone Argued that if God is free then so too are humans Huamnity tries to be like God

The Beatitudes Jesus announced them to the disciples on the mountain in front of the crowds The first four beatitudes express an action of God toward the poor, etc The second four talk about our behavior toward our neighbor If we follow these beatitudes we will be granted/given the presence of the kingdom of God Salt and Light You must be witnesses of the disciples and be like salt of the world (nourishing) You must also shine your light out and give glory to the Father mission of disciples --> to spread the wisdom and glory of God to others, we receive this wisdom through disciples

provide all you can to enhance the lives of others If you open up and help them, they will help others; spread God's loving grace and teach others The Law and the Prophet Jesus does not abolish the Torah, he gives it its deepest meaning and in that way it is new Follow the words of the Law of the Prophets and the Torah for different interpretations that many offer you different insights Old Testament and New Testament Concerning Anger every anger impulse against your brother or sister is as damnable as murder; Anything that lessens the dignity of the human person and harms relationships with others Don't kill, but don't even be angry towards others It is equally as bad and you will be punished because everyone's humanity is precious Concerning Adultery and Divorce Casting a look of lust towards a woman is committing adultery in the heart To covet is the same act as adultery We are naturally sexual beings which makes it difficult Remain faithful in marriage, don't commit adultery, but don't even desire another woman or think about desiring Concerning Oaths Jesus is against oaths God's holy name should never be used Give and keep your own word Let your words be "yes or no". Your world should be solid enough Concerning Retaliation Don't resist the evil doer by returning blow for blow. Give to everyone who begs and don't refuse those who want to borrow from you respond evil with good Someone must need help if they do something to hurt you. If they hit you on one cheek, after the other; don't get even Love for Enemies Imitate God and love everyone (your neighbor and your enemy); for God sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous If you only love your neighbors, you are doing no more than others. Refrain from doing harm and love everyone Concerning Almsgiving Don't be a hypocrite; do your aims in private and God will reward you

Don't announce your good deeds (sound like a trumpet) If you hold the door for someone, don't tell everyone. Do it because you wanted to, not for the praising from others Concerning Prayer Pray in private and God will reward you Pray from your heart, don't just recite lines and lines from memory say the Lord's prayer and/or speak to God from your heart in private Concerning Fasting DO not look dismal when you fast, the hypocrites do it for attention Don't do something to be recognized but because you want to Fast in private. Put oil on your head and wash your face so God will see you and reared you Concerning Treasures and worry Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, serve God and nothing/no one else; live in the present = Jesus shows you how to seek the kingdom of God Your treasure is the instruction of Jesus and the glory of the Father Judging Others Make no negative judgements about your neighbor If you make a judgement you will be judged Ask, Search, Knock Pray with sure hope that in answer to requests they will not receive something useless or dangerous Pray with faith to God. God will always give you what is most needed The Golden Rule "In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets The Narrow Gate Making personal choices will lead to a better life with God; prophets must do the good work of God (most just say they did) Don't follow the crowd; do what is best for you and what you know is right Concerning Self-Deception Only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven, will enter the kingdom of heaven Hearers and Doers The rock upon which to build one's house of faith is to "do" the words of Jesus That is the ultimate choice. Blessedness will follow

Benevolence Geniune friendship

Canon Law: -the body of laws/regulations made by ecclesiastical authority (pertaining to the Church) to govern the affairs of the Christian organization and its members (Church Law)

Cardinal virtues Most basic virtues required for a holy life Prudence: wisdom to judge between good and bad Justice Temperance Courage

Character A pattern of actions or inaction formed by habits that over time shape our moral fibres

Charism Charity First of all of Gods love for us It is because God loves us that we can love others We are called to love others as God loved us A divinely great gift from God Ex gift of miracles, tounges, word of God word of wisdom

Civil law Non criminal law

Commodification A way of asserting and mazimizing utility

Common Good The general well being of all in society

Man is a social and political animal, enters into relationship with the civil community as a whole

The common good is a good in which everyone can participate without diminishing any other member's share in it A good person lives for the common good, not merely his own private good

Communitive Justice Relationship between individulas or corporations Ex. A person shopping for jeans pays the same as anyone else shopping for jeans This is communitive justice

Conscience A law inscribed into humans by God Gods voice resides here Informs us to do right and avoid wrong Develops with time Changes based on societys values Helps you deal with and evaluate your actions and sins Conscience can be misinformed Symptoms o Rationalization Stealing is ok because stores makes huge profits o Trivialization o Everyone does it o Ends justify the means o Ex. If I dont steal food Ill get sick 3 senses of conscience o Capacity to recgonize right and wrong o Process of moral reasoning- forming ones conscience o An act of judgement: actually following thru with your conscience

Consequentialism The ends justify the means An act is deemed right or wrong based on the outcome

Consumerism One attributes meaningfulness to ones capacity to purchase and produce economic goods

Contraception Means of avoiding pregnancy


Feeling remorsefull or guilty

Corporal works of fmecy clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, bury the dead, give drinks to the thirsty, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless

Covenant A promise between man and God Ex. Noah and Abraham

Culture of death A culture that denies community See evangelium vitae

Culture of life

Deontology Dignity Kant Shift from theocentrism to anthroposcentrism Happiness is found by people who find the reason for doing good inside them Gadium et spes o Humans are made int eh image of God and therefore have dignity Everyone has an equal amount of dignity Separate us from animals Cannot be destroyed but can be diminished through slavery, genocide ect Following a law based on an obligation Is concerned with doing the right before the good In opposition to consequensialism Follows societal norms and traditions Laws are created to promote the common good

Free will Is the capacity to iniate change Opposed to naturalism

Determinism Religious o God has predetermined our life Social o Our societal norms dictate our destiny

Encyclicals Gadium Et Spes The dignity of the human person 1.women and men are made in the image of God o God made humans and gave dominion over the Earth o Created a male/female partnership 2. Sin o Adam and Even tried to abuse their freedom and attain their goals without God o Failure to acknowledge God as supreme results in evil o God sent Jesus to rid the world of sin 3.Humanitys essential nature o Body and soul are unified o Man should respect the body but not give into its temptations o By contemplating the depths of ones being, humans raise themselves above the entire universe and and grasp the truth of God 4. Dignity of the intellect, truth and wisdom o The intellect is drawn toward what is true and good by wisdom 5. Dignity of the moral conscience o Voice that tell what is right and wrong o Calling one to do good and avoid evil o Humans will be judged by how well they follow the conscience o Through ignorance of the conscience one is more likely to commit sin 6. Freedom o People can only attain what is good in freedom o God willed for freedom so that humans can chose to follow or reject God o We are only free when we can remove our bonds of passions and orientate ourselves to what is good 7. The mystery of death o Christ ensured everlasting life when he rose from the dead 8. Atheism and its causes

The rejection, denial or ignorance towards the love of God Systematic athesiem: Those who believe that humans are the sole makes and in total control. Such people may argue that religion is unnessary with science 9. Christ the new man o Christ was the new adam brought to reveal humanity to itself

o o

Humana Vitae Means human life Affirms responsible parenthood, anti birth control and conjugal love Catholic Church has authorithy based on apostolic suscession 1. Married love o The total love of man and wife o Must be fecund (capable of reproducing) 2. Responsible parent hood o Man and women must bear children responsibly o Must ensure that social and economic conditions exists to bear a child 3. Obesrving natural law o Every sexual act must be inclined towards procreation 4. Union and procreation o Man must not divorce o Union and procreation are an essential aspect of marriage 5. Birth control o Use of birth control deprives the gift of the sexual act o Takes away from its meaning o Denies Gods will o Leads to lowering of moral standards and infedilety o Loss of respect for women o Could get into the hands of the public authorities who use it for population control

Familiaris Consotrio On Family partnership Man and women are called to give to eachother their entire selves as Christ gave up his life for the Church The importance of strong family structure Celebicacy and virginity help strengthen the yearning for the kingdom of God Married life must be open to procreation


Kant o o Act in such a way that you treat humanity not only as a means but also as an ends Kant oposses Aristotles belief that happiness can be achieved in this life

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