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Unit: Othello William Shakespeare Grade 9 English Focus/Title: Love, Jealousy, and Manipulation and Shakespeares Othello Authors:

Staci Sherman, Jasmine Chater, Robert Forgeron, Lenardo Simmonds Grade Level: Grade 9 Duration of Unit: 20 classes of 75 minutes each (4 weeks, consisting of 4 classes per week) Objectives of the Unit: Students will learn how others can easily take control and manipulate the feelings of others through the exploration of themes such as manipulation and jealousy. Students will obtain knowledge of recurring themes and images, and how to identify them in a piece of text. Students will learn how to approach Shakespearian language and how to dissect meaning from Shakespeares text. Students will learn how to take the perspectives of others throughout the various activities in the unit both by listening to the predictions of each other, and putting themselves in the shoes of a character in the play. Students will learn the importance of creativity in their work they will be encouraged to complete assignments through various means, and encouraged to challenge themselves to try new types of expression.

Rationale: This four week unit plan is designed to engage students in Grade 9 English in the study of Shakespeares Othello. Through an examination of the characters and the main themes of love, jealousy and manipulation, students will be able to see how relationships between characters can be tested and changed. Students will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of types of assignments in order to display their understanding ranging from the traditional written and oral work, to more creative aspects, such as role playing, or creating a visual piece of art. While Shakespeares writing can be challenging and potentially overwhelming, students are encouraged to ask questions, and challenge their ways of thinking about this type of literature. Students should be able to recount the events of the plot in their own words by the end of the unit, and a portfolio will be kept, which will show their progress and development in understanding and engaging with Shakespeares work from the beginning until the end of the play.

Lesson 1: Getting to Know Othello GCOs: 1: Use oral language to learn 2. Communicate using clear oral communication 3. Interact with Sensitivity and respect 4. Read widely and with understanding 8. Use many kinds of writing to think and learn SCOs 1.1. Reinforce of develop new understanding from what others share during discussion 1.2 Ask relevant questions calling for elaboration, clarification, or qualification and respond thoughtfully to such questions 2.1 Participate constructively in conversation, small group and whole group, discussion and debate, using a range of strategies that contribute to effective talk 2.4 Respond to questions and follow directions of increasing complexity. 3.1 Demonstrate active listening (eye contact, rephrasing, clarifying, extending, refining, summarizing) 3.4 Demonstrate an awareness of the power of spoken language, to influence and manipulate and to reveal ideas, values, and attitudes 4.4 Use text features to construct meaning and understand the text 4.6 Use a range of reading strategies (predicting, connecting, questioning, inferring,) to make meaning from complex print and media texts 8.1 Use a range of writing strategies and other ways of representing to extend ideas and experience Materials: Copies of Othello Literature circle roles and response sheets . Youtube video by Cliff Notes.

Duration: 3 classes of 75 minutes each Introduction: Students will gain an idea of the important themes in the play. It will also provide students with profiles/character information and get the students thinking about each characters role on a deeper level. As a class, read Act I Scenes I and II as a class in a reader`s theatre. Assign students a character to read, or, allow students who are comfortable with reading to the class to volunteer.

Summary of Scene 1.1:


there is an argument between Roderigo, a nobleman, and Iago, an ancient (captain) in the defense forces Roderigo, in love with the noble lady Desdemona, has paid large sums of money to Iago, on the understanding that Iago would give her gifts from him and praise him to her. Roderigo hopes to win Desdemona's love and marry her. However, they now have news that Desdemona has left the house of her father, Brabantio, a Senator, and eloped with Othello, a Moor (an African) who is a General in the defense forces. Roderigo fears he has lost both his lady and his money. Iago reveals to Roderigo that it is in his (Iago's) nature to plot and tell lies to get what he wants and that he has a plan. He hates Othello for promoting Cassio to the position of lieutenant, a position that Iago wanted for himself. Iago plans to bring about Othello's downfall, and Roderigo will have Desdemona. First, they must wake Brabantio and cause an outcry. They bang and shout until Brabantio comes out onto the balcony. Iago tells him in inflammatory words that Desdemona has run away with Othello, and Brabantio, enraged, joins Roderigo to wake the neighbors and organize a search party.

Characters: Roderigo: Young, Rich and Foolish. Roderigo is convinced that is he gives Iago all of his money, Iago will help him win Desdemonas hand. He becomes more and more frustrated as Othello marries Desdemona. Iago: Is the villain of the story, and Othellos second lieutenant. His jealousy and impatience stems from Othellos promotion and good fortune. He befriends and manipulates Othello throughout the play in order to pursue his destruction. He is a manipulator, liar, envious, and values his own personal advancement. Desdemona: Daughter of Venetian Senator Brabanzio. Enrages her father as she elopes with Othello. Brabanzio: Desdemonas father. He feels betrayed when Othello (the general, and his friend) mar ries his daughter in secret. Debrief: Have students attempt to describe in their own words what they think is happening in this Act, and to describe their characters and their roles in the text. Use the time when students are describing the events of the play to formatively assess how they are grasping the language. Activities/Procedure Mini-Lesson: Understanding and Interpreting Shakespearian language

Students may get lost in the unusual arrangement of words/phrases in Shakespeares writing. Often times, something simple is being said in a simple way, and it is just a matter of re-arranging the words. Complete the worksheets Usual Arrangements of Words, Unusual Sequences of Words I/II It might be most beneficial to complete the worksheets as a class in order to help students work through the challenges that Shakespearian language presents, and in order to help students troubleshoot any additional problems which may arise.

Activity #2: Watch the short animated video to recap the first scene of the play. After viewing the short animated intro and reviewing the provided information with the class, students will be split into groups of four or five to carry out literature circles. Students will be assigned roles (director, connector, vocabulary enricher ,summarizer) within their lit groups and be expected to bring forth their works during group discussion. Students are asked to fill out the corresponding handouts and bring them to the next class where theyll be excepted to share their works with each other in discussion before the began reading for the next scene. These literature circles will be character based. Each group will choose two characters to focus their discussion around for the following class. During the lit circles students will be asked to keep track of important themes, connection or questions that may arise. The lit circle read aloud will help students generate ideas within their roles. The work produced by members of the group will be kept in a file folder for marking. Students will be evaluated on their participation, role assignments and their comprehension and understanding of the literature. Lit circles will be a great way for students to share their ideas as well as use each other to gain a better understanding of concepts and themes, and will extend throughout the entirety of the play.

Activity #3: To expand beyond the literature circle, which focused on character sketching, students will be invited to discuss as a class, the continuing and developing themes/ conflicts happening in Act 1: Scenes II and III. First, recap as a class: Summary of Scene II

Iago warns Othello that there may be a legal attempt to break the marriage, but Othello knows his military worth to Venice and meets the Duke and Senators with confidence. Cassio has been sent to fetch him to an urgent meeting about the situation in Cyprus. Iago tells Cassio of Othello's marriage. Brabantio's party arrives; Brabantio threatens Othello with violence and accuses him of using sorcery to seduce Desdemona, his reasoning being that she would never marry Othello voluntarily. Brabantio calls for Othello's arrest and imprisonment but cedes precedence to the Duke's summons to the emergency meeting.

Introduce and discuss any new characters with the class. Characters: Whos New? Cassio: a young and inexperienced soldier, and Othellos lieutenant Duke: Duke of Venice. Has respect for Othello, and his role is to reconcile Othello and Brabanzio

Summary: Scene III


Several reports have come in from Cyprus, all calling attention to a Turkish fleet that is expected to attack. The reports differ in the size of the fleet, but all speak of the danger as the combined force has turned back toward Cyprus. Othello enters the meeting with Cassio, Brabantio, Iago, and others, and the Duke immediately appoints Othello to lead the forces to defend Cyprus. At this point, the Duke notices Brabantio, who believes that his daughter has been corrupted with magic potions because, according to him, she wound never willingly marry such a man as she did. Initially, the Duke promises him support in a prosecution for witchcraft, a capital crime, against the man who has seduced his daughter, but when the Duke realizes the seducer is Othello, he calls on the general to defend himself. Othello describes his courtship of Desdemona in a dignified and persuasive speech (76-93 and 127169) and asks the Duke to send for Desdemona so that she may speak. Iago leads the group that goes to fetch her. When Othello finishes speaking, the Duke declares in favor of Othello. Othello must go immediately to Cyprus to command its defense, and Desdemona requests to go as well. The Duke grants her wish, and Othello, who must leave that night, delegates Iago to follow later in another ship, bringing Desdemona and whatever else is needed. Iago's wife, Emilia, will look after Desdemona as her maid. Iago and Roderigo are left on stage. Roderigo is downcast and talks of drowning himself. Iago replies with scorn that such misery is silliness and convinces Roderigo to go to Cyprus and wait for Desdemona to come to him, as she will surely soon become bored with Othello.

Introduce and discuss any new characters with the class Characters: Whos New? Emilia: Iagos wife and Desdemonas attendant Procedure/Activities: Discussion: What themes are depicted in this act? What characters are involved? What are the character s roles? How have these characters changed? Or, have they? Students are encouraged to make a personal connection to a theme or character either through your own personal experience or other (novel, film, TV show). Students will be asked to respond in a one page essay. Assessment: Students will be graded on their ability to articulate themes in the play orally and in writing. This paper will be graded according to a holistic rubric (included) Adaptations/Differentiation: Students could choose to do a timeline, a diary entry as if they were a character in the play and discuss how the events have been affecting them. Also, artistically inclined students could design a created piece that depicts a major theme or concept.

Similarly, provide students with a list of brief character descriptions and summaries as a way of helping struggling learners follow along. Similarly, for struggling readers, No Fear Shakespeare texts could be administered, if available. Also, for students who are uncomfortable reading to a group, but wish to challenge themselves to do so, passages can be given to them beforehand to practice before the Readers Theatre occurs.

Act 2
Lesson: A Blueprint for Destruction GCOs 1:use oral language to learn 2: communicate using clear oral communication 3: interact with sensitivity and respect 4: read widely and with understanding 6: respond personally 7: respond critically 9: create a variety of texts 10: produce clear and effective writing and other representations SCOs 1.1 reinforce or develop new understanding from what others share during a discussion 1.2 ask questions for clarification, elaboration, to qualify, or question relevance, accuracy, and validity 2.1 contribute to small-group and whole class discussions using a variety of strategies for effective talk 3.1 demonstrate active listening (eye contact, rephrasing, clarifying,extending, refining, summarizing) 4.6 independently use a range of reading strategies(predicting, connecting, questioning, inferring) to make meaning from complex texts 6.1 go beyond initial response to give more thoughtful interpretations by questioning, connecting, evaluating, and extending 6.2 support personal response to the issues, themes, and situations in texts and give personal examples and evidence from text with increasing sophistication 7.5 understand that values and personal experiences influence understanding and critical response 9.3 understand that ideas can be represented in more than one way and experiment with many forms 10.4 demonstrate a commitment to crafting writing and other representations Materials:

copies of Othello copies of No Fear Shakespeare Othello for students who have difficulties following along with the original text.

Duration: 4 classes of 75 minutes each Introduction: At this point in the unit, students have established who some of the key characters are, and have an understanding of the relationships which exist between them. Have students split into pairs and write a haiku describing the events of Act 1. Mini-Lesson: What is a Haiku?

Is a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables It has 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Usually used to describe themes, or ideas in nature However, here, it will be used to reduce some of the complex ideas of the first Act into key words, or ideas to think about.

Give students the opportunity to share their haikus with the class. Procedure/Activities: Students will continue to read the play in a Readers Theatre fashion. Assign students a character to read, or, allow students who are comfortable with reading to the class to volunteer. As a class, recall the events of Act II, Scene I. Summary of Act II, Scene I:

Montano, Governor of Cyprus, awaits the arrival of the Venetian forces, delayed by a violent storm at sea. A messenger arrives with news that the Turkish fleet has been so damaged by the storm that it no longer threatens Cyprus. Cassio's ship, followed by Desdemona's ship, is the first Venetian ship to arrive. Desdemona's first question is for news of Othello. The two pass the time, waiting for news, and Iago watches, planning to catch Cassio in his own courtesies. Othello finally arrives, triumphant, and he, Desdemona, and the others go into the fortress. Iago stays behind to tell Roderigo that Desdemona is in love with Cassio and convince him to pick a fight with Cassio to cause mutiny and have him removed. Iago, in his second soliloquy, speaks again of his hatred for Othello. The details are not yet clear, but Iago plans to drive Othello mad.

Summary of Act II, Scene III:


Cassio, commanding the night watch during the time of feasting and drinking, takes his orders from Othello, who directs the soldiers to drink with moderation and keep the peace. Cassio and Iago, his second in command, will see to this. Then Othello and Desdemona retire to bed, the first night they will spend together since their marriage. Alone, Iago makes suggestive remarks about Desdemona to Cassio, which Cassio turns aside; then Iago invites him to drink. Cassio declines, but Iago wheedles and urges him, until Cassio finally relents. 7

Iago spurs Roderigo into a fight with Cassio; others join in and Iago sends Roderigo to ring the alarm bell, waking Othello and bringing him and his armed men to the spot. Othello demands to know who started the fight, and feigning reluctance, Iago names Cassio. Othello relieves Cassio of his post on the spot. Then he and Desdemona return to bed.

Introduce and discuss any new characters with the class Characters: Whos New? Montano: the Governor of Cyprus before Othello. Think Pair Share: Have students first individually, and then with a partner, consider Iagos second soliloquy. Why does he hate Othello? Where do you see this in the text? Consider your own inner villain: What might you do to drive Othello mad? Students are encouraged to write out a plan of their ploy. Or, students may draw their ploy as a blueprint. Activity #2: Iago on Trial

Choose three (3) students to be Iago. Divide the class into Iago Defense and Iago Prosecution. Have each group come up with an argument of why Iago is guilty or innocent. Each group should use textual evidence to back up their claims. Consider his motives, his actions, his relationships, etc. Each group should also come up with questions to ask Iago on trial.- The Iago group needs to come up with information as to why he is innocent. Preparation time should be about 10 to 15 minutes. Use the remainder of the time to have the trial. Divide the time in half so both groups have equal time to say what they need to, and leave about 4 5 minutes at the end for each group to have a 2 minute final statement. Have the students take notes on Iago's character, line numbers, important actions, etc.

Review/Conclusion: What did you learn about Iago in this Act? As a class, brainstorm on the board some of the most important traits of Iago. Have students create their own "No Fear Shakespeare" of the chosen soliloquy (meaning put the soliloquy in his or her own words). It will be graded holistically using the same rubric from the activity in Act 1. Adaptations/Differentiation: When students are thinking about their own inner villain, and how they might drive Othello mad, students are presented with the option of either writing out their ploy, or drawing a blueprint, allowing for a more visual manner or representation. Similarly, for the trial, each student should be keeping a few notes regarding their evidence for Iagos guilt or innocence, the case made by their group, etc. Students who are playing the role of Iago should also be keeping similar notes regarding how they are going to make their case, showing textual evidence, etc. Through this format, all students are credited with participation regardless of how vocal they are during the actual mock trial.


Students will be graded holistically on the No Fear Shakespeare soliloquy. Note sheets will be collected after the mock trial in order to see student involvement in the process, and see how they engage with the text and find evidence to support their points. Haikus will act as a type of formative assessment to see if students can summarize and reduce the events of the previous act to a few key terms.

Act 3
Lesson: Diving into Deception GCOs 1: use oral language to learn 2:communication using clear oral communication 8: use many kinds of writing to think and learn SCOs 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 reinforce or develop new understanding from what others share during a discussion ask questions for clarification, elaboration, to qualify, or question relevance, accuracy, and validity explain and advocate point of view and support it with evidence from various sources listen critically and determine the effectiveness of the speaker based on the accuracy and appropriateness of the information he or she presents 8.4 use various forms of note-making for different purposes and situations 2.1 contribute to small-group and wholeclass discussions using a variety of strategies for effective talk Duration: 5 classes of 75 minutes each Materials:

Copies of Othello Copies of No Fear Shakespeare Othello for students who have difficulty following or understanding the original text Copy of the 1995 film Othello directed by Oliver Parker. Chart paper Markers

Introduction: In the previous class, students had put Iago on trial, and were instructed to prove whether Iago was innocent or guilty in instigating a plan to drive Othello mad. Re-cap what happened during the trial: What were some of the key points supporting his guilt? Or, his innocence? Put these reasons on the board. As a class, come to a consensus regarding the sentencing of Iago is he innocent, or guilty? Draw on evidence the students pulled from the text. What made you choose these particular passages to support your point?

Procedure/Activities: Continue in the readers theatre style format which has been used throughout the unit to read and explore Act 3. Assign students a character to read, or, allow students who are comfortable with reading to the class to volunteer. Act 3 is very rich. Allow for an entire class period to read/de-brief the events of the act. Extend into another class period if needed. Summary of Act III, Scene I

Cassio meets with a group of musicians and a clown (a countryman) whom he sends to find Emilia. Iago sends Emilia out to speak with him, and she reports that Desdemona and Othello are discussing the events of last night. Desdemona has spoken up for Cassio, and Othello, who likes him, has undertaken to bring him back into favor when the right moment comes.

Summary of Act III, Scene III


When Othello and Iago enter, Cassio, who is embarrassed because of his antics the previous night, embraces Desdemona and departs. Iago seizes the opportunity to make an undermining comment "Ha, I like not that" that rankles in Othello's mind. Desdemona speaks of Cassio, and Othello, to please her, agrees to see him, but he is distracted by his private thoughts. In a conversation with Iago, in which Iago continues to imply that he knows something that he refuses to divulge, Othello denies that he would give himself over to jealousy. In his denial, he shows himself most vulnerable. He is consumed with doubt and suspicion. Othello voices his old fears that Brabantio was right, that it was unnatural for Desdemona to love him, that he was too horrible to be loved, and that it could not last. Iago leaves, and Othello contemplates his situation: He could be tricked, married to a woman who is already looking at other men, and he fears that he must wipe her out of his heart. He tries to tell himself that it is not true. he watches her intently, looking for signs, and brushes away her handkerchief when she seeks to sooth him. They go in to dinner, and Emilia picks up the fallen handkerchief, one that her husband, Iago, often urged her to steal from Desdemona. Emilia decides to have a copy made to give to Iago, but he enters, sees the handkerchief, and snatches it from her. When Othello enters, Iago sees that Othello cannot regain his peace of mind. His speech is fevered, sweeping and frantic; he believes that his wife has been unfaithful to him. Othello then turns on Iago with savage intensity and demands to see the proof of Desdemona's infidelity. Cornered, Iago produces the dream story: Cassio spoke in his sleep, embraced him, called him Desdemona, and cursed the Moor. Iago tells Othello that he has seen Cassio wipe his brow with a handkerchief embroidered with strawberries; Othello recognizes this handkerchief as the one he gave to Desdemona. Othello wants Cassio dead, Iago agrees to do it, and then Othello wonders how to kill Desdemona.

Activity #2: Have the students get into groups of three (3) or four (4) and discuss scene 3.3. Have the students discuss the following: 1. What is Iago doing to Othello? 2. What is Iago convincing Othello, and how is he doing it? (his language, rhetoric, etc.) 3. What is Iago using as proof? 4. How do we begin to see Othello changing? 5. Come up with a concluding sentence that sums up this scene.


Activity #3: Watch the video of the 1995 Othello, Act 3, Scene 3. Compare the video to the text. 1. What is going on in the film? 2. Do you see any of the characters differently? 3. Does it clear up your understanding of the play? 4. What kind of head-games is Iago playing with Othello? 5. Why does Othello fall for these games? Have students in their groups of three or four from activity 2 create character charts on chart paper which will be posted around the room. Students should include the main personality points of the characters, as well as note any changes in personality that the characters have undergone as a result of the major themes of love, jealousy and manipulation. NOTE: Act 3 is a turning point in the play. It is where we see Iago do some of his best work. By having the students discuss the changes in the characters, what is going on in the scenes, etc., it allows the students to break down the scenes and figure out what's going on easier than reading it would do. The viewing of a film version will help put the play in perspective for the students. It will also aid the students in class discussions because they have a visual aid (putting a face to the characters). Review/Conclusion: Conduct a whole class discussion on the play thus far. Can students summarize the main points of the play in their own words? Do they understand the relationships among the characters? Adaptations/Differentiation: Adaptations provided through the use of the No Fear Shakespeare version of the play, as well as visual aid through the use of the film. Assessment: For this act, assessment will be strictly formative through discussion of the questions after students have an opportunity to consider them in small groups, and determine their responses, as well as an examination of their character sheets, and the connections which are being made between characters and themes.

Act 4
Lesson: Scene I: Manipulation GCOs 1: Use oral language to learn 2: Communicate using clear oral communication


SCOs 1.2 ask relevant questions calling for elaboration, clarification, or qualification, and respond thoughtfully to such questions 1.4 articulate, advocate, and support points of view, presenting viewpoints in a convincing manner. 2.1 participate constructively in conversation, small-group and whole-group discussion, and debate, using a range of strategies that contribute to effective talk. Duration: 2 classes of 75 minutes each Materials:

copies of Othello Enlarged print copies of the play or audio book rendition of the play. No Fear Shakespeare edition of Othello

Introduction: Think Pair Share Recall Act III Othello demands proof of Desdemona's infidelity from Iago. Reluctantly Iago tells him he saw Cassio wipe his brow with Desdemona's handkerchief. She is asked for the handkerchief by her suspicious husband but cannot find it... Iago now suggests Desdemona shared her bed with Cassio. Iago then talks to Cassio about Cassio's mistress Bianca. Iago works over Othello with his deception of Desdemona being unfaithful to Othello, he is now verging on insanity. Look back at your scribbler that shows a summary of Act III events. Then verbally go over the last scene with Bianca and Cassio discussing the handkerchief, how it got lost and what it represents (infidelity), what next for Act IV, scene I? As a class, sum up predictions with students, and be sure to include your own. Agree on a list of points/predictions made from general class discussion. Procedures/Activities: Read Act IV, scene 1 in groups of four(ish): First two students A & B out of the group take turns reading, student A is Othello and student B is Iago, and read up to Othellos fit (Line 45) . Summary of Act IV Scene I: - In a conversation with Othello, Iago says that Cassio has confessed to sex with Desdemona. This revelation is too much for Othello, who becomes incoherent and faints. - When Cassio enters, Iago claims that Othello has epilepsy and has had seizures before. Rather than revive him, they must let the fit take its course. - Othello, regaining consciousness, talks of himself as one among many cuckolds, but Iago tells him to hide and observe Cassio, who is returning. Iago says he will draw Cassio out to tell of his amorous adventures with Desdemona. 12

Othello withdraws, too emotionally involved to understand that Iago is manipulating him, and Iago talks with Cassio about Bianca. Othello sees his smiles and laughter but cannot hear the details and believes he is joking about how much Desdemona loves him. Then Bianca herself enters, with Desdemona's handkerchief, which she throws back at Cassio. Seeing his wife's handkerchief in the hands of Cassio's mistress is, for Othello, the "ocular proof" he sought. He is now convinced of Desdemona's infidelity and knows he must kill both Cassio and Desdemona that very night.

When the first scene has been read students in their groups answer the questions below and do the activities: Key Questions for students to consider: 1. Knowledge question: What are Iagos lines when saying the Cassio has slept with Othellos wife and what happens next? 2. Comprehension question: What was Iagos manipulation in this scene? Review/Conclusion: Comprehension activity: From scene 1, write down 2 of your favourite quotes, explain verbally to your partner in the group why you like them. Then write down the quotes in your journal, or artistically decorate your 2 quotes, then place lines or arrows out from the quotes explaining why you like it. Lesson: Act 4 Scene 2: Manipulation Continued Duration: 2 classes of 75 minutes each Materials:

copies of Othello Enlarged print copies of the play or audio book rendition of the play. No Fear Shakespeare edition of Othello

Introduction: Before starting on the reading of the second scene, have students present at least one (or both, if they wish) of their quotes explaining why they chose they quote, and what impact the quote has on them. Recap the first scene and clarify any areas of confusion with the students. Procedures/Activities: Read Act IV, scene 2 in groups of four(ish) Summary of Act IV, Scene II:
Othello questions Emilia about Desdemona, but she assures him that nothing immodest has taken place between her mistress and Cassio. Othello, rather than abandon his suspicions, believes Desdemona is so cunning that she has managed to deceive even her maid. Othello speaks with Desdemona in private, threatening to banish her and calling her "whore"


She immediately denies the charges Othello is holding against her. Emilia comes in, and Othello leaves. Exhausted, Desdemona knows that she is being punished, but she does not know what for. Emilia suspects that some villain has turned Othello against his wife and stirred up his jealousy. When Desdemona asks Iago's advice, he says that it is only the business of the state that makes Othello angry. Later, in a conversation with Iago, Roderigo confesses that he has had enough of his romantic quest and plans to withdraw. Iago makes a bold move, linking his two plots together: He urges Roderigo to kill Cassio, explaining that Cassio's death will prevent Othello being sent elsewhere and, therefore, keep Desdemona in Cyprus.

Questions/ prompts: Discuss Othellos reasoning are his suspicions of Desdemonas infidelity plausible? Predict: Will Emilias testament of Desdemonas faithfulness make a difference to Othello? How do you think Emilia would react if she knew that the wretch she refers to is her husband? Lines 19-93 (Othello confronts Desdemona) Read/ act out in pairs Questions/ prompts: Discuss: to what extent does Desdemona understand Othellos accusations? Character & Language: Class could be divided into 2 & given role of Desdemona/ Othello. Re-read the lines and prepare to debate their characters argument. Can extend beyond the lines in the play, but must stay in character & pay attention to the language that they use. How has Othellos language become more like Iagos (e.g. twisting words compare with Iago in lines 46-160 of Scene 1) How does Desdemona demonstrate strength of character? Prediction: Has Desdemona managed to save herself with her pleas? Would she have been more successful if she was not such an innocent character? Students could write prediction as if: i. Othello has been convinced by Desdemona. Ii. Othello has not been convinced Lines 94-170 Questions/ prompts: Language: Discuss Emilia unknowingly referring to her own husband as some eternal villain. How accurate is she? Get students to identify the humour and the technique being used (irony). Prediction & Character: Based on what we know about Iago, what will happen after Desdemona pleas her case to Iago? How might he use this to his advantage? Record thoughts in Iago journal entry 171-End of scene Character: What role does Roderigo play? Is he a rounded/ flat character? So far how has he i. advanced ii. threatened Iagos manipulations Theme: Groups choose a theme (e.g. reality & appearances, manipulation, jealousy...) and plot evidence from


these scenes on large butcher paper (That brown stuff) this could be an activity that students do regularly throughout the reading of the play. Conclusion: Based on what we have read so far, write out your own version of the final Act. Or make a PowerPoint outlining what you think will happen in the final Act. Or draw a comic about what you think will happen in the final Act. Shakespearian language does not have to be used .

Act 5
Part 1: Othello and Iago Whats up with That? GCOs GCO 1: Use oral language to learn GCO 2: Communicate using clear oral communication GCO 3: Interact with Sensitivity and respect GCO 4: Read widely and with understanding GCO 6: Read critically GCO 7: Respond personally GCO 8: use many kinds of writing to think and learn GCO 9: create a variety of texts SCOs Speaking & Listening 1.1 Reinforce or develop new understanding from what others share during a discussion. 1.2 Ask questions for clarification, elaboration, to qualify, or question relevance, accuracy, and validity 3.2 Show respect and sensitivity toward others and their differences when giving personal opinions 2.4 Respond to questions and follow directions of increasing complexity. 1.4 Explain and advocate point of view and support it with evidence from various sources 2.1 Contribute to small-group and whole class discussions using a variety of strategies for effective talk. 2.2 Use appropriate vocabulary, sentence structure, speed of talking, and tone for different audiences and purposes. 2.3 Give instructions and follow instructions. 2.6 Understand how the content and message are affected by verbal and non-verbal language (repetition, eye contact, and volume). 3.4 Demonstrate an awareness of the power of spoken language to influence and manipulate, to reveal ideas, values, and attitudes. 3.5 Know that different situations and cultures require different conventions and use language appropriate to the situation. Reading & Viewing 4.5 read complex text with fluency, confidence, and comprehension as a result of their understanding and use of cueing systems.


4.6 independently use a range of reading strategies (predicting, connecting, questioning, inferring) to make meaning from complex print and media texts. 6.1 Go beyond initial response to give more thoughtful interpretations by questioning, connecting, evaluating, and extending. 7.5 Understand that values and personal experiences influence understanding and critical response. 7.6 Evaluate the portrayal of culture and reality as portrayed in media text. Writing & Representing 8.1 use a range of strategies as a language learner 8.2 Write for a variety of reasons. 8.5 integrate interesting effects in their writing (feelings and thoughts, detail, correct inconsistency, avoid extraneous detail, language choice, vocabulary, and phrasing). 9.1 Continue to use a variety of forms as well as other art forms such as visual arts, music, and drama. 9.2 consider and craft writing (content, word choice, style, tone, form, structure, organization) to suit the audience and purpose 10.5 Collect and combine information from several sources (interview, film, CD, text). 9.3 understand that ideas can be represented in more than one way and experiment with many forms.

Duration: 2 classes of 75 minutes each Materials: - A copy of Othello by William Shakespeare - A copy of the 1995 film Othello directed by Oliver Parker. - A copy of No Fear Shakespeare and the graphic novel version of Othello. Introduction: Review major ideas and themes from last class on Act 4 in an informal discussion. Ask students what their views are on Iagos plans for destruction. Is it working so far? Conduct a readers theatre of Act 5 in class. Make sure that all students participate as a character or even a shared character. Summary of Act V Scene I In the street at night, Iago directs Roderigo to ambush Cassio. When Cassio approaches, Roderigo attacks unsuccessfully and is wounded by Cassio. Iago, from behind, stabs Cassio in the leg and runs away while Cassio cries murder. Othello, hearing Cassio's cry, believes that Iago has done the job he has undertaken. Following Iago's lead, Othello must harden his heart against the charms of his wife and spill her blood in the bed where she has betrayed him.

Summary of Act V Scene II Desdemona lies asleep in bed, and Othello enters, dreadfully calm and sure in what he must do. Desdemona wakens and calls him to bed, but he tells her to pray at once, repenting anything she needs to repent, and he will wait while she prays because he does not want to kill her soul. Desdemona realizes that Othello intends to kill her. She is afraid, although she knows she is not guilty. Knowing that she cannot convince him of her fidelity, Desdemona weeps and begs him to banish her rather than kill her, or let her live just a little more, but he stifles her, presumably with a pillow. 16

When Emilia knocks on the door, Othello draws the bed-curtain across, hiding the bed, and opens the door to hear the news. What Emilia reports is not what Othello expected. She says that Cassio has killed Roderigo. Desdemona's voice is heard from the bed, saying "falsely murdered" and Emilia calls for help. Desdemona says that she is innocent, denies that anyone has killed her, and dies. Emilia and Othello confront each other. Emilia sees herself as a witness and will tell what she has seen, and Othello declares that he has killed Desdemona because of her infidelity. Emilia insists that Desdemona was faithful; Othello replies that Cassio had been with her, and Iago knew all about it. She says "my husband" over and over, while Othello pours out his heart on justice and how he loved her and how Iago is honest. Emilia curses Iago, calls him a liar, and cries murder to waken everyone. Iago, and others rush into the bedchamber where Emilia is shouting, and she challenges Iago to defend himself, giving him one last chance to retrieve himself. Iago says that Desdemona was indeed unfaithful with Cassio, but Emilia knows this is untrue. She tells how she found the handkerchief, which her husband had asked her to steal, and gave it to him. Iago stabs Emilia and runs out. As she dies, Emilia tells Othello that Desdemona loved him. Othello realizes, too late, that he had been tricked and manipulated. Iago is caught and brought back. Othello and Cassio demand to know why he did it, but Iago refuses to explain and says he will never speak again. Othello, watching his world unravel, he stabs himself, falls onto the bed, and dies.

Procedure/Activities: - Have the students examine the development and differences of Othello and Iagos relationship. Ask them to compare it to the beginning of the play. Have the students write this down in a personal response. Then split the class into groups of three and ask them to share their responses with one another. - Show the film version of Act 5. - After showing the film, have the students pick their favorite character from Act 5 and then get into partners and conduct interviews with one another. The partners will take turns being the character and the interviewer and they will ask five questions each. The questions must be relevant to the events of the play and the characters actions so far. Review/Conclusion: In a class discussion, discuss any questions the students have about the events that took place in the last act. Give students opportunity to write a short journal entry about what they liked and did not like about the unit on Othello. Have them hand it in at the very end of the unit.

Adaptations/Differentiation: A copy of the No Fear Shakespeare version of Othello. A copy of the graphic novel version of Othello.


As previously mentioned, students can be primed about when/if they will read as a character, or when they will have to speak to the class so that they may practice their part. Students may also have access to handouts that may provide them with additional information.

Assessment: Collect the personal responses about Othello and Iagos relationship. Participation in class and group discussions. Dedication and creativity put into the in-class interviews. Demonstration of information learned in class.

Act 5 Part 2: And Here Lies. Duration: 2 classes of 75 minutes each Materials & Resources: A copy of Othello by William Shakespeare. Audio book copy of Othello. No Fear Shakespeare Othello. Graphic novel version of Othello.

Introduction: As a class, review the important final scenes and passages from act five. Then discuss the role of females in the play. Does Desdemona do anything to intentionally upset Othello? Why or why not? What do you think Desdemona thinks in this final act about the way Othello is treating her? How does the audience feel about Desdemona? Procedure/Activities: -Create a news report about Desdemonas death. This can be a live report on your own, with a partner, or as a written newspaper article. Students who create a live report must present them in front of the class. Evidence and references to the text must be made to support and create this report successfully. The students who choose to do a live performance must also pass in a 200-word response on what they present. Review/Conclusion: Present the reports live and hand in the written reports. As a class, discuss the students views of the in-class assignment and activities. Did they like it? Why? What should we change about it for next time?


- Students with adaptations may use the No Fear Shakespeare version of Othello or the graphic novel version of Othello. - Students may also take an extra day to gather their thoughts if they need to before handing it in. 18

Assessment: Final product (written report and live presentations). Participation in class and group discussions. Effort, creativity, and dedication to report. Demonstration of information learned in class and through text.

Final Unit Project: As a final project, students will be required to pick the one character who they connect most with on a personal level. Taking on the persona of their chosen character, students must complete three activities off the ThinkTac-Toe- Grid. ** Think-Tac-Toe: In this model, a grid of nine squares is made, just as you would for Tic-Tac-Toe. In each of the nine squares one of the multiple intelligence theories are placed at the top of the square along with a corresponding assessment or learning activity underneath. Through this students get a mix of activities to complete differentiation, allowing students to play to their strengths, as well as challenge themselves. Similarly, students are also responsible for the choosing of the tasks placing some responsibility and ownership on them as to why they have to complete it. It is not simply the teacher selecting for the students. Students may choose these activities on their own, and in a number of ways, such as playing Tic-Tac-Toe on the grid against another classmate whichever squares your Xs or Os land on will be your activities to complete for the project. Be strategic! Attempt to choose at least one area of your strengths, and one of your weaknesses to challenge yourself. Once you have made your selections, approve them with the teacher before moving on to complete them. Think-Tac-Toe shows many of the outcomes which have been mentioned throughout the unit plan thus far, in terms of speaking and listening, reading and viewing, writing and representing.

Cumulative Experience: Throughout the unit, students will be responsible for keeping a portfolio of their work related to the various activities completed as the Acts are explored. The work which students may choose to include in their portfolio ranges from written work, such as haikus, No Fear Shakespeare soliloquies, essays and blueprints, or essentially the How To drive Othello mad. Students may also choose to incorporate their visual work, such as timelines, comic strips, etc. as well as their written notes about the mock trial. Through this breadth of work students will be able their strengths and weaknesses in terms of understanding and evaluating Shakespeare, as well as their improvements from the beginning of the unit to the end. While students may choose from the classwork as to what to include in their portfolios, the final three ThinkTac-Toe activities must be included.


Character Map of Shakespeares Othello

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