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C 8ox 72
MokhoLlong, 300

1: +266 22 920 434
L: lnfo[

Annual 8eporL 2013 2

2013: Reevaluating and Responding

1hls year was one of pauslng and reevaluaLlng ln response Lo Lhe lnLernal monlLorlng and evaluaLlon pro[ecL of
2012. 11L provldes hlgh-quallLy care and supporL ln all areas: Safe Pome, CuLreach and Lhe vlllage PealLh
Worker (vPW) program, however, we know LhaL Lhere ls always room for lmprovemenL. 1he lnLernal
monlLorlng and evaluaLlon pro[ecL provlded us wlLh valuable lnformaLlon LhaL plnpolnLed Lhe speclflc
processes mosL ln need of growLh and change. We began Lo lmplemenL programmaLlc changes mld-year ln Lhe
Safe Pome, we made conslderable lmprovemenLs Lo our admlnlsLraLlve and flnanclal workflow, we held
numerous sLaff Lralnlngs and we lessened our envlronmenLal fooLprlnL by lnlLlaLlng a roof waLer collecLlon
pro[ecL. We look forward Lo conLlnued lmprovemenL of our organlzaLlon, lnLernally and exLernally, and
conLlnued servlce and supporL Lo Lhe marglnallzed chlldren of LesoLho and Lhelr famllles.
1he CuLreach program conLlnued worklng Lo provlde healLh, nuLrlLlon and developmenL supporL Lo our lnfanL
and chlld cllenLs, educaLlonal and emoLlonal supporL Lo careglvers, and educaLlonal Lralnlngs Lo vlllage PealLh
Workers (vPWs). 1he Safe Pome program perslsLed ln provldlng lnLenslve nuLrlLlonal and developmenLal
supporL Lo our mosL vulnerable lnfanL and chlld cllenLs. Along wlLh ongolng work, 11L made sLrldes ln Lhe area
of lnLegraLed early chlldhood care and developmenL wlLh regard Lo boLh sLaff Lralnlng and servlce dellvery.
ln 2013, 11L supporLed 330 orphaned and vulnerable chlldren ln Lhe MokhoLlong and 1haba-1seka dlsLrlcLs of
LesoLho. We provlded chlldren and Lhelr famllles wlLh a broad range of servlces lncludlng nuLrlLlonal
assessmenLs, lndlvlduallzed food parcels, asslsLance wlLh accesslng healLh servlces and medlcaLlon as well as
chlld developmenL assessmenLs. AddlLlonally, we provlded careglver Lralnlng and educaLlon abouL Loplcs
relaLed Lo nuLrlLlon, complemenLary feedlng, and chlld developmenL. 11L made 1474 vlslLs Lo lndlvldual
famllles. Many of Lhese vlslLs focused on provldlng speclflc supporL Lo Plv+ moLhers. AddlLlonally, 11L's safe-
home provlded essenLlal rehablllLaLlve care Lo LhlrLy-one chlldren.
Cur achlevemenLs are aLLrlbuLed Lhe commlLmenL of our leadershlp and local sLaff as well as Lhe sLrengLh of
Lhe chlldren and famllles LhaL we serve. 1he knowledge and experlence of our LhlrLy-one local 8asoLho sLaff
are an lnLegral parL of 11L's model, provldlng an undersLandlng and reglonal experLlse LhaL guldes our
operaLlons. 1hough we celebraLe Lhe accompllshmenLs of Lhe pasL year, we are also remlnded LhaL Lhere are
sLlll many chlldren ln LesoLho ln need of our servlces. We wlll use Lhls knowledge, ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe
lnslghLs galned Lhrough ongolng lnLernal monlLorlng and evaluaLlon, as a moLlvaLor and gulde Lo grow and
hone our servlces, one chlld aL a Llme.

Annual 8eporL 2013 3

TTL Accomplishments in Numbers

1474 Visits made to childrens homes through the Outreach Program to provide nutritional and medical
support, as well as training to caregivers

366 Clinic and hospital visits made by TTL clients, facilitated by TTL

25 Trainings/site visits to strengthen the Village Health Worker Network and identify children in need of

42 Women living with HIV supported by TTL in their position as caregivers

177 New child clients identified and served by TTL

85 Child clients who reached health and stability and successfully graduated from the Outreach Program

29 Children rehabilitated in the Safe-home

202 Number of 20-kilogram bags of maize meal given to families to combat Lesothos ongoing food

330 Total number of child clients supported in 2013

1334 Total number of TTL child clients served to date

1seplso was dellvered aL home. Per moLher dld noL llve Lo see
1seplso's flrsL day of llfe, a sad, buL common occurrence here ln
Lhe easLern hlghlands of LesoLho. lorLunaLely, alLhough
1seplso's exLended famlly had no means Lo provlde her
nourlshmenL, Lhey knew where Lo Lurn for help and lmmedlaLely
Look her Lo SL. 1heresa's cllnlc. 1he cllnlc alerLed 11L and we
Lraversed Lhe rugged and remoLe mounLaln passes of 1haba -
1seka Lo dlscuss opLlons for young 1seplso's fuLure. Per famlly
allowed 11L Lo brlng llLLle 1seplso Lo Lhe Safe Pome for care.
1hey needed Llme Lo grleve Lhe loss of 1seplso's moLher before
Lhey could focus on flndlng her a full-Llme careglver. Cnce ln Lhe
Safe Pome, her dlmlnuLlve slze won over all who meL her, and
she ofLen slepL ln Lhe arms of a careglver. 1seplso, havlng Lhe
beneflL of a healLhy dleL from day one of llfe, qulckly became
one of Lhe chubblesL, healLhlesL and mosL developmenLally
approprlaLe chlldren ln Lhe Safe Pome. Per squeals of laughLer
could be heard across Lhe bulldlng. WaLchlng her grow and
develop was pure [oy, especlally conslderlng her harrowlng sLarL
ln llfe. AfLer 6 monLhs ln Lhe Safe Pome, 1seplso reunlLed wlLh
her famlly. 1hey recelve supporL vla Lhe CuLreach program Lo
ensure 1seplso conLlnues Lo Lhrlve.
(* Chlld's name changed Lo proLecL prlvacy.)
* 1seplso: Crphaned, 8uL noL Alone

Annual 8eporL 2013 4

TTLs Model at Work

1he CuLreach program ls Lhe hearL of Lhe 11L
servlce model, provldlng care and supporL Lo an
average of 161 chlldren monLhly. 1he CuLreach
Leam Lraverses arduous mounLaln passes ln Lhe
MokhoLlong and 1haba-1seka dlsLrlcLs Lo reach
secluded vlllages. ln addlLlon Lo myrlad healLh
dlfflculLles faced by CuLreach cllenLs, Lhe physlcal
remoLeness of Lhe vlllages compounds Lhelr
challenges. 11L provldes asslsLance ln mulLlple
ways: we dellver monLhly food parcels, we counsel
and educaLe careLakers on Loplcs LhaL lnclude
seeklng medlcal care, adherlng Lo medlcal
LreaLmenL, provldlng adequaLe nuLrlLlon, and
promoLlng lnLegraLed early chlldhood developmenL,
we provlde flnanclal supporL for LransporL Lo Lhe cllnlc or hosplLal, as well as paylng cllnlc and hosplLal fees.
11L's CuLreach program allows vulnerable chlldren Lo recelve llfe-savlng servlces, whlle keeplng Lhelr famllles
boLh lnLacL and lnvolved. 1hls empowers Lhe famlly unlL Lhrough conLlnulng educaLlon and supporL.
Cf Lhe 330 chlldren served by Lhe CuLreach program ln 2013, 304 were from MokhoLlong dlsLrlcL, wlLh Lhe
oLher 26 resldlng ln Lhe Mashal reglon of Lhe 1haba-1seka dlsLrlcL. 11L's CuLreach Leam braved Lhe rough
mounLaln roads of Lhese areas ln order Lo make 1474 lndlvldual vlslLs Lo homes and rural cllnlcs. 8y reachlng
cllenLs ln Lhelr vlllages, 11L bullds rapporL and sees Lhe challenges LhaL each lndlvldual famlly conLends wlLh,
enabllng boLh a hollsLlc and lndlvlduallzed approach Lo servlce. 8y servlng cllenLs ln Lhelr home seLLlng, 11L's
reach exLends far beyond Lhe chlld cllenL Lo lnclude oLhers llvlng ln Lhe same household.
WlLh 11L's supporL, CuLreach cllenLs made 366 vlslLs Lo local cllnlcs and hosplLals. 8y encouraglng and enabllng
Lhese vlslLs Lhrough educaLlon and flnanclal supporL, 11L noL only ensures Llmely and approprlaLe medlcal
care, buL also lnsLllls sLrong LreaLmenL-seeklng behavlor for Lhe fuLure. ln cerLaln slLuaLlons where flnanclal
consLralnLs would prevenL a chlld from accesslng llfe-savlng medlcal care and supporL, CuLreach cllenLs
conLlnue Lo recelve medlcal remuneraLlon upon graduaLlon from Lhe program.
Cf Lhe 330 cllenLs served, 83 cllenLs were successfully
graduaLed afLer achlevlng sLable healLh and nuLrlLlon
sLaLus. 1hanks Lo Lhe supporL of 11L, each of Lhese
chlldren overcame a perlod of vulnerablllLy. 1hey are
now Lhrlvlng wlLh Lhe supporL of Lhelr famllles and
communlLles. Sadly, slxLeen ouLreach cllenLs passed
away durlng 2013. 1hese losses are polgnanL
remlnders of Lhe adverslLy faced by Lhe orphaned and
vulnerable chlldren of LesoLho and of Lhe care and
supporL Lhey so desperaLely need.

Annual 8eporL 2013 3

TTLs Model at Work

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1he Safe Pome conLlnues Lo be a place where 11L cllenLs recelve llfe-savlng care. 1he Safe Pome provldes
Lemporary resplLe ln Lhe form of nuLrlLlonal, medlcal, and developmenLal supporL for chlldren who are
severely malnourlshed and ln crlLlcal need of hollsLlc supporL. Cver Lhe pasL year, Lhe Safe Pome has provlded
supporL Lo 29 of Lhe mosL severely malnourlshed and lll chlldren referred Lo 11L. Cf Lhese chlldren, 26 have
been successfully reunlfled wlLh Lhelr
famllles ln Lhelr home vlllages, Lhey
conLlnue Lo recelve servlces as CuLreach
cllenLs. LlghL lnfanLs and chlldren remaln ln
Lhe safe-home, we look forward Lo
reunlLlng Lhem ln Lhe comlng year. 1hough
we grow qulLe aLLached Lo each lnfanL and
chlld LhaL crosses our Lhreshold, we look
forward Lo reunlfylng Lhem wlLh Lhelr
famllles ln a sLaLe of sLable healLh and
conLlnued supporL.

unforLunaLely, Lhree chlldren passed away
whlle aL Lhe safe-home. 1he lnfanLs and
chlldren LhaL we losL are remlnders of Lhe
necesslLy of Llmely lnLervenLlon and
supporL. 1helr deaLhs are hearLbreaklng,
compounded by elemenLs LhaL cannoL be
easlly remedled: Lerraln, remoLeness, and oLher envlronmenLal challenges LhaL
LhreaLen food supplles and healLh. 1he loss of Lhese 8asoLho chlldren remlnds us
LhaL we musL consLanLly work Lo furLher our relaLlonshlps wlLh oLher local sLakeholders, such as Lhe MlnlsLry
of PealLh, MlnlsLry of Soclal uevelopmenL, and vlllage PealLh Workers Lo expand our reach.
Cur Safe Pome sLaff help
Lo keep Llny llves healLhy
by ensurlng sLrlcL
adherence Lo all
medlcaLlons. 1he safe-
home provldes
rehablllLaLlve supporL
across all specLrums of
developmenL Lo chlldren
from blrLh Lo 3 years of
Annual 8eporL 2013 6

TTLs Model at Work

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1he vlllage PealLh Worker rogram ls an lnLegral parL of 11L's servlce model. Slnce 2008, vlllage PealLh
Workers have worked Llrelessly Lo ldenLlfy chlldren affecLed by Plv/AluS or malnuLrlLlon ln Lhelr vlllages and
refer Lhese chlldren Lo 11L. lrom Lhls successful relaLlonshlp, a LoLal of 1334 chlldren have been referred Lo
11L and counLless oLher chlldren have been assessed ln Lhelr communlLles. 1hls year, vlllage PealLh Workers
referred 37 chlldren, 21 percenL of our LoLal cllenLs, Lo 11L.
ln 2013, 11L expanded lLs relaLlonshlp wlLh vlllage PealLh Workers lncreaslng from nlne cllnlc caLchmenL areas
Lo Len cllnlc caLchmenL areas: seven locaLed ln MokhoLlong dlsLrlcL and Lhree locaLed ln 1haba-1seka dlsLrlcL.
WlLh each new expanslon Lo each new cllnlc area, 11L provldes Lhree monLhs of Lralnlng and Lhen flve
addlLlonal monLhs of slLe vlslLs and supporL. 1hls enables us Lo bulld personal relaLlonshlps wlLh an average of
forLy-flve vlllage PealLh Workers aL each locaLlon.
ln our efforLs Lo respond Lo Lhe needs of Lhe vPWs, Lhls year we revlslLed slLes LhaL had prevlously recelved
Lralnlng and focused on enhanclng Lhe vPWs exlsLlng knowledge and ablllLles Lo besL serve Lhelr communlLles.
1hese vPWs underwenL speclflc Lralnlngs Lo help Lhem recognlze common chlldhood lllnesses, educaLe vlllage
members ln approprlaLe complemenLary feedlng meLhods, and solldlfy Lhelr undersLandlng of how Lo provlde
approprlaLe and Llmely referrals for slck and malnourlshed chlldren. We vlslLed vPWs ln Lhree cachemenL
areas: Maleflloane , SL. MarLln's, and Llnakaneng, all locaLed ln MokhoLlong dlsLrlcL. 1hls enhanced Lralnlng
was developed as a dlrecL resulL of Lhe evaluaLlon of Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe varlous Lralnlngs models LhaL
have been used LhroughouL Lhe course of Lhe vlllage PealLh Worker rogram. ln Lhe comlng year, we hope Lo
conLlnue Lhe enhanced Lralnlngs Lo ensure vlllage PealLh Workers have all Lhe Lools Lhey need Lo supporL
chlldren ln Lhelr vlllages.

vPWs parLlclpaLe ln Lhe enhanced nuLrlLlon
and chlldhood lllness Lralnlng aL SL. MarLln's ln
MokhoLlong dlsLrlcL.
'M'e Malefu, a nurse aL MokhoLlong
CovernmenL PosplLal, Leaches Lhe vPWs ln
Llnakaneng how Lo ldenLlfy breaLhlng dlfflculLles.
Annual 8eporL 2013 7

1huso was dlscovered ln hls home vlllage ln Lhe MokhoLlong dlsLrlcL by our
CuLreach Leam durlng a rouLlne vlslL Lo LhaL vlllage. 1he 11L CuLreach sLaff
lmmedlaLely recognlzed 1huso's swollen legs and large belly as lndlcaLlve of
kwashlorkor, a Lype of proLeln deflclency malnuLrlLlon. 1he CuLreach Leam
broughL 1huso and hls careglver from Lhelr vlllage Lo MokhoLlong CovernmenL
PosplLal for LreaLmenL.
1huso arrlved Lo Lhe safe home afLer some weeks of sLablllzaLlon aL
MokhoLlong CovernmenL PosplLal. MosL Loddlers are characLerlzed by Lhelr
consLanL whlrl of acLlvlLy. 1huso was able Lo do llLLle more Lhan lle on hls back
and waLch, Lhough hls expresslve eyes and qulck smlle were foreLelllng of hls
hldden splrlL. AlLhough 1huso was Lwelve monLhs old, he was unable Lo slL
lndependenLly, crawl or sLand. Clearly, malnuLrlLlon had Laken lLs Loll on Lhls
llLLle one.
AfLer several weeks of waLchlng, 1huso slowly regalned hls sLrengLh and begln Lo use hls body Lo
explore hls surroundlngs. WlLh Lhe supporL of Lhe Safe Pome careglvers, 1huso begln Lo slL wlLh
supporL and qulckly progressed Lo slLLlng lndependenLly. Soon, lL became apparenL LhaL wlLh a
healLhy dleL and Lhe lovlng supporL of Lhe sLaff, Lhere would be no sLopplng 1huso. Pe was ofLen
found rolllng from nook Lo nook of Lhe safe home, he rapldly progressed Lo scooLlng and evenLually
uurlng hls fourLh and flnal monLh ln Lhe Safe
Pome, 1huso began Lo pull hlmself up on
anyLhlng and everyLhlng wlLhln reach: couches,
Lables and careglvers, lncluded. Pe became fond
of Lhe push Loys LhaL supporLed hlm as he Look
LenLaLlve sLeps, smlllng and laughlng all Lhe
whlle. 1hls once sllenL llLLle boy became fond of
polnLlng Lo ob[ecLs near and far and calllng ouL,
ke," Lhe SesoLho word for l." 1huso was always
Lhe flrsL chlld Lo greeL newcomers Lo Lhe Safe
Pome, rapldly crawllng over Lo Lhe vlslLor,
grabblng panLs or sklrLs, and pulllng hlmself up
wlLh deep belly laughs. Pls LransformaLlon was
remarkable, hls splrlL unfalLerlng.
1huso was reunlfled wlLh hls famlly and conLlnues Lo recelve supporL Lhrough Lhe CuLreach program.
Pls welghL ls sLable and hls careglver ls learnlng valuable skllls Lo ensure LhaL 1huso wlll conLlnue
along Lhe road of recovery and healLh. Pe ls even Laklng LenLaLlve lndependenL sLeps around hls
vlllage, conLlnulng hls lnqulslLlve Lrend of exploraLlon and growLh.
(* Chlld's name changed Lo proLecL prlvacy.)
Plgh lmpacL Care, Cne Chlld aL a 1lme: *1huso's SLory

Annual 8eporL 2013 8

Programmatic Improvements

As a communlLy based organlzaLlon, meeLlng Lhe needs of Lhe communlLy aL Lhelr level ls our core mlsslon.
1he lnformaLlon gleaned from Lhe MonlLorlng and LvaluaLlon ro[ecL of 2012 showed us our sLrengLhs as well
as areas for growLh. ln 2013, we reflecLed upon Lhe knowledge gleaned, made plans Lo address our
weaknesses, and Look sLeps Lo lmplemenL Lhose plans.

11L spenL much of 2013 focuslng on provldlng boLh more hollsLlc
and more lndlvlduallzed care and supporL Lo Lhe chlldren and
famllles we serve. 11L revlewed and lmproved upon boLh Lhe
Safe Pome dleL as well as Lhe food parcels provlded Lo CuLreach
cllenLs. 1he general nuLrlLlon scheme ls now more age-speclflc
and lncorporaLes a wlder varleLy of frulLs and vegeLables as well
as anlmal proLelns. We lncreased Lhe varleLy of vegeLables LhaL
grow ln our on-slLe garden and are chooslng Lo uLlllze Lhose
vegeLables for Lhe Safe Pome dleL, raLher Lhan relylng
excluslvely upon canned vegeLables, as Lhe seasons allow.

We conLlnued Lo sLrengLhen Lhe sLaffs' ablllLy Lo ldenLlfy Lhe
developmenLal age of Lhe chlldren we serve and provlde
approprlaLe sLlmulaLlon and supporL Lo ensure Lhey reach, or
caLch up on, developmenLal mllesLones. We purchased a
pleLhora of early chlldhood sLlmulaLlon maLerlals and are
lncorporaLlng Lhem lnLo our dally lnLeracLlons wlLh Lhe Safe
Pome lnfanLs and chlldren.

ln an efforL share ldeas wlLh and learn from oLher organlzaLlons dolng slmllar work, Lhe Safe Pome careglvers,
Lhe Safe Pome supervlsor, and admlnlsLraLlve sLaff vlslLed 8eauLlful CaLe. 8eauLlful CaLe ls an orphanage
operaLlng ln Lhe Maseru dlsLrlcL of LesoLho. 11L sLaff had an opporLunlLy Lo observe, as well as speak wlLh,
admlnlsLraLlve sLaff and careglvers as Lhey wenL abouL Lhelr Lyplcal workday. 1he sLaff were also able Lo Lour
Lhe expanslve grounds and gardens. 1he sLaff reLurned exclLed Lo dlscuss slmllarlLles and dlfferences observed
beLween Lhe Lwo organlzaLlons. 1hls Lrlp provlded excellenL opporLunlLles Lo boLh afflrm Lhose pracLlces
where we excel as well as Lo reflecL upon areas for lmprovemenL and change.

Annual 8eporL 2013 9

Staff Development

11L recognlzes Lhe lmporLance of provldlng conLlnulng Lralnlng and educaLlon Lo sLaff Lo bulld capaclLy and
ensure excellenL program lmplemenLaLlon. SLaff educaLlon sesslons also provlde a sLlmulaLlng envlronmenL for
dlscusslng and quesLlonlng pracLlces. CfLen, Lralnlng sesslons generaLe lnnovaLlve ldeas LhaL can be consldered
Lo sLrengLhen our program. 1hls year, 11L parLnered wlLh lCA Lo provlde Lralnlng regardlng early
ldenLlflcaLlon and approprlaLe LreaLmenL of Luberculosls. A medlcal professlonal from lCA came Lo Lhe 11L
campus Lo coordlnaLe and provlde Lhls day of learnlng for all sLaff.
We soughL Lhe servlces of a local healLh worker cerLlfled Lo provlde educaLlon abouL flrsL ald and C8. We also
uLlllzed Lhe knowledge and experlence of volunLeers Lo provlde flre safeLy Lralnlng. 1he sLaff are now beLLer
equlpped Lo respond Lo lncldenLs, should Lhey arlse.
AddlLlonally, 11L conLlnued Lo bulld lLs relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe 8aylor Cllnlc ln MokhoLlong. Safe Pome sLaff and
CuLreach sLaff aLLended monLhly Lralnlngs geared Loward healLhcare provlders on Loplcs ranglng from sLaglng
of Plv, Lo promoLlng medlcaLlon compllance, Lo nuLrlLlon for Lhe Plv poslLlve chlld.
lurLher, 11L parLnered wlLh a nurse from MokhoLlong CovernmenL PosplLal Lo provlde a full-day Lralnlng
sesslon regardlng nuLrlLlon baslcs, food groups, adequaLe complemenLary feedlng, and nuLrlLlonally compleLe
meals. 1hls Lralnlng provlded a deeper undersLandlng for Lhe sLaff abouL Lhe nuLrlLlonal program changes ln
boLh Lhe Safe Pome and CuLreach program and also bullL sLaff capaclLy for provldlng nuLrlLlon educaLlon for
careglvers ln Lhe fleld seLLlng.

Administrative Improvements

ln an efforL Lo lncrease Lransparency and dlverslfy admlnlsLraLlve and flnanclal roles, 11L, ln parLnershlp wlLh
unlCLl and LLMA loundaLlon, lmplemenLed a new workflow for documenLlng and handllng peLLy cash.
AdmlnlsLraLlve sLaff now work closely wlLh Lhe 1ouchlng 1lny Llves loundaLlon lellows Lo Lrack and balance
peLLy cash expendlLures and recelpLs. AddlLlonally, we lmplemenLed an auLhorlzaLlon sysLem Lo lncrease
[usLlflcaLlon and accounLablllLy for expendlLures. We applled an lnvenLory monlLorlng and conLrol sysLem Lo
beLLer Lrack our usage of supplles LhaL allows for beLLer purchase plannlng and, ulLlmaLely, resulLs ln less
wasLe secondary Lo over-purchases.

Being Green!

11L also lnvesLed much Llme and efforL lnLo envlronmenLal susLalnablllLy by lnsLalllng a roof waLer caLchmenL
and sLorage sysLem. 1hls pro[ecL lnvolved lnsLalllng guLLers on Lwo bulldlngs LhaL dlrecL waLer Lo Lwo 3,000
llLer (abouL 1,300 gallon) sLorage Lanks. 1he waLer capLured from Lhe roof ls used Lo wash 11L vehlcles and
waLer 11L's expanslve vegeLable garden and planLs. noL only do Lhe guLLers help us reduce waLer blll cosLs,
Lhey also have Lhe added beneflL of prevenLlng soll eroslon around Lhe bulldlngs' foundaLlons.

Annual 8eporL 2013 10

Financial Details

1 January 2013 31 December 2013

ZAR 10 = ~USD 1
Total Income R 2,439,321.12 $243,932.11
Total Expenditures R 2,077,942.90 $207,794.29
Administration R 115,942.79 $11,594.28
Audit R 8,000.00 $800.00
Babycare Supplies R 115,847.19 $11,584.72
Bank Fees R 20,119.02 $2,011.90
Building R 20,069.70 $2,006.97
Education R 26,385.10 $2,638.51
Food R 379,791.68 $37,979.17
Medical Support R 32,613.18 $3,261.32
Personnel R 921,632.58 $92,163.26
Transport R 384,685.40 $38,468.54
Utilities R 52,856.26 $5,285.63

Annual 8eporL 2013 11

Financial reporting is based on internal documentation and will be verified by an external auditor.

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8aby Care Supplles
8ank lees
Medlcal SupporL
Annual 8eporL 2013 12

Organizational Profile

Chronlc poverLy, food lnsecurlLy, heavy ralns followed by severe droughL and Lhe Plv/AluS epldemlc have had
devasLaLlng consequences for communlLles across LesoLho, parLlcularly Lhose ln Lhe rural mounLaln reglons.
AdulL Plv raLes are esLlmaLed aL 23, raLes of assoclaLed lnfecLlons, such as 18, are lncreaslng. Cne ouL of
every Len chlldren wlll pass away before Lhelr flfLh blrLhday. More Lhan 200,000 8asoLho chlldren have been
orphaned (abouL 9 of LesoLho's LoLal 2.1 mllllon populaLlon), and 63 of Lhese cases are dlrecLly aLLrlbuLable
Lo Plv/AluS. nearly 30 of chlldren under 3 are classlfled as sLunLed, an lndlcaLor of chronlc malnuLrlLlon. ln
splLe of Lhe challenges, LesoLho has wlLnessed a 21 decllne ln pedlaLrlc Plv cases, proof of Lhe power of
M1C1 programs.
1he MokhoLlong and 1haba-1seka dlsLrlcLs where 11L operaLes are some of Lhe pooresL ln Lhe counLry and Lhe
lack of lnfrasLrucLure and poor road condlLlons - lmpedlng access Lo healLh servlces among oLher dlfflculLles -
only serve Lo lnLenslfy Lhe compllcaLlons of Lhe overall slLuaLlon. uesplLe Lhe lmmenslLy of Lhe challenges
faced, Lhese hlghland dlsLrlcLs are some of Lhe mosL underserved areas ln LesoLho. Managed and sLaffed by
LhlrLy-one local women and men, 1ouchlng 1lny Llves has served [usL over 1,300 chlldren slnce beglnnlng work
ln 2004. Cn average, 11L provldes llfe-savlng supporL Lo 131 chlldren every monLh.
11L has shown lnnovaLlon and leadershlp ln Lhe care of orphaned and vulnerable chlldren by employlng a
unlque model of Lhree lnLegraLed programs LhaL ls able Lo respond Lo Lhe lndlvldual needs of our cllenLs and
Lhe changlng conLexLs where Lhey llve. AL Lhe core of Lhe 1ouchlng 1lny Llves model ls an CuLreach rogram
LhaL supporLs chlldren ln Lhelr homes by provldlng nuLrlLlonal, medlcal, and developmenLal supporL. A
complemenLary program Lralns vlllage PealLh Workers Lo ldenLlfy slck and malnourlshed chlldren and refer
Lhem Lo 11L. llnally, 11L operaLes a safe-home ln MokhoLlong where severely malnourlshed and slck chlldren
are rehablllLaLed. 1he safe-home ls Lhe flnal safeLy neL for Lhe mosL vulnerable chlldren, and a Lemporary
resplLe Lo Lhem durlng Lhelr recovery.
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11L seeks Lo mlLlgaLe Lhe effecLs of Plv/AluS on Lhe mosL vulnerable lnfanL chlldren under flve
years of age by supporLlng Lhelr healLh, nuLrlLlon, developmenL and emoLlonal needs whlle
empowerlng exLended famllles and oLhers who care for Lhem Lo provlde a beLLer fuLure for
Lhese chlldren.
LasL year, he was flghLlng for hls llfe due Lo severe proLeln deflclency
malnuLrlLlon. Pe sLayed ln Lhe 11L Safe Pome for nearly 4 monLhs and
has recelved conLlnued supporL Lhrough Lhe CuLreach rogram for Lhe
pasL 10 monLhs. Look aL hlm now!

Annual 8eporL 2013 13

+,-. '/.' 001 -2-#.*
11L ls recognlzed as Lhe only organlzaLlon excluslvely dedlcaLed Lo
servlng orphaned and vulnerable chlldren across Lhe MokhoLlong and
1haba-1seka dlsLrlcLs.
11L's unlque model allows us Lo provlde personallzed asslsLance Lo
every chlld, ensurlng LhaL chlldren recelve Lhe supporL Lhey need for a
successful sLarL ln llfe.
11L ls commlLLed Lo supporLlng famllles and communlLles Lo ralse
healLhy chlldren. 8y keeplng chlldren aL home, 11L bullds local
capaclLy, lncreaslng Lhe susLalnablllLy of our efforLs ln some of
LesoLho's mosL lsolaLed and remoLe vlllages.
11L currenLly operaLes
across MokhoLlong
dlsLrlcL and Lhe Mashal
reglon of 1haba-1seka.
A 11L CuLreach worker measures Lhe
upper arm clrcumference (MuAC) of a
chlld cllenL. MuAC ls a screenlng Lool
used Lo ldenLlfy chlldren wlLh

Annual 8eporL 2013 14

Our 2013 Partners & Supporters

1ouchlng 1lny Llves loundaLlon
LLMA loundaLlon
MlnlsLry of PealLh and MlnlsLry of Soclal uevelopmenL (CovernmenL of LesoLho)
AkLlonsgruppe Cummersbach fur dle WelLhungerhllfe/lnlLlaLlve fur klnder ln LesoLho
SPA8Lu, lnc.
8oses and 8osemary

Cur CuLreach 1eam goes Lo greaL lengLhs Lo ensure
vulnerable chlldren recelved needed servlces. CfLen,
workers musL compleLe a [ourney on fooL due Lo Lhe
remoLeness and lnaccesslblllLy of some vlllages.

1wlns ln Lhe Safe Pome! 1helr moLher was unable
Lo produce enough mllk Lo susLaln Lhe energy
demands of Lwo newborns and Lhey became
severely malnourlshed. now chubby and healLhy,
Lhey wlll soon be reunlfled wlLh Lhelr famlly and
supporLed vla Lhe CuLreach program.
Annual 8eporL 2013 13

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C 8ox 72
MokhoLlong, 300

1: +266 22 920 434
L: lnfo[

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