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Theory of Media
Fernando Jess Garca Hpola

1. Leadership
What is leadership? We call leading to the ability of a person or persons to influence the behavior of others. In every human society is structured in such a way that always gives some form of leadership. This can be a hierarchical structure vertically, horizontally, or even simply be dynamic. The book in question is rationally explain what are the underlying principles for a person to be a leader, and how does this affect human society. We will have our interest focused on why the media will have great power in today's society. To begin with, we must distinguish leadership fame: not always a celebrity have to be a leader. A model can be world famous and yet not have any influence on the behavior of people. Einstein, for example, developed a theory that has been very important in the development of modern physics. However, many of his ideas were met with skepticism and had little influence on their political views on the dismantling of nuclear bombs. On the other hand, there may be leaders who are barely known, but they have a great power over decisions in society. Probably no one knows the name of the president of the WHO, but certainly he has a great influence in global health. Leadership is something that cannot be studied with the inevitability of science: there are plenty of variables that explain leadership, many of them beyond the reach of the leader himself. Many depend on the context: Churchill, for example, was a great leader during World War II, when he finished this, also ended the context, and it was so tactical

leadership of Churchill were not so effective: it was re-elected president despite his achievements. There is a belief that leadership is an innate ability and acquired. An experiment demonstrated the interaction between acquired skills and innate abilities: he asked a group of entrepreneurs who will hire a group of people who had been categorized according to their beauty: indeed, the most attractive people were chosen. Later, he repeated the process, but only showing the curricula, not pictured: the beauty of the people obviously did not influence the decisions of employers. Finally, they were asked that will select after having telephone interviews. Surprisingly, people chosen were the most attractive. The explanation is that the security they had the most attractive people to be more attractive was manifested in his voice. Thus, it was demonstrated that attitudes are often purchased based on the confidence that has a person itself. Therefore, a quality that every leader should have is selfconfidence and determination, qualities that can be learned.

2. Power in Leadership
There can be no leadership without power. The power could say it is the ability of a leader to control in part the will of a group of people, the followers. However, there are different forms of power: one is the power that is achieved by the use of force, threats of force the will of others. On the other hand, is the power achieved by persuasion, or donating resources. We will study two types: -Hard Power: power is achieved through coercion or threat. It characterizes leaders who are dictators or leaders who control their employees through threats (if you do this you're fired). In a sense it is the most effective form of power in the short term, but also the most expensive, amoral and probably the last that should be used. All nations can use this power in their armies, but this is obviously a last resort to be used. -Soft Power: power is achieved through persuasion and dialogue. For example, "A Goverment May try to persuade young people to forgo drugs With An advertisment campaign featuring attractive celebrities, but if the soft power fails, the hard power of law enforcement Remains." We should also include here the power achieved through payments, example, the power that I have on an employee that I pay. In the latter case there is a disguised form of Hard Power, because the threat is always there for you to withdraw these payments: "As for Hard Power, Threats and inducements are Closely related. Inducements, rewards, and bonuses are more pleasant to receive as Threats, but the

hint of Their removal can Constitute and effective threat. If I can pay you a bonus, I can Also threaten to take away your bonuses. " Sometimes a leader has Soft Power simply because it shares some goals, a set of beliefs and values shared with his followers: "Soft power can Provide what fund-raisers call the power of the ask:" Someone calls and asks you to make a donation. Sometimes you say yes because is a good cause or in a Exchange of favors, but sometimes you do so simply because of the moral authority of the person asking. " Power is not a one-way relationship: the leader's followers also have power over him, especially in soft power. Fans always have the capacity to threaten the leader with stop following if this does not change their behavior. Power is also transitive: the leader can impose on their followers to be leaders turn to other followers.

3. Power and Networks

Human society can be viewed as a network in which nodes are its members. Power is not more than the capacity of a node to influence other nodes. This is done through the ties between different nodes, that is, information channels. There is evidence that it is easier to share information between individuals (nodes) that maintain a strong friendship between no. The advantage of this data, therefore, is to provide reliable and steady. However, it has been found that it is better for leadership weak links between nodes, since they provide latest information. Thus, a good leader should try to keep a greater number of ties that provide new information. For example, between a television viewer and journalist who writes the news there is a weak link: however, the information given is less recurrent than that which can give the viewer a friend, then that information will be recurring, monotonous, and less specialized. The information is being shown as the instrument of power of the XXI century. Says one sentence: "Wars are won not with tanks and bombs, but with the influence the media have on public opinion." It is for this reason that each are leaders should rely more on soft power of communication to the hard power of coercion. Moreover, it says that the current hierarchical system is evolving to a feminine culture. Indeed, more and more important for leaders dialogue and persuasion that the use of force to influence the society. The existence of such powerful weapons like nuclear bombs make

unfeasible the use of violence (pernicious conflict unleashed!), So diplomatic attitude in social relationships is becoming more important.

4. Types and Skylls

We will study the possible features that can be a leader: -Charisma: Charisma can be defined as the "fascination, glamor exercising some people over others." However, charisma is not really a quality present in leaders, but rather the perception of his followers. A leader may be better or worse ability for others to see charismatic, but the last word I have followers. How does the charisma in the soft power that has a leader? Does not directly influence the leadership that has that leader on followers, but the attribution of that leadership. Before Martin Luther King was a leader that influenced the rights of blacks, but it was Martin Luther King who would be best remembered for this, precisely because of their charisma. We could say that the charisma depends on three factors: the quality of leader that others charismatic vein, the perspective of followers and context. "Followers are more likely to attribute charisma When They feel a strong need for change, in the context of Often a personal, organizational, or social crisis. As Mentioned, the British public did not see Churchill as a leader charicmatic in 1939, but a year later his vision, confidence, and communications skills made him charismatic in the eyes of the British people Given the anxieties They felt after the fall of France and the Dunkirk evacuation. " Transformational and Transactional-Leaders: We can distinguish two types of leaders: the transformational leaders tend to change the value system of their followers and lead to goals that they previously had. They try to show that there is another possible reality, and encourages

them to get it. For their part, leaders use transactional existing motivations to mobilize leaders in that direction. For example, a president who is elected by voters usually a transactional leader: he is expected to lead to the objectives for which voters have chosen. Martin Luther King, meanwhile, was a person who was able to show that white people could respect to blacks, and succeeded. Moreover, it is possible to be both leading at once: "consider the example of Lyndon Johnson. In the 1950s, Senator Johnson wanted to deeply transform racial injustice in the South, but I did not use soft power to preach or to inspire a new vision in the other senator. Instead, I have misled his fellow southerners acerca his intentions and used to transactional style of hard power bullying and bargaining to Achieve progress Toward his transformational style of hard power bullying and bargaining to Achieve progress Toward his transformational Objectives in passing a civil rights bill in 1957 That as anathema to many of the supporters who had made him majority leader. He did not change his followers, but I did begin to change the world of African Americans in the South. " Of course, the transformational leaders are more Effective using soft power. -Emotional Intelligence: this intelligence was described by David Goreman and is quite different from the IQ indicator. Describe the ability of people to understand the emotions and feelings of others. A leader should take greater account of this kind of intelligence, and that this other can be trained and improved. George Bush, for example, has been something that was a factor in emotional intelligence. However, he missed his perseverance in its objectives knew not bother to see

that his followers, and so has not gone down in history as a great leader. -Communication: A good leader must be able to communicate properly are his followers. Good rethorical skills help to generate soft power. For example, Woodrow Wilson was not a good student as a child or a good leader, but the rhetoric that developed much later helped him succeed. By communication we mean not only verbal communication: nonverbal communication we formed 70% of the information to communicate, and is closely related to emotional intelligence of which we spoke. We must not forget that it is the flow of information that regulates the networks that make up the social structure, so whoever controls the media controls the power. -Vision: A leader must have raised a vision, a model of the world to introduce, or the prospect of seeing the world. The world view need not be immediately expressed by the leader: be formed in the interaction with the group. A successful leader knows the modeling world view that informs others to adapt to the demands and desires of their followers. The further this vision of the world's most transformational reality will be that leader is, and the more suited to the vision that already have their followers, more talk of a transactional leader. -Organizational Skills: the way the leader has to organize his followers influence the success of your leadership. Every leader, with all his followers, creates a proto-institution or institution. How to organize this institution will be how to organize the behavior of the network it manages. The leader and followers depend choose a leadership structure more or less centralized, the first leader relegate more

responsibilities, and make your skills more crucial in the proper functioning of the whole. In contrast, a less centralized structure will be more stable to depend more on the behavior of all followers, but give less power to the leader. -Maquiavellian Political Skills: David McClelland has shown that leaders who absolutely need to have to make better leaders, but only if they develop an internal strategy to control the need for power. In this regard, the Skills Maquiavellian become useful. Arguably one of the premises of these skills is to use the insecurities and weaknesses of followers as instruments of power. In turn, "the end justifies the means" and there should be no moral barriers that prevent the normal development of the power of the leader. There is a famous phrase of Machiavelli says "being loved depends on others, but be remido depends on the leader himself." With this assumption legitimate use versus Hard Power Soft Power. Not every leader must have these qualities on moral grounds, but no longer useful in some of them. Hitler, despite the barbarism committed, was a good leader in that knew influencing attitudes of the German population. In this sense, every leader must forge its own ethics when it comes to choosing how to send.

5. Contextual intelligence
At one point of our discussion where we stated that the qualities of a leader depended largely on the context. A good leader is one who knows how to exploit the surrounding circumstances. For example General Electric is notable for good CEOs who have led, however, when one of those CEO have migrated to another company, have not succeeded in this. Why are leaders who succeed in one context but fail in another? Each leader will be good in a particular area, as each level requires certain characteristics that leader may or may not have. Contextual Intelligence call the leader's ability to adjust to a new context. Success in a given context depends on the accuracy and completeness with which the leader develops a mental model of the situation, and applies anticipating problems that may arise. Anthony Mayo and Nitin Nohria have defined contextual intelligence as the ability to understand a dynamic environment. Politically it can be said that a good leader is one who knows how to interpret the underlying logic in universal history, and use of social movements in their favor. If Hitler had set out its ideas in a time of economic prosperity in Germany, probably would not have succeeded. But the other leader to maximize the context, can also influence it to your advantage. If the leader wants to create change in their followers, a good method is to create a sense of crisis for the group of followers believe external pressure to make that demand change. On the

contrary, if the leader wants to maintain its influence in the same direction, you should try to convey a sense of stability. Is where play a crucial role media. They are best able to communicate to his followers the vision of a context they want: by setting the agenda, can manipulate the concerns and demands of the people. They can also create context thus influencing what kind of leaders will emerge. An indirect way of leadership is choosing what kind of leaders you want to stay, as this represents an establishment of your interest on the rest. There are five dimensions that a leader has to understand when applying contextual intelligence: 5.2. Culture "Culture is the recurrent pattern of Behaviour by which groups transmit knowledge and values". Culture sets the framework within which leaders must act: "Culture and leadership are two sides of the same coin in cultures create yourself first leaders That When They create yourself groups and organizaciones. Once culture exists, THEY determine the criteria for leadership and Malthus determine who will or will not be a leader. "Attribution of charisma that leaders give their followers depends largely on criteria established by the culture. Gandhi is known that greatly influenced the ideas of Martin Luther King, but their styles were very different, molded by Indian culture and American respectively. To illustrate how important it can be for the leadership culture, will this example: in 1990. Two new Mexico movements emerged to improve the conditions of the population. The Zapatista Army of National Liberation was successful, while the popular

Revolutionary Army did not. The commander Marcos, leader of the first group, had spent a decade in the jungle and it had changed his ideas (without losing their esencia9 to fit in with the ideology of the Mexican population. Another example is how many older people left Chrysler after. they merged with Daimler-Benz in 1998 IBM for its part has a program of indoctrination of employees on cultural issues but not only found differences in the cultural level of the country, but also of institutions Following the attacks of September 11th..; management was ineffective in part by differences in communication between FBI and CIA: the philosophy of the two institutions difficult communication between them. The language is closely related to culture: a good understanding of the culture will be a good understanding of language, and therefore a good way for the leader to express their ideas and understand it without ambiguity. Have been identified up to four macro cultural patterns Europe, which can assist in understanding the world: anglo market orientation, french pyramidal structures, scandinavian consencusal approach, and German machine efficiency. A European must understand these differences: for example, a two-hour meeting in Germany in Italy can take all day, even being called "two-hour meeting." Meanwhile, "the GLOBE project 17300 Administered questionnaires in sixty-two societies, and On That basis indentified ten clusters With Different Cultural characteristics: Latin America, Anglo, Latin Europe, Nordic Europe, Germanic Europe, Eastern Europe, Confunian Asia, Southern Asia , Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle east. And Within each of These clusters, national, regional, local, religious, organizational,

and other subcultures exist. Leaders face daunting challenges in understanding national Differences in cultural context. " 5.3. Distribution of Power Resources Another dimension that forms the contextual intelligence is the ability to sense the distribution of power in a group. A leader is leading a group of followers who already has a hierarchy. In this sense, we can distinguish internal power (which comes from within the hierarchy itself) and external power sources, which are those that come from an alien hierarchy and generally restricted group behavior. Culture influences the distribution of power in Arabic and Oriental cultures, there is a strong legitimation of power, which subordinates remain as subordinates of their own volition and are maintained as subordinating subordinating. In other cultures the followers may question much power structure, and rebel against the establishment. Also good for a leader to understand their own power to handle it. Sometimes a leader believed to have much more power than he has (which generates disobeying orders), or having less than it actually has (leadership inefficient). 5.4. Followers Needs and Demands It is important to understand the demands and needs of the followers so that they remain faithful to the leader. In turn, when the leader has to make painful decisions and sacrificed they will not like his followers, he should know that reasons can justify such decisions. Vroom distinguishes the following five types of leadership in the consideration of the followers is concerned:

-Leaders who make decisions alone. -Leaders who decide after a public consultation (but which the leader decides). -Making in the context of a query. -Facilitate decisions to others (for example, they give the options and choose one leader) -Leave-making in the hands of the followers. These types are ordered according to the power that he gives to followers. However, which one is best depends on the context. For example: "In my own experience as an academic administrator, I had to learn Which decisions (sometimes important tones over budget and fund-raising) the faculty did not want me to bother them with, you and which ones They insisted on having key gift input (faculty appointments). Sometimes fans ask autocratic leader decisions. If it reacts with openness, may be seen as a sign of weakness. Conversely, sometimes fans ask more active, and if it gives them can rebel against the leader holds power. Usually in routine and recurring situations the leader should make the decision alone. In novel or complicated situations should consult their followers. A very worthy tactic is that the leader is already determined to choose a decision, but to make a query only to legitimize the decision (which was going to make anyway).

6. Crisis and time urgency

"A Crisis is a turning point in an unstable situation, and it IMPLIES Generally urgency in terms of time. But sometimes means an importunate urgency Merely pressing problem or That Persists over long periods, and people use the term "crisis" as a metaphor for long-drawnout challenge precesses That important values "When a crisis arises slowly, leaders have more time to face and respond efficiently. We said that sometimes leaders try to create a sense of crisis because it relaxes the obstacles that restrict their power. If a leader, for example, wants control over his group of followers, a good way is to create a feeling of insecurity for these demand more security measures in a sense diminishes freedom. "Creating a sense of crisis, is one of the ways That leaders use to educate followers about the need for adaptive change". The medium rare communication contribute time to relax a crisis usually exaggerate. That is why so many times the leader need only create the impression that there is a small crisis to be the media that distribute the. We can differentiate between routine crisis and new crises. A hurricane or California earthquake in Japan is a routine crisis. The system and institutions are so standardized to fight it that quickly solved. In these cases the importance of the leader is rather small: "Studies of airlines flying pilots Because Routines That shows are so standardized and technologically controlled, the performance of cockpit crews is Little Affected by Differences in Normal captains under circumstances." In new crises, not being so standard modus operandi of the group leader's influence is much greater. He is responsible for how the group will act, and the consequences of their decisions are your

responsibility. Has also been shown that standardized routines can be unproductive novel crisis. For example, "New York firefighters heroically fought the fires in the Twin towers simply as an enlarged version of a fire leaderboards. They missed the novelty of the structural damage fairly high up that would lead to the collapse Rapidly of the buildings. " Leonard and Howitt notes that routine crisis, better leadership must consist of a hierarchy that generalized models applicable to specific situations. In the novel crisis is best a lateral and horizontal structure in which several people involved in leadership to find creative and efficient solution.

7. Information Flows
Cherner Barnard notes that each group has a formal system of informal information or other information. For example, governments produce thousands and thousands of documents, but often is more important oral communication. Moreover, gossip makes up an important part of the flow of information throughout company. Many times leaders can know what fans want to hear from him controlling the information channels. Franklin Roosevelt described himself as a "political juggling" in the sense that it was able to manipulate the flow of information in their favor. The more you one free, more chances to choose. Sometimes it is more important to the quality of the information quantity. In the battlefield commanders need little information (but accurate) in the shortest time possible. New applications like Twitter make it necessary to synthesize information and understand that information synthesized. Similarly, it is important to know how the followers understand what is communicated: thus may provide a much less ambiguous and more effective message.

8. Good and Bad Leaders

In judging whether a leader is good or bad, we can do based on two criteria: -The influence of degree of influence that had the leader in his followers. -Ethics in the form of direct leader. For the first criterion, Adolf Hitler was a good leader. For the second, was disastrous. The Machiavellian Skills we mentioned above were effective at the time of leading a group of followers, but to what extent is it ethical that the end justifies the means? H. Brunham leaders distinguishes three groups according to their motivation: a) Those who want to meet their goals. b) Those who want to have good relations with the rest even at the expense of not accomplish his goals. c) Those who are more concerned with control followers. The third group turns out to be the best leaders for the first criterion but not the second. There is a psychological syndrome called "Bathsheba syndrome", and that is that the leader feels no need to be ethical when wields great power. This would explain how dictators like

Muammar Gaddafi, who at first defended values such as equality and freedom, became authoritarian and oppressive. Moreover, there is a public and a private moral leader: if you really want to lead, must comply with the public, unless you want to change it, a common dilemma for leaders is the phenomenon of dirty hands. "To advance the interests of the group For Whom doing lot fiduciary responsibility, leaders May Have to do Things They would not be willing to do In Their private lives". An example: Imagine you are an observer of the UN in Darfur and you've reached a village where a commander has sent twenty people run. One of them knows who killed a soldier, and that's going to amatar all. You go and try to stop it naturally. Then the commander gives his gun and tells you that if you kill one of the people, not kill the rest. What decision should be made in this case: to kill one person, it would probably be innocent, but save the rest, or let the cruel commander kill twenty people?

9. Relation Between Leaders and Followers

As a leader influences his followers, the followers influence their leader. A leader becomes so because the followers decide to follow, so that how to be a leader depends on the followers. It is for this reason that in these cultures find themselves leading patterns. "But certainly bad produces bad leaders help followers and constraint good ones". The behavior of a leader depends largely on his followers. We can make the following types of fans depending on their attitude to the leader: Low Loyalty Independent thinking Thinking Compliant Alienated Passive High Loyalty Empowered Conformist

By Compliant thinking we mean that fans will always think the same think the leader, while independent thinking means that you simply follow the leader because they want "One executive Told another:." If I point my hand to the north and say "go", four thousand employees will march obediently, even over the Cliff. The second executive Respond, "if I were to point my arm to the northeast or northwest so we avoid going over the cliff" ". So in an empowered group of followers, tend to threaten to leave the leader if it changes its decisions not only disagree, but also to take on the right track. The aligned just drop the leader when this does not answer your interests. Liabilities are always agree on the decisions of the leader, but do little to help. The conformists are good followers, but

also did not help much the leader. Thus, the best fans you can have a leader are empowered. It's very different to want to have power over others who have shared power with others. So a leader who shares power with his followers will have far less chance of being wrong than one who does not. Moreover, if you are wrong, its ruling will not be reprimanded by his followers, as these helped in the decision. The media make much use of these strategies in order to align followers with their leaders, or confront them. Thus, a newspaper can get voters to support a candidate showing that their errors were actually a result of a common consensus. The sample mean is as powerful tools for leadership. Another use is the Model Two-Steps. It media messages are aimed at the so-called opinion leaders. These are those who accept or reject such messages and distributed by the population (by having knowledge of the communication flows to a more interpersonal level).

Bibliography: S. NYE Jr. Joseph (2008). The Powers to Lead. New York: Oxford University Press.

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