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Lakshmana Sarma Give up the element of unreality of this soul, the body and all the rest of it,

and fix the mind on the consciousness of the Self that has the form of 'I'. This is extremely subtle, like a ray of the real Self. The seeker should then dive into the Heart, seekin the place of birth of this 'I!sense' by askin the "uestion '#ho am I$' or '#hence is this I$' This is the %ay a do re&oins his master, seekin him by follo%in his scent. It is like a diver divin into %ater to recover somethin that has fallen there. This is the %ay to attain one's o%n real state. 'amana (aharshi Silence is the most potent form of %ork. The uru is "uiet and peace prevails in all. His silence is more vast and more emphatic than the scriptures put to ether. In fact the uru is al%ays %ithin you. The uru's silence is the loudest teachin . It is also race in its hi hest form. Silence is the true teachin . It is the perfect teachin . It is suited only for the most advanced seeker. The others are unable to dra% full inspiration from it. Therefore they re"uire %ords to explain the truth. )ut truth is beyond %ords. It does not admit of explanations. *ll that is possible to do is to indicate it. Silence is meditation %ithout mental activity. The inner silence is self!surrender and that means livin %ithout the sense of the e o. Silence comes into bein %hen the individual is completely free from e o, %hen he surrenders himself totally to the Lord. Silence is truth. Silence is bliss. Silence is peace. *nd hence silence is the Self. +nly silence is the eternal speech. The only %ords, the heart to heart talk. Sa es say that the state in %hich the thou ht 'I' ,the e o- does not rise in the least is Self %hich is silence. That silence, Self, alone is God. Self alone is the individual soul, Self alone is this ancient %orld. The experience of silence alone is the real and perfect kno%led e. The pure state of bein attached to race ,Self-, %hich is devoid of any attachment, alone is one's o%n state of silence, %hich is devoid of any other thin . /no% that one's ever abidin as that silence, havin experienced it as it is, alone is true %orship. /no% that the performance of the unceasin , true and natural %orship in %hich the mind is submissively established as the one Self, havin installed the Lord on the heart throne, is silence, the best of all forms of %orship. Silence, %hich is devoid of the assertive e o, alone is liberation. The for etfulness of Self %hich causes one to slip do%n from that silence, alone is non!devotion. /no% that abidin as the silence %ith the mind subsided as non!different from Self is the true devotion to God. The inner silence is self!surrender, and that is livin %ithout the sense of e o. 0our duty is to be and not to be this or that. The method is summari1ed in ')e still'. The Self is simple bein , )2 3 The experience 'I am' is bein still. The Self is God. 'I am' is God. *ll that is re"uired to reali1e the Self is to be still. #hat can be easier than that$

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