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. ME2209 Electrical Engineering Laboratory Mechanical Engineering Regulations - 2008 Time: 3 Hours 1 Maximum Marks: 100 100

Conduct a suitable experiment on the DC shunt motor to practically demonstrate its performance characteristics. Obtain the characteristics for the various loading current values and plot them. Conduct a suitable experiment on the DC shunt motor to find its efficiency at 75% loading condition. Mention the various applications of DC shunt motor. List the various reasons for the starting of DC series motor with initial load. Conduct a suitable experiment on the DC series motor to practically demonstrate its performance characteristics. Obtain the characteristics for the various loading current values and plot them. Conduct a suitable experiment on the DC shunt motor to find its efficiency at 75% loading condition. Mention the various applications of DC series motor. Why the DC shunt motor is known to be constant speed DC motor? Conduct a suitable experiment on the DC shunt motor to practically demonstrate its linear speed characteristics. Obtain the characteristics for the various field current values and plot them. Conduct a suitable experiment on the DC shunt motor to practically demonstrate its non-linear speed characteristics. Obtain the characteristics for the various armature voltage values and plot them. List the reasons for the non-linear relationship between the speed and field current with relevant expressions. Demonstrate a suitable experiment practically to obtain the open circuit characteristics of self excited DC shunt generator and to find its critical resistance. Plot the relevant graphs for OCC characteristics. Demonstrate a suitable experiment practically to obtain the load characteristics (internal and external) of self excited DC shunt generator. Plot the relevant graphs. Conduct the load test on single phase transformer and determine the efficiency and regulation. Also, plot the characteristics.

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10 Conduct a suitable test on single phase transformer and obtain the performance characteristics and plot them.

11 Demonstrate the practical experiments to predetermine the efficiency and regulation for all loads and power factor of a single phase transformer by conducting open circuit test and short circuit test and to draw equivalent circuit. 12 Conduct a suitable test to predetermine the regulation of 3-phase alternator by EMF and MMF methods for leading and lagging power factors. Also draw the relevant phasor diagrams.



13 Demonstrate Open circuit and Short circuit tests practically to draw the V-Curves and 100 inverted V-curves of the given three phase synchronous motor by constant output. Find the synchronous reactance and identify the constant input power line and plot the VCurves and inverted V-curves between field and armature currents. 14 Demonstrate the performance of three phase squirrel-cage induction motor by conducting a suitable test on it and obtain the performance characteristics from the test data with various computed parameters. 15 Conduct a suitable test on the single phase cage-induction motor to obtain the output torque for 75% loading condition. Also, find the corresponding efficiency of the motor. 16 Conduct a suitable test on the three phase induction motor to obtain the output torque for half-load condition. Also, find the corresponding efficiency of the motor. 17 Why the induction motor is known to be constant speed AC motor? Conduct a suitable experiment on the three phase slip-ring induction motor to practically demonstrate its speed characteristics. Obtain the characteristics for the various loading conditions and plot them. 18 What is the significance of the starting winding in a single phase induction motor? Conduct a suitable test on the single phase induction motor to obtain the performance and speed characteristics of it. 19 Demonstrate the performance of single phase induction motor by conducting a suitable test on it and obtain the efficiency at its 3/4th loading condition. 20 Discuss the characteristics of two-point starters with diagarms. Demonstrate the characteristics of two point starter by starting a DC series motor. Also, mention the various overload protection schemes in DC motor starters. 21 Explain the performance of star-delta starter with appropriate circuit components. Also, demonstrate the starting of an AC motor by star-delta starter. Mention the advantages of it. 22 Demonstrate in practical, the starting of an AC motor by auto-transformer starter. Also, explain the characteristics of it. 100


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