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John de Monde Snyder's Universal and Particular Processes.

Translated from the Ehrenthal Manuscript. The principal obstacle and most prominent corner stone whereon most persons have stumbled in the Universal Wor is! Primo la materia" secundo the menstrum thereof and tertio the true destruction of the metals" namely" into their three principles vi#. hi&h wor

%ow how these thin&s all follow each other" and must be ta en for the of the Universal Tincture" will con a'uto dell '(mnipotente be & wrou&ht by hand. clearly described and noted in due order in the followin&" as is done in the actual and accomplished wor )irstly accordin& to the description of the true Philosophers" amon& whom John de Monte Snyder" should be most readily and on account of his clear e*position most eminently considered" our true and &enuine Master is the old dra&on" and white Ea&le" Man and Woman" two Mercurial Waters" +ua ar&enta viva" efconpin diversi nomi" but indeed it is with its own name ,ntimony and the hi&hly clarified Sublimate. hi&h wor fermented with metallic $ (f these two can the be made" to shorten the time however these two are animated $ .

%ow the preparation of the ,ntimony is in this wise. )irst ta e finely powdered -un&arian .which / consider the best0 or in case such cannot be had other fused " in wei&ht 1 lb." drop it &radually into a red hot crucible" and let it fuse clear. When this happens have ready a thin iron rod well red hot and stir it into the fused and it will cause an ebullition and eat into the red ta es as much as 13 to 14 $ even 56 hot iron as much as is needful in the space of half of a 2uarter of an hour" that &enerally 1 lb. of 7oth or half ounces. When that is done throw a handful of well dried Sal

%iter upon it" and as soon as the %iter is fused it must be poured into a castin& cone" and you will find a solid 8e&ulus" of about 14 to 56 or 53 7oth or half ounces in wei&ht. This 8e&ulus must be purified twice with %iter and Tartar and it will show a fine star" especially the hun&arian. (f %iter must be ta en 1 lb. and of Tartar 4 7oth or half ounces and mi*ed to&ether" therewith the martial re&ulus is purified" and reserved for the followin& use. The other 8e&uli that are also needful for the hi&h Wor " that Mars add ed be brou&ht" are to be made in this wise. and mi* thereto 1 lb. finely Ta e 1 lb. finely &round or pounded

powdered niter and 9 lb. pounded Tartar" mi* it to&ether" and put it into a lar&e mortar of cast iron in spoonfuls and with the first spoonful

throw in a red hot cinder well ali&ht" and let the mi*ture decrepidate. When it has decrepitated" throw in some more" et cosi successive che si calcina Sulfo" when it has cooled pound the matter and let it fuse well in a red hot crucible well covered that it may fuse 2uite clear" when you will find a 8e&ulus" wei&hin& about 4 to 16 half ounces" which must once a&ain be rectified with $ . The scoriae remainin& upon the 8e&ulus must be reduced to powder and placed on blottin& paper to filter" pour thereon common well:water" and this so lon&" until some of the can be traced in the common water" which can soon be discerned by The filter $ wash it with common water. " 2uale in &ustare" si puo of " which pourin& in of wine vine&ar.

,ccioche si levano totalmente le salie sal you must +ry and eep for further use.

co&noscere" and in this wise you &et a fine deep:red

Those feces that remained on the paper" let them a&ain dry" powder them" and mi* thereto e2ual wei&ht of finely powdered Tartar and let it fuse in a stron& heat" and you will &et a very fine 8e&ulus of hi&h lustre" which up to now has become revealed to but few" $ is considered an arcanum; now this 8e&ulus is the first that wholly unites itself with Mars" althou&h the first which was precipitated with this one is far hi&her esteemed" on account of its wholly fi*ed and its delicate mercurial 2uality. &et a&ain a When no more hi&h in colour. can be &ot" ta e the faeces" mi* with some Tartar" $ " and is &ot by the first fusion does also perform its own part" yet nevertheless bein& almost The scoria remainin&

on this second 8e&ulus must a&ain be pounded and put to filter" and you

and you will see whether it will still &ive a 8e&ulus" and should it &ive no 8e&ulus" then ta e the feces and put them in a wide crucible to calcinate" until they become 2uite ashen or whitish" then put them to filter with common boilin& water" that the antimoni may be e*tracted. ii" 7et the water evaporate in a &lass bowl" and you will find the and if you would have it better and more clear" it is purified by fre2uent solution and coa&ulation" also with rectified S. <. or S. <. Tartarisati" but / for my part consider common well water best. now is de how the id est the of the 8e&ulus can be&ot. of the universal particular Tincture =ut the Mercury for the hi&h wor This

is prepared in this wise" whereof also very clear description is &iven in the writin&s of John de Monte Snyder namely in his treatise de Metamorphosis Planetarum in >h. ?" 55" 54" and other chapters can be seen and read the same Ta e 1 lb. lb. &ood " ind vi#. washed clean with $ common; &rind it with 1

"and 1 lb. common Salt" &rind it all to powder" fiat

pulvis" fiat i&nis" fiat e*altatio as John de Monte Snyder mentions in >h. 54 when all has been reduced to powder put in in a convenient sublimin& &lass and sublimate the at first with &entle fire until the be clarified three steam $ vapour is past" but afterwards with stron& heat" that it may rise to the top 2uite white" and in this wise must the sursum" bis vel fer. %ow when the has been on this wise prepared" then ta e thereof 1 and pour the same into a convenient retort" lb. finely powdered &ood times" for thus also avers Monte Snyder in >h. 5@ when he says! <olatile

place it in a sand bath" and &ive it at first a &ently fire" and a few drops of phle&m will pass over" but afterwards the lac vir&inis" and when there is no more mil " some drops of blood will come over" then the fire must be increased" and you will &et more blood and afterwards a few drops of mercury vive will come" then &ive it stron& fire" from above as well as from below for 3 or A hours then &oes the cinabaris in collo della retorta" then let it cool" vessel. Ur fine eep the lac vir&inis separate" the mercury vive also separate and lastly also the cinnabar separate in a =ut in case the lac vir&inis should not be clear and pure" then Martialem 15 half ounces let it fuse" and put thereto plate" let fuse well to&ether" and when it is well fused pour ta e 8e&ulus

it out and pound it small" put it into a retort and pour thereon e2ual wei&ht of lac vir&inis" distil it at first with &ently fire" and at last with stron& heat" and the mil animated in such a manner! 8ecipe de >inabrio B or 3 half ounces" put thereto 1 half ounce pour or place thereon 1? half ounces de Menstrui; let it dissolve at a &entle heat and the mil sed&siato .C0 will become blood e2uestoe' Mercurio noster ios noster essentificatus in " are apt to be purified and 'oined $ el fons vitae" verus " become somewhat yellow" which must be

which fountain the metallic

to&ether" which manner now however by means of the ma&ical elements" that are the Deys to health and wealth" all metals are to be reduced into $ or how the metallic soul is to be &ot" and also the fi*ed Sal and reciproce the wor without the metallica to be con2uered" the process depends more on the manual wor " but as the Science without the wor Science brin&s no fruits" such Science and Manipulation" as far as is possible" is herewith clearly described. The ma&ical elements or the threefold ma&ical fire is 8e&ulus the fire. John de Monte Snyder in tractatis de Metamorphosis planetarum >h. 1A which John de Monte Snyder calls si deve prendere accioche la anima" id est " $ " us Saturni" il

metalica conserved before

thus describes the Ma&ical )ire. With these words <ulcan prepared an artistic firewor " which was made of an un indled fire" a fiery air and a ve&etable salt. %. =. The un indled fire is is " the fiery air is " and the ve&etable " and is thus observed in wei&ht. E half ounces" : B thirds ? half ounces" : 5 thirds 5 to B half ounces" : 1 third Frind all to&ether fine" let fulminate $ eep. id est 1 loth si

The >on'unction and ,mal&amation with the Metals and our re&ulo is done in this wise. 8e&ulus Martiale" ben puri&ato si prende A lotti et del si serva per foliminare" 8e&ulo Martiale 3 lottoni $ of the ........ B loth $ de E loth of the martiale 8e&ulo. 8e&. 1 loth"

fonde bene in sieme" poi si &etta al cannlle e si tritura solilmense" e 1 loth sit amal&amo in i&ne. et .... B lotoni to et

8e&ulo fatto per se" can

et primario il re&ulo e* scori's" uti dictum est" ta e 3 loth powder such in mortano di fero" when this is done ta e thereto 5 loth thin lamels of iron" the thinner the better" lay them into a crucible with cover $ let it &et well red hot" then put in such powdered 8e&ulus in spoonfuls $ let it fuse well with &reat heat" but this si&n must be observed that as soon as the 8e&ulus with the will ta e place in about half an hour. white in colour" that is one si&n. 3 loth 8e&ulus and 5 loth G loth" then / am assured that the reduced to powder and $ 8e&. are become one" which mass must be ept for +estruction. /n this wise are reduced and is called the =rea is in clear fusion the in&ot and it must be then he has ta en sufficient to himself" and it must then be cast" which The other si&n is this" / have ta en

" and the fused mass will wei&h at least A

all metals in materiam primam id est into our

con'unction of the philosophical heaven with the terrestial planets. %ow how these con'oined metals are destroyed with the previous +escribed fulmine radicaliter in aperto /&ne" the wei&ht that must be observed" which is of &reat importance" the followin& is a clear report and actual e*perience as namely to the con'oined mass of &old and martial re&ulus of half ounce of these clear powdered mass are re2uired of the aforedescribed fulmen.... 4 loth .or half ounces0. To one half ounce of the 7unar is re2uired of the fulmen...? loth. To one loth of the <enereal .... A loth of the fulmen is re2uired. (f

the re&. el

to one loth...? loth fulmen; of the


" to one

loth of such con'oined mass is re2uired of the fulmen 3 loth the same also if you would fulminate the Martial 8e&ulus. %ow when the fulmen $ the con'oined metal have been mi*ed to&ether then it is needful to have at hand a crucible as red:hot as is possible surrounded with red:hot charcoals. /n such red:hot crucible the aforesaid fulmen with the con'oined metals is thrown in by spoonfuls" but that at all times that which has been thrown in before must be in fusion. %ow when the whole matter has been thrown in" then ta e &reat care that the fire does not diminish" the better the fire and the stron&er it is" the more throu&hly will the metal be destroyed" but on the contrary if the fire is too small the matter remains $ hardens to a blac mass" which can hardly be any more brou&ht into fusion e*cept with the most violent heat and pro'ection of Sal %iter" but which cannot be done without +an&er. Therefore observe as a principal rule to destruction of metals. )urther let it be nown that a certain si&n must be observed that the sla&" metal does not burn away or be reduced to a blac you &et then neither nor eep a &ood heat in the

for when the metal in stron& heat becomes a vitrum then all is lost" for but only a totally burnt matter" that and must be thrown away! now the correct manipulation and can not be used to universal or particular wor To prevent this is of conse2uence to

observe this si&n namely when the thorou&hly mi*ed matter has been thrown into the >rucible and is continually standin& in fusion" you will continually see for a certain time a flashin& smo e above the crucible and not be able well to see the fusion of the matter" then is the time to cast and you will find a blac ish mass and lowest at the bottom a little of the con'oined 8e&ulus" the less there is the better" then you are assured that neither the nor the have been endan&ered in the fire" as there was still some matter left for the fulmen to lay hold of. The fulminated matter must now be reduced to powder" and placed to filter with cold common well water" the water filtered throu&h is put to&ether and some vine&ar is mi*ed with it then the water becomes and appears as blood" in this wise the metallic filterin& the common water and acetum. can be easily &ot by must dili&ently and nown by =ut the followin& must thereby be

observed" namely that all saline admi*tures of the

well be washed away with common water" which can not only be when the common water has been poured on the filtered is filtered throu&h" pour a little

smell and taste" but also the followin& si&n will be observed" namely" " and the water into it" if the colour of the

water is &reen or yellowish then there is still some saline admi*ed to the the " but if the water &ains no other colour than ordinale mente" then has been well cleansed from all Salines. in the fulminated matter" then let the

%ow when there is no more with followin& manner!

yellow feces dry" when they are dry" rub to powder and fulminate it ad

1? loth .half ounces0

16 loth .half ounces0 5 loth .half ounces0 This is alto&ether pulveri#ed and put thereto ? loth well desiccated id est well dried feces mentioned above and mi*" then throw into a red hot crucible" and let it fuse in stron& heat for H of an hour or more" then pour it out" pulveri#e" and put it to filter and with common water the little with addition of aceti is washed away. Then dry the feces" pulveri#e them and in a wide crucible put them to calcinate" the crucible bein& covered" and let it thus calcinate well for 15 to 1? hours" namely until it becomes whitish or ashy colour" then put it a&ain to filter. )ilter the Salt well with hot water until there is no more Salt therein" 2ual nel &ustare delle feco si puo conoscere" the water filtered throu&h put into &lass basons on hot sand and let it &radually evaporate until the %. =. appears 2uite dry and white" then it is ready. The Martial Salt will commonly fall somewhat reddish" e*cept the

first which &ive a 2uite white

. =ut if you would have these salts hi&her and more spiritualised they

should be rectified with well rectified Spirit of Wine or else with rectified aceto or with common well:water" and their colour will be encreased" but / hold it advisable if they appear clear and white at the first time eep those for althou&h one may dissolve and coa&ulate such ept and salts they will be found in same wei&ht almost. The feces remainin& from the filtration of the Salts" are whether it still &ives off a and &ained. %ow follows the >omposition of the >omposition of the Universale Feneralissimo. /n this wise! Ta e of the fi*ed and clear metalico" &rind when there is sufficient it should a&ain be tried with the fulmine" " if not" it can be cast away. /n this described manner" all metallic and mineral salts are con2uered

it on a clean porphyry" thereof one half ounce" or as much as you will" upon one half ounce of put A or more or ? halfounces therein will dis: lacle <ir&ineo place it in a &entle heat for some 36 hours" or at the lon&est for B days and ni&hts" and the solve" as much as is a&reeable to the mil " then pour it off and eep it in warmth until the followin& con'unction. Similarly ta e two half ounces and pour thereon 16 to 15 half " and the ounces of Mil " and let it stand as lon& as the

will become opened in the mil " when this has happened" pour the two solutions to&ether into a lon& nec ed phial close the mouth of the phile well with a cor and white wa*" and place it at first and thic li e pitch" then ad di&estionem into a very &entle heat for B6 or B? days and ni&hts" and the matter will Ibecome 2uite blac &ive it a stron&er heat" that it be&ins to come whitish or ashen &rey" then au&ment a&ain the fire" that the matter &ets 2uite white. %ow when it is become 2uite white .but before that many and wonder: ful colours will appear0 then &ive it stron& heat" till it becomes 2uite red. When it has been brou&ht to 2uite a red mass" and the matter on the bottom of the phial remains 2uite fi*ed" then it must be fermented and imbibed. )or e*ample! / have ta en of the solution of the is. and 1 loth de fi*ed. %. =. (ne to 16 is thus to be understood that nemely to 16 loth of is." et aa. " with one loth essentificati tincture G loth de must be ta en. To this massa of 53 loth when it has to be fermented for the secind time is done as follows! / ta e fine Pr. " three times passed dissolve the same in " precipitate it with Sp. is." or Tartari" li*ivate the & circiter 56 half ounces" and put thereto 1 upon 16" as namely 1 loth .half ounce0 de " to&ether with 5 loth lac vir&ineo essentificato" and letit thus stand until it a&ain become 2uite red and

&old cal* well and throu&hly" that no acid remains therewith" powder it subtilly on porphyry" to this tincture of 53 loth you must have 5 loth &old cal*" the 1 to 15 is the ferment. 5 loth These are mi*ed with 3 loth decocle <ir&ineo animiato" and

put to the above described 53 loth Tincture and fi*ed to&ether" now when it has a&ain been fi*ed" then imbibe it a&ain cum lacte animato with the fifth part of the wei&ht of the tincture" namely" to B6 loth of the before described universal Medicine / ta e the Ath. part pro imbibitione de menstruu" namely ? loth that is the

first imbibition. To the second............ @ H loth To the third............. 4 G loth To the fourth............ 16 loth Eat sic conse2uently each time with the fifth part of the already fi*ed tincture" that in this wise the Tincture in 2uantitate et 2ualitate in infinitum sau be au&mented" and this Tincture on complete imbibitions tin&es 1 part to 1666 parts of all imperfect Metals into . ,nd the oftener such Tincture is dissolved and coa&ulated the hi&her it tin&es. =ut the imbibitions must always be done with menstruo essentificato" which althou&h it has been mentioned before" but there is a better and hi&her animation of the Menstruu made" if the red Tincture that already been &ot and is made in that wise. Ta e 5 loth" of the Tincture G loth &rind it well to&ether and add 15 loth of the white mil " so that it may remain in &entle heat for two days and ni&hts" then decant and use per imbibitiones ad infinitum. /n conclusion there is a still hi&her multiplication" which philosophers and adepts eep very concealed" namely they say by dissolvin& and con&ealatin& is the stren&th increased. / personally &ained it by e*tra favour of our ,dept. Ta e of the fermented red tincture post of mam /mbibitionem 1 half ounce add thereto 16 half ounces menstruo animalo" let it dissolve in &entle heat" that it may &o perfectly blac and into putrefaction" then encrease the fire until the perfect red" the lon&er with stron&er fire which happens within two months" and one part tin&es 16"666 parts" and this is the true Multiplication that always encreases ten fold in mantitate et 2ualitate for ever" almost beyond computation. =ut as concerns human health this must be observed" that such de primo ordine before it has been fermented" id est" when it comes to the perfect red" of the same 5 to B and at most 3 &rains de 5 ordine" when it has been @ times imbibed one to two &rains" de Brd. ordine so such tenfold in 2uantitale of 2ualitate encreased that a mustard seed therefore is sufficient. venient li2uor or cordial. Ta e it in any con: >ome il adepto misustru isse.

%ow follows the other Universal Wor . Which is not &eneralissimo" but only such a universal wor that

chan&es all imperfect metals into constant &old and silver" but not in such form and fineness as the before described" but it can be

au&mented in 2ualitate et 2uantitate per imbibitiones" that one part of such tincture can transmute several hundred parts of im: perfect metals" and the con'unction and fi*ation is done in the followin& manner! Ta e lunar 1 loth" Sulphur B drachmas" Sulphur B drachm. Frind it to&ether to finest powder" put it in a phiel con il collo lon&o" and pour in ? loth of the mil animated with ,ntimonial >innabar. and with white wa*" place it >lose the &lass well with a cor

at first for some 56 days into &entle heat" and it will 2uite at the be&innin& enter into putrefaction" and thus in &entle heat dissolve and coa&ulate" when you observe that the blac is about to pass away" then you must &ive another &rade of fire" until it be&ins to have divers colours" then &ive stron&er heat" namely the third &rade" and you will &et the perfect white" when the white has ta en place then &ive the fourth &rade of the fire that you may see the red. This red has no real stability" for it will now turn whitish now reddish then is time that it must be fermented" in such a manner when there is of the Tincture 4 G loth" 1 ta e to it G loth and G loth with 5 loth of the animated mil " put it in di&estion for some days and ni&hts" at first in &entle afterwards in stron&er heat" namely in the fourth &rade" and &et the perfect fi*ed red. This is fermented to become Tincture in the followin& way! Ta e reduced to cal* by and li*ivated of all acidity" if cal* 1 loth" the Tincture is in wei&ht 11 G loth" / ta e of the

and B loth of the menstruo essentificato" put it to&ether and when it has come to coa&ulation" then / have 1A G loth" then / ta e a&ain the other imbibition as with the Ath. part" that is" B loth of animated mil " let it a&ain to&ether coa&ulate and fi*. /n the third imbibition ta e /n the fourth imbibition ta e /n the fifth imbibition ta e /n the si*th $ seventh B G loth 3 G loth A loth ? loth.

,fter termination of all imbibitions ta e out the tincture" divide the same into other and lar&er &lasses" and au&ment the same a&ain with the fifth part of the fi*ed tincture in 2uantitate et 2ualitate ad libitum. This Tincture after seven imbibitions tin&es 1 part to 166 parts of all imperfect metals into constant &old" and the oftener it is imbibed and coa&ulated" the hi&her it &ets in its operation" that one part transmutes several hundred parts of impure metals into fine &old.

Then it is increased in 2uantitite in the followin& manner! /f you put of such tincture B parts to one part of pure &old in a crucible that well endureth the fire" lute the same well and set it in a &ood wind and meltin& furnace and eep it in fusion for three days and ni&hts" when all will become a vitrum" of which 1 part thrown on 166 parts of heated Mercury e* destillatione of the white mil will still become tincture" and tin&es 1 part also " and this is an increase some hundred parts of other Metals into hot before you pro'ect the tincture upon it. =ut per corpo humano this universal medicine is used a&ainst all diseases" unfermented" from 3" A or ? &rains. only one &rain. Particulare e* universali. Ta e or Sal 1 loth" 5 loth mi* well et Post eni /mbibitiones 1" 5" or at most B &rains" but if it has been fre2uently au&mented you &ive

in short time in 2uantitate" but the Mercury must be made rather

to&ether" >innabrio

with G loth well eli*ivated silver cal*" &rind it well animated with i in this wise you put first the mil at the bottom of and

to&ether" and add thereto B G loth of mil

the phial" which is best if it have a flat bottom" and thereon put the mi*ture de et fermento; >lose the phial with a cor white wa*" and put it at first 5 or B wee s in &entle di&estion that throu&h putrefaction it may &et to perfect coa&ulation and ash colour then increase the fire until the matter &ets 2uite white" when it is 2uite white then &ive it another imbibition with tacle animato" that it may become more easily fusible than with 5 loth of the mil " or also a little more" when it has come throu&h putre: factio ad albedinem" it is a medicine per put one part of comune ad au&mentum and common perpetuum in this wise that you ta e of this Medicine B parts and com. that has been washed with " &rind it to&ether and put it ad di&estionem for 13 days or 51 days at most" and the libitum and the au&mentum com. will become perfectly fi*ed and able perpetuum is always continued with a to pass cupellation" in such wise that you can set such au&mentum ad third part of into

=ut there is still a better au&mentation that tin&es all metals to be done with this particular process namely; when it has de or or also with both to&ether and 5 loth arrived at the perfect white you can at once imbibe and ferment it with both

animated Menstruo that has melted with the fourth &rade of the fire to perfect red" and it is also very &ood and very serviceable when it has &ot to the red" that it should a&ain be imbibed with 1 loth and 5 loth de Menstruo and a&ain be brou&ht per omnes into constant &old" and such imbibition colores ad rubedinem" then it tin&es one part to 16 parts of im: perfect metals e*cept only with addition of the Ath or 3th. part of de Solo Menstruo essentificito; can such tincture be au&mented so hi&h in 2uantitate et 2ualitate" that 1 part will tin&e several 166 parts. The other Particular. Ta e well eli*ivated cal* of 7una 3 loth et ana G loth. +e a will

Menstruo essentificito 5 H loth put it to&ether let it di&est for a time of 3 wee s at first &ently" then with stron& heat" and all the become &ood .

The third Particular. Ta e cal* 5 loth" & de Marte G loth" 1 G loth"

Menstruo essentificato con >innabrio

1 G loth" put it to&ether

for a month" at first &entle and then stron& heat till it &ets red" then imbibe it well with 1 H loth id est A +rachmas of mil and by stron& fire let it &et red at once. loth pro'ected upon 5 mar 15 loth of (f this medicine 5 standin& un fusion &ives 16 to $ into constant .

and when this medicine has been fre2uently imbibed with

Menstruo animato" it tin&es also

%ow follows how the true ,urum Potabile also potabile can be made. )irstly ma e a pure de " or " dissolve the same in

Menstruo nostro animiato con >innabaro" leave it for four days and ni&hts in 2uite &entle heat" and the Menstruum will dissolve the most noble lar or or and the menstruum will become cloudly" upon the same pour rectified Spirit <ini Tartarisati" leave it to putrify in =alneo for a month" till the S. <. becomes hi&hly coloured" distil the S. <. off with &entle fire" and you will &et the true ,urum Potabile" which can not a&ain be reduced to a corpus; (f this use 1" 5" or at the most B +rops. wise all Metallic as well de as of potability and used as hi&h Medicine. ,nd in this can be brou&ht to

)urther follows how all &ems" as diamonds" rubies" and emeralds and sapphires can be au&mented" tin&ed and brou&ht into a true Tincture. Ta e of the second or third 8e&ulo the is fused with $ and the made of the feces" when has been washed off" as is

clearly described on pa&e ?" ta e the same re&ulo" powder it" then ta e thereof B or 3 loth and of the &em" be it +iamond" ruby or what you will" mi* it well to&ether and put it in a covered crucible should have a hole in the centre" place it in a fire of calcination for 53 hours" then open the >rucible and feel with an iron rod if there is any re&ulus left therein" and in case the re&ulus therein is in fusion then let it &o off with a &ood fire and stirrin& con: tinually" till all is reduced to powder" then ta e it out" let it &et cold" and put it on an iron patola" let it &et red hot in the fire" and cast it while red hot into the hereafter described water" and the &ems will become perfectly calcined and can be reduced to fine powder by &rindin&" and the more fre2uently this is done of &ettin& it red hot and then 2uenchin& it the better it will be. >ommon distilled well:water by wei&ht 3 lbs. therein dissolve 4 loth" Sal >ommune 4 loth" and Sal %itro 4 loth. /n this water is done the 2uenchin& of all and clear inds of &ems. ,lthou&h there are also other calcinations of &ems accordin& to the ways of some adepts as with pure with addition of a fi*ed Sal >ommune" but these are lon& and difficult processes and the before described way is the best because &iven by e*perience and proved to be real by adepts. %ow when the &ems have been reduced to subtile powder" ta e of the same one part as for instance! Fem powder 1 loth A loth B loth 1 loth this all well mi*ed to&ether and G loth >innabrio &round into it that

the &ems may be more throu&hly attac ed" and such composition is thrown in spoonfuls in a very red hot crucible and with best heat as possible ept in continual fusion for a 2uarter of an hour" then pour it out on a &rindin& stone reduce it to powder" and put it to filter with common well:water that all acidity may &o away" but the sulphur you must con2uer by pourin& into the first water runnin& throu&h the filter" of which by wei&ht very little will be &ained.

The feces are thus calcined ad salom but they must at first be well desiccated" else they are not &ood for fulmination! Ta e the feces........... 3 loth ........... 4 loth .......... 3 loth ........... G loth

mi* it well to&ether let it well fuse to&ether for a time that one could say several times the 7ords Prayer" then pour it out and with dili&ence reduce it to fine powder" then per filtrum deprive it of the saline which can be discerned by tastin&. When this has been done" ta e the faces let them a&ain be well dried and put them to a &ood calcinin& fire in a wide crucible" and calcine for 53 hours" that the crucible may stand at all times in a &ood heat" then ta e it out let it cool" pulverise" and put it to filter with boilin& water. Put the water into evaporatin& basons till the in this wise you &et the mil the $ of all &ems. is well dried"

The lac vir&inis is animated therewith in this way! Ta e of the white which is 2uite pure which must not be animated with ou&ht else than of &ems" as follows! 1 loth of the of &ems is ta en to 4 loth

of the mil " place it into &entle heat" that it may dissolve then let it stand in a closed vessel for three days and ni&hts" and the menstruum will absorb the most noble and essencified therewith. =ut the >on'unction of the Tincture is done in the followin& way! (f the white unfermented earth" &enerated by the con'unction of et cum menstruo nostro and called abbificatio; 3 loth G loth G loth 5 loth. et to&ether put into a ta e abbificatio of the &em the &em

(f the ri&htly animated Medicine

This all well mi*ed" namely" la terra alba

phial and then the menstruum poured thereon" set it at first in &entle heat for 4 days and ni&hts" then continue with stron&er fire to the hi&hest white and it will tin&e >rystal" made soft or red hot" to the hi&hest +iamond" in the red colour should it have been fermented with +iamond" to true >arbuncle" in the &reen colour if it is so fermented with emerald" to the hi&hest &reen Emerald. /n the blue colour to Sapphires and lastly should it be fermented with the et delli rubini and brou&ht into these" it will also tin&e >rystal to such hi&h 8ubies as in lustre will not be inferiour to diamond.

This tincture is always animated with its li e animated menstruo continually multiplied and imbibed. ,lways if there is ? loth of Tincture in wei&ht li e 1 G loth of the animated mil . (ne more Particular pro >orpo homano to be used in all +iseases" its dose is from 1" 5" to B &rains. %amely Sal ........... 5 loth G loth 1 loth 1 loth This all well mi*ed to&ether put it in a phial" and pour thereon 1 G loth de menstruo animato" and di&est it within two months time at first in &entle and afterwards in stron& heat to redness" it is an e*cellent medicine as before mentioned. /t is au&mented con et in this wise! :: G loth" (f the Tincture there is @ loth" ta e thereto

menstruo animato 1 loth and in this way it is always au&mented.

Merton 53 /<. 1E61

J. D.

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